HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-20, Page 8§iN I� itttt' l a� Lai�v�r tail 1� M U, L Builds up the Fatty Ties Increases Your Weight Orton Gives great heat and energy Preventative against COLDS, CONSUMPTION, It is as easy to take as milk. SI nesof the Body, more than n ib. per week, to the Body and is a 'good INTERNAL CHILLS, PNEUMONIA, FTC.. Prices 40o and 70o. HURSLEY'S DRUG STORE BRUSSELS. cal gebys m. A obiel'a amang ye takiz' notes, An' faith he'll prent 16, P1,ENTz of mud these dive. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week, Tata Sohool Board wants 100 horde of stove wood. HARD goal le expeoted to arrive at Brno. eels shortly. HURON Co. Coanoil will meet on Tees. day Deo. 2od, at,8o'clock, at Goderioh. BRUsool,e oheese faotory has olosed down for this season after a very suooeeo. far ran. Tax POST circulation growe. If you want the news subscribe. 01,00 gets it until Jan. 1904. A Quartette from Bruseele will sing at a concert to be bald in WaltonMethodist church on Friday, 28th inst. 40 Boys wanted from 4 to 10 yeare of age to buy Overcoats worth from 98.60 to 95.00, oleariug gale price, 91.19. The New Store, Garfield Block. Fowl, WANTED, -Good Turkeys, dry picked and nodrawn, 100 ; dried apples, 5o ; butter, 16o. We buy for oaeh or trade. Gam. E. KING, Wingbam. Faun deer came by express on Tuesday for Richard Armstrong and F. Embury, of Morrie who were away for a week or so on their annual humin r to M - g tour Mlle - Rohe. Oka. COnsme council nominations will be held this year on Monday, Deo, 22nd, and ma0ioipal nominations on Monday, Dec- ember 29th. Eleotion day, Monday, January 5tb. INFOR➢MATIaN has been laid by Lieenee Inapeotor Miller againstMeee. McKim, of Walton, for gelling liquor without liee°ee. The case will be heard on Friday after. non at Bruseele. Annan BpRAINED.-Leat Monday morn- iog ae Wm. Lookridge was getting on the train at Winghare to Dome to Braeeele he had the misfortune to give one of his ankles a bad sprain necessitating his use. ing orutehee in getting about. We hope he will goon be o. k. Tan Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, met at the parsonage on Tuesday afternoon, when the following °Mears were elected for the current year ;-Pres., Mre, W. F. Stewart ; let Vioe-Preis., Mre. Alf. J. Lowry ; Treas., Mre. R. Paul ; Seo., Mee. Watson Ainlay, This Bode ty has raised over $100 this past year. FRIDAY evening of last week G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr attended a Prohi. bition meeting et Kinburn. Other epeakere were T. McMillan, and Reeds. Hamilton, Kennedy and Wallwin. Mr. Slepheneon 000npied the chair. Good memo was supplied by the choir. Brus- sels contingent found the latch string on the outside at R. W. Jewitt's, formerly.of town, now engaged in the mercantile line there. WANTED, -Live Turkey's and dressed Poultry. Will pay 8o, a Ib. for any quae- tity of live Turkeys. Parties having any to sell should oall and see me at onceea to dates of delivering, &a. I will also pay the following prices for dressed poul- try for delivering any time at my store ; Turkeys Bao, Geese 5}c, Duke 7a, Spring obitkeae Go, Fowl 4o. Dry pinked and heade off ail but Turkeys. R. THotraoN, Bruseele. PnoPERTIEo STILL oN THE MOVE. - James Turnbull, who gold bis house and lot laet week to Chas. Ritchie, of Morris, has pnreba+ed the residence of Jno. Ament, rear the G. T. R. depot, the price being $1600. He gets possession n,at month, Mr. Ament and family remov Ing to Millbank, Perth Co., where) head- ing factory and saw mill have been bought. This week George Olvar par - chatted the W. R. Wilson property, locat- ed on Mill etreet, for which he paid 0600. It will mit him very well. THE Ontario Provincial winter Fair will be held in Guelph on Deo. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Tbe Secretary is A. P. West- ervelt, Toronto, from whom prize lists and all ue0eeeary information may be obtained. Alt members of the Farmers` Institutes will be admitted free the varione Beeaions of the Fair on presentation of their membership card, which only mete 25o inotnding bulletins, &o., for one year. Any Director of East Huron Farmers' Inetitute oaa supply the tickets. The Directors for Brussels are Geo. Thompson, G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr. PoI8mir'ea CAUSED DEATn.-Oonduotor Jeremiah Fitzgerald, one of the moat popular of the Grand Trunk employes, died Wednesday night of toot week at hie home, No. 190 Waterloo etreet,London, after three weeks' illness, from blood• poi0oning, which he oontraoted while at- tending to hie dbtiee. Among the railroad offieiale and hie fellow-employeee he was very well thought of and popular, and hie death will be very keenly regretted. He entered railroad life when a young man and wlien but 36 yeare of age woo appointed a oondaotoe. For the past few months be had beau reining on the London, Huron and Bruce. He lived for many years in Kincardine, which was hie parente' home, Besides hie wife three none, James, Edward and Herbert, and four daughters, Katherine, Minnie, Nellie and Ethel, mourn his lose. The funeral took place Friday morning, et 7 o'olook to the G. T. R. station, and the ramming were taken to Kincardine for interment, W. F. STE ART w & SON have secured the eervioee of Mr. Cherry, ae assistant mil• ler in their flouring' mill. They are rnn- ningday and night at present. Anna 100 townahipe, or 25 per gent, of the municipalities of the provinoe, have abolished statute labor in favor of a direct tax for improving the highways. t'iroaruxNr NEwe.-500 yards of Diose Goode, the mannfaoturer'e prior: 87,}o per yard, Matohett'e Clearing Sale price, 18o. per yard. The New Store, Garfield BrPAIRook, white pigs, 3 moothe and 7 weeks old, reepeotively, strayed from my prem ieee, about Nov. 12, Information leading to their recovery will be thankfully re. oeived, M. G. lironeaneoe. Tan Lookridge Brae. By-law will be voted upon on Monday, Deo. 1st. Poll open from 9 to G o'clock at J. 5. Gilpin'e °Moe, the Connell chamber and et Geo. Birt'e reeidenoe. BER Noxne.-G, A. Deadman reports the Fall weather line for the bees. They had a good fly on Thursday and Friday of last week. Those to be wintered in the cellar were pet in on Saturday to remain there for five months probably. Tam Concert course arranged to be given in Braeeele tbie Winter hes been declared off as the Bureau was nimble to give tbe dates specified in contract and the looal Committee deolined to accept appointments made in lien thereof. R. K. AND Mas. Rose, Mies Georgia and Master Austin, attended the wedding of Climbs, brother r R A C Oar of Mrs. Rhee and Bolton, Miss Bo both well known young people of Listowel, on Wednesday of Ihie week. May their joys be many and their troubles few. TEN write have been issued by Bar. rioter Blair, of Brussels, at ee s the instance: of the farmers in this Notion who hadto do with the Mach talked of "Daly" farm Bales against:the holders of the agree - meets asking that the said agreements be oaooelled and set aeide on the ground. that they were obtained by fraud. E PUBLIC MEETnea.- Nex Tuesday even- ing ven- ing a public meeting to discuss the Prohibition gn.etion will be held in Bruseele Town Hall, eommeneing at 7 80 o'clock. Addressee are expeoted from E. E. Marshall, B. A., of Woodstock ; Thos. McMillan, of Constance, and others. Musical eelectione and collection. Every. body welcome. NOT 00101E0T -Interested pettier: bare reported that Alex. Stewart, Queen street, ie opposed to Prohibition and will vote against it on Deo. 4. On being Been, Mr. Stewart says he is in favor of the Act and will vote for it, even if be has to walk to the poll, 2i miles, wbioh means a good deal ae be is jest reeoveriog from a bad aooident, met with by the falling of a ladder on which be was pinking apples. It is a poor cause that requires to be bolstered up by snob tactics. Bolin FAme.-The monthly Horse Faire for Brussels will be resumed and will be held during the Winter as in former manes. First Fair will be bald 0D Thursday, Deo. 1110, a week later than the neusl date owing to the first Thursday being the date of voting on the Prohibition question. For the baleen of the Estee the date will be the Thnreday before the let Friday of each month. Local and outside buyers will be in attendance. Bruseele -Faire have had a great run and will be as good as ever thin season ToueneYafternoon a fire alarm was rung and the scene of the threatened danger was in S. H. Jackson's livery barn, whiob ie Wonted under hie black- smith ebop in atone basement. Smoke was the first indication of eometning wrong and when Mr. Jackson and M. Cardiff, who :gee part of the building ae an implement emporium. went to ;❑vee. tigate they found fire working its way on both aides of a board partition. They fought it down bat were compelled to flee owing to the dense smoke. Before tbe engine wax got to the river the danger was past however. How the fire originated ie not known but some euppoee it may have been from children playing with matches.' Had the fire not been promptly nipped in the bud a naaty blank would have been canoed and per haps eerioue lose to that part of the vil- lage. A portion of the contents of the building was removed for fear of the flemee being uncontrollable. DEATH of Roaui r ARtrexao eu.-Robert Armstrong. a well known and highly citizen of London, died on Wednesday of ;set week at his home in London at 610 William street. Mr.. Armstrong was born on Jane 10, 1825, in the township of Markham, and there spent his early youth. In 1855 be married Mies Mary Huneioker, of the same township. In 1870 he moved to Bruseele, Raton County, and reaided there for almost s quarter' of a century, going to London in 1898, where he boa lived ever since. For many yeare he was iv the employ of the John T, Smith Company, of Strut. ford, a0 a millwright. Beeidee hie wife, who survives him, there are left to mourn his 10e0 three daughters and four sone 1 The daughters are : Mre. W. H• Grabill, Toronto ; Mre. Thos. Johnstone, Buffalo ; and Mre. Stephen Drewe, of this pity. Tbe 00109 are David, of Buffalo, N, Y. E. W., of Hamilton ; R. M., of Cardeton, Alberta ; and W. E., at home, Deemed was a member of Brnawale Lodge, A P. and A. M., and of Eleotrio Lodge, A. Q. U W, The fro Orel .took place on Fri. tray, 0.41 aa&y fwl() $' its auk. Qvcrcoats Are SelIero. They are up-to-date in Stye and Prises are low. - wo eau ebow yopniee two-piece suite for BOYS at $2 00, 02 59 and 94,00, and three. piege WHO fee ages 10 to 14 yeare, at $8 50, $4 00 and 96,09, that will beer thorough inspection, -In Teethe' ani? young Men's Sante we elan give y0p a large egieetion in eine 82 to 80, at $5.00, $9 00, 97 09 and 98 00, Whlell Will delight the boys and prove gat• iefaotory 110 every way to the purobaeer. -Men's gaits from 912 OD down to $5.00, and cheaper if yelp want them. -We can also pleaee yea ae well with Overcoats as We OEM with Suite, -Good heavy Navy and Brown Pea Jaokete for Boys) from 7 to 10 yeare of age at $2 25, 92 60 and $8,00. Also a job line ofBoy'e long Overcoats that will be cleared out very cheap, -Up to.dale, warm and stylish Overcoate for Big Boys, Young Men and Old Men, from 96,00 to $12,00, that eimply oan't be heat and leave it to your own good judgment. Come and try some of the oebeap dude from the dry goods store," ao we are satisfied with small profit:: and you save the dollar0. --All Dry Goode, Groaeriee, Boole and Shoes and Rubbere fully assorted. Don't forget to visit our Pattern Department, where you will get ideas for making your new skirt or any garment you wish to make up. December Patterns and Fashion Sheets to band, NO FANCY PRICES EVERYTHING CHEAP A. STRACHAN. AT the plowing bee held laet Friday and Saturday afiernooe'e by Geo. A. Beet, 28 80[02 were turned over in good style, not bad work for the short days. Saturday evening Mr. Bret gave the helpers an oyeter supper at the American Hotel where 80 eat down to the well laid tables and feasted on biva'vee and other good things. ItlrnovatrENr.-Jae, Stratton, sr., bae built a verandah to the South side of the kitchen of his reeidenoe, Turnberry etreet, and pat a glace front In it. -Geo. A. Beet is raieing hie etebie and °hang. ing the atalle,-A new shingle roof has been pat on A, Grades's stable, Thomas street, -A woodshed has been built at the reeidenoe of Mre. Lela. Smith, Albert street. -Fred Adams has had a metallic root pot on his pomp shop.-Jobn Long bae been making interior improvements to hie stable, Flora street. -The fence in front of Mre. A. Hunter's reeidenoe, Alexander street, bae been removed. G. T. R.-Amoug shipments from Bros. eels this week were the following ;-A. U. Domes, oar of liege ; D. Cantelon, oar of apples ; G. A. Beet, oar of Boge ; R' Grabom oar of wheat and 2 oars of oats ; W. J. Diokoon, oar of cattle ; W.F. Stew- art & Son, or of flour ; J. Mon tgomery, oar of scrap iron • AIt Bather, oar of wheat and 4 are of hay ,Brussels Ssit Works 6 oars salt. -Care are none too plenitfal -The commercial baggage handled at Bruseele depot is a caution, and the express busineee ie ditto. -Don't Bee anyei O 0 e t the new sidewalk et from g y Turnberry street to the depot, If the G. T. R. want to do the square thing with Bruseele they will build it without any, farther haggling over it. It ie certainly a neoeeeity and most unfair to the town to leave it in ite present shape. Tax Bouton. -A good deal of dissuasion bee been on the go relative to the form of the ballot to be need on Des. 4, hence we give an outline of 0 as tollowe Are You in Favor Y06 NO Of the bringingfthe into Liquor Act, 1902 ? X Oa tbe above marking the voter has marked hie ballot for "Tbe Liquor Ao of 1902" which ie the title of the new law Had he pat hie X in the No column he would have voted against the proposed prohibitory meaenre and consequently for the retention of -tbe present liquor Act, familiarly known ae the Crooke Aot. Every eleotor should vote on either one aide or the other on Dro. 4, so that ae fair a consensus of opinion as possible may be obtained. If you vote in the "Yee" oolamu you poll for the wiping out of the license eyetem without any doubt, no matter how eowe people may try to mystify. MoVITTE.-In Eaet Wawanoeh, on November 7th, to Mr. and Mre. Henry MoVittie, a eon I r:a Mraau.-Io Henfryn, on Oatober,27th, to Mr. and Mre. Robert Milne, a eon. RronmoND.-In Silver Corners, on Nov. let, to Mr. and Mre. Hugh Richmond a SOD. BELLERe.-In Morrie, on Nov, 12, to Mr. and Mre. Joseph Sellers, a daughter. Tool,°, -Io Beneeels, on Nov. 16, to Dr. and Mrs. Toole, a son. WARD. -In Grey, on October 2410; to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ward, a son. KCLI,T-MOLenauraN.^At St. aliabael'a church, Blyth, on Notembe1 1110, by Rev, Father MoMenetnin, Mr. Patrick Kelly, of Morrie, to 'Mise Maggie McLaughlin, of Blyth. MoNeta-Ramsey,-Atthe reeidenoe of the bride's mother, on Nov. 12, by Rev. A, MaoNab, M. A,, Mr, Jae. D. McNair to Mies Mary J. F. Ramsay, both of Grey township. =amen ARtraxnoraa.-In London, on Nov. 12,1902, Robert Armstrong, aged 67 yeare. FIxza0RALD.-At Victoria Hospital, Lon• don, on Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1902, Jeremiah Fitzgerald, conductor G. T. R. A1TcszpN' BA2,m- FRIDAY Nov, 21. -Farm stook, imple menta, &o., S. a Lot 10, Con. 7, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook, H, Mo- Arter, prop. ; F. S. Scott, ane. TUESDAY, Nov. 25. -Farm, farm stook, implements &o„ Lot 27, Con. 6, Grey. Sale, nnreeerved, at 1 p, m. D. F. Kell - ser. Propt. F. S. Scott, Aaa. WEDNEmn AY, Nov. 26 Farm stook and feed, Lot 25, Con, 16, Grey. Sale, nnre• eerved, at 1 o'olook. Woe. Bray, Propt. F. S. Scott, Ano. FRTDAY, Nov. 28 -lectern stook, im- plemente, &o. Lot 27, Con.. 15, Grey. Hale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock, David K. Livingston Prop. F S. Scott, Ana. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. GENERAL servant wanted ea on0e. Apply to MRS. LECKIE. Goo» miloh cow for sale. Apply to JAS. Mod R'TER,Brnasela, Corm for Bale, year old, driver. - D. BHIEL8, Lot 20, Con. 17. Grey. 17-3 Gateman store for Bale. For farther particulars apply to J, H, THOMSON, Hen- fryn. 19-tf WANTED -A thoroughly reliable Dares girl. MSS. F. H. GRAY, Corner Tar nberry and Queen Ste., Bruseele, IE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. .V17 00D GUTTERS WANTED. -Tbe contract of ill beg 200 cordvvoppof cation to dSAMUEL 8CR1YE,, 111 Line,00er- xis, Brussels P, 0 ' VOR SALE. -5 SHEARLING It Rams ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ra Lambe. Purm bred Leioeetere. Goodones at low prices. Also Short Horn Bulls, Cows and Heifers at very moderate prices and easy terms. D. MILNE & 80N, Ethel, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the Village of Ethel. A desirable property. ;For particulars as to price, terms, lo., apply on the premises to MORRIS FOCAL, or Ethel P, Q. - le -8m BREEDING EWES, EWE Lambe and .Ram Lambe, Leioeetere, for Bale Eligible for registration. OLIVER TURNBULL, Lot ,10, Con.. 15, Grey. , Wal. ton P. 0.. 15-5 WOOD WANTED, Tenders will be received until December 12, 1902, for the (Jelly ary of 100 cords of good sound green hard wood, 22 inches long. to bo delivered at the ' Bruseele Public School before the 1,01 day of March, 1009. R. R0811, Sooretary Public School Board, Bruseele, Nov. 19,1902. RIGH GRADE WATCHES ST LOWEST PRICES. OUR STOOK CONSISTS OF WALTHAM WATCHES ELGIN WATCHES HAMPDEN WATCHES HAMILTON WATCHES ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES The very highest grades kept in stook. We are offering special indnoemente for you to buy now before the Clirielmae reek, See our 28 and 21 Jewelled Watches, the finest yet prodaood. Ladies' Gold and ' Gold Filled Watches For0 data: t eOl 1 � R S y p a Prices. A large aeaortmsnt to oboose from. We"oan save you money and fntare annoyance by pur• obaeing of ue. All Watches personally inepeoted and guaranteed to give ealietaotion. High Grade Goode at CLOSE PRIDES, Ha L. dJ E W E L E R, 8APIipTA'Ii iaatporl7,edby of of 1'a1Bam0old ' �$ad19o,9ooca ;110920 i0Atff''u0N0 alt} ttp� .. ,, 3,000,000,00 TOTAri A88(1.18 ", 19,00770,,804000 HEAD OFrIOE,. - TORQNTR ABG, I', 01310, General 91entger. BAw i SM #a LS BRANCH ,, 4)epeaite raeelved, "Loans macro tp reepoa.• e pre parae9 on favorable forme• omits and mon attenete leaned, payable, at any poral, ab lowest rato9, Qolleationg promptly attended to: A Oeadist distance, ins Baglneea trnneaet9tl. Every faoillty afforded Ouotomarg living at a dl ttae na, Sayings Bank Department Amaunte of one dollar andupwgrde reoeived and interest at of haat entrant rate November from date among is opened, and addax to Che orinelPa�May. 9letand November 80th, Farmers' Sale Notes Ca tuedator received tor Safe peeping and Blank Note Forme Free on Appticiitton Hours 1010 9, datardaye XO to 1, F. H• GRAY, Aaatlx, FOR BALE --LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, Norlb-went corner William and Albert atreete, Bruesels. 90-t9 3, LE0KiE. 1�?RETING OF THE HURON LV.L COUNTY COUNOIL,- Tho Cotton of tbel Corporation of th County of Huron will meet to the O Tuns Chamber,h2 d the tofu of eeember, u xt,Taos day the 2nd day of December, next, at o'clock p. m. is LANE, Clerk, Dated 80 Goderioh this 15th day of 'Nov ember, 1902. e Il 8 VARY )on. FOR GreyLE,atIBE fNG 100 aoree, all cleared; There' la a good 00100 residence, bank barn 40x75 feet, large or- ohard, well fenced and in good condition. 8 miles from Bruseele and 4 to school. Poe - session can be given in March. Per further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply on the premises or 11 by letter to Bromide 19.8 ROM. . IN GLIS, Proprietor. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale in trio Village of. Brussele. I will sell, on easy terms, my dwelling house, out- buildings, 8e., with about. se scree of lead, which has a frontage. on Lrederick St„ or if yonp refer to build will sell 4 acre front- age on Froderich St„ with stable and about 7 scree Immediately behind and extending to the limit of the salt brook Westward. This would leave dwelling house, a stable, also with 9 acre frontage and oyer 1 more immediately behind Tor: sale separately. There le no better location in Brussels. The land is well drained and in a high state of cultivation. The eotl is excellent either for gardening or farming. Choice fruit on the place. W111 veil the whole for a little more than the coat of the buildings. 10-tf G. A. DEADMAN, Bruseele. T M. O'CONNOR; Ls • GENERAL 1118URANOE AGENT. for 001310 of the boat and ¢stoat Companlee in Canada for Fire Aooldent and Plate Glees.. °aloe over k. 0, Blebard'e etore, Breo era. 18 -em AUOT.LON SALE OF FARM, FARM 8T OK AND O N IMPLEMENTS.- Mr. F. S. Scott, auctioneer, has received in (TM3LE TENALS) 4111101.-- The Newest and most Papa- , lar Game. Either' 2 or 4 can play it. Complete direc- tions with each Het,. Price' from 60c. up to $1.90, 0 X DRUG STORE. etruebione from the undersigned to still by SHORTHORNS, AND OL3DES. DAM/IL-For Bale a .yonng bulls 11 I and '17months old. The termertook let prime at Brussels and Bolgrave Fall Fairs and -2nd at131yth,and the latter wa wae also a prize winner aro awed Also 270g bolter, All tl eu 1 d by Roan' Duke, 85,788, • which hap taken 1st price for past three yeare in elapses of home. bred •and imported stook, The dame at these.. young animals have. repeatedly taken honors in the p igo ria8g.� will also on two. Clydesdale kalike, with)4 or,5 orosae0'of imported : stook, ea. pe8tively, aged i and 2 years, Batty ttyy t00erms of payment, P, ItognaTsol .., Lot 0, Con, 8,: tiny, 1741, Brussels P, 0. NOTICE s NOTICE ie hereby, given that a By -Law,.. known ae the Reenter Drain By -Law, 0008 passed by the Township of Grey on the 1801 .. day of October,1002, providing for the Issue . of Debentures to the amount of $157780tor the porpoise of drainage andthat each By - Law vas registered in ,the registry 00100 of the County of Huron, on the3iet day of Oc- tober, tober, 1902. Any motion to mall or sot t aside the same or any part thereof must be - ' made withinthree months from the date of regtetration and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the 4th day of November, 1901 .17-8 - JOHN MoINTOSH, 018011, Public auotiou at Lot 27, Con. 8, Grey, on TUESDAY NO V .25, at e'olock, the fellow- ing valuable property ;-1 horse rising 8yre., 1 mare rleing 7 yoare,1 hero rising 11 yeare, 1 mare eons rising 2 year), 8 owe supposed in calf, 1 fat now, 8 )tears rleing 8 yeare. 1 heifer rising 9'years, 1 steer rising 2 yoora, 8 heifers rising 2 years, 8 heifer oalvee, ,9 ether calves, a number of sheep, 10 )tore hogs,. a number of hens, 2 sets double barb'oae, 1 Det single barn see nearly new, 1 top bossy near• ly new, a open buggies, 1 cutter nearly new, S lumber wagons, one nearly now; 1 set bob. eleighe,' 1 Maxwell binder,. 1 Bumming 'Bird mower with pea harvester, 1 horse rake, 1 seed drill nearly new:1 spade harrow, 1.010 - mond harrow, 2 single plows, 1 two -furrow plow,i seeffter, l fanning Mill, '1 grindstone, 1 bay fork, rupee and pulleys; 1 turnip-pnl- pp or, 1bay rank, a quantity .of bay and roots ; So the»,forks,rakes, ohainemnd other.ar tiolee too numerous to mention, Farm eon - Piste of '000 acres: 80 acres cleared ,°till In grace ; goad' brick house;"bank barn 00060 ft, orchard, deo,'; place is Well watered; 2iimiles irons Ethel village farm to well fenced' and 01 good condition.. Sale without reserve. 0e proprietor ie giving up farming.. Terms - All Bums of S10 and under cash,, over that amount 12 menthe. credit will be given on furnishing approved- jolut notes ; 0 per cent. off for cash on. oredit )monists ; terms for. farm made known at Bale or on application tothe underelgued, F. S. 80°TT,D, le. 1IELLNER, Auctioneer. Proprietor. aichett's TSE NEW STORE Trjjffiejjdofts Sdllillg of Dress Goods, Ciothing tit Shoes All last week hundreds of Busy Buyers visited this GREAT MONEY -SAVING SPOT. We have a greatmany more good things in store for this week's selling. 50OYARDS of Fine Dress Goods to be sold this tJ week. The Manufacturer's Price was 37ic per yard. Clearing Sale Price 18c Another Case of those Table Linens and Towelin sgo - on � Sale To -day at dill Prices) Boo's and Shoeg Good people, a Sea of Bargains await you in this Depart - meet. $1,800.00 worth of Shoes going over our Count= ers at Factory Prices. Nothing but Solid Leather Goods Handled. • READY - TO - WEAR CLOTHINO Clothing that- Fits the Form is the class of Goods we has- dle. The Dressy Man wilt find "here' all he requires in Suits or. Overcoats. Also, Suits and Overcoats for the Boys. ` Men's Odd Pants and Overalls all going at this. Clearing Sale at Manufacturers' Prices, H. A. MATCHETT'S THE NEW STORE GARFIELD BLOCK; BRUSSELS.