HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-20, Page 5NOY.
)t'TE'Y TO, LOAN AT 5 PEAtrout, it, ft. f/OQ1"1`, Braoeels,
tr, AIOSIEAiilfi —.
V ' • Ieeaer of Marriage I:Joanne, Of.
nae at 1111b 110011, Brussels,
Issuer of Marria a Licenses,
ua'k s.d.mm31x,S, casrW,
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil Of Miss Eva N. Roblyn, o1 London, •
Pupile prepared for Conservatory exacts.
t?r'N itl visit Brussels every Tuesday.
Leonops given at tho home of W. H. (Corr,
John street,
MONEY TO LOAN AT 41, 4$ k 0 Per Cent.
Office over Hureley's Drug Store,
• Nov, Ord, 1002. 30.8m
'' Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
EeTABLrelnrD 1840
Iuonrance taken on the cash andpreminm
nota system. at current rates. B store insur-
ingelsewbero pall on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
Academic graduate of London. Conserva-
tory of Mode, also Member of the Associated
Musioians of Ontario,is prepared to receive
a limited number. Of mile for lustruotion
onthe piano. Qualified to prepare pupil a for
the Principal's Form in the .Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
.'RUB. Will .0011 for better prices, to
better men in less time and leas chargee
than any other Auctioneer i0 EastHnrou or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this oilioe or by
personal application..
• Honor Oradnato of the Ontario Vet-
erinary .College,
et-erinary.College, ie pr opare4 to treatall dis-
eaees:Of domoetleated animals .in a oompet.
entmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptlyat-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et:; Brussels.
Barrister, Solicitor, 10onveyaueor,
Notary Public, &a. Oflioe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solioitor, &co. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solioitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
li. L„ C. M.,
Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Sorgaone, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Phyeiolane and Licentiate of Mid-
witery,Edinburgh. SSrTelepboue No.14,
Residence -24111 street, Brussels.
R. P. `P'EILD,
Graduate °tithe Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and' Elret-blase Honor
Graduate' of 'Toronto Uee Versify. Ofllee•
next to Brewer's Photograph Gall�lorv,
Fall Term in the
Begins Sept. I, 1902
Students may enter at any time, Terme
reasonable. 7Oo,00m•eee—Oornnteroial mud
Shorthand. Senator Joorual.
President, Secretary,
British • Col><>t>!nba
Red. Cedar Shingles
Alan• --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Akio Doone and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe,
Estimates Furniebed for all
hinds of Buildiuge. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
T , JL q!
0 41
Atteml the 13•Bst<--1 t Pa thefT3au 1a al OonittnMW M_Orrie k+ro«the p toy 1 Q11 01 do y
m;, of
Pap S Y
w hard shown at Aehfleld and Wnwapoeb
branch Agrjpnitgral liooioty'e exhibition
M Dungannon, The m dal le nearly 2i
lashes In diamotir, anti ie mu b ri' t3
Iteoontgra eatee bays am0pted'good
pooitiene at 640, $48, ,1I$Q end, $U0 per
m001l 0 a
1 and 01 w d r a n at a Ito u-
, & Pe
tea a of o
Y i
l 10 4 rot v d Offering 0 O one o! 800
Per annum, Ian
. ble lemnno kind of a avid.
epee you'are looking for 00 to the beat
eeltoo! to attend, Oaealogne tree. En-
ter thie•month it poseibie.
W, J.'ALGICTT, Prinolpal.
4)istt t C S,
Volt. dwIola .
John MoFarlane and family lett on
Tuesday of last week ibr New 74iekeard,
where they will in future make their
The earned concert and entertainment,
under the amnion of the Metbodiet
ohnrch will bagmen in the Foreetere'
Hall here, on Friday evening, 21st inst.
The party who Stole the bag of flour
from Mr, Siefert'e barn on Tuesday night
of last week it: requested to return mane
at once end gave further trouble as he le
John Manning, who sold ble butcher
bueioeee to Frank Woods, gut sorry of bis,
bargain and purchased it back again the
neat day
Mrs, Thomas Greenway, who had been
visiting friends here ,for the poet two
months, • left for Toronto, Friday, where
she will spend some time before returning
to her home in Crystal City, Man.
The largest carload of wheat that ever
loft this depot Mae shipped by Joe. Cob.
blediek on Monday of last week, the oar
iron tainiog 1466$ buohele,or88,000 pounds.
The average oar contains about 40,000
The Mansion House charged hands on
Saturday James Shaddoolr, of Corbett,
tufting poseeeeion.. Mr. Cunningham in.
tends going to Ponoka, Alberta, N. W. T.,
where he -bee entered We partnership
with Geo. Sellars, formerly of Claude.
Las claw) w
SOaroity of oars ie felt here as well as
at all other pointe.
Conn of Revision in town hall Monday,
November 24111, at 11 a. m,
Ab. Boyd shot at Lake Huron last
week, a hawk 4 ft. 6 inohee from tip to
Mr. Joynt is shipping evaporatedepplee
to local markets and apple waste to
'The residence of James Bryan bad a
narrow neap from fire on Sunday morn.
tog of last week. The King'. Birthday was loyally ob.
served in Luoknow and all places of buei.
nese were closed.
Thos. McLean has sold hie broncho
and purchased a valuable driver which he
had a very attreetive offer an already.
Dr. May the Inspector of public librar-
iespaid the Luoknow pnblio librarya visit
and found everything in first elan shape.
A'ex Mo%iunoo of the 4th con. of Kin
loss purchased a tine span of two year old
geldinae weighing 1400 and 1445 from
John MoDanald, of the 4th con. of %in-
tone, and Ted Wat.on, of Blyth, respeotiv.
ely, for the handeome sum of $325.
Z Ieni:1AL
Geo. Scott has purchased . Joe Case's
grocery bneinese.
Dave Shirray had the misfortune to
break some dords in hie left band.
The largest plate glace ever brought into
Heneall passed through here for St.
Joseph where it will be placed in the
Mammoth Bloats.
Rev. Mr. Miller and wife, of Varna,
were in town the other day. They both
took much better alter their trip to the
North.weet whioh they greatly enjoyed.
Joe Case bade farewell to his Heneall
friends and left for Toronto to take charge
of the shipping department . of a large
manotaottiring establishment at a good
At the regular weekly meeting of Hen.
sal I Lodge I 0. 0 F., a very appropriede
reeolation of condolence • to John Mo
Arthur over hie recent sad bereavement,
wee passed.
Ao an evidence of the.ektent to whioh
Dutch eat onions are grown in Henall,
Messrs, Ellis and. Sma llaoombe have ship •
ped 35 tone this season which at 4 dente
o pound will bring the growers 02,800.
This does not include the shipments" of
E. Rennie, 3. W. Ortwein and others
whioh would bring the quantity oloae to
50 tens.
t.orlet irsN.
Business is brisk at the Engine Works.
The Signal wi1l exchange steam for
gasoline power.
The dredge Arnoldi has been worked
near the Harbor Lumber mill.
Carl Campion has taken a p,ailion 1u
the Bell 'pslephone Co.'e r flim.
Wright Martin, of town, left at the Star
office the other day a table parenip
weighing 4 Ibe 2 oz., and a beet weighing
63; lbs.
A. Sande returned last week from Glen.
are, where be has been staying with hie
eon in-law`and daughter. Rev. Jae, and
Mre, Wileon.
Knox'ebnwh lawn still looks summery,
ae the b da of geraniums on the plot are
beautifully, green and in fall bloom, and
the day was Nov. 12th.
The trustees have deoided to offer for
gala St, Patrick's Ward School. The
eohooliboard has. reoeived the full $1000
insurance on the old building.
The Colborne brick yard has been par.
abased by Meagre. MoLarty and Boyle,
who have had considerable experience in
that line of work and intend to turn ant
afiret clan prodnot.
Temporary aaoommodation Iran been
provided ab the Temperance Hall for the
pupils of the junior division of St. Pat-
riok's ward school The smaller room at
the hall lea been fitted up as a school
room and Is presided over by Min Vesta
The remain° of Henry B. Hawley, eon
of Thoe. D, Hawley, who died of typhoid
fever in Lee Angeles, Cal., on the 4111
inet.,•were sent from there on the 10th to
Detroit, Mr, Howley, of town, went
down to Detroit on Saturday to receive
the body,
p t' . oo
by the owner.
The Stet late viawed
, Saunders,
Manager of the Godertoh Organ Op., loot
week, in regard to 11001r proel'00t, of re.
building. i g. Mr. Saunders: stated that he
could net make any definite etas, mens in
regard to thole future operi}tione, ae these
depended entirely upon the action of the
ratepayers in voting on the by law,
On Monday of loot week, a umber of
boyo, from 8 to 15 years of age, were be-
fore P, M. Seeger, aharged with doing
damage to an outbuilding and throwing
atones st the door of Mr, MoDonald'e
reoidenae, Oobourg elreet, Four of the
lade admitted the offence, whish opaurred
on old Hallowe'en night, and were die.
()barged after a reprimand and payment
of costa.
The town Council granted Qlerk Coate
$150 for extra services in connection with
the cement walks.
Wm. Fiebe r of the Heron road,had
the misfortune to Blip off the ganway
and fractured a rib.
17. Mann has removed his pair of South
ern alligator's from R Fitzsimons &$en's
butcher shop to hie tonsorial parlor, in
the Sloane Mont,
0 n of the sheep that war waiting to be
loaded for the Weotern Statee, on Wed•
nesday of het week, had its neck broken
by fighting with two others.
The G. T. R. hes deoided to build a
water tank close to the, station,- from
whibii the 'L. H. & B', locomotives' will be
supplied. This will take the plaoe of the
tank on the Base line.
W. U. Latornell, who has recently been
tranoferred to the Ridgetown 'Branch of
the Moloons Bank, returned to Clinton
for a brief holiday and while here bis
presence was token advantage of by the
ohoir of St. Paul's church to present him
with a memento of his 0ooneoiion with
them ae noir leader. The gift wag a
handsome volume of the Book of Oom•
mon Prayer with the md0ie for the
service throughout and the fly leaf con.
tained en artistic piece of engrossing.
The sidewalk on the North aide of Pat.
rick street, in front of. Dr. Chisholm's
residence, has been raised, as the water
overflows it in the Bpt'foe.
S. and Mre. Youhill left on Monday
afternoon of hot week on an extended
visit to relatives in the United States.
Their destination at present ie Marion,.
Indiana,where they will spend eorhe:time
with their daughter, Mrs.. Potts, They
expect to return next April.
At the monthly meeting of L. 0.. L.
No. 794 preparation for the Grand Lodge
meeting her in March, was begun by the
election of a Finance Committee, con-
sisting of County Master W. J. Greer,
A. H Musgrove, Mayor Vanotone, Dr.
Anew, and the Master of 794, Alex:
On Wednesday of last week E. C.
Clarke, Reoording•Seoretary of Court
Maitland, No. 25, handed Mre. Hogg a
cheque for 91,000, the amonot of ineor
ance carried by her late husband' in the
Canadian Order ofForesters. The pay-
ment of this claim within two weeks of
the tieeeaae fe eyldengo of bpelnesl•lilie
methods prevailing in the Canadian
q ars,
ftegardirig the feet br,dge proposed to
be erected across the riy.r ir, to the Wast•
ern FeandrY, the EXeoatiVe Committee
of the Council authorized Chief vangor.
Mttn 10 nears timber and men apd Pro.
and with the work, Go enmipatign,i
the Chief reported the epbeme impraotio•
able, and recommended that the bridge
at the Mill bpused and 0,
read made
from the mill orose the Q . R., whigh
cap be done et a cgmparatively email ons,
Joseph rage has cold his reoidepoe on
Drpmmoud street to John White, The
prloe paid wee 0400•
klieg Zella Carder had the misfortune
to Blip op the terrace in her father's lawn
one evening and badly sprained her lett
ankle. The sooident'oopfinod her to the
bone for eeveral dare,;
Hugh MoQuarrie was seriogoly injured
about the head and shoulders, He watt
riding in a wagon when the seat broke
and he was thrown out to the monad.
Hie injarieo have'Pince wannest him to
the house, but we are glad to learn he le
neo+ aril•
v ik. •-
Mr,. George Powell gave a "kitchen
shower" party at her pretty borne on
Wedoeeday evening. The party was
given in honor of Mies Flora Watson,
who was about to leave for Glenboro, Man,
Ml those present bad a merry time and
the guest of honor was the recipient of
many neefnl kitchenutensile.
The Standard Saye.—Mise Flora Wet,
eon left on Saturday morning for Wioni.
peg. Fier father accompanied her me far
as Toronto. Shortly after • Miee.
Watson's arrival at Winnipeg on Monday
she was married to Reuben M. West,
foreman of the Glenboro' Gazette, and a
former member of the Standard staff.
Mise Watson was one of Blythe most
popular and estimable young ladies, and
the beat wishes of many Mende here
follow her to her new home in the Wept.
FATAL AOornatiT -A Brnaefield corm.
jiondent stye :—At an . early hoar on Fri,
day morning last Philip H. Marney, pro-
prietor of the:0ommeraial. hotel, Bruce.
field, died from the effects of shooting
accident of the afternoon•previons. In
company with John Snider, of Braoefield,
he was hunting in Rose' bath, a short
distance Sonth•weet_ of the village when
the unfortunate affair happened. The
two men were some distance apart oo that
Mr. Snider was not an actual eye witness,
but could easily surmise 'how it took
place. Mr. Murray had shot at a black
equine!, .but not bringing it down wee
following it up aces to get another shot
at it when he stumbled and In falling the
gun discharged and tore a bole through
hie aide eo large and deep that the heart
was revealed. Mr. Strider heard both ex.
plosions, but thought nothing of it at the
time, but on turning to rejoin hie friend
he heard a groan and on running to the
spot .from whence it. came found Mr.
Murray weltering in his own blood.
Asaietanoe was heathy summoned and
the injured mac taken to his own home.
The looal dootor and a Dr, from Olin -
ton, did all that Mat poeeible to relieve
the sufferer, bat the injuries were too
great for human aid to avail and be died
at 3 30 Friday morning. Mr. Marrny
was a eon of William Murray, of Tucker -
Wear eavy
shoes now.
When your feet are
cold you feel cold all
Cold feet are good
for the doctor's busi-
The man whose work
is more or less out of
doors must keep his
feet warm.
it is important.
Don't take chances
with Light shoes when
you ought to wear good
heavy ones. Some we
have here will keep the
feet warm and snug and protect them from the wet
and snow,
Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather.
They are made to wear and our prices are made to
make it easy to buy them.
Here are a few :-
Men's Felt Lined Shoes, very comfortable, 91 75 ; Ladiee' Felt Shote from
01.00 to $1 60 ; Boys' Felt Shove, comfortable and durable, 91 50. A large stook
of Felt Goods and Heavy Winter wear•for Men, Women or Children.
tHrRepaire in Rubbers, Boots or Shote promptly done,
it.. a. Ftlican, D .
Spoiled a Good Baking
you have many a time by tering an
iuferior grade of flour. Your bread will
always: be light, white and sweet when
neing the Venue. It is always Of sup.
erior quality, with no variation, and ie
carefully mads from the boat grown
Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory
brand for your bread, ookee and pies,
and yon will never age any other.
CALF. 13A,E10ER,
II 11
10,000 'turkeys apd Gene wanted
and 5,000 Duoke and Xogng Chickens,
tor which the highest nab price will be
paid, For particulars ae to prise and
date of de'ivery apply to
We've Got
Your Eye
for just a minute, We'll
be brief. Be sure and
see our range of
and Winter.
$6.00 PER SUiT.
smith, who with his sone engaged in
threshing in that townehip for many
years. Another eon, Thomas, was kinked
to death by a horse a few years ago. Mr.
Murray, who wae only in his 38111 year,
wae married to a daughter of T. Jones,
then of Leadbury, who bore him three
children, the youngest only a few months
old. Mr. Murray kept the hotel at Varna
for a time and on selling out mored to
Egmondville and thence to Blyth about
a year ago. In the latter place he mot
with an sooident in which hie arm was
broken. Lena than a month ago he
bought the Commercial hotel at Brooe•
field and had just nicely got settled down
when his untimely death took plane. He
was a etraightforward, genial man, pose-.
es0lpg very many warm friends who
extend their Pincers sympathy to the
bereaved widow. The
decease ` carried arried a
life insurance of $3,000, divided between
the Sone of Sootland, the Mutual Life and
an accident company. The funeral took
place on Tuesday to the Egmoudvilie
cemetery and was one of the largest ever
seen in that nation. Services at the
hone. and graveside wereoondaoted by
Rev. Mr. Sowers. The burial service of
the Sons of Sootland was also gone
through with at the cemetery.
A-twoo ci.
Alex. Forrest, 14111 Elma, is very ill
with heart trouble.
Mrs. J. A. MoBain spent a few weeks
in Mildmay visiting J. W. and Mre.
The Methodiet congregation at Done.
gal have invested in an acetylene gas
Algia. Ornden, of Silver Corners is very
feeble, having had another alight stroke
of apoplexy.
Harry Moore is relieving agent at the
station bheae days, his father J. H. Moore,
not being in very good health.
The Elms cheese and batter 4antory
made the lest of this season's obeeee on
Monday and will now proceed to mann.
faotnro batter.
MiaeRoberta Wilson hag obtained a
diploma from the Stratford Business
College, having completed a full course in
connection therewith.
George Hodson rammed home last
week to see bis mother who was danger-
ously ill She died in Drayton as a result
• of a stroke of paralysis.
David Morrison has sold hie farm to
Charles Ovalle for $ 4.200. Mr. Morrison
bee bought a half section of land in Al-
berta and will leave for the West as soon
ae possible,
A quiet wedding took place at the home
of Mre. Hugh Wilson in the village on
Wednesday of last week, when her daugh.
ter, Fanny was united in the holybonds
with Robert Taylor, of Atwood. Rev.
Wm. Penhall performed the ceremony.
Thomas G. Ballantyne was in Fargo.
bar, Hibbert township on Monday, attend
ing the funeral of hie nep hew, Robert
Ballantyne, who met with nob asudden
death. He was returning from the West,.
and upon arrival at North Bay along with
a number of others, went to a restaurant
to get some refreshment. It was very
dark and he did not notice the open turn.
table and etepped into it, falling a die.
tanoe of four or five feet. His hip wae
broken and he was also in.
jured internally. He was taken by
special train to Toronto, and conveyed
to the hospital where the broken thigh
was set, but the shook and internal injury
produced death, Mr. Ballantyne was
only twenty seven years old and nnmar.
Arohbiehop Brnoheai, of Montreal, is
to be made a Cardinal,
Harry Rose was found dead in the
Farmer's .Elevator at Kinoardine.
R. D. Benson wan etrnok by a Grand
Trunk train ab Pickering and killed.
James Mitchell, Registrar of the High
Court at Cayuga, died on Friday, 14th.
The Dominion Line will establish a
weekly eteamehip service from St. John
this Winter. .
The Grand Trunk engineers and fire-
men have boon grained their new sohad
Ole of wage°.
J. B, Renaud, of Hall, who ie alleged
to have been bratslly assaulted by Michael
Ryan, hag died from hie injuries.
G. IL Mair, President of the Montreal
Coal & Towing Company, was killed at
by the discharge of a rifle be
was cleaning.
The repent arrival of 91000.00 worth of Ladieo' and 0en$' Fine lrura
in Men's Fur Coate, Ladies' Fur Jaokete, Fur Caperinee, Rolfe, Muffs,
Cape, .Eta„ ie an event of more than ordinary importance. A few years
ago acme peop'0 thought it wise to go out of town for their Fore. That
time boo gone by apd they pow look forward for McKinnon & 0o'e, Great
Fur Exhibit, We are uow able to show you the finest stook that has yet
game within oar doors. Bay your Furs early. There ie no oboioe like
dIdearat calm Bgoods elowwe we00117 give you a few 008tatione which will give yon an
Blank Coney Oaperinee, high storm collar, long front, 6 tails, teen.
lar $4, very a epfsl, $3 25.—Oaperineo, in eleohrio seal and aotraoban nom•
inat' a highp
tt Ines, high :dollar,collar,
(front le inevery
w with satin 63 tails Ialndtrch& n, 84.501--
1 American Sable and long
Combination, lona front, trimrnsd with
toile apd chain, very stylish, 96.25,—Bokam and Eleotrio Seal Combina•
Cape Ines, high collar, 8 tails and chafe faetsning, great value. $8.50.
—Mao a large assortment of Oppoeepm, Eleotrio Seal, Sable and Persian
Lamb Combination Caperieee, very stylish goods, at 910, $1250 and $15.
--Ladies German.Mink Ruffs, 4 tails, a snap at $1.•—Ladies' Black Fur
Ruffs, 6 tails and ohain, 92.—Black Opposer= Rude, 2 heads and 8 tails,
$5.—American Sable Ruffs, 6 tails and chain, 96.—Ladies' Astrachan
Jackets, in all eine, at 022.50, $25, $30 and 940.
We (have Reduced the
Prices of Ready-to-wear Hats
owing to the Season advanc-
ing and desiring to Blear
thein out,
Prices very. Reasonable.
Call and see our stook,.
Satisfaction assured.
Downing Bros.
Sb.oes for Fall
or mountain climbing are
what we're featuring just
now. They're seasonable,
serviceable, stylish. Our
lines of Footwear include
all the leading makes.
Have them in all shapes,
sizes and widths, to suit
every taste and purse.
And every pair warranted
as to make and material.
Agents for the Slater Shoe:
Downing* Bros..
1ec04":..3r`G-•t.. .mz:_..3cU''>t•" ... "'•' l=ea- it
Swell Top Coats.
Just take a look at ours—you can't help but notice
how different they are from the kind most stores show.
They have that smart, natty, "built for you alone" ap-
pearance. We claim our garments to be the perfection of
tailoring and we assume all risks. Nothing pleases us
snore than to have a customer e amine closely the fabric,
the lining and the workmanship. Such buyers appreciate
our Clothing.
Great variety in Top Coate this Season
Some short, some medium, blacks and mixtures. We have all the
right styles. We sell a good Top Coat for $5.00, and run along the
line up to $12.50 for silk lined, Top Coat elegance. Lots of splen..
did styles in between, at $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00. Come in and
take a look just to see what's what.
D. 0. R 0 S, Leading Clothier.