HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-23, Page 2Pri "Pra g No. 20110 her No, 413011 God Yee (33 non Oen 21)331 69c 18 .,quo frei Ste Poi ge, qui $4. bag bale 0 on lot 31110 3 510 $13 heal le21. 71 °lee pric the 1/1 1(2032 lb. IT str per 51. 11 20111 thy .001 tra C51' 0 45e is do. pal pal 32 11). car tra sell 11 11 eel go cm to $'21 13 19 15 'We pai 1.0 , 1 No aro 131 Wh , 69 No ern 125 No ern fet 58 3 Wh ' Noi tor ' 136 (35 I No '310 qu 54 ele; orb is oimi angelen elletriated aed eaten .meartz Band- . Two ilenne Pc'lice aPMe nnd l'rePr trueolite a Manufacturer noted for 111-treotineet of his eneployee haVe hem, essommated, • . A. etrIlte Of the MeSsfeedinS • may deley tho Immo of the Monthly meg- nziges, Throughout . the EMI .dietrict ip onmend the schools eave bane mos- . 06 to eneble the 'Children to ;melee in gathering Alin Potato barvest, 33ritish fumy meat contracts are to contain a now Meese stating that the frozen =Mon eepplied Must be obtained Mom British colonlee ex- elusively, . Of ' ninety-one yessos that loft Froncli ports this year for the Tee- land 'belling grounds, nine have been lost with fifty lives. , JUMPED TO DEATH' Seidel° at the "--”-Rossin House TO - • - ' - ' • - • ' "' - " rent°, . , A deePatell frOM Temente feaye: Orldfrey .B. Bind, a eomnacreicil traMehia., ilemPed Mein a Window in 1110 /Tann eni the top storey of the ReSain MouSe, an the YOrk Street side, at Ave mieutee to six o'cilocle ea Teitirselay moreinge and nuit in- stant death ill etriking the eidee Walk, Bird Was a eepreeentetive of the john Crossley end Son Cern- pan', Limited, of lialifax, England, carpet imenufacturere. He wee ilftY years of ego, end had been 'coming to Poma(1e. once each yeog ever, Ritmo 1872, On 5und31y Bird aneved in Toronto, aecompanied by two other the 132,020 rePreeentetiVes, 31feeers. Arthen, Manion end Victor Deli- bone, Deceased hod for some time been ' suinerieg from norvoue prose ii.4ti."' "4 his relatives heici tripe to induce him not to come to Oen- ado, this' year, but lie Would, nOt Ilse tell to them. He Wee not mal•ried. In the room ne oceupied is a door which leads to a PrIVate bathroom, and this door is quite near the win. dove out of which Bird maped, ems friends volunteered the opinien that he Went out of the window anstale- ing it fer the bathroom cloor, but when the, height ofthe window sin from the flooris taken into °onside oration, this view appears altogethe • er improbable. _ In. Ms fall to the sidewalk. he struck the telephone wires, megatod on the edge of the sidewalk head- iirst, at once stretching out dead, The only witness was a pees:bag worlonan, who first saw the man 00 he steutic the telephone wires. Bird's Wends can ascribe no reason for the deed. Ho had expressed hie in- .1 r • . tont on on Wednesday of retailing - , d ler Peri a to Engian by the stean , si n, , 1 v ing Mentroal on SaturdaY, '11-. stead of going on.to the coast, " he had intended. • iffITIIIII HISTORIC WALL PX,P RAULLAIMIO ATITEDINC40' , ' OP' OWPABIO, Megislation That Was Adopted in PK milemstirrma, gm, eidente, In Mete of the sos of the oia Par, Bement buildings on Front Street, Toronto, and the early demolition of the alstoric pile a short revieW Of the Stirring time in which they were the aterne (Mater will prove of More than paesing Intoreat, IdistorY of the greatest importance Imo been made within the old beta Walls rime doomed to destruttion• Betiveen the opening of the' Mat Pnellement in 1E132 and the imoree gation of the last that 'Was held within Its thong= mane" haPortant questions' linve been settled, Tho struggle for reeponsible govermnamt ended in Victory, the secularization of the clergy reserves wee coneum- Mated under Re root, the bill being Piessed in the session of 1858, Momhunderst tions Were thought to have been purifie'd to a large degree; manhood suffrage had taken the place, of the former restrictions of the franchise, education luta made great strides, the country bas developed marvel- hiuslY, villages becoming toWns and towns cities, and In place of fifteen assembled men elected for the first asse Upper Canada Parliament 131ners. 1792, the Provincial Legislature now cone sists of 98 members. , WAS ONCE AN ASYLUM. Not onl has the old structure Y . served the state as a House of Par- li t but 't 1 a b urt of 1 amen . i Ilas been a eo ow a. college a barracks, .an ar- m ' - ' • Noma and ,an asylum for the insane. I 1806 tile t d 0 . n a le money was vo e or its construction,• in 1829 tenders , were millet and in 1882 and 1841 it was occupied by the Legislature of MT C ' 8 9 th pper anada. Deming 1 8 - - a Court of Queen's ,Bench held sittings there and seven years later the Me- dical school in connection. with Xing's College found a home there, It was an asylum in 1848, and 1849. T.ho sessions of the united provinces v,ere held liere from 1849' to 1851, and again in 1856-59. It wa s utile ized, as a, military barracks in 1861- 67 and from that up to the gone struction of the present pile in the ' 'Toronto,et tb Queen s Park, i Wee 0 home of aim Legisla ure. • MEMORABLE SCENES. ' Many memorable scetaes have been enacted within the old chamber. Mention may be made of the excit- ing incidents • arising . out of the burning in effigy of the Lieut, -Gov- ernor, Sir JOhn Colborne. In eon- nection with the Investigation Sir Allan MeNab was bnprisoned for fourteen days for relusing to answer the questions of tbe 'Committee of Privillges• The ten years preceding the "flare- up" of 1887 hnve been described as the most turbulent in the parlia- mentary ' history of the province when nearly every session witnessed debates whei o vituperation and ln- vective ' were the chief weapons. ' In 1829 'William Lyon ' Mackenzie carried the warfare, which he ihad been 'cenducting in his Paper, nto the Legislative Chamber. The Gov- 0 made an attempt to rid emu= .been t 1 b themselves of this stormy Pe re Y - • • h f reviving an obsolete rule whec or - - ... . . • d bade the n ubucation of unauthorme - . • account s of parliamentary proceed - ings. g a ion 01 Xe.0 1 mho a it t• 1 , his e 1 mon " need in the from the House coinme seesion of 1881. A charge of broach - -' . . d al t 1' ) f privilege was ma o ag ns um in followin.g session when the -- ole . - a vote of .... o , e House, by 04.0 15 d - - aid to expel him. This precinitat- ed the seormiest scenes ever wit- --pg. nessed in the historic old butiel The expelled member was re-elected in the some Year, when his friends 1' -le I tl streets in carried um moug 1 io • ti 3., ... triumph to ee al 'lament build- • T1 forced the outer doors ings. ley of the House and took possession' of eirery,„,,,,,wajimbio space, Ole „,5 a ain . expelled on ci new charge, Ufa I d cl l'b • t I repeated M t he la el ei a e y the Advocate the libellous Statement thsat "The preeent House is an 05- embly of sycophants," itlthongli thefied real' ofence appears to have been the chnge that they were a hand 0 f public robbers. . A MA.CXE,NZIE INCIDENT. Wiliam Lyon Mackenzie /as the aue °f many rtscene in ie 31d • •slative • As - room where met the Legi bl Ono of these -simply an geM Y. a d '1 the ses- musing ono-occenie n • a.- 1 1851. Mr. Mackenzie then SUM 0 . 1 1 -' 3 0 represented Haldimanc , laving us been 1 constituency. tiaturneel ior that 1 Re had addressed tho rouse, Con- chided Ins. sp12e321 pc1210(1 haanded hclerk at the table a copy of his motion, amendment or whtever . 1 b S dderily a It maY 1a00 °en' ° e thought struck him, and as he Wee i ' . hisdesk I 0 turned and aturning. to 1 from the floor of the House proceed- ed to deliver or attempted the de- livery of a second adclreSe, ln en instant the Mouse was in an . up- ro "0 'Cl • el • e i ,101.0d 0, roar, 1 et , el Ci , S 11 . 1 t- thin members, "Name 111m," cried Others; while 0 tilers roared with ug i ei el sa. still111 011 91- 1a, 10 • • t ' Lest 1 1 ment; A very few minutes sufficed to conYlace Mr, Mankonzie of his mistake, and he ceased to speak. Turning once more, he retraced Ms steps to his scale 011312 just us lie reached 01131331113113143'Meeting to it he onee more turned mud in a few words exprossecl ' regret foig his mistake. Thls was °gently out of order, but the House was in no criptiove mood,. and shouted 'emmeede, /must they .1 d cheered and Mug le . -.......-+._......:- , lli liTEERY 01111 El NEWS 33Y MAXI, ABOT . . $11/4 ANA 1XXS PSC --- 0 aarr,enceS • in the Zee eeeegiefi Supeenee in the • enermal Weelel. Over 3,00,000 ilogeleads , w ia smum at 00 Me no 714e/1 13310 the largest tQIU Id 00116a in the e°r-• • ' One of the doluelleee of Whe eaMinitted suichle a was that peOple in the B ficeWling at her. The last Reclanond horSe suited in a financial set le erat experienced since the of the show society ten ye The 13isley Sehool Board Met meeting in the bar p the local inn, the Mon and etle113,e1/e"4141.4. 01 WIlie31 je °I - '''''' rm During a t 0 o ham a child in the street Pinafore burnt to a chide ligilthing, Yet the little ' unhurt. A. further block of the vict establishment at Wold ing converted foi• use as 3 prison to provide accommc 200 priso A memorial chapel fe ta ed in the parish church, : in memory of the soldier Xing's OWn Royal Lances' t -f 11 in the late 3 men who ° At th t G ild ' 0 presen u mei tivities the mayor paid a 3 d 1 th to the church an n e - 1 there was a process on Sundayh 1 ecl lars so oo ne . An auxiliary screw stea unloading at Xirleclady, tili funnel one f u zes as ao Which is rigged to carry complement of sails. Some 10 w engines on th ' , system now working .the . P resses between reeds az the 80a miles betwee cover • , and Carlisle in 82 and , respectively. "0 company being "Our one, employs only Germ= service " was the reply re 'St in d' s Maxi WI a • . for a situation op. board , North German Lloyd stean As a thanlc offering for of happy married life, Anderson, J. P., offers tc stained glass window in 1 parish church, anci invest .4 the augmentation of the 1: 'When ordering the li birched for stealing apple:. with magistrates said the ents Might inflict the ping they desired in the presen police. The offer Woe not • M lad fishing for eels in Gipping, near Ipswich, .wi on a Mit of string and a 1 for a rod, captulocl a cam 6 lbs. 10 ounces.. Ifi3 Use sack he had with him as .. . .' Xn Staffordshire and Wo common forge coal, . ago sold at 15 shi . reduced to Gs. Gd while house coal, whiel cost 22 shillings, has cone 16 shillings pei.• ton. A. dairyman who was guineas at Aldershot I adulterated milk to the ire di ea that the continual dim th serving cup into the 0 c churn had robbed it of rin b tte• f t u I a. , Tho old Flintahlre custen smiting ce Bible to the firs.1 who is taken to a new pol: was revived at Prestatyn, Old Man, Whe WaS fined fo. ly conduct, was the recipi new Bible. Twice wounded in 01 , ch 0 X d her ith ' mai o an a w . erts, Wm.•Challener has lie b a iu the streets and e rea•llger" bY mischim 'ous 11 hitting one of thlatt ttfivshillings at Brea Lady Londonderry is on best known of London host ber balls and parties at derry Pious° are always e antAmong other D. 11 Londonderry House hes Mon of being the hest ligl in London. 4 . BE MARIETS oA.2"Txx mAlucgTs. - eTto.ii,,,,a4,0,,,,,0„:.t,,N---,,,04,t,,),?,,,e,W)urte:;4 (mints wore 75 carloade of live etocle, ineluding 1,274 Mettle, 1,000 alleeP and lambs, ' 0 g , efilves, mid a dozen reileh eceee, mg, inarleot was only a inirly geed ono • mettle was rather slow, except the hest lchnhe and prlees WON just eneintnined. Eeccept Mr the small quantity • 01 choice mettle iluit was hero we' hed I3. poor enquiry for exportere. Priees are badly off In the , Old Country markets, winch is peeking a coneidem nble difference here. ,Prices for fair to good shipping . cattle to -day ranged froin 4 to 00 Poi' Pound, and mcire was only Paid la a 1010 (311300 for pecked lets of superior cattle.of General poor quality 00 saPPlies 3133(1 an CaSy demand marked the trade in butcher cattle. For good stua prices are not quotably thang- MI, but some poor stuff here would not sell, and prices for medium to common are weaker. From 4 tee afe was the range .for good to choice, with 440 as an outside' figure, onlY oecasionally realized. , Cattle, Shipper, per ewt„,.. ...$4,50 se,15 do, light... ... 4.00 4.25 Butcher, ehoico.„ .,. , ..... 4.25 4.75 Butcher, ordinary to good ..... ...... ,...,.. 3.00 3.50 Stockers, per cwt ..,. 2,50 3.60 Sheep and Lambs. Choice owes, per cwt...... 8.25 8.40 Lambs, Per cwt... ,.. „„e, 3,50 3.85 Bucks, per cwt... ... 2.50 2.75 Culled sheep, each 2.00 8.00 MIllcers and Calves ,,, nr, COWS, each. 04" -ma" Calves, each... ...... ... 2.00 10.00 Hogs. Choice hogs, per met 6.00 6.25 Light hogs, per cwt,5.75 6,00 er emavY hogs, Per cwt 5.75 6.00 Sows, per ort.. 4.00 4,25 Stags, per cwt... .... 2.00 2,50 , • • s NESYS ' ' rem.. Malangoeraine Briers ''''"';`: ''''' , vver the • . Wolin. . prom ;_ ."" toSel end Bay. assessment coming iri while ' in to $200 watermel- as Brantford effect treatment permitted within 33. It could a in and thelr case be at ordered at miners are outbreak., winter. from the unveiled the. a down coast , of was years her a age, and of at inochanies platelayers harvest ham s ' 0 " ' ' MU 7,. t b le I) e rail- ' is inew 0 4 . to cut there are . has pass- insurance Montreal, •11 d In e• is 61,- over last Dakota, to Southern of the was work- night. hands Manitoba believe be too •• lame foe . , _ piem conduct- so_ all clas- in the north of evens t that t cine C., is is hol- cesim around, num to the eon- Grand to make rogue of fuel supplied has tons of coal, to 66 per 3,e- to 1h1 43 s n - in is the . being of nem- the found to memory fell at' at fro in the United mon ths tens. Marten. cut- with in at • le that 1.1 is a eeel- is notd to visit -Canton has been N up arid Monday killed, p161, stop- aged Xokoma, a charged Xublus, 'is un- 102 years Conn., d • f • men many 1 old, w to pareicipae Abraham Mcl. John- - of itorne, all ueo Anstra- „ Damen, Railway, have been. Krupp's Workpeo-7 In building . in grant- the pur- name 0, mama conseitn-innerine , , cattle, et ces of Grain in Trade Centro. -,....ere CANADA. r t ek , Pr y e .OUSaild UOilar9 a ett op the 13reutiord etreet P IVRY' ' !the price of melt M Toronto ereasea !Vella 80 cents busbel. ' , It is proposed in Stratford down shade trees, of whifin too ManY, for fuel• Tbe Quebec City Coupcil ea a by-lew to tax life agents from outside points. Charles McLean jun of • '' " wee eccidentatly shot while i NorthWill hunt ng at • Tile populetion of Ottawa 1.37,' according to the just completed, the increase year being MM, Threetting ' outfits from. ecnnfiletelY manned, are the relief of the feumers Manitoba, Mr. C. Webster, an employ4 paper mills at St. Catharines, probably fatally injured ing at the boiler on Friday Some of the eastern harvest who have beemeraployed are returning to their homes ing the work of Unveiling hard fur the money. ' Prizes amounting to been distributed at Hamilton- wee ,_. . . ii Rent Fawns and improveu Mos. Tile proceedings were . ed by the City improvement eietY' Stewart 711,ViSOn, Superintendent ' of Foreetry, reports that ons and tobacco as well ses of vegetables are grown Peace River district, away. Edinonton. A charge has been made the management of the Isolation Hospital, to the patients taken there for of contagious diseases are to return to their homes or two weeks. A. fir tree at Hastings, 62 feet in circumference. low at the baso, and contain 30 people sitting with room enough for dance the Highland fling ter. The Canadian Pacific Trunk Railways have agreed a reduction of one-third lar freight rates In the brought to Montreal to at cost price to the poor. Add Britain • Mayor Howland of Toronto accepted an offer of 5,000 Welsh Admiralty anthracite bo delivered ln Montreal on. Hamilton has also 000 tons of Welsh anthracite, delivered at Montreal lings a ton. ,. /rent°, October 21..-Whent- le is quiet and Priee9 hrm• N°' )(MO nominal at 040 enet, and 2 ePring at 60s east. Maniteha et he firm; With salee of NO. 1 1 at 821 grinding In transit, and 1 Northern at 80e grinding in sit; llo. 1 hardquoted at 760 MO, nnd No, 1 Northern " G oclerich. • nn -The ninrket is firrn, With e offering, .Noel yellow Ameri- quoted at 68e on *Meek here. eis-No. 2 for export quoted at west, but they are quoted for ing 71c west. our -Ninety . per cent. patents ted at 62,e2 to 62.65 middle gilts, in buyers' sacks for export. eight i011ers of special brands, domestic 'Mane, quoted. et $3,25 $8,130 in bble. Manitoba, floti• 10, Hungarian patents, e8.90 to, .0,- deliveredOn -track, Toronto, 3 illehiCled, and Manitoba strong ars", $8.60 to $8.80. • itmeal-Car lots, in bbls, 64.15 track, and M sacks, $4. Broken , 20 to 25c extra. alfeed-Bran is quoted at $12.50 118 1010 freights, and shorts at .50 west. Bran quiet here at , shorts at $17. Manitoba 1, 8133 in sacks, and shorts stt in smoke. COAL SHORTAGE. • Take All Winter to Catch Up . With Demand. A Wilkeebarre, pa„ despatch says: Ocial strikers here estimate it will take the operators all winter 'to catcb up with the demand. They believe that soft mai will stillcon- tinue in demand at many places where anthracite is Used, and will e•e- main ea fel3 some time owing to the scraMble foe antheacite, The nor- inel Production for this time of the Year. is about 1,800,000 tons' a %%Tele, while it. is estimated the hest the operators 00111t1,at the end 00 of one week; aftdr work Started, would be to put out about 1300,000 ton& from the mines and some 150,e 000 tons from the washonee. At the end 00a week about 50 per cent. of Mhe collieries would be . working. Within three weeks 80 per cent, would be at work. Thiel. gradual resunaption, due to the re- P mt condition of the ma es would at' . I , allow the men 'who have lef t the .ma region and secured work in other places to return In time to get their positione, It; is estimated that 'the third week of the resumption about 1,000,000 tons a week would be nined and th 0 this would r d . 11 ,1 • ag le tlet Y Increase through the winter, fur- nishing steady worle she days a week _or . i all. the workers. 'Phe striker has been on' for 157 , ' clays, and the estimated general losees amount to $140,000,000. ' . COUNTRY PRODUCE. ans-The inarket is strong, with •ings limited. Deniers cruote es nominal at $1.70 to $2.23, latter for choice hand-picked. led apples-Offeriugs moderate. porated jobbing at Ge to 1M Per eney-The market is steady, with ined jobbing here at 8 to 81e lb., and conib at 61.50 to '5. ay, baled -The market is steady, 1 offerings moderate. No. 1 tineo- quoted at $9 to 69.25 a ton on :k. maw -The market is quiet, with lots on track quoted at 55.50. aions-Market is steady at 40 to per bush for Caiaadians. ' pulley -The demand for poultry rood. Chickens, alive, 50 to 65c; dressed, young, 60 to 750 per .. Ducks, dressed, 66 to 85c per e Turkeys, young, dry picked, to 13e per lb. Geese, 7 to 8c per atatoes-The market is firm, with lots quoted at 75e per bag on !lc here. Small Iota out of store, at 85 to 90c per bog, KAFFIRS MENACE PEACE. • — Band Loots Farms and Fires Up- on Police, "' A Cape Town despatch says: The trouble& in South Africa arising from the industrial depression and political unrest have now been added to by the emergence of the native question in a vexatious forn1. A. Kaffir named Bokorre has gathered a 'umber of natives in the northwest colony, and has looted the stocks, of farmers and committed other out- rages. After the recent capture of 300 stheop by the band a small party of police followed the epoor of the maraudere, but abandoned the par- suit whenihey found the position of the Irafnes too difficult to attack. Afterwards armed natives called up- on the police to surrender and fired on them, bub the police escaped un- hurt. The chief native trouble, gowover, is at Johannesburg, and is duo to the illicit liquor traffic. On Saturday night the molice raided the di•inking dens hi the Kaffir location, and this caused a riot. One Xaffir was arrested. Reid a large nennber of drunken natives munediately attack- ' .% at ed the 'police and fired revolvers them, after which they escaped. A strong armed guard subsequently raided the location and destroyed a thousand gallons of Xathr beer mid a quantity of whisky. --,..--m----- . THE JEWEISE 31ACE. — Its 'Dispersion and Statistics as to Its Christianization. Recent statisties show that there are scettered throughout the world • about. ten 'pillion Jews. Five Inn- abo . . lion in the Russian Empire, one nail - lion and a half in Austria and,onar a like nunaber in America, 600,000 in GermanY, in tlie Balkan States., in Great Britain, 200,000 ; In Belgium, 150,000; and in Turkey, 125,000; in France, 85,000g1n Asia, 300,000; in Southern Africa, 80,- 000. According to an article in the Se- =cane Religiouse of Geneva, by M. L,, e Rol, a well-known authority on the subject; the following are the figures relating to the conversion of the Jews to Christianity during the last century. The total number be- twoen the years 1800-1890 inclusive is, he reckons, about 224,000. The Greek Church has received. out of this number 74,600; the Protestant Churches in Great Britain and Am- erica, 7e,000, and the Roman Otho- Lie Church 53,500. The figures .for the year 1898 give these reaults : In the Protestant churches were etd_ witted 1,450 Jews, in the Romanmonths Catholic Church 1,250, and in the Giaek Orthodox, 1,100. Out of the children born front. mixed marria.ges 1,450 children received holy baptism. Nowhere have the conversion's been 90 numerous ta.9 in England, where, according to the san10 authOritY, 80,000 Jews were received into me Church of 'England during the rale- 'Month century. .3n. France, where the Jewish populetion number about, 82,000, the conversions dur- •ed in e e ey e only, g th e ntu • ever .600In .. ee Germany there are at present eate • cora erted Jew,s who actually -preach the Gospel. 31 the statistics of the whole num- ber of ,laws are taken' as a basis it will j.ie found that the ratio of . conversions is exceedingly large in England. While Rusela, is el'editeci • • with a Jewish populcttion of live million', Croat Britain has only a twenty-fifth of that poeulation ere- dited to it, Viii., 2 00,,000. The pro- portion of conversions, therefore, is 0110 in. seven in England to the , , 01003012 of England, ,whiellCertainly strilces es as very large to one in r elate -seven M Russia to the Ortho- dom Church. ' e 11 these a„ o oorrtions are an 'whe,r aceura-a theY ctalnlY fora en- the methods gular commentary on m adopted. In Russia coercion and 1)01'SM:it:len had marked the policy • • ' . 13.. adopted toward tho .Jews-, in Ei land there ha& been perfect liberty, and, in fact, the Jews have been wise. P- rather petted alien otherA ParitlYthejewhadmuch14ga,no e in Russia by becming a Christian, and nothing to gam by becoming . . one in England. Warsaw, of which the °litho pope- . . lateen is three-quarters lsraelite, has been generally reciconed to contein more Jews than any Other city, but the palm must be awarded in 'this respect to the city of New York, „ , whose Jewish noPluati•on exceeas 400,000. Budapest. comes next, with 3,70,000; then Vienna, and Odesea each .with about 140,000 ; Londem, With. 120,000; Bereln, with 110,000; Philadelphia, with 100,000. Pavia, Amsterdam, Lemberg, Salonica, erici • . • • eight. othei cities have a. Jewish population equalling that of modern Jerusalem, namely, 50;000. - . . 4 OIL IN THE TRANSVAAL. . —300,000; An Area of Many Miles Square DiscoVered. . A Johannesburg despatch says :- Important discoveries of petroleum. ha.ye been . made in the Weldor- stroom district. The prospectors found an oil-bearing area many miles square, and state that the oil is °goal to the best standards produc- ed 521 Scotland.' Development opera- Mons aro proceeding in charge of a syndicate. The production of oil . within the Transvaal, which com sumes untold quaetities of Anierican oil, Dwane a, revolutionary decrease in 'the cost of lightieg and cooking. ---...4, _ TIIE DAIRY MARKETS, utter -The market is stc aely, 11 good demand for the beat titles. We quote 3-1: inest 1 -Ib s, 17 to 18c; selected dairy tubs, to 16e; store peeked uniform ir, 13; to 14ee; low grades, 1:2 1.8c; creamery prints, 10* to c; solids (fr(2sh made) 19 to a. ggs-Market firm. Receipts are It . We quote :-Strictly new laid, ; limed, 1Gc; chips, 12 Lo 1811 dozen. - beese-The market is very firm, h. stiles of the best qualities at to 12c per lb, and SCCondS at • m e ITO 0 PRODUCTS. ressed hogs rule steady, with re- its moderate. Curorl meats are in .d demand, with prices firm. We to :-Bacon, long clear, 11c; in _ and ease lots' Pork' nle'2, .50; do short cut, $23.50. molted hums, 18f to 14c; rolls, to laic; shoulders, 11ec ; backs, to 15e,e; Mane:rest bacon, 15e. .ard-The market is unchanged. quote :-Tierces, 101c; tube, 11c; Is, 114' to 11;e; compound, 81 to LIDES, WOOL, TALLOW, ETC, ades-The hide market is unchaug- No. 3. green, GO tbs, and up.M , rds, 910; o. 1 cows, Sem No. N -o' l' vs, 71eCured, 84 to 81e. kir vs, and lec for steers. al fsicins-Priet s unchanged. Skins to 16 lime brings 10o for Ice. I! I 8c for No. 2. /001M this weight ;•es are lc lower. heepskine-The offerings are fuir, I prices firmer at 55 to 60c. Mol -The marlcet continues quiet, h.0601111135 5111011. The best wash- feece brings 133.3 to 14c, d n Med, 7 to 7fe. Pulled supers are Med at 15 to 16c, and extras, 18 10e. allow -The market is quiet. aers are paying df to 51 for derecl, and ile to 40 for rough. :403,0. wi. at, 7 to 'lc in mina' 3, _ UNITED ST TES I ' ' A RIA IXEMS. Muth, Oet. 21. -Wheat -Cash, mo, .„rd, eem No. 1 N„th„.„, 70Le , . 2 Northern, 683e; December, 68c ce, retie ; November, 70c. Ma.c- hi -No. 1, 65e; No, 2, 611c. Oats ember, flefe. ., 1131033310115, Oct. 14.-C1ose- eat-Deeember 6830; May, 691 to c.; on track, 'No. 1 hard, reee ; Ilo, . 1 Northern, Nee; No. 2 North- , 681e, alwatikee, Oct. 3 1, -Wheat -Easy; . 3. Northern, 781c• No, S., Nettle, -"I' "7"3 ' , 7 to e. c; tecertibthe 70131. i -Dell; No. 1, 51c. Barley- 'tuner; No• 2, 60e; sample, 133 to e Cora -December, 481c, While, Oct. IA. -Flour -vim. eet-elneing unsettled . No. 1 rtherca n, epot, rloads, 761e. WM- -Strong; No. 2 red, 741c. Coen eget; No, 2 yellave, 67e; No, 8, M; No. 9 coma 6(214; No. 3 do., e Came -Firm; No. 2 white, 86e ; 't I , • cal, n -5C 1 No. 2 mixed, 82e ; ..,' 3' doe 311c. Barley -Western at 50 to Om Ilye-No. 2, %. Calial freights -Higher; wheat, corn, 61c to New Yotke GREAT BRITAIN. A possible strike of Wales on the first of January latest trouble announced. Elaborate peepimatione made to cope with any smallpox in London this When a huinp-bneked Italian ed Riga landed at . Dover Ostend boat his hump was be composed of tobacco. A. granite obelisk to of General Wauchope, who Mcmerstontein bas been - ^ . . Yetholin Roxburghsbare. • • • . . The shipments of pig iron Micicliebrough districts to States during the first nine f the year exceeded 100,000 Portions of the mast, and other relics of the "avenue ter Hunter, that went all 11 ds off the Norfolk s. 1807 have Just been recovered Mappisburgh. It is emnored in I.onclon Secretary of Irer, alr. Brodrick, o mary the daughter known judge, whoee house -or the hospitalityoff tmd — emf„„''ailmods. BULL FIGHTS IN FRANCE. . -- Laws Regarding Cruelty Do Not Warrant Action. . „e1 . ..“ 0 Paris correspondent of the London Tirriee says that several members of the Society for the Pre- vertu.= of Cruelty to Animal& hay- . 3' mg asked the Government to Pro- vont the bullfights about to be given in Sonic districts of France, Premier Combas • declined to interfere. The Premier took this attitude . on the ground that the present stat of legislation in regard to cruelty to 1 I do ' an ma s es not warrant action cm the part of the Government The • correspondent remarks that' such an admission, coining* from such a source, is certainly Inuniliatin.g. -a— --4.. • IRISH AMERICAN'S MONEY. — What alas 13ecome of $30,000 001- lected for Statue of Parnell ? A London despatch says 3-12e Irish Times, in an article we the procession on Sunday te the grave o/ Charles Stewart Parnell, ogles f II. me 000 what has become o the - , . e mon , . „ an which John la 13 d d At P d yoi oDublin 00 - the then Lord Ma- • f 1 Need in Amez•ica for the erection of a statue of Pernell in Dublin. The . f el t' t 1 paper sa3 s a. min a ion s one las Mon leici near the rotunda, but no- thine more has been done. It adds : ."Phe money collected in America, if reasonably well invested, should tr 1, . n n amount to 'ov a- 000 D MI is paved with thfoundation stones of et monumens to paertots which Mm never mot frther tor lack of funds, i but inParnalles case thmoney was i collected, and no account was ever 3 given to the Panerican subscribers J or the Irieh public." i ANTI -FOREIGN PLACARDS • — They Interfere ' With. Construction. • of Railroad, pom ongHong advices Sayth at t Ile sting3,31321403,3132140232130 placads at has prevented the 8123531113 of Chinese laborers to ork on tho Canton . end of the great Canton- Hankow Railroad, The American Consul at , 'Canton has asked the Viceroy there to take steps to dis cover Who aro guilty of posting the anti -foreign placards. A number of arreets. have been made, aod eveny official in Canton has been instruct- ed to stemp out tine method of in- eiting against f orele;nere. • UNITED STATES. Excellent quality of. gold fund upon farms near Marathon, o 1' Four Saloons were held robbed at Denver, Col., night, and Chem. Blykin by two masked men: Minnie Stonebraker, 15 g divorce • f rein is sewn_ father, Michael Stonebraker, 60, whom she married Ind recenty, ,Mhe trial 00 stmhen Chickure, ten -year-old boy of Winton, with the killing. of Mamie a playmate of his 'nen der way at Scranton, Pa. lii.s. Harwell Ice• Oviatt, olci, was buriecl at Orange, .sday. . o was escende eon sh 4 Indian and negro parents, regarded her as n, Seeress. sft 'cr. meal arnol , 72 years was convicted in 1865 of Lion in the assassination Lincoln, is dead at Dfasoriville, Ire was pardoned by President son, 4-- 1 , NOT A PUBLIC HOLIDAY. — 1Xing's Birthday to be Observed on Bray 24th, An Ottawa despatch says :-There will be no public holiday on Novena eer Oth his year. The Government a decided on Tuesdy o issue um' - clannition fixing May 2411i as the , . day upon which hls Majesty s birth- day shall be 'observed. In the Inter- prdtation Act It Is provided that the expression "11.01iday” includes among other days in the year, "the birth- day or tho clay fixed by Proclanum Con for the celebration of the birth- clay of the reigning soVereign." It Is on the strength of this provision mid the action of the Eing in select- ing May Una year for the celebra- tion of his natal clay that the Gov- ernment m'oposes to ad, as indicate ec!• ' ' ' —m___--. POLICE CAPTAIN'S FORTUNE• . — Found in Desk After Be pxma Dropped Dead. A New 'York despatch.eaye: A tor- tulle cif over $L00,000 'Wag 001.111d lia ,Thesd03„. is the desk of Pollee cap, lain J J D 1 ' ' tho t t . j, 1, onanue, in e e a. on a hottse, where he dropped dead Met week. The sum of 534,000 in cash was found in b. smell iron box in a drawee, and ellainond jewelry valuod at 611,000, including a solitaire ring woeth $1,500, WAS found in an- other draveer. Tim rest of Me pro- party included 615,000 in Uriiten States Stool steak, 61,000 in gold mining stoek, $15,000 in Motropoll- Lan ltailwey stock, and five lifo In' mimetic° policiee pi $M000 each, The diseoVery of the tree,mire Wes 3100120" plete , surprise, the captain having been considered worth. about 675,.. 000 111 other property, FRANCE'S SUBNARINI — Recent Trials That Dem Their Efficientcoy wonderful sto,.es ue French ,. papers of the 0114 the submarine boats as den in,reCent• tests. Ono 0'1 in'1'00011t3 -- a the harbor itt. Mast, le, . — . ., . merino ecomseeraveneti by 9[TVL°:1' L.T.IV ''' a .. '' a ' 0111,0 : minctut. Tho latter ea] abou t the harbor to 1 - n and the crew maintainell est watch they could for sf , 4,4 tarem"'IleS. Neverthelees 8.'" ation of the presen m l'IlleS W 5 obtained • ' ub a a 1 ur canto to the eurfac 0 e Falminant. They had ont, - harbor and surrounded without having bun Palm Would surely have deetrom ease oi Ivo'. At Cherbourg a blocked ' • port NtaS eatenlished by boats and a squadron att pass theough it without b pedoed by the submarines test ended in the victory . ler. In one case the pranem hit the hattieshir with a torpedo, 'dived came -on on the othet• aid, ()Mood her again, During oeuvres the sea was high weather stormy. Franco sixteen submarine boats 0 six are /ming built. ' --e--....-. TO BRING OUT IMMIGRANTS - English DMane Lays PIarm Bef ore the Department. ' An Ottawa, despatch says 3-11ev. Mr. Barr, of London, England, is in the city, and laid before the Dung- gretion Departinent a proposition to bring a specially selected class of • . immigrants , to settle in six .toevh- ships in Northern Alberta, Some of those who intend emigrating have considerable sums of money. 11, the arrangement succeeds Mr. Barr will locate with the party. , 4-.--..., ' ORE MONEY FOR ROADS, , Cabinet Votes $20,000 to Temis- kerning Ihstrict. . • 'A Toron • 1.1 ' 1 to deq3a. c 1 says: At tem meetieg of the Oatario Cabinet on . . „ Tuesday it was deckled to expend an additional $20,000 on tlio' colon- Motion roads in the Temiskaming ' t the t i II f MI6or ebUn ry, e recen n ug o se . rs having made this etell, neeeSearY, e . --- ' allisTERAL. The 0(1163g a azotte, • ' A publishes a eecree forbidding • ' of chains in Malian prisons. A. rallread line in' South 1 1 m clelaide to Port I a' re A to complete the Overland Is projected . Ten thousand mermen made for forty states Essen works, where 47,000 ple are employed. There is a demand for Ce.po Colony, for skilled in Natal, aria for fireteclale trade employes in the Transvaal On aceount of the bad Nomeay, the Government ed 550,000 to farmers for pose of buying seed. A ma petersbure . inventor Menefee' bas just patentod less ' Mixing, . 100 principal .--- ' Granite is tho only coMmon rock le i 1 t r . 1 • wile 1 s lows no races o anima 01 vegetable me, s . e t evonty-two million pounds Of but- came from Siberia into, Europe 'during . ,Siber, • last yew.. How many p00103100 axe annually treated in the London hospitals? The 00805 12810 emimerated comprise those treated at the voluntaey hos- raids and diepensarles of London- togethei with the eedowed hoepitale of St. Darthotomew's, (lily's, and St, Thoinam-andthe hospital of the MetrePoiltae 45331311115 Board, Alto- gother they reach the immense to- tal of one million ,uhie hundred and 8021100)1thousarich Wren hendreci and' slecty-nine patinae, . Sir. George White, in a letter to , the Lord Mayor of Manchestee, an- one the 01'00110n of a memorial in the cathedral to soldiers fallen in the war, Paid a. generous tribute to the Manch eeter regimen t, especi ally praising thete conduct at Caesar's Canna ' It, has been decided In future to furnish. at the public expenee, nrreiy °Monte messes and the grairters of unnuteried regimental ofecers at home staeions, and able to supply each °Meet on. • joining w1 eli la, field kit free of charge, to be maintabied at his tiWn expenem —.S. , KAISER IS WIDE AWAKE. Obtained ssession af Plans of MI S ' ' 33 t tench Memento Boato. A. cleepatoh to the London Tele- geaph from Faris 0a32'5 11 IS aSserted that the German Glovernment has eontrived to Obtain poeeession of all tho plans or all • the French. Bub- boats, • In 'Yucatan there (1201131nod 62 ruined .ctinl. abandoned There are 520,000 aem plantations in Lichee of tObare, LiVerpool, 000 Ware. - a Wc)nan t Full= reet Were Meow re- ticle - the forrantion re ago. held their arlor • of Obickens, e of them - /4 Leaden - had ite by tho rle was, old con - ng Is be - o military dation for be erect- anepater, 801 the or Regi - 121' chant !es- tate visit afternoon of 20,000 mer now 2310051111.0, its masts, the usual e Midland cotch ex - 31 Carlisle n Appleby 0 minutes a German Is in its eived by o applied ne of the e rs. Sty years Mr. J. A. place a Li'oxorslmm 2,000 for oys to be the Nor - lad's par- shraent if o of the accepted. the River 11 I a ho ok ugh otick weighing 1 an old a landing revickshire hich 18 linge, has . per ton, t formerly ClOW11 tO fined ton or selling ops plead- ing with ilk in the oh of its 11 of pre - prisoner co station when an disorder - onto! a ie 1a/11011e ord Rob- ed to sing lied "Old ds. For er lie 104331 Mord. o of the essee, and London - cry bril- attribuLes 20 repute. - led house BOATS. onstrated Id in the io»cy of onstrated was in im sub - their own Brest to hip leul- t meting 'old them, tho sharp - give or the the first o of tho vhen all oar the clad the the ship ived, and el her in o of the submarine empted to Ong tor - The cone f the lat- submarine Ilotivinee under her, end ter - the and the 1138 noW nd thirty. leso than eitetie, oi too,