HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-9-18, Page 40 9muds gt. TLLUUR$D4Y, AS'Z PT. 1S, 1902. l tNa Annan ie a id to be enjoying^. hotter health. at the preaonttiwe than be hae for yearn Long live the Veg. IJNlrgn S?'.' E0 stillcarry the palm f" for gigautiqr i nota, One of the latest le the amalgamation Qf the bid moat Com^ panics* ot'Qhioago, The capitalization Will be far up in the millions. }• A. Naar and improved feature of work in Manitoba; the Northwest and Dakota is the purehaMeof tllroobing outfits by oyndi. oaten of farmeto thereby avoiding long, tiresome gaiting for machines and per - witting the early marketing of grain, ••• Smarm) that the harvest days are over the annual rampage of the safe blower and night prowlers le almost sure to follow. A sharp look out, a warm buckshot re. ()option party, with a few years in "jag" ie the medicine we tv`onld presoribe for these gentry. • Sra Wacrarn LATINISM will take a month's rest before returning to Canada and will spend tits time in Ireland and Scotland arriving bask to Ottawa about the middle a1 October. The heavy strain of work hae told on him but we hope this va- cation will result in hie complete restora- tion. COMPLAINT is being made of the short• ago in the supply of male school teachers. It is said the ladies are satiefied to teach for lower salaries and are getting many of the eohools causing the men to Beek other avooatione. The salaries have an up- ward tendency of late however, which may improve the situation for the gentle- men, • AN old addage hail it that "Thera are tricks in all trades" and sometimes this is saddled on the townspeople, but one inetanoe has come to the front, recently, where this watt not the case in which a Mrs. Reid, of Scott township, was brought to trial .for snugly stowing away a good oized potato in a 10 pound roll of batter which she sold to Rooe Bros., of Mount Albert. Mrs. .Reid ehonld not pot the good old Ieieh pills to such a nee even if batter ie 15 er 16 cents a pound. People would proton buying the butter and potatoes separate. Now bast the gunning ammo is close at hand the pablio will get ready to hear of the ueaa9 grist of shooting accidents. The grbealaorn or careless sportsman should take out as aooident policy, make his will and seccre a lot in the cemetery Wore he elronldere his gen. One ironies, is that the muzzle is often the moat remote part of the fowling pieoe to the fellow who should leave received the charge. Blank cartridge would snit some of these gunners best and they world oome back with ae =oh game and fewer funerals to their record. THE Iadaetrial Fair, held at Toronto, is certainly a big drawing card and a little gold mina for the railways, hotels and street care. Total gate receipts are said to sarpaee those of last year by about 680,000. Imagine a crowd of nearly 82a thoneand on the exhibition grounds in one day and an aggregate atteodancefor the 12 days of 395,000 and some con. ception of the magnetic influence may be arrived at. Before very much kinking is done about the County Fall Faire running to seed over the "attreotion" featnre the authorities should start on the Industrial for they rash this department in no half hearted way from the race track to the doubtful Midway fakirs. Bnxore Colombia Conservatives are adopting as one of the planks of their platform the nationalizing of- the tele. pboo0 linen. They would do better still if the telegraph and express Companies were also inotuded ae they are all built on the ntostopoly prinoiple. An idea of the exorbitant chargee of the latter is instant• ed in their rola to colleot doable first. alms paeeeegerfare for the conveyance of a corpse in a hermetically sealed box. $66.00 had to be paid the other day here to fetob the body of the late John McNeil trona Winnipeg to Brussels. It was un- aoaompanied; We would not objeot to a reasonable profit but if the above rate is not out of all proportion to the service rendered than we have no idea of fair. nems. laomp9red. With 0630,7$9 in' 1898, and the latter rope acorn $0,076 ill 1898t to 4874,•. 428 in 1901, The Moreau in the totgl mineral, proderil`ion from 1098 to 1901 woo 0$ per omit, and that of metallic prodaete alone 101 per cent. v Tula week winds up the Hare Ball aea( sou for 1902 ae far; ea tbe.ldaetern Ae- eoolation is ooneerned. It will be a Mom !Walt ae far es Toronto and Bata,k, are oepcerued and neither club will have much right to "ease" the other. T'be indioatlone point to the Queen oily win- ning the pennant. When a have ball game will attract a crowd of from 9,000 to 10,000 people the supposition le that the diamond has still quite a bold on the people. It also teaohee the Iseeon that folks can attend anything they make up their mind to. How would it be to apply this rale to the thumb services 7 - THE aunnal report of T. W. Gibson, a former Noronha, direolor of the Ontario Bureau of Mines for 1901, shows that considerable progress hae been meds in mining is this province during the last five years. In 1898 the total yield was only $7,2155,877, while in 1900 it reached $9,298,624, which was again augmented last year to $91,881,086. The pure metal. lie output of 1901 was valved at $5,016,. 734, whereas ft was only $2,666,220 in 1900 and $1,689,002 in 1898. The pro-. dootion of nickle rose from $514,220 in 1898 to $1,859,970 in 1901, wbioh wan more than double the product of 19011. Other marked increaser) wore in pig iron and iron ore. Last year'° Mishter Grogan Tolls All About 1':guloudville. Egmondville issittywabed about mid- way betune th' Rod Tavern an' Wint'rop. Th' Sayfort' authorities olaime Egmond. villa ae a suburb but Egmondvilliano won't have it that way, but honld taeht to th' oidea that Sayfort' io a suburb iv Egmondville. Clancy says that wad be a °aea iv th, tail waggin'th' dog. Finnerty Bays that Egmondville is th' capital iv Tnokerobmit, an' beano commotion what iver wid Sayfort' either phyeloally or morally. An' Finnerty'° poehted. He says it was eittled by th' Irish somewhere about th' beginnin'ivth' laahtoint0ry,an' bait bin iu an uneittled condition fuer since. It wan named afther ao onldIrleh family be th' name Van Egmond who emigrated from a plane oalled Schleswig. Holstein, in alt' county iv Fermanagh somewhere about 1690 or webby later on, It woo a fiouriohin' little place some years ago whin Sayfort' was wearin, abort pante, but tonne has worked great changes since thin, Saytoat, is now a buetlin' little town, felt iv bnoiniee and baled hay, gr0cerys an' lunch rooms, oimint ptvemints an' muddy ehtre, to, sewers, open an' shut, an, all koinde iv canned fruit, whoile Egmondville is quiet an' ionofioeive—th' remains iv eoma'ting that wanoe was, an' a refuge for retoired farmers. Egmondville was intinded by nathure fur a town. It ie beautifully aittywated, it hae far-ht-ulaes drainage, good wather power, an' all alt' other symptom, an' th' inhabitants are thrifty an' indnetrione, But Salton' got t0' railroad an' E;mondville got th' go-by, an' eo, while Sayfort' prospers, Egmondville ehtands idly by an' folds its hands an' soya, "Well, ay ye're betther off than we are, there's wan satisfaction —we're bet,her lukin." But Egmondville is not widont its in" duetries. Th' trog.leg iudnothry tarnishes imploymint fur th' kids, an' who hasn't heard iv Colbert'° .famous beer 7 Thin there's th' two tanneries—Jaokaon's and Holman's both doin' a rushin' business. Betoor I oonolode I mutat pay me reek- peoto to hie Wurehip th' Mayor, me ould frind Jacob McGee. He bao btu th'iworthy mayor iv a worthy village iver since it Waded !akin' afther, au' whativer ye may say regarding' Ih' biusiniee statue- iv Egmondville, its municipal uffaire have bin remarkably free from corruption, boodlin', intimidation, jingoism, partby polities an' all the riot iv it. Long may he reign. Brussels Council. The regular monthly eeeaion of Brno - gels looal legislature was held in the Commit Chamber on Tuesday evening of last week. All the members were prevent, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and past- ed. Accounts were presented ae follows :— A. MaLauohlin, salary $ 25 00 N. F. Gerry, mieoellaneoaa 5 42 Moved by B. Wilton, ascended by 11. Henderson, that above aoconnto be paid, —Carried. Communications was read from J. G. Skene, Chief of the Ftre Brigade,. in reference to additional fire hose. It woe moved by S. Wilton, seconded by N. F. Gerry that 200 feet be purohaeed.—Car- ried. The neceeeity of constructing a new water tank near or North of the railway was talked over but no action taken. - The penal routine of Connell badness was broken up by the visit of Thoa. Mc- Gregor, the well known inventor, who le interested in maws and tools, Clerk Soott read the following from bim :— I ask Ohs Oonnoil to give me fifty dol. Lars of a grant to put a oement finish on the outside of my shop till our bneinees gets time'to develop. Yours for busineee, T. MoGosooa, Brussels Saw and Saw Tool Works. Concerning the McGregor Bruooelo Saw and Saw Tool Worke, McGregor Saye, that anyone in Brasoele will be in favor of this move. MoGregor says he hae the Americaus and lots of otbere iutereeted 0o this case is olear. There Cannot be any mistake in making a start and Bros seta will be pare to gain by thio floe, new enterprise. Anyone will ray with mo that a machine °hop ie needed very much in tbie town and se I have aoboioelocali- ty for thio shop. sod do expect to be noticed by the leading men of our floe town, and will be able t0 'repair for the pnblto on maohinory as well as making our own new saw tool fixtures. Yours for Bruise's, T. MoGnaooa, B,nesels Saw and Saw Tool Words. To Tali Pnnrro,—Aa I have talked witb hundreds of people on thio baeineev so I promised to let them know when I was ready to form a company and any one that i0 interested in the [Muting of the McGregor Brueeele Saw and Saw Tool Company, please see MoGregorand get partion'ars and give year name and addre0e, as I need capital and will• make money fast and easy for anyone that will invest. Yours for money, T. Magnaoon, Brgceale Saw and Saw Tool Works, Mill St,, Braenele, Ont. In oupport of Mr. MoGregor'4 canton tions be brought to Ohs Coattail a large number of the tools and other equipment of hie bueineao, spread them oat on the table before the Board and gave a minute description of their enperlority over °thea on the market, A lively fusilade of production' of the former was $1,701,701,1 queries was answered in rapid snooeesion but Om Connell gave a ooaple of rano°^° as to why they oou14 not apntply with Ole ;equeat at pr00ant. 0040011 then adjourned. Grey Oeuncsil )1 oeti1lg", The O4unoil wet Marmot to order,' at Loug'e ;Hall, Oranbrook, at 10 o'elogk 5, m„ 00 Sept. 8th, the Remo iu rho chair,, and other manner° all present; Mipnteo of loot meetigg were reed and approved, Moved by Fraser, aeoonded by Turnbull that John Ansley, County liridgo Iaopeo• tor, be netiliod to have approaobee to Duke'sbridge on boundary 'Grey and Elmo, put in a proper otate of repair as soon as p000ible,—Oarried. Thera being no appeals on the Looking Drain 13y -law, it wa0 moved by Livingeton, seconded by Fraser that Sy•law No, 187, known as the Looking Drain Bylaw, be finally pained.—Carried. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Livingoton that F. S, Scott be appointed Inepeotor of abutments and bridge at lot 6, on, 14, at 91.60 par day. —Carried. Moved by Iaiviogston, second ed by Turnbull that F. W. Fairnoomb, Mo$illop'a engineer, be empowered to include coat of grubbing and epreadittg excavated earth on road allowance along route to Bolton drain: —Carried, Moved by McDonald, seconded by Livingston than the Engineer'o report as read re Kranter drain be adopted.—Oarried, Moved by M1Dooald, aeoonded by Turn• ball that By•law Nu. 192 be read lot and 2nd time and be provisionally adopted, and that 50 copies of same be printed and served on parties interested.—Carried. On motion of McDonald and Turnbull the following accounts were ordered to be paid ;—•- Guhr & Fogal,14th con, drain..,.,21200 00 00 41 200 00 John Hanguld, miscellaneous 2 05 A. M. McKay & Co., 20 lbs. strikes 70 W. Mason, rop'g road at lot .0, con, 8.-, 1 60 Saml. Smith, grad'g on bdy. Grey and Wallace 318 David Campbell, w,ire fence on bdy Grey and Wallace - 0 00 Alex. Barron, farm bridge lot 19, con.10 10 00 Trueman Smith, oes'g eng'r Lamont dr 1 80 Robt. Bell, Work on grader and repairs 4 45 Robert Menzies gravel 9 92 P. Bloke, completing contract on side - road 1, con. 13 200 A. Reymann, polling booth No. 7 4 00 J. Redmond, gravel sidmoad 6, con. 10 9 20 Geo. Hodge, dram lot 28, 18 00. John Robinson, gravel lot 8d, eon, CO....17 and olderoad U 18 16 John Meehan, gravel 1 84 J. McNair, farm bridge, lot 22, con, 14,10 00 W. Ziegler, lob 17, 0011. 18 10 00 Robert Coutts, gravel 2 00 L. Steles, farm bridge, lot 18, con. 18.-10 00 W'. McNeb, lot 20, con. 1810 00 E. Clark wire fence, lot 16, con. 17 .-2 00 John McIntosh, postage and stationery 4 00 Twp, of /lima, ro Peet drain.... ......... 76 00 W. H. Kerr, 85 copies Looking drain By-law 10 00 W. H. Kerr, part pay't rinting cont't 25 00 Charles Querengesser. limber 19 77 Edward Bryan, Sec.-Treas. S. S. 170. 4, Jno Reid, removing orossway ot;lot 25, 400 con, 14 49 00 Guhr et Fogel, 14th con. drain " 100 00 On motion of McDonald had Turnbutl, Council adjourned to meet at Township Hall on Monday, the 13th day of Ootober, when the Court of Revisiou on the Kram ter drain By-law will be held at 10 o'clock a. m- JOHN MCINTOSH, Clerk. Clinton. D. Cantelon sent 2,000 baskets of pears, crabo, elm, to the Winnipegmarketslast week. A picture in A. T. Cooper's China room took a drop one night last week and smashed $20 worth of goods. Master Walter Holmes stepped on a nail, running it about an inch Into his foot, and neoeeeitating the dootor'e oars. Tboo. Leokie, for some time enaietant editor of the New Era, was in town fast week. Be'is mail clerk, running between Hamilton and London. W. J. Paisley went to Wiarton to value a hotel for, Sam. Beattie, formerly of Brunets, Mit now of London, who is buy- ing uying oat the Atnerioan hotel there. Harland Bros. have purohaeed over 400 cords of wood from Jowett'° which they intend to supply their customers with in oae0 of the scarcity of coal. Mise Carol Newcombe went to London, Monday of last week, to take a farther 000000 in music' at the Conservatory. Her many friends will be sorry to hear that she has given up her mimic clam io Clinton. Geo. Sellery, Madison, Wie, brother of Mra. A. T. Cooper, who bas bead vie icing at hie home in Rinoardine, stop ped off here for a abort time. He is pro fees or of history in the aladieon College and wan on his way to resume duties at that eobool. R. J. Cliff, who underwent ao opera tion a few weeks ago, is recovering as rapidly as was expected, but it will be Boma weeks yot before be will be able 'to again attend to business. In the mean• time; Mr, (fluff is bearing cm under his enforced oonfiuement with the ohs eryman• mer characterietio of him. The members of the Collegiate Inmti. tate toot ball club held their annual meeting for the purpose of transacting bueinese for Ohs Fall term, Following offioera were elected :—E.' M. McLain, u Hon, Pire9ident ; 1t. Et Stgddart, Preoi. dont 111 1{ing, ideo.•T'reasnrer p Oboe. Neaterd, Captain ; 0. Sewer°, J, whld. don, N, Morel', Cwmrntttoe. It wad not 900145(4 whether an °qtly would he mace for the. Rough 0013 Or not. 0. Organ and wife have leaned through their pommel, Mraara 1'rendtoot t4 Haye tkoderivlt, a writ on the Grand "frank Rahway, olabniut; damages of 910,000 for injuries margined by Mra, Olein CO a G, T. 11, train loot mouth. Af re, tit Cott it is alleged was going to Goderiult, mid at 0130 station there when the train °topped, she etartad to get off Oho oar, when the treip started again, and she was thrown against. the oar door with each foro9 se tc inflict Bever° ipjurieo, and fon whloh the aotion is based. Ognnieting ovidenae eeemo to be going the rounds, and the ouooe1 for Otto G. T. R. spent three days in Iowa last week, working up their Bide, and claim they have good grounds fur nq action. It is likely to be fought out ip court. MoUililop. Iliiee Tena Gray of Ma'fiillop, ander• went a aorions operation on Saturday, 0th in8t, Mloo Rosa Smith hae again been ono. coastal in her examination, thio time ob taioing a First elate certificate. A lawn festival, in oonneotion with Bethel Methodiet church, will be held .at the reeidei oe of David Boyd, nue and a quarter miles East Lcadbury, on Thum. day of thio week. Robert Campbell hie purchased the 100 sore farm belonging to the estate of aha lata 'Thomas Campbell, being lot 20, 7cb con. The prior paid watt $6,680. This gives Mr. Campbell 600 sores in a block. Rob. Mao oy left for London to take a 0000nd 040000 at the Oommeroial college. At the last meeting of the Ladies' Aid 1t woedecided to build a verandah to the trout of the Haman Methodiet parsonage, P. 0. Stoneman, wife and child, of St. Paul, Minn , arrived to;pend a few Bayo with hie brothare andrtherre'ativ,o here. Hansell with its 31 5 miles of cement oidewalke and its w' 11 kept streets has a taxation of only 10.1 10 mill on avary low aeeeet:nook. Miss Bell, of Blyth, has been engaged by 'iM'lr.. Ronnie to take charge of the millinery department. Thr- o oowe got on the G. T. 11. 108011 near the ate lion on '1'deeday night of last week and th,• goo ion men placed them in the poem 1. One of th m happened to be- long to the pouudkteper. O.vning to the sal lone illneeo of her mother, who will have to undergo an op,•ration, Mao Btepbeurou heo bean granted a mouth's leave t 1 a tseuoe from her duties by the- oebool board. plias Whiteside tastes charge of herroom until her return. Ford wick. Chris. Severt has a corn stalk on big lot in the village, wbioh measured 12 feet 5 inches in length. Reports that pot0toee are rotting badly in heavy land are coming in from differ- ent .parts of the country. J. J. Montgomery end Wm. McLaugh- lin delivered to a Mr. McLeod, of Elora, 50 head at very flue feeding cattle, which he drove to that plaoe.- .Dr. Spume, Secretary-Treaourer, Ford wioh Public Sobodi has reoeivad a grant. of $30 from the County Treasurer on account of the Public School Continuation ola•aeae. Avery pleasing event took. plainon Tuesday of lust week at the reoidenoe of Anthony Holt, sr., of the 4th con., Ilowick, when his youngest daughter, Ella, was joined in wedlook to Ohrietoph• er Weitz, of Wiarton. Ms Enrxon,—Please allow me space 11ronah your aolomne to notify the trus- te.e of School Seotion No. 9, that unless water is furnished for the scholars inside of one month, I mean to take legal action to compel them to do so. Oar reboot bas 'been without water for a Dumber of years. —GEonn& To2TEN We aro sorry to have to report the serious illness of Jo -atilt Williumeou, sr., of Newbridge. Mr..Williameon has au inuer growth in the bowels and a contul- tetfon of doctors was held a few days ago, when it was deoided that nothing ooald be done for him, Until the last year or so Mr. W., although in his eighties, hae been in 5. od .health. Destructive forest fires are raging near Victoria, B. 0. Daniel Matthews, a farmernear Water- ford, oommitted euioide by taking arsenic. The Arohbiehop of Quebec hats appoint. ed Rev. Father Alexis spiritual diraotor of trades unions. The 0. P. R. are trying to prevent the Canadian Northern from crossing their line at Emerson. John Roberts employed by the Lachine Rapids flydraulio Company, was found drownedinthe oaual. He leaves a widow i , Toronto Downing Bros. Footsore ani teary"? Don't need to Beek for a rein- edy—'tion't a corn cure, either, simply rightly made, fit -the -feet hind of shoes, of which. d'e have an' ample supply. Look in our windows, look at our shoes, try them, buy them and the shoes will "make good." The latest styles, as well ae comfort, govern our buying. Prices ditto. Agents for 'the Slater Shoe. Downing . Bros. s 9 l) A.NTEl ;..— A TRUSTWOR. nor gentleman or mlt mon. tY to manage 410)100P0 forlau y00)1 aotilb11911• ed bowie of oolld limmefal utantllei , A straight, bona ride weekly aae11 Wary or 918,00 paid by ohedlt eek elkolt. Wostlaw.i y tlt, alt axps9 oe5 carnal tom tlaadquartere, 1Noe°y' advanced 100 809500099, Manager, 049 9eatott Bldg.,tlltiear;e. AT THE UP-TO-DATE Photo, Studio BRUSSELS. We will please you, so don't fail to get your Photos. Family Groups and Life Sized Photograph a spec- ialty. We study to give sat- isfaction to our customer's. Visitors and Strangers always welcome at our Studio to see our work. H. R. BREWER Another a114999oe In Clive is the preeenttendency of the Comsat market, ehorOttge le roporlpd and pelmet are very firm and only foe let nodialo' a90eptatme, If °rd9re aro placed whit Qu within the to at. 90 day° tv0 can empire a pitrice that will Sava money ae we have secured, ander oon. fatal., Clement at aprloe below the 01090004 market video. }oar order plaoad with tet wtli re/ANY() par piomptettvntlon and will be upprootated. P GOODS tt Our new line of Lamps steed without a rival, Last 0esson'5 trade baa demonstrated the foot that our Lamp Goode are handepme, up.to.date and remarkably low in pride, Your ohoiee now while stook' 10 new and varied from,91 00 to 97, 00. WASHINC MACHIN.ES Double action Washer—The "Knoll"—awarded Fieet Premium and Gold Medal at Weddle Fair, 1893, When you buy tbie machine you got Otto BEST YIIT P11QDUOED• A trial will cost you nothing. J. Holmes, of Clinton, Ont,, soya in hie testimonial ; "The Knoll welter le worth five timesito ooat." Write him and got Ula opinion. McKay & Co., BRUSSELS. FAMOUS CANADIAN REAL ESTATE. Jubilee Singers and FARMS FOR SALE -THE UN. n011000N130 nae several good Farina for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of aforri8 and Grey, 0 7. NOrol't, Brussel A SACRIFICE IN REAL ES— Temz,—$0000,00 will buy th0 Dlolmn- gbey Block in the Village of Brussels. Thalia two Ana stores must be sold to Mose out the McCaughey Estate, tateudlrg pn lubnsers should investigate at puce, Apply to r'. 8.. SCOTT' or. G. F. 111.1110, lirunie's,Ou t, HOUSE A1�D 7; AOEES OF tr land, eligibly local -d a l'ut•nh eery street, h u s els, fur -tuts- Will be o •Id o't puc or house and lair separately, to atilt purchaser. Good dairy he i iven In oenuce- tuu, PO9E0881011 could' be given may ti,I,0. Po,' 90000, terror, Rc„ apply to NLIi. 080 LAUGHLIN, Bruoeola, VARtif FOR SALE,—BEING Lot 7, Con. 10 Grey, containing 100 acreo,00 cleared and balance dry hardwood bush. There are two horses, two harm .IBM other outbuildings on the premises, also 2 oreharde. Farm in Me hast of order; well drained, good toucan and all seeded down exeunt 10 acres. Convenient to school. Good community. P00000eion would be given this Fall. For further particalatw 00 to price,, tonins, 60„ apply on the promisee to Wu. TU RNBULL, 0.3 Walton P. 0. 'TARN FOR SALE.—BEING tat 26. Con. le; Gray, oontainiug 1010 acres; 55 acre° cleared, balance bush There iv a frame house, 18026 feet, with kitchen 10018 feet; barn 87100 feet •;. stable 24x40 feet; orchard, well, do. Farm is well fenced and only 15 miles from school, a ore, mot - office and oburoh. Pooeoeoion to put in crop next Pall. For further particulars as to price, terms, do., apply to GEORGE 8 PA1tLING� Proprioto r, Oraabroo k P. 0. FARM FOR SALE, BEING Lot 11, Con. 8, Grey, containing 90,fj Bores. 80 acres cleared. Good frame house, cedar log barn, orchard, 00. Farm is well watered. spring creek on rear end ; conven- ientto school and church ; 91 miles from the thriving village of Brussel°. Poaeeesion would be given next March with privilege of Fall plowing, ,4o, For (further particu- lars as to price, terms, 00., apply on the promises to RICH. ROE, Proprietor, or Brussels P. O. - 02-3m FARM FOR SALE.—BEING East k Lot 7, 00n.17, Grey, aontai niug 60 aareo, 0 aoree in good 'hardwood boob, remainder oleared, well teuaod and ,lrateed- It le in a good state of cultivation, all seed- ed to groes but 10 acres. There is a good /Tema. barn, 86x50 feet, with stabling; also frame house, 20028 feet. Buildings•are in good repair being built about 0y 'ears ago. Farm is about a mile from school end two milia/rola Walton. Will also sell Lot 21. Con, 18, Grey, containing 64mires, All bush, There is a lot of valuable timber ou ttie lot. 10 le good soil and is dry at any season. This pioperty will be sold without regard to value ao the proprietor is going West For further partloulars apply on Lot 7, Con. 17, or address D&N1EL D1o5I0LLAN, 8.01 Walton. P.O. IMPERIAL ORCHESTRA BRUSSELS TOWN HALL TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 Admission 25c ; Reserved Seats 35c. Plan at Fox's Drug Store. UNDER AUSPICES OF METHODIST CHURCH, This will be a rare Musical Treat and will no doubt be taken a lvaotage of by many. 10 Artiste in Chorus, Story, Plantation Melodies, Solo, Quartette and Orchestra.. 'fl Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by using en inferior grade of flour. Your bread will always /as light, white and sweet when using the Venda. It is always of sup. erior quality, with no variation, and is carefully made from the beat grown Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory brand for your bread, oaken and pies, and you will never nee any other. ALF. BAEIER, B1t1f8SE90 COBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position totsup- ply the wants of the public with a First=class article. We will sell either 'Wholesale or Retail. . Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized, wheels or half truck with 2i or 3 inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels. Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to, Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the Coming Winter. GIVE US A CALL. John Cober .& Sons' Carriage Factory.