HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-6, Page 8TAXI it'It 66 ,stop. That Coughing Saral t IT Quickly Strop, yr Safely wowrrSurely wrO• 6' 't Pleasantly BY USING T UGH BLOOD BOOT CO BLOOD ROOT COUGH BLOOD BOOT COUGH BLOOD BOOT COUGH PRIOR 06 Cm ram Orr . Y9S RUGSTORE RSL WU CURE CURE CURE CURE BRUSSELS, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & B, 'Ermine leave Brne8ele Station, North and South, as follows; G0100 8ODTH GOING NORTH.. Mail............ 7:18 manI Mixed 10:00 a,m Miaed.........10:00 a.m I Mail ,1:17 p.m Expreoe 8:26p.m Expreee 8:17 p.m Total gtkas Jt.ein, A ahiel's among ye takirnotes, An' faith he'll prent it. A. 0.17. W. Friday evening of this week. Seneca Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. AvoTION sales are booming and good prices realized, especially for cattle. SEE the eamplee of sheet mesio in THE PosT window.. Only 10 dente a copy. WALTER SMITH has the front fenoe re- moved at hie premises on Albert street, thereby improving the appearance. A CEMENT tile culvert has been pot across the road in the Southerlyportion of the village, opposite Geo. Robb'a prop erty. THE walls of the interior of the post - cilia are receiving a new dress of ka'so- mine, improving the appearance consider- ably. THE evening train did not reach Brae. Bele Monday night until after midnight. There was an accident East of Guelph thedelay. that teamed Y Ax a meeting of farmers.who were in- terested in the Daly farm sale agree• meats, held at G. F. Blair's office Satur- day afternoon, it was decided to oontrst the claim made and get at the true inwardness of the business, GEORGE THOM500 has engaged the ser- vices of Ed. Nieholeou, who had been employed at Ingersoll, as baker to emceed W. A. Crich, who, has removed to Sea. forth. Mr. Nicholson learned the baking in Mr. Tbomeon'o shop and is a good hand. Tuitaa'e a soak in doing almost every- thing and Thos. Curry hae got on to it in picking and packing apples. For three days in succession this Fall he palled, eoeted and packed 11 barrels a day. Those who have tried the job will know that he didn't do much loafing. FOLLOWING are the ahipmente tram Brussels station this week :—Geo. Beet, ear of cattle, car of lambs and hogs; and car of bogs; Alf. Beaker, oar of hay and Maeaae. 11,1AMAIM received a ear of apples, 1400 buebele, from Chatham to be worked up In the 7lvaporatoo, A 920,000.00 Moak to [Wept from, Batter 164,, dried apples 60, Ono.I6,,1Isoe, Wiogham, P. S. SiQTr, imetioueer, conducts a Bale of taileh (tows at Haneo0'e Gotel, Wing• ham, en Saturday afternoon of title week, IT le said Barrister Sinclair hae put• ohaeod the commodious reeldenoe of Juo. D, Ronald, Turnberry street, Mr, Sin. Glair and family have been living there for some yearn.. Will, Dungan injured hie knee the other day by a twist while crooning the etreet, Ho wee elf duty for a while and had Geo. MoLauoblin running hie ton - eerie' parlor in his abesnce. Gnowmu of OnDPELLOwsnIP.—The report of the Grand Sire et the eeesion of the Independent Order of Oddlellows lately held at Dee Moines, W ie„ *owe the order throughout the world to bo prospering. Of the statistics given, the following are of the moot interest ;-127 Grand Lodges are eetabliehed of which 6 were in foreign countries, the total number of oubordinate. lodges is 12.792, and of eobordinate en- oampmente 2.780. The entire member. ship of the order reaohee 1,002,272. Dur. ing the year there were 90,303 ,nitiation0 in the enbordinate lodges, Preluding those initiated in other branches, the total reaohed 185,816 The amount of relief dlebaraed was $3,930,786 ; no increase of 'len 5.21 of November was not observed $230 093. Wneteen Star Lodes, Braeeele, by the Orange Order here this year. meets every Thursday evening in their g y f t bl Hall An interesting pro LICENSE INSPEOTOR MILLER hae been °°'°' OC a e • ram is being mapped out for the Fall and Winter meetings. $20.00 AND OoaTs.—Last Friday morn- ing an assault oase was heard before Magistrates Roes, Turnbull and Kerr in the Couuoil Chamber, Brussels. The eamp:ainaut Wita Peter 6. Ross, 14th con., Grey, wbo charged Jas. Oemminee, of the came con., with assaulting him at his own house on the night of Oot. 23, and also asking to have him bound over to keep the peace as he bad threatened bis life, Cummings did not appear, although the Oourt waited an hoar, and the ease was proceeded with, the evidence of Constable Soott, Peter S. Rose, Jno. Akins, Peter Henderson and Jno, Robert 'eon being taken. The magistrates non• sidered this sufficient to prove the charge, although several other witnesses were in Oourt, and a fine of $20 00 and costa was imposed, to be paid within 30 days, or 60 days in the Co. jail without hard labor. Cummings will also be asked to Bemire a bondomau in the 0703 of $100 guarautee- ing hie good behaviour for one year to• ward complainant. notified that all hotel bare have to be g 010eed on Dee. 4 the 98030 ER 0ny election day. TAX Coimscxoa HALL/DAY 16 oelling on the ratepayers leaving the notions of what the taxes will bo. The rate i9 the game as lest year. "Don I understand you to say that your auole'ettaok of rheumatism was cured by Christian Science 7 " "No 1 I said his attaok of Cbrietian Science was cured by rbeumatiem." Tun funeral of Mr. Moore, of Wing - ham, passed through Brussels on Tues- day en route to Beaforth for interment. Deoeased was a former resident of the latter town and was the father of Mies Sarah Louise Moore, music teacher. TEE Aylmer Sun says of a naw resi• dent of Bruseele :--"H. A. Matobett has decided to locate in Brussels, and is moving hie stook there. The people of that town will find Mr. Mashett an ener- getio, reliable basioees man, who deserves their patronage, and will hold it, o0oe he gets it. We wish him every enema." LICENSE OoorwIoSIONEae.—The License Board met at the Queen's Hotel, Brue sale, last Tuesday. All the members P resent g GeoFortune tone i0 the o hair. . Hotel Bosnian and statements Nos. 3 and 4 were signed, and several acoonnte pass- ed. Board then adjourned to meet at the oall of the Secretary, Inspector Miller. GEORGE L. WALKER has purobased the bones and lot, corner of Thomas and Alexander street, Brussels, from R. N. Barrett. The price WEB said to be $685. Mra. Barrett and nhildreu will remove to Winsham where .Mr. Barrett bought out barbering bueinese some Weeks ago. TEE Poex wishes both families enemas and happiness io their new quarters. NEW STOKE.—H. A. Matobett has moved a large stook of Dry Goode, Boots & Shoes, Ready to wear Clothing, Hate, Cap*, &s , into the Ge•field House and wil open up the doors for the admission of the public on Saturday of this week at 10 o'clook. Mr. Matoliett Saye he will give great bargians and as he is an expert at the bnsineee he ehould know, Inr00ov7MENTB.-300. Wright i-, patting a clement foundation under his house on Mill street and otherwise improving it.— Jno. Lott has bad the roof of his hoose reebingled and Mrs. Forbes and Mre. McDougall, of the same etreet, have been making improvements about their prem. ieee.—Jno. Cober will have the new residence he is fitting op on Queen etreet lathed and plastered ontuide. WANTED,—Live turkey° and dressed car of wheat ; A, C. Derma, 2 oars of poultry. Will pay Bevan Dente a pound, lambs and car of bogs ; Brunets Salt live weight, for any quantity of live Tui Works, 4 oars salt ; W, F. Stewart & keys. Parties having any to sell should Son, ear flour ; Peterson, well drilling see me of own, I will also pay the plant ; Mabler Bros„ oar of apples. -following prices for a limited goantity DR. MAY, Inepeotor of Public Libraries, of dreeeed poultry air delivery at any made hie official visit to Broeeele last time after Nov. 8 •—Tsrkeys, 8o ; geese, Monday and inspected our Library, &o. 5}o ; ducks, 7o ; Spring shiokena, 6o ; He eapreseed his pleasure attbeoondition fowl, 40. Heade must be off all but of affairs and stated that no better Turkeys and dry pioked. Library wag to be found in a place the Rom. THORSON, Brussels. size of Broeeele in his travels. This 0010• WEDNESDAY of this week Geo. Robb lneodation ehonld stir np those wbo never disposed of his 10 more park lot, North of patronize the library to take advantage Brussels, to Wm. Turnbull, 16th con., of the generous provisions offered. Grey, for the cam of $1375. The new TENNY90N,—Last Monday evening the proprietorwill take poeseseion about Young People's Society of•Meiville chards New Yeare, It is a nice piece of prop• held their semi monthly meeting, the arty and will emit Mr. Turnbull very President, Mise Kate Wilson, in the chair. well as he desired a few aores to work so Tennyson was on the program. Mies as to keep him in mind of the old days Mary Ross gave a ehortintereeting paper on the farm be sold recently to D. on "Obarautoristice of Tennyson's Cunningham. Mr. Robb has had the 10 poetry,' illustrated by brief selections by acres rented for the peat few years. the members, 0. F. Blair pointedly GONE To Sneroura.—W. A. Oriels, who sketched the life of the poet, and Rev. has been a resident of Braeeele for the J. Ross, B. A., spoke of "In Memoriam," past 6 years, removed title week to Sea• the poem to be Studied, giving suggestions forth where he is going into business on as to how it could be taken up and ma own account. He baa purchased F. developed. At the next meeting Mise L. Willis' restaurant and A. N. Oalbert'e Jean Ritchie will take the introduction bakery and will continue the two in the to the poem. first mentioned stand. Mr. Grid] is a Vo1INo on the Bylaw authorizing the first•olass baker and a genial, good fellow loaning of 55,000 to Lookridge Broe., for who will no doubt do well in his old town 10 years, without interest, will take place as he was a former Seatortbite. He was on Monday, Deo. lat. Only owners will the Noble Grand in Brussels A. 0. U. W. have the right to mark a ballot, Polling and will be missed. We are sorry to lose planes will bo at Gilpin's office, the Mr. and Mre. Crich and family from Oomnoil chamber and Geo. Birt'e, with A. town but with them every 0000000 in their Oousley, Geo. Rogers and W. F. Scott new position. They leave many warm as Deputy Returning odiosre. Poll will friends in town. be open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. In the PLArlo Grass BRGI[EN: Some 500000 or interoete of Brussels every property ow- portions wilfully pat two holes through ner should support the Bylaw. Mesas. the large plate glass window at Jas. Lookridge are bearing the entire espouse Fox's Drug Store last Friday night about of submitting the By-law and in this midnight. The atones that did the show their faith in the Pxo Deed enlarge. damageae were found neat morning on the meat and improvement in the woollen sidewalk. The neetaliie telephone sign factory. Tho Bylaw may be read in this that had been attaobed to a telephone i0011e of THE Pon, pole was idea battered down. A reword Gaut Hotin,—Last Sabbath Sire, H, of 526,00 hae been offered for the convict. Spence, sister to Jno. R. Grant, ofWinti• tion of the guilty puttee, but a private peg, and Simon Grant, Brussels, paid detective should also be employed so that Nature's debt, pealing away from her a final atop wooid'bo put on this meanest earthly home, Goderich, where She bad kind et rowdyism. A new plats will have resided for many • years, to the Better to be put in by the Co., who carries the Home. She had been in deolining health inenranoe. A few epeoial oonetablee on for some time. Three daughters and a Hallowe'en night and the continuance of 000 survive, Mr. Spence died some years the electric lib to past midnightht would ago, Mrs. Spenoe Wee a fine opirited, probably have averted the bad name good hearted woman, above the average given our village by those who are forget. is intelligence and greatly devoted to her fat of their own manhood and the rights family. The funeral took plate on Wed. and privileges of other citizens. We hope nesday afternoon, •i0tsrment being made the tranegree0oro will be brought to time at Goderioh cemetery. Rev. Mr. Ander. and inado to smart well for their folly. son, of whose church deceased was a It sotto of the other "smart alieks" who worthy member, conduoted the 5ervl0e at the home and cemetery. The bereaved children have the sympathy of many friends. FAIDA1t N05. 21, --Farm eteekt inlple. Mote, (2e,, S. a. Lot 16, Con, 7, Marne, Sale unreserved, at , o'olook, I•I, Axa. ,Atter, prop. ; I,, S, SOott, ono. Brussels Council. n f The regains monthly meeting o B rtie• eels Council was held in the Coanoil Chamber on Monday evening. All the members present, the Reeve in the chair, Following a00ounte were presented ;— R. Leatherdale, coffin and attend. ante funeral of Kate Warren..520 00 Mrs. Sinclair, Dare of Kate Warren r' her and and necessaries to 17 80 3 00 2 60 25 00 care 0 of baby W. Ellie, work on omlvert D. McLean, wood A. MoLaochlio, salary Twp. of Morris, street improv'te.. 50 R. Henderson, " ..- 3 07 W. Bird, gravel 50 Moved by John Donaldson, seconded by N. F. Gerry that above accounts be paid. Oarried. • A draft of the proposed agreement between the Lookridge Bros. and the the purpose of paymg•the amount duo Yor village of Bruesele, re loan o0 $5,000, was, principal and interest m respect of the said read. Moved by Samuel Wilton, second- ed by R. Henderson that agreement as read be adopted and that on the deposit of the neeeseary amount of costs by Lookridge Broe. the By Law be voted upon by the property owners. Carried, The date of voting will be Monday, Deo. let, and the following places and Deputy Returning Officers to be, No. 1, Gilpin's office — A. Coseley, Deputy• Returning Officer ; No. 2, Oonnoil Cham• bar—Geo. Rogers, Deputy ; No. 3, Geo. Birt's house—W. F. Scott, Deputy. On motion of N. F. Gerry and Jno. Donaldson the above was ordered. Thou. Farrow and W. H. Kerr appeared before the Coattail and asked for a grant of $125 for Public Library rises. The matter was deferred until January of next year owing to rate being etruok. James Poi addressed the Board relative to the damage done in the breaking of bis plate glass window, on Hallowe'en night. After eome dieoussion it was moved by R. Heodereon, seconded by N. F. Gerry that a reward of 525 00 be offered for the conviction of the guilty parties. Carried. Council adjourned until Wednesday evening to have Lookridge By -Law oompleted. BY-LAW N'O. 2 Villago of Brusso1s 1902. OF THE lu the County of Enron To authorize the Corporation of the said Vi1. logo toborrow the 001003 $6000,00 and to provide for the issue 0f debentures for Mat amount and to lend aueh amount as can .be obtained from the sale of the Bald debentures, to William Lookridge and John Looltrldge and such pereone as 1007 be associated with themfor a working capital to be need in the 'development of o woolen mill business in the said Village of Bruesele. Whereas the Bald William Lookridge and John Lookridge have made application to the Municipal Council of tbo said Village of nBl,r�usselss stating that they are prepared to Woolen Mill and property e a out as a ono sett mill r and with now and modern machinery o y active- ly a capacity, same o ide extent said its reawn• lend them provided the said Villagedwill lend them the num of Five Thousand Dollars in Debentures of the said Corporation, bear- ing interest0equa at four per cone. ano repayable al in den squat annual Instalments Corporation of principal the and interest, on s the said Corporation to pay the interestonsaid debentures. Wood whereas the establishmentienhance of the yahoo Woolen Mie by in the saidll Village tan of the property s the said local and will, a n it is considered increase tde it cbl trade he sal audit l comp1w desirable request born . Coupe t r sand with lonehereifor a loan on the terms and conditions hereinafter sot out. And whereas in order thereto it will be Municipality for the sums oY $5000.00 sea he ea inafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law), appplied to the purpof oses iaforeesaid and to no ether. p And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of said debt repayable in equal annual instalments of principal and interest during the period of ten years next after the issue of the amid debentures - And whereas the total amount required by "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is 5616.45. And whereas the amount of the whole rate- able propertyof the. Village of Brussels ac- cording to the last revised and equalized as- sessment roll thereof is 9808,885.00. And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of 'the said Municipality 19 $54,128.00 and no principal or interest is hr arrears. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Brussels enacts as follows: - 1. That the Municipal Councilof the said Village of Brussels ¢hall make a loan of 55000.00 in debentures of the said Corporation bearing four per cent. and repayable in tea equal annual instalments of principal and iib persons e Lockridge e and interest t0 the Bald W g e be n as m and such err o s9 John Lookridge a p 00100at said with them, and for the purpose Vil- lage Baud sum debentures of the said 00 aforesaid in ars the amount of $5000 each hal be issued ed on of not less then $10 ee eooh shall, 1 2,eoon the 15th day of December, dated on t each of sand debentures 'shall be hall the day of the issue a annual i and beshallayablesl ten equal ant the na- 1 s of in the al and interVillage f r the Stand- ard Bank the said V nt u e of hall bels. • 2. Each Re of said Treasurer Shall be id ned Vil- lage lila said V bythe Reev Reeve and T reaeurer thereto bythe e affixed td and shall Fav sage Clerk of said Municipality the Corporate seal thereof. 3. The said debentures shall bear interest ableyearhe ly at the e of f our said Bank on the er Fiffttee pay- able day,of December in each and every year• during the currency thereof, and shall have coupons attached to them for -the payment of such, which cupone shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer. 4. During the currency of the said deben- tures, there shall be raised annually by spec- ial rate on all the rateable property m the said Village oP Brussels the sum o1 5016.45 for take a groat deal on themselves on Hal• lowe'eu night got a good boese whipping and o night in the leok.op they would perbapd learn to mind their own business, MO>:e,xo - PoPE.—In Wroxeter, onOet.291h, to Mr. and Mrs, Ohne. Pope, a eon. SPENCE.—Io Gaderich, on Nov. 2, Eliza- beth Grant, relict of the late Henry Spence, and sister to J. R. Grant, Winnipeg, and Simon Grant, Brus• eels. HAYHURST. —At Watford, on Monday, November 3rd, Rev, Wm, Hayhurst, aged 71 years. AV'OTIOx7 B8Lf7- 4 Nov. D, 180 The $ a ,aaxa Bank of Ca naC CAPITAL 00000100d by Act of Parliamept) . ,,. ,.; $2000.000.00 CAPITAL (fully aid up) ,. 1,000,000.00 RESERVE FEND,•, 860,00000 T0T, 4L ASSETS , •,. ,.• 6.1••,• 53,077,804.50 HEAD OFFIPE, TORONTO GIIQ. Y. BE11►, Gonerul Manager L1 fA E T E LS . DePoUta reoetv0d, Lonna mads t0 x99000. ,Uib V ti7,'j is Al -F4 t1 1� V iL . 0tkbP panics 00 favorable torm5, Drafts promptly money bp. led4 General BankingPltaelssee transactotl,, , Every facility afforded Customers living at a d)Btauee. Savings Bank Department Amounts of ,one dollar ollar 0 d upward5s ancient rate allowed from date aeou4b openedeandedadadedd to4tehreprtatoi215210e0y 3105 andNovember30t1r, Farmers' Sale Notes 0 abed00RY0e01Y6d for safe keeping and Blank Note Yonne Free on Application Flours 10 to 8, Saturdays 10 to 1, F. II, GHAT, AGENT. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BREEDING EWES, EWE Lambe and Ram Lambs, Leicestere, for Hale Eligible for regletretion. OLIV2R '17I5N731701, Lot 110, Con. 16, Grey, Wal. ton P. O. 16.10 WOOD CUTTERS WANTED: —The contracts of cutting 200 cords of stovewood in the bush will be let on appli- cationto SAMUEL BERB:E,010 Line,Mor- rls. Bru0aele 9 HIGH GRADE JERSEY cows for 0010 to some in Oot,1, 0150 a2-year.old heifer in oast, and 0 yearling heifers. All Jersey grades. S. HOGOARD Grabam's Survey. Brussel, Brunets P. O, 1'O�RmSALE.-year-old d Ram Lambe. Pure bred Latooaters. Good ones at low prices. Also Short Horn Bulls, Cows and Heifers at very moderate prices and easy terms, D. MILNEO & SON, Ethel. • 1'ARM FOR SALE, BEING West i. Lot 10, Oon. 17, G ray, contain. ing 60 acres. 47 mime cleared, bola nee bush, There is a good frame. honae, with stone cellar ; gond barn 45082 feet, with atone stabling, orebe rd, well, &o. Farm well fen.. cod and well drained, Only 5 mile' from school and sl. to Church and pout office. The farm is in good shape and now seeded to grass. Possession given On Jan. 1st For price, terms, &o., apply on tbepromisee, or if by letter to Walton P 0. W, J. MOALLISTER, 17-55 Proprietor. 5. The said debentures or the proceeds thereof aro only to be handed over to the said William Lockridge and John Lockridge and those associated. with them on the pur- chase and equipmentof the said Howe Wool- en Mill with new and modern machinery- as a one -set mill and a first mortgage thereon in favor of the Corporation for $0000.00 with- out interest, with the principal thereof re- payable in equal annual instalments of Five Hundred Dollars in each year of the ten years succeeding Dollars, passing of this By-law, executed in favor of the said Corporation • the insurance of the said buildings, plant and machinery for such sum as can be ob- tained thereon in the usual course of insur- ance in Companies approved of by the 'Cor- porai:ion by resolution of the Council thereof, with lose (if any) made payable to the said Corporation and said policies handed over; and the execution of the personal bond of the borrowers with one or more good sureties approved of by resolution of the Council of the Corporation and made in its favor guar- anteeingthe repayment of the first five pay- ments oFive Hundred Dollars each on the said mortgage. 0. This By-law shall take effect on the Fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1002. 7. The votes of the electors entitled to vote on said By-law shall bo taken thereon at the following time and places, that is to say:— On Monday, the First day of December, A. D. 1902, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon of the seine day. In polling division No. one, in J. J. Gilpm's implement shop A. Oousley, Deputy Returning Officer' in oiling division No. two, at the Town Hall, George Rogers, Deputy Returning Officer; in polling division No. three in the dwelling houee of George Birt, Walter F. Scott, Deputy Returning Officer. 8. On Monday, the 24th day of November A. D. 1802, the Reeve of the said Village shall attend at the Council Chamber at ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the summing up of the votes bythe Clerk, on behalf of the parsons interested in promoting or opposing the passing of the said By-law respectively. 9. The Clerk of the Counell of the said Chaof mber, in the shall wn attend 05 the Coun- cil t' in the forenoon, on Tuesday, the Second day of December' A. D. 1002, to num up the num- ber of votes for and against the said By-law. Read the First time in open Council and passed the 6511 day of November, A.D., 1902. Read in open Coundil the second time and passed the btu clay of November, A. D.,1002. Read in open Council and finally passed the day of A. D., 1902. SATURDAY, Nov. 8.—Oer load Milob oowe, at L, Hanson's hotel, Wingham. Sale at 2 o'clock. W. H. Obambero, Prop. F. B. Soots, Auo. MONDAY, Nov. 10. Form stook, &0. Lots 64 & 66, Con. 1, Turnberry. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock, Peter Scott, Prop. F, S. Boost, Amo. Tn000n x, Nov. 13,—.Farm stook ; im• P laments &o.5, Lot Con,12,Grey, Sale, nnreeerved, at 1 0 cloak. Jno. MO• Fadden, Prop. F. S. Boost, Auo. FRIDAY, Nov. 14,—Farm stock, imple. meats, &o. West half Lot 10, Con. 17, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 7, o'olook. W. 3, McAllister, Prop, F. S. eooh, Ana. ?domes, Nov. 17.—Farm steak, imple. moots, &o., E. } Lot 14, Con. 18, Grey. Sale anreoerved, at 1 o'olook. Thee, Learmont, yr. prop. ; F. S. Scott, 000. TUESDAY, Nov. 18.—Farm etoek ; im• P lementa &c. Bout half Lot 30 Con. 8, Grey. Bale, unreserved, at 12 o'clock. Chats. Ritchie, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auo. WimnesoAY, Nov. 19.—Farm stook, Implements, &o., at W} Lot 88, Con. 7, East Wawanosb, Sale, unreserved, as proprietor has rented hie farm. Jas. B. Nichol, prop. ; F. S, Scott, ane. Tn10001r, Nov, 20,—Farm stook, im• plemonts, &o. Lot 12, Con, 13, Grey. Bale, nnraeerved, at 1 o'olook. Jno. (loathe, Props. F. S. Scott, Auo. REEVE OLEnn TAKE NOT/OE That the above le atrue coPyof a proposedo sed By-law, which h¢ been token inoooneider• ¢ton and which will he finally panned bythe Council even n the the Municipality (ffi the obtained d f the eto) at of the eiectfrobeing first puha. cats otol after one month from the flint pubo• cation in Twit uBno'BS n POST, the duty of which first A. D., publication Was the ebb day of h electors A. D., 1002 and that. the vote Of ak a thereof on he d y and will be taken 6000 lbs o, the day and at the hours and places therein fixed.. SCOTT, Comm. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. GENEstL servant' wanted at once, Apply to MRS, L1001(LE, OooT for sale, year old, driver.. D. SEIDLS, Lot 20, eon.17, Grey. 17.8 GlettonAL store for sale. For further partloolare apply to 3, 1i, THOMSON, Hon - rum. 18.10 Two year old driving filly for sale. L Broken to double harness. THOS, MOORE, Brussels, 18 J. LECKIE 1.12E. ARD FIRS INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 4), 41 & 0 Per Cent, Office 0000 Hursley'e Drug, Store, Nov. Srd, 1002. 80-3m Brueeets,. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a By -Law, known as the Kreuter Drain By -Law, was rimed by the Township of Grey ou the 18th day of October, 1902, providing for the issue of De00nturea to the amount of $677,89 for. the portiere) of drainage and that Such By - Law was registered in the registry office of the County 0f Huron, 0n the Olet day of 00 tabor,. 1007. Any motion ,to quash or eat. aside the same or any part thereof must be Made within three months' from the date of registration and cannot be made thereat ter. Dated the 45h day of November, 1002, 17.8 JOHN McINTOSH, Clerk. IIORTHORNS ANDyyCLYDES' S months cold 'rale former took lot and 17 moat and 2 at Brussels and Bel grave Fall booFairs and 2nd at. Blyth, and the 4200 0 was also a heifer. . All at sired by , Also cuee, Sing Which• Ailare ns by Roan Duke, three Which in eluahaa ees of horprize e b ed nr and imported stook. The dams of these. y0ung animate have repeatedly taken honors in the prize ring. Will also sell two Olydeedale fillies, with 4 or 6 crosses of imported stook, res. of paym001. 1 avid ROBERTSOars. E N terms Lot 0, Oou. 9, Grey, 17.tf Brawls P. 0. CLEANING TIME Men never see the rise of house* cleaning. We a habit, Women don't see the use of smoking, but that doesn't deter men from tieing tobaeoo, All of whish has nothing to do with the faob that we are selling the beet household ammonia ever made for 15o. per pint bottle, Ib ooptaine a larger per cent. of ammonia than most of them and will clean anything about the bones, 15o. per bottle with ogmplate direotione on each at F0 X'S DRUG STORE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, opposite the Oober Oarriege Factory Smola. In addition to a comfortable Immo, with cellar, bard and Bort w6000.40.. there is also a good stable. I acre of Mod. • For further particulars apply ly on ;the prem- ises to MRS, JIM. CURRIE, Brnseele.. 11 . IFEMALE TEA.OHER WANT. • i ED for the Junior Department of Oram-. brook Public • School, duties Ito commeneo '., after Now Years. Applications, with refer-, eneea, will be received up to Nov. 8th, at -I1 p, m, Applicants to state salary. 14.4 - W. OAMERON; Seo:Treas., Oranbrook, FOR SALE.—PARK LOTS 18, 39, 20 & 21, in Graham's Survey, k mile South of the Village of Bruesele, con- taining 12 sores more or lase. Thereon is a em all, comfortable dwelling bowie, horse stable, cow stable and driving house, all frame. All kinds of fruit and a good well and pump. will be sold cheap if sold aeon, Apply to EDWARD GARVIN, North end of the Terrace, Brussels, or at THE POST. 2 90Days' 7.( leering Sale $25000 ^aTOCK 0 F I DRESS GOODS, LINENS, SHEETING -S1 FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES, TICKING, - COTTONADES, TOWELIN'GS READY-TO-WEAR Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, HATS AND CAPS. MUST BE SOLD IN 90 DAYS Open Saturday, Nov. 8 AT 10 O'CLOCK Erery(biu� 100H1 lI1111111clurer' Prices SIGN 'OF THE RED FLAG W. A. MATCHETT, Garfield Block, Brussels. 741111001001"--