HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-13, Page 5NQY,
�1r1r4N �'
1..YJ. °Pitt 1",. t7, 0001'x, 1SrIapole,
II, Iljo011404EN—
• Issuer of Martine 7400111e11,, 02.
t Giecery,7'urnberry atm* Brussels.
Issuer M i Licenses,
of Marriage � eA R,
ol=,vmsaz,m, Oe—'Z's
E, Estelle griffin
Pt-jupn tio1l1lf
bliss Eva 11, Rn 1
or Louden, o
Punle prepared for Con vut y creme.
visit lrisSels ovary
Leseoue given at the home of W. IL Sorr,
John atroot.
MONEY TO LOAN AT 4t, 41,e pier Cent,
Office over Hureloy'e Drug Store,
ljov, Ord, 1002. 20.1m Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
tiro Insurance Co.,
AsTAiiLleni:D 1810
Insprunoo taken on the cash and premium
note system at onrrsnt rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere 0011 on the undersigned A gent
o1 the Oom5005,
M. L. 0.
Aoadomio graduate of London Conserve -
tory of Music, also Member of tba Associated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of cpupils for instruction
the Prithe ncipal's Forza in the Conserare vatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
J. • AIM will soli for better prices, to
better men in Less time and less chargee
he won't !bargeanything. in an orders
can always be arranged at Gila (Mee or by
peritonea application,
u • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated ontmale in a compet-
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary DentistryCalle promptly at-
tended to. Office and' Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels.
V V • Barrister, Solicitor, tOonveyaaoor,
Notary Pnblio, &o. Ofloe—Stewart's Bleak
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Bolloitor for the Standard Bank,
Solicitor, &c. Office over Stand -
and Bank, Solicitor for Village of Bruseele.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
M. D., C. M.,
Trinity University, L'ellow Trinity Mediae'
Oollege,Memhor College of Physielane and
Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Pbyalolane and Licentiate of Mid-
wilary Edtnbargb. la -Telephone No.14,
Residence—Mill street, Bruseele.
Graduate of ;the Royal College of Dental
Burgoone of Ontario and Firat.alase Boner
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term in: the
rel/./ /
Begins Sept. 1, 1902
Students may enter at any time, Terms
reasonable, Two comma—Commercial and
Shorthand. Send for Journal.
C. Prc td nt,Secret Secretary,
A. NG, A. tE,.
British. Columbia
Bed Cedar Shingles
000 ---
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Bool1 of all Pat
terns of hand or made to order
Kt Short (Notice,
Estimate Furnished for all
-- kinds of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
ilz.t4g e-:-a-a oz t.-tomw
Attend the Uest 1i Payss
Recent eraduateshere aopoptea good
11 poettlone at 9640, 445, 400 .and 400 per
Month, and f a
w.daYo 0115 as applies,
1 was received elrerlu one of our
4d at0 of last term l4
5 u a Ps solar o
g a 1
'. Henn 'Nita the .Pre . m. si kind e east
i to
soba you are leasing fpr as to Me beat
55 fox tills manta it do athlouo fr0p, Ila•
ItW. J, ELLIOTT, Prlpglp al, V t
M Cstrxtt , sin ,
1V o ria
11 Lie re.
Smoot! Reeour.—The !Mowing is a
bet of the promotiope made in S. S. No,
9; Grey, at the examination held on Oot.
33, and 24. Junior Fourth tq Senior.
Fourth, number of marks required 460.—
Willie Mann 556 • Frank /denim!) W L'r k Ha neon 605.
Senior Third to Junior Fourth. Marks
required 392.—Maggie Mann 481 ; John
MuKay 428 ; Robert Moliay 401. - Junior
Third to Stnior Third. Marko required
392 ; Winnie MoNaugbt 439, Senior
Second to Junior Third. Marks required
305,—Alex. Merin 382 ;,Ella Bray 959 ;
Alfred Meehan 308- ; Oatherice Brown
807. Senior Part Il, to Junior Second.
Marks required 150.—Alex. Spetran 279.
Olive Brown 214, Junior Part II. • to
Senior Part II. Marka required 150.
Ethel Kelly 247. Junior Part Ito Senior
Part I.—Richard Cunningham, Bert.
Snelling, Fred. Hodge, Robert Lucus,
Bet. McNaught, Laura Speiran, Violet
McKay. Mtn A. 13. Mummy, Teacher.
Scaoon Rzrons.—Tho following is the
report of S, S, No. 4, Grey. The marks
being awarded for work done all through
the month. V. class. Number of marks
attainable 470.—F. Fraser 78. Sen. IV.
Number of marks attainable 1286.—L,
fllc&llieter 975 ; E Bryan! 818 S. Mao
Qsarrie 647 ; M. Johnston 643 ; J. Lynn
284 ; T. McDonald 111. Sen. III. Num
ba• of marks attainable 1087.—T. Frain
947 ; E. Smith 150. Jr. III Number of
marks attainable 1084.—T. Wilma 793 ;
J. MnoDoeald 796 ; E. McAllister 542 ;
H. McDonald 350; M. Lake .301 ; G.
Fraerr 106. Son. II. Number of marks
attainable• 1042;—M. Smith 625 • T.
Smith 423 ; M. Garr 379 ; N. MacDonald
155. Jr. II. Number of marks attain•
able 992.-0. Lake 619 ; J. MoAllieter
608 ; G. Capt 401 ; 'A. MolKelvey 384 ;
M. Hayden 175 ; 3. Hayden 91. Pt. tee,
sen. Number of marks attainable 532,—
E. King 298. Pt. sea. Jr. Number of
mann attainable 697,—L. Frain 691 ;
G. MaQuarrie 470 ; 0. McDonald 364 ;
G. King 261 ; M. MoDouald 72.
F. Wenn, Teacher,
The Gerrie Public Library concert will
be bald onFriday,Nov. 2tat.
Gen. and Will, Ardell returned home
from Manitoba bat lett again for Toronto
where they have named a situation in the
G. T. R. freight ')beds.
B. R as had his sow killed at the con-
ing on the 9111 eon. by the C. P. R. expreea,
Tbiu makes the second one that hoe been
killed at that place this Summer.
Robt. Copeland has secured a eitnation
on the etaff of the Canadian Order of
Foresters as recruiter and organizer. He
lett on Tuesday of last week for Belgrave
where he will work in the intereat of the
The death of Elizabeth Carson, beloved
wife of Wm. Carson, at the ripe old age
of 75 years, took plaoe at per residence
on Wednesday of last week, The fnoeral
on Friday at 2.30 p. m, to the Gerrie
The Farmers' Inatitute will hold a
meeting here on Nov. 28th.
J. H. Rogers has bouebt the shoe Mei.
nese of Ieaao Wade. The latter is going
book to hie farm.
` The new Foresters' Hall will be opened
on Thursday of thle week with appro-
priate ceremonies. 3. H. Cameron, of
Toronto, appears on the program.
J. A. Magnir, of Vienna, Ont., has
rented the store and dwelling which was
long occupied by Janie _Becker, and will
open np a boot and shoe business on or
about the 20th hat.
Mr. Young, who has been liok and oon•
fined to bed for about 18 menthe, passed
away on the 4th inst. and was buried at
the cemetery on the 9th 0011., on Friday
last, Rev. Mr. Dobson his pastor olfioiat•
Dr. Armstrong, of Brnoafleld, who lune
porobaeed Dr. Spence'e practice and
drug store, has assumed charge. We
wish him ` eueoees in oar midst. Dr.
Spence will,be mach missed se helm been
a useful and aatfce aitiz-n for the past
10i years.
A card has been received by the Rey.
A. B. Dobson from Provincial Treasurer
John C. Copp, of the Coterie Lord's Day
Alliance, acknowledging the receipt of the
00111 of $4 50, Ude amount being the
Fordwiob thanksgiving offering to the
(uncle of the Alliance.
(:mole ri e11.
The harvest thanksgiving offertory at
St. George's amounted to the good
figure tf 0178.
The employees at the Knitting factory
are working overtime, and orders are still
ooming in from the far Weet.
Wilbur Gault fell down the cellar at
MuKenzie and Howell's, reoeiving a pretty
severe scalp wound, that needed six
at itches.
The firm of Lee & Shepherd, dealers
in hardware, staves, turncoats, tinware
and p'umbing, oto„ has been dissolved by
matural oonseot, and the business has
beau taken over by Charles 0. Lee,
the eeuior member of the Iran.
The Goderioh Lnmher Oo, has con-
tracted to supply 210,000 teat at lumber
for the storehouse being built by the Lake
Huron and Manitoba Milling Co. Tha
Lumber Co, ie putting in a dynamo to
Doable them to ran ten hoore a day during
the Fall.
Pte, Austin Chisholm, last weak re
oeived hie coronation medalthroogh Lieut.
Ool. Varooe. The medal is of bronze
with the porirnit of the King and Qneen,
and on the reverao aide the royal mono,
gram onrmonnted with a orown, and
underueath the date Jane 26, 1902. •
n e of the I rs of the
A t Gin P nd sato
° R n
Wale of W Smith, insolvent. w
Mealy hod r tat > LiaJda able corm'
pondenue roletivo to ,the deposal of the
aad, bat ipu 15as takeA,
p negoestatewtiatiosren0(1,0440s
are st110ili Jane5)1095928,
1St 'ea*,
T. W. Seott le at present in Parry
Sound dletriot on %deer hentieg trip.
'1', 0, OdoFatroy lett w, Mond%y of the
IRO week for Woodetook, whore he hoe
peoured a 01114i0n fn a cooper shop,
MN, Hobert Selly, who spent the last
Ove month') visiting with her eon at
liege a Paso, BBritieh Columbia, has re.
tweed to Blyth.
Mrs, Wm, McElroy, who wae is highly
respected reeideut of Blyth for over a
quarter of a Pentnrye h e gone to MM.
worth; where she will make her home in
future with her son, John T. Barrick,
Oa Friday evening Oot, 30, death
again visited the home of Dire. John Bale
mod carried off her youngest egrvivieg
son, o, Cape. John Buie. Demandhad ad nt o
been in good health for several years and.
two months ago emote to Ilia mother's homy
here suffering with that incurable diseaoe,
locomotor ataxia. He gradually grew
worse and passed peacefully away at 10 30
0 °took on Fridayevening. Cap', John
Baia was born iDetroit, Michigan, 48
years ago. Ilia relative! on his mother's
eide were the MoKellure, pioneer ferment
and well known to the old settlers in
this part of Huron County. Hie lather,
the late Oapt, John Baia, was a lake
steamboat man.
1 lxator.
J. T. Manning nae disposed of hie
butcher bns;neee to Frank Wood.
D. Roza lane satiiciently recovered from
bis attack of typhoid as to be able to be
out around again.
Dr. Rollins has returned from St. Jo.
eeph's Ho.pital, London, tally recovered
from the operation be recently under.
Ohae. B. Snell, of the Exeter Eleotria
Light and Power Co., has purchased the
interests of the late R. 0, 0. Tremain
and is now 'tole proprietor,
The new Moleona Bank in 50uree of
erection ie fast nearing completion..
Carpenters, plumbers And decorators are
now engaged ou the interior work.
James Piokard woe taken suddenly ill
Tuesday evening of,laet week from heart
trouble, caused by over exertion and it
was thought for some time that the attack
would result seriously, but he is somewhat
heti or.
While 'cleaning grain with a fanning
mill in hie barn near Devon, Sid. Davie
met with a painful aootdent by getting
hie- right hand caught in the oog wteele
of ibe mill. The nail of the second fiuger
WAS torn completely off while the finger
was badly lacerated and his hand other
wise injured.
With about sixty pounds of steam on,
quite" a iarge hole was blown throegh the
boiler at the Exeter Salt Works, thus
atoning a abut down for a time. Luokily
no one was in the rugine room at the time
the thing oaourred, for if there -had been
the chances are they would have been
scalded to death.
V natter .
Rev. N. Borweeh took Rev. T. E.
Sawyer's work Sunday on Salem circuit.
T. J. Maguire, Real Estate agent, will
oaoapy the rooms in the new Vanetone
W. J. Greer was called to Toronto by
the illness of his brother Robert, with
typhoid fever.
The final teat in the bowling oompeti•
tion left Ohae. Kneohtel victorious and
he carried off- the trophy.
Waiter MaBibbon Phm 13., bee par•
phased the drug business of J. E. Davis.
He is now In poseesaion and will eontintte
the boeioene in the same stand.
Harold H , the horse formerly owned
by J. Senate, of Wingbam, was defeated
at Memphis, Tenn., bot Prince Alert,
who wan the race, was forced to do it
in 2 02j:.
Dr. T. Chisholm has the foundation
built for hie new effiae, on Patrick street,
between the drug store and the doctor's
residence. Tho briok work will be pro•
needed with at once.
F7 , O s r4
Thos. Moore, of Toronto !motion, neo
sold Isla residence on Celine ott'ept, used•
pied by Pr, Armour produce merchant,
to Mr. Harold, 4k, T• R. Attrut, for 1I1800,
Harry Aneley left to attend Obatham
}iuetpoop tlgllego, ilia brother George
Mot ppooeedett eo well at the same iupt1.
tutiou sone time ado, went with him to
take a farther°Puree,
Joseph Adams met with a serious soot.
dentonMoudar of lost
week while draw,aw,
tdrnipo n the farm ot Geo. Hendon
eon, near town, It appears that the front
end -board of the waggon puma out, and
the trunk part of the load rolled down,
frightening the horeee Le that they ran
away, Mr, Adams woe thrown out, the
waggon paaaing over hie body, Moulting
ono arm and oeveral ribe, The bones of
the arm era very badly fractured near)
the elbow, Au Mr. Adams is advanced
!n years, Me accident will lay him aside
from work for aome time.
/Liz ellen ovar.
Fowl Supper on the evening of Nov.
24th in Heekett'u church;
Wood has dropped in price to $2 00 per
cord in the Lncknow- market.
Mies Sara Btpgess of the Luoknow
Pub to ec awas, on Wednesday of last
weekrole iTed byher girl pupils with a
beautiful book arts iu honor of her
Haeltett'e church will be dedicated on
Nov. 23rd. Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Exeter,
will be the preacher for the morning and
evening services, and Rev. S. M. Whaley,
B. A„ of St. Helens, for the afternoon
DcA'rtt or Mae. Moanoon.—It is onr
painful duty to record the death of Mra.
Murdoch, the beloved wife of J. G. Mur-
doch, dry geode merchant of this village,
which took place at the family residence,
Rose street, at five o'clock on Wednesday
morning of last week. Mre. Murdoch
bad been in poor health for aome time
past, and two weeks ago aha want with
Mr. Murdoch to Toronto to consult the
leading epeoialleta in that city, who pro•
nounoed the trouble oenaer of the liver,
and that no possible hope of reoovery
could be given. After returing to her
home she sank very rapidly and her death,
although not unexpeoted was nevertheless
a severe shook to the family and friends.
Mrs. Murdoch, who was in her 4515 year,
wag the only ohild of Alex. and Mra. Mo•
Kenzie, for many years reeidente of the
township of Aeblleld, and twenty-one
years ago she was nutted in marriage to
Mr. Murdoch, She was et lifelong earnest
and devout Christian and was greatly be.
loved and esteemed by all who knew her
and in this arid hoar of severe Borrow, the
bereaved busbend and aged parents have
extended to them the sincere and heartfelt
sympathy of the whole community.
The funeral toots plane Friday afternoon
to the Green Hill cemetery.
L.i►ato Vv
Kidd Bros, are shipping a oar of sial.
lions to the Northwest.
Mrs. F. Anderson has returned home
from New Germany, where elm had been
attending the funeral of per father.
David Cameron is about again, after
being coufiued to the house for five or six
weeks with a broken kneecap. His knee
is still weak, and he has to nee crutches.
S. McKee, of Loudon, formerly of the
firm of Carson & McKee, was in the town
last week, in the interests of the Confect.
oration Life Ins. Go. with which he is at
present connected.
The Listowel Piano Go. is having an
unusually busy eeasou, and the factory ie
now running 12i hours every day. The
output of pianos is over three eaoh work.
day, the total shipments for October be-
ing eighty.
Listowel Town Oouncii has praotioaliy
decided to submit a bylaw, to be voted
on by the ratepayers at the municipal
elections in January, to take over the
waterworks and aleotric lighting of the
town. The waterworks contract will ex-
pire on the 1st June, next.
The contract for the erection of the
new Salvation Army barraoke on Main
street east has been let to Calder &$Horn,
and the work is to be commenced int -
mediately, The building will be brink,
with atone foundation, and will he a oom•
medicine atrttotore, with living apart•
We [have Reduced the
Prices of Ready-to-wear Hats
owing to the Season advanc-
ing and desiring to clear
them out.
Prices very Reasonable.
Call and see our stuck.
Satisfaction assaared-
Spoiled a Good Baking
you have many a time by using an
inferior grade of flour. Your bread will
always he light, white and sweet when
using the Venue. It is always of eap-
erior quality, witli no variation, and is
carefully made from the beet grown
Manitoba wheat, Try this aatietaatory
brand for your bread. oakee and plea,
and you will never use any other.
Pouliry ,Ua�Ied
10,002 Turkeys and Geene wanted
and 11,000 Molts and Young °kickener
fa i ht
r wh g the kighpet cash prion trill be
paid. For partioulars a9 to price and
date of delivery apply to
J. W. F O M• • L
'mate ae well as apaoiousauditorium, and
will Dost 5,2;000.
The Lietowel Standard says,—White
ant driving on Sunday afternoon, Mra.
Watson, wife of Mayor Wateon, had the
mieforinne to have har ankle sprained by
being thro from the
The et,i
hap oaourred at the approach to the
bridge au Davidson street, and was came
ed by the horea becoming frightened at
some tin on the side of the street, which
reflected a dazzling glare of sunlight.
Had Mayor Watson not been able to heap
the horse from dashing down the embank
went, a more serious aeoident might have
A. t W colli.
Dr, Kidd has sold the hones now ort.
oupied by J. J. Johnson to J. A. Ham-
Atwood is to have a Bank. Tho new
manager of the Listowel blanch of
the Bank of Hamilton, B, Foreayetb, wee
here teeing about it.
The Elma oheeee faotory bad to close
down owing to repairs having to be made
to the boiler. In will require new fines
to -put the boiler in goodp
George Aodereon has had a brick wall,
four feet high erected next to S. Wateon'e
store, to protest the foundation of that
store from damage by exposure to the
Wm. Loohbead, M. A., of the Guelph
Agrioaltaral College staff, was a visitor
under the parental roof. Hie many Elma
friends were glad to meet him. Mr. Looh•
bead has been made President of the
Entomological Society of London.
M. M. Hiles shipped a oarload of
potetoea to Ingersoll on Toeeday of last
week. He found great difficulty in filling
hie order. Potatoes are not the orop they
were other years, owing to the wet
weather saucing a great bulk of them to
A gang of men from Wright's brink
yard at Henfryn were at work last week
piling and sorting the brink of Mrs,
Roger'! building that wee destroyed by
the relent fire. A great many of the
brick are bat little damaged, although a
number of them are broken.
James Dickson, of Donegal, nearly loot
hie valuable driver. By some meana or
other, it got its hind foot over the tie rope
and oat a vein in the trout leg. It was in
danger of bleeding to death, but some
oaarby threaten rendered timely eyelet
&nee, and upon the arrival of a Vet. the
wr.und wan dressed.
Rev. ilfr. Stoat, of Kirkton, and Rev.
Mr. Armetroug, of Millbank, were ap•
pointed delegates by the Bishop of Huron
to visit the Atwood pariah on Tuesday of
last week, and see what could be done in
the way of re opening the church here,
The reverend gentlemen said that after a
earefal examination, they had deoided to
leave the matter in abeyance for the
To the Editor of Tun POST
Please allow me apaoe in your columna
to say a few words to my many frieuda
in Huron cm the Ontario Liquor Apt or
Prohibition as there are no doubt many
different opinions and aome very false
c000eptiota regarding it, Io !het first
plaoe many 'people say that on the 415
day of December we are caked to vote for
an Aot wbioh wi11 close np every bar•
room and stop the treating ayatem on
and after the 1st of May 1904. Such a
oo0ceptioIi of voting is wrong as we now
have a prohibitory Lot peseed in fall by
the Ontario Legislature and no matter
whomay oonstitate or lead the said
Legislature the aforesaid Act will eland
good and will be enacted if the people say
by their votes on the 4th of Deo, that
they want such a measure of law.
The Act aims at protecting the public
from the surest and moat frequent
seam of all evil by abolishing the bar-
room thee coating off the treating system,
at the same time still gtviug our hotel
keepers ample scope to make a legitimate
and respectable living, and without de.
priving the travelling public' of anything
that i0 necessary for their health, cons
fort and welfare. Now I hope that the
people of old Huron and the province of
Ontario will think well and vote wisely
on Deo. 4th. It may not be all that the
temperance people would like but it ie the
beat that the Ontario Legislature oon give
and in the meantime should be laid hold
of as a stepping etoueto something better.
Temperance sentiment is growing
stronger every day in Hespeler and sur•
rounding oouutry. We are holding pnblio
meetings every week in town and ear.
rounding eenutry. The town band has
been in attendance at oath of these meet-
ing and we have always had fall henna
even on wet nighte. I enclose you one of
our oanvsaeing leaflets, which we give to
.the sohool ohildrentin different sections
they take them home get their fathers
and others to sign and then return them
to the nether who in turn returns them
to onr committee.
You are quite at liberty to adopt our
method as we will not oonaider it au in.
fringement on our rights. We Hod it
lesoene the work o! canvassing besides
giving the boys and gide something to
think about and work for, and au a moult
of snob work there will he that sweet and
everlaating impreuaion made on the mind
of the young which will swell the tide of
temperance in days to come.
Wishing you every 0000056 in the work
and trusting that old Huron will do her
duty on Deoomber 41h.
Yours Trnly,
C. A, Mime,
Seo. Heapelor Temperance Assoc.
Hespaler, Nov, 51h, 1002.
Bridge Street Sunday Behoot, Belleville,
celebrated it 8015 anniversary.
i.:..r...c in'iio 's
NOW 701 BijjI�Q R BV(1P ES( 1
W � W t KI
We have never had such a good Fall trade 00 we
are having this year and we are mit the more pleap0d
because we are winning naw 'Heade who have not
been %ooustomed to such excellent anode for the money
we are Belling Ibis month, nor lune they had suck
stitiefeetion in buying as they experienoo here. But
hit o unusually brisk
while business so far lee been inn u ly , we
feel that still greater poaeibilitiea are before de, that
this store's usefulness can be greatly extended, that
mere people may profit by onr aoequelled buying and
Bellingfaeilitiee,' On Thursday Ino1niug we 00m•
manse by selling t
and CRAB.
Ladies' Undressed E 700, for 0 o. brownsen an
la all ed Ki regular prier IS 8for Ladies' White ntu
latest, worh 81,o ler fele,-Ladies' Rain
a d go In p.t latest styles,,a in colors des Sl envy, fawn
s a Butane
and ray, t •88 54,00 00 and 58,—Ladies Sleek g a
u sial at
000, 81, 51.00, an all the latest Hey Co, vary ps
000, 0, Sand, 81.—White
Honey Comb Quilts,' large
adzes, 51great volute 51.atWa its 0 and 82 i Quilts, large
sixes is new patterns,
Bo, o0, Buds2l0,—Newoa,Pante
in new patterns, Bo, for 0,—Wide Flannelettes, la
light end darkstripes, very special at S0,
We ore selling agents for the celebrated Red .Rose
Tea, which Is eooetdered the best Tea on the m,trlrot at,
the pride, Iu black or mixed at 200,200, 100 and 000,
We Boots , for all Ages
have shoes ' and all bites
of Feet,
Rubbcrs LargeorSmall
Many Styles in Fine or Coarse Shoes. A large assortment
to choose from which are of good quality and. cheap.
OUR stook of Standard Patterns will be aura to meat your requiremeute,
no matter what garment you intend to make—visit our Pattern
Department. The November Patterns have just been received, abowiog
slot -seam Costumes, Coats and Skirts in spacial prominence. We also
recommend the "Deeignet" at 10o a copy or $100 per year. It is most
practical in its advice about garments.
As well as supplying you with a pattern to your taste we can also
please you in all the new materials for Waists, Costumes,
Skirts and Coats.
The Newest Goods and the Lowest Prices.
�•.J.'"'�i-•l�`.J'"`�L+t„�•.J'--'v..��J""��'- '�y'—"'"�.^•t..i�'"'td. '�..J""',I.��
Downing Bros.
Shoes) for Fall
or mountain climbing are
what we're featuring just
now. They're seasonable,
serviceable, stylish. Our
lines of Footwear include
all the leading makes.
Have them in all shapes,
sizes and widths, to suit
every taste and purse.
And every pair warranted
as to make and material.
for the Slater Shoe.
Downing Bros.
•.a .;4 t•�. ,p. ,ate.z,ccr�
Swell Top Coats.
Just take a look at ours—you can't help but notice
how different they are from the kind most stores show,"
They have that smart, natty, "built for you alone" ap-
pearance. We claim our garments to be the perfection of
tailoring and we assume all risks. Nothing pleases us
more than to have a customer examine closely the fabric,
the lining and the workmanship. Such buyers appreciate
our Clothing.
Groat Variety in Top Coats this Season
Some short, some medium, blacks and mixtures. We have all the'
right styles. We sell a good Top Coat for $5.00, and run along the r
line up to $12.50 for silk lined, Top Coat elegance. Lots of splen.,,
did styles in between, at $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00. Come in and
take a look ,just to see what's what.
D. C. R 0 S S� Leading Clothier.