HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-9, Page 4CbT Avu$s..cis 9
T'x1-UJ SD4 . OCT, 9,1902
THAN IN 1902.
',Pun opal stripe is atilt on and ,the goal PRIZE 4.187.
goneomer0 already feel o9ld ebille ran .
down Ebel- baelte act they Poutemp• {
late the coming of Winter xninne their
onetomary. eapply of bleak diemonde.
it may be a Ono Full, however, neeeasi•
taring little demand for fuel. We bone
so for more than pereenel reaeone,"
THANit0ely180 will be observed by the
residents of the Dominion of Canada on
Thursday of next week and if ever a
people had canoe for the expression of
gratitude to the Giver of all Good the
Cennoke are oerteioly that people, The
day le a public holiday and will no doubt"
be observed as such, Services will be
held in many °barahee throughout the
land and National thanksgiving will be in
MADe in Canada" fe sow the watch
word and let the output be of euoh an Al
abareoter that this great Dominion will
never be Dulled to blush over deceit or
fraud in the manufacture of any olase of
geode. This same rule will apply to all
kinds of produce, etoak, &o., and on
carefully eticking to this rale will depend
mach of the eueoeee of Canadian trade
and oommeroe for the years to come, It
is no trifling matter bat should reoeive
the careful attention of every person in-
terested in the progress of the Land of
the Maple.
Bevesoxorne should attend the piano
meeting in the TownHall next Monday
evening, at 8 o'olook, to hear the die -
amnion of a proposed plan to increase the
usefulness and scope of the Woollen fait -
tory bueineee in town. The proposition
is set out in the minutiae of the Council,
appearing elsewhere in this ieaue of Tan
Poem. Mr. Lookridge, who seeks the aid,
ie a preotioal woolen mill man with 15
years experience and offers to invest all
hie means in the purchase of factory and
new maohioery and pat at least 18 hands
at work thereby showing his faith in the
business, bat he requires more eapitalito
stook the mill, pay wages, running ea -
pensee, &o., hence hie applioation for the
loan of $5,000, without interest, for 10
years, paying 0500 on the principal euoh
year until paid. The security offered is
a first mortgage on the building and plant
with a monthly audit of the books if the
Connell desire it to see what the business
is doing. A guaranteed market for two
years for the output is a big start for any
manufacturer and with the poseibilitiee
of trade with the Northwest and Yukon
the outlook is re -wanting. Before any-
body decides what they will do they
should hear the pros and cone and take It
broad view of the situation as to the
future welfare of Brnaeeta. It the
people ask for it the probabilites are that
a vote of the property owners would be
taken next munioipal eleotion day. No
harm 09.11 come in the full and free die -
008810n of the enbjeot and Mr. Lockridge
wit not object to answer any gneetione
next Monday evening that have bearing
on the eubjeot before the meeting. While
Brussels has not always profited, by
aid given to inetitutione that is no reason
why we should not take advantage of
other offers if it can be demonstrated the
arrangement is business -like and for the
general good. Attend the meeting Mon.
day evening and have your say there.
The Liquor Act of 1902.
To the Editor of Tan Poem
Dam Slit,—Many speak of voting
for or against the Referendum. We can-
not say in the proposed vote whether we
approve of the Referendum or not. The
UM le the Referendum was settled by
the Government and Legislature some
months ago, and on December 4th of thia
year we have this opportunity of voting
for Provinaiel Prohibition, whioh le, by
all odds, the beet temperance legislation
we have ever bad. Its prohibitory pro.
visions are broad and the penalty for
violations very severe benne the oppoei.
tion of those "whose oraft i8 in danger."
It bee been said an attempt has been
made to stir up strife on political lines to
injure the vote but it those who wish to
see bar -rooms eloped and the traffic; prohl.
bited will close their ears to euoh appeals
from either side, they will not become
entangled in any snob aide issues. Binh
influence, have kept tie book in the past,
bat act the door of opportunity is now
ajar let as enter in and put an end to
licensed evil.
The award in the eleetrioal workere
arbitration at Hamilton has been pre-
pared, but is not yet taken out of the
arbitratore' hands.
The old Parliament buildings on Front
street, Toronto, have been sold to the
Paving & Conetrnating Company for a
sum in the neighborhood of $5,000. The
purchaser must remove all material by
July 1.
There hoe been some delay in calling
the meeting of the Provincial Premiere
that was to have been held in Quebeo
during the present month, but arrange-
ments for the meeting will likely be
made in the near future.
J. W. Orr, V. S., performed an op -
mating on the race horse "Imperial,"
owned by Briggs & Gilbert, Paisley. For
a long time the animal had been lame in
both fore legs, the lamoaees being ennead
by eoro feet. They were pronunced in.
curable and to obviate all pain it web
decided to remove parte of the norm of
the loge. Thea was done, and it ie said
Imperial pranced off as though be bad
never been lame in hie lite. He has a
mark somewhat below 2 20 and will be a
candidate for turf honors next season,
Budges. -•B, B. Barrie, Wroxeter ; aud
Jho. Gibb, Sarnia.,
HEAVY nitA09 (T,
Stallion over three years, Thos Mo
Lauchlin ; brood snare, Jae Speir 1 & 2,
Jae Cowart; horse dolt, Jae Cowan, B
Nichol, Jas Speir ; mare dolt, 300 Crozier ;
two year old gelding, tae S Smith, Mrs
Ill Dtokeoa ; yearling filly, P Baker, 3
W Qvane ;' yearling gelding, Mre E Dick -
Brood mare having raised foal in 1902,
Jno Crosier, Wm Armstrong, Geo Kerr a;
horse colt, W Armstrong ; mare colt, Geo
Kerr ; two year old filly, Jno Oliver, Jae
Queio, J B McIntosh ; two year old geld.
ing, J& W Ovens, W Fraser, W Arm.
strong ; one year old filly, A McLaugh-
lin, W Fraser, R Corley ; one year old
gelding, Jae Evans ; agricultural horses,
Geo W Hart, Mrs E Dickson, Jno Me•
Judge—J. H. MoIndoo, Wingham..
Stallion with 4 of hie progeny, Scott
Warwick ; brood mare, Scott& Warwiok,
W Smith, H Black ; horse or mare Dolt,
A Speir, H Bleak, W Smith ; two year
old filly or gelding, Thos MoLanohlin, J
9 Smith, A MoLaaohlin ; one year old
filly or gelding, Soott & Warwiok, Jae
Shedden, Jae Evans ; buggy horse 16}
hands high or over, J Beattie, G 13 Hen -
demon ; buggy horse under 14 bands,
A Backer, A Currie, H Dulmage ; road•
eter team, Geo Hiles.
Brood mare, John Morrison, J Speir ;
two year old filly or gelding, W Robb,
Thos Moore, A Speir ; one year old filly
or gelding, W Robb, J Speir horse or
mare colt, John Morrison, J Shedden, J
Speir; carriage span, R Leetherdale,'
Currie & Rintoul ; Scott & Warwick's
special for 2 year old by Costumer, Thoe
MoLauohlin ; Scott & Warwick's special
for foal by Costumer, Allan Speir.
Judge—W. J. Currie, Wingham.
Bull, over two years, P Robertson,
Andrew Hislop ; bull under 2 years,
Joseph Bowman, P Robertson 1 miloh
cow over 4 yre, P Robertson, D Milne,
Thos Davidson ; milah cow ander 4 years,
D Milne, R Corley, P Robertson ; two
year old heifer, R Corley, D Anima, P
Robertson ; one year old heifer, D Milne,
R Corley, P Robertson ; bull calf, calved
after Oct let, 1901, P Robertson, Jae
Spain; heifer calf, calved after 001 let,
1901, M H Harrison, P Robertson, R
Corley ; bell calf, calved after Feb lat,
1902, J 5 Smith, R Corley, D Milne ;
heifer calf, calved after Feb let, 1902,
P Robertson, D Milne, P Robertson ;
herd of Durhame, P Robertson, D Milne,
R Corley.
Milch cow, 4 yrs or over, W Armetrong,
G A Deadman ; miloh cow under 4 yrs,
A Robb, G.A. Deadman ; yearling heifer,
ARobb, G A Deadman ; heifer calf, W
Armstrong, G A Deadman.
Cow, MEI Harrison 1, 2 & 3 ; two year
old heifer, D Cook, H Blaok, MR Harrf.
eon • one year old heifer, M 11 Harrison,
H Black, D Scott & Sone ; two year old
steer, T Davidson 1 & 2, M H Harrison ;
one year old steer, P Robertson, M I
Harrison, R Corley ; steer calf, M H Har-
rison 1, 2 & 3 ; heifer calf, 13 Black, M H
Harrison, T Davidson ; fat cow or heifer,
D Soott & Son, T Davidson, -W Helps ;
fat ox or steer, T Davidson, W Helps, T
Judge.—A. Linklater, Wingham. -
Aged ram, 1 0 Cowen, R J Sanderson ;
Shearling ram, R J 8andereon ; Ram
lamb, J S Cowan, 0 Turnbull ;Ewe, hav-
ing raised lamb in 1902,R J 8andereon 1
& 2 ; Shearling ewe, J S Cowan, 0 Tarn•
bull ; Ewe lamb, R J Sanderson, 3 8
Cowan ; Pen of sheep, R J 8andereon, J
S Cowan,
eltt0P81irBE DOWNS.
Aged ram, 0 13 Smith, W H Webber ;
Shearling ram, 0 H Smith, W H Webber;
Ram lamb, 0 H Smith, W H Webber ;
ewe, having raised lamb in 1902, W
Webber 1 & 2 ; Shearling ewe, W H Web -
her 1 & 2 ; ewe lamb, W H Webber 1 &
2; pen of sheep, W H Webber, 0 13
Aged ram, A Stevenson, Jae Bargees ;
ehearling ram, J & W Ovens 1 ram lamb,
J & W Ovine 1 & 2 ; ewe, having raised
lamb in 1902, A Stevenson, J & W Ovaue ;
shouting ewe, A Stevenson 1 & 2 ; ewe
lamb, Jae Burgess, J & W Ovane ; pen
of eheep, A Stevenson, J & W Ovine.
Judge—Sohn Coultas, Belgrave.
Boar, P Gibbons 1 & 2 ; sow, P Gibbons
Boar, 3 B Molntoeh.
Boar, W H Mo0atahson 1 &2 ; sow,
W H Ma0utobeon 1& 2 ; beet pen of
bacon pigs, A Stevenson, W H MoOnt-
judge—Thoth Male, Listowel.
Dark brahmae, Geo W Irwin 1 & 2 ;
light brahmae, Jae Ballantyne 1 & 2 ;
black Spanish, Geo W Irwin 1 & 2 ; bar-
red rookie, Alf Beaker 1 & 2 ; white rooks,
Geo W Irwin, G A Deadman ; buff rooks,
Geo W Irwin 1 & 2 ; white legborne, C
W Hendereon & Son 1 & 2 ; Polande,
Geo W Irwin 1 & 2 ; bantams, D Ewan
& Co, Geo W Irwin ; langehane, Geo W
Irwin, 0 Henderson & Son ; Carbine,
Geo W Irwin 1 & 2 ; Wyandottes, 0
Hetp��ereon & Son 1 & 2 ; bleak minoroae,
G W Irwin, 0 Henderson & Sonwhite.
minoroae, G W Irwin ; geeee, O Bon;
son & Son 1St 2 ; Rowan ducks, G W
Irwin ; Aylesbury ducks, G W Irwin,
Geo Johnston ; game fowl, Jae Ballon.
type 1 & 2 ; fowl, any other breed, G W
Irwin 1 & 2 ; pigeon, Jae Ballantyne.
i ilILc1J11lIli`JLr .,. A.
1 Judge.-3no. Eokmior, Ethel.
1 Patent arm wagon, Jno. ()ober & do,
E Bperain ; buggy, D Ewan" & Qo i• & 2 ;
cutter, McLaughlin & On, 1:,wa11 & (Jo: ;
farm Fater R Oloee; wheelbarrow, Ed
Sperain, duo Colter & Co, '
Judge --R, Graham, Brussels.
1 bee white Fall wheat, J Henderson
& Son, Jae Burgeae, Campbell & dots ;
red Full wheat, Jae McCallum, A Me
,ivaueblin, 0 Rzelt ; barley, 4.ur8 rowed,
Campbell & Bons, Hoedown & Bon,
J Evade ; bleak Date, Heudorron & Son,
Campbell & Sone, F Erb ; white .oats,
Henderson a Son, Campbell & Sons, J
ItfoCalinm ; small peas, Campbell & Bolts,
Peter Erb ; large pone, Joe Speir, Clamp
bell & Sone ; timothy acted, Campbell &
Sone, Jae Speir, 3 McOallom,
Judge—A. W, Bioen, Blyth,
5 Baldwins, Jen Span-, Joe Evans;
Famueee, Geo Kerr, Jae Speir ; King of
Tompkins 0o, John Wynn, "Jae Sharp ;.
Mann, Jae Speer, Henderson & B +n ; Nur
there Spies, Chas R Gell, Jas Speir ; 11 I
Greeainge, Jee Speer, Jae Evane ; golden
aneeete, Mre E Stewart, Jae Sharp ;
Spitzenburg, Jae Speir ; Seek no furtber,
W Armstrong ; Tolman eweete, Jae Speir,
W Armstrong ; Ontario, W Armstrong,
Miee MoOlellal:d ; Wealthy, Jae Burgess,
Jae Speir ; Ribeton pippin, Jae Eonn,
Alex Stewart (Queen e1) ; Oolverte, Jas
Speir, Jas Sharp; Roxbury :assets, John
MaKu i on ; Duebees of O.deuburg, Grano
M Stewart, Jae Evane ; Fah pippins, Jae
Sharp, 0 Rozell ; Fallawalor, 0 Rozell ;
Gravenstein, Gracie 11 Stewart, Jae Speir ;
Malden'e Blneb, Alex Stewart (Queen
street) Grace M Stewart; Porter, Jae
Burgess ; Peewaukee, Thos Davideon,
Mre D Stewart ; Obenango. Strawberry,
Jae. Evans; "Winter apples,, Jae Evane,
Jae Speir ; Fall apples, Jae Speir, (not
known) ; Fall pears, Grace M Stewart,
Jae Speir ; Winter pears, Mre D 0 Ross,
Jae Speir ; piums, W H MoCraoken,
Mre J ItSmith ; grim. s, Jae Speir, Banal
Haggard ; peaches, Annie B Rose, W H
McCracken ; crabs, Geo ;Johnston, Thou
Davidson app ea not in above list, Jae
Speir, Thos Davidson ; 8 varieti.e of<
plums, 5 of atoll, Mre J R Smith, W H
Judges—A. Stewart, P. Robertson.
Early potatoes, Ed Garvin, Campbell
& Song Hendereon & Son, P Erb ; late
potatoes, Henderson & Son, Jas Evans,
Campbell & Son, P Erb ; collection of
potatoes, P Erb, W11 ateCraoken ; Swede
turnips, Jae Speir, W Armstrong ; tur
nips any other variety, Henderson & Son,
Jae Sharp ; white 13eId oerrote, Annie B
Roes, Geo Johnston; Altrinehsm oarrota,
Jae Burgess, W H MoCraoken ; scarlet
Nantes, R McDonald, Eli Oer.in; early
born oarrote, Jae Speir, Geo Johnston ;
long blood baste, W 11 MoOracken, Geo
Jobneton ;- blood turnip beets, Robt Ma
Donald, Jae Burgess ; white sugar beets,
W 13 'MoCraoken, Henderson & Sun;
parsnipe,.W 12 Molraeken, Jae Burgess ;.
manger wurzele, long red, W H MoCraok-
en, R McDonald ; yellow globe mangele,
W 13 MoCraoken, Henderson & Bone;
red globe mangele, W 13 MaUraoken,
Henderson & Son ; tong yellow mangele,
W H McCracken, Jae Speir ; Winter
radiebee, W H Mc0raoken ; factory sugar
beets, R McDonald, Jae Burgess.
Judge—A. W. Sloan, Blyth.
Red onions, Mre W Hale, Henderson &
Sone ; yellow onione, Henderson & Sone,
Mre W Hole ; giant Room onione, W H
MoCraoken ; onion,, top Bete, Henderson
& Sone, Mrs W Hele ; onions, Dutch Bete,
Henderson & Sone, Mre Sellers ; top
onion sets, Jae MoCallum, W H Mo.
Craoken ; Dutch 8812, Peter Erb, W H
MoCraoken ; potatoe onions, Peter Erb,
A Ooueley ; yellow Canada oorn, Jae
Bnrgeee, Peter Erb ; white flint corp,
Hendareoo & Bon, W H MoCraoken;
yellow Dent earn, W 13 MoCraoken, Hen.
dereou & Sone ; oolleotion of corn, W H
MoOraoken, Henderson & Bone ; Winter
oabbage, Hendereon & Bons, W H Mo.
Craoken ; curled savoy, W 1[ Moot woken,
Hendereon & Sone-; red pickling oabbage,
W H McCracken, Hendereon & Bone;
cauliflower, Henderson & Bons, W H Mo-
Oraokea ; yellow field pumpkin, Jae
Speir, W 13 McCracken ; mammoth
pumpkin, W H McCracken ; squash, W
H MoCraoken ; oolleotion of garden pro.
dace, W R MoCraoken ; large tomatoes,
Mies Kelly, W H MoCraoken ; plum or
oberry tomatoes, W H McCracken ; but-
ter beans, W H Mo0raakeu, Jae MoCal.
num ; white beano, W H MoCraoken, Jae
Evans ; any other variety of beans, Jae
McCallum, W H MoUrarken ; citrons,
round striped, W H McCracken,, Jae
Speir ; citrons, long Californian, Hendee•
eon & Bone ; watermelons, W 13 M0
Creation ; muskmelon/. , Henderson &
Fors ; cuaambere, the W McKenzie, W
H McUreoken ; celery, white, itlrs E
Diokoon, W H MoOn,.cikeu ; celery, pink,
W ft McCracken ; were, Jae Evane,
Semi H ggard.
Judge—W M Robinson, Wroxeter.
25 pounds Tab Butter, W Armetrong,
W Wilkinson, Jae. Evane ; 5 pounce,
Table Butter, W Armetroug, 3 MoKinno",
8 Hoggard, W Wilkinson, R Clone ; 50
poaodo Factory Cheese, 3 K Brown, W ,l
Goodwio ; 10 pounds home made eheeee,
Thoe Davidson, Mre E Stetvart; F H
Gray's epooial, Standard Bk., W Arm
strong ; W,H Kerr's epeaiai, W Wilkin-
Judtee—W tf and Mre Robiueon,
Wroxeter ; Mre Tamlyn Wingham
Pair blonitele, lira E Stewart, Mre it'
Bela; Counterpane, R Close, 3 Wynn ;
Skein Yam, W H Mo(lraokeu, Jae Me
Cnllnm ; Specimen et darning, Mrs W
McKenzie, Mrs W Hele ; 10 pound' maple
augur, Jae McCallum, Jae Evade ; Quart
maple molasses, W H dio0racken Mrs D
(1 Rosa : Honey comb, G A Deadman,
Henderson & Song Roney etrained, Hen.
demon & Sons, W Armetrong ; 1 bottle
grape wine, Mee Hele, W Wilkinson
Rhubarb wine, -Manderson & Sone, Mre
Halo ; . Strawberry wine, Mre D 0 Roes,
W 'H MaUraoken ; Tomato wine, W H
McCracken, Mre Rale ; Elderberry wino,
Mre W Wilbee, Mrs Hele; Tomato catsup,
Mrs J 11 Smitb, Mrs D C Roes ; 1 quart
apple jelly Min ltltOlellend,J Moliinaon ;
1 quart rhubarb jelly, Jas Bean, Mee
Mo(1lelland ; 1 quart raspberry jelly, Miss
MOUlelland 1 1 quart je.ly from any other
frail, Jae Ewing, Mrd. Sellers ; Baker Is
brand white, Jas llallantyte; Boma mad
it 14'tl ti
bread white, J I11oHinnen, Gee Kerr, W
Armetrong ; Baker's bread brows, Joe
Ballantyne ; dome made bread brews, W
AHoggard Mre Eclat) 0 Bose; Jolly cake, hire
D 0 Roes, 0 noueli ; ()alumni oakee, J
f4olitnnon, W Armetrong ; Short bread,
W Armstrong, 8 }leggier(; Opllentiourof
Queued fruit, l3 Hoggard, W B 01o0raglt.
en; Alt. Basket's epeniat, W Armetrong;
W H Kerr'" epeaiai, Goo R'rr.
Judge—G, Jobneton, Blaevale,
Set doable farm barman, 3 Donaidoon
eiagle buggy burliest!, J Donaldeon ; axe
handle, 3 Wynn, Jae Speir ; collection of
tinware, Wilton & Turnbull.
Judges.-.Mre, Robinoon, of Wroxeter ;
and Mre. Tamlyn, of Wingham,
Applique work, Mrs E Stewart, A B
Roes; fancy tea cosy, lilies :Carder, Mre
Hole ; five (Moak tea oloth worked, in•
Bilk, Miee Fisher, Mre Hole ; tray sloth,
Nese Fisher, A 13Ross 1 battenbnrg worst,
Mre Bole, 0 Rozell; fancy toilet set, Mies
vainer, A B Rn•s ; fancy pin cushion,
Miee Fisher, A B .Roes ; , fanoy bedroom
slippers, Mies blither, Mre Hale ; whisk
holder, Miee Carder, A B Roes ; fanoy
foot stool, A B Rose, " Mrs E Stewart;
mantle drape, A B Raeo, Mre Hele ; pia
lure scarf, AB R•+pe, Miss Fieher ;'fanoy
photo frame, \ire E Stewart ; table centre
piens, Mre W Hele, W H MoCraoken ;
eat of doileye, Mise Ember, Mre E Stew-
art ; set of oroohet tab's mats, Mre E
Stewart, Miee Fieher ; mat, hoaktd, Mre
Rale, Mrs Sellers ; mat, pe wed, W H
lloOraoken ; batten wreath, w II Mo-
Craoken crochet work, eut•nu, Mies
Metier, Mrs 13 Stewart ; ornenet work,
wool, A' B Rage," W H McCracken ; crochet
in silk,airoH11e, A B Ro-e ; drawn work,
Mre Hele, Mrs MoKeozie; embroidery
alt cotton or muslin, Mrs E Stewart, A B
Rose ; embroidery on worsted, Mies
Reber, A B Rom; embroidery on :silk,
Mre Hale, A 13 Rose; fine shirt, Mre Mtn
Kenzie, Mrs Hele ; fanoy knitting in tacit-
urn, Mre E Stewart, Mre McKenzie ;
fancy knitting in wool, Dire E Stewart,
Mrs Hele; feather stitching, A 13 Rom,
Miss Fisher t hairpin work, Mre E Stew•
art, Mies McClelland ; point incI, Mre
Hale, Miee Carder ; honiton • Intoe, Mra
Hale, 3. B Rase ; glove, ha"dkeruhief and
miler and cuff oases, fire Hale, Miee Car-
der •, embroidery on bolting cloth, Miee
Fisher, W H MoOranken ; woollen mitts,
Mre McKenzie, Mre Hole ; woollen gloves,
W H MoOrooken, Mies Fisher ; netting,
Mee Hele, W 13 MoCraoken ; crochet
quilt, Mrs Warwick, Mise Flatter t patch-
work quilt, Mre Hele, Mies McClelland ;
Ing cabin quilt, W 1[ MoCraoken,Miee
MoGivIlaud ; fanoy quilt, Mre Hrio, Robt.
0,ose ; knitten quilt, Mre Stewart, 0
Rozell ; rag mat, Mies Oarder, Mre Hele
m, tint melliok work, Mre Hale, Dins Oar -
der ;
ar:der; rope silk. Miee Fidler, Mre Hele;'
Boman embroidery, Mre Hele, A B Rose ;
fanoy lamp screen, A 13 Roes, Mies Car-
der, sofa pillow, braided, A B Roes, Mrs
D 0 Roes ;.sofa pillow, petob work, Thee
Davidson, P Robertson ; pair stockings,
woollen, Mre E Stewart, Mre McKenzie;
pair etocltinge, cotton, Mre E Stewart,
Mre McKenzie ; pair socks, woollen, Mre
McKenzie, Mre Hele ; pair socks, cotton,
Mrs E Stewart, lire McKenzie ; tatting,
Mrs Hele, Mise Fisher ; tinsel work, A B
Rose, Mre D 0 Ross ; outline work, Mre
Hale, A 'B Roes ; oolleotion of ladies'
work, A B Roes, Miss MoOlelland.
Judge—Mre, (Dr) Graham, Clinton.
Collection of stuffed birds, John Wynn ;
Pen and ink- sketches, Mrs Hale, Miee
Carder ; Pencil drawing, Mies Carder,
Mre Hele ; Water color landscape or
marine, Miee Carder Mre Hele ; Water
dolor fi,uen, Mies Carder, Mrs. Bele ; Oil
painting landeoapeor marine, (not known)
tlise Carder.; Oil portrait, Mre Hele, Miss
Carder; black °rayon drawing, Mre Hole";
Colored cra)o11 drawing, ..Miee
Carder, Mre Bele; Painting 011 Bolt.
ing"cloth, Mre Hele,Mire Carder ; Paint-
ing on pottery or ohina, Mre Hate: Mise
Carder ; Printing on bilk :orvelvet, Mre
Hele, Miss Carder ; Painting on placquee
or trays, Mre D 0 Roost A B Rose
Painting on glace in oil, Mre Hele Mise
Carder'; Ornamental penmanship, Mies
Carder ; Bay's penmanship, Mre J R
Smith ; Girl's penmanship, Mie 3 R
Judge -3. /3. Cameron.
Table b'ogoet, Mre E Sellers, 9 Hog-
gard ; Hand bogiret, Mies Kelly, Grace M
Stewart ; Button hole or dress btquet, G
M Stewart, Mies Kelly ; Oolleotion of out
flowers, Mre 3 R Smith, G M Stewart
Collection of dahlias Mre 13 Betters, W
H Mo0ieeken ; Pansies, Mre W Wilbee,
6 Hoggard ; Phlox drummondi, Miee
Kelly, S Hoggard ; Asters, Miee Kelly,
Jas Evans ; Stooks, Mrs Sellere, Jas
Evans ; Petunias, Miee Selly Jae Evans;
Afrioan marigolde, Mre Sellers, G M
Stewart ; French marigolde, Jae Evans,
Mre Sellers; Diaothne, Jae Evane, Mre
W'thee ; B•leam0, Mrs Sellers, Mrs Wil -
bee; Zinnia., Jas Evane, Mre Sellers;
G Manua vp,kne, Jas Evan• fusee Kelly
Verbeuae, ilre sellers, Mie, Kelly ;
1 hoy-at.rhemumr. Mrs J R Smith, Jas
Frons ; Perene,o 211, x, "Sirs J 13 Smi•11,
O Al Stena't ; pantile Roil th ok ,
f1 •gx,rrl, G A Dead mvb ; C, okolornbe, G
11 Sten art; l+oleotinu of erns-m"nntl
era prsusiive 0 11 Stewart, S licsgo:d ;
Coll, (II t00 0, ornamental f reit, S 11 regard,
Mre J It Smith; Verlotipp .1 °Meteor
flowers, 11re J R Smith, S Hoeg+,rd ;Cul:,
lection of noxious weed+, x(001 know, ,)'
S Roggen!.
;}EAI ES r!'TE.
TATE. -$1000 00 will buy the Moven.
gbey ninon in 81 a Villoge et lira eagle ih•a0
tea 0,1 610-00 1.01158 110 HOW i 10 a 10.0 0111 1.. t•
aloCuugbet F lata. h,tu,dn g pal rhos,
should i,.v 8liio to be once A pllly to r. N.
SCOT]' of 0.1•'.131 3ie, Grimm, On 1
Lot 2/6 Coo. 10, Grey, .containing 1038
notes 155 cares cleared, bounce bush There
fe a frame house, ie,t2o feet, with -kitchen
10x18 foot; barn 97x08 feet; stable NW'
feet ; erobard, well, &s. Farm is well feuded and only 11 milee from school, store, poet•
ofltoe and ahutoh, Poeeeeeion-to patin
crops next Fan. Por further particolore 06
to pride terms, Rea apply to GEORGESPA1tL113G, Proprietor, Oraubrook P. O.
1' eAr1, being Lot 21, Oon.17, Gray, 00u-
taining'too aoree more or lues. Photo ere 0
acme oloarod,10 or 10 melt - partially °leer
od and balance timbered with nth and elm,
prtooipaily. Prams stable 1080 foot on
promises, also a well. Poor health in 1hn
reason for soiling, For prloo, tonne, &o.,
apply to 0ir0.811110L11,Jr.,Oranbrook
or 11, 0, 20033, Bremen. 10.11
000, 2, Ttltl"
A /l ESTO / /M
POST oppia AND GENEliill,
in regard to quality ofgoods and rices,
E invite public r attention to the following remarks r g q y -p.
We do not mean to .say that wo import direct frons the Old Country, hut this; We do say, we
buy our goods from some of the LEADING HOUSES' WHO DO IMPORT FROM Trull
OLD SOD and in that way we can buy just the same line of,goods and sell Cheaper than
those whoretend to import. The following will show why this is true —Our expenses are very low,
we have no rent to pay,no hired help to en age and our taxes very low compared with large towns,
We can run our.wagon on theroad and ggive. )articular attention within ourselves, gn1
New Stock of Fall and Winter, Goods
Wrapperette Goods of latest designs.
DressFlannelsand Suitings in the latest
shades. .
Very pretty Waistinge and Dress Goods.
Table Linens from 25c to 750 ger yard. ,
Ribbons aud Dress Trimmings always on
We keep all other lines such as I{witted
Goode, Laee Curtains,'Hosiery for Ladies and
Gents, Blankets and Comforters, Ready-made
Shirts and Shlrtinge in Flannelette and Cotton
Goods, Towels and Towellinge, Bed Tioking
and Sheeting—all the best grades and low
Shoe - Department
In this department we have a complete line
of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes for Fall and Win-
ter trade, also supplies for Boys and Girls, any
age. In thisline we aim to make it our special
hobby to try and give entire satisfaction both in
quality and prices.
We sell Faints, Oils, Raw and Boiled Lin-
seed Oil, Turpentine, Machine Oil, American
and Canadian Coal Oil, Nails, Forks, Handles'
for: Forks and Axes.
Our 25c Teas Cannot be beat, also 40c Black is of a very fine Flavor
"Purchasers of our goods do not need a second urging to buy, a single test convinces them that our
Staple Goods and Groceries are of superior quality.
JAMESTOWN POST OFFIOE has"two mails'a day goingout and coming in. and we issue Postal
Notes and Mone Orders. Our dailynews arrivs atp. m. each dayyou see Jamestown is
all right to do business in in any lin
We invite the Public to come and see for themselves. . . Our Wagon is on the road 5 days in the
week. . . Lookout for Fall Underwear and such like.
1NNESThe Post Office Store,
land, eligibly located on Tnrnh erry
street, Brussels, for sale. Will be sold en.
blow or house and lots separately, to suit
purchaser, Good dairy business in ammo.
tion. Poeeeeeion could be given any time,
For price, terms, &c., apply to NE10, Mo-
LAUGHLIN, Brussels. .
Lot 11, Con. 0, Grey, .containing: 990,
eves. 80 sores cleared Good frame bonne,
cedar log barn, orchard, &o. Farm is well
Watered, spring creekon rear end •oonven-
tontto school and church.;' 61 miles from
the thriving village of Bruesele. Possession
would be given neat Marsh with privilege
of Fall plowing, &o. For Ifurtber portion-
tare as to price, terms, &0., apply on the
premises to 1110H. R0E, Proprietor, or
Bruesele P. 0. -52-3m
L BALE, being South half of Lot 25, Con.
11, Grey all cleared and in good state of
Cultivation, also well fanged. 128 acres seed-
ed to gram and Pall wheat Sowed. Large
orchard ; barn 38050 feet arab atone stabling
underneath ; large frame house with kit-
chen attuehed ; cellar under whole Louse.
Near to school ; 21 miles to poetofloe and
cburohes.: Square lot also corner lot. Wet -
Med by a never -falling well. Good neigh-
borhood. For further particulars apply to
3100.13.1031113,-. on the premises, or Ethel
Ps U. 10.4
When you consider about the painting of your Image
the moat important thing to think of ie, what le the beet
quality of paint obtainable ?- The best paint to stand
the weather and look fresh for the longest time? There
be only one sower to 'hie, tamely, tout a paint made
TRADE MARK wtb Brendram's R.B. Genuine Lead, Pare Lineeed Oi',
dud jaet enough Di yet, must be the bear, as this B, B.
Lead has for -so many yearn been proved superior to all others. . Snail a paint is
Anchor Liquid Hones Paint, and it is the only liquid paint merle in Canada with
Brondram'e B. 13. Genuine White Lead,
It' is a mistake for you to use anything bat the very beet paint in painting your
home." The coat of putting on the paint is venally about the same as the cost' of the
paint itself. 3. tibeap paint 10keo more time 10 make a..reaeonably good job with
thou 11 anrd paint, and does not last as long, nor look eo well. In fact the cheap paint
ie the moat expeneive paint in the end. Make no mistake. Use Anchor Liquid
House Paint. It is a. Pure White Lead, Zino and Lineeed Oil Paint, and is ae good
as can be made with our oboioe of the very best materials: Use it and get the most
eatiefaotory results obtainable with paint, Bold by— -
. jyrrEA,Rsr 111 CO.. Brussels.
WE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, rand are in a position to sup -
ply the Nanta of the public with a First-class article. We will sell either wholesale: or
Eatail. .
Special attention' given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized,wheels dr
half truck with 2,1 or 8 inch tires.
Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to.
attention} will scion he turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming W titer,
a o .
John Cober 86 Sops. Carr�tame �' of ��