HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-23, Page 5OOP, 25,-1.1102 .01 BUSINI S'. CARDS8 VroNIY5C TO LOAN AT 5 Pgu ,L,.14. gent, Tail, 6OOSl"Ft Breseale, • U7 H, MoQRA,QI EN-- YY a Tamer of 111arilego Lieou000, Of - pug of Or000ry, Pereberre etreot, l0raaaole, M, MARRISON, 'saner of Marriage. Licenses, ) NWALTQN, QNT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLiN, —TRACHEA 02'— PIANO - AND '- ORGAN, e3Z '-7315'-?'-" 248. °ZVI% ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: ISDN/MICR,, t ` FIRE AND NINE. GUELPH;; t , Lz; oII z>,t I r�• F+1FI7 AND PIlt18 1NSURANOE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, VALUATOR eke. Olive over Hureley'n ..Drug Store, Feb. 6th,1002, s0•Bm $rue6d1,. Wellington Mutual I?Ire insurance 00., F.d7An • r.monoD 1840 Insontaken on the eash andpremium note system at current) .otos, Before incur• ing elsewhere callon the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE'ROG'ERS. Wessels. MSS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, O. M., Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Musts, also Member of the Aesootated Muofeiana•of Ontario, is prepared to reoeivo a united number of pupils for instruction ou the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Mueio, Brussels, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. T S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1 • isnR, will Bo11 for bettor prices, to bettor men in lees time and leas obarges than any other Auctioneer in Fast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders . eau arm ye he arranged at this office or by , personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— +/ • Honor Grn.na.e of the Outarlo Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner. Pa,Ji,ular attention paid to Veterinary ito,,t,etry. Calls promptlyat- tendedto. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tiroberry sit, Brame's. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT M-,SINCLAIR- V Rarriatar, 9olleitor, 'Qonveyaneer, 1 13� warm Bleak 1 Notary pub 10 Ate, t aloe t e v 1 1 door Nrrth of Central Hotel: Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G. F.BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, dm. Office o+er Stand. and Bank. Solicitor for' village of Bre/wale. Money to Loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS. DR, O. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFIOE- 011LL ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON,' DI. D., C. III., Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medfaal Colloge,Membor College of Physicians and Someone, Ont. Licentiate of. the Royal 0o1 - lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, id- wiferyBdinb arab. MR -Telephone No.14, Resibence-8u ill street, Rnrseele. DEN (ISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and First class Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuiver0ity. Ofdoe next to Brewer's Photograph .Gallery, BRUSSELS. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR . SERVICE.-- A Thoro'-bred Short Horn, registered pedigree. Terme 75e, i with privilege of re• turob:Mif neoeseary. 00180, Rftna, es• ' - Brussels South. Fall Term in the f/L/STOWEL (U(�! Begins Sept, I, 1602 Students m„y outerat any time. Terms 1 oan,eabla, T wo ooureeo—Oommerotal, nod Shur Wand. Send for Journal. C. A. Ft.IEMIING, A. McIN'rYRE, i'resldent, .-, evatary,. 8141 -hip! Fr' F 117 1,9 akin. British Columbia lied Cedar Shingles North Shore Pin aLnd."Cedar FOR SALE AT Tau Brussels Planing lilts Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order. at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Matotiol Guaranteed, T...A.M.g1\1111. Attend the Rest -It Rays CENTRAL TRATFORA, ONT, li • rs Beoontgredeateekayoeeee tad geed ponitiono at 040, $95, 800 and 080 p01 inontI, and a few Jaye ago an applies• tion wue revolved 00 elle d ra n t r roc lv a to t a erJn nus . lastit term a eafary of gig- Per annum, Tole is for kind of orielt Q vow 13 Dote you aro looking far as to the boot tertidotmonth it possible. free, En. Qi W, J,10LL0OT'1',Prmcipal, it if x xcx# i.e s, Fitt v 814. Mies Mary Moleanghlin left Net week for athreo monka vieit with th t r brother and friends at Dutton. Mies Mand King left here on Monday of last Weak for Waebington, D C., where she intends taking a waren of training in the national training etibool fur mission. arieo and dea80Ileeges. T. R. Wright, of the firm otHumpbrey & Wtigh', bnildore and contractors, Trow. don, wee in Blyth and parallelled 325,000 brink from AdamW06 e 14afar. The brick Was bought for the London Builders' Supply & Ma la to i a n r n Co. rite rine waep$5.50 per thoueand.''Mr, Wettlanfer ie to load the brick on care at Blyth, and the purohaeere pay the freight from Blyth to London. Olin ton. The red' Beamevllle premed brink baa arrived ,oy the Beene for our new poet office. A horse that had been sold by Mr. Wal• lie to Geo. Dale, broke its neck while in the battle yards. J. B. Rumball has been appointed teener of 'Marriage Licenses by the Pro- vincial Secretary. . Andrew Taylor hag reoeived his total disability claim of $500 from the Inde. pendent Order of Fureotere. Mise Elate Dowzer left for New York ou Monday of Net week where she takes her poet graduate oouree as nurse. Owing to the continued illness of her mother and the apparent ditiloulty of securing domestio help, Mies Stephenson hag been compelled to resign her position ail teacher in Hauean school, atter five rime' 0007108.' 12 Carter hauled forJgbn Rai:Word a load of stove'ooal, weighing 6880 pounds, from Goderioh to Stapleton. This is over 8 tone to weight, and was drawn by one team of boreee. A apan of hordes thatcan draw this amount over the hille that lie between here and Qoderieh is enviable. Lista,wel Adam Zilliax, .jeweller, ,hoe reared home after a six weeko' sojourn in Mani. toba. Val. Scbinbein and family. will leo to nt Braaebridge, where Mr. Sohiubein 00 mimeo his position in the new furniture factory, there, of which he is one of the promoters. The Listowel Furniture 00. have de. sided to go on with the' emotion of a new addition to their [eatery this Fall. It will be built -along Elena street, extending eastward from the main building, and will be 86x70, three etoriea high. Upon hearing the Are alarm on Saber. dayy morning lltb inet., wields was Bound- ed to pall the brigade up to go to Atwood, Geo. Raines, Mill street, got up hurriedly, and in moving about in the dark fell down etaire, with the remit, that he has a broken arm, the bone being fractured above the wrist. • Benjamin Everall, an old resident of the Wallace boundary, about three miles West. of Listowel, had taken his own life by haogiug himself in the bare, while hie eon's family, with fehom he lived, were atdinner. The old mag was in bio. 84th year, and it is supposed that he nom mitted euioide while in a fit of despond enoy. He had been in town .the day before, and appeared to he in -'hie 00001 health, although ho had been noticeably failing of late, bothmentally and phyei- aaily. He hae been a reeideat of'tbe Tat concession of Wallace for many years, ,and in hie youuger days was an ardent Orangeman,. as well as being• a staunch Conservative. Orocterlct>„ A, B. Maodouald fe oommenoing' the practice of law in Goderioh, 'and has taken the office at tbe•oorner of Hamilton and Newgate streets formerly 000upled by E. Woodcock. t A brink addition is being: built to the Horton blook on North street, to be need by Allan & Maiver for a tinemithing and plumbing department which they, are adding to their business. TheGoderiohOrgaii Company will eek the towncouncil tosubmit a by-law for 115erloau of +25,000 without interest for fifteen yea's, repayment to 00mmenes afe'rthe third year, to rebuild the lac tory deetroyed by fire 011 a larger Beale. The company would engage to employ from 76 to 100 hands. The banns r preoetited. by the - confer. ems branch of the Methodist Wnmat'e Mi•eionary Society to the Mieei n band showing the greatest activity during the. twelvemonth preceding the holding of the annual convention was,wou this year by the Labor of Love Mission B aid 10 oon0eotion with North street Methodist elm rah. County Orowu Attorney Lewis, in his rela1ne of,erimluai oases in the county' of Buren'ior' the twelvemonths ending September 30th, 1002, rapoi'te twelve oases in. the County of Judge's Criminal Oourf, resultut,, in Bight oonviotiond` and four aegaittaie• There was no-'Seeelone work. Tbie is k' pretty good reooreffor a large and populous' county like Huron, The sale et the property belonging to the estate of'the late S. ploatie, was held and the greater portion of the property was diopoted o!. .The henhouse residence on Hamilton street whish was Mr. Sloane's home wag sold to A. J. Cooper, who also purobaeed much of the fnrni• tare and furniehinge of the house. Thos. Gledhill bought the two attached frame stores ' on Hamilton street, and Mr. Cooper purohaaed the brick elevator, the briok cottage behind it on Victoria Street, the frame house on Hamilton street aid Mr. Sloane half ehare fn the 100 aore farm oil the lake 815000 road in oolborne township. The trualeee of bier."). eireet Methodist pllargh bare takett sleek of their goal, and i8t1d1110 their supply vexy abort, .with Pe Immediate prtspect of repleniohmou0 they have taken drastic pleasures to meet the situation. The week -day meetings in the oborok have boon oanoeiled or altered, the Wednesday gipping prayor,meettnge being bold at private hymnal and ilia EP worth Leven() meetings before•tbe regular Pnbiia tier visa on Sunday oyao. InR, The annual convention of the Epworth League of Gotforioh dietript will be held InVietariaat, Methodist church, node• rich, on 'Thursday and Friday, Ootober 00 and 81, commencing at 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, 4 good Program bee been arranged including an evening oeeeioe on Thursday which will be ed. dressed by Rev, k.17,•R'lalott, B, A., B, D,, of Renaud, and Rev, R. Hobbs, of Wingbam, and at which music will be given by the choir of the oburgh, Atwood, Nearly all the September oheeee in this vioinity has been sold et a good figure, an a t ri e many f o o a have n Mize(' 10p and eam8 llo, Thos, E. Shearer has dniehed silo till, ingg with a enooesoful keneou, having filed eighteen eiloe; refilled two, There ore 144 agree of corn in these silos. The trustee board of the Methodist Church,aeked fora ar wail offering farewell e t0 of $100 anme Sunday the people reopen k�ded- with $101, which shows .a liberal people and is creditablet he tom. At the seventh u sou a e Io onvention of the Stratford District Epworth League to beheld in St. Marys on Thursday and Friday of this week, a paper on ',linage in League work," will be read by Maud Barrie, of Atwood, N°Tim An or Tite, Fleu.—Atwood Dow has a night watchman- who will look attar the safety of dwellings.—The damage to the Poet Office was not extensive 'and was adjueted on the °eme day by the Inepeator of the Perth Mutual who 'fixed the damages at $50,—T. G. Ballantyne reoeived 8208 s,0 damagee to- hie store.' He is insured in the Economical.—S, Watson's household goodswere almost ruined by smoke and water. Hie loge has been adjusted by the Inspector of the Economical Fire Iusuranoe•Oompany at +226 Hie piano is to be Bent to the fan• tory to be thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Anderson reueives the full amount from the same company, viz;, +2 000. Mre. R Iger was not insured and will lose about $800.—At a public meeting palled to diocese the question of taking action til to seouring fire proteotioo, it Wae moved by D. G. Anderson, seconded by Wm. Marshall, that the following Com- mittee be appointedtoconsider ways and: means, obtain all necessary information and report at , another public meeting. shortly : J. Rues, J. A. Mitchell, J.' A. Rlin1p, W. R Erekine, 0. H. Holmes and T. d. Radcliffe,. The matter of waterworks wee also discussed. It was thongbt that by placing a abeam pump in Qorrie'e mill and in Ferreetor'e, and lay. ing pipes along the $re limit, that water .gold be ouppliod in Wm/Warm by meang of hydrants and hose, Thio would net 0110 ue olaesideation maltose the .pumping engine were in a separate lire•proof btuid• Lucian vw. e e Net o 1'e Valens sold the I f I7 W.nh V a hag farms to Smith MoLean, of Gnoknow, Oolin Matheson has returned home after a emir o at the British Barraoke at Halifax, Leeknow Musical Society Band hoe bad a very large number of o0t01de en- gagements during the season just Wooed. Charles Taylor, of West Wawanosb, sold hie due team of agricultural burse* to Meagre, Currie sad Rintoul, of Wing• ham, for $400. Prof. John A, Nicholls, organizer for the Dominion Anhwei° will deliver aft address in the Town Hall, on Thursday eveniog, Oot. 28rd, Glady MoQuaig,.who is employed al the furniture factory, woe struck in the stomach by a board thrown from the oir ostler caw and wail badly hurt. Thos. and Mre, McDonald and family left for Theeealon, Algoma, where they will make their ' home in future. Mr, McDonald hag pnroh'aeed a large farm three miles from to about roe m le om Thee ton, A largely attended meeting of the Luoknow Curling Club was held in. W. Allen a office whee the following officers were elected :—Patron, R. II. Truax, M. atronese re P. P. • P M R. E. Truax • honorary President, Dr. Ulappp ; Fred - dent, dent, Jamee 13. Hunter ; vine President, John McGarry; Secretary,' R, W. Maths• eon ;'Treasurer, Thoe. S. Reid ; repre. 'tentative members, J. G. Murdock, W. ADM, Jae. Bryan 1 ekipe, Jame, Bryan; Wm. Alli0, J. G. Murdook, J.13. Hunter ; managing Committee, Geo. Lawrence, G. A, Siddell, Thoe. F. Cain.. ,: W int: team. Dr. Agnew hag gone to New York to take a post.graduate course. Mise Houghton was called to Toronto on Taeeday of last week; by the illne,e of her eieter. D. Longheed, baker has put in one of the latest types of gasoline engines and a dough mixer. Robt. Aikens, jr., had the middle finger of hie left' hand badly out while at work on the sharper in the chair factory. The Western Foundry Oo., Ltdt, turn. ed'outtwegty-four stoves the week before last, and last week they completed thirty 'six others. The 0. P. R. Winter time table went into effect last week. The only change here is that the afternoon train for Tor- onto now leaves at 8.43 instead of 3.58. Prinoipal. Maegrove is re-engaged et $850. Mies McLean`, assistant to the Principal, wue re-engaged at a salary of $875. The other members of the teaoh• Rverylhiugeaw�,� t• �a lel 1111-linery X x Our Fall and, IS the most complete we have ever shown. We offer all the DC x Winter Stook latest Novelties in x t/2 a CeM 1Z - x :1EC Our Ready-to-wear Hat Department is one of the leading features of our business and contains every desirable style in the greatest variety of Trimmings and at prices that defy competition. Tl1e Misses S es Habkirk • • • i When you wear a pair of our rubbers you know you have a good thing— because they keep the feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands that have stood the test. They 'are made of pure rubber. 'Will fit any shoe. . 'Wil'l stand rough usage. We buy, the best and sell at money -saving prices. Men's, women's and children's—all kindsl, all prices. Those that•are dry and those that are both dry and warm.: Some prices:= Gents', 50e to $1.60 per pair Ladies', 25e to 65o per pair Ohildren'e, 20o to 40a per pair raeAgerite for the Iuviotte Shoe made by George A, Slater, aoknowledged to be the beet Shoes for Ladies' or Gents' wear. •—Repairs in Shoes or Rubbers promptly attended to, HARNESS DEPARTMENT—Fail stook of Harem, both heavy and light, at prism that will interest you. Plush Ruga, Waterproof huge and Blankets. Trpnlis'and Satohelu at Lowest Prides. C. Et,AbCXi RD5 .COST ETAEL. A3.;'.. All kiwis of llreseed Lumber kept en band from 8500 up, Brii o b 6eh C. Ism is,, home out Shingle() and Lath kPpt on band, A good farts on 18th con. of Grey for *ale, A quantity of green cedar poste for Bale on Lot 4, Ceti, 4, Grey, S. S, COLE, P1t0P1015T04, Etvaln, loss doff ,were re engaged for 1908 at regnllotion salaries, W. Taylor was re. engaged 80 jauitor; salary to be inareay. ed to825. Word wee reoeived to the offeot that Will, Elliott, a Wingbam boy, waiter Ell one of the lake demerit wail very badly melded, by coming in contact with 8nolb• er waiter, who was carrying a dish of boiling water, which was upset over Will. The very desirable reeidenoe on corner of Shuler and John streets recently par• chased byJ lker, h J. Wa has been e d of to Hugh Taylor, formerly of Frederiotod New r nil k N w BwIo who n to nowren' w permanent. ty located here as one of the travelling staff of the Maeeey Harris Co. 8, H. Ohieholm has removed hie stook of jewelry, etc,, next door to C. N. Grit flute, The shop on the corner reoently occupied by Mr. Chisholm will be fitted up for the Dominion Bank: C. N. Grif- fin bee hie stook now in order next door to his old stand. Hie' old building will now give place to a sabetantial brick building. -113frtteavettes. Mrs. G. Wray and children, of Comber, are visiting Mre. Bailey. D. and Mre, McDonald, of Palmerston, have been visiting relatives here. Miee'Mabel Oliver has returned from a vieit with relatives in Woodstock. Mies Barbara Thynne, of Arthur, spent the holidays with her stater, Mre. Bailey. Edgar and John Ooultes have gone to Philadelphia to attend the Dental Col- lege. Mies Annie Oliver, of Toronto, ie visit. ing her grandparents, Jno. and Mre. Bargees. Walter Burgess has returned from Wnodetoek where he wile employed in a curing house. Albert Denman, of Halstead & Oo'e. Bank, Mount Forest, spent Thanksgiving at hie home here. Rev. Mr. Hardy, of Listowel, gave a lecture on Mieeions in the Presbyterian ohuroh Iaet Tuesday evening. Lendburq. MCBiLLoP .Coallo r,.=Oouuail met 1n Christopher White's,'Leadbury, on Wed. nesday, Oct. 14. Members of Council all Present, minute, of former meeting g read- abd adopted. Aocountefor road, bridges, gravel, lumber and timber, plowing snow and Engineer's fees were passed and paid, amounting Go +258 81. • A motion authorized the Clerk to notify Logan Council not to proceed with MoNangbt Drain on Boundary road until line could be settled as the Referee in appeals did not allow it on road allowance. Reeve was authorized to pay John Murray for loos of time and dootor'e bill and expense° by accident at Grieve's bridge, ou bioyole, on let September, ail he hag been offered $85.00 and did not aooept, and aooident was by his neglect in going feet, and not having a light on hie bicycle, as others on bioyole and teams, the same night could see barricade planed aorose road and if he demo not aooept a reasonable amount to let it go to Court so as to know in fntore (Nees what Muoioipaltiee are liable for. The Clerk was authorized in acaordanoe to legal advice to draft By-law for next meeting, as other Township; have, for compelling all bioyole riders to carry a light in front after night and oarry bell to give warning in meeting or peening teams or other conveyances and p008 on proper aide and at least three feet from any horse. Numerous complaints are made of bicycles going too close to horses and giving no notice of palming either ways and danger after night in meeting without lights. Neglect to be liable to same fines ail provided in Statutes, and if hurt by want of negligence in not car- rying light° or belle and at a Neter speed than eight miles an hour to be liable to fine. Council adjourned to meet in Mr. White'e, Leadbary, ou Wednesday, Nov- ember 19015, at 1 o'olook, afternoon. Jim. 0. MoaoueoN, clerk. I3elgi<ave. The work en Mrs. Walter Aliinson's new brink house is nearing completion. Rev. 3. J. Hastie will preach Anniver. eery eer,nona at Ripley on October 28111• Mr. Maxwell, of Ripley, will take hie work here. Mr. Jackson i0 lying very low at hie home atGaren Nicholson'e, 4th line Mor- rie. Fears are entertained of his reoovery owing to advanced years. Mre. Ed. Wightman, who has been at Summerhill for the past two weeks, tak- ing oars of her sister, who has been seriously ill but is now recovering, hag returned home, Mre. Hanna, who was taken very ill while visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Sproat, of thie village, is slowly recover. ing which is remarkable, she having reached her 92nd year. 0ranolithio walk be being laid on Ohnroh street in our village. The work le being done by Simon Vanorman Dud Emeroou Littletair with 0. MoOlellaud tie Inspector. They ate hustlers. The !Honda of James MoOallum will be pleased to hear that he hae suooeeefully paeeed through an operation for the re. trioval of a growth in his neck in the Hamilton hospital and will soon be able to return home. A. Gray, H. M. S., of Niagara Falls, Ont., and Mre. Garay, who have been spending the past two weeks visiting their ,friends, W, H. and Mre. Ferguson, have retereedta their home mdoh pleased with this part of Ontario. Mr. Pa°amore, who has charge of S. 13, No. 5, Morrie, purposes leaving et New Years and enter the Medical College. We wiah biro moms. In losing M;r. Paeemore the Section Ione a number one teacher and one that will not easily be replaced. We understand there are twelve appliea0tons for the eohool. . AsH TC,RE, A CROWING TIME. Our crease salesare growing rapidly. Every month tale year ehowa a large in- Bs0o over the oorrespoodlug mouths of last year. But is Olen any wonder, when we sell goods, at prime Ilke these ;-Men's heavy wgol fleeced Shirts and Drawers, worth 00o, for 45o.—Man's heavy w9ol Sqx, regular 18e, two pair for 250.—Ladies' tine wool rib. b'ed Rose, stemless feet, good value at 8Po, for 250. --White Cotton, 87 Mohan wide, soft finish, worth 7o, for 5o..—Grey Flannel, plain and twilled, regular 150, for 120.—Flannelette in light and dark stripes, t wide h, very epeoial at 5o.--Faaoy Plaid Flannelette in bright and dark. iter i o s eu table for q and children a dreg n worth o per ss, w B yard,to 6 �— r o. >• launelettes in pink, stream and tangy stripes, yard wide, very epeoial at 10o.—Wrapperottos in fanny tal01s and ribbon stripes, a good imitatiop of Prenoh fiangel, worth 12o, for 10o, -Ping Pong Underskirts, in bleak memorized eatann, great value at $1,•. -Wool • tau et B k e, full size at $1,50, $1;76 and $2. -Fine All Wool Blankets, (yy soft lofty fluid), fancy colored' borders, extra valo0 at $2,51), $8 and $4. —Homespun Drees Goode, in blank and grey, 56 Mabee wide, :great va'ue at 504,— HomanPunDrees Goods,t0 grey,brown and navy,very ,epeoial, at 200, 250, 80e and 35o.-Feny Bloaeinga ill French flannels, II no two alike, at 60o, 050 and 75o. and silk and wool mixtures in fancy ribbon stripes, is waist lengths,i l5 411I la Downing nBros. Footsore and Weary ? Don't need to seek for a rem- edy—'+isn't a corn cure, either, simply rightly made, fit -the -feet kind of shoes, of which we have an ample supply. Look in our windows, look at our shoes, try them, buy them and the shoes will "make good.” The latest styles, as well as comfort, govern our buying. Prices ditto. Agents for the Slater Shoe. Downing Dr s The Ha Wields lile BruSV is never so willing to perform its labors as when the Paint used yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Ready -mixed Paints. We'll supply you with an article that Stands on its Merits Alone —The BENT and the 'CHEAPEST. The SHERWIN—WIL- LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oilts, Varnishes, &c. Wilton & Turnbull A P P W AN T Apples will be bought on and after September 26th at the BRUSSELS EVAI 11ATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be bought. MAHLER BROS,