HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-9, Page 5• • . •. 9- 1.0O2, tit la xi 74. ol s CARDS, l3tlS1NES3 { 41 lT r C .,i)A A, , .G I'PB `T 1 o nt .F, °1 Brawls e h, UO1 n , McQBAOJ(EN— . r V e leaner of Mintage Leiebeee, or. mei At tlrenee,e"orpborry 6broetl Sennett. I . OrtHiSQNr "Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WA4,roiv, Qivr. MISS JEAN JEAN M'LAUCIILIN, ., •TrdAc J1ItR alt - PIANO - AND ORGAN, R.GBFRT GUNNIr GHAMt. nrenesnga, FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH T. 'LP,OKIL'r J. wine AND FIRM IN9II RANOH , . LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, VAr,UATOB, Ne. Odle° over Beeslev.'s »rug Store. Fab, ate, Hee. ao•8M Brneeele. Wellington .'Mutual Fire tnenratiee Ce., rerserdsnen 1940 Improper taken ou this each and premium nota system at current rates. Before insur- 1ng'elsewhere cull on the undereignedAgout of the. Company, GI OBG1 1tOQ'ER,B, Braeside, MISS SARAHLOUISE MOORE, M, . : C. Academia gra'ivate of T,oudon Conserva- tory of Mesio, also Momper of the Aseobiated Musicians of Ontario, pie prepared to receive a limited number etor instruction en the auo Qualified to preils pare pupil for prepare of the Principal's Form in the Conservatory 'Music. Brussels, Ontario. •AUCTIONEERS,: S. -SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- S . arta will. sell for hatter prices, to better Men,' in leas time and less charges then any other Auctioneer in Eaat Huron or he Won't e1 nage anything. Dates and orders can always l e rrrangod at thisoffice or by per0oaal applioattoo. • •VETERINARY. D. WARWICK - el • 13oner Grannie of the Rohtrfo. Vet. winery college, i0leepared to treat all die - oases -of domesbkoted animals in a compel- enrreanner: Tett'-alar attention paid to Veterinary NPI to,try Calle promptly at- tended to Ofner end Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, 'f •unbetmy at., Brussels. LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. W itil; 'STNCLAIZi= Rnr, Solicitor, onvo sneer Notary Lo,&c. Office—S ares 'Bodi - • 1 door No r 111 o f Coo tral d B auks •tiolioar t.lieaE ndarardBnnk GF. i3j.AiR, 'DARRISTER, • Solicitor, ,vs. Office over Stand- ard Sank. Solicitor for Village'el Brneaetd. • • Money to Loan at lowaetratee, • MEDICAL CARDS; DR. C. AIWBROSE TOOL.E. RESIDENOE Ann OFFICE— MILL ST, EAST, BRUSSELSI' J. A. M'NAUGHTON. • C. M., Trinity University Fellow Trinity Mediae' College, Member College of Pbysieiane and Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and. Licentiate of Mid- wifery ,.F,dinbnr b. Iter Tolrphone No,14, 14etelonce—M ill Street, Brussels. ' D'I'N IISTRY' DR. R. P. FE/LD, DENTIST. . Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Bargeman ot Ontario and First cease .$ono, Graduate of !Toronto University, Once next to Brewer's Photograph Calgary, BRUSSELS.'; . • . 'STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERVICE. —'A Thorn' -bred. Short Horn, regletered pedigree. Tonne 75o„With privilege of tee turnlee It neoee0ary. 6740. R''BB, SS- Brussels South. Fall Term in the 4/STOWel. r'i1e41,1 Begins Sept. 1, 1902 • 0a id ^•' s to v enter at- na v time:. Terme east t oat ,. 'l we courses—Commercial stud hl,,, tlut,.d. Send lar deemed, C. A. P1..AN1V6, A. 1, Mo1NTYlti4, ss,pkol, -', crotnry, • dSt'pd `'G SNR fie, f kl.'„1'0 uiii lilt lit°il t i`t`it.i ail:ll;;le• ►Ni'-- ' North Shore Pi it a twilit Cedar FOB SALE LT THE , .• Brussels Pla.ing Mills Also Doors and Saeh of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notioe, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. nip and Material Gaarenteed, P. AVI 31' .i. Enter Now if Possible 0/(zki,pfii,CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. A wheel thee 09a11p104 trout rank sinless g the beet i ed O 1 oe o tele o nowt, Bpa 9 e P leg a Pati Many laeuatee 8 tweeters, , wheels do -etre Stet our.grnduatee Re.totWhoro, rya do our beet to plass all aur 'graduates lu good positions and a v e n Moro suueoaeful this oar Wanw bar par Ia. Y ete arty Marione year Tnooe Cachingg ilio haat lu businesseducation oguwt. londour Scheel. Write ncatalogue. J. RLLIOTT, Princlpnl, • tri .etuf, 11$1, this Mies Janet Brad nook hes returned from Detroit, where she agent the past two menthe Oohing with friends. '1'. 13 Blea.rter has returned from his. trip to Ma,titu a, Ile reports gcods)r0 Pe ahd a generalprosperity,but harvest hands , are reama. Ouuu. Sloan was a judge on fruit at Belgl acs) and Brueeele farce and ie a good one, Prank .Metcalf aoted in the same oapa0ity at Goderich fair. To is with regret that we . are celled upnn to'Imamate 'the death of Mre. D. B. McKinnon, .which rad event occurred at her home here ea Tuesday night of last week, Mrs. McKinnon had been ink for a .nag time with paralyefe. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon to the Uaion 0emet'r3F ltev, W. Ayers, of London, was the get of geese Rev. Dr..and Dare. Medd. Quite a number Ofs par OIIIZene are talking up a waterworks system fur Sen. gall. , Last Sunday the pester of Carmel ohuroh entered onthe 14tho ear hie y t ministry here. deck Cameron who is now employed as operator and tioket agent at the G,. T.. R. ietowel, was home for t Moe, L mfew nye oy after an absence of some fifteen months, ' It ie expected that on Sunday, October nib, the anonal barveet Thanksgiving sermons will be preached in St. Pail's church'beOile Rev, Principal 0. Cameron Wa'ler, M A, of Western University. - Liesto wtvr The chair (eatery' resumed operations last weak. Andrew Huston, of Virden, Man., formerly of Liltowel, died at Winnipeg hoepital on Monday of last week, Bert. Soolt, eon of J. W. Scott, leftto take an Arte coarse at Toronto pill varsity. The haedkerohief bazaar held by the ladies of Christ ohuroh Dame off very no. easefully nearly all the handkerchiefs in• hand beingdispoeed of, and the net pro weds 'rewind $60. Thos. Steveueon lost a good work horae the animal 'having broken through the covering 't 1 the well -at bis`reeidenoe on Bismarck street, and was dead when got out. It • tocols 15 or 20 men and a wind lass .to raise the horse oat of the' well.' The annonneement,• made that J. H. Stuart, mattagtrof the Bank of Batniltoo here, herd been traneferrtd to Niagara Palle, and would leave in a few nye, was reoei,ed with much regret by our oitizene generally, as all feel sorry to part with eo good a citizen and one who has made hiro.el[ e0 useful in.mao), ways; besides 'Recharging his duties as bank manager most clrtciently and at .the eame,time agreeably. Hie removal will be a lose to the towo, and musical, nein and social oiroles will alike mien bir ably and always ready help end genial presentee, Mrs. Stuart's departure will aleo be much re, gretled'in.sortie! and other oirolee, where in she bas taken a deep interest, and has made many warm friends during bar residence' here. 11t wood .. The Methodist personage is to have a new furnace. Mr. Dandier, ea, while cutting eorn, gave hie baud an ugly jab with the, hook. Rev. Mr, Pring and wife, of Thedforii, formerly of Atwood,oalled on friends in town. Harry Moore has purobeeed a type writer, which he ie rapidly learning to manipulate. Lemuel Pelton left for Iowa, where he will visit hie brother Jing¢. Mre. Patton and daughter Belle, . are visiting . friends in. Stratford, , r . Elma Cheese Oornpany shipped fleet halt of September cbeeae. on Tdeedey,.' of last week. T. Ballantyne & Sone were the buyers st10o. a Ib. The Public Library Board met at the Library, 0. 3. McKinnon, Principal of the Public *wheal, was appointed . Secre- tary in enoaaaeian to R. S. Peltun. Mrs. denies Stevens met with an aooi dent which Dinged her considerable pain. She was sewing when the needle Blipped. and entered her thumb at the fleshy part, perletratinL to the bore. The 11i dm,y Trustee Boitrd be'ieve in este runlet/ teach• re who do good faith cul work 'Those inornapsd the salary of the Principal. J W. Ward, formerly of Arleecd, by 825, and the aesierawwl re ueii•ed reepeotively 815 end 810 increase. hlethodist Antriverenry on Oatobdr 12th and 18 h. R v. Mr. Per hall will preach on 8n dos. ,0 , Monday et ening a plat larnt mei king wi b he held, to be-addreee ed. by Res. Mr, 0:iver, of Lietewel, and touts' m nietors, Speaiel muaio by the their, Wtweet% lne. Ai, the Fell Fair the first Huron range tamed out by the Western. Tuundry oo„ Wim;httm, was tin exhibition. Mre. Dr ) "enmity a itortsjeed the Junior lSpworth ljeagne on Saturday at eruoon. The Juniors have given their third eubsoription , of $25 to the church building fund. Mre, S. Merrifield and family` removed last week to Elespeler, in order that they may be near Me. Merrifield, who is very ill with iafiammatory' rheumatiem in Guelph hospital, At last a000ante be was much worse. Alex. Ritchie.wentto Perrysburg, Oltio, on a very pleeeant miesion, and on Oa. totter lot, was happily Wedded to Mies Frown Webber Meltell, only daughter of the late A. MaKell, The marriage ceremony was performed' by the Rev. G. A. Adams), at the residence of Capt. J. A, 3logere, in the town above mentioned, The bride woe ugl4lended and was pretti. ly onotpmed• in a parte of natty glue Itreadoloth. A gharntiug, but gntef, welding graced. the home of Joe an1Mr , Duffield beOPWtdpasdaY of I ist week, When t ir da akhtoa '.1100010 was ui tad t I Ill marriage to 0e0 Ito,, the ',wain at boat of the Queeu'o hotel, •Pro(nptly et 12 80, as the wedding march was being played by Mies Roughton, the oontraoting parties presented themeolvee before Bev, Wm, Lowe, who; 'with the lmpreaeive ritual of the English church, tied the nuptial knot, The bride was prettily gowned, and wee attended ouly by her little 'liege, Dorothy J•Ieath, as flower girl, The bride will be mleaed in the old home, and alas) In St, Paul's ohuroh, where her work was appraoiated. She reoetvod moony mementoes of esteem, among, them a pretty oard•receiver from 8E, Paul's choir. Actor a.ohoine repaet, the happy couple left by 0. P.R. amid ahowere of sloe and good wishes, 31.o e•r,N. A Proms DEen.—Another old and highly reepeoted resident of thin town. ehip paaged away on Thursday morning, e 2 t e. Sept. 5 b. W ,afar to Wm: M p array Scott who had been sin w forte ae eix oh t ex r. months with saucer of the stomach. H1e illness was a severe one and oonnined' him to the house. the greater part of its dpr. ation, but he bore it all with Christian fortitude, The late Mr. Scott was born In Dalkeith, Midlotbienehire,` Scotland, on June 22nd, 1828• He emigrated to 0anada, along with his father,„mother, brother and three Oaten, in 1844 and settled in Galt. After residing there a few innate hie father moved the family to Blenheim township, Oxford County, where they took op 200 aoree of land. Dt8eaeed remained with hie father and helped him clear the tweet end maks) , e home for his fawily until hie marriage, which took lane on December 18th 1858 r , n E Grace, thirddanhter of.tho. late, Thomas Bradnook, of g Blandford town.' ship, Oxford County. Mr. Stant and hie bride moved to Heron 0ounty and settled' on lot 88, on. 1, Eaet Wawanoeh, where he again snared up a home in the 'forest. After getting comfortable buildiuge erect- ed and' the farm cleared be sold' out to his brother in•la t w, after a residence there of 14 years, He then moved to bit father. in levee farm in Blandford 'Township, where be resided for nine years, Dermas. ed then. moved book to Huron County, and bought lot 7, ow. 9, Morrie township, upon whish he resided 011 the.. time of hie death. He leaves a widow, three sone and four daughters to mourn' the lose of a kind husband and father.. The children are all married and are t Thomas, of Cutler, Iowa, Mre,. Wm. Redford, of El tet. Wawanoeh ; John on the homestead in Morrie , Mre. R. J. Oookerliee, of Morrie; nee. Robert S. Trequajr, of Welwyn, Aesinboia; Wm. 3., of MCVille, Michigan ; and Mrs. Hugh Tacker, of Turtrberry. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 2700, and .woe very largely attended. Interment was made JO - UJpiou cemetery, The pelt. 4earate Were see, John Snit, hid o e•iu W t o •d It 3, tits n I w m ad r rag Inw, G f a r 'nt o Iter ne n u :ranker. sod two Ou Il d1I h 1u e 8 r k a Ww of u le nti nephews, Thome') liaott, of J3luutiford. The ser: vfces'at the house and grave wore oon, doted by Inv. A. McLean, of Bt, An. drew'e•°burab, Blyth. Deceased woe a Presbyterian in religion, being a mem, be of let. Andrew'ooburgh, Blyth, and in Polities/ waif a etaanoh Reformer. The widow and family have the sympathy of a large eleole of friends in their bereave. meat.. +loot/esters, GeOrge Buxton, recently of the Col- borne House, hes rented Suotz'e brewery at Saltford. golf has votaries thee¢ dela and it ie meld that with dry finks there will be datiy oontette. Lieut. C. McPhail hae beep gazetted as a Captain of the 33rd regiment, viae J, W, Shaw, retired. Mre, 0. Campbell took over '90 prizee in the.totel,-fine arta and !adieu' wink see. tions at the Zarin Fall s n .hew. The new ohorob for the North 'street Metbodiete will be built early in the Spring, so that 11 will be ready foe the congregation by midenmmer. Some of.the .plane oe the proposed Gen• eral and Murine Hospital have been re. aeived, andare open for inepeotion by any one interested, on palling at 0. A. Nsirn'e store. The death occurred on September 0, at the Holy Orose hospital, Calgary, of Geo. P. Shannon, nephew of the late Dr. G. C. Shannon, of Goderieh, who went oat there six months ago in warn of health. D. J. Neftel was elected Secretary at the 'Int nieeting of the Public Library Board and a resolution of oandolenae withthe e ” familyb of • the Tate Secretary, A. H. Moore, B. A., was unanimously . W. T; Tilt, who has had charge of the Brunswick p awick cigar andtobaaco store and billiard rooms for the pest two months, has bought out the business. ' ' The new proprietor was conceited with the British Exchange for ears' andle g y a son of the proprietor of that well known hostel- Tete. Stan= Hoses.—A meeting of the oreditore of W. H. 'Smith, proprietor of Hotel Goderiob, was held in the ofBoe of Sheriff Reynolds, the aeeignee, when e statement of the affairs:of the when was presented. Clime against Smith• have been filed amounting to $8,560,including one of $3,982 by James Smith, father of the assignor. Against , there liabilities there are furnishings ofthe hotel valued at $8,600. It was decided to request the town coattail not to carry out its express red intention to foreolose the mortgege, and representatives of the oreditore attended a epee's,' meeti ig of the -council and presented the regoeet. The eo0noil needed in so far as to agree to silty fore. Everyihiflg ID:: , • Our Fall and ,tea Winter Stook x I=1 CM coo CZ ss—ei .x IS the 'roost complete we 'have x ever shown. We offer all the X latest Novelties in •x x x CO r12 r= CO — et --CO ▪ rs#2 l C' lam' 1 --PG -1 f O i - x x cab. Our Ready-to-wear Hat Department is one of the leading x features of our business and contains every desirable x style in the greatest variety of Trimmings and at prices x that defy competition. The x MisH ses abklrk x 1414111414X14/4MI14141424MHz rrg Shia. ••• % When you wear a pair of our rubbers you know you have a good thing— because they keep the feet dry and they wear well. We sell only brands j7.J•r that have stood the test, They are made of pure rubber, °Will fit any shoe. ` 'Will stand rough usage. - We buy, the best and sell at money -saving prices. Men's, women's and children's—all kinds, all prices. Those that are dry and those that are both dry and warm. Some prices: - Gants', 50o to $1.00 per pair Ladies', 25o to 65o per pair Children's, 20e to 40o per pair e Agente foe the Invietns Shoe made by George. A. Stater, acknowledged to be the beet Shote for Lsdiee' or Genre' wear. —napalm in Shoes or Rubbers promptly attended to, 13&IINIISS DI]PARTM t . T—Full stools of autos, both heavy and light, at pricer that will interest you. plash Ruga, Waterproof Rage and Blankets). Trunks, and Satohelg at Loweet prices. i a s r c0e our d c a t a . apo Ingolrkwomeh, nod in k e,li b m s, into c d't r 'lift to e n .the re r e s will Y HudoTse!e . ear or lease the betel, :Asa1 n'i S iaer araor being ?u t up the gang soy into late father, a learn On the Baylield Road, the gangway gage way end the machine fell over; breaking' 11 oonaiderably, The worst part of the mishap wee that Wm, NOM got Serious. twy opl0oea,one oMr Battle ebloitoungexrk wa1s blocking the wheels as the separator wee pulled up, and being on 'the aide where the road gave way,he wee knocked down by themaahine, ora few minutes It was thought he wan under the pile, but he was dieaovered under the gan8Way, whither he had crawled on bends end Men. Wm. Britnaoombe hoe accepted a poi - tion at the grist mill on the night shift. Rev. Geo, gobbiediok, of the Park Ave, church, Chatham, attended the funeral ;of hie nophety, Mervyn Hipke, here, Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck; who has been spending hie holidays in Hamilton,'ror. onto and London, Warned borne. Mie. A. rte has din sed of her Shore o brink omtnge on Andrew 011510, to Oeo. Crowley, of towu. The price paid waa. $1050. — Roes Sc Taylor have had the veneering of their factory on Main street finished and the premieee have been men improv. ed by the Waage. R. N. Rowe was in Olintou and punk - seed the furniture and uudertsking bueinere of the late Joe. Ohidley, J. D. Atkinson will manage the business, Geo. Saxton, of Goderioh, woe' in town and purohaeed Thos, Haadford's first prize grey team and barnese, for which he paid•tbe magnificent sum of 8490. A certain woman not many miles from Exeter got into the habit of 'threateningto commitenioide every time she got into a fret. Herhusband broke her of the habit by telling her he wouldmarry again. At a npebial meeting of the Pablio School Board the resignation of E. Fol. ling, on a000unt of illhealth, was se. oepted and a deoieien made to offer the poetitian 1 0 0 lir Faoeon for the balances of year with the nsme of S Bradt 10 8000es Bion in the event of Mr. Faoeon not being. ableto accept. ` A most dietressingand unfortunate ace. oident happened to Wro.;Jones, af town. Mr. Jonre was engaged in cutting bands at Wm. Northeatt's threshing, on the 2nd con., of Bay, and when making an up- stroke, instead of -,town as le the usual custom, the -blade sot the knife Blipped through the band easierthan he expeoted and ceme 10 oo0taet with his eye. The ball of the eye was aqt open and the eight was completely destroyed-while•a severe ,,ash ' was inflicted above and -below the eye: A doctor wan immediately consult• ed -but nothing more thou relieving the pain noted be done._ • STATISTICS OF TRE RAILW:t.1'S. The.interotate commerce commie/don has lamed a.report on etatietioe of rail. ways in the United States covering the year ending June 30, 1901. - -,The Eotal ein leeraok railway mileagee he United States.Jupe $0, 1901, .was 197,237 miles. Inoluding 0,aoke ofall kinds, the.aggregale length of raitway mileage was 265.366 miles, an increase of 6,582 miles. There were 88,584 loaometivea in the eervin° of the reilwaye, 1,921 morethan were in see the preceding year. The total number of oars of all °lasses in Otto eervioe of the railways on the date stated was 1,550,833, there having beenan in. crease of 99,995 in rolling stook of this class. The number of pereo0e in the employment of the railways of the United States' June 30, 1901, was 1,071,169, or an average of 548 employees for eaoh 100 miles of line. As compared with June 30, 1900, the number of employees in- oreaved 53,516. The amount of railway capital out. Wending was $11,688,177,991. This amount on a mileage beide represents a capitalization of 861,528 for nab anile of line. The number of paoeengere carried wee 607,278,121, showing an inureaee'carried for the year of 80,412,891. The number of tone of freight carried daring the yeer was 1,089,226,440,, a deoreaee of 12,458,. 798. The groes earnings from the oper- ation of railroadein the United States were $1,588,526,037, being 8101,481,223 more than for the fiscal year 1900: The operating amputees were $1,080,397,270, having itoreesed in oomparieonwith the year preceding 868;998,75$. The total number of oaeoalties to persons on a000unt of railway aooidente was 01.794, the number of persona killed having been 8,455 and the number in. lured 53,839. Of railway employees 2,675 were killed end 41,142 were injured. The number of paeseogere killed during the year was 282, and the number injur- ed 4 988. The number of persona other than employees or newsagent killed wee 5,498 and injured 7,208. • Crrnaetlittu Newre. E (ward Mo0afferey, of Stratford, -fell off a street oar in Detroit and was latal- ly injured. William Rogers, a G. T. R. eeotionman, WB. crushed to death between two care at Lindsay.. At Aroprior Horace Wi eon's little daughter was drowned by falling into . a tub of water. Guelph ratepayers oaried the by law to grant a bonne of $42,500 to the Canadian Tube &Pipe Co. 0, L. Pabst, of London, Ont., swallowed oerbon° acid ie mietalte for medicine, and le seriously i11. The front portion of the Jubilee Hotel to Shoal Lake, Man., was bad)y wrecked by an explosion of gee. The mint at Birmingham has received from Canada an order for coinage amount. in to a million dollar. Premier Roblin, of Manitoba hoe sal. fioiently recovered from his recent Judie. position to attend to business. George Welle, a recent arrival from Buffalo, stabbed himself dead with a butcher knife at Port Colborne, George -Dixon and William Barton, look tenders on the Welland Canal at Thorold, were drowned in the night. An order bee been leaned at Ottawa disbanding the Special Service Battalion Iyoyol Canadian Regiment at Halifax. The weed which amused' the death of a number of cattle at Owen Sound ha8 been identified as the deadly night nada. Several buildings in London, : Ont., were damaged er destroyed by a fire that Warted in Trebil000lc'e livery on Rich. 3C. C. 11 7t C'' ► e II Si. mond street, • is 5 aw99illicK 9. CASH I L s'l'QiFt' e• IE3 .1t'Z T -LI . "1'Irr r . M0, R 7 "FW cg b• -t •f t m r recti Our Dreeu Goode trade thig season has been a record breaker. 9'1 We seemed to have just the goods the ladies were looking for. This week t we received our wend shipment from the British market§, whish puts corasl 1 our stook in splendid nape again. We fled a demandfor a better oleos 01 41 I Dress Goode and we are peppered to meet the demand. sly —Zebileiu Dress Goode, which are now in demand,,45 to 86 inches wide, it in all the new colors, at 50o, 750, 81,38 and $175, 't `t1 —Harris' Celebrated Homeepnue, in blank, brown and dark and light grey, all wool, 48 to 56 Junheeid 1 12 . —Lsdiee' Costumew e, $ a ed $ re of black and navy, go "^ Cloth, pixie finish, in 'Mere auteed not to spotof or shrink, 45 to 50igoboe wide, at $1 and Ill . 5 —Amazon Cloth, toblacknavy, cardinal -and brown, 42inches wide, all wool, special , eea all 600. —Worsted liter, Goods, in black and navy, y, fine bard finish,a great wearer, 56 to 60 Indies wide, at 750, $1,111 50 snd $2.. —New Costume Cloth, in dark and light grey, brown apd blue grey, 50 inches wide, at 50o. , —Berge Dress Goode, in :bleak and navy, fine glossy finish, 48 to 56 inohee wide, at 400,760 and $1. ( vt '- —Homespune and Tweed Dress Gonda, in dark colors, for school drown,y'I F$ at 20o, 25o, 800 and 85o. IT .,._ ar =r"fix- '- We Bo ts, for all ages haveand all Sizes Sioes9 • of Feet, Rubbers Largeorball Many Styles in Fine or Coarse Shoes. A large assortment to choose from which are of good quality and cheap. OUR stook of Standard Patterns will be sure to meet your requirements, no matter what garment you intend to make—visit our 'Pattern Department. The November Patterns have just been received, showing elot.eeam Coetamee, Coate and Skirts in , special prominence. We also recommend the "'wiener” at 100 a copy or $100 per year, It ie meet practical in Ire advice about garments. As well as supplying you with a pattern to your taste we can also please you in all the new materials for Waists, - Costumes, Skirts and Coats. The Newest Goods and the Lowest Prices. . u :,•:a Downing Bros® Don't need to seek for a rem- edy—'tisn't a corn cure, either, simply rightly made; fit -the -feet , kind of shoes, of which we have an ample supply. Looli in our windows, look at our shoes, try them, buy them and the shoes will "make good." The latest styles, as well as comfort, govern -- our buying. Prices ditto. for the Slater Shoe. Downing* Broth APPL::,S WANTED wessomommwo Apples 'will be bought on and after September 26th .at the_rdbm..„ BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market. Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be bought, M A H L E R B R t,J S.