HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-11-6, Page 1Vol. 31No, 17 8R.1,.TS5ELS, ONTARIO, TKURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1902 W..1 -I. K.ERR, Prop. , New Advertisements. Card—dno, Lookle. Looal—G. E. Ring. Furs -H. F, MoAllieter." Gooai—Root, Thermion. For sato-P, Robertson. Dolt for sato-D, Sbiela, Notice—John MgIntoeh. The eyes—Mre. Fletcher. 13y•law No. 2—F, 6. Booth. Millinery—McKinnon & Co. Agents—Stone & Wellington. Servant wanted—Mre. Leckie. Clearing sale—H, A. Matobott. Farm for Sale—W. F. Mo19.11ister, 'Redaoed prioee—Roohe & Hayoroft. %sit'x.C: Rekro. War oace ter . D. Martin hag returned from Manitoba. D. Myles ie. spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mre. Blaols, of Elora, le the guest of her eon, J. 4, Blaok. A. A.. Eety ehipped,a par load of wood .to Toronto laet,week.• . Mise Lizzie Branston spent Sunday at her home in I,+'ordwiob. Mre. W. 0. Hazlewood 'is spending a Week with relatives at Proton. Mies Smith, of Hamilton, is the guest of her. ooasin, Miae Tena Smith. ' Miee Townsend, of Toronto Jnnotion, ',pont Saturday with friends here. Miee Stewart, of Wingham, le the guest of her sister, Mre. G. Harris. Jos. Cowan left for Lindsay on Thum day where he will spend a few weeks with relatives. Jno. Gotten left for Muskoka on Bator• day, where he will epend a few weeks' hunting. 0. Forrest, Loan Inspector of the Mutual Life of Canada, was in the village laet week. Wm. and D. Kaake have returned from Paris, where they have spent the last five weeks. Frank Mitchell hae oompleted moving big household effects into W. Rntherford'e reeidenoe, Queen et. The annual meeting of the M*3ible eooiety will be held in the Methodiet ohuroh Thursday evening. Geo. Trench has secured a situation as clerk in a general store at Otterville. He left for that plane on Saturday. A number of the young people of the village attended the concert gtven by the Guy Bros. in Wingham on Friday even ing. Ino.d3;apfer has Bold his reeidenoe to Mre. R. Sanborn, of Howiok, Mre. Hop• far aud,femily leave for the Soothie week wbere they will join Mr. Rapier. Mre. D. Scott ie seriously ill having had the miefortune to fall down a flight of stairs. As Mre.Soott ie up in years her recovery is doubtful . 0 if eeer :xw The eyes are wae earners. Anything short of pperf•ct vision divides - Isl.'s the earning powers. W. perfect war sight. Our glassess an in., , vestment Yielyou substantial returns. Hrs. T. Fletcher Scientific orad Gracicsato Optician BRUSSXLS Miee Mary Sanderson hex returned from Hamilton. Crosby Leckie has gone to Cargill Where he aecueed. a eituetion in the bakery bueineea, Quarterly meeting wae held in the Salem Methodist ohuroh Sunday morn• ing, Rev. T. W. 008000, of Brueeeie, 000gpied the pulpit in the ohuroh Isere in the evening, Rev, Mr, MoKeleie, W08 at Brucleele. In the daily papers of lest week I not. iced that Sheriff Reynolde had been appointed Returning Officer for Eaet Heron on the Referendum to betaken on Deo. 4th. Aethie is the second time thie. year that the Sheriff hag been appointed in (hie Riding ie would appear that when the Government appointed a man to a remunerative position they also feel bound to give him all the plume that are going. We are not finding fault with our Sheriff, we know him to bo a oapable man but we do find fault with the system which gives government ofiioiale every- thing verything that is going, We thought when we returned our member' by 450 of, a majority the government would give some credit for having some capable and hard• working men in. the party but it seems they do not think we have one capable of acting as Returning Officer. Mr. Editor, I think it le too bad that men of the riding of East Hurou are peeled;over and tbe positions given to outsiders, We have men among tie who have taken the -platform for- years, on behalf of the Reform Government ; men who bave gone through the riding perfecting tbe organization ; man who are thoroughly oapable of taking any position and yet they are forgotten until an election is approaching and then they are eplendid fellows. Mr. Editor, this is not a can of sour grapes for as you are aware I have have not yet got even a vote but wait I may have one anon and than —. I am well pleased to Beethetathe government is praotieing economy in regard to the Registry office at Goderioh. They have in the paet three veare folly demonstrat- ed to the publio that an appointement is nnneoessary now and that the feee ann largely go into the Provincial Treasury. W al toil. Mr. Shore, of Wingham, preached in St. George's church Iaet Sabbath. The Prohibition question ie being frilly dieoneeed in this aaotion and it ie ex. petted a good vote will be polled on Deo. 4. Next Sabbath if the regular and long expected supply has not arrived Mr: Grainger,' of Brussels, will preach at Bethel and Walton Methodist churches. Bills are out for an A. Q,_ .1 . W. con- cert on the 13th Nov. Will. J. White, bumoriet, of Toronto, with Miee Jean MoLauohlin, a000mpaniet, and aeeiated by the beat looal talent will supply the program. A meeting of the Sabbath School Con- vention Committee was held ae Mr. Neale on Monday evening to arrange for the anneal Union Conventionwhich will be held in Doff's ohnroh on Tneeday, Nov. 18th inet, - Prohibition meeting in the evening. James and Mies Smillie, well known retidente of this looality, arrived home last Saturday evening from a 4 .months' England. The visit to Scotland and En g y had en enjoyable •oy able time, Mr. Smillie'', 7 health was greatly benefitted and both are welcome home, .A. musical and literary entertainment will be held nnder the suspicion of the A. 0. U. W. in their Hall on Thareday evening of next week. In addition to firetolaea looal talent the services of Mr. White, a humorous vooaliet and elocut- ionist, of Toronto, hae been secured. Miee Jean MoLanohlin will be the am aompaniet and W. H. Kerr chairman, The program promisee to be Al and will no doubt attract a large audience as the Walton A. 0. U. W. have some 140 members. William Pollard & Son, of Hartland Farm MoKillop, recently Bold to Mr. Hamilton, buyer for the Grand Trunk stables, Windsor, a epan of three year old geldings, for whiah they received the. handsome price of $425. One of them was sired by "MoBean" and captured the red ticket in the draught cease at Seaforth Fall Fair. The other was aired by "Oryetal City" and wag not nearly so heavy in bone but in other reepeote bore a e blanoe to his mate. We con- nloee res m gratulate Meseta. Pollard on the excel longe of their stook, ae exemplified by Mr. Hamilton's choice. Fur Coats and Astrachan Jackets ssmmoommooso That's what we want to show you and if you want to buy that is what we want to sell you. Regardless of the advance in price of all Fours, we can show you exceptional value, and if you will but call and inspect) our goods wO know you will then consider the quality and the value of them. —We are showing Ladies' Astrachan Jaokete at prides ranging from $27 to $42 60, in.langthe 27, 28, 80, 83 and 86 inehee, —In Men'e Fur -Coats we are allowing Coon, .Wallaby,. Wombat), -Bulgarian Lamb, Calf, Imitation of Buffalo and Imitation of Persian Lamb. - rim ,:.':-litOIEMS Roams We have the agency for the famous Genuine Saskatchewan Bnffalo"Robe which le made in Light Brown. Dark Brown and Black. It le lined with a superior quality of Aetraohan Cloth and interlined throughout with rubber, making it•water•proof and windproof, • u. stock ae we consider it a pleasure to have the, We invite you t0'InapeOt out t k p privilege of ehowing geode at H. F. MoAL LIS -T --E R'S On Wedneeday evening, Oat, 291h, the Walton Orangemen with eeverai vlelting brethren, aooembled in the Orange Hall for the purpoee of meeting with Thee. A. Duff, Grand Organizer, After opening the lodge Bro. Dull treated the members peanut to a eplendid addreee dealing with the prinoiples of Orangeiem in a for. 'ibis and tellieg manner. The company then repaired to the Royal Hotel where Bro. Duff was banquetted. An hour was epent in pleasant 000060ee and reminia. oepoe and the meeting closed, with cling. ing of the Netional Anthem. (7a n.) br.'S1(l-1 , - Mies Etta McNair ie visiting ber sister, Mre. (Dr.) Turnbull, at Goderioh, this week. ' Tbere was no eervia0 in the Methodist ohuroh last Sabbath owing to the oom- munion e,t Brussels. .Itis stated that Ben. Dark may retire from farming and go Westward, He has a flue farm near here. The etore and reeldenoe of A, Mo. Donald will be lighted by acetylene gas as be has arranged for ite introdgotion. Mre. John IInight, who lives East of Oranbrook, has been dangerously ill but we hope elm will goon be convalescent. • Next Sabbath afternoon the anniversary sermon of the Methodist atturoh will be preached by tbe pastor, Rev. T, W. Covens. On the following Tuesday even- ing aaTea meeting will be for which preparations are being made. 'An ia• tereeting program will be rendered. The Bible Societyannual meeting was held last Sabbath evening in Knox oboreh, a large audience assembling. Rev. D. B. McRae, presided and oleo gave a fine ad- drees .setting out reasons why the Bible Sooiety was worthy of support. 'Rev: Mr. Wells, of Ethel, was present also and hie timely addreee was well received. The oolleotiou totalled over $8.00. The choir rendered appropriate magic. There is no more enthaeiaetic point in con- nection with Brussels Branch in. Bible Society work than Oranbrook. Next Monday the Townebip Council will meet at Ethel, - The 'motion dale of Wm. Mines last Tuesday totalled about 5800. F. S. Scott was the auctioneer. Arabia Lamont and. John Bishop voter. ane in the chase, left last week for their yearly hunt in Mnakoka. . A house party wae held at George Welsh's, 6th Line, Iaet Monday evening and good time putin. - There wae no preaohieg.eervice at Roee ohnroh last Sabbath ae it was quarterly oommonion day at Union obarah. Charlie Pepper is home from, Tooker. emitb, and will ;probably spend a little while in this locality. He is a. eon of Thos. and Mrs. Pepper, 9th' eon. George Shiele jr. has purchased cot- tage on Tarnberry etreet,Brueeele, from Thoe. Ballantyne end will take possession at once, We hope Mr. Shiele' health will improve. The old timers are in it all right, Jse, Knight, 10th oon,, wbo is 86 years of age, often plows an same day on hie farm. He's the genuine old stook and no die. count on it. Johnnie Cole, 6th line, was out in the me when in eo • ridey morning 1 last field P wey he received a kink from a horse that fraotgred his jaw. He is getting along as well ae could be expected. Mise Sara V• MoLanohlinis in Toronto keeping her motber company. The lat ter underwent an operation last week for the removal of a cataract and will have to remain in the Queen City for a short time. The regular quarterly oommonion Beryl's was held in the "Union" church, 12th eon., last Sabbath morning. Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. D., the pastor, preached a very appropriate diem' tree to a good congregation. Blessings never Dome singly" some. , body has said and it looks ae it it were true as word aomee from Luther, Iowa, that the wife of Rev. E. Victor Smith, formerly of this township, hae presented her hneband,with twin sone, They were born on Oat. 26. We doff oar hat to the young emith'e. • SanooL BeoonT.—The following le the report for October in S. S. No. 1 Grey in the promotion examination. To the IV. —H. Rozell 607 ; S. Armstrong 684 ; L. Blake 580 ; L Grant 572. To the Sr. III.—G. Hoover 595 ; John Dickson 520. To the Br. II. -M. Stevenson 475 ' F. AIaook 458 ; A. Grant 453 ; 0. Armstrong 395 ; J. McCallum 385. To the IL—L. Glassier 82 ; T, Dickson 80 ; W. Hoover 74 ; H. Hoover 60. Miee ANNIE KIND, Teacher. Mre. Lawson, 9111 eon., ie bank from an enjoyable visit with relatives at Deis. aoll, Oklahoma Territory, U. S, She brought home products, which may be seen at Tan POST, in the ebape of broom Dorn, kaffir Dorn, sorghum, sweet potatoes, pea nuts, &o. Mrs. Lawson says that territory is making great strides and the towne grow almost like magic. Oats, wheat, barley, and corn are the eteple grope. Timber le enured in the'anyone. Broom corn fetches $65 per ton. Faoa Deweoo.--Wedneeday night of Iaet week Peter H. McNeil, son of J. D, McNeil, arrived home from Dawson where he hae spent nearly 6 years. He was 20 days on the journey, His many friends will be pleased to see him, and no doubt he win tell many interesting tales of life in that far off land. We have not learned it he intends to remain in the good old township of Grey or not but hope he may. • A letter was recently received from Will., youngest eon of Mr. McNeil, who has not been heard from for over a year, He reporte himself well and working in San Franoleco, Cah If Hallow e'en jokers were more care• Int and oonsiderate of feelings and proper. ty of others it would be better for all con. earned end be the cause of a more agree. able feeling than sometimes existe over meaneee prnotiaed on these oocaeions sometimes. Last Friday about midnight a party of these " whooper-mpg" called at Geo. Bhiele' jr, turned his horse out Of the ',table into the field and fastened the animal's hind lege together with a strap. They visited Angus Carmiohael'e near by and impudently Interfered With a wash- ing on the line, took the horse blaukete end whip from the wagon where they were left by the owner and made them. selves otherwioe . ebuoxione. Several utookadee were built with rails on the side road the eame night, The praotioe of the Golden Rale by game of these mid, night premiere would do a great amount of goad. ' i fol a Mwo rth. Government Isepeetor May inepeoted the Publlo Library on Monday, the 3rd inst., and found everything eatjptgotory. Hallowe'en passed off quietly. A few boyish tricks were played on tbe villagers and farmers' gates, and a few pickets off Billy Mo1ee's fence. Thee wi'i bo a Temperance meeting in lbs Presbyterian church on Wedna eday night when Rev. Mr, Oliver, of Lie ow , will deliver a lecture on Temperance. There will aloe be some organization work done in the interests of the coming Prohibition vote, A meeting of the shareholders of Beef Ring No, 1 was held in the hall on Friday evening last and wound up the bneineee for the year and tiokete were drawn for another. The following ofeoere were then eleoted :—President, Wm. Murray ; . viae, President, Wm. Austin; Secretary, 0. E. Leppard ; Treasurer, Thos. Oamminge. The following ie the report of thereoent examination held in the Moleeworth Publlo Sohool :—Promotion to Jr. IV— Total 700required to pose 350—Ella Fraser 476, Ida Mitchell 467, Hazel Ballantyne 441, Earl Elliott 340. Pro. motion to Sr. 3rd—Total 550 ; required to pass 275—Lawrence Campbell 368, Roy Elliott 356, Tom Menzies 298, Ainsley MoDonald 261, Alex. Haetie 200,' Promotion to Jr. 3rd—Total 450 ; requir. ad to page 225—Annie Brown 354, Chas. Douglas 297, Mina Sangster 296, Willie Brown 284, Harry Seahaver 281, Florence McDonald 261, Jennie Elliott 254, Mabel Burton 266, Maitland Ballantyne 228. Ones. E. LEPPABD, Teacher. nth eel. The Hallowe'en jokes were ae Billy ae ever khie year. It is said that Robt. McDonald hoe pnrahaeed the Porterfield farm, 9111 eon. Grey Connell will meet here in the Township Hall next Monday at 10 a. m. A oar of hoge was shipped to Palmer. ',ton on Thursday of this week by J. W. Fogal. - H. F. MaAllieter.-le showing quite a line of fur coats, astrachan jackets and robes. See his advt. in tale issue. Ethel is to be illuminated with an. ooetyleae plant it. ie said which will be quite an improvement to the baelneee places. George Qxtoby'e,2 ebory briok reeidenoe will be ready for occupation in•tbe course of two weeks or thereabouts. It will be a fine home. A meeting of those interested in Prohi bition was held last Monday evening in the Methodist ohnroh. Organization work was arranged for and good reeulte aro expeoted. The work at 5. S. Cole's ane new reel. dente hae progreeeed so far that the plasterers will be at work next week and Mr. Cole and family will Boon be able to it take P Daae"eeion. The building ing le of the American style of arahitedtare and will look -first °lase when completed. Jno. Hunter, of Oranbrook, baa the oontraot. Last Friday evening a load of young people, numbering 14, boarded H. F. Mc• Allister's flour delivery wagon and drove to the residence of Ivy and Mre, Camp- bell, 4th eon., where a delightful time was spent in games, social chat, taffy, &o. There was more "taffy" going than that eerved on the platee and some of the boyo were good enough to say that the "flower" of Ethel was loaded on Mo• Allister's wagon that night. A11 enjoyed the evening and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were voted first -clue entertainere.. BIBLE S000ecx.--Tbe annual meeting of the Bible Society was held in the Meth- odist church in this place last Sabbath evening. There was a fine audience ell. ing the abaroh to the doors. Robert McKay was the chairman and performed 'his duties moat efficiently. Oboiae eeleo- tione of music were rendered by a onion choir with Miee Laura Spence as organist. After the usual devotional' exercises W. H. Kerr made reference to the work of the Society and spoke on "Banners," He was followed by G. F. Blair who gave a thoughtful address on "The moulding inflaenee of the Bible and ite olaime upon ue." A good aolleotion was taken. Rev' C. P. Wella, B. D., pronounced the Bene- diction. Misses Spence and Blemmon were re•appoieted oolleotor', for this section. Ethel has a splendid record for hearty rapport to this worthy cause. MATnrnioao o.—On Wedneeday, Ootober 29th, at 5 o'oloak about 40 invited guests assembled at the reeidenoe of Edward and Mre. Fletcher to witneee the marri- age of their eldest daughter, Mies Elea. nor J., to Robert J. Ritchie, of Elma. The ceremony was performed by Rev, H. E. Curry, of Monkton, aeeiated by Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. D., under an arab of evergreene and roses. The bride was given away by her father and looked very pretty in a gown of white organdie trim. med with lace and white ribbon, She wee aeeiated by her sister, Mies Lizzie, her rinse being white organdie trimmed with lace and pale bine ribbon. The groom was assisted by Thomas Mille, who did it up in firet•olaee style. After the ceremony a reception wag held and following the Renal oongrahulatione an excellent sapper was served in the dining room to which all did ample justice. Rev. Wella proposed very happily that all ahonld drink the ooffee toilet to the health of the bride and groom. Rev. Mr. Carry made a suitable reply senting how he had watched this in ite infancy until it ended in marriage. Tho bride's travai- ling snit was a drab with a roes pink silk waist and trimmed with lana and ribbon, The large number of useful and beautiful gifts testified to the popularity of the young 'maple, Among the gueete from a distance were Mr. and Mre, Fletcher and family, of Elora; Mr, and Mre, Fletcher, of Cargill ; Jamas and Mre, MoDermitt, of Fordwialt 1 S. and Mre, Brown,' Mare. 6, Holton and family, of Atwood ; N. and Mee, Parker, of Newry ; Mise Patiek, of Seaforth ; Mr. Cameron, of Llotowel ; Mre. Jubn ()ober and daughter, of Brum eels; T. 0, Mies 0. and' H. Mille, of Grey. The young 'maple will take up houeekeeptng in Elem. May moose at- tend them is the wish of all. Smoot, REPORT.—The following Showa the standing of pupils in •the Senior de. partment of Ethel Poblio wheel for the month of Ootober,-5th Olaee—Examined in Hiet„ Alg„ Euclid, Book•keoping and Geo. Total 400—D. Davies 387, E, Han Bald 285, E. Mason 250, M. MoAllieter 225, L. Simpson 211. 4th Olaeo•--Ex. amined in Hist., Spell., Gram., 0 rap„ Arilh, Total 300—G. Gill 221, W 110 Allister 190, 0, Raynard 187, B McKee 162, W. Badgley129, G. Wanner 123, L. MoLeod 109, R. Dilworth 28, A. Mc- Donald 28. Sr. 3rd Class—Examined in Hist., Spell., Gram., Lit., and Arith. Total 400—L. Chambers 288, M. Imlay 287, H, Wilbee 254, N. Simpson 247, T. McAllister 206, E. Freeman 196, H. Goatee 174, L. Enkmior 170, I.' Hogarth 162, M, McAliam 160, B. Eokmier 146. Jr. 3rd Clnee—Examined in Hist„ Spell, Comp., Lit., and Arith. Total 350—M. Slemmon 288, E. 111aKee•160, D. Wanner 116, E. Ealtmier 112, G. McKee 64, H. MoLeod 47. 2nd Class—Examined in Spell., Rea., Writ., Comp., Lit., and Arith. Total 409—F. ,Imlay 327, P. Bremner 292, E. Dunbar 284, G. MoAllieter 284, J. MOAllam 277, Ni. MoAllieter 273; B. Bete. mac 231, L. Cooper 211, W. Barr 181, W. Pearson 53. GEo. DOBSON, Principal. Junior Department—The following are the names in order of merit of the pupil', in the Junior Dept:, the standing being based '.upon weekly examinatione and reviews. Jr. and Class—Roel Fraser, Vina MoLeod, Rusaeli Love, Laidlaw Strachan, Jot Peareon, Annie Cooper, Chas, Haneold, Roy Daimler, Carnal Davidson, Harris Eokmier. Part 2nd Glass—.Rueeell Wilbee, Alvin MoEee, Oella Dane, Irene Heath, Jos Cooper, Alva Fletcher, Sr. Part let Olaee—El. win Thompson, Roy Gili, Allen McAlli- ster, Wilfrid Eokmier. Jr. Part let Claes—Pearl McKee, James Bremner, Aubrey Dobeon,Alice Barr, Fieda Free. man, Joseph Routly, Vera MaOoll, Her. man Fogal, Robbie Thompeon, Alex Fraser, Annie MoAllieter, Elwin Dobson, Florence McCallum, Verde Pollard, Stanley Strachan, Pearl Gill, Edmond MoLeod, Clifford Dunbar, Roee Coates, Cecil Eokmier, Obae. Davidson, Wesley Teo, Victor Peareon. Mise LAUB! SnaN• NON, Teacher.. Morris. Turnips are a good crop. 'Beautiful weather for gathering roots. Oar oolleotor ie getting ready to etart out. A wedding on god line takes plane this week. So far we missed no gates last Friday night. Everything is quiet. Miee Iebieter spent Satnrday and Son. day at ber home, near Wingham. Miee Ida Smith left an Monday for an extended vieit with friends in Toronto. Geo. Pearce, 7th Zine has got up a fine woodshed 18 x 26 feet. Matt. Maine bad the oontraot. t n Deo 4th. Ever • r hibition vote o Po y body who h e a vote ehonld poll it and not etay at home. The organization meeeinge in 'cane°• tion with the Referendum campaign are being held in Batton's and Goeman's eohool bonne this weak. A few mud boles on 5th line near Jas. Sharp's farm need to be looked after and a few loads of gravel dumped. in. The Path master should see that this is done. BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL, The fallowing is the report of the Oa. tober Examinations of Brueeele Public School: Booms 1 & 2. CONTINUATION CLASSES. FoBM III.—Examined in Phys., French, Gram., Ohemisiry,;Latin : M Skene 344 *F Ham 190 K Telfer 318 jRForrest ..185 RZimmer 311 e W Eokmier ..173 B MoKelvey507 $R Brown 166 a F Aemetrong..305 *G Riehardson129 L Ross 296 § T Switzer ....117 B Howe 291 aB McNair .... 94 *L Nicholls 289 eARoes 64 'M Smith 261 *F Buchanan 231 * Omits French E Walker 231 a Fr., Chem. 'S Gooding229 § " Fr., Gram., *L McKay 220 Phys. 'E Fannon 199 j' " Chem. /S Mask 195 Forts IL—Examined in dram,, Lat., Lit., Alg., Ar. ; total 500 : B Henderson 422 L Richardson ..253 LMcArthar860 33 Hingeton ....214 C Mc0raokon 364 G Eokmier .. , .201 A MaMitlan340 *S Soott 196 G Ross 349 D Innes 196 M Thompson ..346 A Smith 191 LDickson 322 M McRae 187 E McKinnon ..320 J Burins 186 E Wilton 311 B Beattie 186 0 Pugh 302 J Riobardeon ..186 M MoArter 296 H Ainley 105 F MaGavin ....290 E Pugh 65 V.Dnnford ..,.269 W Elliott 63 0MoDonald....283 J Work 98 F Abbey.:. ...268 - Bl MoRenzie....254 * Omits' Latin Fonu I,—Examined in Lit,, Alg., Bk., Lat., Arith, ; total 500 : F Davidson ....468 E Scott 263 A MaQuarrie ..411 J Armstrong 261 0 Ham 374 *W Fargaharson218 E Dennis 878 J Mooney 217 A Richardson ..366 T Thompeon200 3 McCracken ..348 L Duufotd 186 R Deadman .... 383 ''M Roes 170 R Bryans 310 *M Dark 92 L Turnbull :...299 *E Carrie 22 R Ainlay 271 * Omits Latin 'Man E. 0. SCOTT, J. H:, GAMxBON, Principal. norm 8. EaroiANon.—Examined in Arith., Geo., P by., Lit., Spell. and Comp.; total 600 t M Blandon ....449 R Sinclair 226 NN Cober R 169 NForbee.,,.,.428447 MAmPugh ent 150 ECameron ,,.,410' LEdwards ,.,81, H Richards .,..582 Jet, IV.—Examined in A.rith„ Geo., Phy., Lit„ Spell. and Comp. Total 600 ; H Brothers ...,492 J Wilton 323 T Zimmer 891 G Rose 514 H Avery' 888 N Harbottle....301 L Sinclair 872 0 Wilbee 296 E Aflame 868 3 BloomSeld,...201 JDolf 349 M McNiohol....159 E Colvin 824 G Ewan 158 SR. HI.—Examined in Arith., Geo., Play., Lit„ Spell, and Comp. ; total l00: M Miller 540 F McKenzie, ...409 K Deadman 638 W Turnbull....408 M Brothers ..:587 0 Armstrong ..401 C Bell 610 A1Jaokson ,...374 P Baeker 508 J Cunningham .. 871 V Wilbee 486 J Moore. .....871 K Harbottle ... 467 W Straohau.... 359 L MoArter 450 V MoKenzie....341 0 Holmes. 447 Ar Jackson ....338 H Amens 438 W Henderson —836 A Thompeon ,418 N Brown 294 0•Soott 413 0 Gerry . 219 E Amoot 412 R Qunningbam..108 Miss K. Wmeox, Teacher. Roots 4. ' JB. III Close,—Examined in Lit„ Geo., Arith„ Gram,, Spell. ; total 450 : - H Moore 397 J Wilton 507 J Leckie 390 E,Ewan 306 5 Walker 384 P Ament 302 M Birt 381 S Ament 300 E Good 378 J Wilbee 295 E Speiran 376 T Cober 285 E Wilton 359 E Currie 279 W Scott 347 W Wilton 266 P Speiran 333 E ()ober 249 J Lott 828 H Barrett 247 0 Denbow 327 A Bishop 289 A Bartliff 327 0 Simmons ....286 F Scott 820 T Armstrong ..198 P Mainprize815 T Friendship ..170 SR. II Comm—Examined in Lit., Geo., Comp., Spell., Arith. ; total 450 : W Bell 406 F Scott 335 W Adams 403 V Walker 321 Mamas 894 B Leckie 317 0 MoMillan....B 307 A Roes 347350 E Curry Wilbee 264 11: Ament 344 E Cober 192 0 Ament 340 JB. II Crass.—Examined in Lit., Geo., Comp., Spell., Arith. ; total 450 : A Robb 859 R Roche 287 NEwan 342 W Ainlay 186 I Barkley 335 DeW Gonne ..130 J Henderson ,320 5 Agar 126 0 Jackson 294 W McKay 119 F Gerry - 291 Mise M. T. DOWNEY, Teacher. wear 5. JB, Crass.—Total 450 : E Deadman....437 E Raneom339 E Plum 399 E Somere 334 E Gilpin ......390 W Long 530 E MoFadzean ..383 W Miller 328 S Fos 382 W Long.... .....300 M Thompson 378 'R Haiet 301 J Armstrong ..373 F Friendship 310 V Ainlay 861 H Campbell....277 5 Speiran 360 M Walker 261 Crates IV.—Total 450 : HG Good 0 Leckie 5 Gerry y B Harris W Ham H Mooney 431 G Wilbee 351 418 M Bargees 864 388 W Sparling 345 366 J McNichol 330 358 B Walker 322 354 S Bargees 262 Class III,—Total 450 : G Ooueley 442 W Herr 329 K Wilton 414 W Mctaohlan..317 I Strachan 875 P Dark 312 H Armstrong ..363 H Ament 893 G Kerr 341 M Edwards ....276 B Warwick 836 M Thompson ..259 F Robb 333 E Cooper 242 CLASS II.—Exoellent—J Jaokeon, R Fox, H Lowry, H Burgess. Good—H Lowry, 0 Shaw, G Jamieson, Fair—E Barkley. Class I.—Excellent—N Fox, 0 Crooks, A. Moore, V Ross,'A Wilton, 5Brothers, 0 Crone, 0 Doll, H Simmons. Good— e Barrett, M Bishop, W Lott, T Snider, V McCracken. Fair—R MoKay, P Thuell, L Lowry. Mies J. N. Rmrnln, Teacher. People We Know. Mre. (Dr.) MoNaaghton and Mise-Flor• enoe were visiting at Seaforth last week. Geo. Irwin hae gone to Touonto where the other members of the family are re. siding. Miee Watt, of Elora, is a visitor at Melville Manse. She ie a sister to Mre. (Rev.) Rose. Miee Julia Bartliff hae bad a disabled finger from blood poisoning that is now getting better. H. Stewart, of Morpetb, Kent Go., is visiting Mre. Doagtae, Elizabeth street, for a few days. - n Mies Jane McNair was home for a boli. day visit with relatives in Grey township daring the past week. Mre. Neil Willey, Alexander street, is ill with typhoid fever but we trust she may be speedily restored. We are pleased to no 0. H. Bartliff able to get down town this week and hope he will oontinne to improve. Miee Lucy Colvin has been bothered with recent hemorrhages bat we hope she will anon gain up her strength. P. Hogg is away to Wellesley on a holi. day visit for a few weeks before the flax mill starts in for the Winter campaign. Oonnoiilor Henderson received a jab from a pitch fork on hie hand while assisting to unload some bay the other day. Miee Sadie Lindsay, who hae battled through an attack of typhoid fever, ie able to get about a little now we are pleased to state, Mies Mary MoLanahlin is attending the Bnaineee College at Listowel taking up stenography, type wilting, As. She ehonld make a capable hand. Rev. G. 3, Abey and Miee Harriet, of Preston, were weloome visitors to Brns• eels for a few days this week, coming Monday night and returning on Fri. day. li Alice Minnie McNaughton and Mies Bello Smith will eseiet in reottation af,d t song sloths Methodiet Charah ar. lni sr• eery at Blyth next Monday evening, Mrs, Leoltia and Mrs. J. H. Cameron are visiting Mrs. (Dr ) J. L. Turnbull, nee Mies McNair, at Goderioh. They : tvlll also4 all on Clinton friends before re; turning home, Paul and Mrs. Milloy, of Memphis, Tennessee, are in town. They game on account of the illness of Mrs. Neil M;I:ny, the former's mother, with typhoid fetor, Mr. Milloy is an artist and hue done well in T'eunessee. R., J, MoLaaohlin had the misfortune to have a needle of a sewing machine be was working, at D. C. Roes' tailoring am tablishment, penetrate one of hie Ikon Mat Monday. Tboinjury was very pain• fel and pat R. J. off work for a while. Mies Elsie Good and Joey were visit• ing at W. F. VanSlono'-1 over Sunday: Tho former and the Miesee VanStono want for a drive in the afternoon -when the horse oat up a shine and meet the buggy. Nobody was lain fortunately. We are pleased to hear that Uoaumillor W. F. VanStone, of Wingham, is able to take short drives when the weather per.. mite. Hie many old friends in Brussel', and looality hope he will Boon bo fully restored to his customary good health. ' Clarke Allin, eon of'Rev. 5. J. Anis, of London, formerly of Brussels, has taken a situation in Chicago in a drug stare and went to the Windy City the other day. He's a clever, level headed young man who will push to the front and we wish him ''cases. Wedneeday of this week Wm. Thom• eon, who has been wiggling Harry James, at the Amerioan Hotel for the past 5 or 6 months, left for Dresden, Kent Co., where he will take a situation in the sugar barrel manufactory of W. M. Dra• der. "Billy," ae he is familiarly called, is a good mechanic and will bold his own with the beat of them. CRGRCII 11111 SUS. Nov, 28 will be set apart 80 Temperance Sunday an many churches and Sabbath schools, "Oar Nation" wilt be the topic at the Epworth League next Sabbath evening at the Methodist church. Next Wednesday evening the annual election of offioere in .00nneotion with Braeeele Methodist church Sunday eohool will be held and the annual report pre- sented. Rev. William Hayhurst, one of the bast known of the older mi;nie1ers of the Metbadiet church, died at Watford on Tuesday, after a lingering illness. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Hayhurst was 71 years of age. He was pastor of Brussels Methodist church 24 years ago. Rev. T. W. Oosene preached a very appropriatedispenseslast Sabbath morn• ing in connection with the Oommecion eerviee on "The descent of the Holy Spirit". A large number tools the anora- ment. Rev. Mr. McKelvey, of Wroxeter, gave an enthaeiaetic address on the Prohibi6ion question in the evening, Rev. Mr. Gonne going to Wroxeter. On Friday evening of this week Dv. S. Gould, M. D., returned Missionary from Palestine, will deliver an illustrated lectors in Bt.' John's church, Brunets, e e. Dr. w on his work among the J Gould has laboured for the vet 5 years G P ie Palestine. He has over 100 interest• Ing views which he will show during his address illustrating the nature of the Missionary work in that country. The following persona were Amen rep- resentatives from Brussels Methodist congregation to the Offioial Board :— Thos. Moore, Thos. Caere', Jas. Oardiff, R. E. Coates, H. Beam, W. H. Maunders, and Jno. Cober. For Stewards T. Flet. oiler, R. Leatherdale, J. J. Gilpin, A. (Mosley, W. F. Stewart and W. H. Kerr. The latter was re•eleoted Recording Steward. Joe. Knight is the Steward from Oranbrook congregation which is now attached to Brussels, At the Board meeting Tuesday evening the fivauoes were reported in a prospering condition. ANNrvaieeno.—Last Sabbath was the 23rd anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., in oonneotion with Melville church. This was the first op. portnnity of his addreasing hie oongrega. tion eines his return from his enforced absence through illness and the eervicee were no donbt specially pleasing to both pastor and people over the restoration of the old ties that have existed so pleasantly and prosperously for so many years. Rev. Mr. Roes hae made a praotioe on the anniversary 000aelone of practically out- lining the work of the minister and the important part devolving ma the member- ship if advancement ie to be made. The morning text wee "Paul, a servant of Jenne Christ, (salted to be an apostle, separated onto the Gospel of God." Rom• 1 and 1, The Christian Minister as a Servant of Christ. I. As such he sustains a peouliar relation to Chriat. He belongs to Christ ; (2) He ie subject to Christ ; (3) He is accountable to Obriet, II, He has a special work to do for Christ, He hi to bear the message of the Gospel to men. To do this be meet (1) Listen for the message, doing so eager. ly, prayerfully and intently ; (2) Learn the message, and the( with both mind and heart ; (3) Relate the message, telling it forth to hie fellows ; (4) Watch for its appropriate effects in the hearth and lives of his hearers, In the evening a fine dieonaree was preached from the worde "I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I. Ger. 2 and 2. 1 The Grounds of Paul's Determination. (1) Be underotood the true personality of Christ ; (2) He apprehended and ap• preoiated the atoning sacrifice of Chriab ; (3) He had committed himself entirely to Christ for salvation. II. The indent ea of this determination upon his life t. rid aotivitiee. (1.) It gave aouetanoy 0.4 steadiness to hie life ; (2) It kindled in his soul it holy entboeiesm ; (3) It fitted Lim to be a suitable instrument through wlrinh God could mightily operate. Rev. 11r. Roes appeared to preach with his old tiara vigor and tbe earnest desire of many ;e that he may long be spared to valiantly uphold the Gospel banner,