HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-2, Page 5.I,•1•
OOT. -, ►`602
414 D i Tli
1N8.$L 1111
pent, 1+'.S. 0f102T, Brew:0N,
1 T e Issuer of Marriage LioMises, Of.
ace at Grocery, Purr: berry street, !truea01a
ll3Suer of 1Viarriage Licenses,
—PIACOH1711 OT --
i�T'ti'L7'aS]7SaB;. QNrI'.
it L E 011 I L
()Moe over Hutsley'e Drug Stora,
Vol), etb,1902. 00.914 001182010.
Wellington Mutual
Piro Inaerntteo Co„
80TAnnrenan 2640
Insurance taken on the oa811 and premium
note system ateurrout rates, Brt0re Mem,
lug elsewhere oall on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
L. O. Ad"
Academic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Lineae, also Member of the Associated
g411111103000 siofnus of Ontaro is prepared rad to receiveve
at office
a it for in ra
ot e
a 1! filed number
th Pr piano. s P01110 1 to Cons vetpupo y or
the Principal's Porto i. the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
• nun,. will sell for betted prices, to
better mon in lees time and lees nbarges
than any other Auctioneer 111 Bast Huron or
be won'toharge anything. Date's and orders
can always be arranged et this oma• or by
personal application.
!! • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College,is prepared to treat all die.
ease0 of domesticated animals in a comnot-
ent manner. Partiqular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistryy. Calla prumptly at-
tended to. Ofnoe am,1Pnfrmary—Four rleore
North of bridge, Telnberry at., Brussels. •
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Public,S . 11toe_Bt
t's Block
1 door Net tb of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for tine Standard Bank.
Soiledtor, ext. . OBfae',over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brneeels.
Molloy to Loan at lowest rates.
NES/DANCE Ann 02910108—
81114. ST , EAST, 91111188171.8.
IB D., re. M.,
TrinityUniversity, Fellow
w Tri
Carle a,M0Y College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Out. Licentiate Ea or the Royal Cal -
6 Physiciansaiulnae and 71
ate of M
wllery,Ednb0r h.
�1ale!bo a
iPP1P n0-111 1 shoat, Brit seen.
Graduate of the Royal renege of Dental
Burgeons of Oniarlo and PintMaasHonor
Graduate of Toronto University. Oalee
next to Brewer's. Photograph Gallery,
.Thorn' -bred Short Roth, registered
Pedigree.. Terme 700,1 with privilege of re-
turntugifnecessary. GEO. 8086,
88. Brussels South.
Pall Term in the
Bf-gins Sept. 1, 1902
anal tis
'1"),rReIIn1a11',tnllaat l+a1,. 009"
n0t enCmlmrpiAapm
0..A. i i AhlIN(C, =1"'i WeiN•rYI(I7,
i'r+aalm, 1, ',armory,
ierilit,h 4'4411f1000
Pill 1 IIIlt:l `hitt ; lol•
Adrl -••
North Short
Pinto and Cedar
Brussels Placing Mills
Akio Doors and Bash of all Pat
terns on hand or made 90 order
at Short Notion.
Betimatos Furuiehed for all
(}jndt of ri tidingo, Workman-
sl}}p qqd N[oterial Guaranteed,
anter Now if Possible
!. 0009 B'41-gt 56.04p191 franchank quinul;
the best U 93191 0e 00000va oP this continent.
tfany leading oommeprelal schools employ
our (1rpd0at0e ae teachers, We do our pest
to pipet/ 3111 our eradna4ee In good pooltione
and we have been more ancco0etul Oda year
than lu any nr0yloue year, 'rho0e 4001r9la
`9s beet it/ Lue9310Bs edupatiou 0boald at.
061/11. our 894001. Write for catalogue,
W. d, ELLIOTT, Princlpnl.
1 . tria ` i fps,
Lie tele mut 'vw
Band ;Concert on night of the Fair.
Acre (Rev.) F. J. oaten and 0991dren re
turned from Manitoba en Tuesday of
last week.
Mre. 1), McLutyre bee returned home
after spending three inuntbe" with friends
in Calumet, tlliohigen.
The potato prep in thio vicinity and
ninny toilet seoti0ne of the prpvinoe will
full 0oneiderodey below the average.
The emend Sunday cahoot convention
of L2i.etliodiet circuit was
head in Hope eh01O11, Tuesday, September
W. J, Miller carried off one first and
two epeeist praxes for hie rigs at Exeter
T. Berry purchased the team of general
purpose horses that took lint prize at
Exeter fair for $425.
The removal of the shed at the rear of.
the Petty block and the substitution of a
fence " is an improvement to the 0ppeer
apse of thert/ 001
P P Y•
Mre. Jim. Pope bite purchased the
residence of AroBroderick
on South
Riobmond Bt and will move into it short.
ly. It is Mre.. Broderick's intention to
reside wish her daughter in Michigan,
Twenty two of the business mon of
Hemel) have edgewise agreement to close
their pledne of business every night with•
in the week exoepti0g Tuesday and Sat
urday at 7.30 sharp, from October' let to
April 1 9.
Wm• Greeu ie having hie bowie veneer
ed with brink.
Howiok Township Fell Fair will be held
in-Fordwieh on Saturday of last week,
W. B. Gregg le now on the road to re
oovory from his rodent att0ok of: typhoid
Mrs.L D. Tyler and two daughters,
of 7.dianspolie, Ind., are the guests of
Mre, H. Perkins and family.
The Maitland 1xceleior Go, have dia.
poeed of their machinery for making ex.
eleior. It was shipped to a arm in Louie.
Robb, E liot has beeo secured .by Hay
Bron., of Lietowel, to buy grain for them
at the Gerrie etorehouees this Fall and
R. J. Deaahman, eon of Bobt. Deaoh•
man, of Orange Hill, succeeded in carry.
ing off 3rd prize in the judging- at the
Toronto Exhibition. Ae this ie hie first
year at p. A. 0., Guelph, we congratulate
our young friend on hie eneee30.
W, F. Dotmage, of the Albion Hotet,
left on Monday afternoon for Walkerton
where he was united 9u the holy bonds of
matrimony to Mies Arny May, a popular
young lady of that tow. on Tuesday.
The happy twain will spend a couple of
weeks ou a honeymoon trip atter which
they will return to Gorrie. We wish
them every euooese.
1[,loctet try eel
At the last meeting of "Lietowel lowu
()outwit the By law previously paeeed,
fixiug the rate at 24 mUee was remitted
n the rate fixedat 23 milia.
and E t
night prowler visited G. B. B l a 'e
A t 0 G el td
g P
boot and shoe 09000, Liotowel, and tapped
the till, carrying off the contents, wbioh
oonoieted of a cheque for $10, payment of
whiph bee 91ooe icon stopped.
Newton Large, Listowelle ginger, left
last week to renew hie engagements in
evangelistic work. Cu Tuesday evening
onset week, he was presented with a
well•filled puree 9n aokoowledement of
hie eervioee 9n aeeieting the choir of the
Methodist church during the past Sum.
Bev, George Deoheel and family re.
cantly moved into the oew pareon0ge
wbioh hag been built this Sommer by the
Lutheran °hutch people on their property
m .ietowel, adjoiniug the oburah. The
building 10 a ttvo'etorey.9riok cottage and
most in the neighborhood of $1,700. On
Monday eveu)ng the Wallace oougregation
presented their pastor and his wife with
a handsome parlor suite and the Lietowel
Sunday &cheat presented an eleotIio door
H1)I1oI614—A brilliant social event
took piece at Argy'e Place, Lietowel, the
home of Col. nod Kra. D. D Oompboll,
at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of last
vetek, wenn their eldest deughte , 21102
Minnie Qarep9e 1, w.e united in mettiage
to If. 0. Williams, ofthe Public. 9uetitu
990138 Department, Toronto, Bev. D',
Olurrav, of Kincardine, porfm mrd the
ceremony it/. the 31reeeune of about on.
hnndrerl guest(, manyof whom were [Coen
oat id„ pinta. Alien Sona played the
a', d h, g,lmai oh as the bridal pal by enter
ed tate dr0wiug room, The bride was
u tired in a gown of tvhiw dneheese satin,
with Itoniton iaoe trimming, and wore u
pretty ebaped veil, caught up with orange
bloeeom0, and parried white tome. Klee
Nellie Oumpbell, Dieter of the bride, wad
maid of honor and gowned In white viol(,
trimmed with Igoe. The br.deetneide
were Mies Della Davies, of Toronto, in
pale bine vlole gown with bonilon lace,
and Milo M. 0nth'r)and, who were a pale
green crepe de chane, with lace, Each
brldeemald carried a baguet of red roeeo
and wore a silver °bale and vinaigrette,
a gift from the groom, Little Mies 1rie
Dastedo, niece of the bride, wee flower
girl, and looked very pretty in white sills
and carrying' bouquets of wbite rotes, and
wearing a silver bracelet, the groom's gift.
A gold locket and chain was the groom'e
gift to the bride. Mr, Aikens, of Toronto,
/Waisted the groom and Doffrrin Camp.
bell, of Hamilton, and P. W. Stanhope,
of Toronto, anted 300 ushers. At the con.
0)021091 of the osremo0y Mre. Bastedo,
elder of the bride, gang the wedding tong
from Imhengrin. The deootatione were
elaborate and in pedant harmony, the
rump 9n whioh the dejedper watt served
being in red, The bride'a going away
'nit Wee a.Okay blue oobelibe cloth With
trimmingoand hat to Metall. Mr, and
Alrm. Milano: took tale evening train for
a wedding trip. 'Ploy will reside 111 Tec.
, °M0, Among • Ila towels froth kat Of
town wore A. b', nun 11'fra, iliaoLttreo,
Rev. W, P, Olenxa D9A9,*-1179, Wil-
liam Fletcher 0100910, the wellknown
re fired Congregational n0ioleter of
(t*uelph,.died '1'hureday morning, Ile
was Moo it well.knowu writer on egriou9.
lure and beekeeping, Kr• Clarke WaI
born in filneland in 1834 end game to
Oanade in 1827. 91e eltended the Goo,
gregetionel College et Montreal; woe or.
dinned 9t twenty and Indueled into the
pastoral charge or 13nrford, In the name
year, 1844, 4e m.rried the daughter of
Rev, Mr, Lyle, it Methodist minieter, and
elle eu 999(s him. tie spent Dome time Re
mieeiouary in Vanoquver 1eland and then
returned to'Soronto, H0 afterwards had
pltetarate0 et Guelph awl L1010w311,, bet
retired from the minielry in 1888 and
settled at Guelph. He wa0 beet known
for hie Literary work, He was editor of
the Independent, ant the 0on
paper, for some time
and also of various
egrioultoral pewit,. and contributed for
many years to the egrioultural depart'
merit of the Montreal Witness, under the
Come de plume of "Lindenbank." The
family surviving are three eons John,
at Neepawa, Man,; James, Toronto ; and
Fred„ Listowel—and four daughters, viz,
Mre. Ohurloe Grundy, Winnipeg ; Mre.
Freese, Toronto ; Mrs.Olimie, Winnipeg,
who loot her huebend only 0' few weeks
ego, and Mrs. Bower, Grand Forks, B, C.
John Philips white fishing for rain.
mows the other day, ,(taught a gbnuine
The 0ummeroial look is almost ffaiehed
and the jab, a fairly good one, will be of
math hapetlt to the town,
Wm. Prqudfoot, of Goderiob, present
ed hie IC 0. patent to Chancellor Boyd
at Oo oode all b d
H T are a an 000 11
dw coed
g Y,
within the inner bar. Mr, Praddloot will
practice in Toronto in lutute.
Collector of Customs Farrow returned
to town on Thursday 11th inst., after
an enjoyable trip to the Prairie Province.
Mr. Farrow, who is no stranger to Ivleni.
tuba, speaks highly of the country, its
wonderful crops and its potteibilitiee, and
says that the many friends he m•t there
were well and all well pleased with their
Western hollies.
The Collegiate Iaetitnlp;etfjdeete have
organized a football pleb, with the fol.
lowing efffoera f Hoo.. peer/Went. H. h
Strang, B. A. ; president, Philip Holt, K.
0. ; vice president, Mayor M. G. Cameron
X. 0., 9I. P. P., ; emend viae president,'
Geo. L Allan ; secretary -treasurer, Frank
Edward ; managing committee, 0. Lane,
L. Knox, R. Miller ; manager, B. D.
There were a large number of appli
Oatione for the position of mathematical
diaster, made vaaent by the death of 4.
J. Moore, B. A. The ego0eeefgl appli000t
WW1 R. N. Merritt, B. A., who is now
teaching in the Markham high school,
and who is expected to take up hie work
at ouae. The selery10 $850. The reaig-
nation of B. D. Grant from his position
on the etaff was aooepted,,and it was
decided to advertise for it new science
maate at r. a salary 5 .
a y of $8 0
Another regrettable turn in the history
of the Hotel Goderiob, has 000urred in
the aeeignmeat of the eetate by the pro.
prietar, W. H. Smith, and his depertere
for the United States. Sheriff Reynolds,
who be now in (barge, eaye the Hamann,
filed en far aggregate about $6,000, one
fur $3,500 - being alleged to be doe the
ae0ignot'e father, James Smith. A meet-
ing ofthe oreditors was he'd In the
sheriff's offioe on Friday. In view of the
substantial aid given by the town, in the
loan of 00 to this project, and the
$ ,Q P 1
large business done by the hotel, during
the season, averaging from $800 to $1,000
a weak, it 9e acid, this assignment tae net
a oreditablo look.
LHv ria.
b th the dates October 7 and 8 aro d of
Blyth Fall Fair.
Frank Metcalf was
a judge on fruituit at
the Exeter Fall Fair.
T. 0. MoM roy has gone to Luokoow,
where he has taken a 1)0010900 In 17m.
Geddeel cooper shop.
Pearl Obellew is at preoent mal;
ing a .lengthy visit with friouda at Bt.
Cathari0ee and Thorold.
Robert Watson, the 12•yeer•old eon of
Wm. Watson, of Hallett, tell off a load of
peas and broke one of hie arms.
A. R and Mre. Allen, former residents
of Blyth, are at present vieitingifrieode in
differeut parte of Huron county. Mr.
Alien' bee been in beeinese in Ingersoll
for tbe pest three years, but on a000nnt
of Mre. Alien's health he. has Bold out and
they will take a trip to Alberta, which it
is to be hoped will prove beneficial
Mise Olara Moffatt met with a bad
aooldent. While eweepiog at the bead of
the stake in her tether's home, she Hai.
dentally slipped end tell headfirst down
the Madre. She reoeivod a severe shaking
np and was badly bruive'i and bort about
the Igoe and head.
Mine Mary Ogee, a farmer 10e93)0pt of
Blyth w091 Mor9ed et the reeidet'op of
her mother, dire, Etizybe,h Vasil, in
(4oderioh on .Sept, 11th, to Joseph Mut-
rey,Of Ohiesgo, The ceremony wee per.
fermad by Bev, Dr, "fire, After the wed.
ding breakfeet the happy 00upie left en
the 0t0amer King ,Edwet4 for a trlp to
Detroit, (#gaud Rtpide and 09#aago,
Mr, and Mre. Murray will make their
home in Obitego, where the bride's many
friends wish her long lite and happiness.
'l'he Sutherland Tonle 00. closed down
their wor1e owing to a so0rgity in timber.
It will be atoms weeka before they will
start operations 0940931,
Wee Lille Rolling, who bite been visit.
ing Iriende here for the past two weeke,
left to vitit Mende M London and Byron
before returning to her home in Detroit
Revde, Leland and Simpson, who have
been conducting Seventh Pay Advent
eervioee 90 the large tent on the grounds,
opposite the grist
mill have tar!
t h e down
Pel g p
their teat.
Wm, Levitt, who has been in charge
of his famous park at Grand Baud, re
turned to big home here Monday of
last week, Considering the very unfavor-
able season, there being so much wet and
disagreeable weather, Mr. Levitt reports
very good euogeee.
Mre, john Snell bee disposed- of her
bandeome dwelling on Albert street to
Thos. Ogden, who will movelto town from
Biddalph shortly. The prize paid was
$1750. Mre. Snell afterwards 'purchased
John D. Atkineon'e dwelling on Huron
etreet, known as the old Acheson property
paying therefor $1100.
Joe, Cobblediok received the Bad intelli.
genre loot week of the death of Mervyn
George Ricks, (eon of the late Andrew
Hioks,) who died in Riverside, California,
on Thursday, Sept.18th in the 18th year
of his age, This very excellent young
an b
who has been at/ r r 1
m n e mala a re-
moved from this transitory e:iaten°e,
has been in deolining health for the past
year from pulmonary trouble, whioh
dread disease (tarried off hie father,
brother and sister some yearn eine.
Every precaution wag used to save this
young luau from the same malady and
with that end in view he wag removed to
California, but se before stated the die.
ease meniteated itself sheet 4 year ego
and gradgally declining he paned awayat
the time above abated, Relatives and many
8001001m:dee and aesoeiates here will
deeply deplore his demise. His remoine
were shipped from that pleas here for
burial. The funeral took plaoe Prow the
residence of hie uncle, Jos, Cobblediok,
Main street,
F. Howson, while playing on a trapeze,
fell and broke one of hie artpe just above
the wr9e9.
T. Bejl Flee parohaaed from H. Davis,
tour Iota in the city 41 Winnipeg, for
$1,000 clash,
Harry Beemar ie perdu a painful
ankle, the roeolt of a tall from a tree when
gathering butternuts.
Arthur Knight terminates hie reeidenoe
in Wiugham, He purposes taking a
mime in the Dental College, Pbiladel•
The Sunday Sohool and Epworth
League of Winghom Methodist Choral]
are milting their eiforte for the porgbase
ora piano for the pee of the School and
Huron oonnty W. 0. T. 17. oonvention
will be held to Wingham, Ootober 9913.
Mies Sproule, missionary to the lumber
and mining Oalnpe, and others will be
pree ent.
Mre. John Green, of Lower town, met
with a serious accident while visiting
friends at Oeledou. She fell, di,loo0ti0
a thigh bone !not breaking it «0 reported.
At last scout:et she wee getting along
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
oh h amu ante hit on account
aro 0 of be.
in' unable to a cera a Isoe to hold their
Bazaar, it has been postponed. T
will however hold a Thanksgiving SnPPer
and entertainment in the ohnr°h on the
evening of Thanksgiving day.
NABaow . EooAgE.—Three meat tied a
Rearoa�9y 800399)0 from being mingle fatally
melded at the Aleotria L'gbt Werke on
Monday afternoon of Net week. Mr.
Green, Walter Roue and Walter Bell were
on top of cue of the hellfire, making eon.
(leaden between two boilers. There were
105 pounds of steam on at thetime, and
when the cooueotione were nearly made,
the pipe broke off close to the boiler.
The remit was that the boiling water and
steam rushed out of the inch and a ,half
pipe at a terrific rate, until the boiler
wee nearly emptied. Mr. green was
badly scalded about hie arms and the
others almost atmnned. He rolled off the
boiler, a height of ten or twelve feet, and
wee followed by Walter Bell. When they
got out, they looked for Walter Rowe, and
found that he had fallen off the boiler,
but bad managed by creeping on hie hands
and knees to get out of the steam and into
the open air. Mr. Green says that if any
of th in had received the full torte of the
Downing Bros.
Footsore ani Weary ?
Don't need to seek for a rem,
edy—'don't a corn pure, either,
simply rightly made, fit -the -feet
kind of shoes, of which we have
an ample supply. Look in our
windows, look at our shoes, try
them, buy them and the shoes
will "make good:" The latest
styles, as well as comfort, govern
ob�A!a „„ our buying; Prices ditto.
Agents for the Slater Shoe.
Downing Bros.
Ali kinde of Dreoeed-Lumber kept p0
hand froth $10 up.
Iirit9eh CeleMbla, hams out Shingles
and Lobh kept op band,
ea A
e, good farm An 18th 0011, of Grey for
A quantity of green oedar po01e tor'
tale on Lot 7, Con, 4, Gray.
P1i0P11I10Tou, ETHEL.
Photo. Studio
We will please you, so don't
fail to get .your Photos.
Family Groupe and Life
Sized Photographs a spec-
ialty. y We study to give sat-
isfaction to our customers.
Visitors and Strangers always
welcome at our Studio to
see or work,
steam, they would have been wielded to
the bone. 11 was an experience they
never want to have again, and they re.
gard it as almost .aml,aole that they were
not scalded to death. The boiler was
blown almost empty, by the Porno of the
steam, As a result of the eooldeut, there
were were no inoaudeeaeut lighte on Mon
day night,
The Fruit Marks Act,
1—In this aot nolese the Hutt at other.
wi•0 requirea,—
(a) The expression "oioeed package"
means a box or barrel of whioh the eon.
tents cannot be seen er iaepeotod when
such package is ;Heed. (b) The express-
ion'frgit' shall not include wild fruit, or
orauberries whether wild or cultivated.
4—livery person who, by him•elf or
through the agency of another person,
pecks trait in a olosed package, intended
for sale, ellen cause the paokage to be
marked be a plain and indelible manner,
before it ie token from the premises
where it is packed,—(a) With the initials
of hie C611819611 9190(62, and hie fall ear.
name and addreee.; (b) with the mimes
of variety and vane io0
and i-
) with
designation of grade of fruit wb.uh shall
include one of the following six marks
for fruit of first quality, No. 1, or XXX ;
for fruit of the second qua ity, No. 2, or
XX: and fee frit
i o of the thin
4 Y,
No. 8 or X ;but the
b said work may be
ao m auied by ally other de:i r 1t
on of
grade previd.d that l,
ei uu t
mn le not i
consistent with, or worked more oou
spinuog81y theta the cote Ot the six marke
which ie used ori the said paokage.
3—No parson shall sell, or offer, ex.
pose or have in hie pee:ma900 for sale,
any (reit paoked in a oioeed package,
and intended for sale, unleea snob package
is marked as required by the next pre-
ceding motion.
14—No person shall sell, or offer, ex.
pose or have in his possession for Bale
any fruit packed in a Wowed pookage,
upon which paokage i0 marked any de•
e2gnation which represent) snob fruit
ae b o. Xfo& aextra
qualityor, unleea ouchnent beet fruitor ooneietegood of
well•grown specimens of one variety,
sound, of nearly uniform size, of good
Color for the variety, of normal shape and
not Wee than ninety per cent free from
nab, worm holes, bruieee and other
defeote, and properly peaked.
6—No person shall eel(, or offer, ex-
pose or hive in hie possession for rale,
tiny fruit packed in any package in which
the faced tar shown 0ur1ac0 gives a false
repreeeutation of the °entente of Boole
package 1 and it eball be considered a false
repreeeutation when more than fifteen
per oeut of suint fruit ie substantially
smaller in ante than, or inferior fu grade
to, or different in variety from, the booed
or allow° tilrfan0 of enoh paokag, .
0—Every earson who, by himself or
through the ageooy of another person
violates any of the previeioos of this act
eball, for each atones upon summary
0onviotion, be liable to a floe not exceed.
ing one duller and not lees than twent•ave
Dente for eaob package which is packed
sold, offered, or eepoeed or had in po0eee.
Bion for gale ooptraty to the pr0vieione of
thio act, together will the coat of proeeoa•
tion 1 and in default of payment of such
tine and coats, shall be liable to imprison.
meth with or w1•hout hard 1ebor for a
term not exceeding one month, unless
such flue and.the oo•to of .entoreing it
are not sooner paid.
9—Whenever any fruit in any package
is found to be peaked so that the faced or
shown surface gives a telae representa.
tion of the contents of the package, any
inspector charged with the enforcement
of this est may mark the words "falsely
p20130113' lo a plain indelible manner on
the package,
(2) Whenever 9ny fruit peeked in a aloe.
ed pookage ie found to be falsely marked,
the amid inspector may efface snob markt:
and mark: the words "falsely marked" in
a plain and indelible manor on the
(3) The inspector obeli give not90e by
latter or telegram, to the packer whose
name ie marked on the package, before
be markt: the words "falsely peaked" Olt
"falsely marked" on the paok9g6,
M 3RR 3f
,J� zmss Goons.-.. ,
Our Dress Goode trade this 00000091 baa been a record breaker,
We seemed to hove just the goods the ladies were looking for. Thin week
we re00ived oar second shipment from the Brinell markets, which pule
our atook ip splendid ehepe again. We find a demand for a better close of
Dress Goode and we ere prepar0d to 90009 4110 40770114,
—Zebilein Deese Goode, which are now in demand, 45 to 56 inches wide,
i0 all the new 001 CM. cwt 60o, 750, $1.36 and $175.
—Harris' Celebrated 13onmemin0, 9n bleak, brown and del* and light
grey, all wool, 48 to 56 inches wide, $1 and $1.25.
—Ladies' Costume Cloth, pirle Leith, in swim of black and navy, guar.
aoteed not to spot or shriek, 45 to 50 iecheo wide, at $1 and $126.
—Amazon Cloth, in biaok, navy, oardival sad brown; 42 inohee wide, all
wooli epeoial 50o.
-. Worsted Drone Goode, 9n bleak and navy, tine hard finish, a great
wester, 56 to 60 inabee wide, at 750, $1, $1.50 arid $2.
—New Ooet0me Cloth, in dark and light grey, brown and blue grey, 50
inches wide, at 60o,
—Serge Deese Goode, in black and navy, fine gloeay finish, 48 to 56
inches wide, et 40o, 75o and $1. I�
—Homeepune and Tweed Dreeo Goode, in deck colors, for Below) drawees,
at 20o, 250, 800 and 350.
We wish to draw the special attention of the
Ladies to our new stock of
WAIST 11MA'I1ERIAL Ft/ Full Trude.
In this department you will find the latest and most
up-to-date styles in the market, and for ideas and
suggestions for making -up it will be to your interest to visit
our Pattern Department. The Standard Paper Pattern for
October, just received, show slot -seamed effects in Costumes,
Jackets, Waists and Skirts. I Standard Patterns can be relied
upon in making up your Autumn and Winter Clothes. Be
sure to visit our Pattern Department and inspect our stock. '
Patterns are issued for every need in wearing apparel. When
nest you visit our store get a copy of the "Designer." It is
the favorite Women's Magazine—Edited by Women for
A. Strachan
The Hand tlx f
Wieltls 1
e Brost/
is never sog lii n
w 7 to perform
its labors as when the Paint nt used'
yields easily in application. The
work becomes labor r
o a labo of love if you
use our reliable Ready -mixed
Paints. We'll supply you with an
article that
Stands on its Merits Alone
LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never
fails to give satisfaction.
Complete stock of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, &c.
n &
Apples will be bought on' and after
September 26th at the. this...„
Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be