HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-20, Page 1Vol. 31, No,. . aRU'SSELS, ONTARIO TFIT.TRSDAY, NOVE ,I';BER 20., 1902 W. R.KERR,Prop New Advertisements.' Local—G, H. 31M g. Ping-pong—Jae, Fox, Local—Robs„ Thomoon, Lento—H. . A, Matchett. Nurse wanted—F, H, gray, Fares for, sale—Robt. Inglis, Robes, &q,—John Donald gon, Heavy shoes• -I, Q, Richards, Wooawantod—Bohool Beard, pod Liver Oil-Huroley & Cel Property for sale—G, A, Deadman, Ready-made olothing .A, Straoban. Great fur exhibit—Moltinnoa & Co, County Council meeting -W, Lane, High grade watolaee—H. L. attention. Tremendous selling, --H., A. Matobett, Ronest advertising.—J: Ferguson & Co, x Ci� ti xt � REtT A toed of floor was shipped bo Beaforth . this week by. H, F. SaoAllister: A few more pupils from this locality may go to Brussels to attend sleben. Our school tesohers are re.engeged for another year. The trustees bnve nada ,no mistake.. . D; Milne & Bon Ion a valuable ball last Tnesduy, It is said to have (Melted While oatiug chop. It will be quite a lose to the arm, Mrs. Thee Taylor, who is a resident of Ethel,' will be $4 years cid` this Winter. She is failing considerably in beulth however of late. .. . Ulnae vo;lae. John Bargees is in Brantford thio week auditing the books for the C. 0. F. Mrs. Peter Wheeler and ebildren have returned from a visit in the country. Rev. W.4, and Mrs. Weet attended the wedding of Peal Gordon, Mrs. 'West's brother, at Walkerton, last week. We extend ooagratulations to Alex. and Mrs. Moffat, who Were married last week. Mrs. Moffat(51ise Mira Niel) le on eetim• able, young woman and has our beet with. ee for future happiness. Tae Mani/No.—The tea meeting in the Methodist ohurob Monday evening, Nov. 17th, was largely attended degpito the bad roads. The bobtail were laid in the basement of the ohurob and fairly groan. ed under the weight of good things. The ladies and young people of the ohuroh were most attentive to the wants of their. gueets and muchcreditie desto them for the suooeseful tea meeting.- About' 8 o'alopk'every one adjourned to the andi- tont! of the obarah where a geed PM - grain woe rendered by loos! talent, Ad• d' asses were given by Reverends Hobbs, o Wingbam, Garbut, of Gorrie, and West, of Bluovale. pxnellent mum wae rendered by an orgheetra of violine, while the pinging of Mies Hattie Bled,' Mr. Sperling and W. J. Jobneton was warmly Wpplaudedt WR•<tX.ln, Ler, R, Thomson, of Brussels, spent Sunday in the village, Thos, Black has returned from a',visit With relatives at Elora. Mrs. H. Lowry spent a part of last week with her daughter in Iterdwi0h, A load of yowl men attended the Tea Pleating at Salem on Friday evening, John Gemini!, of Pilot Mound, Man„ ie renewing aoquaintanoee in this vioinity. Mr. and Mot. Brill, of Teeewater, were the gouts of Mrs. T. G, Hemphill on Tbnreday,. George Dane, traveller for Gault Bros., of Montreal, epent a few days with Mende here. Mrs. J. Allan, and T. G. and Mre. Hemphill attended the wedding of Miss A. Bolton in Listowel on Wednesday. The annual meeting of the Wroxeter Branch of the Bible Society was held in the Methodist church Thursday evening, Always the Lowest CilUr moo. Strictly One Price HONEST ADVERTISING ANO RELIABLE MERCHANDISE Are two great reasons for the wonderful success of this business. We will not sell trashy or unreliable goods. No matter how low a quotation we advertiseY ou • may depend that the goods are thoroughly reliable and that reductions are exactly as represented. This Week we ' have These Special ' Bargains —8 pieces 52 snob pure wool Homeopun, in ehsdee of Black, Navy, Mid, Grey and Oxford, regular prise 750 ; Special at —56 inoh Pure Wool Bell Warp Coating Serge, very suitable for Skirts and guaranteed not to spot, 10 Biaok and Navy only, real valve $1 00, Speoial at -15 pieoee Beet Oanadian Flannelette, all new 'drips and fast colors, beavy weight, 36 inobes wide, regular valve 12io per yard ; Speoial at —10 dozen heavy pure Linen Hnok Towelo, with red border and fringe ends, eize 20 x 43 inohoe, regular prioe 85o ; Speoial at .... -2 dozen Ladies' Black Mercerized Sateen Under. shirts, With full flonnoes and three small frills, regular price il..SSQ each ; Speoial at —12 dozen pairs of Ladies' Absolutely. Pare Wool Cashmere Hine, ,eplieed heel and toes, worth regular 35o ; Speoial at .50 .65 10 .25 1.00 .25 3 boxes Colored Velvet Oorde, [shades Fawn, Blank and Brown,• regular price 90o ; to clear at per yard —5 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, in Pink, Blue end Grey effects, square yoke back, pleated collar and band ouffs ; Speoial value at —2 dozen Flannelette Night Gowns, trimmed around neck band and onff, oolore Piek, Bine and Cream, real value $1.00 ;. Special at .20 .50 .75 Ladies' Tailor made Skirts at 3.50, 4.50 & $5 00 At these prices we eau Rive you a big .range of 'Attlee, They are mo0tly made of All. Wool Homespun and Freize in Grey, Navy and Black. Some are trimmed with natio folds and buttons ; othere have cording over hips ; all are Aridly np td•date, unlined ; St and finish is perfect ; prices aro. low ; you save the prioe and trouble of getting them made. $3 50, $4 50 end $5 00, Special Sale of Two Cases Mill Ends Flannelettes, widths 32 and 36 inches, all perfect goods, worth>+'ag ular 8c. and 10c length 8 to 14 yards, which iye place on gale Saturday morning.'a `i 10 as m at 5 c & 6 o We would advise customers 'wanting these lines to be on hand earl although the quan- tity is large, but at such prices the entire lot will soon be pinked up. g FERGUSON & CO. Tbe agent of the apoiety, Buv, Dr. Oor• alga, gave a forceable address,. Rev,1;, A.. McKelvey aleo gave a anon hut bright Wren, The sooloty bens fe well officered and should be well sbpported in every. respect, We cannot help saying that the torn out of leas than tweotyave adults to hear the annual report and address, wag net very encouraging to its oifioora. The ohorohos of the village claim an attest membership of anneals three hundred sad yet only the above small ngmber were present to heal what had been done by that greatest of all Mission. ary societies. Had it been a political meeting or bad some comic singer been giving an entertainment what a torment, there would have been, but YOU see it was the old tad story eo oft repented ea to what the Bible bee done for us, apd parohanne many of as do not like to be told that we are not doing oar duty .to. warde thane who are not eo bleated with the tree open bible es we are. Tbo President, 'W, E. Hazlewood and Seote, tory, W, 8. MaKeroher were re.eleeted. Mol a wwor•tit . Jno G Mitchell returned from tbs. West on Saturday last. Mr. McEvoy, bee inspector, was here lent week` inspecting Wm. Wood's bees, Mico H. J. Adams has returned to Tor- onto after (pending three weeks at the hotne of Robert Mitchell, The special services in the Methodist ohnrob are well attended. We tenet a great deal of good will be done. The sports have returned from their hunt and report a very good time. They were enaoeoelul in bringing home with them three deer. Rev. Mr. Auld, of Palmerston, conduct. ed anniversary services in the Presbyter- ian church last Sabbath. He preached two very eloquent germane to an appreci. ative audience, Leadbury. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr, Rutledge, of Brampton, preached in Bethel obnroh, Samuel Stitt is home from his trip to the Northwest. A number from this locality attended the Sabbath Bobool Convention at Walton on Toeeday afternoon and evening of this week. Organiz tion meetings along the line of Prohibition are being hetd in Manillop at various pointe getting ready for the vote to be taken on Deo. 4. Last Friday morning the infant eon of Ma Barrows, Jr., two miles East of Leach bury, died of an ailment o! an internal oharaoter, It was about 3 months old. Tbe funeral toots plane on Sunday alter. noon Rev, R. Paul, of Bennetts, toting the service, aesieted by Bev. Mr. Rut- ledge. Interment was made at Brussels cemetery. Four Otte girls were the pall bearers. The parents are deeply sym- pathized with in their bereaveulent, Jarnentotiyn. D. 0. and John T. Strachan spent Sunday with friends at Listowel. Mre. James Simpson does net improve ae rapidly ae her many friends would wish bat we hope she will Boon be non- valeseent, Thursday, Dea. lltb, is the date deoid• ed upon for tbe Ye olden tymo. Concert. A good program will be presented. Pro. needs will be applied to the Sick Chil- dren's Hospital at Toronto. There was an attendance of nearly 100 at the Sabbath School bete last Sabbath in the seven classes, Superintendent Jas. Strachan and the other officers and teachers are to be congratulated on the way interest's maintained, Last Friday evening A, M, ItdoKay, of Brusoele, took charge of the prayer meet. ing at Vintoria Hall in the absence of Thee. Strachan, who was attending a Prohibition meeting at Roe'e Oharah, Mr, MoKsy'e topiowas "Faith by Works," and was well handled. Large amounts of 'begged poultry of all kinds are being received at the More bere and still wanted for trade or oath, as ahipmente are being made to Toronto twine a week. Mr: Innen aleo handles all the dried apples be can get. He says in batter baying he very much prefers it put up in pound toile as be ships it to the oity where if done np that way com- mands the highest prioe. Thnreday evening of Nat week the annual meeting of the shareholders of Viotoria Hall was held, Alex. Bryana in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and omega. The finanoial report showed all liabilities met for the past year and a WATCHES ! WATCHES CHEAP 'It Pays to Buy Watches from T.; Fletcher.' If yon intend purchasing a Watolt—LADIES!,• GENTS', BOYS) or GIRL13'—it will pay you to see our stook. SPECIAL BARGAINS in High and Low gradeii.from now until after XMAS. We carrya ver'hstock of Watches ties l . � eavy 1Z8S erns of the oases are ALWAYS Our WATCH OASES are of the most beautiful design. Our stook, le being oonetenny renewed et that the pati T1313 LATEST. Our High Grade Movemante of WALTHAM and ELGIN Manafaoture are au follows ;t • — WALTHAM Vanguard, 21 and 28 Jewels,'" Crescent Street, 21 Jetvalei Appleton Traoey,• 17 'Jelvele, P. B, Bartlett,. 17, Jewels, and all other1Lower Oradea, • 41—GIN Veritas, 21 and 23 Jewett', Father T)me, .21 Jewels, B. W. Raymobd, 17 andt19 Jewels.' and all other Louver Grades, - Oracle, agent° for the Doeber•Hampden'High and Low Grade Movements, EYES TSESTED FRED. T FLETCHERJEWELER, Issuer of Marriage Libenses. :,_nom in Robes Wa carry in stock a first-class assortment of Grey Goat, Saskatchewan, Black Galloway, Grizzly Bear and Mountain Bear. Rubber, Wool and Plush 'Rugs Of excellent value. ts a oats= istiatNEEIVINS All Kinds. Big Stook of Single Harness from 57.30 up, also Team Harness and Collars that cannot be beaten. Fine range of Trunks, Valises, &o. Satisfaction guaranteed. John Donaldson HARNESS MAKER, BRUSSELS. i earplug of $23,00 in hand. The expend'. taro ieotuded painting intoner, earppetiog platform, aareteker'a eatery, repalre to !Nede.and anniversary exponees, Alex. Bryana, Geo, Qopmbee, Geo, Ptoltmier, Jno. Cott and D. A. Millon were re•eleot ed an Trustees, . Thee( gentlemen did their Work eo well in the ensuring of sup• plies for tbe preaching Babbatb evening that there WAS sot a Sabbath for the past year without a service, The ¶1'rnetees would like to impress on the pnblio gener- ally that all parties desiring to nee the Hall meet arrange with them eo as to avoid eomplioatione. Victoria Hall has beep a great thongs. Io3 or rttr. Tits auction sale at Charles Ritobie'e last Tuesday wont with quite asweep and totalled nearly $1500. F. S. Soott wae ga0tioneer. Rich. Armatrong and F. Embnry arriv. ed home this week from Muskoka where they were for their annual deer hunt, They brought 4 deet as trophiee of their prowess with the rifle, They're old hands at the business. Mrs, P. M. Gunter died at her reei- aeooe in Trenton, Ont., on Nov, 550, aged 66 years, after a long and painful illnese from canner. Deceased was a sister-in- law of Mrs. John Parr, 4th line, and was a woman of sterling Obviation oharaoter. Wal ton. Mies Minnie McDonald ie visiting friends in Ingersoll. Dr. Armatrong ie bank from hie warn in the Old Country hospitals and looks firet•olaee. An interesting letter may be read from the pen of Jae. Smillie on page 4 of this week's inane of Tea PoaT. The Ladies' Guild of St. George's Church held their regular meeting at Wm, M. Smith's on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Rutledge preached hie initial sermon in the Methodist Church last Sunday. Next Sabbath the deferred Sacramental aervioe will be held. Hxtttaw&i,—Wednesday evening of last week Rev. Andrew MoNab, M. A., per. formed the very pleasant duty of tying the matrimonial bow, at the residence of the bride's mother, between James D. MoNair, a well-to.do young farmer of Grey township, and Mise Mary J. F. Ramsay, a highly eeteemed young lady of NAB locality. May many happy years he theirs. CONCERT. — The Walton Methodist Choir purpose holding a concert in the Chants on Friday evening, Nov. 28. The choir will be assisted by the best looal talent and by Misses Smith, diose and MaLauohlin and Mesere. Jones and Kerr, of Brussels ; Mies Allis Dundee, of Bethel ; Mise Oarrie Bbortreed, of Morrie ; H. L. and Mre. Jaokeon, of Brusoele and David Malin, of Blyth. Rev. M. G. Jarrow and Rev. T. W. Goethe, of Brussels, wilt deliver addressees. The A. 0. U. W. Concert on Thursday evening of last week, was wen attended. Ia the absence of W. H. Kerr, who, by a mieunderetanding, was waiting at his oaiae for a rig to be nut for him, while the andienoe was waiting at Walton for him, the choir was ably filled by John Govenlook. The principal performer, Will. J. White, was a complete moons, and bis different numbere-wereenthusiae- tically received. Miss Lyda Crooke and Will. Hays rendered seleotioon that charmed the audience. Miss Jean Mo• Lanahlin, of Brueaele, was accompanist. S. S. 0ouVENTroN.—Tbe 12th annual Sabbath School Convention in oonneotion with the TJnion local Association wart held last Tuesday in Duff's ohnrob, At the afternoon Benton, President Geo. Barrows, ocoupied the chair and atter devotional exeroieee and chairman's remarks the following program woe ear. rid ant :—Rev. M. G. Jarrow, The Pastor's Sowing" ; Geo. Grigg, "Tbe Teacher's Sowing" ; Mrs. A. Gardiner, "The Parent's Sowing" ; Rev. A. Mao - Nab, M. A„ "Can anything- be done in the training of ear Leathers for more efficient work?"; Question Drawer ; Closing. At the evening meeting'. the' new President, Rev. Mr. MoNab wae in. trodnoed and spoke appropriate words. G. F. Blair, of Brussels, gave a full and clear explanation of the. new Liquor Act or the "Referendum" ae it is improperly palled. This was followed by a bright, helpful addrese on "How we may help the Prohibition cause ?" by Rev. T. W. Gonne, of Brussels, Chokes mast. cal selections were renderd by the choir. The oolieotion, after expenses are paid, will be devoted to the finances of the Prohibition campaign. Tbe oouvoution Wan a good one and wan wen attended ooneidering the bad roads) and disagree• able weather, Gree. $1.00 gets Tun Poem to Jan, 1st 1904. Mise Clara MoQoarrie is learning the dressmaking at Brunets. A, Hislop, M. P. P., paid a visit to Toronto on Tuesday of thin week. W. and Mre. Irwin, of Belmore, were visitors at L. M. ,rein's thie week. Wm. Mints will make a aloft with rela- tives in London and locality for a few weeks. James Brown, of Moorefield, was the guest pf hie father, Alex, Brown, last Sab- batb. Last week Oliver Turnbull, lath oon„ disposed of two thoro.bred Leiosater ewes to Robt. Nichol, 6th line„Morrie, Mre. dames Brown, of Wallace, was visiting bet sister, Mre. Alex. Brown, 'Ottawa.; for afew days last week. R. M. Douglas, 15th oon., has pnrohae. ed a thorn' bred Yorkshire boar from Robt NUoboi, the well known breeder of Morrie township, The animal is a good one with registered pedigree. Friday afternoon of last week Samuel Shine, 8rd mina had a wood bee in wbioh 17 teams took part,hanling 35 cords of otovewood from Joseph Jaeklin'e, 3rd sec., to Brunets to Reeve Ross. Auction sales go at a livelyrate this Fall, At Jno. Maradden'e, 12th con., Thursday of last week, and W. J. Mt t terms.. l ie ti non A 7 sena Friday,thetotals were $1000 each. T. Learmn'e sale on Monday netted 2550. F. S. Scott wae the auctioneer in each ease, A pubiio meeting in the interogte o Prohibition will be held in the taloa oOf nehgroh, 126hetk, o00at„7,30 on Tlo'clorgrgckday. Gsvegla ood ad g at w dreamt and mooio, The truetees of 5, 5. No, 4 have epgag ed the eervloeo of Robert Weir, of Torn bWereiry,is forat 1`203presenett aattensalary dinOfthe $B20N, Mormar g Sahoot at London. We have nob heard where Mr, Ward, the present teacher, w)1 locate for next year, Tbe 100 sore farm belong to Mre, Owen Smith, Gnelpb, lot 13, oon. 4, tae been parohaeed by Joo. B, Smith who nae moved to a seoand hoose on the plaoe. He will work the farm 00 thou as the existing lease expires. We welcome Mr. Smith and family bank to this locality and wish them prosperity. LEO BaoxoN.—We are eorry to report that D. K, Livingeton, 15th eon„ had the misfortune to break one of his lege below the knee, both banes being broken. Ile wae moving hie honeebold effects from his former residence to the house on the same farm vacated by bin father and mother who.reoently removed to Ethel, when be Blipped and a milk can filled with flour ceased the trouble. He will be laid up for some Om no doubt, bat no longer than is absolutely neaeaeary you may depend., On a000ant et the accident he intends holding an auction sale of farm stook eo as to save labor in attending to them this Winter. The date of the Bale is Friday, 28th inn, saran nactroole. Mre, John Forrest and Mre. Matthew Cameron have been appointed Bible Societyright. Collectors for Oranbrook and the 12th eon. They should fill the bill all Prohibition meeting in Oranbrook Presbyterian church next Monday even. ing, at 7.30 o'clock when addressee are expected from G. F. Blair, of Brussels ; Rev. E. E. Marshall, of Woodstook, and others. A large attendance looked for from the surrounding country. The Goderioh Signal of last week Bays :—A pleasant social 1onotion last week was the poet nuptial reeeptlon of Mrs. J. L. Ternball, wbioh gave an op. portunity of meeting the bride which was accepted by many, including a number of the gentlemen. The reception rooms were very handsome and inviting, the decorations of crimson rosea and pithead white carnation's adding a pretty effect. Mn. Tomball wore her bridal drew of white Duchess silk, en train, with trim- ming of Braeeele lane. She was assisted in receiving by Mre. Leckie, of Brussels, who was gowned in a royal blue and bleak silk brocade, with oorsage of white silk and lace. Mre. Taylor also aesieted dur- ing a portion of the reception. Mre. Cameron, of Brunets, and Mies McNair, of Oranbrook, did the honors et the table, and were aoeieted by Min Florence Graham. The visitors found Mrs, Torn. bull an altogether charming and delight. fel hostase, who will be a welcome acquisition to the 'moiety of the town. CHURCH CHIMiES. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., oontioned hie aeries of discourses on Romans. The 8th chapter and 18th to 25th verees wae the foundation of a fine dieoouree. Rev. T. W. Canoe and G. F.Blairgave Prohibitioo addreeses at a public meeting at 'Walton on, Tuesday evrnining of this week in moaneotim' with the Sabbath School Convention. Temperance or Prohibition sermons will be preaobed in many of the aburobee in East Baron next Sabbath. Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A. and Rev. T. W. Omens will exchange pulpit in the evening, A union service was held in the Meth- odieb thatch last Sabbath evening in the interests of the Upper Canada Bible Sooiety and was largely attended. Rev. R. Paul, President of Brussels Branch ocoupied the chair and short pointed ad- dreases were given by the chairman, Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A. and Rev. T. W. Coeene. The 'north choir rendered the anthema "01 gives Tbanka” and "Something for Thee” and a male quarbette Bang "Tbe Door of Hope," Collection amounted to $11 50. This ie the most euooasatal plan of holding Bible Sooiety meetinge yet adopted and ooald be tried in many other plane where the cause is languishing with equally good effect. The Collectors will make their annual rounds alertly e or ly a the financial year now olosee on Deo. 31st instead of March let as formerly. Ray. FR. NORTEoaAVEe ON TSE REFER. ENDou.—Rev, Father Nortbgraves preach. ed an eloquent, sarne'b, practical sermon in the R. 0. Church, Brussels, last Sala bath. Riosubject was the Referendum and he took for bio text Ie. 28th chap., and 4th verse. A very large congregation greeted him and we notioed several from other oborohee in the town who no doubt bad a deaire to hear bow the learned Father would deal with hie subject. After a few preliminaries relating to Israel as a Nation, (cob as the division of the Nation Nth two Kingdoms Judah nudism), and the setting up of two altars, and the consequence' remitting therefrom, he de• voted about half an hour to the eubjeot— the Referendum to be voted on, on the 4th of December neat. From first to last he gave no uncertain wend as to what hie people ought t0 do in giving their vote. He advised sack and all to vote for the tame. He remarked that there bad been a great obange in the habits of the people on the drink question daring the past 50 years, People were mach more temperate now than thea, and be gave reasons how it had been brought about. He maid he had not a word to say against the great majority of the hotel. keepers, they were with few exoeptione very kind and attentive to their gneete, bat he was moat severe (not too muoh ao) on those who for a money consideration Would give drink to weak minded individ. nabs and who were the worse of liquor, and to young people under - age. Ho toughed on the argument often made against Prohtbltion—that it it an inter- ference With one'e liberty. He showed that most of our laws were aaoh. $e said that a man could not build in &hie town a wooden building in certain portion of it ; that a man could not have pig pen within a pertain dietanoo of a iiwelling, 3o: ex. [tithed the r verue eaetdroa wbiplt goneno think so iavalgbl, How 0100 the Government raise the §8,500,000 which will be lost if Prohibition taker plate ? i:fe quoted Hon, W. E. Gladabono OS any. ing '!Give me a sober Nation and this will wave the problem, The speak, t' said the oalooiatioo had beep made that the poet of the drink hill in Canada watt 180 millions and taking the revenue at say 9 mililono then there would be to the good of the °gantry 171 millions vo that instead of loeing anything we wsald he great gainere. Fr. Noribgravos x100 answered the question, Opp the law he enforced ? He mentioned the different States of the Union where the law wag in forge Maine, Vermont, Dakota, Ktsnea3 and othere and prodgoed evidence that the law was fairly well kept, and that a groat obange for the better had taken plane. He said Canada was noted for its law•abiding eitizsne and be bad no doubt ab all, but that the law if carried would be respected as moon so n0 any other of our laws. One part of the learned Fr. advice to the young women preaent was very good. He pointed out to them the great danger of forming allianoea with young mea who were in the habit of drinking and urged them not to do eo, He further said the R. 0, ohurab did not forbid any of its members from taking a glees of liquor bat considering the harm it was doing and the crime and misery it was anteing all around as, hie advice to hie flock was not to Moeda it, and more, let each reflect on the gneetion "Am I My brother's keeper," and if we do Bach and all will vote for the Referendum on the 4th of December. People We Talk About. Mre. (Rev.) Cones ie visiting relatives at Seaforth. Mre. Israel and eon, of Seaford, are visiting Mre. Watson Ainlay. J. Leckie and A. Hislop M. P. P. were in Goderiofr lest Monday. J, H. Sperling, of Whitechurch, wee visiting in Brunets this weep. Mre. Jno. MaDougail and daoghtere telt of going to Sault Ste. Marie. Joe, Wynn was used np with a touch of le. grippe daring the past week. Mrs. Jno, Thomson, who wae vielting friends at Seaforth, has arrived borne. Mre. Scott, of Clifford, visited her daughter, Mies Ethel Scott, over Sunday. Mies Maud Coeene, of Trowbridge, is a visitor at the Methodist Parsonage, Brus. eels, Mise Lena Backer was on the sink list* for a few days last week but ie better a.i again. meat John Hain arrived home last week 7 , after an extended visit to Manitoba and:. the Weet. Mise Frank Pelton, el London, is visit. ing Mies Jean Mot auohliu and other old friends in town. B. and Mre. Gerry were visitors in Seoforth for a few days with W. 1. Willie and family, Miss Limy Little ban returned after a pleasant visit with relatives in the vicin- ity of Blyth and Londeeboro'. George and Duncan McNichol arrived home last Friday from a sojourn in the West. They will spend the Winter here, Sara, A. Gormley and Miss Mende Sample were calling on Seafortli friende Ghia week, Tie latter is extending her vie it. Robert Oliver and bride have taken up boaeekeeping in the apartments over Jae. Ballantyne'( grocery and bakery, Tarn• berry street. Mre. Darling, an old friend of Mrs. (Rev) Pant, was a visitor at Vintoria Cottage'for a few days. Her home is at Ailsa Oraig, Middlesex Co. George Henry, of Toronto, was in town this week looking after the ehipping of their household effeote to that oity where they are now residing on Gladstone Avenue. Mrs. Deadman, mother to G.. A. Dead- man, of Brussels, left for her home at Delaware on Tbnreday. Mr, Deadman aaoompanied bar and from there goes„ to. Chatham. • We are pleased to see our old towns. man, Hugh Wiiliarno able to get about ` after the severe shaking up he received ' S. some time ago in a runaway aaoident. He is still stiff but is making favorable progreae. Joo. Watt, of Elora, was a visitor at Melville manse for a few dart 0. dating hie past week. Be is a brother 0 Mrs. (Rev.) Roes. Mr. Watt and his brother are great throro' bred stook men who have made a snooeee of their work. Last Saturday Jno, Coseley senior and junior took in the city of Stratford, Will. D. Coseley has taken a oitnabion there as fitter in the G. T. It, Locomotive Works, There are 900 hands employed. Mr. Conley is very handy and hue jnet completed a season at oheens making. He open' some years in the Ronald Engine Works in Brussels, We wiah him success. Brussels Scheel Board, The regular monthly meeting of the Public Bobool Board wae held I4 the Board room last Friday evening, All members present except Jae. Turn - ball. The minutes of the last regular meet. ing were read and passed. The following aoaounte were presented and on motion of A. Coneley,aeobnded by J. G. Skene, were ordered to be paid. T. Fletcher, two clocks $ 7 00 Joseph Murr, supplies 6 55 Moved by A. Gormley, seconded by J. G. Skene, that the Board advertise far 100 oorde of good, sound, green hardwood, 22 inches long, to be delivered at the wheel before March let, 1903, tenders to be received by the Secretary until Deo. 12,1902.—Carried. Following is the attendance for tlea month of October BOOTS No, ON itosu AVERAGg 1 , 74 68 8 54 - 44 4 ...,56 52 5 74 67 Beard then adjourned.