HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-6, Page 4TITIVItSD4, ", NOV, 6, 1,902. 4 Geend Jury at Toronto recommends tlleuse of etrep.oil for Old oliendere nod abiroh gad for the javenflee. These old and timoellonered "bolding'' metliojjc need to have a neeeffeoe in the hygoasa, and if reaordo are wortb anything ouuld ba oatoly restored to their former plaint. Snmtelemx Dickie, of the Idaeuae. Holders' Aeuooietion hoe issued a oironlor to 11081 keopere and ()there ou whom a committee will cell to acme payment of the Refereodnm fee welted by the mem:dation, Pert of the oiroular is as' follows ; "I -was ipetruoted to BOY that the aseesomeut of $100 for each member el the trade In Toronto was not only for the purpose of parrying on the campaign in this any, bat also to aside/ those dietricte throughout Ontario where no lioeneee are In existence, or where the lioenee holders ere 90 few in number and do eo little baeiness that it would be im-. ppoeeible tor them to oontribute aumoieut. ly to thoroughly organize their dietriot. The main objeob le to secure a Ina) airy of the aatual votee oast upon the meanies, and bydoiogeo stn anyfurther agitation for prohibition e ohiition orpatial prohibition, and, furthermore; atop what is bound to come, if a majority is angered in favor - en egitation to avorenegitationto do away with the public bar -room in hotels and the retail sale by liquor stone." Adulteration in Canada. Some objeotions may be made to legis. lati0 ing WienCanada to require all tmita i t o ne of woollen geode to be marked eo as to net; uent fibres aod the co d other b n materialsandPP the relative proportions of each, As aneIto a of the epitome Grosvenor P Bill, introduoed into the 'United States of Re reeentatives the following Hone e , P - tl axtrnot maybe noted manafao• : A tures of goos orq fabrics of any kind whatsoever made in imitation of woollen goods or fabrice, or goods which when eo made are aalcialated or intended to be sold as woollene or woollen geode, not nude wholly of new or onneed eheepe' wool, eball so mark, label or tag mob goods, as that they may be readily die- • t'a ie ed from genuine wools, or wool - lane, as defined ithe first motion of tbie Act. That such mark, label or tag eball be eo attached, s0 as that it omouot be detaobed except by desigo, and mob label shell accurately state in plain printed lettere and figures the o0netitnent fibres or other materials or eubetanoee of whioh 11 is composed, or the relative proportion per 0801 of each. Why ehoald nob legislation along the above linea be enacted in (Moeda 7 There its surely good precedent for each sc/ion. Talee for instance the various Tawe already on the etatate book in refer. ante to dairy prodoote. Let me quote : (a) No oleomargine, bntterine, or other eubebitnte for batter shall be maaa'aot- urea in Canada or sold therein, and every person who contravenes the provi8ioua of thie Aot in any manner whatsoever, shall inoar a penalty not exoeeding $400, and not leas than $200, and in default of pay meat shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exoeeding twelve menthe and not lees bbau three months. (b) No per. son eball Fell, supply or send to any cheese or butter or couclenaed milk faotory, or to ibe owner or manager thereof, or to the inaker of butter, cheese or oondeneed milk, to be manufactured, milk dilated with water, or in any way adulterated, or milk from whioh any oream bae been taken, or milk commonly known as skim milk. (o) No person eball manufacture, or shall knowingly boy, sell, offer or ex- pose for sale, or have in his poeseeeioo for sale any cheese manufaotored from or by the use of ekim milk, to which there has been added any fat which is foreign to euoh milk. (mi) No person shall sell, offer, expoeeor have in his poeseseion for sale any cheese mannfaatnred from or by nae of milk commonly known as skim milk, or milk from wbiah cream has been re- moved, or milk to whioh skim milk has been added, unless the worths "skim milk obeeee", are breaded, marked or stamped in a legible manner upon the aide of every cheese, or paokage which contains the same in lettere not less than three quart- ers of an inch high and three quarters of an inch wide. (e) No person ehall Bell, tiler, expose or have in his possession for sale any butter or cheese made in Canada and destined for export therefrom, nnleee the word, "Canadian", '•Caoadien", or "Canada" is printed, stamped or marked in a legible and indelible manner, in lettere not less than three eighle of an inch high, and one quarter of an inch wide upon (1) The box or packagecoutain• ins the butter or obeeee ; (2) and more- over in the ease of oheoee. upon the cheese itself ;before it is token from the factory where it was made, (f) No person• shall knowingly Bell, offer, expose or have in his possession for eale, any cheese or butter npon whioh, or upon any box or package containing which, is printed, stemmed or marked any month other than the month in whioh each butter or cheese wee made ; and no person know. iogly, and with intent to misrepresent, Bell, offer, expose or have in his poasaee- ioo torsale, any cheese or butter repre emoted in any manner as having been made in any month other than the month in whioh it was aotually made. In the Baited Staten where the boei- nese of manotaoturing oleomargarine, butterine and other imitetiooe of batter hoe grown to immense proportions, legis• Wive action bae reoently been taken to prevent Buell imitations being sold as butter, It required a long and determined fight on the part of the Amerioan far - mere to secure the passage through Con• geese of the so celled "Groot Bill", as every in$nenoe was brought to beer by the powerfulinoorperatione interested in the manufacture of adulterated dairy produots. The chief provisions of thin Alt le "That upon oleomargarine whioh shall be menofaotared or sold or removed for 000eumption or use, -there shall be assessed or oolleoted a tax of ten cents per ponied, to be paid by the manutaot• urer thereat ; and any fractional part of ' a pound in a trackage shall be taxed as a pound; Provided, when oleomargarine is free from artificial coloration that manses it to look like butter of any shade of yellow, said tax shall be ono fourth of one meat per pound." klanufaofitrere Of, end dealore in repo. voted butter and edelterated totter Are a sired to g solei yearlyWee, rea n ,Pd each potted pay formr le sub eat to d tax 01 000 (Mirth of one gent And. (Mob Ipound of the latter to the tax of ten agate P10r pound. or he parpt es' of nt eoulpglliaaro x feel ere and m000IOetnrere to tell these adult• ereted goods for juet what they are. Why should not adulterated woollen goods be cold on their Morita jeat a8 imitation as adulterated (airy produota are? Some people may aoiteider such legislation beraeeing, but as John Bright Once Field, there ere people in the world E who think the rep oolnmandmente th moat hemming legislation that wag aver gnaeted, become:, they seem to run omit to their, own peoullaritiee go often. I1''. W. Hapworo, Live Stook Commieeioner• h1U7'UAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. 'l.ha foliowin;l paraloulare are taken from the report of the Inspector of In. serenest for the year 1901, and relate to that year; MoICILLor INi. Co -Total aeeeta, $108, 877 ; liabilitiee, $1000 ; reoeipte, $6488 ; expenditure, 83950 ; risks in forme, Slet Ueo;, 2169, representing 58,174,180. Lissome t@ srnl0EUP Co. -Total aesets, 591,729 ; liabilitiee, 51600 ; reoeipte, 50074 ; expenditure, $5908 ; deka in force, Deo Slet, 2090, representing 58,621,386 - ' tel auntie WA ANoeB Co. 10 ae w $166,188 ; no liabilitiee ; reoeipte, $6986 ; expenditure, $1053 ; rieke in forge, 9192, repreeeoting $4,923,080. Howlox Co. -Total aeeeeta, 8288,127 no liabilitiee; reoeipte, $10,196; expendi. ture $6015 ; risks io force, 8829 ; repre. emoting $4,923,080. HAI Co -Total assets, 9120,641 ; Iie bilitiee, 5'450 ; reoeipte, $6840 ; expendi. tore, 55873 ; risks in force, 1812, repre. senting 59,143,435. STEALN MELONS. 1�8 time that Deacon Keeler The o Bele r owed to s and arena of melon. e g grow hie large pumpkins m kine the neighborhood n g borhood e infested wae as' hope One CO bynumerous mle0hl8Ya u Y nightht they deoidad to go to the d eaeou'e garden and 91891 watermelons. The I 1d ander an old council of war was oa e welout tree wbare all the plane were de. aided upon. n. That night the desmon, who was ou his way home from town, heard some rather load talking in ander the tree and .in e moment he went acroee to lieten. Be arrived in time to hear the plane and while in bed that night declared that he would stop them with hie good rawhide whip. At length the night arrived and the boys gatbered in the bosh near the gar. den in order to begin the fun. Meanwhile the deacon bad his whip well oiled and was h'dden in some corn near the watermeloue whioh he knew they would come to first. As soon as the moon slipped behind a dark aloud they came out and began to "lacerate" the melons. When they got nicely started the dragon swooped on them like a falcon on a,.mall block of birde. The fires oue he en000ntered wan eating a piece of me'on and running at the same time. The deacon gate this fellow e warm wash across the neck whioh Bent bits howling through the garde,. The ()there were the reaipieute of a serine of wicked slashes wbioh•lodeenad the akin on their necks and lege. The boyo fled to the forest amid loud ebrieke and sat down on loge to examine their wiunde wbi e the deacon hang hie whip is its place and r, joined over the victory. Toll Tnoun MISHTER GROGAN Ou Ping Pong. As there's annyt'ing I loike it's wan t'ing more than another. An' that's manly epaorte. Fur menny years I have taken a great iuthereet in Itaoraeee,hop. stip an' jump, ()bickers, futOall, euohre, bowfin' on th' grana an' otherwoiee, orokynole, ourliu', trottln' races, boioiolin', marbles, duok-on•th' rook, th' fifteenths puzz'e, pom ppm pull away, golnff, fareht flip fur th' drinks an' eo on, an' whin ping pang inret broke loose I was wan iv tb' (nest to purohaee a oonthrolable in. thereat in a set. I says to me fried Clancy, "Clancy," I says, "wed ye moind goin' halvers wid meon a ping pang out- fit? 'Tie all th' rage," I slays, "among oh' tipper orneht, an' no wan can hope to obtain a futtin' in good eoomety militia be can handle a ping.pang'eeket wid nabeniee en diehpatcb. I eee by th' papers that King Edward has preeinted hie nivvy th' Imperor Wilbellnm wid a ping pang eel an' they-eay be is grately diehtraeted wid. it." "It may suit t1' Wye' families," eaye Olency, but from what I beerdon't t'iuk we'll care much for it.. Finnerty eaye it's too ehoiidieh fur annyt'ing. An' Fmnerty'e poehted. He eaye it wnddn't he eo bad av th' ball wad ehtay on tb' table, but it seems to have a tindinoy to ()hese itself under tb' enpboard au' other out iv th' way places." 'Nathnre niver inlinded Finnerty to play ping pang," I eaye. "Give him a shovel an' he's at home, barite's es' muds out iv plane in a parlor as a otok toy on aniilyphaut. 'Tie different wid tie." I eaye. ..Wid a little practice an' our own aath'rel ability'I wodda't wonder but we'd goon be able to teem, a challenge to th' Dublin ping pang olub." "Praotice is a great tine," 8.18 Gleamy. "'Pante nothi,i' but oonehkant practice an' application that. made Joe Tyreman th' orokynole champion iv til' North Ward last wintber." Well, we bought th ping pang and ebterted oper- ations on Otanoy'a kitohin table. A ping pang outfit consist° iv two bete, or rackets about t1' seize iv a lady'e flaht, a pied() iv nettin' whioh is etritohed acmes th'ointre iv th' table as a loiae iv demeroation eo to spalte, u0' tour balie about tit' seise iv th' lamb egg a hin lays whin she elake she'e. done enough work Int th' eaieon loilie. Ye ehtand at wan ind Iv th' table an' yer opponlnt elstands at th, other. Thin ye bit til' ball a tap an' elnd it into th' inemy'e tirrytoty, He -wait° All it bouu0ee an' repateeth' formula se before. 'Tie as simple se goin' to elape. I read oh' diriobione, thin Clancy read thim, thin we both read thine togitber, thin we sbtarbed in. Clanoy ebtt8ok th' ball en' bit tee nettin', an' thin it rolled ander Oh' ebtove. "nate fifteen fur me,"1gays. 'Fifteennobhin'," eay Clancy. "Rade 11' dirlotione," I Bays. "I'11 ebtart aging' says Clancy, an' he telt another bail an' elnt it Ooyin''ehtrelgbt fur me nose. "Go aiey" I nye."Ye're-not playin' !mores. se," "Th' table's too abort," geese Olanoy. "Itleh1y we'd bettbor play on th' Oldie walk, I .nays, Ye dent know bow to I ' 'em a "a I " a tb n a w g Olanoy, I Y a , a O 1, Y Y Y Y e u tnl pnwa meta 78doabo. it o d it p etit g ootloeved atnnygae1len," I ear), "I'll not be moulted in ma own House," eaye 01a0cy, gill he teak me, over the oreotaelee wid hie ping Pang Volute A,n' thin I into frim, I brunght him a gel wpinder on 113' jaw an' alae him floyin' over tb' ebtove, Thin )lineae Olsnoy grabbed ire by th, gelwaye ou' eel' thin Mary Ellett (lame rnallin' in an aha grabbed "God Siege our Home" ail tit' well en' 'aha :Oohed elleeus Clancy a swoipe over tit' 109 knot an' fur foive minutee we had es party a 11111 sonlmmogm as ye'd wish to eee, an' 113' fuel :queetion wee forgotten far a toime, These little dieegroemitite helps to relive ►h' monotony iv lotto, en' it won't be long bagger Olanoy will be gab. )'lin' to me over 111' dome au' tie Alia eua'll he over to berry a bank le 0009 civ pe plate till nixt Monde'. PROHIBITION NOTES. Many inquiries have reached the licence brenob of the Ontario. Goverumene as to whether bae roolne must be closed on Dee. 4th, the day of the vote on the Liquor Aot. The chief' inspeotor of licensee eaye that by a obtuse in the Prohibition Aot, the provieione of the general election law reepeoting olostng of Imre, corrnpliou, eta.,would apply to the oomiug vote. WANT BOYS D. B Saloons cannot be run without boys. "The drunkards of today were the child- ren of a few years ago," the children of today must furnish the drunkards of a very few yeare benne,' and we will then be eluging, "Throw out tbe life•line," when it would have been more prudent had we pat up the guard line before they became overwhelmed bye.the flowing tide of intemperance." BEEEBtNDDtt 8010110 B 00000 cie)l. 1) Is the referendum a prohibitory law? No, but it is the means by which the temperance P•oPle hope to secure a prohi. bitory liquor law. "The liquor not of 1902" d a esirab'e is the law au law w dam maane the method. of °sfbaourin refer- endum title e g t desirable law. (9), Why ls. the Liquor not of 1902". a desirable law 7 Beoeuee it prevents the Bale of intoxi• cants for beverage purposes ; it o'oses ba me and liquor Fite s Find in this r-ro o way removes the temptation tram oar young mea (9) what is the penalty for the first conviction ? Not lees than 5800, 8 0, ' and"the second nob lees than six mouths in jail (4) Oan this law be enforced 7 In civilized countries any law can be enforced. The enforoement in this ease is put upon the Attorney General, who is tbe obis! law effioerof the orowo, The inspector for tbe province as well ae the inepeotore for ridings take orders from Uim. (5) How many votes are required to bring this law into operation? 216,000 or lees. (6) Can Ghia vote be polled 7 Yes, if temperance people will forget their party prejudices and poll a united' 1 vole. HICKS' FORECASTS. For November, Prof. Bloke' forcaste, very much oondeneed, are :-The first storm movements for this month will be oentrelon the 3rd and 4th. Cloadiueee, rain turning to snow followed by high, cold winds and freezing weather.' The second storm period for November will be central on the 9th, extending from the 7th to the 12th.. Ae we enter well Into this period a marked change to warmer will move oar of Western parte, falling bar. ometer will follow, and wide areas of An. tumaal rain will move Eastward from (bent the 911 to the 12 h. These storms will reach the oulminaling stage about the 11th with poeeib'e lightning and thunder Southward, all followed Crone • the Northwest by ohange to !mow, rising bar (meter and cold, Blearing weather. Watch and see. The moon isfall on the 15th, and et her perigee on the 1611, also at her highest point Northward in the sky on the 17th. Therefore on and touch- ing the 1511 and nth low barometer, rieing•temperature, and wide areae of re-' newed rain, turning t0 snow. Wateb, first for warmer, pleasant weather, then for oloudineee and rain, then for shift of temperature and wind with snow, then for high barometer, etiff Northerly galea and gold, clearing weather -not all at once on your patob, but eaob in regular rotation. One of the marked storm peri• ode efthe month oovere the 1901 to the 23rd. Be prepared at tide time for all the pregreeaive phenomena of a very active storm period. Look for sleet ale tended and followed by a change amount• ing to a o,ld wave. This period will come to ite oriels about the 22nd and 23rd. If vessels are navigating the lakes; at thie time, great suffering and probable dieaeter will result. On and touohing the 28th and 27tb, the o'oudy,-unsettled weather, resetting from the Memory equinox, will grow into decided Autumnal storol0 01 rein, wind and snow. In WI Northern eeotione look for heavy sleet, On the North Atlantic, rough weather will call for extra oars and caution. Bead tele- grephio news and see. As the month goes out a storm period will be in its fi at a,agee ; it will be turning warmer in the West, with falling barometer. Harry Towne was killed by a trait, at Gravenhuret. Ald. Ten Eyok, of Hamilton, died and denly from appendicitis, Fifteen hundred longshoremen are on strike in Montreal. 1.1J 0, 2. R. Engineer Morrison,, of liopdbn, died an hie run at Bothwell, l rton pkat as of Wa lie Wali W. O. Pg s , lound dying on the 05011 near 1)arbam, Matthew Corry baa beau appointed Private feeeretary to the. Atloeney. Aenernl, 4)1tset4►e',. Mine Latta Statin bae eooepled a peal, Hon rte Pianos) aphet itild 13 1 e writer til the tete oitle° of W. llrydoee, Klee Garter (daughter of I7d, Carter) left the New.Ilre man a ooupleof ineet, in full bloom, whioh bad been pioked in the garden, 0, Forreeter brought to town a goad ample of force fed Sprung ahiokane, Four of them weighed l6 thee while two of them weobover ten. The price realized for this kind of dreamed Towle le 12o a 11, The Collegiate recently received, through the kindneee of 11, Holmes, M. P., a complete net of metrio weighbe and reeseuree in a bendeame hardwood ogee. The net oontaing all the weights', liquid and dry monorail, and other meaeiree of volume, tape measure, gnrveyor's obain, weighing goatee, an explanatory chart, and a book giving full explanations and deeoriptiona of the mettle 6yetem of measurement. These measures were made, tested and skimped in Frances, and are therefore aoonrate and reliable, and are an important aequieition to the equipment of the phyeioal laboratory,. Some time ago, through the agency of Mr. Holmee, the Collegiate received a AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS. ,ko.-Mr.-F. 8.800tt,Auctioneer, bee neared filigree. tions from the undersigned to soil by public auction at Lot 8, Con, 12, Grey, on THUaS- DAY, NOV 1301, at 1 o'eloek p. m , the fol- lowing valuable propertyy, ''la.: -1 road borne 4 years old, 1 heavy filly rising 2 years, 1111y colts bred from 'Mount Boy;' 4 thoro' bred cows 1 tboro' bred heifer 2 years old, in calf ; 1 0horo' bred bull call, ruing 8 moa. ; 1 thoro' bred bull oalf rising 7 months; 1 Moro' d g r bull c lf 8 Months emm n th e o l sd ; 1 b or o bred hotter miff 2 months old, 6 grade oalvice Sencows, eupposed in ; 2 - deers, yearling tfere�17 well bred Lei - Doter 3w well rem, 10 Pigs 1 mon . old,1 set of harrows, 1 spade harrow,1 ter. nip P1u er, 1scuffier1 rand cart, 1 straw hatter1 grata crueller,' set of heavy baratrvioeleetronfoames ros09 10Uarnes'e 1 set of single nes 1 sell o1tlow harneee 1 sang 1 stogie 1 pea eotwhir be without reserve sethe proprietor is not ou farm. Terme-All sums of $6.00 and under osell ,over that 11 =lithe credit will be 1 furnishing joint notes; 6 per cent. off for eeu on erect- 5rtvi odu abnld' it d�nouote. 11. 8. SCOTT, JOHN Mo8ADDEN, Auctioneer. Proprietor. UNRESERVED' CLEARING BALE of Tboro'-bred Cattle, Grade Cattle, Homes, Pigs. Hens and Farm Imple- ments. James Jones has received instruc- tions from Mr. O. Querengeeser to sell by public auction On Lot 28, Con. 9, Townnblp of Logan, on TUEB0AY,NOV. 11th,1902. the following:-Tboro'-bred Cattle -6 Durham mom in calf, 4 Durham cows with calves by their aide, 2 Durham heifers in calf, 6 Dur- ham heifers from Ito 18 months old, 2 Dtlr• tam bull calve», 1 Durham 001180 months old, bred by Henry Beath, of Exeter, out of an imported bull. All the above are from high clava stook and are all individually No. 1. .Pedigrees will be furnished on day of sale. Grades -2 Cows supposed In calf, 8 steers rifling to years, 8 eteere rising 2 years, 5 heifers being 8 veare, 10 heilere !tieing 2 pears, 5 calves. Horeee-1 Mare 4 years old. supposed to be in foal, 1 horse 10 yearn old, 1 driving horse. 8 years ofd,got by Oliver Wilkes. 1 Brood now, 14 store pigs 8 menthe old, 77 hens, Implements, ,to. -1 11110,9e - power traction engine in good working order (Bowyer-Meeoey Co, mannfaeture), 1 threeh- era tank, 14 -horse -power gasoline engine, force pump, 1 stock smile (capacity 6000160), 1 scale (2000 lbs), 1 large enn_ilage cutter and blower mounted on trvoke, 1 sawing mach- ioe,1 grinder ten fool) plates. 1 e.ft Massey - Barrie binder only need one season, 1 5 -ft Massey -Harris mower, 1 twelve hoe combin- ed Beed 4,111,1 borne rake 1011,1 hay tedder, 1 Hanan,•oo Meo-fnrrowed plow, 2 twin gauge, B walking plows, 2 sets harrows, 1 ',elver, 1 fanning mill, 7. roller, 1 disc barrow, 1 ecuf- fler,1 turnip seeder,' cultivator with seeder attachment, 4 wagons, 2 pairs bob -sleighs, 2 dem aerate, 2 bay racks, 1 stock rook, 1. wag- on boa with stook rack, 2 wheelbarrows, 1 bay fork whit ear, rope6, pulleys, al.0 go, ho., post bole angers, snoop ehoyela, 4 Beta work- ing harness, 400 oedar poste, 1500 feet of lum- ber. and a lot of other :artiolee too nnmmrons to mention. There is also to be sold about 1600 hns0ele of oats, 6 acres of nlangolde and turnips, 7 acres of ensilage. about 00 tone of hay, besides the straw grown on 60 aore0 of land. If not sold in bulk on day of Bale ar-. rengem ante gen be made to feed on shares, Bale: at 10 o'clock sharp. Terms : All same of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 menthe credit on furnishing approved Joint notes. Six per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Refreshments will be serv- ed at 12 o'clock. Riga will be at. the Rieke House, Mitchell, to oonyey intending pur- chimera Domingby train. JAMBS JONES, 0. QUERENGEBBER, Auctioneer. Proprietor. Logan, Oat, 21st, 1009, Executor s Sale -OF- VALUABLE PROPERTY IN TUE VILLM1I(1 OE unuettEL$ County or Uuron. Pursuant to a power 01 Bale, contained in the last will and testament. of Isabella Mc- Calinm, deceased probate of wb,ah boo been duly granted to 14, Dude) signed Executor, there will ne tam) for sole by Public -Auc- tion at the Central: Hotel it) the V,llage•of Bruseele, on P rI,111y, the 7th Ihly of Nov- ember. ovember. A.0. 1902, at the near 0112 O'ol0ok (nom.), by F. S. Scutt., Etq., auctioneer, that valuable property known au tots number 94 and 95 On klacbunir• tame., iu the Village of Brume's, containing one•balf Imre of laud; more orlees. Upou the premises there i8 emotede- frame lyase tied aframe stable, both of which are 10 fair repair; therm ie also a good well Ind elatero on eheproper- tY. Perms of salt -10 per (ant. of thepar• ohms° money al the time of sale, to be paid to the Solicitor for the Executor, and the butane)) thereof within one month there- after without Internet 'r to tit„ t0 th 1 atld laud Is iudiepu table, i miller portion lets maybe obtained noun application to the tuottooeur, or the un i,rsi mu 1. W. M. SIM) LAI It, With GRAHAM, Bollottor for Ramo) or, kxooutor, Dated October256u, 190.2. Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by tieing an inferior grade of hour. Tour bread will always be light, while and sweet when using the 'Venue. 11 be alweyebf sup- erior quality, with no variation, and is carefully made from the boat grown 'Manitoba wheat: ' Try this eatiofaotory brand for your bread, oaken and pine, and you will newer tem any '011100. isdsC s sfeliiE1 EE 7 T eompletg 899Qrtment of Oooadien miner• ale, witlell bale preyed el' great veins in t o lin i el o h of the g of the b s p g ra $ Y g k P PY Dominion, S. ii, Ooeper antic; latae a vied to old Ireland 0901 7000,, It la nearly 20 yearn eines he left there, and he naturally look9 forward to meeting tate Mende of hie boy, boort. Ile will be a0eontpenied by hie. ,elle and probably hie brother Alex , who, nutter tap, will bring awife Imelt. with bun. Hem .11., a benign goldluli, driven by Dau. Molllven, end' owued by T. Afaeun• till last trail, but Geld 10 1'. 1Sirtnn, at 000lrella, end Dr. Tennant, of Exeter, 9 who arethe eo e t 1v e look o I n a Her , as ar and plane in a winning beat of 2.091, at stem. phis, Tennoeeee, on Oat, 28, 'There were eleven horses in the Taos, I Cen111ryea. John Gaynor delivered a horse to Sea. forth buyers on Wednesday of last week. Luke Lucille is now the owner of a fine new driver, It ie a dark brown le color. Thomas Fraser woe in Stratford no' Tuesday of last week, in oonneotion With the North Perth protest trial. Mien Lizzie Fraser le vieiting her aunt in Stratford. Her aunt ie quite aged and has bet very indifferent health., Henry' pgel, owner of the dredge; work- ing on the 16th, was house on the Dick liet, lie returned mein last week ;"hie eon John took hie plasm while' away. Thomas Gaynor, an old resident, moved to Brunie oaW n Wed esy da of lest week where he will live retired, He and his family will be mach mieeed in the oma. munity. He will occupy part of the` Wage owned by the late Dennie Howard. AGENTS WANTED, Either on Full or Part Time. Are you Optioned with your income 0 Is your time fully mounted 7 0t pot, write 00. Wo asu give you employment bythe month th on god farms r contract to paywell g 0 you for such etness as you eeaure for us ale times. We employ bo ma can female representatives. p 0T11.0 next three mots le the ver host time 1 geode to sol our b e - o da- y N gait is required • outfit is absolutely 0. BO tel tree. 9 y Y We have the largest nreerie' in n e Canada - over 800 acres. A largeramie of valuable t l e new specialties,and all our stook is as' represented, Iyou want to relto Bent;the larges t, mopopular and boat known Intreerlewrite us, will be worth your while, STONE di WELLINGTON, "Canada's Greatest Nurseries" 17.8m - Toronto, Ontario. REAL ESTATE. )ARMS FOR BALE -THE UN• A DE118I0NED lion several good Parma for sale and to runt, easy terms in Townships of Morris and. Grey. it 8. SCOTT.pruaael A SACRIFICE< IN REAL ES- TATE.-58000,60 will buy the MaOan- ghey Block in the. Village of Brussels. These two fine stores must be sold to close out the McCaughey 16etabe, intending purchaser» should investigate at once. Apply to F. S. SCOTT or G',P. BLAIR, Braeoele, Ont: HOUSE AND 1- ACRES OF land, eligibly located on Turnn orry etreet,Bruseels, for sale. Will be sold en bloc or house and lots 'separately, to suit, purohaeer. Good dairy, business in connec- tion. Poeseeeloo could be give" any time. For price, terms, Ike., apply to NEIL Ma- LAUCHLIN, Brussels. l 1ARM FOR SALE -THE OR DEBUGS= 9ff0l'8 (Or Bale Lot 6, Oon• 8,. Grey, containing ICO agree, 75 sores of whioh are cleared and in a good state- of cultivation. Buildings and 1en0o8 good and nn abu udant supply of water. Terme liberal. For further portio. ulare 0s to price and terms apply to TWEE - MAN 8MITH, on the premises, or Brussels P, O. 12-tf rAR)2 FOR . SALE, BEING LL' 1013 Lot 21, Con. 8, Morrie, containing 100 acres, 90 acme cleared, balance in bosh. Good frame house ;: bank barn 02x84 root good fences • orchard; 2 wells; garden of small traits, de.; -5 of a mile from school ;. 17 miles from church 6 miles from Brus- sel)). Six acres of wheat in and some Fall plowing done. Possession could be given on ?Sarah let. For further particulars, as to prioe,terma, 0ko., apps on the remises to the proprietor, JAS. EVANS, ll4 Breeze's P. 0, FARM FOR SALE, BEING 1 Lot 11, Con. 6, Grey, oontaiulug 801 acres, 80 agree domed Good frame house cedar log barn, orchard, ,ko. lrarm is well watered. spring orae& on rear end ; conven- ient toschool and church ; 6}..miles from the thriving .village of $ruseole. Possession would be Moen next March with privilege of Fall plowing, Jru, For ,further particu- lars as to pride, terms, dm., apply on the premises to RICH. ROE, -Proprietor, or Brussels P. 0. 52.8M Q' 30 .Pays For Ca _ .sh Great Cieariug Sale ncn.f4NfJ ii notums ramemarsTivstris 1deverything t be fou in a POO t olaes And a ...ud d'.s Hareem stere. We offer at (Greatly It duped Prime all our largo "stook of Barnette, :Robes, Blankete, Trunks, Satohele, t)zo., beginning Nov, let and continuing to the gad of the. month, The Team Uerna0e de all one own matte and isoompoeed of the beet of atm* and workmanship, and aro fully guaranteed by as', Note the prime Team Eternises, all eomplele 580 09 Single I/100nmmm, niokle oily, r, from ...,, 0 60 up v Blind Team Brillea, heavy and strong, regular 55, reduced to ,,•_.,, 4 24, Open Team Bridlee, regular price 54,50, reduced to 8 76 _ Team Collars, leather or olotli Tamed, regular $G, reduced to ,,4 25 Everything Glee in the Haraese line equally 010899, Kindly remember the terms for Reduced Prices are cash and for 30 days only. For those wishing to buy on time we are quite willing to oblige them at regular prises. Repairs in Harness, Boots, Shoes, &•a, L CM -CHH DS. Es z2 H EEX TGRRR PEdNOtlpA . AMERICAN m 3ra :'• a- il+AqV ti O •9� N AD p PCS G RYSTALFG3� �SILVERF\� ;PRAY nl r O 1ERICAN ° LICHT ,1 OIL, kcl �?AI4EROCAf. ' / 1 OIL ,1 Just -arrived -One car load of PENNOLINE and SILVER • LIGHT AMERICAN OIL' at 20o and 25c per gallon. Try our Pennoline at 25B_per gallon and you will buy it again. WILTON & T� R B I L,T -• N U N U LL. Stanfield's Unshrinkable NDERr' ". hFAR $2,009 $2.50, $3,00 per Suit ALL SIZES. See These Goods Before B uying. D. C. 13, S S. LEADING' L CLCTEI CORER & -SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. "WE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup- • piy•tbe wants of the public with a First -glass article. We will sell either ''Wholesale or .Retail. •- Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or half truck with 2i or 8 inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels. Repairing and Repainting pr`onlptly attended to. Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter. GIVE US A. CALL. John Cober . & Sons' Carriazo Factory. ,•0