HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-9-18, Page 8TENTION! Do your use our PERFECT 'TOOTH POWDER ? The Decay of Teeth is caused by at least twenty-six different germs in the mouth, These attack the enamel and destroy it. Q'.Powder is Powertally Antiseptic and will kill all germs in the mouth. At the same ' time it beautifies the teeth and imparts a, fragrance to the breath. It is harmless and a little child can use it. Use this Powder once a day and your teeth will never decay as long as you live. PRICE 250. PER BOTTLE. Hursley s Drug and Book Store AM. DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. 000TKN%N EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains leave Brunie Station, North and South, as follows; GOXNG SOUTH GoINa Nowa. Mail 7a8 am i Mixed 10:00 am Mixed 19:00 a.m I Mail 1'17 p.m flxprese3,2h p.m Express 8:17 p.m 1n.ca1 RetffS kerns, A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. Tax Brussels market. FALL Fair season is at hand. THE days are rapidly ebortening. HEAR the Jubilee Singers and Orobestra, A. 0. W. Friday evening of this week. SEND Tao Pon to absent friends. 25o for balance of 1902. WANTED at once, boys and girls at the Evaporator Faotory, Braseele. BRUSSELS Fair Thnreday and Friday Oot. 2 and 8, Don't fail to attend. - PLAN of reserved seats for Jubilee Sing - ere next Tuesday evening is at Fox's' drug store. Qui= a number from this locality are attending the Western Fair at London this week. A Manama roof will be pat on the horse sheds in connection with the Meth• odiet Church in thie plane. POCKET book found. Owner may have the game by proving property and paying for this notioe, at THE Pon. THE bread van of Jas. Ballantyne'° bakery hae had a new gear pat on and a • new dreee of paint making it look quite gay. JOHN ADMIT, of Brueeele, bae decided to take hold of a heading mill at Mill. bank. He is an old hand at the badness and will make it go without any doubt. • • MRS. THOMPSON has purohaeed a house and lot from Mrs. R, Borne and is having a new foundation planed under it. She intends to move to it when improve• menta are completed. JUBH,ER Singers in -the Town Hall on Tuesday evening of next week. They have a fine orchestra and both a male and mixed quartette. Plan of reserved seats at Fox's Drug store. A. Oo:SLET has been gazetted Clerk of the 4th Division Court as successor to the late A. Hunter. He will make an effi °fent and obliging officer and will have bis office at hie present business place. A MAGNIFICENT new uniform has been received by the Odd Fellows' Lodge, Brueeele, for use of their team in the 3rd Degree. If you are not a member and would like to see the ooetumee band in your name. Fon Fall Fair Concert the talent en. gaged consists of Miee Ethyle Powell, a well known Toronto soprano; Jas. Fax, the best humorous vocalist in the Prov- Iooe ; Miee. Alberta MaNangbt, a olever eleontioniet ; and the Misses MaLanohlin in piano dnete. The program will be an exoellent one. Date Friday, Oct. 3, Brus- sels Town Hall. Tale week W. H. Ma0raoken woe an. gaged lifting a 10 lot eample of sugar beete from each of these experimental plots in this eeotion. They were ex. pressed to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelpb, where they will be properly tested and a report presented se to the result. The beets have done well in this looality this year. GRAND Tnaaz.-In inward freight, in addition to that of a local character, there was a oar of lumber for P. Anent and a oar of Manitoba floor for R. K. Rose. Outgoing there was a oar of household effect for Mae. A. McNeil to Fort William ; 2 oars of wheat and oar of one by R. Graham ; oar of °crap iron by T. Mont- gomery ; 6 oars salt, Brneeele Salt Works; oar oats and car wheat, Alf. Baeker ; oar of egge, R. Thomson ; ear hogs, W. F. Vanetone ; oar of Iambs, A. 0. Dames ; car cattle, Geo. Beet. SHOULDER DISLOCATED. -George Lowry, Primes Street, who was thrown out of a baggy three weeks ago and had his left shoulder dislocated, is improving quite nicely although not able to resume work yet. He might have broken hie neok as there was not a back on the buggy seat and when the horse shied at eome child. ren swinging, Mr. Lowry was thrown backward out of the conveyance. The accident took plane near Ament's faotory and it wag fortunately near home. I1 is a busy time to be laid aside but then things can't be helped sometimes but we hope Mr. Lowry will soon be all right. NEwee't onsare-A. Batohart, of the Teeewater News, hae eold out to C. W. Colwell, of Beaton, and will leave shortly for Edmonton. The genial Editor will be greatly missed especially by the Methodist church and Wiogham District Epworth Leagae, of which he was the Searetary. We wish him great 000oeae. -Bro. Copland, of the Harrieton Tri• burse, has been having the rough with the smooth and has had hie plant seized for non-payment of a part of the purebeee money which the Editor Bays he did not have at the time. He has bought a new outfit and will do businees at anew stand. The old plant ie offered for Bale. T. P. SMITH, the eye epecialiet will be in Brussels on Wednesday, Oat, 8th. AMUSEMENT forme for teachers and Trustees may be had at THE Pon Pub• liehing House. Oun Fall importation of faebionable dry goods are weekly arriving. We invite inspection. Butter 16o. Ciao. E. RING, Wingham. Ton bean and lot on Flora street, be. longing to John Ballantyne was Bold to William Gordon, o1 Oranbrook, who will likely take possession next month. $600 wee tbe price paid. Oa the first evening of Brussels Fall Fair the "Palace" will be open for the invention of entriee. A musket pro. gram will be presented and the building lighted witb eleatrio lamps. A BEAUTIFUL Auratum golden Japan Lily has been in bloom at A. Strachan'° residence which is well worth geeing. It has a white ground with parple epote, flaked and striped with gold. It 10 one of Nature's flaeet products in the lily department. GOOD employment for a number of girls and young women at the R. Forbes Co, Limited Knitting and Worsted Mille, Heepeler, Ont. Goad wages paidweekly. Nine work. Apply by letter immediately and secure good position for Fail and Winter months. Also openings for few boys. 9-4 H. L. JAnneoN, H. R. Brewer, Leslie Herr, Mies Jean nlaLaaohlin and THE Poen Editor are expeoted to take part in a garden party program near Leadhnry on Thnreday evening of this week. Next Monday the same quintette plus Mies Lyda Crooke and Rev, T. W. Coeene eosin ab the Harvest Home at Roe's' obnroh in Grey. THE Forest Free Press remarks :- "Arch. Hislop, Liberal M. P. P. for East Huron, while running a binder on hie farm the other day acoidentally out two lege off his collie dog, sod the animal had to be killed. It will now be in order for the Mail and Empire to give a oolmmn editorial on the nefarious work, of the "machine in Huron." Tats week George Crooke, Jae. Turn• bull, of town, and Reeve Turnbull, of Grey, were at London attending the faneral of Frank Stewart, a brother -in law to Mr. Orooks and °oneio to the other gentlemen. He died on Sunday and was buried on Taeeday afternoon. A wife and - children survive. Mr. Stewart was in the employ of the casket Co. Comm BLAeaiLD, formerly of Brue- eele, and Mies Nellie, daughter of B. W. and Mre. Barton, of London, were united in marriage on Wedneeday even- ing of tbie week, at the reeideooe of the bride's parents, 174 John street. May their years of happiness be many. Mr. Blaehill is a resident of the Forest oity and has been for some years. Tan new Mahler Evaporator here is about ready for operation and will have a capacity of 500 bushels per day, In ad- dition to the utilization of the former building for certain purposes Mr. Mahler, who is here superintending the business, has built two new buildings one 16x48 feet and the other 16x32 feet. The Mahler family bave had a wide experlenoe in the apple business and between them they operate 7 faatoriee, It will require from 30 to 40 hands to attend to the work at Brussels Evaporator this season. PERHAPS no quality ie more oharacter- iatio of the work of Booker T. Waehing- ton than the sanity of his point of view. His article "Problems is Education" in the September Coemopolitan deals not only with the work of Tuekegee Institute but with the educational needs of the entire colored population of the United States. The race -problem ie not one which oan be left to settle itself, and every thinking man or woman eboald read thin valuable contribution to a dia. mission whose importauoe will increase rather than decrease in tbe years to come. FINE Uonx.-Philip Ameut'e 3 year old colt, "Carrie A,' bred from Costumer and a Sydney dam, was one of the three otartere in the Fatnrity race at Toronto last week. 'She took the first heat in a long mile in 2 43 and although set book for breaking many spectators thought ebe was well entitled to first plaae. R. Bootie drove her. Tbe mare ie a good one and was brought home thie week. She will be heard from later if nothing hap. pens her. J. 0. L., the brown pacer Bold by Mr. Arneot to Kidd Bros., of Lietowel, has done hie mile in better than 2,22. $250 is said to be :he price the new owners paid for him. To REPRESENT THE HURON REGIMENT. The following offieere of the 83rd regiment have been (Shorten to represent the regi• meat at the damp to be held shortly at Niagara-on•the•Lake : Lt. Ool. Varooe, Major W. Young, • Adjutant Dunlop ; Captains B. D. Grant, No. 1 aompaoy, Goderioh ; A. V. Johnston, No. 2, Wing. ham ; Alex. Wilson, No. 3, Seaforth ; H. B. Oombe, No. 4, Clinton ; D. M. Mo. Taggart, No, 5, Brueeele ;• H. T. Rance, No. 6, Exeter ; J. W. Shaw, No. 7, Clinton 1 Bert Varooe, No, 8, Dungannon. The Dungannon'oompang will furnish the twenty two men for fatigue duties. There aro oleo three eergeante and three oorporale to he eeleoted from eaoh nom• the captain. The parry by regiment will p leave Goderioh for Niagara on-the•Lake on the 28rd inet, Tbe camp will aontfnte) twelve days. Pi Ei 1l l W, H, MoQnaoitax, the widely known exbibltor, Will oomplenee hie Vali ii'air eerie° aq Exatar.next Monday, Mao• wilt bow the Aoutbernere bray 00 grow garden eaee apd incidentally take a few red TON Pon Fon Oler'r. 4. -We have re. °elated a number .of lettere etating that 'PBS POST for Sept. 4 had not reached eubeoribero. The reeeoo was that Was our holiday Week and ooprequently Tog POST wee not leaned, 11111)itC11 blES. Rally Day iu Brpsoele"Methodiet Stab. bath school will be Ont. 69b. Rev, R, Patti will preach at. Sunshine and Selgrave next Sabbath afternoon and evening, Those will be High Mase with sermon next Sunday in the Oatbolio oliureh, Brueeele. Rev. F. Swann, Blpevale, gave two good dieooureee in the Methodist church hero last Sunday. The meriting topic wee the "Talents" and in the evening "God's Love." Inetead of the Harveet Home • Peetival this year in Brussels Metbodlet ohnrah a epecial Tbank•offering will he taken on Sabbath, Dot, 5tb. The oongregetion ie' asked to contribute 5100 on that 000as)on. Rey. Mr. Webb the newly appointed in. anmbent of St, John's clinch, ie expect.. ed to be here next Sunday and tyke charge of the work. We weloome him to Brueaele and wish him a proeperoae in- oumbenoy. W. M. S. -Following are the ofiiaere elected for current year in epnneotion with the Women's Missionary Auxiliary of the Brussels Methodist obaroh :- President, Mrs. J. L Herr ; let Vioe Pres., Mre. (Rev.) Ooeene) 2nd Vioe, Mrs. H. Hem ; Reoording•Seatetary, Mre, J. Tait; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Lowry ; Treasurer, Mre. W. F. Stewart. Last Sunday Mr. Ryan, a student, took the serviette in 8t. John's church, Brae• Bale. Hie morning text was Luke 5 and 3 and the Sor)ptare for the fonudation of the sermon in the evening was Matt: 8. 24. It is 16 or 17 years Mope Mr. Ryen'e father wae the incumbent here. He is now located at Derham where he hae a good °barge. Young Mr. Ryan will resume hie College course at London, on October let, We wish him auroese in his etodieo. People We Talk About. Mise Poseie Mitchell, was in town last week, S. and Mrs. Wilton are visiting in London. Dr, MoNeaghton was in London for a few days. Miee Annie Rose wag in Wroxeter Tuesday o1 this week. T. Friendebip, wife and abildreu were visiting at Teeewater. Miee Allis Curry is rusticating with relatives near Atwood. Barrister Blair was et Goderiah on legal bueioeee this week. S. B. Smale, of Lietowel, was in town for a few days this week. Roswell Lowry is taking in the eights at London Fair this week. Mre (Dr.) Holmes and Min Nora were visiting in Toronto last week. N. B. Gerry, Mre. Gerry and children, of Blyth, were visiting In town. Miee Mabel Hayoroft is able to be about once more after her brief illness. Mre. McKay, Queen street, bas been on the sick list but is getting better, Jae. Walker, of Wingham, was calling on old friende in town on Thnreday. Mies R. Spence, of Ethel, spent a few days in Brussels during the peat week. Miee 'Mildred Soott is home from an extended visit at London and Ingersoll. Milton MoArter is holidaying at Lon• don and seeing the eighte at the Western Fair. Jae, and Mre. Stewart are holidaying with friends in Brueeele and Grey town• ship. DeWitt Uoeene hae returned from a six weeks' vieit at Trowbridge and Dor- uooh, Mies Melissa Ames spent a -few days in town this week with her eieter, Mre. D. 0. Rose. Simeon Barrows and wife, of Walton, were visitors at the Methodist Parsonage on Tuesday. T. Fletoher bae improved considerably since hie arrival borne and is able to get about the town. Mre. Geo. Carrie and dangh'er, of Arden, Man., are visiting A, and Mre. Currie this week. Mre. H. L. Jaokeon and Lloyd have gone on a vioit with relatives at Toronto and Peterboro' for a few weeke. Postmaster and Mre. Farrow are enjoy. ing a vacation at London and Chatham thio week, visiting relative• and friends. Mre. Jno. Long and Mies Winnie are enjoying a holiday with Mre. Chan. Sager and other trieods in London this week. Mre. McLean, Mies Belle Livingston, Epb. and Mre. Cober end P. and Mre. Wateon were vieitore to Toronto last week. C. Omens and Miee Jennie Coeene, of Trowbridge spent a day in town this week visiting Rev. T. Wesley Means and family. Mre. Alex. MoNeil and family are re. moving to Fort William to join husband and father who bee been there for some months. Mr. Thompson and wife and Mre; Brownlee and daughters, from near Ottawa, and Mre. Moore, of Teeewater, are visiting at Alex. Ellie. Barrister Sinolair le attending •the Assizes at Goderioh where he is aondeot• ing the case of Cook vs. Smith for the plaintiff. The defendant won. James MoOraoken and family, who removed from Brueeele to Goderioh a few months ago, have returned to town and will take up their reeidenoe here. l,G. A. Deadman and Mies May left on Tuesday on a trip to Winnipeg and the West. The former hes a oar of honey ahead of him and will attend to ite dis- posal on his arrival. THE Pon 10 pleaaod to hear that Fred. Wilson, an Ontario Province druggist graduate, bee also passed hie exam, at Chicago giving him full authority to follow hie calling there, Mre. William Cornish, of Mitchell, ie calling on old friends in Bruseele and locality. She is a sister to Jobb Wynn and was for a good many years a resident of thio plane. John Roddiek ie bank from an en. joyable visit of three weeks, with kola - n, uvea in MICbigu es' . hi non A b s eldest et and Mre A. Morrison, the yosngeel danghtee,live there and are prospering under the sitars and stripes, The Standard, Dank of Canada OAPITAL (autltorlee4hyAab etParllament) .,, 00,000,00.00 CAPI'1'AL :tray ]laid nig ., ,,. 1,000,000.00 Ell SOAVE FUND '800,00000 'ecTAG 4881316 ... ,.. .,,a. 13,077,80400 HEAD OFFICE' TORONTO ONO. P. MND, ieneelii ninnasor BRUSSELS 7 f/A.r OL oIi]bnlaeltPaarret°ee r'pd,rli eaune u]ag'o to reepoe• Isle°nte, Jrerek and money payable rawest Yates. Collections promptly atded loaned,. geeral RankifUel000e tra00a0tud. EVery faainty afforded Customers living at a distance. Savings Bank Department Amnuuts of ane Gabler and up nrda reeelved apd interest at Ill Coat ourrent rate allowed from data aoocttnt is opened, and added to the principalCity 7011et and November 070th, Farmers' �t armnei's' Sale Notes Caebed or neeeived fax safe kaopfug and Coneotlon, Blank Note Forme Free on Application Hance 10 tO 3, Saturdays 10 to 1, w F, H. GRAY, AGENT. Mime Moffatt and Apdereon, of Blyth, and'Dr, Parr, of Detroit, were visiting the Mimes Habkirk. Next Wednesday Ur. Williame, of Tor- onto and Miee Minnie Campbell, of Lie. towel, are to be married, Mr, and Mre Leckie and Miee Mary Oliver, of Brus• gale are among the invited guests. Frank Smith, who hae been employed in F. B Hnrs'ey'e drag store for eome time, hae gone to Termite where he is attending Ole College of Pharmacy. He ie a good etodent, has bad a large exper- ience in the drug beeimate and will slow up well at examination time we predict. Mise Irene and Master Jia, daughter and sou of Dr. and Mre. Cavanagh, of Owen Sound, are visiting at their grand- mother's, Mre. J. L. Herr, Brneeele, while the parents are enjoying a visit et Montreal end other plane East, A Dental Convention was one of the draw- ing nerds in Montreal. Robert Newoombe, of Newark, New Jersey, woe renewing old friendships' in Brussels and locality during the past week. He had been visiting the Toronto Fair and took this art a side trip, Mr. Newcombe was a former resident of Morrie township and bag not been here for the past 12 years. He °aye his per• ente are in the enjoyment of good health. Maitland Presbyterial Society. [Oontinued from page 1,3 Miee Calder, Seoretary-Treatnrer, pre sented the annual report of the Society from which the following festa' were gleaned: -667 members in the 15 organi- zetione ; 439 members of the ohurah ; Total amount received for miseione $186, a shortage of 580 still reported ; $224 raised for congregational parpo=ee. Report was adopted. Rev. R. W. Rose, M. A., of Guelph, was introduced after"Nearer My God to Thee" wee enng. Hie topic was a good one "The Heritage of our Young People" and was well bandied. He gave a 'birdie eye view of the physical features, produote, &a., of tbie great Dominion ; then sketch- ed the development of oar population and showed the necessity of the church and the missionary doing their duty thor. oughly. We should prize our liberties and enhance our heritage. He urged the neoeeeity of right foundation, a broad life and the iuteotioue influence of Ohrie• tian zeal. Miee Lida Crooke rendered "Beyond the gates of Paradise" in good voice and the ooneludiog adrireos was given by Rev. Dr. MacKay, of 'Toronto. Hite was a practical talk along the ways and means of taking up Forward Mission work. He dilated on their essential fentnree (1) Study ; (2) Pray ; (3) Give. The Dre. addreee h•d the true ring about it and should have been heard by a much larger aud)enae Moved by Mr. Whaley, oeoonded by Mr. McLeod that thie Presbyterial Sooiety p'edge itself to raise $250. tbie year for the support of a misei onary in the Northwest. Carried. Rev. D. 13. MoRae moved, 9e0on ded by G. F. Blair that the plan outlined by Dr. MacKay for Advanced Missionary effort be adopted. Carried. The Executive were asked to develop the particular mode of preeenting it to the various eooietiee. A vote of thanks to the ladies of the congregation, who very thcaghtfally and boepitnbly;provided an- excellent supper in the basement for the delegates, was passed on motion of Rev. Mr. Haetie, The speakers were also iaoluded. Tbe ohoir sang "He will forgive thee now" and Rev. Dr..MacKay pronounced the Benediction after the Doxology was heartily sting. BORN HtNaexoN.-In Wingham, on Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mre. Ad. Hiogeton, a daugh- ter. MORINnow.-In Winnipeg, on Sept. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McKinnon, a son, MARRZEz)- HANNA-FIennn.-At the residence of tbe bride's father, Wingham, on Sept. 4, by Rev. J. J. Pattereoo, B. A., assist- ed by Rev. D. Petrie, Mr. George C. Ronna, to Mies Carrie, youngest daughter of Mr. P. Fisher, both of Wingham SooTT-BEweaY.-At the Manse, Ellie - hero', Mae,, on Sept. 3rd, by Rev. R. 0. Pollock, Mr. Blakely Scott, of Moose Jaw, N. W. T., to Miee B. Bewley, of Ellieboro', daughter of Mr, Richard Bewley, of Morrie, Out. BTEWART-HOUATON.- At the residenceof the bride's father, on Sept. 10th, by Rev. D. 13. McRae, Me. Matthew J. Stewart to Mies Sophia, daughter of Mr. Jae. Houston, all of Grey. SnoITIEED-MOMANN -At tbe renldenco- of Mr, W. J. Dickson, .McKillop, on Sept. 17, by Rev. M. G. Jarrow, as. ,ietrd by. Rev..C.10 Oarecallen, B.A., Mr. John Shortrecd, of Morrie, to Mies Alioe McMann, of MoBillop. z+xE r. Bnowo,-In Emery, on Aug, 24, Edith Brown, eieter of Augue Brown, of Grey, aged 16 yeate. STawnnT.-In Loudon, On Sept. 14, Prsn• cis Stewart, aged 48 yeare. ATYCTZON FRIDAY, OCT. 10.-Farmetook at Lot 1, Con, 17, Grey. Sale, unreoerved, at 1 o'olootl. Jobn Bennett, proprietor ; F. S. Scott, anotioneer. Tunisian SEPT. 80. -Farms form Stook and implements, Lot 81, Con, 12, Logan. Sale, unroofed, at 1 o'clock. Ohio. Querengeneer, prop. ; Jae. Jones, anat. men JSsanz,P.+ 96,a.'Sa=307'E'00, Ira)) Wheel 03 Bart' v 35 Peau 60 Oats, . 24 Butte' . 0111a and rolls , 18 Ilg;:e ,--r drlr'n . . 13 Flans per. cwt, 4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 40 Apples (pot bag) 40 Hay per Lou .. 5 00 °Sheep ahinF•,oauh ... 25 Lomb skins Gaul] 25 Salt par bit'., retail 1 00 Hidos trimmed Hideo rough Hoge, Live ,..: 6 50 Wool 11 05 36 65 26 .,14 14 5 00 40 50 6 00' APT. 18. 1002 S U R E • RI V1 .1 + T then go ahead—you may go ahead with, the baking at once if you get Fox's Baking Pow- der to start with. No purer, more carefully made, more satisfactory or more economical Baking Powder is made than Fox's Baking Powder. Not an ounce of impurity in one hundred pounds ; not a suggestion of dissat- isfaction in one hundred bakings. 'Buy, it ; try it—it will stand the test of the most ex- acting baker. 25c per pound, at Fox's Drug Stored OOD YEAR OLD STEERS W Wanted, gettable for ranch pnrpoaea Apply to GL' -O. BEST, Brussel°. 2s C+TEER STRAYED ON THE 30 La premises of the undersigned, Lot 82, 40 Oen. 7, Grey. The said steer le of fair size, 0 6s red iu color with white spots. Owner may 5 5 have same by Pay CHAS. 7CEBlt, Henfryn. 6 i2 AIR DRESSING.—THE UN- H DEnoI Brussels wished to announce to the rediae of Bruaeele and vtoluouy. that the is lugs and e0•to make. ewltebeo out of Womb, loge nod out hair, at her :home, Mill etroot 'west, Brussels. MBB. HINGSTON. rARM FOR SALE AT A BAR. A. GAIN, being Lot 31, Con. 17, Grey, 000- taintng 100 acres more or leas. There are 5 aoree cleared, 10 or 15 aoree partially clear- ed unci balance timbered with ash and elm, principally, Frame stable 15030 feet on premises, also a well. Poor health ie the reason for gelling. For pride, terms, &c., apply 1, 0FO.IOEIELS, ., Cranbrook P,O., or F. B. SCOTT, HrueeelaJr, 10.01 FIFTY ACRE FARM FOR mat, being South half of Lot 25, Con. 11, Grey, All cleared and in gond state of cultivation, also well tended, 128 acres aeed. ed 00 08050 and3all wheat sr wed. Large orchard ; barn 30x50 feet with stone etabliag underneath ; large frame house with kit" ellen attached ; cellar under whole house. Near to school ; S miles to posta1oe and chmobes. Filner° lot oleo corner rot. Wat• ored by a never -falling well. Good neigh- borhood. For further particulars apply to JNO. B. HYDE, on the premises, or Ethel P.0. 104 Bennetts, Oot. 2-3. Exeter, Sept, 22-28. Mildmay, Sept. 22-23. Teeewater, Sept, 24-25. Wingham, Sept. 25-26. Seatorth, Sept. 25-26. Stratford, Sept. 30 -Ont, 1. Lietowel, Sept. 30-000. 1. Goderioh, Sept. 30-Oot. 1. Kincardine, Sept. 30 -Ont. 1. Bslgrave, Sept. 30-Oot. 1. Howick, at Fordwiob, Oot.4. Atwood, Oat. 7-8. Blyth, Out. 7-8. Dungannon, Out. 9-10. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. FARM for sale. Apply to THOS, 1.10011E, Brussels. HOUSE and lot for eale oo Alexander street, Brussels. For further particulars apply at Trm PoeT Publishing House. COUNTRY store business wanted. Send particulars to THE POST Publlahing Donee, Negotiations strictly confidential. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North -wean corner William and Albert streets, Bruseela. 49-01 J. LECKIE. - NOTICE ! NOTICE is hereby given that a By -Law. known as the Locking Drain By -Law, wee passed by the Township of Grey on the 8th day of September, 1902, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount al 8014.40 for the purpose of drainage and that ouch By-law woe registered 10 We registry °Moe of the County of Huron, on the 10th day of September, 1902, Any motion to quash or set aside the same cr any part thereof must be made within throe months from the date of regietratiou and cannot be made there- after. Dated the 18111 day of September, 1902. 1C-3 JOHN MOINTOSH, Clerk. WANTED. --A TRUSTWOR• THY gentleman or lady to each 00nn- 'ty 00 manage bue1aege for an old establien- ed • house of solid financial standing.. A straight, bona . lids weekly Wish salary of y410..90 pato by oheok each Wednesday with mil expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for oxpepeee, Manager, 310 Caxton Brag„ Chicago, Clearing Sale Farm Stock i@ Implements. James Janes hae received instructions from Mr. Chas Qnerengoeeer, to sell by Pub. lto Auction, on Lot 81, Con, 13, Township of Logan, on TUESDAY. SErTl'MMBED 30111, 1002, the following : Forme -'there will be ewe. in blank or 1n separate tote, Eo suit par. chimera, 2.50 aures of land,. There is a large quantity of arst•clane Aeh, "Soft pimple, Cedar, dao, on thle land. Terme for same will be made known on day of sale, Stook and Implomsots-4 good working heroes, 1 good driving mare 8 yeare old, well bred ; 1 Bucking Dolt got by Lord Forenoon .Tr.; 1 thorn' -bred bull 2 years old, 1 there' - bred hull 18 months old; 1 thorn' -bred -bull 12 months old. 2 thorn' -bred heifers 2 years old. in Ralf ; 4 gond grade cows in calf, l grade bull 10 months old, 18 well bred 6005, 1 rem ; 1 Nexon binder, 1 Deering biader,1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 hay loader, 1 hay rake, l fanning mill, 3 lumber wegooe, 8)pairs bob -sleighs. 3 bay racks, 1 sawing machine with trucks. 1 sawing machine without troche, 1 Wilkinson ensilage cotter with blower mouutod on trucks, 1 Sawyer. Massey Emotion engine, 1 Peerless separator, 1 out, ter (now), 1 buggy, 1 road cart, 100 porde o 1 good soft wood. 4 ft. long, In lots to suit th+. parch/tsars ; about 803 cedar poets, to Iota to suit purchasers. Salo at1 o'olook, share. Terms -All sums of 810 and under, cash ; over that amount 0 months' credit will be �d°s)rnxpecenei0un(wah.Sir approved joint numal. 1pwed off for wash on credit amonote. .Pos- itively noreeerve us the proprietor has sold - . some of his farms and is going to Parry Sound. JAS. JONES, Auctioneer; CBAS. QUEIIENOESSEB, Proprietor. 311C MILT Mir M LJAMESTOWN POST OFFICE MD GENERAL STORE E invite public attention to the following remarks in regard to quality of goods and prices. We do not mean to say that we import direct from the Old Country, but, this we do say, we buy our goods from some of the LEADING HOUSES WHO DO IMPORT FROM THE OLD SOD and in that way we can buy just the same line of goods and sell Cheaper than those who pretend to import. The following will show why this is true :—Our expenses are very low, we have no rent to pay, no hired help to engage and our taxes very low compared with large towns. We can run our wagon on the road and give particular attention within ourselves. New Stock of Fall and Winter Goods Wrapperette Goods of latest designs. Dress Flannels and Suitings in the latest shades. Very pretty Waistings and Dress Goods. Table Linens from 25c to 75c per yard. Ribbons and Dress Trimmings always on hand. We keep all other lines such as Knitted Goods, Lace Curtains, Hosiery for Ladies and Gents, Blankets and Comforters, Ready-made Shirts and Shirtings in Flannelette and Cotton Goods, Towels and Towellings, Bed Ticking and Sheeting—all the best grades and low prices. Shoe Department In this department we have a complete line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes for Fall and Win- ter trade, also supplies for Boys and Girls, any age. In this line we aim to make it our special hobby to try and give entire satisfaction both in quality and prices. HARDWARE We sell Paints, Oils, Raw and Boiled Lin- seed Oil, Turpentine, Machine Oil, American and Canadian Coal Oil, Nails, Forks, Handles for Forks and Axes. Our 25c Teas Cannot be beat, also 40c Black is of a very fine Flavor enamor I 'Purchasers of our goods do not need a second urging to buy, a single test convinces them that our Staple Goods and Grooeries are of -superior quality. JAMESTOWN POST OFFICE has two mails a day going out and coming in, and we isstlo Postltl Notes and Money Orders. Our daily news arrives at 8 all right to do business in in any line. p.m.each day 80 you see Jamestown is We invite the Public to come and see for themselves. . . Our Wagon is on the road 5 dthe week. . Look out for Fall Underwear and suchlike. g Sys in W. Jamestgwn NNES The Post Offs Store, fioer: I � r