HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-30, Page 8Ta
it,.1r rVo,r Om 80,,19O
• DIANNa the pant weep Alt. Basher 01119•
ped a oar of peau and a ear of baled boy,
111 Thotneen in the pet week. Eggs beer)
$8 OAsze of 8gge Were shipped by Bobt,
oug ing
swap ria Quickly
STOP XT Safely
' 1° 'O 1 IT Pleasantly
8000858N EXTENSION W. O. & 5,
Trains leave Bruegels Station, North
and South, ae follower
Mail 7:18 a,m !Mixed 10:00 man
Mixed 10:00 o.mMMat',1. ,...... 1;17 pan
Exercise 7:25 pmI EXPress ...... 8:17 p.m
Karat Betas 4ttrn ,
A ohiel'e among ye talk ' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Snow fturriee on Tuesday.
ANOTHER business change mooted,
Loom huntsmen are buoy these days.
A. 0. Delius shipped a oar of hogs East.
Numerous enquiries for houses to boy
or rent.
BRUesELe Council will meet next Mon-
day evening.
READ the advertisements and save
money thereby.
SOME good shooting hoe been done this
week at the Rile range.
THE dog advertised in last week'e Poar
was recovered on Monday.
A. CAR of nate and a oar of wheat were
ehipped by R. Graham thie week.
A DELIvesx of harem was made here on
Wednesday for J. McMann, of Seaforth.
BRUSIELO Evaporator is ready to take
all the apples they can have hauled to
88089ELe. Salt Works continue their
output. 2 or 3 oars were shipped this
FRIDAY evening will be Hallowe'en.
Special eenetablee will likely look after
the prank players.
R. K. Rose has purchased a tine up.
right Dominion piano from Inc,. Walker.
It was delivered feat week.
Airman sale of village property at the
Central Hotel next Saturday at 2 o'olock
p. m. F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
SHORT above wood is retailing at $2.50
per oord. Tbie is for hardwood. Prise
for soft wood is from $1.25 to 51.75 ac-
cording to quality.
fence at hie newly acquired property, nor
ner of Albert and. William streets, and
will also make other improvements.
The freight train did not arrive on
Monday from the East. They say it ie
next to impossible to keep up steam with
the soft coal now being need by the
Taonaner morning the horse attached
to Geo. Oiver'a butcher cart took fright
at the train and ran away damaging the
rig considerably. Willie Richardson, the
driver, received quite a damp but was
not hurt.
THE Clinton New Era editor ie not
altogether pleased at the way we ran the
local columns of THE PoeT, Onoe upon
a time a man received a valuable prize
for minding hie own bueineee but the
prize winner didn't reside in Clinton.
888x080 Lew.—Write are being issued
on various parties in this locality io con-
nection with the Daly farm sale oontraote
of a few years ago. The cams will come
up for trial at Toronto but as to what
hind of a fight will be made we are not
prepared to state at present. It is not
likely to be one aided however, as there
appears to be room for considerable dif.
fermium of op(uion at least.
SALE or Cowe.—A oar load of milob
oowe was gold at the Central Hotel yard,
Braeaele, last Saturday afternoon by F.
S. Scott, auctioneer, for N. P. Dann, of
Ingersoll locality, There were 25 animate
and they averaged 530.00 apiece. The
reason for Belling ie that in that aaotion
they sell off many dry oowe in the Fall
end buy now milkers for Winter dairying.
There were some very good oowe in the
lot, Mr. Scott will eell another oar load
et L. Haneon'a Hotel, Wingham, on Sat.
nrday afternoon of next week, for W. H.
Ohambere, of Oxford Co.
GEO. Enweane' apple butter Notary is
busy these days.
JNo. GRAINGER forwarded a ear of cattle
from Brgeeele einae last ieeoe.
Tam query the coal dealers meet ie
"When will your coal arrive ?"
JNo. Ger./ANGER shipped a oar of apples
to Manitoba. Jno. Tait also forwarded
a oar.
Renin. Taoaaao=I ie in the field for the
purohsee of live turkeys and will handle
all he eau get.
15 CENTS gate THE Poen for the balance
of 1002. 51.00 will pay for it to the end
of 1903 from this date.
ATTEND the auction gale of Public
Library magazines at the Garfield House
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'olook.
WHEN a young lady bene a handker•
chief for a good looking baohelor, she
probably sews that She may reap.
SEAroora peopleareconsidering a Simi•
lar offer to that ot Brunets concerning
their woollen faotory. Mr. Diok ie ask-
ing for a loan there.
WHY give away your fowl alive ? See
what we are paying. Dried apples 50 ;
butter 16e. A $20,000.00 stook.
GEO. E. BINS, Wingham.
JNo. CUNNINGHAM hae parchaeed a house
and lot, on Alexander street. from Mies
Walker. Price paid was 5660. He gets
immediate poeeeeeion and will move to it
next week.
ON Thanksgiving Day Mre. Hannah
Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, and John J.
Duncan, of the same town, were united
in marriage by Rev. Mr, MoBrine. The
bride was a former resident of Brumes,
Mammies Fon BALE.—The anotion sale
of Ma;tazinee belongiug to Brussels Public
Library and Reading room will take place
at the Garfield House on Saturday after.
noon of Ole week at4o'olook. Magazines
may bo seen in the store window of above
mentioned block. A lot of splendid read•
ing at your own price.
Tat Braeaele Tent of the Maccabee
Order has received a fine oak book case
and 100 volume of up to -date books, well
— n ton Library—as a reward
andd L p y w
from the Supreme Tent for diligence in
adding 25 names to the membership roll.
Books wit! be for uee of the membership
and will be distributed from the Lodge
room. There are something like 140
members in the K. 0. T. M. here and 40
in the L. 0. T. M. department,
APPLE Purnnoo.—In speaking of the
patent apple puller of Edward Garvin,
Brussels, which be exhibited at the re.
cent Iodaetrial Fair at Toronto, the Tor•
onto Daily World said :—Edward Gar-
vin, Brussels, Ont., ie exhibiting in the
main building a fruit pioker that is
commanding the attention of all orchard
late. it ante the Stems, takes the 'apple
off and carries them into the pookete
without bruising them and is made in
each a way that they eon be need on
ground that is very rough. It ie easily
operated and Mr. Garvin ie booking a
great many orders owipg to the teat that
hie prices are very reaaooable.
FRANK Hoee DEAD. The death took
place Monday morning at Viotoria Hospi-
tal, London, of Frank Hogg, of Wingham,
who was injured some time ago by a fall
from an elevator. Death was dee to con.
mission of the brain. The remains were
taken to Wiagbam in the afternoon for
interment. . -Deceased is a son of Mre.
Hog_, of Brunets, and was a former resi-
dent of Morrie township, Not showing
signs of improvement after hie bed fall
he was taken to London for treatment by
a specialist last week but death released
him from the earthly tenement. Mr.
Hogg was a clever turned man who en•
joyed the friendship of a large oirole of
friends who will greatly regret the out-
come of the unfortunate accident. Mre.
Hogg i8 a sister to Mre. Jae. B. Strelton,
of Brussels, and with her family will
share in the sympathy of the community.
The feneral took place on Wednesday
HYMENEAL. St, Miehaei'e ahorob,
Blyth, was, on Monday afternoon of last
week, the some of the wedding of Mise
Margaret Mo0augbey, daughter of Fran.
ole McCaughey, to F. 0. Schuler, of
Brunetti, The altar was beautifully
decorated with flowers for the occasion
and the church was thronged with friends
of the contracting parties. The bride
wore it very handsome gown of dark bine
broadcloth, with a brae satin waiet
trimmed with white silk lace and with
hat to match, She was assisted by Mies
Harriet Ma0anghey,of Clinton, who was
attired in dark green with oream Bilk
waist and hat to match, The groomeman
Ives Thos. Kelly, of Blyth. Miee Hamil-
ton presided at the organ and rendered
several eeleotione, including the wedding
marches, After the ceremony, whish
was performed by Rev. Father MoMena-
min, the bridal party and gaeete repaired
to the home of the bride's parents where
a, samptao0e wedding dinner awaited
them. In the afternoon Mr, and Mre.
Belittler accompanied by the bridesmaid
and groonteman drove to Brunetti where
they have taken up housekeeping. They
are a mush esteemed young maple to
whish the many wedding presents attest
ed. Tam POST jling the numerous friends
in tri8hiag theft many yoke of meta.
Mania! 3031485',
ego h aeaeo
n title n,
bop f:
Ma gMATonwrr ob On, have leased the
more In the Garfield blool5 and will open
up a etook of general Dry Goode.
A MAoIeraAtgE'e Court le Set down for
Friday of 10 e. m., in the Oonnoil Chum,
bet. The plaintiff and defendant raeide
ig the Eeeterly part of Grey townebip,
TBE wanton) of the McCallum estate
have announced the Bale of the re01
property for Friday afternoon of next
week, with F, S. Soot', as auctioneer.
Further partionlare may' be ascertained
from the advertisement in this week's
HYI105010 -A quiet wedding wag sol•
emoized in St. Jnhn'a Ohnroh, Preston,
oil Tumidity morning, Oot. 28th, at 9
o'nlook, when the Rotor, Rev. Geo. 3,
Abey, united Dr, Fronoie George Wall.
bridge, of Midland, and Mies Cl. Brown
Keating, daughter of the late James Keat-
ing, Oil City, and Slater of Mre. (Rev,)
Abey, fo,merly of Broads, in the bonds
of holy matrimony.. The bride waft at•
tended by Mies Jessie Gurd, of Sarnia,
while Dr. B. H. Keating, of Denver Ool,,
brother of the bride, assisted the groom.
The, happy couple left immediately after
the ceremony for Toronto end Montreal.
Many good wishes are extended by the
Brussels triende of the bride.
TBE New BAND.—Toon Peer made men•
tion of the formation of a new cornet
Band in 00nneetion with the Maooabee
Order in Brussels, Jae. Jones, who hae
had a good many yeore experience has
been appointed iontruotor and the iiretru.
manta have been allotted as follows :—
Solo, B flit cornets, J. G. Jones and H. R.
Brewer ; let B flat cornet, Ira Gerry ;
2nd B flat oornet, H. Dalian ; eolo E flat
alto, Alf. Backer ; let E flat alto, P.
Hoag; Sod alto, D. Glaaeier, jr. I solo,
trombone, Dano. MaLaaohlin ; 1st B flat
tenor, W. Oampbell ; 2od B flat tenor,
Lorne Danford ; baritone, W. Griffith ;
E. flat base, W. H. Stewart and Ed Spar•
ain ; Snare dram, 72. Jones ; base drum,
Jno. Wright. Practices are held on
Tuesday and Friday evenings and as a
number of the members have had sequel's.
tense with mueioal instruments the pro.
geese will be more rapid than when all
are beginners. We wish the band euo-
Tne progreeeiveueee of modern news-
paper making finds an excellent illustra•
Mon in the Toronto Newe, which oeoapiee
a high plane among the great Canadian
dailies. The latest stroke of The Newe
ie to secure for poblioation the story of
"Dracula, The Vampire" by Bram Stoker.
Mr. Stoker is an Irish barrister who hae
made a great name for himself in Eng.
lieh literature. Drooula ie undoubtedly
hie beet work and is deeoribed da one of
the moat thrilling and profoundly inter•
eating etories ever written. On Satnrday,
the lith of Comber, The Newe Magazine
commenced a aeries of stories of
Old Testament obaraotere by W. T.
Allison, M. A., B. D. These etoriee have
received the highest commendation from
those who have seen the advance proofs,
including many leading Divioee, and
mark a dietioot departure in short story
writing in this country. They will doubt-
less attain a wide popularity.
K. 0. T. M.—An enjoyable At Home
was held in the Maooebee Tent last Mon.
day evening and it will not be an easy
matter tor any other society to forestall
them in the line of hospitality. Sir
Knight Sinclair occupied the abair quite
competently and in hie opening remarks
presented some figures allowing the pro-
gram of the Order, from the Supreme
Tent standpoint viz :—Total membership
on 001. 1, 1902, 294,696 ; new members
in 9 months past, 51,286 ; Benefits
paid Jan. to Oot. $1.826,536 ; Cash and
inteeted funds, 52,196,2381 gain in stir -
plus in 9 months past, $561,939 1 No. of
tents in States and Provinces, 4,800..
The minim! and literary bill of fare waft
good and well rendered and Wes heartily
applauded. It re:misted of a solo by
Mre. W. F. Stewart ; recitation, Mre. H.
Ham ; solo, "Only to say Good Bye",
Miee Forbes ; recitation, Mise Winnie
McGuire ;• baritone eolo, "Barque of
Dreame", D. Stewart, of Wiartnn ; Bolo,
"He sleeps in the Transvaal Tonight",
Miee Thnrea Gerry ; solo, "Three men
in a boat", B. R. Brewer i Bolo, "When
the FIarveet days are over Jessie dear"
Jae. Jones, Miee Jean MoLanoblin and
Mrs. W. H, Stewart were the efficient
occompanists, Atter the program a fowl
auppmr was served with all the etaeterae
that 0000titute a first -aloes meal. The
tables seated 30 at a time and they were
filled more than twice before all were of the 23rd anniversary of his pnetorate.
nerved. Aotivo and obiging young ladies Fat Stook Show ai;d th^se who ars not I His congregation
and the communitynit
and gentlemen performed the dudes of membote sl 0 t1 were tiehete ae theygenerally will be a unit in beadily wet.
waiters with neatne88 and dispatch. only asst 25o. I coming him baotl to town.
Mne. JAS. STEWARTDEom.BnD.—Monday
morning of this week, the wife of James
Stewart, of Port Arthur, died at the home
of her pareate. Alexander street, Brno
eels, after an illneee of a few weeks of
typhoid fever followed by a lung affection.
Deceased's maiden name was Orlean
Milloy, of this pleas. She was united in
marriage to James Stewart' 3 years ago,
and a goodly portion of the time since
then was spelt in Port Arthur. Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart and little daughter, (17
mouths old) came here to visit this Fall
when the parents were etrioken
with typhoid fever and after a severe
siege Mr, Stewart ie convalescing slowly
but the attack and its complications prov-
ed fatal to Mre. Stewart. The subject of
this notice woe a comely, good hearted
young woman whose demise will be eio•
oerely regretted. The funeral took plaoe
on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. D. B.
McRae, of Cranbrook, taking ()barge of
the eervioe. Wm. Milloy and wife, of
London ; and Mre. Ed, Coleman, of Tor-
onto, relatives of the deceased were here.
Mr. Stewart and the other relatives are
deeply sympathised with in their bereave-
ment and many good wishes are expres-
eed for Mr. Stewart's epeedy oonvalee-
meeting of the Directors of East Huron
Farmers' Institute was held in the Coun-
cil Chamber, Braeeet's, on Tneeday after-
noon of this week. Free., T. McMillan, i0
the chair. There wee a good attendance.
The meetings of the Institute will beheld
as followe : Fordwinh, Nov. 28th ; Moles.
worth, Nov. 29th ; Blaevale, Deo. let ;
Ethel, Deo. 2nd ; Walton, Deo. 8rd. The
meetings at Manley's school house, sod
Mnrdie'e school house, MaKiltop ; and
Oonetanoe, Hallett, were poetponei un-
til January to follow supplementary
meetinge. The onteide speakers at the
meetings will be A. Elliott, of Galt ;
and Miee Blanche Maddock, of Guelph.
At Fordwiob the former ie asked to speak
on 'Siloe, and Sugar Beets and Miee
Maddock on Bread making and a talk
on digestion. Moleeworth, Mr. Elliott
topica "How to maintain moisture in the
Boil" and "How to make the most of the
farm" ; Miee Maddock will disonee "But-
ter making" and "How to make Women'e
Institutes interesting" ; J. Armstrong, V.
5„ of Gorrie, will speak on "How to feed
end care for the working horse." Blue•
vale, "Better factories and better cows
needed," "Corn growing," "Making the
moat of the farm" were the subjects allot.
ted Mr. Elliott ; Miee Maddock "Domes•
do Boience" and "Breadmaking." Ethel,
Mr. Elliott will dimes "Corn and silage"
and "Sugar Beats" and Mies Maddock
will address the meeting on "Bacteria,
their effect on the home and dairy," and
"Flowers, their evolution and oultivatioa."
Walton, Mr. Elliott, "Dorn end silage,"
"How to maiutain'moietore and fertility
in the soil" and "Making.the moat of onr
farm" ; Miee Maddock will have "Dom.
aeric Science" and "Flowers" ; Geo.
Mardis will talk on "Feeding cattle."
A musical program will be rendered at
each meeting. Seeeioae will oommenoe
at 1.30 and 7.30 o'alook. Messrs. Mo.
Millan, Hinohley, Watt, MaQnade and
Kerr will arrange program for Southerly
meetings postponed ae mentioned above.
East Hiron Fe.rmere' Institute had 567
members last ear. A
e the institute is
in affiliation with the Winter Fair at
Guelph on Deo, 8 12, the membership
tioket will admit the holder fres to the
310ll153011Volum 130Thon.--11'. 0''. 0, El.
Yard made a large ebipment of ebogt terry
oaeee of dreeeed fowl from Dolmeeville
for the old nogntry markets. Ae maY be
supposed the getting of the ponitry ready
VMS go email undertaking. The "pint*,
Mg" indn0try in 000neetlon with the
work ie quite a 1101 WO el it, Mr, Elford
'neared a number of pleokere end for a
few doye feltthere were in the air, After
the fowl were dressed end pet in the
shaping bnerda those 011a3e t. 11. the
wort stood forth before Ghoul io their
"fighting olothee" and were ehot at, Mr.
Elford bee oompleted hie tour or the Fall
Fairs where he had en exhibit front
the Dominion Poultry Station. The
fairs visited were Beaforth, Goderiob,
llrueeels, Blyth, Dungannon and Beylleld.
The exhibit created a great deal of inter.
est, and many engnirice were made tela•
five to the work at the station. The
following 10 a slipping from one of the
papers in the Above mentioned towne
with regard to the work and may not be
without interest :— Phie woe from the
breeding pod fattening station eetabliehed
ander the Dominion Department of Agri-
culture at Hplmeeville, and was in oharge
of F. C. Fulford, the manager of the
station. There were shown, in coops die.
tinotly labelled, epeoimene of fowls of
desirable and undesirable types : for in.
etanoe one coop was labelled "Too muob
comb and too nervone," another, "Too
large and leggy", another, "Desirable
type to keep for breediuo" and so on.
An excellent objeot lesson in the pre.
paration of fowl for shipping was given
by a box containing one dozen blyde oom•
poctiy packed, and ready for the Old
Country market, the box being labelled
with the name of the shipper and the
weight. Mr, Elford was busy replying to
enquiries of persons interesti.d in poultry,
deeoribing methods of feeding and cueing
for fowl, killing and packing them &o.
It was a most metruotive exhibit, and
cannot hut be prodootive of good in the
improvement of methods in the poultry
business," Mr. Elford hes had a good
opportunity to find oat the condition of
the poultry business in the county. In
conversation with him we were informed
that the most intelligent questions re the
work were asked at Bruseele Fair and
the conversation of the visitors indicated
them to be the most progreeeive farmers.
He eaye their ie also a great difference
in the directorate of different faire, and
that for oourteey, and obligement Brus-
sels may well be proud of its management.
Bayfield Amide a good second.
People We Talk About.
Harry Querrin has taken a situation in
a Listowel store.
J. J. Gilpin ie away to St. Marye this
week on a busineea trip.
Mise Maggie Leckie, of Kincardine, is
visiting at Kelvin Grove.
Mrs. Watson &inlay was visiting her
daughter, Mre. H. McIntosh, in Mo$iliop,
last week.
K. Crawford and the Mieeee Gibson, of
Blyth, were visitors at Gordon Mooney's,
John street.
Miss Jennie Howe'e health hae not been
any too vigorous of late but we hope she
will soon be fully restored.
Mre. John Long, Flora eteeet, has been
seriously ilf we are sorry to state but hope
she will Boon be oonvaleecent.
Mrs. (Rev.) Steele, of Port Stanley, is
visiting her father, J, M. O'Connor, and
renewing old friendships in Brunie.
Mre. Fred MoOraoken and Miee
Amanda McCracken have been enjoying
it driving tear and vieiting relatives and
friends in the North.
Gordon and Mre. Mooney visited
Councillor and Mre. W. F, Vanetone at
Wingham last week. Mr. Vanetone ie
improving_in health.
Albert Ooeena and wife, of Wallace,
and Misses Govenlook and Peebles, of
Atwood, spent Sunday in town the guests
of Rev. and Mre. Goeene.
George Bishop ie home from the Soo
and will remain here until next Spring.
He is a. eon of Peter Bishop's and has
been away for the past 6 months. Mr.
Bishop is still in the North. George says
there are good times at the Soo.
Jas. 8. Shaw has taken a situation at
Great Falls, Montana, and left town on
Thursday morniug for that city. He has
rented hie share of the farm to A. 0.
Demes for paetnrage. We wish Mr.
Shaw emcees and have no doubt but he
will do well.
Mre. Davey and daaghtere Loaiee,
Gladys and Gertie and eon Roy, left
Bruseele for California'Co Thursday
morning of thio week where Mr. Davey
will also spend the Winter. We wish -
them a Bate trip and an enjoyable stay in
the land of flowers.
Rev. J. Roes, 13. A., and family arrived
home from Hunteville laet Tueedny
evening. The reverend gentlemen's health
is very muoh improved by hie 4 moathe'
rest. We are pleased to state Mre. Rose,
who has been so seriously ill, ie consider•
able better and will soon be herself again
we hope.
Miee Kate Hembley, formerly of Bras -
eels, was united in marriage, on Thenke•
giving Day, to Mr. Clement, of Palm-
erston. They will continue to make their
home in Palmereton. The many old
friends of the bride in this looality wieh
her and her husband all the joys of
matrimonial life.
The Stamford, Don't of Conga
0APTTAI:o (alltllorlood by Aot of Parliament) .., ,,. 52,000,000.00
17API1'AAL (fullypldd up) ,.. 1,000,000,00
REBEli725. voND ,,, •„ . .., 850,00000
TOTAL ABSk1TS ,. ,., •,, •„ . 13,077,504,00
0E0, 1' 88110, General Manager
LT6S ELS r'1 l�7O Depoaltb reaofved, LognS made to reopen. .
II U r.','4 l� LS lil.Z .1 1� Lit.: gil)lo Cortise ou favorable tet'me. Drafts`
and money orders toaued, payable at• any point, at )sweet rates, Oolleotlene -
promptly attended to. A General Banking petition traaeaotod, Every taoiltty
afforded Ountvmero living 103 a (11000 ee.
Amounts of one dollar and upwards
Sayings Bank Department
roaelved and interest at ni peat
eurrent rate allowed from. date account 1e opened, and added 30 rho principalgAlay .
Stat a pd November 80th,
Farmers' Sale Notes Oaahed adeor n.reoelv0d tar sale keeplag 8nti
Ool le
. Blank Note Forme Free On Application
Hoare 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1.
F. H. GRAY, AoiNT,
Next Sabbath evening"The beet Gift"
will be the topic at the Epwortl League
service. ' -
Monthly Miealonary day in the Meth-
adiet Sabbath, school, Brunets, next
Sunday afternoon..
The Archbishop and Biehope aeeem.
bled at the General Assembly held in
Montreal have honied a Pastoral Letter to
be read in all the Anglican churches in
Canada- It deale with work of the Synod
and especially the new Missionary Society,
the obeervenoe of the Lord's. Day, the
word of God and the responsibility of
The quarterly Communion gervioe will
be held in the Methodist ohuroh• nest
Sabbath morning. Fellowship meeting
will be held in the Sabbath eohool room
from 9.30 to 10.30 o'olook ; preaching
eervioe commencing at the latter hour
followed by the admini,tering of the
sacrament of the Lord's Sapper. The
pastor will preaoh.
The Fordwiob Record soya .-On Sun•
day evebing Rev. T. W. Comae, of Brus-
sels, a former pastor of the Methodiet
church here, preached the anneal mise.
ionarc sermon to a crowded house. The
sermon engaged the attention of all and
was a grand one on a grand subject. ill
collection and oubsoriptiou of about $72
were taken at the oloee.
Rev. T. Wesley Omens took ae his
morning text last Sabbath "I will
therefore that men pray everywhere,
lifting up holy halide without wrath and
doubting," 1 Tim. 2 and 8. At the even•
ing eervioe the 2010 Pel. and 5th verse
wag the Soriptnre chosen "We will rejoice
in thy ealvation and in the name of our
God we will set up our baaners." �'OR' SALE. -5 SHEARLING
A couple of young ladies in Midland l gams 1 two -}}ear -old and 2 Ram
laid an information before the polios Lambe. Pure bred Leioeetoeo. Good ease
magistrate, charging a young man with at low prices. Also Short Horn Bulls. 0080
eery terms: D. MILNE & 80N, Ethel.
2 RAtt lambs ler We, Leioestere. P.
ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Con, 9, Grey.
5087880 girl wanted at once. Apply
to MRS. G. P. BLAIR, Brussels.
GENERAL 'servant wanted, Apply
GENERAL store for Bale. For further,
particulars apply to 3, H. T808808, Hen.
1ryn, 18•tf.
Two year old driving filly for sale.
Broken to double harnese. THOS. MOORE,
Brussels. 18 ,
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
William and Albert streets, Brussels.
4941 3. LECKIE. '
�V —The contract of cutting 200 cordo of
etovewood in the bush will be let on appli-
cation to SAMUEL BURKE, 5th Line,Mor-
rie, Bruseele P, 0.
Lambe and Ram Lambe, Lelceeters,
tor sale Eligible for registration, OLIVER
TURNBULL, Lot ;30, Con. 19, Grey, Wal-
ton P. 0. . 15 -it
Cows for Dale to come in Oot.1, also
a 2 -year-old heifer in calf, and;3 yearling
heifers. All Jersey grades.
Graham's Survey. Brussels P. 0.
swearing on the street in their presence. and Heifers at very moderate prices and
The defendant was fined one dollar and
ooete, the magistrate remarking that he
had just been waiting for euoh a nom.
plaint, and he was determined, if possible,
to etomp out the poultice. In tature
offenders will be more severely dealt with.
Bt. John 18 and 8 "If therefore ye Beek
Me let them go their way" wee Mr.
MoKay'a text in Melville church laet
Sabbath morning and at the evening
eervioe it was "But they supposed Him
to have been in the company,' St. Luke
2 44. Mr. McKay hae' many warm
friends in Melville congregation who
expeot him to give a good amount of him-
self when hie etudent days are over and
we don't think be will disappoint them.
The AttorneyGeneral's Department is
patting its official foot down heavily, on
all Sabbath breaking, , ae defined by the
Manses of the Lord's Day Aot in opera-
tion in this Province. The County Crown
Attorney in Chatham bee been asked by
the department to prosecute the beet
sugar companies, who in erection of their
factories at Wellaoebarg and Dresden
respeotively have employed Sunday labor.
Farther proeeontione are likely to be
announced later on.
There will be epeoial services in the
Catholic abaroh, Bruseele, next Sunday,
Nov. 2, and Monday, Nov. 3.
Rev. E. B. Rupert, formerly of Clinton,
hae retired from the active worlt of the
ministry, and taken tip hie residence in
Ia oonneotioi with the evening eervioe
in St. John's eburoh last Sunday D.
Stewart, of Whitton, formerly of Brue•
sale, contributed o fine solo,
"The Cities of Refuge" will be next
Sabbath's iuternetional Sabbath eoboel
lesson and Is a flue oue. Bee ootee ou
page 3 of this thane of THE Pura.
Rev, I. A. Molielvey, of Wroxeter, and
Rev. T. Wesley Oosene will exchange
pulpite next Sunday evening and will
make special reference to the Referendum
The Heron Anglican Lay Workers' and
Sunday school teueber'o convention will
be held (D. V.) in St. James' eohool house,
Ingereoll, on Oot. 80th and Blot mete. A
cordial invitation is extended to all men
and women interested in Sunday School
and Lay work to attend.
Next Sabbath morning Rev, Jno. !lose,
1' own wn
B. A.will occupy hie w pulpit in
Melville church. It will be the occasion
1110Fenz0e0. In Brussels, on Ootober 28,
to Mr, and Mre. Wm. MoFadzean, a
church, Blyth, on October 20th, by
Rev, Father MoMenamin, Mr. Frank.
Scholar, of Brunets, to Maggie, 08'
oond daughter of Mr. and Mre. Fran-
- ole McCaughey, of Blyth. .
WALI;ER—HALLIn.Y.—At the teeidenoe of
the bride's parents, Morrie, on Oot.
22, by Rev. J. J. Haatie, of Belgrave,
Mr. Tom Walker, of Bruseele, to
Mise Christian, daughter of Mr. and
Mre. A. Halliday, of Morrie.
WALLnarnoo—KEeTINO. — In St. John's
Church, Preston, on Oot. 28, by Bev.
- G. J. Abey, brotber•in•Iaw to the
bride, Dr. Frannie George Wallbridge
.ot Midland, to Miee O. Brown Keat-
ing, daughter of the late James Keat-
ing, of 011 City. -
BELL,—In Blyth, on Ootober 1810, Mre.
Hugh Bell, aged 79 years, 9 months
and 13 days.
Srtwear.—In Brussels, on Oot. 27th,
Odeon Millay, beloved wife of Jae.
Stewart, aged 25 years, 10 months
and 16 days.
HART.—In Elmo, on 001• 28, Jemima
Shiele, beloved wife of Geo. Hart,
aged 28 yeare, 6 months and 12 days.
.21..vcmxo3 w s.Ax,s-
BATuRDeY, Nov 8.—Car load Mitch
oowe, at L, Heneon'e hotel, Winghem.
Sale at 2 o'olook. W. H, Chambers,
Prop. F. S. Scott, Atm.
TnuneDAY, Nov. 13 —Farm stook ; im•
plemente, &o, hot 8. Con. 12, Grey.
Sale, nnreoerved, at 1 o'olook. Jno, Mo.
Fadden, Prop. F. B. Sena, Auto.
5MT-T sZS7i.,S 2.6.AXR•=0ETB,
Fall Wheat
Barley .,, .. ..•.....•
Butter, thl,.c and rolls
Eggs per dor on
Floor par owt.
Potatoes (per bas.) ....-,
Apples (pas bag)
Hay per 100 .. ..
Sheep ektne,each ...,,
Lomb 3 178
L b i 6
Balt par hill., retail...,,
Hided trimmed ..,
Hideo lough
Hoge, LiVe....
Wool .r
64 65
85 37
50 60
2'6 27
18 16
14 15
4 00 5 00
35 86
40 50
6 00 6 00
26 26
25 80
1 00 70
6 671
5 5
5 25 6 50
11 12
oppoeltetbe Ocher Carriage Factory,
Brussels. In addition to a comfortable
houee,With cellar, hard and soft water. &c.,
there ie oleo a goad 'stable, - } ogre of /and.
For further particulars apply on ,the prem-
ises to MRS. SRO. 08RRLE, Brussels. 11'
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Miee Eva N. Roblyn, of London.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exams.
19'Vo illvisitBrussels every Tuesday.
Lessons given at the home of W. H. Kerr,
John etreet.
1E1t0IONEn wishes CO announce to
the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that gibe
is prepared to matte switches out of comb-
ings and out hair, at her home, Mill street
West, Brussels. MRS. HINGSTON.
En for the Junior Department of Oran •
brook Public School, duties ;to commence
after New Years. Applications, with,refer-
ences, will be received up to Nov. 81h, at 8
p, m. Applicants to state salaryy.�
14.4 W. OAMEBON,
See.-Treas., Oranbrook.
8. Scott, Auotionecr, has reneived instruc-
tion(' from the undereigued to Bell by Public
auction at Lot 8, Con. 12. Grey, on THURS.
DAY, NOV 18th, at 1 o'oleek p. m., the f01 -
lowing valuableproperty, viz.:. 1 rend horse
4 years old, 1 heavy filly rieing 2 years, 2
ally colts bred Srom'•Mount Boy J' 4 Ehoro'
bred oowe, 1 tboro' bred heifer 2 years old,
in calf ; 1 thoro' bred bull calf, rising 8 moe. ;
1 Moro' bred bull calf rising 7 months; 1
thorn' bred bull salt 8 mouths old ; 1 thorn'
adiosilDed months grade
g heifer
oof ; yeaing.
steers, 2 yearling heifers. 17 well bred Lei.
nester ewes, 1 well bred ram, 10 pigs 4 mos.
old,1 set of harrows, 1 spade harrow, 1. tut'
nip pluper, 1 eouffter, 1 road oart, 1 straw
cutter, 1 grain crusher,1 double sec of heavy
harness, 1 set of Bingle harness, 1 set of plow
harness, 1 gang plow, 1 olegle plow, 1 pea
harvester ; forks, spades, shovels and other
articles too numerous to mention. Salo will
he without reserve en the proprietor in not
living on farm. Terme—All sums of 65.00
and under oaeb,ovor that amount 11 months
credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint notes; 5 per cent, off for mien on orad•
it amounts.
Men never,eee the use of Wine.
cleaning, It's a habit. Womeq
don't Hee the use of smoking, ,494
tbat.doeen't deter men'trom ming:
tobacco. All of which has nothing
to do with the foot that we are
' selling the beet household ammonia
ever made for 150, per pint bottle,
It oontaine a larger per sent. of
ammonia than mot of them' and
will clean anything 'about the
15o. per' bottle with eomplete
direotione on eaob at
F o X'S
THY gentleman or lady in each coun-
ty to manage buefnese for an old establish,
ed bones of solid financial standing. A
straight, bona, Ode weekly cash- salaryof
678,00 paid by cheek each .Wednesday with
all expenses direct from headquarters.
Money advanced for ozponees. Manager,
240 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. • • ,
BALE of Thero'•bred Onttle, Grade
Cattle, Horeee, Pige, Hens and Farm Iml}le-
meate. James Jones has received lnetrnb+
tions from Mr. 0. Querengeeeer to sell by
public auction on Lot 28, Con. 0, Township
of Logan, on TUEBEAY,NOV, 11th,1902, tho
following:—Thoro'-bred Oattle-0 Durham
oowe in Dalt, 4 Durham cows with calves by
their aide, 2 Durham heifers in calf, 8 Dur-
ham heifers from -1 to 18 months old, 2 Dur-
ham bull calves, 1 Durham bull 80 months
old, bred by Henry Smith, o1 Exeter, out of
an imported bull. All the above are from
high plass Moak and are all individually No.
1. Pedigrees will be furnished on day of
sale. Grades -2 Cows supposed in calf, 8
eteere rieing IS years, 8 steers rising 2 years,
6 heifers rising 3 ware, 10 heifers ;rising 2
years, 5 calves. Horses -1 Mare 4 years old
supposed to be in foal, 1 horse 10 years old,
1 driving horse, 0 years old, got by Oliver.
Wilkes. 1 Brood sow,14 store pigs9 months
ol(1,.75 hone. Implements, atm -1 13 -horse-
power traction engine in good working -order
(Sawyer-Meoeey 00. manufacture), 1 thresh.
ere tank, 14 -horsepower gaeotine engine, 1
force pump, 1 stook scale (oapaoity'00001bs)
1 soale (2000 lbs), 1 large ensilage cutter and
blower mounted on trucks, 1 sawing mach-
in e,1 grinder ten inch plates, 10.ftMaeuey-
Barrie binder only used ono season, 1 5 -ft
Massey -Harris mower, 1 twelve hoe combin-
ed seed drill, l horse rake 10 11,1 hay Bidder,
1 Kangaroo two -furrowed plow, 2 twin gauge,
3 walking plows, 2 Bets harrOwa, 1 pulper, 1
fanning mill, 1 roller, 1 diso harrow, 1 emit-,
fler,1 turnip seeder, 1 cultivator with Reeder •
attachment, 4 wagons, 2 pairs bob-eleighe. 2
demoerate,2 hay racks, 1 atonic rack, 1 wag-
on box with stook rack, 2 wheelbarrows, 1
hay York with cur, ropes, pulleys, slings,
post holo augers, scoop shovels, 4 nota work" -
103 harness, 400 cedar poste, 1500 feet of lum-
ber, and a lot of other articles too numerous
to mention. There le also tb be Bold about
1500 bushels of oats, 0 mores of mangolde and
turnips, 7 acres of ensilage, about 60 tone of
hay, besides the straw grown on 00 acres of
laud. 11 not Bold la bulk on day of sale ar-
rangetnente can be made to feed on shares.
Sale at 10 O'oleek sharp. Terme: All same
of 810 and under, Duan ; over that amount
12 months credit on furnishing approved
credit ant mounts. per
Ref Refreshments will bfor e son
ed at 12 °'stook, Rigs will be at the Hicks
House, Mitchell, to convey intending pur-
chasers coming by train.
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Logan, Oct. 21ot,190.2,
Executor s Sale
County of Huron.
Pursuant to a power of gale, contained iu
the last will and testament of Isabella Me-
°allnm, deceased, probate of which has been
duly granted to the undersigned Executor,
there willbeoffered for sale by Publlo Auo-
tion at the Oeutrat Hotel in the Village of
Brussels, on Friday, the 7th Lay of Nov.
ember, A. D. 1002. at the hour of 12 o'clock
(noun), by F. 8. Scott, Esq., auctioneer, that
valuable property known as Lots number 94
and 95 on Mechanic street, in the Village of
Bruseele, containing one-half acre ofilond,
more or lees. IIpon the premises there is
erected a frame hone0 and•aframe stable,
both of which are in fair repair • there is
also a goodwelland cistern on Ile proper-
ty. Terme of gale -10 per cent. of the par•
chase money at the time of sale, to be paid
to the Solicitor Mr the Executor, and the
balance thereof within one month there-
after without intermit. The title to the said
land is indisputable. Further partionlare
may beobtainedupon application t0 rho
euotiopeer, or the undersigned.
Solicitor for Executor. Executor.
Dated Oetober 25111, 1902.
,,••-^�,,,,.���„""'�� '�;,::I""`�4��i.lr''aD—r2.'L:D'..:t-"'Y. L�'j1p►
Downing Bros.
Shoes s for Pall ,)
or mountain . climbing are
what we're featuring just
now. They're seasonable,
serviceable, stylish. Our
lived of -F'I'0t,t (lel' include
all the leading makes.
Have them in all shapes,
sizes and widths, to suit
every taste and purse:
And every pair warranted
as to make and material.
Agents for the Slater Shoe.