HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-23, Page 3DRINERt 'AMONG "WOMEN
,07.inteertneef1 in Xele and. Wernen
Cempareel in Period From
1877 to 1809,
.40 Great ,Britala Prespero, drunk-
onnese iecroases. A eater of high
wages. end ,gscd trade xs peso a year
,of deep drinking.- The year 1809—
the latest for which Wo hoe° eteele
piste stelistiee for Great Britain-,
was a year of great prosperity. It
W08 a, year Of unpreeedonte4 drunk-
enns. Yet to sono extent thie eves
foreshadowed hy the preceding
years, For during the five years
from 1802 to 1.896 there annually
occurred 175,628 prosecutions for
drunkenness, During the next two
.years they rose to 203,357 per ane
num, Then in 1839 they sprang uP
to 211,298.
NoW, the late $Ir Andrew Clarlc
stigmatized alcohol es "the . enemy
O f the race." Applied to men—Pe-
toutial fathers—he regarded the in-
crease of drink as alarming ; but
teppllect to women—poteetial moth-
ors—he deplored it ctS 0, national
That the vice of drunkennees is on
the increase •among women is ad-
mitted on all hands, Since 1877
the death's of women from intem-
perance have increased teem 81 to
40 per cent, Since the same Year
tbe ratio to population of ouch
deaths hes increased from 25 to
51. During the period in which the
deaths of men from the Salne eaMee
increased 43 per cents them of Wo-
meo.have increased no less than 104
per Cont, '
As a. serious criminal, woman is
not comparable to man. Of those,
for example, who are coneleted at
the assizes and quarter sessions—
that is. of the griever crimes—wo-
men only form about 11 per cent.,
and that • percentage is decreasieg.
On the 'other hand, as a compara-
tively petty offender, woman must
be taken seriously. The returns of
the last few years show a steadily
increasing number of female offend-
ers, and the great majority of these
offences consist of drunkenness or of
acts committed when drunk. In the
last ton years their number has in-
ereased 19 per cent.
It is obvious, of course, that
statistics are not available to prove
the increase of drink among women
of a superior class, for they drink
within doors, and aro carefully look-
ed after by relatives and attendants
whose Olio aim is to keep the fact
-unknown. In teddithin to this, niany
women drink secretly, unknown to
their relatives, until they have
reached a, stage when shame is lose,
and the veil is ffung aside. Even in
the.. case of the very worst dipso-
maniacs, they are either guarded at
home by a professional nurse or in-
carcerated in 'retreats under cen-
ditions of the m.ost rigorous priv-
acy. Unless some untoward circum-
stance otters, at no point in their
career do they come within the cog-
nisance of the police, and consee
quently they are entirely unrepro-
senMd iit the criminal statistics. In
order, then, to ascertain the pre-
valence of drinking among , women
of this class, recourse must be had
to the medical and nursing. pro-
fessions. And hero there is also
emphatic evidence of Increase in
drinking among women.
TEAT untAnvznalsx X$ DUE TO
SIMI% Ciendistiene Aggravate., the
Teoleble, Sat it is Nieee En•OWA
to Be a Dieease of the Blood
—Outward ApplieatiOne
Gannet Gar() It.
Who once popular belief that rime.
Matiern was entirely tbe result of ex-
POSUre to 00111 or dtunpness, is now
known to be e MIStake, The disease
may Ms aggravated by exposure, but
the root of the trouble lies in the
blood, and meet be treeted through
it. Liniments and outward applica-
times never cure, while Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills always oleo because theY
make new, rich, red blood, in which
disease nude lodgment impossible.
Concornieg the um of tees° pine Mr,
A. G. Lacombe, Sorel, Que., owe 1—
'Poe upwards of eve years I Was a
ViCtiin to the tertures of rheuma-
tism. At times tho petite in my
totem, shouldera and hip woro al-
most past endurance. AL other
times I could not deem myself with-
out assioLance, I tried several re -
mediae, some of them very costly,
without getting any more than tem-
porary relief at the most. At this
juncture a friend urged mo to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and spoke
so highly of the pills that I decided
to try them. Almost from tho very
first these pills helped me, and by
the time I had taken seven or eight
boxes, every twinge of rheurnatiem
had disappeared, and 1 was feeling
better that I had for years. I would
strongly advise similar sufferers to
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
trial, as I am confident they will
not only 'drive away all pains and
aches, bet leave you strong, active
and happy."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'are the
greatest tonic medicine in the world.
These tiille not only cure rheumne
tism, but all troubles whose origin
comes from e poor blood or weak
nerves, such as anaemia, consump-
tion, neuraTgia, kidney trouble, St.
Vito?' dance, partial paralysis and
the irregularities which make the
lives of so many women a source of
misery. Some dealers offer substi-
tutes, and in order to protect- your-
self you must see that the full name
"Dr. Williams' Piek Pills for Pale
People" is on the wrapper around
every bdx. Sold by all dealers or
sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2,50, by
writing 'direct to The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Salvation Army Convert Con-
fesses to Three.
*At a Salvation Army meeting,
held at West Gunneclah, Now South
Wales, the other day, ati elderly num
named Edward Purcell confessed
that be had conueitted three murders
in Queensland.. Afterwards he re-
peated his statement before three
Witnesses and was then arrested.
Purcell declared that 28 years ago
while at Ada:vale in company with
11, 0) 0.01 named I3urns, he shot a half-
caste named John Nicholls, and sub-
sequently killed Burns because he
feared he might betray him: He al-
so shot ono Williams at Dotterel 10
years ago.
At Deindenong, Victoria, another
criine is engaging the attention of
the police. The body of a man
named Stengel, terribly mutilated,
was recovered from a well. Consta-
bles found the bedroom which bad
been occupied by the deceased and
Itis wile bespattered with blood, and
un ineffectual atteumt had been
made to remove the status with wa-
Device Stengel, the eldest son of
the muederod man, has deposed that
00 n. certain Friday night ho beard
the sound of blows and etruggling
i)1 his parents' room. His father
was calling faintly, "Dave, Davel
come to me!" but his mother stood
he the doorway and would not let
him in. The blows were eepeated,
and then silence followed, until Ile
heard a sound as of solnething being
dregged out of the room. In tho
morning his mother told bine to got
0. scrubbieg brush and wash some
blood states off the wall end floor
and the verandah and the edge of
the well. Airs. Sauget abd n. itililt
named Tisler, an empleye of her
husband, whom elm has accused- of
the eyime, have been arrestedon a
charge Of wilful' murder. '
At Ceptains Plat, New Sollth
Wales, the body of a sqeatter named
Bardeen, -mho 'was 'fdund dead last
Jena nefte a wire fence with bis rifle
hanging to it by the trigger, 1109
been exletimed, as there aro otrong
suspicions of merder, Doctors do -
dere that the two ballet wounds in
the head 3Ou14 not !lave been self -
May—"Wilat charming airs Miss
Soprano always gives us." Bell —
-"Yes, but they're nothing compared
With thbse -she gives' hermit!"
"My friends, were the aVeritgo man
to turn and look 101100011 equarely in
the Oyes and aide himself what he
really needed most, what would lie
the eoply?'"- "A. rebber neck!"
ehou ted the, peecooloits •urchin • • I rent
the roar of the sterol
Some of the Chief Teethe to Bo
Penna. on Almost Every
In order to pay, farming ehould
be eondected M the iearne Way es
other imeinese enterprime, A suit-
able retere eholeld be received, riot
only for the money inveeted in the
land, Mock end implements, but teem
for the labor and earee Of ManagO'
Mani,. Every farmer should, by a
simple system of book-keeping keep
ceeeful check on his roceipte and
exPendituree, 50 as to know exactly
which of his fartning operations are
yielding him a profit, which are con-
ducted at a Ipso, and ,which are mus-
ing him merely to 'Mark time" A
little figuring of this sort ;nay re-
veal to him a 'number of little leeks
width telmoet impeeceptibly &Lein
away the pronts that :.hould emceed
his elabor. In these clays of /Woo
competition, it is not only by keep-
ing down the coot of production end
preventing all waste that farming
can be made 911(005131 u1. Some eources
of loss ere here given which
readily suggest others,
One of the chief leaks on many
fames is the loss of time and en-
ergy because the management is not
carried Wit on any definite Systole.
A study of any old and successful
buelness will show that success has
been largely due to a methodical
and systematic way of doing things.
System may be carried 1.00 far so as
to become merely mechanical, but as
a general proposition it may be
said that after a well defined plan
of action has been determined on it
should be rigidly saerried out. As
mote knowledge is gainedor new
ideas acquired, it will be necessary
to make changes in the routine, but
no change should be made without
due deliberation. All work should
be carefully planned in advance and
all tools and implements gotten
ready so that there rimy be no de-
lay when operations ectually begin.
All men employed on the farm
should have well-defined duties. to
porter& so that their time may be
used to the best advantage. A good
system provides for the feeding 'of
stock at regular hours each day.
When stocic aro,fed and watered at
regular hours they become accus-
tomed to the regularity of feeding,
and thrive much uetter than if fed
at different hours on each succeecling
That frozen water is pure Water hi
an idea that has been handed down
from generation to generation, and
there_ is usually a good deal of feet
in these' old sayings, although We
may wonder how the people of for-
mer times contrived to discover
those things. Recent investigations
prove the truth of this saying. As
water freezes, so the impurities are
eliminated, 01111 lf the ice be taken
away before tho whole body of wa-
ter is frozen, that ice is pure. If tho
whole of the water freezes, it fol-
lows as a matter of course that the
impurities must be included. Thus,
in pools where tho water begins to
freeze from the top, the impurities
are thrown to the bottom, and the
ice takeot away from the upper part
of the body of water is pure. The
wetter that still retains the impuri-
ties is the last to freeze. Some
makers of artificial' ice peocluce it
from water that is not; mere, and
they make a hole through the outer
crust, before the liquid is completely,
consolidated, so as to allow the
dirty portion of the fluid to run
out. Of bacilli, it is calculated
that ninety per cent. are thrown out
In freezing, while nine out of every
remaining ten are killed by the pro-
cess, and .„ thus rendered innocuous.
Most of the remaining one per cent.
will die in 24 hones melees tho ice
be melted. Therefore, there aro very
few left to work mischief in our in-
ternal economy. Freezing is the
best filtering process that caa be de-
Sailors bore long told tales et
magnetic islands which lure shine
on to wreck by /effecting their cone -
A very conunort souree of loss is
feline in the neglect et exPensive
farm -.implements yid. tools. These
are left -lying in tho fields where
they have been used, sublect to all
the inclemencies of the. weather,
which are more destructive than
actual use. A workshop shoula also
be provided in connection with the
tool-houee, so that during rainy -
days or other slack periods, im-
plements may he painted and neces-
sary repairs made. .Much time is
lost by farmers, during busy sea-
sons such as seeding, haying wad
harve.st, because a bolt or some
other small part has been lost, and
a trip to blacksmith shop or foundry
is necessary to replace it. This
waste of valuable time nifget be
prevented by a little forethought or
examination of the implement before
it was required for use. In many
cams implements are . purchased
which the farmer could well do
without. •
This is another frequent cause of
loss. If a farmer has more horses
than are required to carry on the
work of the farm, he should sell
thom he does not need, if a figure
at all reasonable can be obtained.
The cow which does not yield en-
ough milk or butter to pay a good
profit on her keep shoeld be dispos-
ed of, dad her place filled by ae-
other,-ea few weeks' uso of the scales
and :Babcock tester will usually fur-
nish some surprising results in this
To secure maximum profits Itis
necateary that stock should be fed
intelligently for the object of view.
Ration* should be carefully com-
Prizes" with common soaps
ere dearly paid for at the ex-
pense of clothes and hands.
Ask tor nte Octagon Derr
nail the horse Wae Met," le very ap-
propriate in such a Mae, A- dab -1r
or two epent for lumber oe nails
will eaten Melt in a large reeving of
feed and increased contort tie the
stook duriag the winter months.
Neglect 01 a lealey roof le often re-
sponsible for heavy tomes of 'grain
Or fodder, and in the timbers of the
buildings, Many t,. good frame has
been euined by a leaky roof,
Nearly all the leaks proviouely.
eteetioned may be set down to care-
lessness, but farmers 0.100 lose be-
cause some of thorn think that no-
thing can be learned from others,
and that a new idea is necessarily
nonsense. No matter bow good 0.
f termer a Man may be, be con still
gain ideas front others that will
prove of value to him, The expe-
rience of the Experiment Stations
end, ol suceessful femora slepuld be
careitilly scanned for "r °Inters:"
How many farmers them are wbo do
not subscribe to a paper devotell to
farming ; these mon arecertately
losing money by false economy. in
this age of progress it is ideas that
count ; a single idea gained from a
pa:Per will often, when put into prac-
tice, represent a gain of many tins
the subscription Priee• The local
paper should also always be sup-
ported, and each reenter should do
all he can to assiet the editor of
the agricultural paper and the tome
paper to produce as good a sheet as
possible, and to extend the circula-
tion of each.
le. W. HODSON,
Live Stock -Connalesioner,
passes. An island, not fax 'away pounded in order to secure a pro -
from civilization, near the coast of per proportion of albuminoids and
EtrroPe, and known for centuries to carbohydrates, or as it is called, a
the geographers, has been discovered proper nutritive ratio. Anintals
to have this guality. This is the should be selected for early maturity
island of BOenholm, which belongs and fed so as to be ready for market
to Denmark, and lies in the Baltic at an ettely age. The nearer ma -
Sea near thb shore of Prussia. The turity.ae animal comes, the greater
PoWer of attraction which comes becomes the cost of growth. Again
from this island alters considerably money is lost by failing to provide
the reading of compasses on passe green crop's fcir footing during the
ing shipe, 11. is in effect a. west summer droughts incident to this
magnet, whose infieseece is pereeptl- country. Horses lin many cams are
ble for a distance of about 3.0 .milee, given all the hey they care to eat, -
00 preetice not only wasteful, 1)011. 111 -
to the animal as well.
The Mother Tells Now It Was In the older settled portions of
Canada the reetoretion or mein -
Accomplished. •
te mime of soil fertility is alrently ien
"A wonderful celonie,r.ogsep,0"ndisoutthe iffl./-1 JO etallt question, )iow dm.irable
diet of a. lady who is it then that all the manure made
writee us about her little. ono. ''I
On the AIM should be saved, end
take pleasure," writes Mrs. R. 13, used in the best possible condition,
Bickford, of CIA Sutton, Que., "in without loss from leaching, firefang-
eertifyingeefo the merits of Baby's, Mg, -.etc.
Own Tablets as I have found them 10 INFERIOR SEED.
sure and reliable eemedy. My baby • .
In many eases a partial or total
was troubled with indigestion, and
was tmthing and cross rued restless, •of a certain crop is due to
and the use of the Tablets made a "10 PlirehOSO Of a amp or inferier
grade of seed. Such seed is 'usually
wonderful change. I think the time-
b_acely mixed ...with foreign seeds, so
ly use. of Delver Own Tablete might
many a door little me, and 1 'eft" 1'11° 'am beetenee over -run
with weeds which not only replace
Would reconnected mothers to keep
useful crops, but metal a vat
thent in the house," amount of labor to get rid of. The
The °pintail of this wise mother is
dielston of a term iteto small or ir-
cell tied by other correepondents.
regular fields often provides numee-
Baby's Own Tablets ,give such coin-
oes breeding places for weeds in the
fort. and relief to a sick baby, they ,
mime corners, mad .other uncultivat-
so infallibly modem calm, peaceful
sleep, that you would almost think ed Wets.
them a narcotic, But they aro not, FENCES AND HUILDINGS,
They aro telly a ,hetelth-giver for Another leek which teem mon
children of any ago. Tliey cionot out of the fee -merle poelt.et is noglect,
possibly do harm—they always do in keeping fences and buildings in
good. May be hied from druggist, proper repair. Inferior fences allote
or by mail, pest paid, at 25 cents a his own teed his neighbor's stock to
box, by writing direct to the De. injure his crops, and are a eoeree
•Willieinese • Modlethe eke, epreetseeiee.
or Scheneet,
- WITH COOLING nooras,
Imnienss Importance •of the Cheese
Industry to the Do-
Canada has bowie to produce sum-
mer cheese of a quality to meet suc-
cessfully the most exacting require-
ments of the markete ef the United
Kingdoni and elsewhere. The modi-
fication in the methods of ranking
and curing will enable the farmers
to obtain about one pound addi-
tional of cheese from every hun-
dred pounds of milk. That repres-
ents nearly ten .per cent. of Increase
in quantity. Moreover, the cheese
cured in the new way will command
In coming years from one to two
cents per pound bigher prim. On the
averagethat will amount to from
ten to fifteen per cent. increase in
value per pound.
That the United Kingdom appre-
ciates Canadian cheese is proved by
the fact that while in 1871 85,471,-
362 worth, and in 1801 *9,48-1,378,
last year's Ganada's cheese bill to
tho Motherland amounted to 820,-
606,951, or over 519,000,000 more
than thirty years ago, and; more
than double that of tea years ago.
In 1901 Great Britain imported n
total of 289,731,120 pounds at
cost of 530,306,081. Canada con-
tributed of that total 195,926,397
pounds, valued at 520,606,951, or
more than two-thirds the total time
ports. •
Ditherto the eupply from Clenada
having the finest quality has been of
September cheese. There was a
good demand for the summer output,
but Use curing of it at the high
temperature of July and. August
weather geve if
which was disliked. In samPles
tested from over thirty faCtorlee the
cooleeured June and July cheese has
been found to possess 'the line, mild
flavor and rich body charecteristio of
the September cheese, while the July
cheese cured .in the ordinary man-
ner in nearly every instance was
strong in flexor ancl rough in tex-
ture. The value of the Deno and
July make of chum from the cool
curing rooms' as examined by Prof.
Robertson was fully one cent per
pound higher than their mates cur-
ed in the ordinery Way. Wben this
method of curing cheese in cool
rooms during summer becomes gen-
eral the depressing effects of stocks
of heeled cheese on the meekest will
be prevented. It is expected that
the liner quality of the slimmer
cheese will increases the consumption
so much that ere another decade
closes Canada, will be exporting ful-
ly forty million dollars' worth of
cheese at the peel -curing ro0411, TJt
dilferenee betWeelk the cheeee mwed
in the coel roone end the others
Wee 2110811 astonishing. He agreed
with What Fret, Iteberteon stroa, And
hoped ouch IMPreVements woeld be
Made thet all cheese would be cured
W11,11014 being heated,
Mr, 11. W, Steinhoff Kehl he Oise
bad examined the cheese. Ile en-
dorsed the opinione of others ere to
the marked superiority of the cool
eured cheese. De the July's he put
tho diltereeee at felly one and n half
cents par pound,.
Mr. R. A. Simister belieeed the ob-
Jed, lesson ie the proper caring of
cheese at a. low temperature, in
breeding, and in handling the
erhLeveleeefolextedtwolbletyyontehamegveatest ad-
vance be bad known ill the cheese
In order that every dairyman may
be fully educated up to tide letest
phase in dairying buprovements, the
Department of 'Agriculture at Otta-
wa, will peblish during the fall and
winter months months full inform -
tion regarding the methods to be fol-
lowed in improving curing rooms
at all cheese factories. This will
be prepared uncier the supervision of
Mr, J. A. Ruddick, chief of the
dairy division, who had the direct
oversight of the le overnmeut illus-
tration curing rooms during the
PaseDtp'sauritirter:t. of Agriculture, Otte,-
PirsrsIMAN mixsoniBES
... LYZED,
A 'Thrilling Experience Resulting
From a Doctor's Blunder—For.
tunately She Recovered and
Tells the Story of the Whole
Kingston, Ont, Oct. 13.—(Special)
That Mee. E, Lake, of 112 Clarence
street, this city, is alive to -clay, is
a, matter for wonder. She says
"My sickness was brought about
by overdose of Strychnine prescribed
by a physician. It brought on Para-
lysis 0.electing my left side, brain,
arm, and limbs.
"I was perfectly helplees and it
Was Impossible for me to raise my
left limb or open iny fingers. I got
no sleep and often when 1 dosed MY
eyes remained open. I had not the
power to close my eyelids.
"I euffered almost coutinually with
ile'a-edItYlehb°1".ain fele as though it was
too large for the skull. Jily appetite
failed and I became very emaciated,
indeed. I was nothing but skin and
as three years under treat -
meet, many physiciaiis having, me
under their care, but without avail.
At last I became discouraged arid
gave up all treatment. -."While reading a paper one day I
teethed a testimony of one, who was
cured by Dodtd's Kidney Pills. .
"My sister procured me a box of
the pills and I started on three pills
three times a day. I soon began to
experience a change for the better
which continued until I regained the
U50 of my arm, hand and limb. My
headache also ceased cued ray ap-
petite returned.
"From this I soon picked up flesh
arid strengths until I was as well as
'Ithank God and Dodd's Kidney
Pills for illy 1111h, for by prayer
and this wondered remedy, 0 was
cured and have remained in good
health ever 'since, although this was
oyer nye years' ago."
There are 7,672,813 houses and
shops in Great Brittthe Of these
only 1,151,098 are private dwelling -
houses of over eren
e20 yearly tai.
13eWeee Of Ointtnents for Catarrh
that .00ntain Ileroury
an mercury will surely destroy the yenta of
mooed conipletoly derange the Whole eyttem
%lien catering it throuith 0305 0101050 surfaces.
Stich artiolog rhould stover be used except cu
arescriptiono front reputable ohysidiana, an the
damage they will de la ten fold to the geed you
can .pessibly derive from them. 50 10 Catarrh
Cate, manufactured by20.1. ()honey Co., To.
ltd., 0„ contains nterenry, and is taken in.
carnally, aotiog directly- upon the blood and
mueoue surfaces dt the system. la buying
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the germ .
Ines 11 18 taken interaaly.and made In Toledo
Ohio, Ir. J. Cheney to Co. Testimonials
Mold by Droggista, price The nay bootie,
Haire Faintly Pille ere tee best.
Thoodosia.—"Afr. De Glitters la a
multlemillionaire, isn't he 7"
Theotiore—"Oh, more than that 1
There's a muter oft the street that
he pays eash for his anthracite."
Everyone has herad of.St. Jacobs
Oil for
rheumatism, strains., bruises,
lone back, and all mescolar arbee
and pains but few kuow Ont. there
cheem per annum, esalizing all
round the top market prtee obtain- IS n.thing to equal ie. fur reemeng
. ...
aching feet, troublesome corns, and
Able for this Manch of her dairy
produce. . for •softening the harsh, callous skin
which frequently forms on the solos
In the dovernment illustration of the feet. A IWO lie Suffering 'front
sensitive spots on the toes, eides of
the feet, or between the loos, should
rub a little St. Jatobs Oil on the
sore spot eeery night. The imme-
diate relief oletteMed is simply won -
curing roons, of which there ere
four, n. thin coating of wax le put
on etch cheese. Thereby the sur-
face is protected from mold; and
Rimini:age has been much lase than
'formerly. In, one test mse the
*brink:age of an unWaxed cheese in 'No household should te without
the ordinary room during ono month SR jaeobs Oil, It, will le wanted
Ono unted to two pounds font, I - - '
latter cnickot, after tousle; efter a
ocinces, whereas the shrinkage of an (111;4'8 boating ; in feet it is the
unwtexed cheese In ihe OnvernMent nthlete's frichul. All chemists sell
cool -curing room amounted to mie St. liecobs Oil nnd a 50 eent bottle
pound twelve ounces; rend the shrink- is stulecient to prove beyond a doubt
age on a similar cheese whieh had the above statements,
been coated with wax and put in ,.........
the Governeeent cool-ouring room
Eighe Million bottles of absinthe
ONLY mom OUNCES. are yearly consumed in Parie. This
is double the consumption of 1895,
Moly of the loading exporters of
cheese have exandeed the cheese cur-
cool-curints Minarti's LI meet Cures kW
od in the a oVerument
1001118. 'All testify to the peat hue
DroVenlellt in quality. The follow-
ing brief repartee are feem the Wood- All the litOrmolls do not litre i01
stock stn.tion, The results at the Utah, There are 2,000 in Germairy.
otlioi'g 1010
•'i siler
of .constent Worry and 1000 01 thne. Atie Thenme Lof Strat-
The old proverb, "Foe the "want of a ford, said he had exaluined the .1,11natd's Unbent CMS BUMS etc,
ilzegit (34
Wo oan handle any quarstity of properly packed Apple
Also any quantity of Poultry (reador alive) Wrl
TUE DAWSON 001111111k4SION CO., Limited, TODONTO.
The moot eatemorebte ride M Eng-
lish history was that of Sir Arthur
Owen, width placed the Hanoverian
dynasty on the throne of Groat Bri-
tain. The act of settlement, by
which, in 1701, parliament elected
tbe House of Hanover to the Bri-
tish throne, wee passed by only one
vote, and this casting vote was giv-
en by Sir Arthur Owen, the mem-
ber of parliament for Pembroke -
hire. He arrived at 'Westminster,
dusty and travel -worn, only just in
time to record his vote, having rid-
den with furious haste from Wales
for the purpose on relays of horse&
kept at all the posting houses along
the route. To that ride Britain
ewes its Georgian era; 4once its
Queen Victoria and Edward VLL
In the palm of the hand there are
2,500 pores to the square ince'. II
these pores were united end to end
they would measure about five miles.
removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from borses, Blood. Stesvin,
Curbs, Splints, Bing Bette, Sweeny, Stifles,
Sprains,,Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
ate. Save NO by Use Of One hOttle. War-
rented the moat wenderfel Blemish, Cure
overblown. Sold Sy all druggists.
"I suppose to educate your daugh-
ter in music costs a groat deal of
money?" "Yes; but I have had a
good return for it." "Indeed?"
"Yes. I'd been trying to buy out
my next door neighbor 01 half price
for years, and could never bring him
to terms until my girl began to
learn to play."
offered passengers bound for Buffalo
and New York by the Grend Trunk'i
fast "New York Express," leaving
Toronto 6.15 pendaily, are seen at
a. glance when the splendid equip-
ment is considered. A. full dining
car service uutil Niagara Falls it
reached, a cafe parlor can running
through to Buffalo. and one of PU11-
tinen's finest sleeping cars from To-
ronto to New York guarantees pas
trons comfort and luxury as well at
speed. The scale and dining cars Lill
acknowledged to be the handsomest
in America, teeing -electric lighted ant
equipped with electric fans. City
office, northwest corner Ring and
Yonge streets.
The Duke of Norfolk is not only
premier duke 'of England, but also
premier earl.
Mleard's Llairnentfor sale everywhere
Sixty per cent. of all the herrings
caught around the British Isles are
taken off the Scottish coast.
rife Ore# sboty rws•
tor 015 ASP Wsr.reTsrais Itexereg. - ?Era
Winsioves Soothing -Syrup hos be used for over sixty
resrs by millions of mothers ter their obildren while
teething, with perfect.suacers. 11 soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all Pahl, curos wind colie, end
lathe boot tweedy tot Diarrhea. IS ploakant to the
tame. gold by druggircs in every part 05the 'world.
Twooty.fivo cents a bottle. Its n.aluo is itandoulable.
l3o sure 3013auk ter Mrs. Winston's Soothing Syrup,
sad talce no other kind.
The longest strike of recent times
was that of the Suzuki -laud engi-
neers, which lasted 2e yeues-- from
Stop s 4.4in teem0
mid work* or the d'ald
faxottro Ilrome•Quinine Tablets cure a sold in one
lay. NO Cure, No Pay. Prise 25 cents.
There are now only about 87 mil-
lion sheep in Australia, Drought
has reelect:el the numbers by a quar-
ter Ili the 0110811 1008 years.
In washing; woolletts and flannels,
Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will be
found eery satisfactory_.
The oldest known petroleum well
is that nt Zante,, orm of the Ionian.
lslands. Oil hos been obtained from
it for nearly 8,000 years.
Take Laxative tromo Quinine Telliatc. All drive
sista refuni the money if it fails to mire. Z. W.
therm sieneture h00 snob box 25o.
111 Englandtethere arc 13 1101100 to
every 1,000 people; in Ireltend, 29 to
every 3,000„
hard s trent relieves Neuralgia.
Tt is estitinned that 80 millions of
'British treasure lie sunk along the
route. from England to India.
During the months of September
aud October, will sell one Way see-
ond elem tourist tickets at greatly
reduced rates to California, Wash-
ington, 0 ttgoe , Utah, Montana,
Dearth, Columbia and other PabiTe
COast pointet Tickets will be sold
via, all direce roam. The Wabash
le the shortest, best and quickest
eotte Beim Caeada to the above
pOInts. Finest opelppecl eassengee
theism in America,
Ifatelit time-tablee an'd all parte-
-Quiet% from any ticket agent, or J,
A. Rich ar clsou , Vat P Me n ger
Agent, N. Fr; Corner Xing & Yougo
Stet, Toroeto, hiel $t. 'rhoure,e, Ont.
On board the Japaneee ship Asama
there is a garden plot of eeeuisite
giant ehrysan.themunes end, iris in
pots, which have boon ectede oat of
PaPer by the stokers,. Nothieg (meld
be more admirably petered or beau-,
Wel in variety of (*lot' then the
flowers of this sea -garden.
Take the Lehigh Valley Railroad
route et Ulf) Black Diaenond EXPPOsP•
Everythieg strectly first class.
Sumptuous Dining ger Serviee, a la
carte. Through Pullman- For
tickets, Pullinano, time of trains,
and further particulars, call at
Grand Trunk ticket office or on
Boit. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 33
Yonge street, Board .of Trade build -
hog, Toronto.
Two German non-commissioned
officers at Berlin have been sentenced
to long terms of imprisonment for
grossly bullying a soldier.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.
Gentlemen,—My daughter 13 yeare
old. was thrown from a sleigh and
injured her elbow so badly it re-
mained stiff and very painful for
three years. Pour bottles of MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT comPlotely cured
her end she has not been troubled
for two years.
Yours truly.
J. B. LEVESQ'Crle.;
St. Joseph, P.Q., Aug. 18, 1900.
The Hollanders haveematle only a
moderate response to the appeal on
behalf of the Beer widoWs med. or-
Prolleevea the tenth. Sweetens the breath.
EltrenKthene the gums.
0000 MOWEY
Earned Jointing for us. We rent
new knitting machines. Other in-
Ou.cements to right parties. Send for,
particulars at once. Ontario Fur-
nishing Co„ Toronto, Ont.
mares -77'm Ale
—130 USING --
Standard American Wicks
—AND --
Sarnia lamp Gil.
Wholesale •Onty.
356 Main Street,
To send .for our Coes.
plete Sheet iYluslet
Catalogues and
We areequipped to
'VePaPct :TnIali
lig:: !Tag tifie
tea Tonga Serest,
Iroaosra, oar.
Dominion •Line 'Steamehipti
blentroal tc Liverpool. Ileston to 'Lifer.
Peel. Portland to Liverpool. Viananeen.
Lorge and Put Stemma/um Superior ectetnmodatime
for all cleans ot passengers. Eialoorts and..3totoreeme
are amidships. Special atteetiorthas testae:nen 00 (134
Second Saloon and Third,fflasa sebotembestion. Fop
rates of passage and all Partioidars, aPP1Y to ea 1004
of the Company. or
1/1°1',gbat7.Volgt,,i3o4sten, .P'ZrortYCIllt1Cti'fortrens.
J. L. i014 ES IENG,
teVelleeteeeMS BBIEBSIE31
of our Savings Do art -clout
are not co0f1ned to resedente
ot Toronto. We havd every
facility for taking (Marge of
either large or small accounts
of persons anywhere in he
Write For All Information.
Th 14)
anada ermanent
Toronto Street, Toronto
W lei 0 111.101,