The Brussels Post, 1902-11-6, Page 6BANE OF APRENDIOITIS
warrz nova,
Who •Saye the Kedern System of
Killing Is Entirely to
Changes lu milling meicessen are
reelionelble for appendicitis, Iteeerti,
lag to a. physician Who has been in
the peactice at Medicine for fifty
years end who has observed the
epread of the disease. Tide physi-
cian, Dr, IL C. llowerd o (Theme
palate, 113.assorts that until the trade
demand foe exceedingly white flour
changed the methods of grinding
wheat there was no annelidieitise
To prove this assertion thaphyel-
ohm Points to the tact thet where
COilrau breads are used the clieease is
, imithown, hot thet as Soon as the
line breadstulTs are introduced ap-
peedicitis comes along as aesequence.
, By this reasening it le ehown that
the peopleof agricultural commend-
, ties who seemed their 110111from the
small mills not have the diseaee
until the small mills were crowded
• out by the larger olieS aria the
witite flour supplanted the etnirse.
Then the negroes of tbe south so
long no tbey etc corn bread were
/roe from the disease, but when the
new process flour beam' to be used
the disease crane among them. Tho
scone results attended the departure ter this 3 limed the pills in several
of the cl•'''man• t()Ibo from their °theecases • and no ether medicine
coarse bread to the refined name (has bee» so beneficial to me. I feel
3).18111ASII 11430) 131Er()11111 1876, it iny duty to publicly give testi-
mouy to the merits of this wonder-
ful medicine so • others sinniarly
afflicted may be led to try It.
If you are weak or ailing; if your
.441 Interesting Story Pee= an
Icelandic Settlement,
1Peoin the Logberg, Winnipeg, Kan.
Lem readers o/ Logberg nave long
been familiar with the virtues of
Dr, Wialante. Pink Pills through the,
weli authenticated cures publishee
in thetee eoltinius each week. Many
of olle readere are also able to vouch
/or cures wheel have come under
their °Wu ebserviction.. Thie eveele
"Logberg" bee received 0, letter
from ono of ite Trailers, ?Ir. le. Wal -
torsion, a. prosperous Attune helm;
at 13ru. io which he gives his Olen
experience in the bope that it may
benefit some otner suderer. 331r, Wel.,
terSOn Soya: 8011.10 years ego 1
sees eurfering so greatly from rhetee
males= in my lieubs that 1 WAS for
te long them tulaine to do any work,
I tried in inauy ways to obtain a
yore, both by Petent medicines and
medicene prescribecl by doetors, but
without obtainiug any helmet.
saw Dr, Williams' Pipb Vtlts dver-
tised in the Loglierte as being cc cure
for this trouble and determined to
give it a trial. 3 bought a dozen
boxen and before half of them were
used I felt ct great clistnge for the
better. Tbis improvement continued
from day to clay, and before 1 had
used all the pills I was completely
cen•etl. Since that time I have nev-
er had an attack of this trouble, Al -
1 cam remember that prior to
about 1875," Said . Dr. iloward,
"that there Ulla little or none of the
ailment amoug the people. in !le
years of practice among the Pe°Plnerves are tit•ed and jetted, 0*' your
Inhere that tinie I dn
o ot thinI
k 1 blood is out of conditlop, you 1011
. saw more than 10 of appestat- l be wieo to use Dr. Williams' Pink
cals. Now they are common.. I pets, which are -an unfeiling cure for
'Largo and extended ella»ges 113'011 blood and Norte troubles. Hut
thie. For example, about the date full twine, "Dr. Williams' l'ink Pills
the diet of people has contributed to iie sure you get Ole gennine, with the
Mentioned there began to be a gen'. ' for rale 'top]," on tho wrapper
by all s
cEgrialling grain to the meseut ule- Wane dealers ot• sent post paid at
l‘ '11ange from the old method of around every box. Sold. ee-
thed of roller mills tend excessively
50 cents a box or six boxes for
fine hotting cloths. Thin Plan ot 832.50 by writieg duvet to Ulla Dr.
milling began first in tbe large cities, iWilliams' Brockville.
and appendieitis bateau to increase .0a,
there, Later the new procese crowd-
try; and thell mpeoinsple cellist not get HESS/All FLY IN IVIANITOBA;
ed out the in the eoun-
flour made by the old procesees.
They 111 products of the large Never Need Become a Serious
sniffing establabinents, and then the
farmers began to have appendicitis.
"Still the negroes of the south did
not have it, but hi time they began
to get away from their plain corn
,bread, and they, too, began co have
Appendicitis. $o it goes. They dill
not have. appendicitis in tlernsany
moil they beeeM to eat fine flour
and put in the new process of mill-
ing after our fashion. Now they
have appendicitis in Germany jus5
as wa do.
"Fexperieuceit millers will telt you
that the eine flour Is a less desirable
flour than that made by the old Iwo -
cess, but the trade flenumes It. chief-
ly on ;Iceman; of its whiteness. (In
account of its iticligestihility the die-
errangement of the digestive organs
or the In...0We eating It has gveatly
increased. The prime cause of ap-
pendicitis is found in this eistu•range-
vent. •
'Quite small chiletren have it. I
know one boy, who has hatl thirteen
well defined attacks of the disease
eml came out of all of them with-
out surgeeal operatioes. Ife teeing -
ed his food to corn bresid owl mush,
with coarse breads us geuerul, sege-
tehles, little meat, and soine fruit,
01111 110 11115 (1(011)3 011 110511 and has
net had a sympi om of the diseuro
for three years-
'"Plie lack of phosphates in the '
food is visible in the people, 111111
physicians have greatly increased
the use of 3310(liCil1C1( containing phos-
phates. 11 is a iieceesity. Children'
are brought. to 100 eufecring from
eonditions reeultipg from a leek of
material in their systems to, fonts
their teeth. Ten days of ill:01300,W,
giving phosphates, will bring relief,
cunt the teeth will begin to grow.
They are sufferiug became the in-
genuity or men tend the foolish tie-
inarels of teacte have eesulted lit ink.
ing from their food the material
which natare lint into it roe their
I'les new process which is beld
counteble for disease takes from the
grain the phosphates chiefly existing
1/1 the germ of the whent and pita s
muter the bran, and leaves only the
stare/3 and gluten. TIIE MODERN MOTHER.
Hessian fly has again been doing
much damage in stone parts of
Manitoba, notably al'0110(1 Wawa, -
11050. and Boundthwaite llraedon
County, also at Treeshank and
St ockiem, in Macdonald County.
While 10 Ontario the Hessian Ily is
double la•coded, and late sowing is
the chief remedy, and one which,
basing been widely adopted last
yeer, 15 11055 hearths good fruit in
that Province ;311 Manitoba. the
peet • is single -brooded, owing to
there being no fan uheat grown
lee ,lenres Fletcher, the Dominion
Entomologist and :Botanist, eon -
toles that as the Hessian fly Is 'un-
doubtedly restricted in. Manitoba to
the summer etraw-at tackis g brood,
the remedy is simple, anti. if per -
shoed ill, this res1, never teed be-
come a serions menace to western
wheal growers. The 11150015 rilS5111g
the '(511,5,1' for tee most pert in the
etelsble and not appearitig, until the
following spring, when there are
growing- wheat plants for the re-
inales to 1,3.' their eggs upon, if the
stubble be burnt over or P1oughed
down in ttationn and the straw fed
to Istoek or burned at any time be-
fore the flies emerge in the spring,
this dire enemy of the wheat grower
ehottld be easily coutrolleti. Many
of the "Ilex -semis" of the summer
brood are carried with the straw,
and at threshing aril dislodged, and
thrown down beneath the machine,
nutmeg the rubbish, or nit left in
the straw. All sereenitigs er dust
ehould, thereft» ce be carefully cle-
ett•oyed, mid all straw should be
either used during the whiter or
hurried before spring.
Department of Agrieultere, Ot-
Little Jamie was observed poring
over a book beltmging to his 1110(11 -
(in 00 the Management of children.
-What ar yo11 doing eith a book
like that, sItunie 1" «seed has 18010-
' '1 • .
brought tm, Ina," replied the pets-
. .301)111.
Under the pew regmletions. for ad-
mission, Itindsor Castle Will take the
premier position among the rennin-
eentiell sheW 1.1115ee5 of England. Its
visitors munber annually about 1.00,-
000, so that the fees will swell the
eintritabte V11'0111155 ()I 11/1141500 by
*15,000 or $20,000 a 7)14111% The eti
cent toll to the subterritnean 30011-
(1011; of Welbeck Abbey ;yields a ready
income of 811,500, which tile Duke
of Portland distributes among the
Notes hespitcds. Duhe of Devon-
ehire foregoes; 8,1 7,500 a. s 1111 I' 11V
IttlinitLing the 70,000 vleitore to
Chatsworth gra tis, Ti tit ern 151311(17)
returns algent. $1,000 und Roglan
Castle /42.500 n, itt visitors'
fees. As an investment, Shake-
epeore's Onttage le 11) be prefert•ml
to $15.000 (its; purchase mon(y) in
Consols, for the visitors number :30,-
000 and the charge is 315 cents. Deaf
((wee pilgrisns go on to Anne 131(11)-
)5W(17) '>( house at Shottery, where the
fee is also lefi rents'. Pour cente
admits to 131f4u831 cottage at Apr,
and the visilors total 315,000 a
kind It was csf that
gentlenum to lend me hie umbrella
durieg the Kluwer." Iessi el le -"It.
was, indeed. Ile is one of Nature's
gentlemen," Adele -''Yes, quite a
ejenettes, len afraid you are a
emir little wife. You gaze into your
mirror 310 rsuch." "You ought not
to blame rne for teat. I lia.Von't
130 1(1' :viva ntago." "Who les the e7"
"Yon ems see Mg Mee without look -
Ing into 11 tetterole`e
BrwAILuc ZINT wxxr 14p.ovziwg
• Q31' QITEXIgee
Results of EXeraination. by De-
paetment ef AgricUltuere et.
•Tnroughoue the Proviuce of Que-
bec greeter interest ie being teken
yeaely in the growth el red clover
and alsike, With the remelt that the
eereage under theeo crepe is rapidly
increasing. 1110 thereaeed demand
for F,Q0l1 end the goed price& offered
bave encooraged the growieg of
those eeede on fame which are eoie
luted with noedoue weede, with the
result that nitwit loW grade seed is
offered for sale, Anether cauee for
this, condition has been the Mcreas-
big demaed for large quentities of
the beet reeleaned seed e heat Uwe-
Pean conntriee . where a tnorongh
sayrostefolof seed coetrol bas become
established, and only the better
grades of seed can find 41, Market
Tim screeningfront exported seeds
ed 011 Catiedian markets,
111 nearly all the leuropean coun-
tries to which Canadian grown Seed
is exported the guarantee system
has been adopted, and all seed is
eatalogued end mold under te definite
guarantee as to purity mid vitality.
111 the 'United tetntes much atten-
tio31 has been given to the seed
trade. In .the State of Maine the
emarcuitee eystein is enforced. 311
Gernittuy alone thirty-nine seed 0011
1101 etations have been estebliehed.
A 'very complete mai laboratory is
maintalued in connection. With the
United States Depaetment of .Agri-
culture tit Washington, and branch
semi testing stations hive° been t
tablished 111 cOnneetion With MOSt
of their State experiment stations.
le hate er i 0 the outcome in Can-
ada, it is essentiol to a ProPer un-
derstanding • of the cpastiop and to
intelligesitt action that WO have ac-'
curate enowledge of the sittelity of
In orebr to obtain this informa.-
time the Department of .Agriculture
at Ottawa secured the equipment f9r
a modern sssed laboratory and eent
to indie ideal homers throughout
the Donsinien a request to forward
samples of grass end clover seeds
that, were offered for sale in their
localities in the spring of 1002. The
responre wits vete, gratifying, and
during the early spying of the pre-
sent ysar there were receive11 over
five hundred samples of these seeds.
Witigrach sample information WaS
sent with regard to the place at
wheel it WaS S01(1, 1)10 price per
poised ot• per bushel at which it was
offered for sale, and the origin of
the seed.
The semplem reached the Seed La-
boratery at Ottawa. under a variety
of names which were, apparently,
intended to, designate the grade or
quality of the seed -but which really
served to coisfuse purchasers. Stich
11E1113eS as Lion, Otter, itinnet, Perch,
Carp, Trout, Dime Tree, can scarce-
ly he considered as expressive of
quality wives apphed to seed of
timothy. aleike, or red clover. Terms
eeth as 'grade No. I, gratie Io. .2;
etc., if, properly I.:bed by a reliable
firm, would convey much more real
thiormation to an intending buyer.
in the Seed Laboratory the seed
is subjcx ted 10 two examinatioes,
000 Mr purity and one for vitality.
In miseing these 011001185 1(81331 the
Ivies adopted by the etesocsation of
Agrieult well Colleges end Experi-
ment Stalierse for seed analysis are
followed in detnil, When a 13 11rity
cseauenution is to be made the
sample is nrst well mixed, the re-
quired relent ity draw11 alai apnead
mum a sheet of paper whore it is
examired muter a magnifying glass,
and oll foreign matter removed. 'The
inert mutter such as sancl, broken
stems, chafe etc., tind all 1000131 not
of the 1,1011 11111101' examination are
.1,0110101 1111C1 • separittely weighed.
Tim percentage by weight of cach
kind of tmpursty is tbus determined.
Tee woed seeds av13 then identified
and the number of 1311.131 OpeCieS
10011E1 in the weighed is re-
corded. 'elle mimbet. of weed seeds
eer pound of 55e11 is then calculated.
ln makieg a gernunattng test the
seed is drawn from pure seed that
has been thoroughly mixed for the
purpm0. leer each test two hundred
seers 11) 11 cl. These are placed be-
tween the folds of blotting paper
end 1(10 ('('11 in a Stanearti Peed Oese
suinator--an apparatus specially de-
signed for thts 330111,, and sech that
tho 511110ly of heat, uir, end mois-
ture is each under the omitted of the
0(1I1( (111. After twenty-four houra
• the numbei• of seeds In each sample
that have germinated is determined
Ras Ways of Caring f or Baby
end reeoreed. Title is
that OUr GrandmotherS Never day while the test; lastreporteds, which each
"{new. is, for clot er ten days, and for
timothy fourteen days. 1•3nell testi; is
Melly 1(11110,4 steered truditions of
the litirsery have been east 11141110 by conducted in duplicete under 0111111 -
the up-te einte mother. Even the eet roliditione, mid when the depli-
etttes silly More than six per vent,
(owe isseesilitel 0111(11C 15 11010 50111010
10111111 1'.1 the 110080 bleseed by bally'e they ore discord/id and
presea 'Ph° Modern baby is not A FRESH TEST MAIlle.
fed ery time he cries, but when Froln the Provill, 0 or Quebec there
liju 01115k 11011010000 1.1111 proper timewere re'rited 1 (11.1 samples of seed,
The (lecke(1 approves of this and comisting et led clover 08, alsike
baby is better for it, but despite 41, und timothy i30. These were
regular holies for feeding, nearly all pure:m.0d at thirty-three differen1
the disorders of infants etre 10 1114001 points, and their analysis should,
11;‘r 1111) dorangements of the M0111001
anti Isowels. el 0111'l''14 germ test
moistens 11; a ((1(315)103115 101: 111050 I11:4
1.1101 will he gentle but effective, and Prom the restelts of the investiga-
above all, safe. Mrs. ,1. W. 110 13'y. tion it, woold Ite impossible to eny
of itead Lake, wriies f vont the tint I, 1 hero had 1. vett tiny Wilful
futile:es of experience 3111111 Ole soiree acielteration of seed last spring, al -
"t lute e 11,001 Ilebyet Own Tablas though the amomi3 or impuritleS (15
for 1n7) six months old baby who se%eral samples excite Suspicion.
t heretou e, fairly reprerebt the cited-
ity of these seeds retstiled through -
me. the 131)11(1(55.
waft troubled Willi intligestMa. 'I'he
results were beyond my expecta-
tions. Words Nosiest convey to
those who have net tried t(1en) tile
worth of these Tablets. 1 will rant-
er «gain us(3 any other preparation
for 13)0 habY, SS '1 run colivInCed
them is nothing BO good as Bebe, e
Own Tablets."
These Tablets; ((('11 a gentle laxative
and comforting medicine for infants
and childeen. Timer are pletteant to
take and are guteranteed to contain
00 opiete. If your druggist does
not keep Baby's Own Tablets send
25 emits to the Dr, WIllitinne Medi -
eine Co., Brockville, Ont., or 81,11e
neceady, N. Y., end a fill 1 eixed box
will be Mailed, Post paid, to, your
Eve Tempted Adam,:
And Mani bee been tempting FlYe
ever 81400. X14104140 a 'non selling
a Worsen rancid butter while Itesp,
Mg her attention fixed on a "prise"
given with the rancid 'butter 1 A wo-
Man nuiy bo telopted “Prisee"
to buy 00111111011 soaps, that she may
not know will 500)7;11115 hor clothes
and hands, But She soon finds out
the difference between cowmen
soaPS WWI Sunlight Soap, She finds
Sunlight Soap-00t1(fion PriSe
hi itself, Nor clothes lost longer,
and bo*' 'hands are saved from
eczema, 220
even by seeelmen themeelves, that
the Province of (Mabee is a clump-
ing ground for the screeninge from
Ontario grown gross and 01010e1'
Pea Growers Must Make lIni•ted
Effort to Destroy the •
Some members of the Oovernment
Orain Standard Board at Toronto,
on Saturday week, efter clisCeselon
agreed 'Chet unlese some drastic mea-
eieree be t allell to exterminate the
"Pect Bug" the trade el Caniedite in
peas will be eetirely lost.
Thin "bug" is the .Pea WeeViL and
Dr, Jetties leletclmr. the Dondnion
Entoinologist, for -some years bas
endeavored to imprimis upon all pea.
growm.s 'in the districts where this
inevet prevails the necessity of mak-
ing n. united .elfort to destroy this
pest, /or withoet uaity Mere indivi-
duel efiort will be hi vain, because,
if n. farmer treats his own seed peas
with earbon bisulphide, unfortunate-
ly that does not prevent the Weevils
from. Ma neighbors' fields; injuring
ids crop.
llinet farmers in the diStricts where
the pea weevil occure are pretty well
acquainted with the life habits of
the insect, and also know that the
fumigation tresatme»t is effective.
following tbe instructions which
are given here there will be really
very little danger; bui„ of course,
the work must be done with care.
/forst of our Jai -go seed growers and
seed dealers have "bugging houses"
in which they profess to treat, and
Some do regularly treat, their seed,
but a change for the better might
be made by doi»g this work earlier
01113 11111011 more univereally. Not
only is the carbon bisulphide mbre
easily vaporized in hot weather, but
its effect on the ineects is much more
fatal than in cold weather, or later
in the season, 1011011 the weevils arg-
ils the torpid state in which
The seance the fumigation is clone
after the peas are ripe, naturally,
the less the seeds will have been
eaten away b;y the grulis and in-
jured. Moreover, 1sy postponing the
fumigation until late in the autumn,
in some seasons it large proportion
of the weevils will have ieft the
peas and escaped before the opera-
Dr. Fletcher asserts that any far-
mer cam treat his 03311 seed easily
and with perfect safety in the fol-
lowing way: Pince the quantity of
peas to be treated in. an ,ordinary
4.5-g150011 coal oil barrel, which will
hold ,bout five bushels of pees. 'The
quantity of carbon hiselphitle that
lias been found neceesary lo deetroy
the weevil is one ounce to every
hundred pounds of seed-- -the 'treat-
ment to Met for 48 hours. There-
fore, for the above quantity, at> peas
weigh from (30 to 05 pounds to the
demise], three oences would be ee-
quired if the Metre' were filled. The
chemical may 'be poured right; on to
the neas, and the barrel 'must then
he covered quickly and closely first
with Et tIllek Cloth or canvas whieh
has been damped in Water, and then
also with Mussels, The carbon sul-
phide wile not injure the seed en any
way, either 115 to Vitality 01, US 1,0
its wholesomenees as 1001. Carbon
bisulphide 15 a colorless which
readily turns 11110 vapor when ex-
posed to tile e.xCept in Very cold
weather. 'Phis vapor is (Mite invis-
ible btlt bias a very unpleasant
stroeg odor. IL is heavier than air
soul therefore Rinke quickly to the
botto1)t of alld peoneatem the con-
tents of any elosed receptacle 111
which it is used to free grain'of In-
,feeting insects. It es, howevee, ex-
tremely inflanonable, bo th in the
liquid 01111 vapor forms consequently
great care must be taken not to
bring any Uwe, not. even 5, ligleted
pipe or tiger, near the liquid or
I 31:111NCS TREATietreNT,
The pees oe other groin must belea
in the tightly closed bar1.0.1 for
hones cletstroy the weevils; it will,
,therefoi•e, be 'wet to place Ilse barrel
lin nit tellsicle shed at some 1115-
t511011 from the living house.
The late sewing of pests is certain-
ly useful in preventing- altack, by
pen 10e0511, lint the method is not
much 1(1 fn vtie with the hirnmes,
became late sown peas in moet sea-
sons (1 )'(l liable to be so badly at -
!leveed by mildew as to reduce very
1150511 the value of the crop.
Ile. Fletcher C011S1 Chinn an easy
remedy and an excellent, one when
onip• stnall que.ntity of seed is ro-
tate:me is to hold over un ill the sec-
ond year after harvesting. This
must be (Irmo in clove bags .so Co
prevent the eecape of the beetles,
10111011 ilatlInnily emerge before the
end or the second season, and, as
they cannot perforate bags, even
when these are made only of paper,
they 10031 die: because, unlike the
bean weevil, they minuet propagate
ill (1)T 4515111, T110 vitalley of peas
is 1105 injured to any appeeciable
degree by Ude delay of one year be-
fore sowing. At the thee of 5010-
1(145 the sMecl should be excusilited,
and, if necessnry, heed picked; every
grain which has been perforated
Slandel be diftearettl, as it has been
proved thet it is imposeible to grow
strong Maisie 00111 Weevilled perm.
Departenent of Agricelture, Otta-
One simple ce othy purchased
at Terrebonne contaieed sixteen per
C('1,1 , of salsa by weight. The high-
est nerve/liege of impurity in any
one sample was found in alsike, sold
'sit 458.10 per bushel 111 Chartierville,
whirli contained 1A -0517,' -three potindS
of foreign Seed and seven and one-
half pounde of sticks, Oleg, sand,
etc., per cwt. The purest seed con-
tained no more than 011e -fifth of It
pound of Impurities per cwt., Neve
°releamples of Omni hy coming Ilp
to 1 nis standard. Whi'e it is 1)53(10(11
that there is a great deal of Whe3
might be called sereeniegs sold to
thie,bee Is reio's, the proportion of
Ibis 03555 01 seed is bob its grout
ah might be expected, eoneitiering wat
singular 0931101(5 11115 intit taken
place 110a1' Dirminglmni. Stones
were placed yard apart for a hun-
dred yards, rind a local butcher had
undertaken to pick each one up sep-
arately and 1411(1(151 31 to a basket et
the other end' of the lino, 911e
time allowed to accomplish this per-
forimince was fifty -Ova alinutese and
the butcher succeeded in finishing in
forty-eight minates. The tea11 is
not so eimple as it first aPriCal'S, 101'
when in the seventies he WaEr 151113111145
SOMething Uku I450 yards for each
(310110, Whiell NeaS increased to 3200
at the finish, ln this way ho 0010,-
01e0 o conSiderahle Mt:dunce- it is
estimated befeveen live and elx(01105.
fesi us at their homeS, whole
or spare time. We furnish inedible
end ell material necessary to do the
work, and pay you good prices in
rash as you complete it. Send
steam for full particulars at once is
The Dominion EnitUng Co., Drug,
gists' Corporation Didg,, Toronto,
15. ne.turalist has been Pesach.% ob-
servatione on the toilets of ants of
genus "alta/' and has discovered
each insect goes thropgh a cleaning
proeess as elaborate as that ofa
cat, not only perfornmd by herself,
but by matter; who acts for the
time. ete lady's maid. The aseletant
starts by washing- the face ,of .her
companion, and from there goes over
the whole bedy. ',Phe attitude of
the cleansed is one of intense satis-
faction, resembling that of a dog
or cat when his head is being
scratched. The pleasure the crea-
ture takes in being thus combed and
sponged is really enjoyable to the
thee 15 1150 frequently 110011 stated,
Nothing Like It Has Ever Beext
Heard of - In Newfoundland
Where the Story Comes From It
Has Created a Profound Sensa-
Cottei's Cove, New Day, Newfound-
land, Oct. 27.-(Specia1e-T111s part
of the island has been thoroughly
aroused by the Most miraculous cure
of a man named joseph Boon.
For eight years this man had been
ailing and for seven yeitrS of this
tinre he was unable to work. He had
Beak AChe and Kidney Complaint,
i8. fact he was all pains and achee.
De had been treated from time to
time by several doctors asal although
he always carefully attended to their
several preecriptions exactly am or-
dered by them, he 4501 310 relief, but
was slowly growing worse.
Finally he wont to the hospital
where he remained for seven months,
only to be sent home as an incura-
ble case.
Ile has tried every remedy he could
hear of, electric 'belts, liniments, oils
and other medicines but all of no
avail.. No one ever thought he
could ever be well again.
However, one day he picked up a
newspaper containing nn account of
how Air. Bieliard Quirk, of Fortune
Harbor, bad been cured of IA1333132450
by Dodd's Kidney Pills. After read-
ing thie Mr. Boon -made up his mind
to try this remedy ancl at once be-
gan a treatment.
He used altogether twenty-one
.boxes before ho was able to go to
work agate, but note he is able to
attend to his daily duties as strong
end vigorous as any man along the
Mr. Boon is a fisherman mut is at,
present, engaged nt lobster fishing
with rio thought whatever of his old
time Back Ache and other pains.
The people here regtuel this epee as
Rule short of-miraeldOuS.
Jim -"I do not believe that I have
a true friend in the WOrld." Jack--
- So you have been trying to 1101
1031 money, too, have you?'
IleWeee of Ointments l'or Catfirrli
ths.t contain ifferoury
es mercury will oureiy de -troy the genie et
melt suit man steely d/ranss the whole system
when eiitalee >1(531011(111 tbe mucous surfaces.
Such articles 'Louie never be used except ea
pregerietiem front repot:Me physicians, es the
liannips they .31111 50 tetra, to the Reed Tell
Co. panel bly eerie' from them. Ile Fe Cetarrk
Gere, eneaufeetured 57 313. Cheney To -
led% 0., eeneeine 50 71(8(16017, est le taken In.
corneas% setting direetly Upon the bleed nog
11111e3104 eurtnees et the ,tystem3. invles
than Catarrh Core be sere you pet the pram
net XIs Vibram leturnaliy,erd made le
Ohio, bur r. J. Cheney It Co. Toetinteelebil
I ref.
Vold 5, Drupelets, price 7517 per brittle,
liell'e Ireselly Pills ere %helmet.
" said the -Leather,
"wha t is mount by 11511.l'11101(15
food?" "Soinothing to eat that
ain't got no taste to it," replied
Nurses' Experience.
Medical men say that ae•good -nurse
ill a, difficult case is better than e110 -
divine, but When WO eat get it good
name and good inettibine, the pa-
tient stands te much better chalice of
recovery. A. few weede of aevice
giecia below by nurse Fliya Ring,
are well wortet the attention of all
'1 /awe cosietantly usecl St. Ja.-
cobs 011 III the various sithations I
1(5,100 oeeopied 013 Mtrse, and hava 01-
'101101113' trand it eXcelleut in all
easee recittirieg outward applicatime
semis as spealee, televises, rheumatic
affections, nettrelgia, etc. 3n cases
of pleurisy it is an excellent remedy
-well rubleeci in. X ean strongly re-
commend. it .after several years' use
(((Id experience. It should he in ev-
ery houseliold.'' •
Sister Cftr01110., St Andrew's
Troepital, writee : "I have fonncl St.
Jacobs 011 a mest efileaelons rem-
edy in 4501.15 ; 11110 in Sprains am
b1'U1S05. Indeed., WC cannot soy 1411
inuele 111 its pease, mud our doctor
ia ordering it;doiittantlys
No other 3)9831(15(168 tlie swept fiavor of the genuine
cg-u..ocw. mi,iiox • T3I14.,
We can handle any quantity of properly pushed Annie
. Also toy quantity of Pouitry (dea4 or alive.) Write us,
001111111rti$103 CO. 141inited TOROJCVO.
mol 4511005 lts 88 1113111on times 300
cis lattele light (31* all he ll tstare put Father-"No,I.I031AWAY.
(531 here
together, 31 is 000,000 times another piece of pia"
brighter than the fell inocin. Son -"0, pleaee, PaPai
"Palnle" 31(3111d the boy, "when you 1411 nutra144-31°"stl"
say in your advertiseinent that
your goods are acknowledged by
connoisseurs to be the best, what
do you Mean by connoisseurs 1"
"A connoisseur, nry boy," answered
the great. manefacturer, "is an
eminent authority --an authoeity, fa
Short, who atInalte that ow. goods
Ore the best." •
• Is the title of a new publication
issued by the terand Trunk, Possess -
gee Department for the information
of the hunter and angler who desires
to visit that "Sportsmans' Para-
dise," the "Ilighlcuids of Ontario,"
and ' other points along the line of
the (=Annul Trunk. '11 is profusely il-
lustrated, end is a very handsome
folder. Copies sent on application
to principal agents, or J. Mc-
Donald, District l'asseng•er Agent,
"You live opposite the Vanasters,
I believe, lira linickerbocke" said
Mrs. Ceinso. "No," replied Kra
Knickerbock, steely; "the Vanasters
bares Liniment Cures BUM Cie,
Wilson -"I lost that fine stile 'um-
brella that I carried in town to-
day." Mrs. Wilson -"Oh, what a
pity." Wilson-' 8t111, there is one
consolation, It wasn't mina"
Lifebuoy Soap-disinfect:QM - is
strongly recommended by the meet -
cal profession as is safeguard against
infectious diseases.
• Wigg -"They tell ue there is no
marrying in beatvee." Wagg-`'Ne
fools rueh in where angels fear to
Mioard's Lielment Cum Dank!.
."Poor woman 1 after her hard -
day's work she has to stay up half
the night with her babies." "What's
the matter with her husband ? Why
doesn't he help her ?" "Ole he puts
in all his time agitating /or an
eight-hour day for the workingman."
l_inhaent relieves Neuralgia,
Teaelier-Now, if you take three
from ten, how many remain, Dolly?"
No answer. Teacher" -"Well, suppose
I take away three of your fingers,
what would you have then 9" Dolly
-"Oh, no more music lessons."
Take the Lehigh 'Valley .. Railroad
route of the 11lak Diamond Express.
leverything strictly first terms.
Sumptuous Dining Car Service, a la
Carte. Through Pu11111118. For
tickets, Vullinans, time of treins,
and further' earth:Mars, call at
Oran's' Trunk ticket °Ince or on
Roble S. Lewes, Passenger Agent, 38
lionge street, lioard , of Trade build.
ing, Toronto.
Littlse Itabel-"Iethel must think
you're lots better than any of her
other beaux." Mr. Spoonaway (gra-
tified and bleshing)-"Why clear ?"
Little Mabel -"1100153.150 5110 Jets 3110
stay 111 the room when 7051. 111511
and she don't when the others call."
During the months of Septet/11mi
and October, will sell one way sec.
ond clase tourist tiekets at greatly
reduced rates to California, Wasb-
ingten, Oregon, Utah, Montane,
W11.1611 CO1Ufilihia and other Pacific
Coast points. Tickets will be sold
via all direct routes. The IVabeels
is the shortest, best and mickest
route 11`001 Canada to. the above
points. Finest equipped 30,31315114501
trains in America.
Rates, tinie-tables and 811 para.
Milers frolli any ticket agent, or J.
A, Itiehardsom Dist, Pessengee
Agent, 11, 11. Corner king ee Yonge
Sts., Toronto, .and. St, Thomas, (hit,
removes all bard, Pion or callousee Lumens
end Elemish es frees horses. Blood Spaeth',
()orbs, Stein te, Ring Bone, Sweene,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coil
ever known. Sold by all druggists.
ole, Save $ee by 1_71 ne bottle. We.
ranted the moet wonder/al Blemish et
The Baeber-"Did you hear about
the bad ;scrape Jaggsby got intot
yesterclay ?" Tho Victina.-"No. Did/
you shave him
Mioard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Simpson -Young's wife ie certainly'
a good manager." Sampson -"03
household affairs ?" Simpson --"Noe
of Young."
For Oyer Sixty relies.
AN Orm „AND W,Itr,ilhogn 313130307, -53(1
Wholooh Egh1hing5gentiban-1111111 uskt fel• <gar al31
rune Iv millions SI raining for their ehntlign
Nothing, winii perave .l,,10,,. 1 tootles giro 011 t
oases the gains, oinnye pilo, (urns 3l0(1ialq4
le De heat ranch, Dr 018,11,34., Is platten to he
lane. Sold lor emigrates in every 5(01 34! tho )d.
Pirsish-fhe seats a bone. Int value is frenithlable.
Be owe iind ask for Mrs. Winelon's Soothing Erre.
end take leo ether kind.
Brick kilns are now fired withpo,,.
treleum, 100 1)0151101 01 oil being -stif-•
cadent to burn a ton of brick.'
Messrs. C. C. Richards 45 Co.•
Oentlemen,-My daughter 3i3 Years
old, was 'thrown from a sleigh •aritti
Injured her elbow so badly iti re-
Mained stiff and very painful fon
three years. Four bottles of IM-
AM'S LINIMENT completely cured
her and she has ,not been troubled
for two years.
• Yours truly,
..7. tmvPseum.,
St Joseph, P.Q., Aug. 18. 1900,
111010E1310 J MIMS.
'The Shah owns the biggese• Ella-.
inond, the &titan the biggest ruby,
anel the Pope will shortly possess
the biggest tepee in 1110 world, The
topaz, exeracted from the mhtes of
Coerces, in Brazil, weighs nearly
eight carats, lt, betongs to the
Neapolitan Bourbons. The image of
the Redeemer has been etched on it
by the famous Carielio, who base
time Produced a. work of art on
hard stone coneidered the most per -
feet of modern tinlea
Artist (to wire, reading letter,
from sis(et)-"Was her wedding a
success 9" Wife -"Oh, yes 1 Sho 10-
0011004 seventy-eight presents 1"
Preesivee the teeth. Sweetine the ereeth.
Strengthens the Coma
GI" €781013:10 Xa102/1-33C330 I
—1810 MING --
Standard American Wick
—AND --
Sarnia lamp Oil.
Wholesale 661 (1.
u SIG EilittlsoeSpclagFrina"Nt3t2;
Teachers af1::FAF.V...2
a VI, Limited
.356 Main Street, 158 Veins V.zo7t.
Dominion Line Steamship's
gestrsal 10 Lirerpeel. Belden to Liver-
pool. Pernaled le Liverpool. Via Queers -
TArge mad Tad Stesersinee Superior nneurnintedallos
hir Hemet et romourtere. Saloom. and 51M1100.105
bre amidships. bpsolal .110,1100 1.031 bun even to Ito,
Brewed 8.131ee aid Thlagnass asoosausdatloo, 111
318161 .01.3161550.11 ptatlettino, apply to 807 segue
etas wormy, Id
Mahan% 11111e 50.,
77 stele St Borten. D, 11424:3 it?tailortlerte.
• with us if it is not convenient
for you to call
for information SAVINGS
Deposits ((1831 110 made and withdrawn
Ly mail, Interest at
3 1 y ,„,,,„,i,-;:ltgli ir,;°,1
2 o iestred to Ise wichefaves.
The Canada Permanent
and Western Canada
Mortgage Corporation,
Toronto SI.,, Toronto.
1IaO Ii'.