HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-16, Page 7T.. a V iII Q I� jj ((� I nA',ii,I'1Ty so Tt'OiiTVWA-- T". '�I'1'AQNC U91111'1XIC7$Q�« are CON-F,VSRD 1-u.NCTI'ONS, j Rel BRITISH POS O �+�•OR POST r, 1 w ver- Lora i llnnyson s WG1. knP n a Prof. 4Y, )Rod, _1 Plllla, Slfdolal Analyst to the Dominion Govern- y 1`" a In the Prussian town of RaprAn, In the Province of I3raiidwYbuxg, there pion 1i AR7GX 1i OUR 8IT TION PlLC gaup to sightseers and their wayN rise to malty an odd expe,' went, states that " Sunlight SOAP has " thorough cleansing power, ° is , I t,^ an official, the overlapping of whaae ]tap I>rod ' DTS RAS$ TaRQTIGTT IT, 1•ie#tee, " - ' plallied Onco, it is said, he tom- to the Queen, paying he a OC sr out daugor to the elotWAV + lioentiy able one remArlcable GOmlrliCation• Il} Ono ,. - - t, O O "v>;t N. and • I: 0 F Qvei 2 longer il i Tal of •paid no len at n o q Y i h II A t wap g o n ode Wh w n 'lila`, n s lti ; ex h tt O UNq e i cunt do)3o thorough y a .. - �# act i Inspector o butoh'rG' capacity 11 a f t p Y P Meat, n another t. has Goes - m a and in l e 11 I,at�Dxs 'Could Not $e De» on 'C ca can •I tourists ht, owing to the tourists wlta g' t 1 •e b him. t a to stat a m Z lufajos y,}with than Sunlight Soap--Qotagon Par, (eye®rY Tea Is the lines, atonally to place Cite Official anal on livered, d a lcinflly irony, said Aa Un1ikD common soaps, there is no damage to the clothing, and no Tea the world Pi"6ba�ldOest" marrlagD oertiflcates, Qn ore 'oc- casion he . used the wrong k.tanip, ' The f.Prty-elgllth report of thD 1 r as er-G neral Shows a satte- astn t 0 Herself Ilid not sulfur }nuDlt £resat that rievalwo; but Tenn son, takin hep' g Y g dalsgor to the aloin ; heneq the Nay^ n f.s said+ only -pry loath �. dfactory and ipstond 'of sealing tliq nupt al business undertaking manag" literally, ' the replied fn 'the same strain, I'No, "and Sng : Smilight Soap reduces expense, Try Sunlight Soap -octagon Bar- . Packets. contract, lie certified that oto spouses were -free from trichinosis. ad by thq nation, The work of i Steadily 10 department cont nugs at ad y ma'nnl," said he; if I clap cit n whatever I could lel a s r i el wlte a qt next wash day, cud Yea Will Pee that �tp p�a �,Q® « Black Mixed and G 13 high Court of Merlin has had increase, the number of postal. pack- lilted, I should not be troubled, i t.. pilo should Prof. Ellia is rig)"L g P 'span '15XIAda" GTeen teq, to be set In motion to rectify the to Y. error, ets carried being 5.2 Psi' cent, More elthor," uao'R'. -. _-�2 tea ddakerr kY �-� than ever• before. Jnet on 4,000,- I 000,000 packets of one ldn 1 or Post through the Rost W p ct TI ty h tt7 A q ' AWA 9„�er, IIoa7a 1't of fol CY4t4ra h PdePeury ,t1'd �� TRU! V d 1l U1J Y t! ul+ TRU! VALDE T '(iTi OTii GOOD the matrrlals other were pent ; ,last year, malting an avOragO of elf iii£ jjfljjx IiJ [ _ gravelled,, wltgrAvet are available for the purpose. In contain that contain will bar9ly de:tray the at'nge' e! - :14:2 101• gYei'y mall, wPman slid child .n the United Kingdom, -•�•- O , MANX l BENI;IITS TFIAT WOULD .LlC - gl'dei` to give all Pl)jeat 106SOn on the value W suGp roads, end the as mgFollxy aruellandcompotolyUoran onlaco uleayatov. whoit autering �t rhrough t o marous Cur£peau, `] rs n had last oar, on the r8. lottorsY 10 est THE SAD CONDITION YO'Q9G GIRLS, CRUZ TO, FARMERS. Groper manner to bttii.l chum, the train was employed 'to Suet, articles onEach 1pCionstcomlCURuEnilaNl YNlalatlt8aASLthe r Q,dI oY bugqedroa average, •fl p , o 1$,4 book and cit- o111E'1 ingen Line S$e;S.mahlp -- good roads a strotcli of stone road d.magot+hasfro ate. ran possibly derive froom Cham, HAVE Catarrh cards, paglcots y eulnrs, 4.X newspapers, stud 2,7. Par- ars, -�- The Bos t Road for Country, build rmodel from a third to halt a mile in ex- To- Ouro, rapautaoturad gyT.7. Oboney k Oo.,TD. weroury, And to lakea is• cels delivered 'by p en. Should ' Be Ver Caieftil - Mothersy and Taints on How to Build It. tent, In each of tai. counties, and ledo, 0., contains no air sating dif upon ttiq blood and Iii buying; 4 The total estimated revonue of tate When Their Dau titers Coni- g 'WOOD R NOTO.1EhJCRUM;_ to roll And rade an additional g lour, at the muaoua c s you , @ tc for the oifiaial par enol- , Post Off e Y p lain of Headache, Fickle 13ad roads constitute the greatest stretch, The aeleetion . of the va- e sure you gds gao, genu la ist ik l Oars e e Ostia C Inc.no, ItisF, . in on March 81. 1002, was Au:,- Ing 870 `and th expenditure X10,- 46G, q P Afrpetfter :Dizziness or o rural life, and for the drawback t lack of good roads. the farmers put- nous stretches of rend was left with Cho County Cowlefla, with the J. Chrnalt}•dndmTofn'lolede free. by >r, T. Cheney le Oo. TesWmoatabr tree. bottle. retheles 4G6,6i19. Nearly half of the revelluO TIeart Palpitation. fer more than an other class. Soule y understanding that the Township per Hall's Family Y1114 aro >,<Rio haat. Hausolls ami yl Pills . , want -oil salaries and `wages, and Many mothers nog•lect the health of the henelits that would accrue Councils should furnish all the tie - u .Mu3Z�i3}•3FE''m _fix USING_ ;10.88 per ter t, of it was paid for .1.0.88p of their growing daughters• Not to farmera through 'the construction cossary Stone, teams, laborers, eta, incur- Twelve per Gent. only of -the Brit Cite conveyance of ln3n1o9 3p1 but ' 4% The Profit WaS' " ,U ' Y, of coulee, but because they wilfully, heaachea from of good roads are :- Good roads, bice good streets' g Owin to the heavy exrensu red, ouch County was asked tell army are a feet 10 inches or over in height- this had to heap Part .of the loss on had think the occasional which they sulier, 11oklenesS.of aP+ matte habitation along them most to make a grant or $100 for each _� this service. For while the ordinary postal service yields 'a Petite, and' Palo Cheeps, are the nu,- of the merging from desirable•, taey economize time and force in transportation of products, stretch of road built. In building these sitznplo roads, the To f:[Ilcmm A COLD tt+l otiE I1Aly. Take Quinine Tablet.. All dreg the } handsome sur plus, the telegraphic l Lural result . girlhood into tvom[ubltood. This iS,a g reduce wart' and tent' on Horses, first thing is to provide Ilio 1'e- - inn- twomo f -I It fa1L, ka cute. 77. W. Ciao, r.faaLture monea bo;. 26a. I I 4 br'alleh show's a growing deficit, Last year this Camo to GG4,SOG, not eni'1uub, mistake There is no Period wlicn she needs More harness and Vehicles, and enhance the malldet value of testi estate, quisite drainage, which .is .the damental principle .of road making. �t l ores si uekuee t, m, epee inCltdin near] 1300.000 that ]tea g y interest on In a gii'1'a.life attention, and ulless the little Cron- They raise the value of taria land's to The roadbed is. then shaped with tltq center con- About one in every 28 eartltquakea recorded In the world ie telt in the to be paid annually ars at etc created for the purchase . of bias Are sud:cessfully treated; more decline and farm products and fond beautify the country through which the grader', making siderably higher than the sides 'so British Teles, tele 1'e.pins. g The report • strikingly illustrates serious. ones -perhaps and consumptlou-axe -sure to follow, girl needsat 'this theY pass ; their rural mail delivery, aaad are a potent aid that the water will readily run oft INTO TX-JU DITCHES. �— Lever's Y -G (Wisp Head) Dim- , l the absent-minkiedness of many 'peo- INhat every yosing p or is atonic medicine that pull! to education, religion said sociabxl- education, After rollingwith the bigsteam fectant Soap Powder dusted in the. same Pie, although the selection of amus- Sag stories which was once n fea- Save hot, a rich, red blood, stron g bring 1Ler• saialy through rt Charles Sumner once said, y,'• "The road and the schoolmaster are roller, a trnch about eight feet wide and sdx inches deep is cut bath Softens the water at the time that it disinfects. Lure of this . roturn 1s no lunge- given. Over ten million 'letters and nerves, and acritical poriud in her life. For the two most important agents in down the centro of tlI8 road. Into this is first layer of The German Empire has 442 cities nearly two million Postcards could this propose there is o, other Dr• advancing citilization:" . trench put a coarse broken stone, thea a layer of with populations between 10,000 not be delivered for one rca•son or letters 3,782 con- cine in the world can equal Williams•' Pink Pills. 'Thousands of 011ARACTERISTICS OF GOOD ROADS. fine stoner ]netts a ]ager of atilt and 100,000. another. Of these taiiiod property and had inside no girls ywou`ghout Vanada ove thein heath and happiness to this The aim iu., making a good road finer stone as a dressing: This last layer helps to bind all the stone --- � name or addrass of sender; nn'd 85,- 04.0 Articles were found loose in.she present medicine, and thousoud o othuie is to evtAblisli thu eaaieal•, shortest, and most econonrioal line of travel. intoe solid .mass, while the sides .lyttas the trench •hold it all in Place. rd' Liniment Cures Dandrutfr v 1:1 000' i me- post, deluding over tx who are suffering would soon 1.14 strong it they would glvo' Dr. il`i]` It is therefore desirable that 'roads :of -Tice tem -ton steam roller is run over There are about 114,500 telegraph r ney and 26;000 in checks,. e'tc., one . Parcel hada half sovereign which liatns Pink Pills a fair trial. should be hard, smooth, comparar tively level, or. laid out on the each layer of stones as it is Put on. The is always done down the oMass now open in the whole world. d had evidently been used to seal it, to !t at rLmtpng Cho naatny young Ladles who have proved the grcat ,with ,of this ground so that their grades may, be that loaded vehicles Wray be rolling sides of the trench first so that the _ i steps We 4;4112n still attached on arrival , London. medicine is Miss Donnie Beamer', of such drawn over them without great loss Stones will be crowded toward the center. When the rolling of the ane v crap off [ho cord Op 114-0 ve Bromo• abrtno Tablets care a cold in ops r L TELEPHONE SERVICE, Boyle, Out. Miss 13Camer lsa) s : „ i Some years n�go i became very ill, of energy ;that they should be pro- Per•ly Constructed, the ground well sample stretch is completed, the stone should be seven inches Ly. No euro, xo 8ap. Price 23 aenti. - t .,�, Tho details of the post office- tole- and my friends; feared I Cups going drained, the roadbed graded, shaped about deep, which is sufficientSucto stand I phono service are o;[ special interest into decline. was Pale ; sulCored anti rolled, and they should be Sur- may dinar traffic. Such a road may FROM TORONTO I 'Tho post office owns and operates irova terrible headaches; n.y aPPo- faced with the best materials pro- Y heave a slight extent in some and. Canadian points New York 1 the trunk wires bet7een towns. . It its in 'tite was poor, and I grew very thin. hard- curable ;that they should be .pro- localitfles, but' the expense of k8ep- le a and Philadelphia._ The best route ' ' exchanges of o,d'n Las opened, e. S m s weak that J: could I beta, c. o party maintained or 'kept constantly in I repair' will be much less via Lehigh Valley Railroad.Ser- ' various parts. It receives royalties I;'� ly walk. T remained to this can- IN GOOD REPAIR g m than for an ordinary clay road'. vice the best; Scenery o y, from Cho Nationtll Company, cud dition for Several menthe, during The'road that will best suit the COST OF SUCH ROADS. Pullman palace sleeping' cars, din - from municipalities it has licensed- to operate telephone systems.. the which, time I tried several mediclnee but none. helped mo in Clic ,least. heeds of the farmer in the first place too fn Roads such as those that Itatre Ing tai service, meals' a la carte. The i Canada landing pas- trunk wire system is being rapidly Then my mother got ma some of anust not be costly ; and; second place, must . be of the the r been built by the good roads train coat anywhere from 'vu500 to $1,000 only line from sengers near all EttropDan steam- ' extonded, and the royalties for Ox- ' ' 'working pr, Williams' Pink Piils, and.almost Should f f rm rs. slio ver best kind of a e Y ant management 1 according toy ma mile, co g g I Vin a5� + York, saving s hi do cies m Na .v to g P P ']cin mounted t o i&1�G1- change a 1 e. AS use the helped m from the outset t Y P be able to do their heats ltauliug per P of stone., The average sensors for Europe a ion and ex- g 626, :nearly the whole coming>trom I continued the use of the pills, the ovor them when their fields are too sand cost road $750 from SGed transfer. Route of the $ the National Company. . , `ost,office severe headaches left ale; my air to work, and their ton -me would .serum costs per mile. Such roads need a tor- a Black Diamond PrDss. nay train, Black • .4 Details are given of the B p petite returned . alid I gained iu P otherwise be :idle. we amount the same tips it. ' For ticicets, Pullmans and London telephone system, which was weight. In .tact I was'soon enjoying g The beatroadfor the farmer, all tails of repairing, but further Particulars call on Grand '- opened on February 24 last, about perfect health; and have since con Chiu s beta r COnald0l'ed, is a solid, , beilt as .other roads, not.much, The of cords, stone re- Trunk Agents or on Robt. S. Lewis, air g • 500 subscribers having been connect- tinued to do so. I attribute tdtis things tone road, narrow as number of for road depends Canadian Passenger Agent, 88 ed up to the end of the financial crkLire]y to the use of Dr. Williams to be only a single track, but hav- quirecl a mile of altogether u n the depth of stone Yonge street, Board of Trade build•• j;% year. Provision .vas made for Gr pink.Pills, and'will be glad If some fn a finis earth road on one or g g � laid down. If laid on eight feat jug, Toronto. 400 subscribers, but the large awn other weak suet ailing girl will pro- is of both sides. -"'here the traffic n tido. and eight inches deep in the g bar of applications ha. made it P 4 necessary to enlarge this to 10,000. fit by my experience." Pale and sallow cnceks, dinziness, very extensive he er Ser ees y good roads are better screed lis center, ft would take about 330 to 240 cords mita. fourclassesroads. France has four classes The department declares that the re headaches, palpitation of tl:o heart, n narrow tvae s than by wide ones, per p OUTFIT OF MACHINERY. They are respectively 50, 40, 88 and y , I sults so far °iJustif the hope of a Y �,_; incl the feCling of woarinesr, that •while many of the objectionable A traction engine for haulfdg the 25 feet wide. more regular and satisfactory . ser- afflicts so runny youiug girls kill features of wide trackp arc removed, working crusher, a " "�° ' °�'-" vine than hag Hitherto been possible soon disappear i1 Dr. Williams' Fink the initial cost .Of construction is grader and _tire crusher, elevator. bins, spreading in London." 'ice Pills- fills are used. These ills also cure cut down one-half or more, and the waggons, anis a five or six ton The post o admits complaints ree St. , dyspepsia, ]sand uer charges for repair reduced in pro- g P gg horse roller would cost altogether C. C. Richards & Co. at the slow .rate with which the de dents, St: Vitus' deuce, suet other ts, portion. Where beds of good gravel about $2,800, and this outfit would Messrs. Gentlemen, -My daughter ].3 Years mann for service call be met, but etc- troubles that conte from poor blood are available this is the simplest, snfflcient to do all the work for thrown £torn sleigh and mases, itself on the ground of the , and tvealc nerVas. Sold by all deal- clfeapest- and most effective method an ordinary municipality. y y y' old, was d injured her elbow so badly it re- teat amount of woi'lc necessary fu t .,A g Y ronstruct.on or the system. Al-, are in medicine or sent postpaid, ;at 50 coats a box, or six boxes for of improving, county tend's, With country very pass- F. W. HODSON. mained stiff and very painted for ready over 600 miles of underground' 830i $2.50, „b addressing the, Dr. Wil- Y g earth alone, however, a able road can, be .made, provided the �t 'WAC1 throe years. Four bottles of MIN` - LINIMENT completely cured ti es have been laic], and. about. pipes _IO miles of cable, containing from 200 t. Medicine Co:, Brockville Out. principles of location,. dvaindge and shape of surface, together With that {{1I''pp; Tri f17TTj']jN U. 4)11 illit) 171YL17 til lLbled her and she has not been troubled her an to 432 wires, have been drawn Into , — -� of keeping the surface as smooth for two sepia. Yours truly, them. Tile Post office now employs 179,L 3$,000 ADDIt1.SSING SOVEREIGNS. The evolution of the royal title, nod Orui as possible by rolling, bq strictly adhered to: In fact a good DOCTORS HELD OUT NO HOPE J. B. LEVESQUP. St. Joseph, p.Q., Aug. 18, 1000. 200 persons, :including over women. Thy women workers are from the, simple style of "Icing of the ea'•tlt road is see to none for l to TO MRS. AUFFMAN OE NAPANEE• p ` mAore often sick than men, the pro- the E,nolisln,." in the days of Confessor, has, apart from certain Summer travel, And superior many of the so-called macadam. or . - "�"" `�`" ""� "`" - The Grand Trunk Road to India portion in'London being 79 for wo- men and 6G for mon. In London the fantastic variations, as in the case Elizabeth been rradual. The stone roads. But the earth roads roust be covered with some artificial A Wonderful Case and One Which sick women get better sooner than the Oct of 6 King's full title is ••10dward VII. by material, if they are to be made Goes to Show the Wonderful Made in s the longest macadamised road in It begins at Lahore, and men; elsewhere women are aril more .often sick, -but longer ill. . Y g tine Grace of God of the United Ir - Kingdom of Great Britain and e farm and unyielding at all seasons i kinds that wit a and all nn sot Cues h u Advancement Recently the. Science of ltiedicine, the world. is 1,300 miles fn length. Tho average tido of illness theman, claret office is fifteen daj s for men, '13.0 ,laud, and of the'British. Dominions Beyond the Seas,Eriap Long, Defender of i surface savooth and impervious to igater' This e, Ont., Oct. fished aecf so has furnished a - ' rrlI>; MANY ADVANTAGLIS and for tutamen. Ll other metropolitan districts the Faith, Ernpbror of India." + GOOD ROARS TRAIN, _This tetra ,cacq which has cruised considerable tails offered passengers ,bound for Buffalo Now York by the Grand Trunk's women Cue til longer, pada in, the X6.0 Henry VI: was addteesed as His Groats,"'.for a time, but becanma "Ilisl , T'ne DDpartuient of Public Road Inquiries and the National Good in the county. -firs. John C, Huffman had been and fast Now York f apices," leaving country the time is for men and ?3.3 for women. This is for "; Most Excellent Grace while L+'cl- weird 1V. Cups "High and Mighty Roads' Association of the United States combined their lolCes a yea troubled for ever six years tvitlt fe kidney- troublC. Toronto 6.15 p.m. daily, yµ4 seen at a Blanco when the splendid equip the otablished staff alone, the Pick of the people. Princo, ' and henry VII. Ilia High- ITcrti'y VIII.becAmo "llis couple of years ago for the purpose lessons the male weakness and The pain was so rent that she could g ment is considered. A full dining car service until Niagara Falls fI.,b '' Two hundred and one of the women workers left the ,service to be mess talc •ty, lulranboth was frequently of furnishing object on J construction and value of t uud not bear at and ter lcfdncys gavC I - that she could reached, a cafe parlor car running p ll being married, their average age being °7:" mar styled "ill. 14lost high, -Mighty, and ' roads to farmers in a large nunnber 'her a much bother not entcrtata any company her Mae' through a Buffalo, and one of Pull - TO - Mae's finest sleeping cars from To• post office girl is thus 7, . Tilehave lower chance of l�M."'Iaiftrcnt Plmprass, Jaanes I, was addressed as 'Melt Sacrol Ala- gf.,coultries. ;A good roans train equipped ltnd riot between Chic- le home or take any soclttl pleasures tnucl. ionto to NDw Yorlc guarantees pa - a mnrriago than the average of her sex. . 3esty," Queen Anne was "Her Most Excellent Majesty," and. C eorgo III, .was ago and . New Orleans, huildin : short sample stretches of model whatever. Ilei urine toes very discolored and gave her great troll- frons comfort and luxury as well A speed, 'f ile cafe and dining cars art i { INSECTS. became "Itis Most Gracious 11a- road, and holding local conventions ble m passing• In addition to these symptoms• she acknowledged to be the handsomesl in America, being electric lighted ani FEATS OF jests." 4 ill various counties along the route. had all Cite pains, headaches, suet g g equipped Citi q Peed with electric tans. There rs.' a certdin little fly that "three W ]3•y this means Splendid educational done in tho direction of weaknesses of Female TtoubLo• an otlice; northwest corner Icing and was observed to run* inches and make in doing it 440 steps—all in BABY'S FIRST TOOTS. w.orit was impressing upon the people Lha ole- Alrs. 1luffillat tried physician's ninny other anedicines, yon a street&. g one -Half a second of "time. To equal --• sivability of better roads, and the treatment and but instead of geLting better site Bristol Cathedral was as -82 fn this;. in Proportion to its size, loan 'at. ,A Fanlil Event That Does Not Y fac"Ay wit which they CAN BE CONSTRUCT1Z.L, was ,gradually graving Worse rant g years building, and Gloucester a would hate to run ChD rate of �, twenty miles a miuu,La. The common Always Bring Unmixed Joy. Realizing the great good that was very much discouraged. lt]'any her friends Uiougon elle haCatm else 42G. Peterborough and Durham also flea leaps 200 times its own length. Rabv's first tootle does not come would bo arcontplished if a, similarly' of better, but one day took over four centuries to Complete, TO show like agility, a mail' six feet cnatanOuneed. Inflamed ' gala and Equipped train were operated iu would flavor get up a newspaper and read _ .�_ tall would have to leap n distance Impaireddigcsi,lon produce a fever- danada, on ell'ort wtiA mado early she picked which. eld'd Clunt LOST HIS l iEiit�li,a 1➢alb$ of 1, 00 PeDC, The choose mite is ish anal'fretful conxlition abet;t witch in 7;6)01 to. arrange for tvorlc of this pat AdvortfsemeliL Kidney Pills would carp • about one-quarter. of An inch isl the Mother often feels concern, The sort in Lho Ottawa district. Clifelly Dndd's I'ctnale'Cn•oubie. B the Use of -a Bottle Y lenh'th, it Lias been seen to take' baby boy of Afra. tleorge McGregor, through the exertions of Mr. 7.1. B. had eriod to many other Jacobs Oil. ,yet the tip of its tsid im its mouth And of 11,,l Wilton, Ont„ wivI troubled Cowen, of Ottawa, secretary of the As site tieing note t0 get A7ry Of $$. theu,letting go with a jerk, to leap WILL. diarrhoea while teothing an'd' Good Itoade Association of Eastern COIn- things wltllbnt help, site was very doubtful, but Sergeant Jeremiah Maker, of Ard- 11 out 'Of a vessoi .six inches in do th. was cross And restloss, 19e,dld trot ,Ontario; the Saw,yar-A-Passey . concluded to try this ivrmgdy, cath, Royal ]fish Constabulary, To equal this a Man .would have to steep well and Iwatters ppcame se' pally, of ITainflLon, Out., nannufac- She boxes and was Coln- says ;-'rai'y frien(1, Mr. 'Phomas rump out of a well from a'doPth 'of 'or rlouq. The Mother' Willes as 'to]- turers of ron.d.-staking machinery. free used six pletely cured. She is to day sound Hand, has scan a great snllerer from 144 feet, A well known student lorSs : "illy iylier had used Baby's we, induced t•o supply of without n, single symptom rheumatism in the back and joints nature once tried the growing force Own,TIO)ILts' for liar baby and act- charge fill 'the necessary ulachinery and well. her cid trouble left. for Cho lase tour years, during which of a squash. Whey it -vas ci Moen Vtsed me to try them, :I got a box for . such all enterprise, and also .of nearly five years ago time he has applied ninny 'ditfDrent do s old' incl measured twent Gsot'en Old after giving the Tablets to the giving three or real• oxports to take charge. I Site was cured Is to -day as sound and well a methods of treatment, but obtained - inches -fn circumference be flXdd a baby a tett he hcgan to' im- He IS of cud. oP`eraLe the mttchtnat;v. The Cement Company and. wortiaar as there is in Napanee. She no relief whatever, alid for the last. sort of harness around it, .with a. 1 n later inch d T1 w r long attached, 1 e Po a of prot'q and was .croon W611, now a big, healthy baby and when- g Canadiatl Portland of Ineserento, Ont., Aided the enter- PAYS: i Can confidontl roeouwtend Y two years Ions been unable to 'walk without a stick, and sometimes two by the s gash was ineasured, b the ever ho gets fretful o• does not feel hfrn Tablet he. is prise by deviating somo 150 to 200 barrels Content Por the construe- Dodd's l�W4,Y Pills to every we- sticks, and was in great pain coil - inti ht it lifted, the weight e o t t eV 11 otion fix G C 1 e 1 •err H n it ' was well I give a and Sooni nil 1191t aga.iil•" of of Concrete which ate man in Camra for they cured Mafia lately t%4A mine was IL very stantly,, I induced hint to procurea. bottle St. Jacobs 011, w ai tie twonty days old, two days after the Baby,$ Otvn Tablets replace with factory u.uch moire satisfactory than wood= cod , F of applied with the most aatoutshing it harness ` was fixed on iti 'it 1lfted groat advant,agO decor Oil and Other on ones for drafltage purposes, - Fur- case. u di great L r „Tho iil A g I a r e Ito e ff Cts, Bofors h 1 arvC Bs e r I 'x r lc hl L. •a tl do Sixty of ds. On tl nineteenth t n Y P Y •L' alas r rt in dt t s. They nauseous, 8 J a griping g r t t tl1D r i ssisk fico tuns yen o Chu l n g are certainly Y o Y tutu fid t Will alwd s' 1•e CD o V And S. a contents of nein ti 0 Cel had Ct hod g t (lilt it•liftad >,000 pounds s�vcCLen the stantarh, quint 'the ulovcutont by Cite Canadian, Pacific, cine said to women who may, be the Brat bottle he could walk readily . A - nerves gild promote healthful sleep. Grand Trunk, Canada Atlantic, and them knew- fug at 1 was with Female FVDaknDgs withnu,t the aid of a stick, and atter " Sir ,1 Milo who was Waiting- ,John v o a W Y, 6 Their are guavahti,`ed to co.11t'ain oto 1 1 harm- Qttawa. .Cv New boric Itailway cod-. tv ! 'll r tr n• S� to tenet ,' 'r T e a cl tCtltte Y tit second icati ns from e a fo w a l n i+p n' 4 w h to a titiscr , t Waterloo, na t a 1 C 1 c r. m- aha tido i o tai n�1 be o p e to Y g r 'r •u • •I i10 9 � C it k o li ch agreed a fi e a patties p tt g •hip r and h nows5lic font to t the y .p I in and f• from a a was leo n a P bas firm ]li•ita'slt Private to DeeamD a full less. if yotn g si C no p po r y without rlTG inn daily waS pl`hltrld has boon 9i1an a b alar, it golleral and a,kiliglla,, L � than) you .call olxgfn a full -aide box experts over 'their .lines 24. in Cerrnatty in 1524, f he years of ago and n farmer, he of Priond-"IVilat� kind of a life is 1 by raiIii, .post paW, by sending` 26 charge: — canfifty Can walk Wad work without expe- •- , • your husband lLV.ng now ? Lady- "Exam lac Whets I1.s I* Ito c: n + , h Dr. Willioans' Medicine Co is Brockville, Out., or SClrel oow AMP:LLI, Sli'R1 TC1Tlr5 OP ROADS It is desirable that all heavy traf- l Wards Liolment`faf sale euarywtlera ribncing any Agin or dlf3iquity mohair P y'' gaDh'+ ?., Cady.. 13.Y« - . flo roads should be lwacadamized or evars1!, ' a .._.. ' ... ,.. -._,_. _ I orale 5wnet Ilotno f with delleiatts . �S "r t il �� , Y ,I 4• d y } •I. lD _� ,e , e tr. a r on the table add a few frienda to enjoy it, Chore rs no P1aCD lI APPLES and._. POULTRY, - ' t o^ r ez G d R le 'Pi"d+rre oats ll0,lat71i3 near quantity � &a 9p1 aV �h 1tS lista any €Jitlxntity.of Poultry (decall or alive.) Write Cas. THE t1.:P�'4ASO 37*mGll�Eg ,%,,-31wg CO. 1l�11kp;l 04! ritOA419D�31T.' `dPdHOLEStil.LEs. Staple R Also PANTS, KNICKERS, OVERALLS, SMOCKS. &o. Ask your dealer for these goods. 13EST rVEIZ. WYLD- DARLING 0LH BRANDS. Kiang Friward 4,, a 11 Headlight" "`Goss tr 1sngls 11 ioau�e "2004 tt Vic 1:071a rt tb Li't'tle Coillat of HULL, Don't. Experiment With other and inferior brands, USE 5 Good Things '0 f at .anptiOiadl��swortpetrroalie..AI.IaI n ®®4BBaoS Naturil ILwoae Products Food Vis°®d Rusfhd Q��apppgg,,��ppA 9@Ybptt[�l0 4. Q.. It ria. tom pe.a.lAoniax ie>tir bye or r. ebr,.. a 1i art pt tt . r pt.07p Irk ke� 0. n1B bb bp84 aU r. M1 1 y E ao Be e YT t 016'., S etbed 4 r oo d b a a po� fr00, /.�. Stab for lO Ocnt9 Oelcgb. '��e��-� MMLIM of our Sevings Del artsrient Are riot confined to residents of Toronto. Wo have every facility for taking charge of either large or small a,c'Ou,nts• of persons anywhere in the Dominion. Write For All Information, THE a__ ermancit AND WESTERN C!NADW M r E Cru 1 1�i�1T10 Oi2TGAQ R O N Toronto Street, Toronto itaav, icN8l4► a 1.IpDY, clilahaq,..-_. ..._ .• 825 foreign Joint stock companies Neither in Fiance nor in Austria N are re pauper children permitted to Russia. iter the lvorlchou'se. They ase -,:,.-•.-•-••••�=--�=^-••^•••^-•^^^^^°• oarded with peasant fninilies. ..THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRto6. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT A � � R `�' amoves all )IRrd, soft or calloused Lumps ad Blemishes from bGrace, Blood SPAvIll, p� p f'4 v.d' t8. t.H dries, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny Stifles, Sets and Swollen Throat; boughs, prains, tc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- TOOTH anted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ver known. Sold by all druggists: I P0 W ® E R. factures building The large mann g Preserves the tenth, swooteria the breath. Etrongthene the goals, t the Chicago World's Fair covered 0$ acres, and was the largest ever ut up. " . 'r SIXt-, Sears. For ®+S 51 6 0000 MONET Ari OLD AND wrrfr Yln.towp Soothing syruphRsbeenunedfor-or 9 p Earned knitting for us. We re onn by million. of mothers for their children "11e ,etbaug, with perfect ,fieri.. It ,pother the chU4. new knitting machines. Other i4 Of one the gum., allaysnal pato, cures wind colic, and the best ria—dpi for DI= .a. Is rioaoant to the rIIACCmEeit6 t0 right parties. Send forr aae, gold by druggists in every part of the world. particulars, at � once. Ontario- I'ur- wenty-evoccut.nb.UI.. Its value Is I ... lentable, In sura and ask for hon. Winslow'. Soothing. Swap.fid nisking Cie,, Toronto, Ont. take ..other kind. .______ -_.... To Send for our Coln- ASasio Tho number of copies of daily The C.talo es find c. . last year in ewspapex•s circulatedY & P ecia R ate. he Unitod States' was 2,865,466,- 1, 208,100,000. Wa aro egntppad to , ue every. htuai. 00, and of weeklies e� ��� �D Tbaeaarin Canada.. I WABASH RAILROAIn WANTED1�6. amtYfa;c • �19I1t6d During the months of Saltember Ind October, will sell one Wr;y sea• tourist tickets at greatly 356 Main Street, IAS Yonye SVS.a. Ind class !educed rates to California, Wash• WINNIPEG, MAN. TOR01101r. 0E1T. ngton, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Pacific o111E'1 ingen Line S$e;S.mahlp British Columbia and other Coast points, Tickets will be sold Montrealrn. U.rpLifotpoeoltoo aQ LA­ fill direct routes, The Wabash P-1. tow.. Is elle shortest, befit and •1tlicke5t .•Oute from Canada t0 the above ymrgoosd2astgteemehrpa.Suporiorao.omniodatloo for on cl.meo1%.eotad. BatoO.s find, gtnteroo aro .mlYships, pa.l.lmstlbmaos been often to i. 1rb points. Finest egw[pped passenger gceo.d &pioon .fid Taft' o ns4 ncoommo aUon. to ng - trains in America. Rates, time -tables and all Patti- ntr,.f fide mrd all p tiaul.m apply Any et ck. C�mopany, or Bloh.rde AtW. C oo, D. Torrance R co.. 'ularS from any ticket agent, or J. I 77 state St.,Ikostam. uortreol cad rorttw.,r 9 A. Richardson, Dist. Passenger Agent, N. E. Corner Bing & Yoinge 'WOOD R NOTO.1EhJCRUM;_ Sts.,Toronto, and St. Thomas, U"t. J. L.tJ�ONESENG C9` .11 -168 BAY- STRU-T.-'PQizomio The largest ox in the world was n•ed by Colonel Gingerly. It was 3 111`9 T1 F�®11l1MBUG'ler.vRMTS1.r 11k, 2 feet long, and 5 feet 8 inches 8 840 0 ands. It weighedp sigh,a.k.rn,r: an.,.., twin. r, et,.tmark,r..a C.af , a -< fr,m wl..,[ 1 a ssen.a aa _—. tech.r+lr.k,.fbdiaLrente.r.m.rR+,.t1- r ` Smtmunad. m.. rrt.ear [. c, afI tf 1 hads, Liniment relieves fdeural�la, S.,+,wlth,areead.b....traet.la,rn, t,tori.I;ratw kt,,..d6.I.n r.od S•si+'r G.t,blape•b:terl,7r,reaa.t.De 1, Sai,ayo. FAn.dERarenRo9,FMA.".Icea,0.& Excited Wife- `Wake up; Henry l3 it.ns..�6r� A Che house is on fire !" Sleepy Hue- g31-g2D(CD rand --"Great iTeavens 1 Now we'll .Mu3Z�i3}•3FE''m _fix USING_ -ave to move ngaln 1" Standard Anteraoan W101ce Burns Minarrl's 1-10101e0t Cures etc,—AxD__ Sarnia aaellp 011. Queen Alexandra owns, a pa.Ir of Wholesnro only. rpera-glasaes, mane in Vienna, valu- a A�rllSeJtto ��u.. S Id at $50,000. They are of platin- stn, set with diamonds, sapphires, VArnusLROGE Sfi ts.TORONY . ..... - ind ,rubies- fi�l�1taiea ® cleaningI _M — rot tall. y.ry hat a enl you, work i- th- 'DYEING . ,e RRi'rl U AFf1Pst1IGAN GO.' to IK ' �•i' t .� . T, ..x.. ti. . l m ., _ k. - yy ,. Lookfor-dentin Tauttown,oruaddlraot. ,. - to Ottawa ticbes, r ai Toronto, Q V1JIlt 0 s r ?s. Good Things '0 f at .anptiOiadl��swortpetrroalie..AI.IaI n ®®4BBaoS Naturil ILwoae Products Food Vis°®d Rusfhd Q��apppgg,,��ppA 9@Ybptt[�l0 4. Q.. It ria. tom pe.a.lAoniax ie>tir bye or r. ebr,.. a 1i art pt tt . r pt.07p Irk ke� 0. n1B bb bp84 aU r. M1 1 y E ao Be e YT t 016'., S etbed 4 r oo d b a a po� fr00, /.�. Stab for lO Ocnt9 Oelcgb. '��e��-� MMLIM of our Sevings Del artsrient Are riot confined to residents of Toronto. Wo have every facility for taking charge of either large or small a,c'Ou,nts• of persons anywhere in the Dominion. Write For All Information, THE a__ ermancit AND WESTERN C!NADW M r E Cru 1 1�i�1T10 Oi2TGAQ R O N Toronto Street, Toronto itaav, icN8l4► a 1.IpDY, clilahaq,..-_. ..._ .•