HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-10-2, Page 1Vol, 81. No, 12
New Advertisements.
Looa1-T. McGregor,
To rent -John Hansuld,
Girl wanted -G, F, Blair.
[Iowa for gale -S• Hoggard,
Farm for Bale -Trueman Smith,
Boar for service -August Fiaohar,
Fashionable' glasses -Mrs, Pletcher,
Zsirirt Attes.
igel ,•ra v -e.
Fall Pair Isere on Tneeday and Wed•
needay of (hie week. The weather was
none too propitious.
Rev. J. J. Hestia preached at Wroxeter
last Friday in oonneotion, with the Com•
reunion preparatory services/ of the Pres.
byterian thumb in that plane.
Don't forget tbe Harvest Thanksgiving
ureter' in Trinity church neat Sunday,
and the fowl supper and entertainment
on the following Monday evening.
Charles Grout, formerly of Kidgetown,
diad at St. Thomas on Wednesday of last
week aged 92.. He wee for thirty years
years township olerk of Howard. The
deoeaeed gentleman was the father of
Mre, (Rev.) W. J. Brandon known to a
good many in tbie locality.
W roxeter.
Mies Ada Hookas, of Wingham, is visit.
ing in the village.
Mre Laokie is the guest of her dsngh-
ter in London this week.
Mies Anderson, of Blyth, was the guest
of Mies M. Miller last week.
Crosby Laokie, of Toronto, is spending
a few holidays at hie home here.
Mien Latish& Morrison is spending a
week with ref/Alyea at Hepworth.
Mien L. Mitobell, of Toronto, ie the
guest of her aunt, Mrs, Wm. Wilson.
Mieeee Nellie Martin, Lulu Hemphill
and Agnes Blank °pent Friday in Mois-
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and Mre. Brawn
visited in Teeewater several days of last.
W. Trenoh, of Carrick, ebipped a oar
]cad of lambs and cattle from tbie etatioo
on Monday.
A. Hemphill, 0, Sanderson and H.
Truax, of Walkerton, spent Sunday with
friende in the village.
Frank Sanderson left for Cbiongo on
Saturday, having visited at hie home here
for about two months.
Rev. Mr. Haetie, of Belgrave, preaohed
the preparatory service io the Presbyter.
Ma Church, Friday afternoon.
Word wae received on Monday of the
serious Mune of F. V. Dickson in Tor-
onto. Mrs. Dickson left at once for the
Joe. Clark, from near Walton, has
bought out Aroh. Moffitt'° blacksmith
business. Mr. Moffitt has not yet decided
what he will go into, but iutende to re-
main in town for eome time.
" that ears-uisiie somas
thing•rculled style.•'
,introns of our optica{
deportment ro a.
(cured of fnahionablo
pectecleware, per-,
feet In tit. end nniah.'
Hen,. T. Fletcher
Scientific and
Graduate OPelnean
A load p9 young people,of.the E dean.
Pei Charoh spent Tuesdey evening at
the Reotery, Gerrie,
A choir liars been formed in commotion
with the Methodist Churob, and 000upied
their position for the first time 00 Sun.
day last.
OnwT,-We learned with einem regret,
news of the Math of Mrs. Allan Eraliak,
of Turnberry, whose death ooparred in
the hospital at Loudon on Monday. De-
ceased bad only been married about two
years when etrfaktn with a disease which
requited in her death, after an illness of
about a year A sorrowing buebend and
one child are left to mourn her loge. The
funeral took plane on Wednesday after.
noon from the family reeideoce to the
Wroxeter new cemetery.
are monto wee
Regular service in Victoria Hall will be
oagoelled next Sunday evening ea painter°
are at work on tbe interior of the build-
Menem Worn -We areleased t state
that D. L. Strachan won the sliver medal
presented by Dr. Mo0rimmon, Chairmen
of the High Sohool Board of Kincardine,',
where the ninth annual games of the
High Sohool were held on the 261b of
Kept. Ip was given for -manliness and
good influence in the eohool during the
term 1901,02. At the close of the day's
sports the result of a vote of High School
students Runaround that tbey considered
that our representative from Jamestown
should be awarded the distinguished
prize. They have only ebown their good
judgment in their deoieiou au D. L. is a
worthy young man and carries an in.
anomie for good wherever he goes. We
all congratulate him and wish that be
may long be spared in hie proeperoae
Corn cutting is the order of the day,
Inspector Robb visited the school on
Monday morning' last.
Many of our oitizene purpose attending
the Brussels Fair on Friday.
Semi. Donglae has parallelled the prop.
arty belonging to Joeeph Wilson.
Andrew Doig, jr., has purchased the
farm belonging to Mrs. Sam. Brown.
Mise Nettie Mioklejohn ie sick at pres.
ent with Tonailitie but we hope she will
goon be better.
The Ladies' Aid of the Motbodiet
church held their monthly meeting in
the oharoh on Tuesday Iaet. The ladies
of the W. F. M. S. of the Presbyterian
oharoh were invited to hear Min Collins,
of Grand Rapids, Mich., speak on Deacon.
en Work in the city. After the address
tea was served and a good time spent.
In the evening Mies Mntab, of Gerrie, let
Vice -President of the London Conference
Epworth . League, gave au addreae on
"Sooial to Save" and it was very highly
appreciated by those who beard it.
Mica Ida Gorealitz, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
le visiting at her home. Mies Marie
Brown accompanied her.
PRIM WEDDING. -A quiet but pretty
wedding took place at "Endyne," Oran -
brook, the residenoe of Alex. McNair, on
Toesday, Sept. 3003, at 11 o'clock
a. m.
when hie
daughter, Mist!Jean, was
married to Dr. J. L. Turnbull, a well
known physician of Goderioh. The
ceremony was performed in front of a
bank of asters and ferns by Rev. D. B.
MoRae, in the presence of the relatives
and a few intimate /riende of the eon -
treating parties. The bride looked
charming in 0 gown of white Daohesse
satin, en train, over taffeta, trimmed
with exguieite Brueeele lane and fluted
chiffon. She wore the ouetomary bridal
veil with orange-bloesome, caught with a
butterfly of Brunets lace, and carried
cream roses. The bridesmaid, Mies
Aggie McNair, sister of the bride, wore
Dream crepe de aliens, trimmed with ecru
quipnre and green velvet ribbon and
carried pink rosea. Little Jeeee Neilson,
neige of the groom, noted as flower girl
and was dressed in a pretty little gown
of white silk trimmed with valenoienne
lane and carried a basket of pink Oarna
tions. The groom was attended by hie
brother, Dr. Frank Turnbull, of Anborn.
After the ceremony a dejeuner was
served, after which the happy couple
left on the 3 30 train from Brueeele for
New York and Boston. The 'bride's
going -away gown was a heavy bine
tailor-made opening over a blooms of
white silk with hat to match. Many
good wishes will follow Dr. and Mrs.
1pHE Ladies of Brussels and
vicinity are cordially in- =
vited to attend our Fall Millin -
cry Display•a.,� ��a
Wednesday and Thursday,
. OCT. 1st & 2n
, d e,°4 (rte�a
W e are prepared to show tt very choice
selection of the latest styles for Fall and Win- nO
ter wear, with the best and most Fashionable,
Trimmings. Special attention given to your
rd s.
e`,:p �.�,t q,� p"' q y' q, @gip �q 4'• g,, �p �,p
g *-$ Prow t0 b17 em lgY4re t1la1 they'
Turnbull for a happy, proepsroae life.
Oranbrook'e lose will be a decided gain to
the Co, town, Tun Rosi throws an
editorial clipper after the happy twain,
CV of Con..
A number from Walton will ,taste in
Brueeele fair,
Leo: Switb, of Cobourg, is vieiting
friends in town.
The Walton Old Boye held a reunion
In town on 'Tuesday evening.
Jamee and Mra. Mowbray left on Mon-
day for their home near Sudbury.
J. Cumberland and Mise Maggie King,
of Auburn, spent Sunday in town.
Harvest Home eerviee will be geld in
St, George's oharoh next Sabbath.
Mrs. aud Min Ferguson, of Auburn,
were visiting friends in town on Tneeday.
Wm. and Mrs. Blaebiil and Mrs. Wm.
Hoy ate visiting friende in Ypsilanti,
Mrs, R. McLeod is in Cranbrook at.
tending her dieter, Mee. Smalidon, who is
aeriouely 111.
There was no service in the Methodist
oharoh last Sabbath as the congregation
have not yet secured a pastor.
Miss Maggie McDonald, Lewis McDon-
ald and Robert Humphries left on Tnee-
day, for Toronto, where they .will. attend
.6a orrier,
Look out for a few weddings.
Apple packing ie on the program now
Any amount of threseing to be do
Mase Pearl Dark, of Brnseele, is vieiti
at Tboe, Bielby's.
Mice Annie MoElroy le vieitiog M
Maxwell, 3rd line.
Dull and wet weather is a bad bind
Agee to corn cutters.
John Clegg had hie silo filled last wee
E. Pease did the work.
Mra. Robb. Skelton has been on t
siok liekbut is improving.
Min Bessie Taylor, of Blyth, visit
for a few days ab Wm. Clark's.
Brueeele show on Friday and with go
weather wbat a crowd there will be.
Brunets Fell Fair is the centre of a
traction for Thuredayand Friday of th
week. -
Last week Mrs. James Bpeir and Co
were visiting friende at Listowel a
Mise Eleie Clark, who is attendt
Clinton collegiate, spent Saturday a
Sunday at home.
Mies Marion MoKeozie left on Mond
for Normal College, Hamilton, m
nonage attend ber.
Belgrave Fair attraoted a number
Morris exhibitors on Tneeday and We
needay of this week,
Councillor Code, Mies Elsie Code, Mr
Wm. Laidlaw and eon are vieiting
Alviueton this ween.
Richard Proctor has been appoin te
Tax collector for 1902 indeed of Job
Mooney, who resigned.
Oounoil minutes may be read on page
of this !nue. The next meeting will b
held on Monday 13th inst.
Damen Spate will sat as Judge of Cattl
at Atwood Fall Fair on Wednesday o
next week. He should 011 the bill.
The Johnston farm, 6th line,has bee
leased for a' term of yearto Thee
Brown, of Oranbrook. We wish him euo
Mies L. B. Iebister has been reengage
as teacher of S. 5. No, 1 wibb a good in
nesse in salary. She i9 a eacoes0lo
Mra. Will. Gillespie, of Ripley, ie vie
iting her parente, 0. and Mrs. Ritebie
and her sister, Mra. W. H. Maunders
and other friende for a few weeke,
Miee Mabel McCall left on Saturday
for a visit with her brothers in Chatham
Master Louie, who hae been visiting with
hie grand perente, returned home with her
The Revd.F, H. Larkin, of Beatorth
will be the preacher at tbe annivereary i
Knox thumb, Belgrave, on Oot. 19th
Everybody should try and go to bee
The 100 acre farm of Jae. Thuell, 6t
inn, has been Bold to John Kelly of the
same line, at $5,250, so it ie reported. I
o Mr. Tbuell may take a rest from farm
ng se hie health bas not been very vigor.
Rev. Jno. Holmes preaohed an earnest,
tactical sermon in Jackson's oharoh
an Sabbath from the text "What shall I
o with Jesse which is called Christ,"
t hag been decided to hold a eeriest of
evival meetings in the ohuroh in the
ear future.
T. Forbes, 3rd line, bad a big sale on
needay of this week. Everything sold
igb, wows 25 to 49 dollare, yearling
attle $26 25ote, eaoh, one brood mare
137 one bark cow and 10 pigs 037. The
m sea conker
w but everything ler thin was
y g
old. be welln
T known auctioneer from
russets did the selling.
SoaooL REronT.-The following is the
eport of S. S. No. 9, for the month of
eptember;-Fifth class.-Maneon Tay.
r, 4th olaee,-Corel McArthur 242 ;.
arrie a
J ekeoa 194
9 MaryFear 180 I
nae holism a 176 ; Jno, McArthur 133.
eine McArthur 103. Sr. 8rd.-Jennie
ell 179 ; David Jackson 156 ; Carrie
bortreed' 67. Jr. 3rd. -Stella Stubbe
256 ; Elia Evane 160 ; Edmund Farguh.
eon 44 ; Jno, Taylor 36. Sr. 2nd: -
ether McCall 264 I Norman Jaokeon
7 ; Frank McCaughey 138 ; Frank Bell
8, Jr.2ud Albert Skelton 198 ; Harold
°Call 179 ; Joseph McCaughey 129
nth Gaoy 110 ; Wm. Shotdioe 102
1. 2. Gertie Fear 244 ; Robert Bell 204 ;
let,-Amanada Watson 114 ; Myrnd
eknon 104 ; Robert Bird 81 : Mary
00aughey 02, Jr. let. Fanny Stubbs
David Sholdioe 44,
Moss MASSAn=T BIELSY, Teacher,'
Memo Ur, --A. H. Cochrane, formerly
the Ord lino, and who has been in the
ploy of the New Hamburg Mannfao•
ring Co, for Several years, has anumad
responsible poeition with the Waterloo
ant, Co.,of Waterloo. He will be their
ger and not in the capacity of assistant
tanager. Be looks after all orders and
rreepondenoe therewith and ban all the
ante in Ontario under bis charge. We
e pleand to bear of A. tire promotion
d have not the Slightest doubt !le will
have made no mistake in their ahoioe
Hie many old friends in this looality wil
be glad to hear of hie onwardand upward
marob and expeot the next thing we will
be bearing of ie hie enuring a house.
keeper. . We don't know whether it weld
be este or not to pall him "Grandpa
Bewley" but that'e what he is.
Sorioor RErowr.-The following ie the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No, $, for
the month of Sept. Average attendance
for the month 44. Sr, 4th. -Jean Shed.
den 77 ; Wiliie Clark 70 ; Frank Mo.
Craokeq 70, Jr. 4 -Alex Speir 75 ;
Ann Douglas 74; Chester Wilkineon 03 ;
Ceoil Wheeler ; Lonnie Wheeler 60 i
Maggie Shedden 56 ; David Knight 10.
Sr,, 30,-Etbel Watson 65 ; Maud Wil-
kinson 52; Elva Stepbeneon 50 ; Elsie
Speir 49 ; Jeeee Wheeler 48 ; Andy Elatt
45 ; Laura Wbeeier 40 ; Frank Little 40.
Jr, 3rd. -Clifford Sherrie 55 ; Robbie
Miabie 58 ; Alex. Cameron 52 ; Willie
Spier 50 ; Earl Bernard 47. r. 2nd.
Selena Wheeler 69 ; Maggie Mollie 60
Aggie Knight 59 • Dora Watson 56 ;
Stanley Watson 54 ; Alex. Connon 25.
Jr, 2nd. Wesley Shedden 49 ; Flor-
ence Shedden 48 ; May Little 40 I Nettie
Speir 35 ; Maggie Gorman 20, Pt. 2.-
Riohard .Iooak 45 ; Kenzie Sherrie 35 •
George Al000k 34 ; Ella Clark 30; Lilly
Watson 29. Pt. I. -Gerrie Stephenson
52; Mary Soler 50 ; Myrtle Wheeler 50 ;
Elsie Flats 48 ; James Nichol 46 ; Willie
Cannon 40 ; Jane Al000k 39 ; Jane Con.
non 39 ; Aggie Bradshaw 38 ; Ernie Car-
diff 38; Hazel Nichol 87 ; Maggie Speir
John Little 30, M. BLAon, Teaober.
W. H. KERR, Prop,
T. Obambere 240 ; M, Imlay 194 ; N,
I Sienpeon 185 ; I3, Jlokmier 159 ; L Ho.
gereh 158 ; E. Freeman 166 ; L. WA!.
linter 102 ; L, Eakmier 189 M. MoAllnm
103 ; 13, Wi1bee 99 ; H, Goatee 28. Jr,
Ord elan, Examined in Aritb,, Geog,
and Comp, Total 200.-•21, Slemmon
174 ; D. Wanner 161; K. McLeod 181 ;
E, Balmier 121 ; E. McKee 106 ; G. Ma.
Kee 70. Sr. 2nd olaee. Examined in
Aritb,, Geog., and Comp.. -F. Inlay 179 I
B, Bateman 168 ; P. Bremner 157 ; L.
Cooper 121 ; J. MoAliem 120 ; E. on•
bar 118 ; N. MoAllistar 79 ; W, Barr 65 ;
W. Pearson 13. Goo. DonsoN, Teaober,
Junior Department of Ethel ' newel.
Junior Seoond.-Laidlaw Straobao, Vine
MoLeod, Roes Fraser, Bueeell Love
Annie Cooper, Charlie Hansold Roy Eck.
Mier, Joe Peareon, Harris Eckmier,
Part Second.- Reeeell Wilbert, Alvin
McKee, Irene Heath, Oeleetine Dant,
Alva Fletcher, Joe Cooper, Sr. Pert
Firet,--Elvin Thompson, Roy Gill, Allan
MoAllieter, Wilfrid Eakmier• Jr. Part
Firet.-James Brenner, Pearl McKee,
Aubrey Dobson, Aline Barr,Robbie
Thompeon, Annie MoAlliater, Fleda
Freeman, Florence McCallum, Elwin
Dobson, A'ex. Fraser. - Cecil Eokmier,
Verde Pollard, Peed Gill, Vera MoOlol,
Roes Coates, Herman -Fogel, Clifford
Dunbar, Stanley Btraohan, Edmond Mo -
Lee, Wesley Yeo, Visitor Penson.
L. Baanaotr, Teacher,
-A Ripley correspondent lastweek
speaks as follows of the deoeaee of Mrs,
McDonald of that locality, mother to
Mrs, J. A. Young, formerly of Ethel :-
Tbronge of sympathizing friende gather-
ed around the reeidenoe of John. 5. Mc-
Donald, ex -M, P. P. on Friday Sept. 18th
and followed to the new cometry at Rip-
ley all tbat was mortal of that moat ex-
cellent woman Mrs. McDonald. A brave
hearted, generpue•eonted woman, she Dame
into the Queen's Bush yearn ago and
wrought with her husband to make a Home,
homestead, where they could live tbeir Heavy Dranght. Brood mare with
lives and rear their children. Together foal, Jae Speir 1 ek 2, Jno Cole ; horse
they encountered the bardeb ipe and pri- foal, Jae Speir, Jno. Cole ; two-year-old
cations of a pioneer life in the forests, filly, I Wright, D Cook ; two-year-old
together they reaped the reward gelding, R Scott, A Speir ; year old fitly,
of their industry - and thrift. A Robertson ; team horses in harness,
They lived for 48 years together long Jae Forster ; heavy draught colt, Iease
enough to eeetheir children happily start- Wright.
ed ontin prosperous careen, long enough General Purpose. -Brood mare with
to receive evidences of public appreciation foal, A Robertson, R Scott ; mare foal, A
and co/Adams Her husband baa been Robertson, R Soots ; two year-old filly,
Reeve of the Towoehip, Warden of the Jno Taylor I & 2 ; two-year old gelding,
County, and a member of the Legiela• Jno Fells 1 & 2 ; year-old filly, R Corley,
tore of Ontario, and has all along enjoyed A Speir ; year-old gelding, R Scott, D
the admiration aod confidence of hoete of Cook ; team in harness, Jas. Forster, Jno.
friende who knew his sterling honesty of McKinnon, R Scott.
purpose and bie onflieohing devotion to Road and Oarriage.-Brood mare with
the pablio interest. In bis ninon and foal, Thoe Black, A Speir, J Speir ; mare
his few reverses lie had in his wife a true foal, Thos Black, A Speir ; two-year-old
and loving helpmate and only be can filly, Geo Robertson, A Morton ; two -
realize the grief end tontines° that follow year-old gelding, Jno Taylor, A Speir ;
the tearing aennder of lifetime's ties. year-old filly, J Speir,31 Densmore i year -
He and hie family have the sympathy of old gelding, Jas Shedden, A Morton
all our people in their great loge. Her single driver; Alf Baeker, Jno Cole ; hank
neighbore, too will miss her, for her horse, Walter Scott ; beam road or oar-
deeire to help others found expreseion in ridge, Joe Brandon•
many ways• One of the neighbors Mr. Judges -Geo Crookshaok, Wingham ;
Cooper speaking said, "I have lost a good W J Diokeon, Leadbury.
friend in Mrs. MoDooald. When I came CATTLE. - Thoro'bred - Cow, J Van
here a perfeot stranger, ebe made me wet- Camp, R Corley, J Armour ; twoyear.
come at her home and gave me help and old heifer, R Corley 1 & 2 ; year-old
encouragement t that I would be
an in -
heifer Corley, r
J Armour
heifer calf,
rate to forget." g urge . The funeral aervfoee R Harrison, P Robertson ; bull calf, P
were oonduobed by her pastor Rev. Mr. Robertson, D Cook ; bull 2 yrs or over,
Maxwell, and Rev. Isaac McDonald, of W Scott ; bull under 2 yrs, J Armor 3rd ;
Mose a trieod of the family. Jamey cow, D Scott. Grade -Cow, Jno
w rs
le the eeoond grave in the Ripley Shiele, R Harrison 2 & 3 ; two-year-old
oemetry, that of Mrs. John Coiling being heifer, D Cook, G Fothergill; year-old
fleet. Her fire sous and her eon•in-few, heifer, D Scott, R Harrison ; heifer calf,
A. Gemmel were the pall -bearers. R Harrison, T Black ; two-year old steer,
J Shiele 1& 2; year-old steer, W B Wil-
kinson, J Armour; eteer calf, R Harri-
son, J VanCamp.
Judge -Jas Gaunt, Whitecbnrob.
DEMI MR, EDITOR, -In my travels in Suenr.-Leioestero and grades -Aged
be West I meet many from Brussels and ram, N Craning 1 & 2 ; /Mending ram, N
ioinity of whom many of your readere Coming 1 & 2 ; ram lamb, N (Sewing 1
ould be pleased to hear, so that under rt 2 ; abearling ewes, N Coming ; ewe
Notes by the way" I may speak of a few lambs, N Coming 1 & 2. Downs -Aged
of the many from "our country" who are ram, It Harrison ; ehearling ram, R Her,
eking their homes in this great North- rison 1 net ; ram Iamb, W Helps 1 & 2.
est. Of course I meet comparatively Judge -A Nioholeon, Belgrave.
me as I am never very long in one place. Pres. -Large breed -Aged boar, W H
will not mention those in Winnipeg lost MoGutcbeon 1 & 2 ; brood cow having
ow as I expeot to be there for a day or littered in 1902, W H MoGutoheon, 1 & 2;
o before I return. At Portage -la -Prairie boar, W 11 MoCutcbeon ; cow, W H Mo•
the fleet to greet me was a reporter for a Cutobeon 1 & 2. Small breed -Aged
newspaper there in the person of Runell boar, P Gibbon 1 ds 2 ; brood eow having
ileon, a eon of Robt. Wilson, once of littered in 1902,1' Gibbon 1 & 2 ; boar,
russets, but now engineer at Begot. P Gibbon 1 & 2 ; sow, P Gibbon 1 & 2.
lex. Wilson, uncle and brother, bas a Judge -A Nicholson,
rm near there. At Neepawa, where I PonnxaY. Geese, Jae Henderson 1 Sr 2;
se for two or three hours, I met Mr,' turkeys, W Soott, R Scott ; dunks, Jae
alfpenny, who is doing duty in a large Henderson 1 & 2 ; Plymouth rooks, W
ardware store. He expresses himself ea Soon, .1 Henderson ; leghornn, T M Hem
ell pleased with bis place. At Arden derson, J Henderson ; Spanish,3 Render -
re. Gilhooly reeides, who at one time eon, T M Henderson ; Wyandotte°, J
as Min Hargreaves, of Brussels. At Henderson 1 & 2 ; Brahman, T M Hen-
ladstone Broadfoot Broe, purchased our derson, Jas Henderson ; Guinea fowl,
nay. The terrier member of the firm Jno McKinnon.
no other than the
gentleman m
ud e-Alfr
d Booker, Brussels,
arrie to Miss alker, well known toGrum-White Fall wheat, Jas.
all. They have a very nine suite of dereon ; red Fall wheat, 11 C
ores over their commodious new store. Jas Henderson ; Spring wheat, R Scott ;
enjoyed a pleasant that with Mrs. barley, T M Henderson, Jae Henderson
oadfoot during my brief stay there. white oats, Jae Henderson, H Edwards ;
Sidney, part way between Portage flax seed, R G McGowan ; timothy, R
d Brandon, Mra. Gerry'° uncle has a Scott, Jas Speir.
e and. onto
fdoe. He
y has the PJud -
e CH Besse, se Blyth.
nor of buildingthe old g y
11, eo knoweoonsiderablennaboutthe apples, Jno Cole,m AND Jno McKinnon Baldlden -
rly days of Brunets. At Arden saw wine, Jas Speir, R G MoGowan ; Ontar-
0. Currie, brother to A. Currie, who los, Mies McClelland, R G McGowan ; R
le choice eteak and does duty in an I Greenings, Jae Speir, G Fothergill ;
vator. I was surprised to hear him Northern Spies, Geo Fothergill, T M
y the latter was 5 years hie senior. I Henderson ; Ben Davis, Geo Bowler, Jno
n't, give away our worthy townsman's Onle Canada Reds, Jae Speir, R G'
but only remark that be ie older than McGowan • King of Tompkins, Geo
looks, At Keyes, the next station, I Fothergill, W Helps ; 3 varieties Motet
d the pleasure of meeting the Hanna apples, J Cole, G Fothergill ; 3 varieties
on., from Morris townebip, who have Fall staples, J Oole, G Fothergill ; Fall
notions near by, They were thresh. pears, W Scott, Jap Speir ; Winter pears,
g bbd day 1 malted on my way to Glad- Jae Speir, R Scott ; grapes, J Fells, Jae
one. They will have about 8,000 Henderson ; plume, T M Henderson, R
shale of wheat and 4,000 bushele of Scott; peaches, W Scott, Jae Henderson;
s nun barley. They have about '70 collection of fruit, R G McGowan, T Al
ad of cattle. Threshing be made as Henderson ; table baguet, hEraliProctor ;
y as possible. The owner of rho Baud boquet, Mrs Geo Sowlar, Aire R C
chine finde meta and teams to operate McKenzie ; flower in pot, Miss Scott,
and to draw in the grain from the Judge -A. W Sloan, Blyth.
ds when in the stook. The grain wben MAN00Aaomtoe.-Union flannels, T M
tithed is lauded in the wagon either Henderson ; blankets, T M Henderson,
tiage or the wagon box and is taken Jae Henderson 1 home made wine, P
eotly to the elevator. There were 9 Gibbons, R Prootor,
me, all bwned by the Hanna Bros„ in Judge -W Robinson, Wing1 nm.
flog bo draw the grain away. I would Rome AND VNaETAEi,or.-Fotatoes, T M
marls in passing that the seoreb of sec- Henderson, H lldwardn ; cabbage, W
eful farming is where brothers have Geddes, T M Henderson ; red pickling
farina d.
Township nonoil on Monday 13th
Brueeele Fair le the talk of the country.
Mine Ida Gorealitz and Mise Marie
Brown, of Buffalo, N. Y., spent a couple
of days visiting Jno. and Mre. Gorealitz,
12th oon.
Very heavy downpour of rain last San -
day. It was built after the fashion of
the one Mr. Noah was familiar with in
ye olden tyme,
Harry Attwood injured hie shoulder
while working about hie barn one day
last week and baa been somewhat die-
e,bled bat will soon be 0. IC. we hope.
The Bone of Health ahonld call round
and get a whiff of the dead borne lying
unburied on the lath oon. Either per.
fame or a clothes pin, for the nose, should
be supplied.
A oorn bee wae bald on the farm of
John McTaggart, 15th non., on Tneeday
of last week -and a jolly time spent at a
party in the evening. All spent a most
enjoyable few boars.
Leet week Oliver Turnbull, 15th oon„
dieposed of a costumer oolt, 16 months.
old to Peter Ferguson, 9th oon., Pete
knows a good horse and hoe made no
mistake in this fine filly.
A fine thoro' bred imported Yorkshire
bog has been parohaeed by August
Fiecher, 10th eon., from Jno. Bteinaoker,
of Fullerton, who is a good breeder, Thie
is the way to improve the pig industry.
Thou., the little son of William Arm.
strong, 91b eon., while playing with other
obildren last week, bad tbemiefortane to
hie right arm dislocated
in a colli -
ion and is now oarryinglt in a sling. We
hope be will soon be as well as ever. •
The annual
Bible Society ti
i meeting will.
be held in Roe's thumb neat Sabbath
evening. Addresses will be given by
Rev. R. Paul and A. M. McKay, of Bras -
sale. Thos. Btraoben will 000npy the
°hair. Music by the choir. Spaniel
Hired help baa been hard to get hold of
so Neil McTaggart, 16th oon., has sewer.
ed a permanent hand. He mune on Sept.
14th and bie name ie McTaggart. Neil
thinke he is a "dearly" and calla him'
"my eon". We. wish the young gentle.
man many happy years.
An interesting Rally Day eerviee was
held in the Sabbath School, meeting in
Smith's' Scalpel house last Sabbath after-
noon. Menre, P. McArthur and Avieon
took obarge of the quarterly review.
Some talk of keeping this sobool'open all
Winter. Mrs. N. M. Riohardeon is the
To CoaTneoxone,-The oontraot of re -
shingling the roof and extending the °or.
nice on Union Church, Lot 31, Oon. 12,
Grey, will be let by public auction on the
premiees on Tneeday afternoon next, 7th
inst,, at 1.30 o'clock. Oontraotor will
have to furnish material The Commit-
tee is J. K, Baker, Hugh Richmond and
Wm. Robineon.
Saloon Reroar.-Following is report.
for September in B. S. No. 1, Grey t -IV.
-J. Banda 86 ; M, Hoggard 57 ; W.
Stevenson 60. Sr. IIL-L. Blake 62 ; H.
Rozell 60 ; S. Armstrong 60 ; J. Steven.
son 47 • L,rant
G 46
F. Lawson I aw on 40.
Jr. M. -Grace Hoover'
Joe Armstrong, James Dickson, B. Steven-
son. Sr. II. -L. Hoover 71 Fred. AI -
nook 57. Jr. II. -A, Grant 79 ; M.
Stevenson 76; F. Al000k 74 ; O. Arm.
etroog 60 ; J. McCallum 13 ; Leslie
Switzer 86 RGregg
,G4. Pb. II. --0,
Dickson 90
L. Glaeaier 8
; 5 ; W. Hoover
80 ; H, Hoover 60 ; A, Engel. Pt, L-3.
Al000k, A. Lawson, J. Stevenson, W,
Hollinger. Miee.ANNIE KING, Teaober,
kith el.
Brunets Fall Fair has tbe °all.
The Township Fathers will meet here
on Monday 13th inst.
Rumor nye Ethel will °apply the bride
for a near date wedding,
Thanks i in Day g v g n, the poetoffioe bore
will be open from 8 to 9 a. en. and an hour
after the arrival of the afternoon mail.
Harvest Home eerviee and Feetival in
the Metbodiet church here is annoaoeed
for Sunday and Monday, Oot, 12 and 18.
Swoon Rerosr,-The School Report
for the month of September, Senior Dept.
of Ethel Publi° Bohool,-5th oleo. Ex-
amined in Arith., Comp., Geog. and
Gram, Totn1400; D. Davies 300 ; E.
Hanenld 257 ; M, MoAllieter 183 ; E.
Mason 173 ; L. Simpson 161. 4th Masa.
Examined in Aritb., Comp., Geog. and
Gram. Total 400.-W.' MoAllieter 294 ;
0. Baynard 276 ; G. Gill 26e ; G. Wan•
nee 215 ; B. McKee 196 ; W. Bedgley
154. Br• Ord ol'ase. Examined in Arith.,
Geog„ Comp. and Gram, Total 800, --
labor problem does not then concern
then, I wrote Mr. Keyee, of Keyes,
Some time ago about our honey, and Mr.
Haman 110990080 to be in the store when
the letter was received. Mr. Keyes netted
him if be knew Mr. Pearlman, of Brea.
sets 7 "0, yes I" he replied, "and his
honey is all rlghtand if you will get some
we will help you to eat it," So you este
"a good name ie more to be desired than.
great riches. At Brandon who should I
meet but John Currie, who hoe been
oarpentering for 92 per day and board,
but is now an the Farmers' elevator here.
At'Mooeejaw today where I was only for
a few hours 2 met Frank Armstrong, who
with his brother Charley, has a half
section each about 10 miles distant. He
gave me a very pressing invitation, to
remain over and shoot chickens and wild
geese. Having made other arrangements
I had to reluctantly decline. They will
have about 00 bushels of wheat to the
more. At Brandon I omitted to say that
I had the pleasure of seeing Geo. Halliday
and Miss Dolly Shaw, also she who was
once Mies Kate Barrie, of Morris town-
ship. Saw Samuel Halliday as well.
His mother ie very feeble, he tells me.
Of course they all take Tan Pose, More
anon. Yours truly,
Moose Saw, N. W, 27.
The annual Fall Fair of East Wawa -
nosh Agricultural Society was held at Bel -
grave on Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. There was not a very large atten-
dance as the weather was not inviting.
Many of the exhibits were very commend-
able. Tna Pose, which was the only
newspaper represented on the grounds, is
indebted to Seoretary Anderson and
Treasurer McClelland to oourtesiee. The
list is as follows :-
lar adjoining and work together. The cabbage Jae Rondereon,. TMHenderson ;,
cauliflower, Jae Henderson l long roe .-
beets, Jan Henderson, ifae. Speir ; turnip
boats, he Henderson, 1. Bleak Mangold
wurtzele, W Scott, T Black ; Swede
turnips, W Geddee, W Soots fish car,
rote, Jae Speir, Jas Henderson ; Early
Horn carrots, T Black, 33 Edwards ;
perenipa, H Edwards, Jae Henderson ;
onfone from seed, Jae Henderson, Kies
McClelland ; any other loud onions, Was
Henderson, H k1dwards ; celery, R Pro°•
tor, Jae Hendereou ; table corn, Jae
Henderson, T M Hendereou ; field corn,
Jas Hendereou, W 13 Willtiaeon ; water
melon, Jae Henderson ; pumpkin, 33 -
Edwards, Mies McClelland ; (quash, II
Edwards, T M Hendereou ; nitron,- 13
Edwards, Jos Henderson ; tomatoes, Jae
Henderson, T M Henderson ; beans, 11
Boort, T M Henderson ; colleotion garden
vegetables, T M Henderson.
Judges -Chas Lawrence, Belgrave ;
Geo Fothergill, Marnoch.
DAISY PRO0uoE,-Tub butter, W B
Wilkineon, W Scott, R Harrison ; crock
of butter, 10 Proctor, J Armour, J (:ole ;
basket of butter, R Socbt, J"Armour ;
bread, R Scott, W B Willriueon ; honey,
Jae Henderson ; maple syrup, W Scott,
Jen Henderson.
Judge -Geo Powell, Blyth,
FINE Anes. -Oil painting, Mrs R
McKenzie, Mies McClelland ; collection
oil paintings, Mies McClelland ; collection
photographs, Miss Edwards.
LAMES' DEr0nTrrnoT. 'ratting, Mrs R
R McKenzie ; crochet work, Mra R E
McKenzie, Miss McClelland ; bead work,
Miss MoGlelland, Mrs. R E McKenzie ;
fancy knitting, Mise MoOlelland, Mrs A
McKenzie ; gents' linen shirt, Mrs A Mo.
Kenzie, Mies McClelland ; gents' fanny
Sound shirt, Mrs A McKenzie ; braiding,
Mins McClelland, Mre A McKenzie ; '
woollen atookinge, Mrs A McKenzie, Mies
McClelland ; socks, Mrs A McKenzie,
Mise McClelland ; woollen gloves, Mrs A '
McKenzie ; woollen mitts, Mrs A Mc
Kenzie, Mrs R E McKenzie ; log cabin
quilt, Miss McClelland, Mrs R E Mo -
Kenzie ; knitted guilt, Mre Geo Sowlar,
Mrs Jas Henderson ; patched quilt, Mies
McClelland, Mra It E McKenzie ; rag
mat, Mrs R E McKenzie, Mies Scott ;
Berlin wool work, fiat, Mrs R E McKen-
zie, Mies McClelland ; sofa pillow, hire
R E McKenzie, Miss McClelland ; silk
quilt, Mrs RE McKenzie, Miss McClel-
land ; painting on satin, eilk or velvet,
Mra R E McKenzie, Miss McClelland ;
hair flowers, Mise McClelland ; embroid-
ery on silk, Miss McClelland ; embroidery
on linen, Mrs R E McKenzie, Miss Mc-
Clelland ; lace work, Mrs B. E McKenzie ;
twine lace, Min McClelland ; collection
ladies' work, Miss McClelland, Mre R E
Judges -Mrs (Dr) Tamlyn, Wingbam ;
Mrs David, Belgrave.,
Alf. Backer judged the poultry at
Belgrave Fall Fair or, Wednesday.
Misses Maggie Beattie and Maggie
Baeker spent Sunday in Grey township.
Misses Hannah and Rebecca Hewitt,
of Hamilton, are visiting relatives in
Brueeele and locality.
Mrs. Meadows senior and Junior are
awayto Port r Huron a '
o on visit with rola.
tives for a week or so.
Mrs. Fnneton and Mise Ella arrived
home fast
week trona m avisit of
months near Kincardine.
C. H. Bartliff is still a prisoner at his
home from sciatica and rheoreatios.
We hope be may speedily recover:
Dr. and Mrs. Graham, of Clinton, were
in town Thursday, Mrs. Graham was a
judge of Fine Arte at the Fall Fair. -.
W. 9., Grewar was home for a few,
hours on Tuesday from Wingham. He
is employed in Anson Dnlmage'c store.
Min May Deadman, of Brnseele, hag.
taken a position in the Clark & CO's,
stationery Wholesale Hone in Winnipeg.
Wm. and Mrs. Wilton have returned
from e, visit with relatives at Sealorih
and Heneah their nephew accompanied
J. and Air$. Leckie, 3. H. and Mrs.
Cameron, Mise Nora Holmes and A. 0.
Dames, of town, attended the Tornbnll-
McNair wedding at Cranbrook Tuesday.
W, .Harris jr, of Day Mills, Algoma,
has been awarded a medal by the Royal
Humane Society for nonepioaone bravery
in saving Rnesell Blewett from drowning
in Mud Lake in Oct. 1901.
Moses and Mrs. Doll and son, Oliver,
were at Berlin this week atteuding the
funeral of Mr. Doll's father, Obrietian
Doll, who passed away at the residenoe of
hie son, Enas Doll, at the age of 70 years,
We are sorry to hear that W. F. Van -
atone, of Wingham, a well known for-
mer resident of Brussels, is ill with an
abscess on the liver, but his many old
friends e hope be will soon b
e re for
p e ed to
hie nuetomary health,
Mrs, M. L. Lawry and eon, Joe, of
Newton, Kansas,
friends in
Brussels. Mrs, Lawry is an aunt to Mrs.
W. H, Kerr and was a former Brnsselite
-then Mies Maggie Humble. It is 23
ears since ellewent
y Waet
Nora only daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Holmes, Brussels, contemplates
leaving Tuesday of next week for the
Paoifio Coast where the will spend the.
coming Winter with her aunt, We wish
her a safe trip and an enjoyable stay.
Charlie Beam, well known in Brue-
sele, ban taken a situation as baker in a
shop in Boise, Idaho, at a good salary.
He is a hustler at hie work and if he
doesn't get along it is not benne the
grace will be allowed to grow under hie
feet. We wish him emcees.
Mre, E. Henry and family, who have
been residents of Brunets for eome years,
are intending to remove from town and
will take tip their residenoe in Toronto.
Mrs. Henry eold her property here to
Councillor Doualdeon, A sale of house-
hold efi'oots belonging to the former was
held last Saturday afternoon with 10 S.
Scott as auotibneor.
The Parse Review, which by the way
is now published by R. S. Pelton, t, one
time Brnoeelite, says of a non-in-Inw of
George Crooke in oonneotion with his
promoting the Paris Plow Co. -S. Y.
Taylor, Principal of the Publio School,
hue given much tbcnght and time
after school boars in pushing the sale of
stook, and bee met with signal suooeso,