HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-23, Page 1'11
Vol. at. No.
W. I -I . R R, Prop.
New Advertisements,
Looal—G. Kleg.
For salee-Eaward Garvin.
For sale—D, MOW& Son,
Clearing sale—C, Qnerengesser,
Collie etrayed—Jas. 0, McNeil'.
Baena tired 0Y130-51re, Pletcher,
Lames for sale—Oliver Turnbull.
A. growing kinee—eloKionon et Co,
Step that coughing-HureleY & Co,
311)ioiriat Reim.
13 lufavale.
Wm, Btewatt, er. Lute been vieiting
friends in Melanothon.
Mies Janet Hood le spending a week
with her parente 8 Sunshine,
• Charles Leech and lawny, of Detroit,
• epent Thenkegiving at A. K. Jaokeon's.
Rev. Mr. Millar, of A,shfield, gave a
very interesting address at the Bible
Society Meeting, held in the Pdethodiet
church, Tuesday Diehl/.
A. union Thankemving Bertram wae held
• in the Methodist oanroh on 1'hursday of
last week, Rev. F. Swann took charge
of the eervioe. Rev, Mr, Weal gave an
appropriate &Lidless. Rev. Dr. Moffat
was present and epoke in behalf of the
Treed Sooiety.
Mrs,. Patterson was bete for Thenks.
giving time, She is a daughter of John
and Mre. Brown, 10th DOD,
Mrs. 3. i, Daviee bas been bothered
with rheumatism bat we hope the will
soon be aomp'etely restored.
Samuel Love,.of Ethel, had his hand
badly ornsheci la a steam thresher on eon.
14, Elma, on Wedneeday, 8th inst.
Ames and Mre. Livingston,15th oon.
of Grey, purpose coming to Ethel to make
their home, retiring from the farm.
Organizer -Duff is expeoted 01 visit
Ethel Orange Lodge on Tuesday evening
ot next week to give the Order a boom.
Mies Lizzie Fletoher is at present vie -
Ring kier parents, accompanied by her
000218, Miss Annie Bolton, of Aewood.
Chum Davies lias reenneed hie old place
in H. F. htoAllieter'e store. It looks
quite natural to see him about es usual.
A sugar beet Damn WU here this week
lifting a second batch for experimental
purposes at the Ontario Agrioutoral
An inteteeting service wag held in the
Preabyterian Ohnroh on the afternoon of
Tbankagiviug Day. Rev, D. B. McRae
Mrs. F. Freeman and Harold, and
Mrs. 0. Rokmier and Grace, vialted Mrs.
A. Cameron, of Lietowel, on Wednesday
of teat week.
Next Sabbath Rev, A.J. McKelvey, of
Wrozeter, will preach Miesionary tier.
mons in the Metbodist Chant:lee on Ethel
eiranit. Rev. Mr. Wells will perform
similar service on Wroxeter ;aroma
Several from this looality were in at.
tendanae at the Prohibition Convention
at Brussels last Tueeday. Ethel Term
perance Lodge is already at work and
this polling plaoe will give no uncertain
sound an Deo. 4th.
1 for just a minute. We'll
be.brief. Be sure and
R s s'
IXre'vo Got
Your :037o
see oor range of
UNDERW EA.R for Fall.
and Winter.
66.00 PER SUIT.
litgal=ile=latza .a.ate
laWra Easily Tired
0 Eyes.
I indicate Eyestrain.
Nedlec4 of thie con.
dition invites discos
Protect your health
by gemovinu t e
We exAralne'V'yes free
And •reco,,menti
glosses Ont.', when
EthselatelY acteenelet.
attarea., T. Pletcher
Setia.cetialo %sea
Cr14,aalttara Ogatirclum
At the Juageal Vetere' Liet Court, bold
here on Friday of laid week, the Liberate
put on 19 names and etruoa off 7, and
the Conservatives added 10 Mimes.
Mel eat -avowed -L.
ft R. Soon built a new driving died
last week,
John Patterson, oheeeernaker, went to
Wroxeter last Wedneeday.
We T. MoKee, oonnoiltnan, hag par.
chased et new Wagon & Ricoh piano.
The Bible Sooiety meeting was bald iro
the Presbyterian oburoh on Wednesday
Mise Libby Molise, who has epout the
teat year in the Prairie Provinee, return.
ed borne last week.
Beujamin Everal, aged 84 years, own.
pitted euinide on Wednesday last by
helloing himself in tbe barn. Came
0. AL Leppard, as delegate, attended
the Stratford Dietriot Epworth League
Convention, held in St. Marys, Thursday
and Friday of Mae ,week.
Two little glrle came to our neigbbor.
hood teat week. We expect the little
stre,ogere to etay jot where they are, one
at -Tom Ouromings and one at Joe. El
• Taaandlettry.
' Anothet wedding in eight.
Mre. Munn has been on the sick list
for a week. She is recovering.
The service at Bethel Church lash Bah
bath morning was taken by W. H, Kerr,
Mrd. S. Robineon,
of Niagara, and her
eon have been paying a vieit to oldetriende
in thie pars,
Mina B. MoNab bee been rmengaged to
teach S. B. No. 9 for next year at a Bub
stantial inoreese of ealary.
Mrs. Wm, Keeohtel hae returned from
Manitoba where she has spent the Sum
mer monthe. Ber health ha a improved
very eatiefactorily.
Mrs. Wilteie's sale wae fairly well at.
• tended. Prices paid for stook were as
high se usual. Mrs. Wiltsie intends
to live in Seaforth hereafter.'
Geo. Snaith, who went West thie Sum.
mer, hae taken np 1,000 mores of land in
Alberta. Mr. Smith is very favorably im-
prowled with the Western country.
D. MoOutoheon hae returned from tbe
Statee where he hag been for a few weeks
at the Sulphite Springe, being treated for
rheumatism, We are' sorry not to be
able to report a complete recovery.
_ •
aTiwasee tato wire .
Our Beef ring was carried on very
pleaeantly this 880800 110 in tbe paet.
The teat animal ie to be slaughtered thie
week. The annual meeting of the patrons
will be held in Victoria Hall Thursday
night at 8 o'olook to wind up the bueinese
for this season and Mao to term a ring for
next year. All intereeted should attend
the meeting,
Our storekeeper le now buying all kinds
of' dressed poultry, making it a Dineen-
ienee for farmers to get rid of their
poultry in the early pert of the mama.
He wants them in ea early in the week
ae poeeible go as to be able to ship them
the eame week to the eity. Market all
poultry dry plucked (not scalded) and do
not draw them. Heade off geeee and
Weakens. For prices ask at the store.
Any quantity taken.
The Brussels Branth of the Bible
Sooiety held their annual meeting in
Victoria Hall last Sunday night. The
speakers were Chairman Thos. Strachey,
of Gray; Rev. Mr. Paul and A. M. Mo.
Kay, of Brussels. The addresses were
very intereeting and met with a fall home.
The oolleotion in aid of the Society
amounted to $8 75. Be,. Mr, Paul le to
preach here next; Sunday night in the
Hall. He is a gest favorite bare.
W rex t m r
Mise Jean Davidson hue returned from
Thos. Gibson left for Manitou last
F. and and Mrs. Sandere returned from
Detroit on Monday.
J. Thompson, of Guelph, ie the genet
of Ca and Mrs. Town.
Misses J. Robertson and F. Purser vieitr
ed in Teeswater Mat week.
A load of young men of the village vieit.
ed Gerrie on Thursday.
Wm, Wilson hae returned from a short
visit with friends in Toronto.
Reuben Wendt, of Mildmay, visited hie
brother, 3. Wendt, en Sanded'.
Mies Carrie Lawrie spent Thanksgiv.
ing Day with Wingbam friends,
MSS X. Mutob, of Glorrie, spent sever.
al daye with her friend, Mies S. Bray.
Mies Nellie Elliott, of (Minim', is spend.
ing a few days with Miss TenaSmith,
F. V. Dickson aud family spent Thanks.
giving Day with relativee at Molesworth.
Misses Minnie Hemphill and Kate Rob.
keen have returned from Toronto Juno.
A load of yoring people from here at.
tended the Harvest Home festival in
Gerrie Mat Tuesday.
The storm were all tamed Thankegiving
Day, the majority of the business men
spending the day hunting.
Albert Snake has retuned from Paris
wbere he has been engaged in making
apple barrele for eornetirne.
W. H. Kerr, of Brunie, preaohed the
Thanksgiving sermon in the Presbyter.
fan Church Thursday of lad week.
Jae. and Dave. Ireland, of Wintham,
former residents of this plaoe, were gueste
of the latter'e eister, Mre, Is. V. Diakeon,
Jag, Bali, accompanied by hie two ail.
dren, left for Novar, athekoka, last week,
where be will spend a few weeks hunting,
W. French shipped a oar load of export
cheep from this station on Monday, and
Jno. Hamilton re ear of !ambit to Buffalo,
Rev, Dr. Moffatt, of Toronto, eddreee.
ed a meeting of tbe Iippet-Canada Treat
Sooiety, The meeting wan poorly attend.
01 iee ed.
Mary Eraatewood left for Gatorade
on Tuesday. Her Many friends hope that
the change of climate will do ninth to
improve her health.
J. E. and Mrs. Black left for Elora on
Monday to attend the funeral of the for.
merai father, whoee death omeurred ab
that plan on Sunday.
Owing 00 111thealth Rev. R. la• G.- And.,
loon etas left for Olifton Spriuge, N,
where he will remain a few W4410. "Phe
pulpit was onoupied hoe Sunday by a 61r.
Davidson, stndent of Knox College,
Miele A dit Hezlewood, ot Ridhgaiee and
Edward Haziewood, of Toronto, vielted
et their borne here reoently.. Ed, left for
Crow's Neat Pesti on 13atarday where, we
understand, he ie going into the dreg
Mee, Day wae vieiting relativea at Oa
Thoma e daring Thankegiviug holiday,
Eve ObaBUTT PasessAwkr,—Last San.
day morning at 11 o'olook Ave, the eldest
daughter of Rev. R. J. and Km Garbutt,
died at the parsonage, aged 11 rime.
She complained of pains in the bowele
an on a medical examination being made
an operation was considered neoeseary
and wag performed for appendiaitie ou
Friday afternoon. The disease had made
such progress however, that 'the patient
wae unable to rally and died ae above
stated. Eva wae 4 bright, trustful ohild
and wag quite resigned if aa ehe said
"Jeans wanted her". The funeral took
place on Tuesday forenoon the eervioe
being conducted by Rev. F. Swann 40019t -
ed by Bowie, E. A. Bala langfieh ohurch
minister, and Rev. A. I. McKelvey, of
Wroxeter, in the Methodist church. The
beautiful solo and chorus "The HOn30
Land" wae ming Mr. Aadrewe caking the
eolo. Very oboom floral tributes were
placed on the casket from the Sabbath
school and otbere, The Sabbath cahoot
scholars marched in the procession to the
railway depot where train wae taken to
London where interment WEB made. Mr.
Stintion and Mr. Evans s000mpanied Rev.
Mr. Garbutt on hie Bad minion. Great
and widespred sympathy in felt for the
sorrowing parents in the uttexpeoted go-
ing away of their dear little daughter.
Dior ram.
Several Morrisites attended the Pro.
bibition Convention at Brussels on TUBo.
day afternoon.
Vetere, Het Court will be held at the
Township Hall next Tneedny, oommen
Mug at 10 a. na
Mrs. Will. Robb, 6th line, was away to
Tottenham for the Thanksgiving holidays
vieiting relatives, and had an enjoyable
Emmet, —Tuesday evening of thie
week Rev. Mr. Webb, of Brussels, tied
alb matrimonial knot between Alfred
Button, a well knownalorrisite, aud Mies
Elizabeth Aun Al000k. The oeremony
was performed at the reeideocre of R. B.
Al000k, 6th line, at 6 o'clock. May their
happy dap be many and their mama
W. H. Maunders has sold bis farm on
the 7th line to Frank Smith, formerly of
Morrie, who hae been living near Wrox
ater. Prioe is said to be $4,500. He
gets poeseesion at once. F. S. Soott ne
gotiated the sale. It is said Mr.
Manndere has purchased the floe 100 acre
farm of Chas. Ritchie on the East
boundary and Mr. Ritchie and family
will likely move into Brunie anderetire
from farming.
subject of this notice, whose spirit took
its flight about 8 o'olook Monday morn.
ing, Oat. 18, 1901, died from heart fail-
nre and podded peacefully away. Be was
born in Beath, Ayrebire, Sootland, his
father and mother being both Swath. In
the Old Land be wee a soap and candle
maker by trade and name to this oonntry
hi the year 1845 or '48. Landing at
Paris be worked there for a few years and
then came to• Morris township, where hie
two brothers in law reeided, Mrs. Gilbert
Speir and Mrs. Wm. Shedden _being sin-
ters. Deoeaeed has oue brother, Wn3
Laaahland, who residee at Oshawa. Mr.
Lauchland remained here for a abort
time and then moved to the Bruce Mines
and then rambled away to Lake Superior
to the mines where he stopped for a time
and theta landed at Port Huron, Delieh.,
where he Battled down, got married and
lived for 30 than. He gained quite a
competenoy for hie old age and wag a very
quiet and inoffensive man but was cheery
and ahatty His wife predethased him
two yeare ago, They bad no family.
15 menthe ago he oame bath to end hie
days in Morris at his brother-in-law's
Wm. Shedden's. He wan in hie eighty
first year. Hie brother and wife attended
tbe funeral. Mrs. G. Speir, Mee, Wm.
Shedden and two slaters in the Old
Country, Mre. Barr, and Mrs. R. Bamil.
ton, still survive of the family. The
pall bearers were hie six nephews, Robt
and Jae, Shedden, Allan, Jae., John and
Gilbert Speir. Rev. J. J. Hattie, of Bel -
grave, conducted the eervioe.
C. A. aliohie left for Hespeler on Mon-
day, after spending Thaokegiving holidays
under the parental roof and a pleasant
renewal of acquaintamie with many old
friends and neighbors in thio vicinity.
Mr. Wade's services are very much in
demand in Efeepeler and vicinity. Beeides
filling the position of shipping clerk in
the R. Forbes Woolen Mills Go, (whittle
e one of the largeet_coneerne of its kind
n the Provinoe, employing about 600
hands the year rotted) be ie Secretary of
the Heapeler Temperanoe Ammaiation, an
organization whiob is doing aggressive
work in oonneotion with the miming
Referendum campaign, Mr. Mathis le
leo a prominent thumb worker being
looted to the position of Elder in the
Presbyterian thumb two yeare ago. He
O also masisted Superintendent and
nether in the Sunday mama an active)
other in the Young People'e 8 roiety and
reamer of the twine. Two years ago he
as sleeted Preeident of the Christian
ndenvor Union of Waterloo County,
kith position he still holds. Be was
of the thief promotere of the Young
en's Christian Assimilation and ie at
resent the Preaidena Hie amiable dis-
°anion, plain and unassuming manner
as brought him into high favor with the
Weans of Heepeler and neighboring
owns Red rural distriettia In °peaking
f the: County of Waterloo Mr. Mithie
itys that few sections of the Provinoe
fford such excellent bora° market to
le producer of dairy products, drained
outlay, meats, eggs, vegetableg and fr it
her Artie and Mine Mantifitetnring
indnetripe, operated by huedrede of non-
preduoing yet etheentionling ana welato-
do citizens, thin affording the farmer and
Others an advantage over those who are
distant many miles from the great oeotre
of manufaceture.
Rave Mr. Brown was et Brnteele on
Tueeday attending the Prohibition Clon
vection for the Doak Riding of Gown,
vir.,71:13awnten, cl Thos. Wilkinson, of Bletan-
aba, Mich. were here hate week attending
tbe funeral ot their mother, Mrs. Jae.
Anetvansenaa-abe anniversaay 090.
mon. in the Presbyterian chunk in Ibie
place were preaohed Met Sabbath by Rev.
Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth, and were great.
ly enjoyed. Good -media Woe MOO gap.
plied. Monday evening Harveet Home
Feetival was held and was largely attend-
ed. After a fine nipper, addressee of an
instructive character were given by Revels.
Messrs, Whaley and Larkin. Bev. Mr.
aural, pagtor occupied the chair. Ex.
Caerioleoukte, moineRi°ria:1:19111"linae7vIdiak,byof Mat.
Thereat; Robertson, of Toronto, and the
ohoir. The fluanoial pre:encode of the
anniversary totalled $111. A. good time
wae enjoyed by everybody.
Mate. Maximo; Paeans AWAY.—Ib wae
quite a surprise on Thanksgiving Day to
learn that Mrs. James Wilkinson had
passed away about 10 o'olook that fore-
noon. She had been stricken with para.
[rile six weeks previously but bad im•
proved so well she wag able to take short
drives and on the morning of her decease
was np and able to walk, with a little
aseistanee around the kitchen. After
taking a little exercise she ley -down and
before long breathed her Met. Heart
failure wae said to be tbe clause coupled
with the Maeda of the etroke. Deceased's
maiden name was Jams Dodds and her
,birtbplace was Bramhain, Yorkshire,
England. Sbe wag united in marriage 49
yeare ago at Clifford, Bog, to leer now
bereft partner, by Rev. Mr. Ratcliffe, and
15 mouths later they wane to Canada.
They resided in Flemming township,
Halton Go., for 2a years before coming to
Kerrie townahip. 44 yeare ago Mr. Wi
kinson bought 100 aoree, lot 10, 4th line,l.
from L. Tether, then mostly bush, an
on this property the family resided until
2 years ago when they sold to Rieholson
Bros, and moved to Belgrave where they
lived a retired lite. Mrs. Wilkinson was
an industrious woman, a good manager
and aided her husband materially in ear•
ing for what he made. She wag a good
wife, a fond mother and a kind neighbor.
Deceased was in her 74th year. 9 Weil -
then were born of wheat 8 are living as
follows :—Wm. in Morris; Jno. at Greta
Rapide, Miob. ; aim and Thog., at Be
oaaaba, Mioh. ; Mrs. Mag. Wbeeler,
Pare, Robt. Anderson, Mre. Geo. Prootor'
ail of Morrie ; and Miss Tillie at home'
George died 24 years ago, when 21 years
of age, from a cold oontraated wbile bath-
ing. The funeral of Mrs. Wilkinson took
plaoe on Saturday afternoon, Rev. Mr.
Brown, of the Methodist Church, con'
daoting an appropriate aerial:ie. Inter-
ment woe made at the Brendon eernetery.
The pall bearers were three sons and
nephews. The bereaved are deeply sym-
pathized with.
tir e
Aries Ella Mann io away visiting rola-
b1 vas in Barrie.
Ray MoNanght hae ereoted anew house
on his farm on the 16th non.
Ming Murray, teacher of S. B. No. .9,
spent Thanksgiving at her home in Sea.
Roe'a ohnkoh Epwortb League will
entertain Ethel Leaguers Friday even-
ing of this week.
Jas. Mann, who WAS away on a trip to
the Northwest returned home loot Bator -
day. He reports good time.
Mrs. Chao. Rozell was away for a hon.
day visit with relatives and friends in
Waterloo and Halton Counties'.
The 50 acre term of Jae Shaw, North
half lot 11, con. 6, bag been Bold to Wm.
Hoy for the sum of $1800. F. S. Soott,
Brussels, made the eale.
Miss Belle Patentee was home to the
funeral of her aune, Mrs. Wm. Mines.
Miss Pearson is re.engaged in her school
for next year. She is a good teaoher.
Geo. Patterson, 14th con:, who hae
been seriously ill from the elects of a
fall which he bad about two weeks ago,
we ere glad to bear ie improving in
Next Sabbath Rev. A. McKelvey, S.
T. L., of Wroxeter, will preach at Roe'e
Church in the morning and at the "Union"
Choral in the afternoon. It will be
Missionary day.
Owing • to the decease of hie wife Mr.
Minee will give up farming and sell his
farm on the let emu. He has engaged F.
S. Soott for an %tition sale of farm stook,
&a. on Tueede,y, Nov. 4.
Several complaints have been made
about the length of time in whith eome
of the small bridges pulled up for the.
dredge to get through were left open, as
travel VMS greatly inconvenienced.
The many friends of Jas. and Mre.
Livingetone, 15th con., are Derry to lose
them as they bave decided to retire from
the farm and will enjoy a wall earned
root. The good wishes of their many
Wilde follow them to their new home at
Monday of last week Mre. Wm. Mines,
let oan., took ill at the home of lata Mines
son, Morrie, and unlike the ben attend-
ant:le she pegged away on Saturday at 1
o'olook, aged S6 years, 4 menthe and 8
days. The week before she took down
ill the wae feeling poorly but nothing
serione wae thought of it. The funeral
took place on Monday afternoon to Brum
eels oemetery. Rev. G. P. Wells taking
the service, wielded by Rev. S.E. Hunter,
The pall bearere were W. Mines, Jae. A.
Wray, Robt. Docket, Robt., Jae., and
chard Pearson. Mrs. Minas wae born
Qtmen'a Co., Ireland. She was twice
amen her first huehand Banal)
eaket, by whom the had 4 none and 1
tighter. Six years ago deoeased mar.
Wn, Mama. Deemed wae a Meth.
101 in religion and kind, big hearted
does the Cogntry of Waterloo, WI 12 ea
WOnlatte Her maiden Mina Wait Mary
Peareon end she le a Pieter to Ure, John
Ellie, and Riehard, James and Robert
Portion. Thie wee the arid death iu the
PettrliOn family. Mr. Minee will likely
make lie borne with hie
Jae. Noble who hae been foreman for
Ghee. Querengesser, bas gone to Perey
Sonnet Distrait where Mn, Qoerengeeoer,
intends to tired several saw mills en the
timber Smits be bas bought, Afro. Noble
and family intend followieg in about two
Alex, l'errie bee purehand Jam Goatee'
100 aore farra 00 the lath cam, !eying
08,400 The farm butts We Perris's on
the South and will be utilized by the new
owner for grazing purposeg iergely. Mn,
Coate; and family will remove to Brut;
aele and gtve op farming se M. Goatee'
aye algid le not good and he is well der
serving of a reet.
The anation sale of Won. MoFadzean,
last Saturday afternoon, went with quite
a sweep and totalled over $1,100. Calves
sold as high ae -$18 50 eaoh and other
stook ran well up. F. S. Soott wae the
auctioneer. Mr. MoPadzoao and family
moved to Brussels this week. He has
the offer of a good sitnation at hie trade
in the Northward and may reeve out
there in the course ot a few months.
On leaving leloonejaw I took train di.
root to Lillian Head there to remain over
Sunday. This thriving town is one of
the few places in the West where I sleep
two nights in the same bed. This is en-
tirely owing to the °orate' reoeption give
me by Mr. and Mre. Gerry. Albert Geer
has beau here several years now and ha
a thriving business in stoves, tinware and
has recently pot in a stook of hardware.
Be has a farm about three miles distant
whinb be can take $5,000 for ; he bare it
rented at present receiving hall the orop
ae hie ehare, So long se the yield of
wheat continues ae it bas bean doing (80
bush, to the acre) it is a good investment
fanny are becoming wealthy in thio
• ;Reentry from the increase in the value of
land alone. Prices have gone up and are
likely to continue until a failure in crop.
A. large number of Americium are flookine
in and next Spring will see many more
I met a man from Nebraska in search of
land and I asked him why so many were
miming over, Referring to hie State he
said land was too dear there, $100 per
aore, and remarked that Land agents
from this country are working the people
up in good style down there. Only those
who know have any Idea how many are
oomiug over from tbe other tide of the
line. At Indian Heed we were pleased to
meet our young friend Willie Mooney. I
had the pleasure of his company when he
first came out bare to lake tip land. Be
has had no reason to regret coming ; he is
doing well and best of all prosperity has
not lessened hie interest in thumb mat.
tetra being a liberal supporter and a
regular intender. His father, Henry
Mooney, near Weyburn, I am told, is
doing well and land them is advenoing
rapidly in priae. It was my good fortune
to be at Indian Head the Sunday that
Rev. Manly Benson wag. Oa my leav-
ing, Mr. Gerry apologized for wonting
my attendanoe to the Methodist Chunk
and promieed to take me to the Presby-
terian the next tittle. It wag quite ex-
•cusable when so able a man 000upied the
pulpit. He wee to leeture they the fol-
lowing evening. I elect met Geo. Mooney
and Robt. Gibson, both of whom are en•
gaged fn oarpeoteriug. At Siotaluta, the
fiat station past, W. J. Smith, one of the
ex merolaants, of Walton, is doing a thriv-
ing general store business. At present
his ulster is keeping boon for bim. At
Grenfell Ed. Hollinger has a situation
with a jeweller !tad expreettes himself well
eatiefied with the West. He thinks him-
self fortunate that he was apprentioed to
our townsman, Jae. donee. At iffoommin
Morton Young eau be ',mud iu the twine,
hardware and stove shop ae five years
ago. He reports the best yield of grain
on hie father's fame that they have ever
had, For eeveral weeks prior to my
visit bis mother had been quite sick which
the dootor in attendanee diagnosed as
gout. Sbe auffere ooneiderelle pain and
her general health has been effected in
coneequence. Both hie listen are en-
gaged iu school teething. It is en ill
wind that Olean; no one any good. The
enmity of hard octal le creating a demand
for soft 0091 furnaces, Morton stated tbat
they had taken out as many ae eight
hard coal turneaes and pbt in those for
soft coal in their pima; and ae this was
early in the eeaaon no doubt many more
would follow suit. At Elkhorn, ex G. T.
R. Agent Sutton was engaged aa operator
61 (110.15. station ; just before my arrival
he had the mlefortane to let a truth fall
on his foot and as a reeult wae going
about with the help of a crutch. In
Verdao there la the well know firm of
McLellan & English. The latter member
of the firm is no other than the boy who
need to play traant from school in Bros.
eels end known in those daya as "Al."
Be laughed ae be recalled gone things of
those early days. Hie father, Geo. Eng.
lista has a farm about five toilet distant.
At Griswold le a •Dr. Stewert. He vent
two years of hie bothbod in Brussels
thirty.three years ago. Be is nb relation
to any by that name now in or near
Brunets. Ag it watt seven years before
my coming I cannot looate hir, Mr,
Mair had the drug etore at tbat titne.
His fatherai name was James. Returning
to Breeden I took train to Alamedafto
the Western limit of my trip on this
branch. Mrs. John MoCutobeon was on
the same main with three of her children
going to their Western home, judging
from the number who were at the station
to meet bb 5 should my tbat the Mo.
Ontoheon's hold the balanoe of power in
that neighborhood, At Oarrievale, Past.
ward, Jag. Patterson has (Marge of
the hanesey.13arrie interests. Hein about
selling hie term. Mre. Pattereon bad
been seriously id bet was improving.
Jas. Mann, who had berm visiting there,
WO returning yeeterday (Got. 14), Hie
amide° *adore was doe to the gericafil
eootdent that bad Wallets Nikr Pattere00,
in Grey. At Melita, if ie le MO good
fortune to, go :lam you will find our
Young friend, D. Lemont wbo Will glee
you P. W6100018 snob SS the Beneeelitee in
Okla eouotry are noted for. 11 10 00m0
five years Binge Mr. Lamont opened up a
blealksmith tamp here. He ie evidently
doing well. He is now the pioneer blaok-
smith in Manta Laving bought out one of
the OPPoeition. At the time of my vieit
he was waargiog hie shop putting in three
"Avert" and room for a fourth. He bag at
present two experienced helpers. SO ie a
worker and apparently ie in favor with
the Melitaites. While at Napinka we met
Ed, MoNaughton, who has the oontraot of
some buildings at Deloraine. He has an
idea of timing home Ode Winter, At
Deloralne Jae. Petah weal 60 tbe station ata
parantly io a happy frame of mind. He
reports a good yield and all well. He
joked me about the liberal way I treated
the boys at Medora. It happened in thie
way, theta is no statical house at Medora
end my honey wag dumped on the plal.
form and left there. Somebody disoovered
there was something sweet in the barrel
end ae the appetite for honey like that
for whiskey grows on one the package
kept getting lighter and lighter go that
on my arrival it weighed about ninety
pounde lege than when it was ehipped ; of
amine we mutt not steeped Mr. Petoh of
having a band in the deed but the affair
seemed familiar to him and beeides ho
never invited me over to see him. Looks
kind of auspicious does it not. At Galina
borough 'I met Jae. and Mrs. Hall, who
where enjoying a visit with their sone
and daughter, Mr. Hall had been out
for a bunt tbe day I arrived returning in
the evening with some oleieltene, ducks
and a wild turkey, better known 80 0. sand
hill crane, I bad a kind invitation to re -
y Minn over and partake of thine but Mae
e my arrangements would not permit ,of it,
lOIre. Hall while ehe likes the eountry
pedant to live in Ontario as for Mr, Hall,
well, I guess if he were e. younger man
Ontario would not hold him.
(To be oontlnued.)
Orme:Mien Convention at Brnssejs.
The Campaign Marked out and PAMS
or Work Discussed.
Tuesday afternoon, in response to a
call, a Prohibition Convention wae held
•in the Town Hall, Brussels, the objeot
being to prepare for the campaign in
oonneotion with the referendum, which
will be submitted on Tbureday, Dwain.
ber 4th. There wae an attendance of
about 00, among the number a goodly
sprinkling of well known temperance
workers. Several lettere were read from
parties who were unable to be present
expressive of their willingness to am
The chair was taken by W. H. Kerr
and G. F. Blair wae appointed Secretary.
After prayer had been offered by Rev. D.
B. McRae, of Oranbrook, bustnese was
taken up.
Moved by B. Gerry, seconded by Jas,
Hinohley that we ofganize under the
name of "East Huron Prohibition As.
eooiation." Carried.
It wae agreed that the Central Exeau.
tive consist of a Preeident, Vice President,
Seoretary and Treasurer,
Moved by Thos. McMillan, seoonded
by Robt. McKay that the officers be as
follows a -President, W. H. Kerr ; Vice.
President, B. Gerry; Secretary, G. F.
Blair ; Treasurer, Rev. R. Paul. Carried.
Following Munitipal Chairmen were
also apppiuted '4—Howick, Revels. Messrs.
Mcffelvey and Dobson ; Wroxeter, W. S.
Molierther ; Turnberry, Rawls. Messrs.
West and Swann ; Morrie, as Smillie
mud W. Jackson ; Grey, Thos. Straohao
and Wm. Cameron; Brussele, A. M.
McKay aud H. Ram; MoKillop, .Tames
Herr ; Hallett; Rawls. Lamers. Hamilton
and Kennedy.
Rev, R, Paul, Treasurer of the last
Plebisoite campaign, read a financial
statement showing over $50 in hand,
The account was transferred to the new
On motion of Menu. Blair and Hincla
ley 315 wae voted to the Provincial Gen.
tral Association.
Moved by Rev. Mr. McKelvey, eeoond
ed by Rev. Dir. Brown that the Executive
prepare 411 estimate of Lhe necessary
funds required for literature and other
neoessary expanses in the osenpaign for
the Riding and sub divide it among the
different municipalities. Carried.
Brief speeches were made by a number
of the delegates outlining the prospeets,
defining the law, &o., &o., after which the
proceedings were concluded by Rev. Mr.
MaeNab pronouncing 6/3e Benediction,
Mies Kathleen Smith favored the
audience with er well played piano solo at
an intermission in the program which
wee vary heartily applauded.
There wae a large audience at the
evening meeting, G. F. Blair presiding,
An opening hymn Wag enng and Rev. A.
L MaKelvey offered prayer, The Chair-
man made a few remarks along the, line
of careful consideration being given to
the whole question before the pnblio so as
to vote intelligently on December 4th.
A quartette "Bally all for Temperance"
was euug by Misses Belle Smith and Mary
ROSS and Jat, Jones said W. H. Kerr.
Rev. T. 'Wesley Come spoke briefly
but pointedly and Was followed by anoth.
er quartette, "Loyalty to Ohriat."
The speaker of the evening wee Rev. 1
H. Oliver, of Liethwel, who spoke for
about an hour. He complimented the
people of &misfile on their tidy town,
expressed lila pleasure at the businees.
like management of the work done in
the afternoon and thought 10 presaged a
fine majority favorable to Prohibition in
East Hawn, He said the liquor trafflo
says to the tenaperanoe people "You leave
us alone and we, will leeve you alone,"
but the kraal° aid not and could not leave
us alone and progress hence our fight WAS
a defensive one as well as aggressive,
The temperance people are united on the
wile of the beadle and the neogesity for
itai onrtailmene • and prohibition. Ar
lengthy argument wae gone We by the
speaker on the geestion v Lloolitio ve.
Prohibition in width he allowed that the
excellencies; of the farmer eyetem wore
its prohibitive clauses and we only ask
for the extension of these. 31 the Intlitua
his squaw and his wigwam require pro -
Motion from the liquor teaftlo why Amid
not the same eafeameacia be placed roe oa
the pale facie, hie wife and hie henna ?
We do nob think of abolishing the pro,
bilitory law against pi:obesity, theft or
murder and enaot a lieenee • syetem be.
e areVoilOaltaiotin1 4
On0B01 ptrhoelletebitmry
qu:nraloatwany reason
backed up by properly constituted author.
By that will Bee it enforced to a finality.
The hotel reduction wae not due to tbe
traffla but wee one of the advance step
of the temperance people. Public seal.
metit is a moat uncertain quantity as
wae evidenced in the Scott Act. The law
against black knot is not enforced because
public sentiment don't demand it, but
the San Jose Seale law was put into
exeoution by government officials for the
protection of the frulagrowers and the
evil was soon allayed. Along with any
AO we want common sense, fair play and
Saxon blood, and with these there is no
fear of the Prohibition enforeement
against the barroom. A great deal was
said these days about personal liberty and
oonsolenions soruples but 82,000 electron
in 1894 in Ontario said they were favor.
able to Prohibition and reiterated the
same in 1898 but the traffic continues in
the facie of our conscientious samples.
Oivil liberty is a broader question than
personal liberty. Illustratione were giveu
of John Knox, the Covenanters, tke.,
proving that oivil liberties were the dear-
est gifts in the possession of men, In
olden days the wreckers wet oat false
lights to lure vessels in upon rooky coasts
and they preyed upon the wrecks. Watch
for the true light and as we have won our
Jena and A.wetraliz let us make Deo, 4th
the Waterloo in our series of successes
agatnst the greatest foe in out land.
Prohibition will help rather than hinder
or injure business. Figures were quoted
to prove that fewer men are employed in
the liquor business for the capital invest -
ea than in almost any other bueinees in
the laud and fewer people would be put
out of work by the cutting off of the
tratlio than in the closing up of almost
any of the manufacturing intermits of our
land, The liquor tra0io is a bank into
which a man pays his money and as
dividends receives beak beadaohes, heart-
aches, lessee of manhood, bueinees, body
and soul. No one should be more iuter•
Gated in this question than the farmer
and he should not be caught on the bug-
bear story about barley. There is no
place for indifferenoe in this campaign
but what is wanted is a clear, intelligent
view of our (hay to our home, oar mum
try and our God and if we do our part
faithfully the foulest blot on our fair
Canadian land will be wiped out and the
greatest danger to our boys removed.
Rev. Mr, Oliver oonoluded his fine ad-
dress; amidst hearty appleuse. He is a
fluent, pleasant speaker, not given to
making unsubstantiated statements but
in an argumentative manner worked out
the subjeet in hand. He will be welcome
back to Brunelle. •
"Let to little Sunshine in" wae sung
after which a vote of thanks wits carried
to the speakers; the quartette, aocompan.
ist and chairman.
Meeting oonoluded with "Yield not to
Temptation," and the Benediction by
Rev. R. Paul,
As the audience assembled and disper-
sed Prof. Hawkins contributed piano
The collection amounted 60 35.05.
Organization meetings will be hell in
the near future throughout the Riding
and public meetings held later at the
leading points. The hearty cm -operation
of ohneohes, temperance lodges, Young
Peoples' Societies, Sabbath Sohool work-
ers, &o., is cordially invited and any
information in the hands of the Exeoutive
will be obeerfully given. The various
munioipal chairmen are melted to push
their work and report progress from time
to time go that tbe central organization
will be kept posted as to the various
features of the campaign.
Hamilton newspaper publishers have
formed a union.
London Conservatives will banquet
Mr. Whitney on Nov, 14,
Somerville Besenieb, of Weetou, wae
killed in the railway yards et Winnipeg,
Joseph Campbell, of °epode was mica.
dentally shot while hunting neat: Hart -
nay, Man.
4. Galioian women wits allot and killed
by a bunter mistaking her for a deer near
Dauphin, Man.
The Peatifio Gable Board% engineer has
arrived at Victoria, B. 0., to make final
teats and take over the line.
Sir Robert Bond, Premier of Newfound-
land, is in Montreal on his way home
from Washington to report the results of
hie reciprocity negotiations.
The report presented by Mies Lizzie
Acheson, treasurer of the London polder-
enoe Mellott at the blethodiet Wome,n'e
Miesionary Society, at the convention
held at Clinton recently, wag a very
gratifying one, showing a large increase
in receipts over the previoue year. The
gross reesipte for the year ending Septem-
ber 20th 1902, were 06,690.46 and. the ex.
penditurem$114.15, lemma tbe net reoeipts
06,570.81. The neb teceipts in 1901. we
06,170.75 and in 1700 05,629.04, ehowing.
an. Woman of nearly $1,000 in the two
The annual meeting of the Stretford
Dietriot Epworth League VMS held in
the Metbodiet obnroh, St. Marys, on
Thursday and Friday, Oot. 16th an I.
17th. The following °Bloats ware eleote,1
for the ensuing year Pres., 3, W. Pew,.
ot St. Marys ; viee.pregidente, hli it
Nellie Foreman, Stratford ; Frank A.
Campbell, Mitchell Mimi rho ODSt,
Stratford Mlea Mabel Selvedge, Bo.
Marys; Mies Mabel fitecatineon, LIMO -
Neel ; teotetary, Pain Mabel Roadhonee, .
Eit, Maxim ; treamirer, M. Leppard.