HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-16, Page 8Wan Papers The Season for Papering and Jlollse-cleaning will soon be here and we are well prepared for the Wall Paper trade this. Fall as our Spring Orders are now coming in. Pur new Papers will be FAR CHEAPER and the designs are far more handsome than any we ever had before:. Do not fail to gall and see our Papers whether you intend to buy or not. HURSLEY'S DRUC STORE BRUSSELS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 0007090N ESTRN010N W. 0, & 9. Trains leave Brunelle station, North and South, as followe GOING 8o0Ta GOIaW Houma. ]tfufl 7:18 a.m [Mixed 10;00 8,10 Mixed 1000 8.01 Mail 1.17 pan Expre8e e:eep,m Oxprean ,,.... 8:17 p.m racit Reim lions, A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An faith he'll preut MUDDY roads. Dooa x117 found. Enquire at Tics PoeT, COMMIT next Monday evening in the Town Hail. A 0110 of peas was sent Eastward by R. Graham this week. D. 0. Rosa has abanged his plane and is putting up a cement stable. Ronne Termini shipped a oar of apples from Brueeele this week. &00200m sales are booming. THE POET turns oat the bine in short order. Are. BAERR& shipped a oar of wheat and a oar of oats 811108 our last report. A OAR of Iambs viae shipped from here on Wednesday morning by A. 0. Dames. FooND,—A young ladies' bow (not bean) with brooch attached. Ask et Tali POST. FLaroaoa 82/801010 wan fortunate to re. cover the 910 he recently lost on the street, THE firet net of cement was put on Epb. Oober's reeidenoe, Princess street, last week. Poor,xo meeting next Wedeeoday;eveniag to receive report of committee re loan to the woollen mill. Attend it. THE proposed settlement of the coal strike will oome in very appropriately with Thersday'e Thanksgiving, THE epeotaoles advertised in last week's POST were restored to their owner on Saturday. 10 pays to advertise. Tam Poet oiroalation is on the boom. 15o, pays for balance of 1902 and if paper ie Continued amount is credited on next year's enbeaription. War. Dianna has pat lineoleum on the floor of hie barber shop and bedecked the walls with framed pi0tares ooneiderably improving the interior. IT is reported that the Garfield House blook in Brussels bee been disposed of by R. 0. Struthers, of London, to W. Hobbs, of Toronto. No better built blank in town. Tan Peer is published a day earlier than tunnel this week owing to Thanks- giving Day hence Boma of our regular correepondenoe had not come to hand when we went to prase. PRINCIPAL 010191ON has been re-engaged for the oomiog year at 9800. Miss Seott'e salary was also -increased to 9400 for 1903. Braseele bas a great school and have a proud record for work done. Tan Wroxeter Star eaye •—"W. M. and Mre. Robinson attended the Show at Brussels end acted ea judges. Mr. R. has bad that distinction for six omen - tin years." If judges were all as capable ae Mr. and Mre. Robinson there would be lees room for faultfinding. Sooaar.—Tbe Epworth League will give a Maeical and Literary entertain. meet in the school room of the Metho. diet Charoh on the evening of Thanegiv- ing Day. A, report of the Wingham Con. vention will also be presented. Lunch will be served before diemiesal and a cool. lotion taken. BY notloe elsewhere 10 will be seen that e. oar of Dairy oowe will be offered for sale at the central Hotel stables, Bone. eels, 011 Saturday afternoon of next week at 2 o'olook. M. J. Clear is the proprie- tor has been beta at different times with ooneignmente of stook. F. S. Boon willwield field the anoEioneer a Hammer. TEc1Pma1N Om 00NvENTION.—A Convert• theDRiding tion for 'oat of Huron will be held in the Town Hall, Brueeele, on Tuesday afternoon, of next week mom. menoing at 1.30 o'olook. After election of offoere, the plan of campaign for the vete to be taken on Deo. 4, will be arrang- ed and the Amt explained, short addressee will be given. A large attendance is ex - paned, In the evening a public ranee meeting will be held in the Hall, Com. maiming at 7.15 o'olook. Rev. J. H. Oliver, of Listowel, and othore will de- liver eddreese8. A musical program will also be elven by a quartette, Every- body will be welcome. EAST HURON Fara Rms.—Following are some oorreatione made in last week's pnbliehed.lint of prizes :—Long Yellow 028090lds to Robb. McDonald instead of Jas. Speir ; Collection of Fall apples, 2nd prize, Grace M. Stewart ; Oolleotion of noxious weeds, 1st W. H. MoOraoken ; tad prize orootlet quilt, W. H.141m0racken instead of Mien Ffoher. smolt & War- wiok'e special for year old roadster, dins. Shedden. W. H. MoOraoken'e specie!, Jas. Speir and James Sharp. Long red wimple, Thos. Davidson and Mrs. 00. Sellers. The Treaeuxer will oommende Pa in out prize moneyat Tut Poet ublishing ouse on Friay of this week at, 10 o'olook a. m., land will Continue on Saturday afternoon, All prizes not oall. ed for in ten daye thereafter will be re. Witted to the winner, leen the °bargee. HEAVY frosts, TRY Brussels market, Lrrrns snow flurry on Tuesday, Geo. BOOT shipped a oar of cattle on Tuesday. Vanes' List Court here on .Saturday forenoon. Woon is a name article, and Goal, don't mention it. Damian poultry are now offering on the market. thiamin of enquirers for bonne, They I are a eoaroe article. HOLIDAY hours at the pootoenoe on Thanksgiving Day. A DOocLE decker russet apple was left at Tan POST this week, the smaller one being a complete growth on the original apple. ATTEND the Pnblio meeting in the Town Hall Wisdom/day evening o! next week re the Woolen Mill loan. IT le hinted the management of another Banking institution i0 oonsidoring the question of opening . another Bank in Brussels. TErn'ERANOE convention for East Huron in Brueeele Towo Hail next Tuesday at 1.30 p. m. Maes meeting in the evening, NOTr011ADD11 improvements have been made et Peter Ritchie's residence, Wil- liam street, in the building of s bay window, &o. THERE are now about 270 pupils on the roll Of the Pnblio School in Brussels. Tbe half day eyotem is in vogue in two olaeeee in the Primary department. Taunenl7—Thanksgiving Day—will be a Public Holiday and all places of bnei. pees will be closed. Postoffioe hours from 9.80 to 10.30 a. m. ; one hour atter the arrival of afternoon mail ; and from 6 to 6.80 p. m. Tito boggy taken from the Queen's Hotel ebablee on the evening o! the Fall Fair Wae found in Mo0illop township, It belonged to a young man near Males. worth. There may be a fuse over wbo will put up for expenses in trying to find it. A00mnx1,-We are sorry to report that Alex. Stewart, Queen street, fell from an apple tree in hie orchard on Monday afternoon to the ground and broke bis collar bone, damaged severale ribe and was otherwise shaken up. A person of Mr. Stewart's years Gan hardly expeot to oonvalesoe ae quickly ae one younger but we hope be will not long be a prisoner to the house ae be ie a buoy man and will not take kindly to hie enforced holiday. .8. OorlozaT and Panoptioon Entertain. meat, repreeenting the Coronation of Xing Edward, South Afrioan and Spanieh- AmeriOan ware, the Buffalo Pan•Ameri. 0an Expoeition, Mount Pelee in Erato - tion, Oberammergau Passion Bey, &o., will he held in the Opera House, Brus- sels, on Monday evening, October 20011, 1902. The program will be varied by Moak Vincent, humorous vocalist ; Mies Nellie Durkin, of London ; Mr. Jones, of Braeeele ; instrumental, Mr. Jaokoon and. Mies MaLanohlin ; J. Redmond, O8nada's great poetical reciter ; illustrated songs, The Holy City" and "My Old Kentucky Home." THE Allan Line Royal Mail twin•ecrew steamer Bavarian, 10,376 tone, will re- sume her sailings on the mail service, sailing from Montreal Saturday, On. 25, and from Halifax Deo, 1. During the time of her charter to the Admiralty, nearly three years, she steamed 130,975 miles, and carried 37,019 offioere and men without an hour's detention from mishap or an accident of any kind. This Was deemed by the Admiralty a wonderful record. The Bavarian is of the same size, speed and passenger accommodation ea the Tunisian, whioh steamer bas become so favorably known during the three years she hoe been in eervioe, W. H. Kerr is the agent at Brueeele. PUBLIC Mszeme.—Monday evening a public meeting wee held in the Town Hall, according to announcement, to dimes the oestioa of aiding the Woolen industry in Brussels. There were from 60 to 100 ratepayers in atteudanoe, Reeve Ron in the chair. Wm. Lookridge, wbo is at preoenbl the tenant of the fat. tory, stated his request whioh appeared in the last issue of Tim PoeT, very fully and answered queries put to him by per. Sone in the andienoe. Short addressee were given by T. Farrow, J. Leckie, G. F. Blair, W, M. Sinclair and others along the line of the advisability of aiding our manufactories, the necessity for watchfulness of the taxboldere' interests and other phases of the question. It wag moved by W. M. Sinolair, mended by T. Farrow that the Obrporation loan Meeere. Lookridge Bros. the Bum of 95,000 for 10 years providing eatiefaotory eeonrity can be given and that a committee be ap. pointed to enquire fully into the matter and report to it meeting to be held next Wednesday evening. This resolution wag carried and the following five persona Were named on the Committee :—The Reeve and Clerk, J. Leckie, 0, F. Blair, and W. M. Si notate. If there are obje0tore to the policy proposed they should attend the meeting, beat the report, 071110is0 or gtteetioe those who have been enquiring into the details and in thie way bring out o sal We are all ' a the r o all side o! interested, or shouldbe,in the welfare of Brunets bub let art be oarefnl that we are nob penny wise and pound foolish. The Committee ebould be able toeiLt the pro. position and we await their finding. T11X TATAN8: `Lev l—Give 00 a ohanoe to say "Thank yon" to yon for otreigbtening lap arraarage xsubsoription to T1N Peel', A aubooriber in Manitoba sent u0 an Wren order this week for 95 00 which. pays hie paper up to .Jan.1904, brit we dont get many boquete like that, A large number dreg away behind and with. increase to postage, paper, tb0,, does pot give ne mach ehow to use our motley. Take a look at the label and kindly square up, A dollar or two to an individual don't moan Much to them but when these are maltipiied by none it counts big. If people pald you the way you pay the Editor where would you be et (Moen aN 200.—W. H. McOraoken at- tended seven Pall ]?`alto thie season and in the fade of keen competition, and sometimes two Showa 00 the same day, demonstrated his ability to stay in the "metro" with the new aomere as well as the old timers. Hie Het 10 BO foilowe :— Exeter 18 Beaforth 30 Listowel38 Brussels 52 Atwood 24 Blyth 13 Dungannon 27 Total197 Mao, rune largely along the line of garden "ease" and 8,s some prize lista are very small in this 907810ul0r they rather olip hie whlekere—metapborioally speaking of 000058. DIED AT Tam S0.0.—Harry J. Powell, arohiteob, formerly of Stratford, died Tuesday morning at Sault Ste, Marie. The news was ooaveyed to hie relatives by telegram, bat no partioulare have been reoeived. The remains left the Soo Tuesday morning. The Beamed was a member of Stratford Lodge No. 332, A. F'"& 9.. M., under whose an-piose the ftllueral will likely be conducted. Mr. Powell left Stratford for tbe Soo about two yeera ago. Subsequent to that time be parried on business as an arohiteot for about nine years. He was wedded to Mies Minnie Veaton, wbo with one obIld, a boy, survives. Mre. Powell was with her husband at the Sault and will a000m• piny the remains to Stratford. Mr. Powell was a comparatively young man, but was in poor health for oome yeare. He bad many warm friends in Stratford wbo will deeply regret hie early demise. Mr. Powell was a oapable architect sad leaves many enduring monuments of bio skill fn Stratford, among them being the House of Refuge, the fire hall and several handsome residences. Me was the ar. (Miteot of the school building in Brussels. Fm1.—Tbe Atwood Bee speaks as fol lows of an iaoipient fire in the store of George Anderson, of that village, formerly of Bruesele :—George Anderson's bard. ware etore had a narrow serape from dae- trnotion by fire on T11amdey morning of this week. Thomas Nesbitt while pan• ing to his work noticed smoke inning from the basement. This was about 6 a. m.aud heat once gave the alarm. In a short time the Hook and Ladder Co. were at work. It was hard to locate the fire at first, but by throwing water on the floor and through an iron pipe through the window of the baeemeet, the blaze was extinguished. It bad started in the Erout part of the Cellar amonga pile of boards and burned so fieroely as to damage the sills ooneiderably, a hole oleo being barn• ed through the floor. It is fortunate that the blaze did not reaoh some coal -oil bar- rels in the other end of the cellar. Oon• eidereble damage was canoed to the stook through water. The banding and con- tents are insured in the Enonomical of Berlin. Tbe 01010800 worked nobly end deserved credit for the energetic) way in which they tackled the fire. Atwood has been very free from firee, and we hope it may be a long time before we have another. We would advise the placing of a regular fire alarm on the town•bell the that every one would hear it, and know that it was an alarm of fire by its quiak rapid strokes. Mr. Anderson deeiree to sincerely thank all the citizens who ea kindly ermined to pet out the fire, An• other fire broke out in Anderson's hard- ware store about 1.40 Saturday morning and completely destroyed the building and oentente. Mre. Rogers' building alongside was also burned, but they man- aged to save the kitohen. Tho Bre spread to the poet office, and when the brink wall of Mrs. Rogers' building fell it smashed in the roof of the poet offioe. Mr. Watson's building was also badly damaged by water, but the citizens were lucky to get the fire out when they did, The lose will be very heavy, Mrs. Rogers having no insurance. It ie believed the fire was the work of an incendiary, as this is the second attempt in two weeks to barn Anderson's hardware store. People We XnOW. t► $ Barrlatee Blair attended the Jadge'e TOMO' IMO Doan for Sdowiek, .at Gorrfel Obis n Mina brie weak, They ad a ext it pragrwrri on hoed. Airs. Kennedy, of 012195go, wbo baa opent the past few menthe In Caneds, IS 90 preeeut 710101ng her (deter, Mre. Far. row, 111 Brnsssle. Mies Olnra Orawford boo been 00 the eiek Het f1Om an atlaok Of erystpelae: Her meny young friends wlrh her a speedy 0onvrtles0eu0e, We ore oorry to hear that J'no, R, Grant, of Winnipeg, formerly of brussels, le 111 with typhoid fever at Ilia home lank we hope be will seen be oeaval000ent. Thos. Bono arrived home last week from a visit to England to see hie mother. Mrs. Bone and Misn Bente are also home from London, where they were vieiting. Will. A, and Mre. Lowry, of London, wbo have been visiting here, are away to Galt to renew old frieudehipe, principally those 'of D. and Mrs. McKenzie, formerly of Brussels. 13. L. Jaoltaon made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. Jaokoon and Lloyd met him there. on their return from an enjoyable boliday at Peterboro' and Dame mth h, G. 9'ho. Blairewiattendeimd the Garrow ban. gnat at Goderioh last Friday evening. It was tendered the Judge by the Co. bar; was held at the Park House and wase very pleaeant reflation. Dr, Roberts, who bas been aeoisting Dr, MoNaaghtoa for some months, lett for Hamilton on Wednesday. He made many friends while in town who will be pleased to hear of bis prosperity, The Paris Review nye :="Mre. S. Y. Taylor ban been oonfieed to her room for the pest week through illness we regret to report." Mrs. Taylor he a daughter of Geo, and Mre. Crooke, of Brussels. Tuesday of this week Charles Jackson lett Brussels on the home trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, after an enjoyable holiday of nearly three months with re• lativee and friends. Mre. Jackson ao• oompanied him, In a recent issue of the Canadian Sportsman a portrait of Walter Harland Smith, an old Brussels boy ie given. He 10 now the proprietor of the widely known Horse Sale Stables in Toronto known as Grand's Repository. Mr. Smith has done well and is worth ',considerable coin. Hie father viae a one time cabinet maker in Brussels and will be remembered by the old reeidente. Frank Lambie left on Monday for Tor- onto to resume bis coarse at the Ontario Veterinary College. He bad great manse last term and we hope even better things ere iu store for him this session. Geo. Ounningham,of Brunets, also lefton the above date for the same inetitation with the expeotation of one day writing v.. S. after hie name. Geo, ie a great lover of the horse. He is a eon of John Cunning- ham, Frederick street. We wish him 800oess. Sergeant Oliver Smith, Sixtieth .Com• pany coast Artillery, enooeesfal oandi. date for the olaos of gunnery spectating, has been ordered toreport on Ootober 20 to the commandant of the Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va. Tbe above item refers to a son of Alex. Smith, of Wroxeter, and a former resident of thie locality. Oliver ban had quite a military experience. He was invalided about two years ago from the Philippines and was in the hospital until Jane or July 1901 when he was disoharged as cured and fit for service. Mr. Smith then join ed the Coast Artillery once more as a private and served oat the remainder of hie term of enlistment. Last May he re- inflated in the same corps bat a different Ca. and is now a Sergeant. Hie relatives and friends in this locality wish him a eu00eenful career. Mrs. B. Gerry is beak from Chicago. Go. Councillor Miller was iu Brussels on Tneeday. Mre. Jno. McKenzie and daughters are visiting at Guelph, Janne Bloomfield has gone to Toronto for Thanksgiving Day. Hugh Williams is now able to sit up in bed and is gaining nicely. Mre. J. Leckie is spending the Thanks. giving holiday in Toronto, O. E. Turnbull, ofToronto, is spending g Thanksgiving day in town. Will, Ament, Cleve. Beaker and Barry Qoerrin Snodayed in Listowel. The fever patients are making he favor- able progress ae could be expected. Mies Belle Irwin went to Toronto last week followed by many good wishes. A. and Mn. Strachan and Mini Liebe' are visiting at Toronto and Stouffville, Mise E. 17. Herr, wbo has been under the doctor's one, !e now on a fair way to recovery. Mrs. H. E. Moddook and son, of Tor- onto, are visiting with the former's par- ents in Brussels. Mise Jean MoLanohlin and Arra. W. H. Kerr went to Hamilton on Wedueeday for a holiday visit, Alts. D. 0. Roes, and eon George and Mies Annie B. Rosa are vieiting In Tor- onto for a fete days: Mre. A. 0r'uoley, Glynn and Mies Mar- garet are enjoying a holiday with relatives at Sarnia for few days. Mrs. Bonner and 000, of London, were Meiling in town this week. shay were prospecting for a bnsinooa. Rev. T. Wesley and Mre, Oooaeo and DeWitt are away to Trowbridge et a Thanksgiving family gathering. Harty Holmes, a nephew of R. L. Taylor, Brueeele, whose home is in Lusk - now, has been appointed to the manage. meat of the Blyth branob of the Bank of Hamilton. It 19 oertoinly a feather In hie esp. •/ OIIU{tol{ ClitMN:1. Thanksgiving service in Melville ehgroh on Thursday evening. Sereioe'in the R. Q. ohnroh, Brussels, next Sabbath morning. It ie expeoted that Mr. MoKay, of Knox Ooilege, will supply Melville church pulpit for the next two Babbatho. Rev. I. M. Webb, inopmbent of St. Jobo'e church is attending the Young Peoples' convention at Brantford. Rev. R. Paul and A. M. Malley, of of Brussels, will address a Bible Society meeting at Jameetown next Bab. bath evening. The 37th annual convention of the Provincial Sabbath School Association will be held in St. Thomas on the 2190, 22nd and 28rd of Ootober. Rev, J. A. Oarmiohael, D, D., the new superintendent • of Presbyterian missions in Manitoba and the Northwest, has taken up hie residence in Winnipeg. Next Monday evening the first meeting of Melville okuroh Young People's Booiety for this season will be held in the Bab• bath school room. Meeting oommen055 at 7.45 o'olock. Rev. Jno. Roee, B. A. who is improv. ing aonaiderable in health, bonen to be home for the let Sabbath of November. Mrs. Rose le acme better but is not by any means enjoying her customary vigor. We hope for speedy restoration. The Thank•offering in the Methodist church, Brunetti, amounting to $112 on Oat. 6111 bee been increased to 9149 00 by last bbat 'n contributions and a fe a Sa b w dollarsP aid sine to the Treasurer. The books are open yet to those wbo have not yet assisted. Next B ab11at11 Rev. David Ro ere of Fordwiob, Chairman of the Wingham District, will preach Missionary Auniver eery sermons in the Methodist ohnroh, Brussels. The reverend gentleman wag the junior pastor here at one time and gave good eervioe. The delegates to the Bpworth Leagne Convention at Wiogham, last Friday, from Brueeele were :—Rev, T. W. and Mrs. Conn, Mime Miuuie MoNaugbboo, M. Beattie, J. Buobanan, T. Gerry, X. Rozell and L. Sharp ; Mts. W. A. Lowry, Mre. Ham, W. Salter, I. Gerry and W. H. Kerr. 0oltn10TIoti.—By the omlae100 of a couple bf words in reporting Mr. MoLeod'o Temperance nermen we made him say that it wonid be neoeesary for tempsranoe workers to poll "one -hull the vote at the Provincial eleobiou," _ It should have road "one half- the vote polled at the emend last Provinoiai election," The Christian Endesvorero geleoted Stratford as thenest plane of meeting. The e 00 r tar orted the total' number c a y top of 8o0iebion in Ontario at 2,261, with 75,- 000 members ; 2,000 joined olinrobee during the yeor; the reoeipte were 9182 end expenses 9359, R. W. Dillon, of St. Marys gave an midterm on the "Ohurob and the Newspaper," T O 1p, 1(4, ,L902 The 3taudtardi Lank of , Cianadra 0APITAZ, (antilorlsodby 4o4 of Ner)latneut) ,,. ,.. 92,000,00000 0AF13'4114 ,(folly pate up) ,,. ..,.,, 1,000,000,00 A)R BE8V10 FUND .,, , 820,00000 q'PT4fi 0.881220 .. 39,077,804.93 HEAP OFFIQB, ' TORONTO 4lki0. P, 1811119, (i940r'nl AI*AP¢et' B�y U�TT4�� t`,�' rr^�yi i} N . Pe oette reeelved, Loewe made to Mitten- J.►141J.tl1;l'1JA7. BiNA 1.7y Bible pastime on favorable terms. Drafts and money orders Melted, payable at any point, at lowest rates., Cellooious promptly attended to. A General Bankiing Btielnese branenetod, Every faellity afforded Cuetom570 living at a 018tan00. Savin s Bank Department Amoonta01 one dollar sedupwarde reooived and interest at nigneet current rate allowed from data anomie le opened,and added to the prinoipul May 81s 31st and November 80811, ri ax'Ine]'s' F>ale CaBOOO otien0r'.pg, reeelyed for safe $00 1u and NotesOOno Plunk Note k;otnra Fres. en Application Hours 10 to 3, Setnrdayo 10 to 1, F. H, GRAY, A59007.. "Behold there arfeath a little cloud Put of the sea like e man's bund" wee Rev, T. Wesley Coeen'e text Iaet Sabbath morning in f whieh Elijah'e'beavenly eon - Mations of duty were get out. A mission• cry sermon was preaobed in the evening the oongregation be urged to faitbfulnese along this line (1) Benne the life of the okuroh depende on Missionary effort; (2) Because ia this way God palls us to the higbeet ueefalneee ; (3) Tbo state of heathendom 'requires it. Sabbath, Be,. Mr. Obeeno will 'preaab at Fardwieh next MRLvxr.Le 401370 PEOPLE.—A meeting wee held one evening last week for the. purpose of re•orgauizing the Young People's Soofety of Melville ahurob. The following were chosen ae officers :—Hon. President, Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A,, ; Peed. dent, Mies Kate Wilson; Vice President, Mise Mary Roes ; Seo..Treae., Peroy Rioharde ; assistant Bea.-Treas., 0. Pugh , Organiot, Mies Jessie MoLanoblia. Meet• ings will be held semi-weekly on Monday evenings. Misses Forbes, Roberton and Georgia Ron were appointed on tbe Lookout Committee. Very interesting were the services dur- ing the past week in 00011004on with Melville Mound] communion. Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Ripley, preaobed a fine ser• mon from the Byre Phoenician Woman on Saturday morning ; Rev. D. B. Mo. Rae's dis000ree on Sabbath morning was on "Behold the Lamb of God," and in the evening hie topic was "Tbe Christ- ian's Prerogatives," both being timely to the oaoaeion. Monday morning Rev. David Perrie, of Wingham, occupied the pulpit and spoke eloquent words from the old but ever new text "God eo loved the world, &t." Tbe Vancouver Provinoe, of Sept. 29, speaks of a former resident of this locality and a son of Jno. Mo0rae, Brussels, ae follows :—Rev. D. L. MoOr8e, D. D., of Weetminater, Ont., will very likely receive a Doll to the vacant pastorate of Bt. Andrew's Presbyterian ohnroh in this aity. The call may be extended this week, according to a etatement made to the Province today by a prominent mem• her of the congregation of St. Andrew's. It is understood that the question of offering Rev. Dr, MoOrae the pastorate ie now being very generally 010008eed among the members of the congregation,. and individually tbe members of the Board of Management and elders of the oborah have been approached with a view to a (speedy settlement of tbe matter. There will be a meeting of tbe Board of Management and elders on Wednesday evening, when, if preeen1intentions are carried out, the gentian of offering the pastorate to Rev. Dr. McCrea will be brought up and finally disposed of. Rev. Dr, McCrea bas 000apied the pulpit of St. Andrew's ohuroh for the past two Sundays, and many of the congregation have expressed the greatest eatisfaotion with hie ministration. In tbe pulpit be ie a forceful and particularly bright speaker, his words carrying with them that peculiar Conviction whioh is always a souroe of gratification to hie auditors. Those who have heard Rev. Dr. McCrae preaob in St. Andrew's are very forward in expressing the opinion that he would be a most worthy enooeesor to Rev. Dr. MoLaren. Business Locals. FLEURY plow points kept in stook at Williams & Bon's livery etable, Brussels. One Fall importation of fashionable dry goods are weekly arriving. We invite inspection. Butter 16o. Guo. E. Knee, Wingham. ax>✓a. LenceniND.—In Morrie, on Oot. 18, James Lanohland, aged 80 years, and 6 months. .A.vox'IO21* SATURDAY, 007. 18. Farm stook,imple• manta, &o., at Lot 8, Oon. 9, Grey. Sale, unreserved, all o'clock. Wm. MaPach zeao, prop. ; F.S. Soont, ant. WEDNEODAY, Ooa. 22. Farm stook, implements, &o., at Lot 7, Con. 17, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Daniel McMillan, prop. ; F. B. Stott, ane. — THURSDAY,aT O . 28. tem s , rtook fm• ph meets, &o. at Ne- Lot 18,Con. 7 Morrie. ale, unreserved,at 2 o'elook noon. Jae. and Robb. Tbuell, prop's I F. B. Stott, oto, FRIDAY, 00T.24.—Farm stook, imple• menta, &o., at Lot 7, Cnn. 16, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock, Wm. Tornbnll, prop. ; F. B. Scott, sue. BAT00017, 00T. 25.—Car load. of dairy oowe, at Central Hotel, Brunets, at 2 p. m. M. 5. Clear, prop. ; F. S. Stott, sue. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. BERv2NT girl wonted at once. Apply to MRS. G. F. BLAH,, Bruesol6, GENERAL store for sale, For further artionlare apply to J. N. 018013801 He . iryn. 16.10 n Two year old driving filly for sale, Broken to double harness, THOS. 1H00R0, Brussels - PI House and lot for Sale on Alexander street, Himmele, For further partioulare apply at Tim Poem Publishing House, YocNo 00w for eels—jest gone dry— will oalv0 before Spring. JOHN COBER, Brueeele, Two Shropshire pore bred ram lambs and ono attending ram for sale, ALEX, STEWA T Lot 2 Ca , 6 Grey. 9,0080 • P, P. B n Y 15.3 1s To RENT.—A good general store, snit• able. for merchant tailor with stook, For voogbiEthelulare apply to JOHN HA998ULD, 1 E Estelle € rifgn T8A090111t OF valve CULTURE Pupil of Mioe Eva N, Roblyn, of London, Pupils prepared for Goneervetory 0fame. ]""NCI visit Brussels every Tuesday. Leneono given at the home of W. H. Kerr, John street. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 1.11OR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, /3rueoole, 49.01 J. LEOEIII. 2 HIGH GRADB JERSEY Cows for eelo to come in 006.1, also a 2 -year-old heifer in oalf, and 3 yearling heifers. An Jersey grades, 8. HOOGARD Grahanl'e Survey. Brussels P. 0, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, oppoeite the °ober Carriage Factory Brussels. In addition to a comfortable house, with cellar, bard and soft water, &e., there is also a good stable, i note of baud, For further partioolars apply on ,the prom- isee to AIRS. JNO. CURRRIE, Bruesele. 11 YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SER. vraa.—Tbe undersigned will „keep for soy heifer i year old, 12 Spring calves. 17 Bartlett on 5,080 10 & 17, Con. 10, Grey a tboro'-bred Imported Yorkshire hog.. Prise winner Int Stratford and Mitchell Faire Pedigree may be seen on a 191180tion. Terme 51.00, with privilege of returning 1f necessary. AUGUST FISCHER, 12-4 Proprietor. This is Good Borax weather. So is any weather, Borax olaime everything for itself, When you, don't know • what to use try Powdered Borax. It will wash anything from laces to Bore eyes. Good for sore mouth and sore throat. `There is nothing more uBe• ful for general household use than $orax. Ours is strict- ly pure.. . 2Qc. per pound at F ...' S DRUG STORE. T4'OR SALE. — THE HOUSE and lot and Gore of. land, knowa ae the Driver property, Brueselo1 is offered for solo Full partieulare as to prioe, dolma, 80., ma be learned ou a plloation to MRS, G, POLLARD, Ethely 18.2 A 'UOTION SALE OF FARM ,Li. STOOK, IMPLEMENTS, &c.—Mr, F. S, Scott, auctioneer, has rooeived instruo- tione,rom the underpinned to sell by public emotion at Lot 9, Con. 0, Grey, on SATUR- DAY, OCT. IOtb at 8 o'olook, the following l In foal t pram aeall," l lased maresupposed auppnsed ears olfoal supposed in foal tdraught "Tae maresll,driving horse 0 years old, 1 two-year-old filly aired by 'OoOtumar," 1 two-year-old filly, heavy draught; 1 spring filly, heavy draught;5 cows, 00pposed in calf ;2 heifers 2 yearn old. euppoeed in oat} ; 4 heifers 2 years o1d, steers 2 years old. 8 steers 1 year old, 1. Jer- 11Eb1ALE TEACHER WANT - En for the JnnlorDepartment 00 Oran - brook Pnblio School, duties .to commence after. New Years, Applloatione, with refer. eneeo,.Will be r000ived up to Nov. 8th, at p. m. Applicants to state salary. .14.4 • W. CAMERON, seo.•Treas., Oranbrook. Voters'. List Court. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be hold, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lint Aet, 1889, by his Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the county of Huron, at the Township Hall, Ethel, on Friday, Oot. 17th,1902, at 10 o'eloolr a.m., to hear and de- termine the several oomplsiuta of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of. the Mnniolpality of Gray for 1002. All persons having business at the court are required to attend at the said limo and plaoo. Dated this 0111 day of October, M 18 , 01077 of Municipality of Grey. Voters' List Court. NOTICE is hereby given thata Court will be held, pureuaut to the Ontario Voters' List 808.1899, by hie Honor, the Judge of the County court of the County of Huron. at the Township Hall, Morris, on Tuesday, Oct. 2501,1002, at 10 o'clock a. m,, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omisaions in the voters' List of the Municipality of Morrie for 1902. All perfume having business at the Court are required to attend at the' said time and plane. Dated this 15th day of October. 1902.. WM. CLARE, Clerk ' of Municipality of Morrie. well bred ewes, 4 thoro' 'bred Yorke ire Bowe, 1 Massey -Barrio binder, 1Maseey-Har- rig seed drill, 1 5 ft Deering mower, nearly new • 1 died harrow ; 1 set iron harrows, nearly new • 1 Ideal twin plow, 'nearly new 1 No. 2 Verity gang plow, l -single plow, 1 pea bundler, 1 lumber wagon, 1 cutter, beet heavy sleighs nearly new, 1 fanning mill With bagger,1 turnip pulper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 sot double harness, 1 string of belle, 1 hay raok, 1 set *slings with pullevs,r0pes and oar ; 1 Daisy barrel churn f 1 parlor stove, 1 Whirlpool washer and wringer, a number of new grain bags, 9 tong o1 bay; turkeys, geese, ducks and about 100 hese, and other articles. Sale without reserve as proprietor is leaving the farm. The proprietor will oar° for stook over Sunday if not convenient to take it away. Terms—All sums of 55,00 and under ea0h ; over that amount. 12 mos. credit will be gienon furnishing 'approved joint notes; 5 per cent. off for cash on ore- ditamouots. War. MoFADZBAN, Proprie- tor ; F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of a One and One-half Story Frame Dwelling r7 IN THE VILLA06 OF 10098SEL8 County of Huron. There will be offered by Pnblio Auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 1st, 1902, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Central Hotel in the VIllage of Brussels, by virtue of &ppower of sale oontaioed in a certain Mortgage which will be prodnoed at time of sale, the following property : Lot 430 on Al- bert street in the said Village of Brueeele. The following improvements are on the premier's—a firat•olaso. good 11 story frame dwelling louse and frame barn all in good state of repair. Terme :-15 per Dent. of the purchase money to be paid down on day of -sale and balance within 30 days. For further- partic- ulars apply to F. S. 800TT, ' Agent for Mortgages. Stanfield's Unshrinkable UNDERWEAR $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 per Suit ALL SIZES. See These Goods Before Buying. D. O. R 0 S SLEADING 4 CLOTHIER,. x x x f lix q( oac Evcry1liiu an 111ijiIliiie� x Daxx x Our Fall and. IS the most complete we have Dc Winter Stock ever shown. We offer all the X latest Novelties in x ClZ i=1 -1� G] t� ,,L� cm 1 .�o DC ' 'cm Cz3 a o �1 DIC I i7M ' 1--1 .1 W-1 I= x x x x cab Our Ready-to-wear' Hat Department is one of the leading X features of our business and contains every desirable style in the greatest variety of Trimmings and at prices x that defy competition, 8 . The Misses V �7 Habkirk �r mea 1414NYIK ` H/4kli tliH 111414Mix