HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-13, Page 8fl 11i . U 1$ rt -tG 1 t k V 8 Stop That Coughing STOP' SWOP' T STOP° STOP ri' BY USING Quickly Safely Surely Pleasantly BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURE Pmze s 24' ere. P. as Itorams HURSLEY'S DRUG STORE BRUSSELS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTY/ESN EXTENSION W. 0. & e, Trains trays Brueeelo Station, North and South, as follows: Gorge 80010E GOING Nonra. Mail 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a.m Htlaed.........10 00 a.mMatl 1.17 p.m Bxprens 3:26 p,m I Express ...--. 8:17 p.m }Mal IC.ehrs 3t rts. A ohibf'a among ye takirnotes, An' faith he'll prent io. POULTRY ie wooing to town. Cc•AL seekiog is fashionable, Bnnseats market leads. Try it. SonooL Board Friday evening of this week. 18000000% Rolm visited the different departmeot8 of the town sobool last week. A. wire fence will be put np fn [root of the cemetery to replace the old board fence that hae served its day. A $20,000 00 stook to select from. Batter 1Go., dried apples to. GED. E. KIND, Wiogbam. LAST Friday the MOOalIom estate hoose and lot, Maobanic street, was sold at the executor's ORIG. Thee. Gaynor was the purchaser, at •1525. THE Chancery Bitting of the High Court of Justice opens on Tuesday of next week at Goderiob before His Lord• ship, Justice McMahon. FOURTH Division Court will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Weduesday Dec. 3rd. "This will be the fleet court for Division Court Clerk Ooueley, SEND Tau Poor to absent friends. 51.00 pays for it to the end of 1903. A. number have already ordered it to be forwarded to relativseaud others at a dietanoe. It goes as a ,v,8ekly letter. THE Pooi has reoeived copies of the Weyburn Harald, a bright little newspaper started at that stirring village. We notice the name of our old friend ex Co. Oganeillor Henry Mooney. THE road grader was brought into requisition last Friday in scraping off the acoumalation of mud on Turnberry street North of the iron bridge. It was a great mortar bed before this was done. Saaarrr1100NOLD0 is Returning Officer for the Eaot Riding of Huron in oo0nec• Von with the coming Referendum on Prohibition, Newton Oampbell, of West field, renders similar eervioe in West Huron, and William Lewis, of Orediton, for the South Riding. F. S. Seorr ie making a great record as an auctioneer, Next week he has a sale for every day in the week excepting Sunday and Saturday. He does hie work in good style, looking carefully after all detatls am to "good marks," notes, &o. Leave your order at Tag Rom, for anc• tioneer and bills and it will receive prompt attention. MONDAY evening a meeting for the per. pose of organizing the village in 00(11180• tion with the Prohibition 00mpaigo w08 held in Melville church sobool room. There was a fairly good attendance. Of1oers were elected and various nom• mittoee drafted after which the meeting Wa8 ooneleded with the understanding that Committees report in two weeks. A public meeting will be held before voting day of which due notice will be given. CHANGES OF PRapERTo.—Jameo Turn- bull bate disp (sad of his hones and lot, corner Jobo and King streets, to Ohae. Ritchie, who recently sold his farm in Morrie township, for the sum of 5700. The parcliaeer will make bio home in Brussels.—Doo, Warwick, this week, sold the stone Mouse be bought from the Borns' estate, to George Muldoon, of Walton. Price was 5700. Mr. and Mrs. Muldoon will take up their reaidenoe in town. Real estate, in the way of hoagie property, has been moving lively. METHOBIET 50013/10 SCHOOL.—Wedneo• day evening the annual meeting of Brne• eels Methodist Sabbath School was held, the pastor, Rev. T. W. Coeene, in the chair. Cheering reports were preeonted relative to the progress of the school ; Mrs. Ham reported 30 members on the Cradle Roll ; H. L. Jaokeon'e Treasurer's report showed a neat surplus and the out. look is favorable. A vote of thanke was passed to the Orchestra for their faith• fulness during the year, The officers are :—Snpt., W. H. Kerr ; assistants, W. J. MaOraoken and Ira Gerry ; Secretaries, Wilt. Griffith, Geo, Cardiff and Mies Jamie Buchanan ; 'Treaenrer and Con - (Motor of Orchestra, H. L. Jaokeon ; organist, Mina Laura Nicholls ; anditore, T. Farrow and H. Ham. Teaohero, Rev. 11. Paul, H. OIam, Miss E. E. Kerr, Miss Minnie M'e8taughton, Mre. S. Walker, Mre. Alf. Lowry, R, E.Ooateo, Elise Martha SSmith T. Farrow,Mrs. Rev. Ooene ss Maggie Moan bton, Mrs . Watson Ainlay, Eli Smith, H. R. Brewar, W, J. MaGraoken, Mre, Ham, A. Odoeley, Mise Kate Rozell, Mies Mary Oantelon, Miss Nora 1 e:tinders, Mies Thurso. Gerry and W. Salter. Assistant teachers, B. Gerry, Mre, Buchanan, Mrs, Nieholie, Mine Scott and J. Collor. B. Gerry woe Superintendent for 20 years in the school and is still a teacher and the present in• oombent los entered on his 22nd year. The 0o11001 baa 540,00 in hand no fa' thio year for Miaeions. W. 3. MoOnaoano purchased the prop arty offered for Bale the other day, on Albert•etreet, paying 0560 for the 08010. CAUDET balle, and other games are now pat ou the L 0. 0. F. program after the Lodge work is over on Thursday evenings. A MOVEMENT le on foot to have mail carried on the3 25 p. m. train to Toronto. It would be quite an accommodation to bceine•e people. JNo. LONG purohoeed a I acre iot on the South Westerly aide of Braeeele from Fred, Frey, of Berlin, thia week and will use it for gardening purposes. A SNeo.-30 Boys Overooate, fit boys from 4 to 10 years, regular price $3.00 to 54.50, Matahett'e Sale Price 31.98. The New Store, Garfield Block, Braeeele. TUESDAY evening the Methodist Sabbath School Oroheetra, and others took part in the program in connection with the Methodist church Tea meeting Pt Oran - brook. The evening was not the most propitious, yet a good time was enjoyed by all. REroar Bays that ROM. Oliver and Miss Eliza MoQasrrie, both of this locality, were married at Langdon North Dahota, the other day Rod will be book to Brus- sels on Saturday of this week. We wish them many happy years. Mr. Oliver will resume lie position as storehouse. Mail for R. Graham. Ten 100 ware farm of W. H. Kerr, near Brussels' Lot 3. Con. 9, Grey, has been leased to Geo. A. Beet, cattle dealer, for a term of years. Mr. Beet will nom• piete the seeding down and will graze the farm and stable feed stook 0e occasion demaude. He will continue to reside in Braeeele but will put a tenant on the farm. Anoka shipments this week from Brae• eels G. T. R. were the following:—R. Thomson, oar of apples ; R. Graham, oar of oats I Alf. Booker, oar of oats and car of wheat ; J. Montgomery, oar of scrap iron ; Ronald boiler to Midland ; Brae. Balt Works, 4 care Balt ; Geo, Bait, will ship a oar of export lambs ; A. 0. Dames, car of hogs. A Pao:mummms pnblio meeting was held 0t Harlock, Hallett towoehip, lest Friday eight. J. Watt, made a competent ohair- mau. Addressee were given by Revde. Messrs Hamilton, Coeene and Kennedy and T. McMillan and W. H. Herr. Tem- perance Bongs were eun'g and offioere chosen for the division. The meeting was a goad one and well attended. Fri. day of this week a meeting will be held at Kinburn. WENT TEEODOE A GIILvEST.—While driving in Howiok township last Friday F. S. Scott's borne broke through the flooring of e, bridge and damaged both front and hind legs. The beast ie now being oared for by a veterinary and as Mr. Soott pate a good value on hie driv• er he will most likely ask Howiok Conn• oil to make good the damage as this is his Widest season of the year and he le nom pelted to hire a horse to attend to his work. WANTED.—Live turkeys and dressed poultry. Will pay seven cents a pound, live weight;, for any quantity of live Tur• keys. Parties having any to Bell should see- me 00 once. I will also pay the following prices for a limited quantity of dreeeed poultry for delivery at any time after Nov. 8 —Turkeys, 80 ; geese, 57 c ; ducks, 7o ; Spring chicken'', 6o ; fowl, 4s. Reade most be off all but Turkeys and dry picked. Roor. TH0806010, Brneeele, TOTH FOR THE BY LAW.—Don't forget that the vote of property owners in Brussels will be taken on Mouday, Deo. let, as to whether the town ehonld or should not loan Lookridgo Broa. $6,000 for 10 years, without iotereet, repayable io enure of $500 per year. In lieu of this loan the firm agrees to paroboee the present factory ; fit it oat with new maoliinery 0 employ at least 18 hands regularly ; give a Brat mortgage on mill rad plant, a satisfactory bond for 32,500, and an insurance policy made payable to the town in ease of fire. They also bear all the expense of aubmitting the By•Iaw, which may be read in thie week's haute of THE POET. The debentures will bear 4% interest, and the amount levied on each ratepayer to meet the iotereet will be small, about 66e, on eoah aeaasement of 91,000. Advantogea likely to be de• rived by the carrying of the By law are nnmeroae, chief of which are :—The establishment of a permanent industry fn Brueeele with a promised market for the output for three years at the start ; building up a wool market in our midst instead of allowing it to drift to other towns ; the growth of :Brussels by the enlarging of iodastrial inetitatione t and the probable doming of a knitting depart, melt for auderwear in oonneotion with the factory. No other town will boom Brneeele and if it is to be kept to the forefront and continue to thrive it must be done by our own people who will be the valnera thereby. Rada 100 added to our popnlatiou ie for the betterment of every line of baeioeee and all property owneoe should take a broad view of the 0ituetio11 and talk up and vote fur the By.low. Not a (tent of money will be paid to Ole firm until they have fulfilled all their obligations as to purchase, fitting up and putting the f0otory in running order apd handing oyer of the neoeeeary eeourity to the town for the carrying out of their contract. Deere, Looltridge are ind'iotrioue, pra0tioal wen Who are p0Otins their capital int? the bgeincee will the expectation of sharing the reward 05 aatielpated interim to tiro. enlargement and improvement of the woolen mill indoetry. The firm will not be exempt from tuxes bet will contribute their yearly share to the town exebequer, 4.UURUIi C1)IMEN. Temperance Sunday in Leet Riding of Heron nn Nov,28rd, Get ready for it, 13,ov. R. Pant preaoted in the Methodist Cburet, Wingbani,laet Sabbath for Rev, R. Robbs, There Will be eervioe next Spnday, Nov. 1831, in the Catholic Choroh, Brneeele, at It a. m. The sermon will be on the approaching Referendum, Seats free to all. 13. Gerry gave an enthusiastic address at the Epworth League laet Sabbath even- ing on Our Nation." Next Sabbath evening will be the monthly Commotion service, to be lead by the pastor.' Rev. '1', W. Coeene preaobed two stir• ring discourses last Sabbath in the Metbo• diet ohnrob hie morning text -Laing "Be loved now are the Sone of God, too," The text in the evening was Acts 8 29, "The Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyeelf to thio chariot." BIBLE Seararm,—The annual Bible Sooiety meeting will be held in the Metho- dist Church next Sabbath, commencing at 7 o'clock. Rev. R. Paul, the Preeident, will preside and short addreeeee will be given by Rev. Lao, Robe, B. A., and Rev, T. W. Coeene; Collection in aid of the 800iety. The regular 0ervioe in Melville Cboroh will be withdrawn next Sabbath evening owing to this onion eervioe to wbioh' all are welcome. 1'1')l;SoNAL PARAN RAJ'8N. 0. H. and Mrs. Bartliff were vieiting at Seeforth. Mre. John Lott and Bert are visiting at Listowel. Dire. Habirirk and Joe are vieitio g friends at Blyth, Mies Keine, of Gorrie, has been visit• ing friende in town Mre, Dudley, of Graham's survey, is visiting at St, Marys. R. W. Matheson, of Loaknow, oalled oa Brussels friends thie week. Will. MoMillan ie home from Sarnia where be has been employed. Mime Imlay, of Ethel, is the goeet of Mre. E. Caber, Prinoeee street. Dire. Harbottle and Mies Nellie have gone to Wiarton where positions have been taken. Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Trowbridge, was a vieitor at the Methodist Parsonage on Wednesday. R. H. and Mre. Green, of Trowbridge, were vieitore with the latter's mother, Mrs. Harris, last Saturday and Sunday. Ino. and Mre. Wynn arrived home last wet after an extended and very pleasant visit with relatives and Mendein Micbi. gam. Hugh R. Elliott bad hie hand injured recently by a nail catching one of. his fingers. We hope he will soon be all right. Mrs. E. 0. Lowry ie vieiting her dangh• tar at Port Huron who hae.. been, and is. yet quite ill. We wish her a speedy recovery. The Miesee Watson, of Listowel, were visitors with Mies Maud Querrin. H, Querrin was ale° bomo from Listowel over Sunday. Mies Maud Brook,' of Wingham, was visiting in town this week. Owing to diphtheria in that town the public sobool erre closed for a time. Owing to illness in the family Miss Griffin did not visit Brueeels this week in oonneotioo with her vocal alone, but expeote to be on hand next Tuesday. We are pleased to state that James Stewart, who hae been laid up with typhoid fever is malting favorable pro. greats and will Boon be able to get about. Tboe. Norton, of Listowel, was calling on old friends iu town loot Saturday. He is pushing the business of Gillies & Martin, of Listowel, at Ole pree800 bat will return to the University to oomplete hie course. Mre. R. N. Barrett and family removed to Wingbam on Tuesday where they will make their home. Mr. Barrett hae a tonsorial parlor there. The family carry with them many good wiehee for their future prosperity. J. D. and Moo. Ronald have gone to Detroit this week where they pnrpove epeoding the Wioter. We hope to see them bank to Bruesele next Summer and will look for occasional lettere from Mr. Ronald during hie absence from town. Fred. Frey, of Berlip,.a former well known Brneeelite, was in town on Wed. needay.' It ie 18 or 19 years efnoe Mr.' Frey left town. Ele was the proprietor of the'Peoumeeb Homme and was burned oat. The lot is still owned by Mr. Frey. Time deals very kindly with him. Two of hie gone are married. Too Great a Difference. To the Editor of THE Poor Dann Sm,—In looking over the a000nnte of the Monty of Huron for the year 1901 I was surprised at the dieproportionate amounts paid to Collegiate Inetitotee and Public Schools for doing exactly the same "ret forth Collegiate Institute had an average of 59 County pupils in attendance, and in addition toftbe pupils' fees remits, ed from the County Treasury 51708 98 or 398 5§ per pupil per 00u°m. Clinton 0. 1., with an average attendan08 of 49 County pupils, received 91,658 Q5 or 331,81 per pupil per annum. Godenich 0. I., with an average of 48 County pupils, re- ceived 31,842 76 or 327.57 per pupil per .annum. The three Collegiate Institutes ip the (Jopoty reoeived 34,610.68 for edu• Dating au average of 155 0011005 pupils or 320 66 per pupil per apapm. On the other hand Bruesele and Wing. ham Public Sohoole, with an average attepdanpe of 45 High School pupils, enoh received from the Clonnby, not 31320,76 enoh, ae the County treasury would have bad to pay were the pupile attending the County Collegiate Institutes, but just 5100 each, or not one•tbirteenth of the grant paid to the Collegiate Institutes. Thetis ere the legal grante. The County y Connell cannot make these grants smaller; it may inerea08 them. There is a legal maxim wbioh say; that "The Law follows Equity." In the cane of these grants they are eo far apart that they could not Oven oommanio0te by wirelese telegraphy. Very truly, RA"i'llEn. ltrn0aele, Noe. 12th, 1902. A Coronerle jury at Port Hope returned a tonliot voveOely ceueuring Christian Salem treatment In the ogee of boy named Long, who died of diphtheria. 7 a,a xaxxsup, ,70h1Nexo8^Foltnitex,^At the residence of the bride's parents, on. Nov, 5, by Rev, Jr, Swann, of Biuevals, Mr, Silas Johnston to pits Rebeooa, daughtl'r of Mr. and JRro, Alex, Forrest, all of Morrie, MoARrog—FOLTON-1'11 Morrie, on Nov, 12, by Rcv,sl., blank.u, 70, a, Atr. Maury Baxter MoArter, of Bruee010, to Miea Minnie Fulton, of Morris, ,41,170'SI0T FR10Av, Nov, 14..—Farm otoolf, impfe• mente, &o. West half Lot 10, Con. 17, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'eloots. W. 3, McAllister, Prop, F. S, Scott, 4u0, Mannar, Nov, 17,—Farm stook, impfe. menlo, &o., E. Lot 14, Con. 13, Grey, Bole unreserved, Pt 1 o'olook. Tboe. Learmont, jr. prop.; F. S. Scott, ono. TUESDAY, Nov, 18. --Farm etook ; im• plemente, &o. South half Lot $0 Con, 8, Morrie, Sale, unreserved, at 12 o'olook, Mae. Ritchie, Prop. F. S. Boot{, Atm. WoON8ont'Y, Nov. 19.—Farm stock, implements, &e., at W7I Lot 38, Oon, 7, Eaet Wewsnosh. Sale, unreserved, as proprietor hae rented hie farm. Jas. B. Niobol, prop...! F. S. Scott, poo, TEa8BDA0, Nov.20.—Farm stook, fm Memento, &o. Lot 12, Con. 13, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook, Jno. Goatee, Props. F. S. Scott, Auo, FRIDAY Nov.21.—Farm etooit, impfe• merits, deo„ S. 5 Lot 16, Oon. 7, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olool,. H. Mo. Arter, prop. ; F. S. Scott, 0110. P088044, Nov, 25,—Form, farm stook, implements &o., Lot 27, Con 5, Grey. Sale, unreserved. at 1 p. m. D F. Kell. ner, Props. F. S. Scott, Ano. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26 —Farm stook and feed, Lot 25, Oon. 18, Grey. Bale, unre• served, at 1 o'clook, Wm. Bray, Front.. F. S. Soots, Aum. Fall Wheat 66 67 Burley ...... ......... 36 38 Peae 66 60 Oats 25 29 Butter, hil,s and refle 14 16 Eggs nor dozen 14 16 Flour per cwt, 4 00 0 5 00 40 Potatoes (per bus.) Apples (per bag) 40 50 Hay per ton . 6 00 6 00 Sheep eltins,°col 25 25 Lamb skins each... 25 30 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hides trimmed 6 65 Elides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 5 25 5 50 Wool 11 12 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. GENERAL eerva0t wanted at Once. Apply to MRS. LECKIE. Goon miloh cow for Bale. Apply to .1A8. NoARTER,Bruseele. Qorm for gale, year old, driver. D. RBIELB, Lot 00, 0011. 17, Grey. 17.8 Gummier, store for eels. For fnrtber parttieulara apply to J, H. THOMSON1, Hen - Two year old driving filly for sale. Broken to double harness. THOS. MOORE, Braeeele. 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner Wi111urn and Albert streets, Brussels. 40.tt J. LECKIE. HOUSE AND LOT FUR SALE in the Village of Ethel. A desirable property. 1'or particulars as to price, terms, &o, apply on the premises to MORRIS FOG AL, or Ethel P.O. 18.9m BREEDING EWES, EWE Lambe and Ram Lambe, Leicestere, for sale Eligible for registration. OLIVER TURNBULL, Lot 10, Con, 10, Grey. Wal. ton P. 0. 16 tt J. M. O'C0NNOR, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT for some of the beat and ea/eat Companies in Canada for Fire, Accident and Plate Glass. Office over I. 0. Richard's etore, Bruesele. 18.8m 2 HIGH. GRADE JERSEY Oowe for Bale to come in Oat.1, also a 2 -year-old baiter in, calf, and 3 yearling heifers. All Jersey grades, 8. HOGGARD, Grabom'e Survey. Brussels P. 0. SHORTHORNS AND OLYDES• nALEe.—For sale 2 young bulle 11 and 17 months old. The former took fat prizes at Brueeole and Belgrave Fall Faire and 9nd at Blyth, and the latter was also a prize winner at Brneeele. Also one yearling heifer. All are aired by Roan Duke, 85,788, wbioh has taken 1et prize for past three years in olasnee of home bred and imported stock. The dame of these young animals have repeatedly taken honors in the prize ring, Will also sell two Clydesdale fillies, with 4 or 6 crosses of imported stock, ree- peotively, aged 1 and 2years. Easy terms of payment, P, ROBERTSON. Lot B, Con. 9, Grey, 17.00 Brussels P. 0. Tenders for Supplies 1,903. no undersigned will receive tenders up to noon on MONDAY, 24TH I08T„ for sup• plies of butchers' meat, creamery butter, flour, oatmeal, potsoeo, cordwood, oto., eta., for the following institutions during the year 1mA0' viz ;— Atthe Asylums for the Inform) in Toronto, London, $ingetpo, Hamilton, Mimleo, Brookville, 0obou00 and Orlllia ; the Central Prison anti Mercer Reformatory, Toronto • the Reformatory for070,. Penetangul, ahem, • the Tnetitutioos for peat and Aumb, Belleville, and the BIlgll at Brantford. Exception—Tenders aro not. requiredfor Pip supply of meat to the Asylums In To - route, London, ]Hugoton, Hamilton and B roc l,ville, nor fqr the Central. Prfson•aud Moroer Reformatory, Toronto. 4 marked cheque fur $vo per dent. of the eotlmated amount 01 {110 ecodre0t, payable to the order of the honorable the Provin- cial Secretary, ]pest by 131rniehed by each tenderer as a guarantee or his bine fides. Two snd0oieot eureti,e will be required for the due .fu10]]ment of oath contract,' and should any tender bewithdrawn before w old rer contract is awarded,- or ouhl elle tenderer full to furnish rnish moboh securi ebty, the amount of th0depoeit will be forfeited. pe016oathoosapd 000pteof tender may be had on application to the Department of the Provincial $0oretary, Toronto, or to Giro Bursars of the respective innt(tutioue. The lowest or any tender not noopeearlly aaoopted. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the Department Will not be paid for it, J. B. STRATTON, Provincial Be0totary, Parham ens Bnildinge, Toronto, November 10, 1900, 18.2 Yr"' attrt Noy. 1 eon The Standard, 'Saulto Caasadta 048I845 (autboriwed by ,dot of Parltamentl ... • ,,, 42,000,007.00 CAPITAL (fullyµId up) ,•, 1,000,000.00 E8838V81 PUN» s; TOTAL TA As8E13,077,880000.000 t1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO 41809, 8, 88089, llonerel aranager. 1111.158 S F.: LS RE A NOR . Dutblette reoeived. Loans made to 700000. pPrttea on favota 0 forme, Drafts and 14000 orddrd issued, payable at any point, at 000400 ratan, poilee0000e promptly attended 00, A General Bau03ng Bttelaeea traneaotod, Every faellity afforded Oedemas living at a 111000800. Savings Bank Department Amounts of one dollar andupwarde N reoeived and lutenist at wettest c1urr300ent(011,0 rate1'Inllowedfrom0VembeO2300, date moatont le opened, and added to the prineipal Afay t't ar11101"s' isale Notes oaOolleeebedtionor received for safe keeping and , 18lnuk Note I(ooans r''ree On Appilcn41o11 Hoare 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1. F. H. GRAY, AGH1I', 00D CUTTERS WANTED. —Tho apathies of cutting 270 0000n0p of cation to dSAM0UELBUREN, 6th Libe let ue,Mor- Ole, Brussels P.0, FOR SALE. -5 SHEARLING Rama ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambe. Pure bred Leleeetore. Good ones at low prices. Alio Short Horn Bulls, Cove and /lettere at very moderate prices and °any terms. D. MILNE.70 BON, Ethel. AUCTION SALE OF FARM 880081, IMPLEMENTS, &o,-1100, F. B. Scott, Auctioneer, hoe received instruct - Nona from the undersigned to mall by nubile auction at East Half Lot 14, Con, 13, Grey, on MONDAY, NOV, 17th, 1002, et 1 o'clock, the following valuable property 0-1 aged mare, 1 mare euppoeedin foal, 1 year.old emit, 2 cows euppeeed in oa11,1 farrow cow, 1 heifer doing 2 yearn, 0 calves, 8 ewes, 8 brood sows, 1 truck wagon, 0 double carriage with pole and shafts,1 single bnggy,l Front do Wood binder in good repair, 1 Brantford mower 1 horse rake,] Beed d4ll,1 land rol- ler,' set bob-slelebe, 1 cutter, 1 2 -furrow plow, 1 plow,1 set of iron barrowe, 1 turnip sower, 1000 baeveeter,1 bay rake, 1ravel box, 1 auger kettle, 1 large cooler, 1 Daley barrel eburn,1 butter shell and ladle, 2 dacha of hay, about 200 bus. of mangolde, about 20 bene, cow chains, logging chains, crow bar, hoes, forks, shovels and sumer. thus other artiolee. gale without reserve as proprietor is leaving farm. TEnnte.-811 same of 80.00 and under reel ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing Approved Joint Notes. 4 per Gent, off for cash on credit amounts, F. B. 800TT, T80B, LEARMONT, Jn , Auctioneer. Proprietor, GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, imitable for remelt purposes, Apply to GEO. BERT,Bruseolo. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOOK 'AND IMPLEMENTS.— Mr , 8, 8.800tt, anatioueer, has received in-. etrgatlone from the upderoigned to Bell by nubile auction at Lot 27, Con, 5, Grey, en TUESDAY, NOV , 20, at1 o'clock, the follow- Ing valuable property :-1 horse rising 8 yrs„ 1 mare rising 7 yoare, 1 bores .rleing 11 years, 1 mare Dolt rising 2 years. 6 'hove nuppoeed in calf, 1 fat cow, 8.etoera rising 9 years. 1 heifer rising 8 Years, 1 steer Aping 2 -years, 3 heifore rising 2 years, 9 heifer oelves, 2 steer calves, o number of 'Mean, 10 etore hogs, a eenlber of bone, 2 Bete double 080eean, 1 net single harness nearly new, 1 top buggy near. ly new, 2 &pen buggies, -1 cutter nearly 0811, 2 lumber vagina, one nearly new; 1 set bob- sleighe, 1 Maxwell hinder, 1 Huumming Bird mower with pea barveeter, seed drill nearly new,1 spade harrow, 1 Dia- mond harrow, 2 Bingle plows, 1 two-lgrroW plow,' eaufller, 1 fanning mill, 1 grindstone, 1 hay fork, ropes and pulleys ; 1 turnip pal - Sger. 1 bay rack, a quantity of bay and mote; oythee,forke,raltee, (Maine and other or - Voles tae pumerouo to mention, Farm eon - sista of 100 aoree..80 acres cleared• all in grass ; good brick house, bank barn 68x00 ft„ orchard, &o.; place le well watered; 2}fmiles from Ethel village; faro] la well foneed and in good condition. Sale without reserve ae proprietor le giving un farming. Terme— All some of $10 and under Dark, over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on iurniehiug approved joint notes; 0 per emit. off for cash on credit amounts ; terms for farm made known at eulo or ou application to the undersigned. F. B. SCOTT, D. F. KELLNER, Auctioneer. ° . Propribter. CLEANING TIM E Men never see the use of house. cleaning. 31'e a habit. Women don't eel the nee of evoking, but that doesn't dater men from using tobacco, All of which 188 nothing to do with the fact that we are selling the besthoaoehold ammonia ever made for 15o. per pint bottle. It contains a larger per cent. of ammonia than moat of them and will Olean anything about the house. 160, per bottle with complete dlreotiona on each at FOX'S 0' DRUG STORE. - UTANTED. Ailgentleman or lady in 84001 0oun- ty to manage bnoinese for an Old eetablieb- ed house. of solid• financial standing. A straight,, bona fide weekly cash ealary of $18.00 paid by clerk each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters.. Money ndvaaend for exp ansae. .Manager, 810 Caxton Bldg., Chicago, NC: TICE t NOTICE is hereby given that a By•Law, known ae the Kreuter Drain By -Law, was palmed by the Township of Grey on the 1801 day of October, 1001, providing for the ieaue of Debentures to the amount of 8157780 for the purpose of drainage and that snob By. Law was regletered in the registry Mae of the County of Huron, on the 81st day of Co - rubor, 1052. Any motion t0 quash or set aside the lama or any part thereof must bo made within three months from the date of registration and cannot bo made thereat ter. Dated the 411 day of November, 1902, 17.8. JOHN Mc1NTOBH, Clerk. $MATVHET.T'SI The New Sore The Money -saving Spot Saturday, our Opening Day, we were crowd- ed to the Doors, We will have more People to wait upon You this week, GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER Men's Beady -to -wear Clothing, Suits, Over- coats, Odd Pants, Boys' Suits and Over- coats. 3 cases of these goods open- ing to -day to be sold at Man- ufacturers' Prices. 5 Cases of Shoes That we had not time to open for last Saturday go on Sale this week at Factory Prices. Remember the Complete Stock must be Cleared out in 00 Days Dress Goods, Linens, Sheetings, Towelings, Ladies' and Gentlemen1s Un derwear, s,ll too at- Manufacturers' Prices. s. REMEMBER THE PLACE H. A. MATCHETT'S .618 La',rYt VW l6 T 4 Et rz Garfield Block, Brussels.