HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-9-11, Page 50 1 00; BUSINESS CARDS, , Al7NP.tX CAN�%I �'� It t1,'l � Tali, . v e 904, 8 q r e of o R` , Hgli'ffiaes, H. MQQRA.QKNN'-- •1 • Lauer of Ata*Tlego Liooueae. 01• ave atQreoary, ernherry ttreat,r 0 u0oela,. M. MDRRISON1 issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ON , MISS JEAN M'LIN . 41mvAUCHL, .-T>oAOMIR (IF--. RIANO - AND - ORG7Altl, :eso.'07'ai3pT-0, o x. ROBERT QONNINGHAM1 1Ns0710Non,'. FIRE AND MARiNE. GUELPH, LECIfIE, LIFI7 , AND VIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAI'i ESTATE AGENT, VALUATOR,Sro. Cf0co over Horslov's Thug Store,' 71'ob, Silt, 10112, 80.8m Brussels. Wellington_ Mutual Fire Insgranee Co., nazis meson 1840 Insurance tahen on the (melt and premium note system at current rates, Before Mar - lug elsewhere call on theundersigned Agent of the Company. G1EORG'S ROGER8, Brussels. MISS SARAH LOCIISE MOORE, L ..C. M., . . Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Blade, also Member of the Adgoaieted Mueiolane of Ontario, Jo prepared to reoelve a limited number of pupils for inetrnetion on the plano. Qual leed to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form in the. Conservatory of Music. . Brussels, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS• p S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• 1 • Baa, will sell for better prices, to better mon in less time and less charges than any other Auctioneer In East Duron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders eon always be arranged at this can or by personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK rJ • Honor Grndoate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to tretot all 818- 00680 of domesticated animals in a oompet- cut manner. Parti'ular attention paid to • Veterinary Dentistry Calle promptly at- tended to.. Ofif ae and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels, 'LEUAL AND CONVEYANCING. , VM. SINCLAIR— i Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, deo. Office -Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard: Bank. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • B oli ltor &e. Orrice over Stand- ard Bank,Solicitor for Village 01 Brussels. Money to Loanat lowest rata. - MEDICAL CARDS. • DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE. RESIDENCE AND CFFION-- MILL ST,- EAST, 1CIIIIASF)LS. J. A. M' NA U :GHTON M. D., Q. M., • .. Trinity Unlvereityy Fellow Trinity MedialCollege, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- Wffery Edinburgh, t3Telephoue No.14. Residence—Mill street, Bruesole, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of •Ilia Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and First•olase Honor Graduate of Toronto University. - Omoe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, -BRUSSELS. STOCK FOR 'SERVICE BULL FOB SERVICE. — A. xboro'•bred Short Horn, registered pedigree. Terme 780,11,1th prlvnego of re- turning if neooaeary. 01(0. ROB8, '88- Bromide South. Fall Term in the L/STOWEL Begins Sept. I,' 1902 Slnli,otta 0 y outer at any time. Terme reaenuable.1 oto coure00—Oommerelal and Shorthand. Sand for Journal, C. A. FI.I'1Ml7 0, A I, DIcINTYIIE, President, secretary, AND Itril ivh Colombia lied Cedar shingles North Shore Pirie and Cedar 1i'o 841..B AT TRH Brussels &lig dills. A1eo Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on hand or made to order et Short Notice, Estimates Fueniohed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. [chip and Material Guaranteed. P• AlmNT • Biter Now if Posskale Owago,CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. A e0110o1 that osogplee front rank among the beat BqvinesColleges nn this continent. Many loading comutirulul aaboolo employ Our graduates se teoohero, We do our best to place all nor 8raduatoe fn good poeltlono and we bave boon more e11a001alfol this yaar than in coy preview' year, Tbooe desiring the neat in buoluene education 'heuld at. Fond our school,, Write lar catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, J'rhtvtpul, o ettre gtems, oa1Noes outlook le good, ' Bathe=LR Fall; Fair Ont, 2,and 8, DON'T spat toba000 ;Mae on the side - waist. REAn Mr, .Rinke' toraae0of Sept. weelh. ar in this ieene. 25 canto pays for Too POST for the bulanoe of 1902, WATOI out for the Fail ennnunoemente of the live beaineee men in Tee Poor. TRAINS have been late owing 10 beavy passenger trntiia in commotion with the Indu.trial Fair. SRvenAn Bruaeelitee attended the Bar. vest Rome Festival held at "Union" Church, 12th eon., Grey, on Monday evening and had a good lime, Now 8monx.—In the lest ieaua of TNR Poo a new story wag aommenoed entitled "The Power of Persuasion," that will prove interesting to one readers. We give a double quantity this week owing to last week's holiday.l RRai8TRATION.—The report of the In- epeotor of Registry Otiose for 1901 just issued, Gives the following information : No. of instruments registered 4,170 t thio ie exceeded by five other ooantles only. Of these 1429 were deeds, 1006 were mortgagee, 1060 (discharge of,., mort- gngee, 170 wills, and 5 leasee, 1207 abet'ao0e, 1018 eearobee, 6 mechanics'' Ilene, and 492 not enumerated. The. 710)00 amount 01 Mee earned for the year, was 56071 25, Amount of income paid to county, 81285.68. Net amount of Mame received by Registrar 52909.80. The total valve of the mortgages registered was 51,480,066. Tun Clinton New Era pays of the Lnbor1Day Bowling mntob otitis Bruges's : In .the afternoon Brneeele drove over, titres rink strong, to give Clinton. Bowl ere a ooneolation game having been downed badly on their visit to that town some two weeks past.' They got von satiation by defeating Brugeele two games, and they departed declaring honors even. The followiog are the scores ' - CLnITON BnuasiaS Dr. Shaw ell Spalding Jackson skip 10 Hoover Hewitt Dr. Agnew, skip 29 .IrwiArdn, Laggh Beattie Armstrong. James Howard - Downing Raneford, skip 28 J. T: Rose, ebip 16 Irwin Leatherdale Jaokeon MoNanghton Fair Coseley Forrester skip 28 D. C. Roes skip 10 Olinton'o majority 49. A second game resulted in favor of tbe borne team by a majority of 1. Two of Clinton's rinks being up and one of Brunets. Toscana IN TRAINING.—The following non professional teeobero are now in at. tendanoe at Huron County Model Schools :— CLINTON. 0. Brigham, Londeeboro, H. Comecon, Kippen, E, DunloP, Ciioton' E. Johns, Clinton, M. Her, Clinton, E. Manning, Clinton, K. MoOoart, Oliniou, M. Porter, Clinton, E Robson, Clinton, F. MoEwen, Henson, M. Hartry, Seafortb, J. Lawrence, Seafortb, J. Lowrie, Constance, K. Hart, Broaefield, J. Lane, Brooefield, S. Seel, Craobrook, E. Musgrove, Wingham, M. Walsh, Wingham, J. H. Todd, Bengal', F. T. Bryane,'hometown, G. N. Johnston, Wingham, R. 0. Fraser, Molesworth, W. Jarrott, Hillegreen,' W. C. Wilford, Blyth, 0. Bawer', Brumfield, R. King, Clinton. . G0DE810n. Edith Taylor, Brewster, Mabel A. Bailie, Dungannon, Tena M. Johnston, Carlow, Lillian M. Wilson, Holmeevillei Anna' Martin, Exeter, Mabel Jennison, St. Joseph, Lillian Robinson, Exeter, Rebecca M Hogg, Benguela, Pearl E Jaoiteon, Tees water, Mary .1 °lark Bt. ilelens, Annie M Courtney, Amberley, Harry 8Va'ker, Boltaet, Lin Roux, Goderioh, Edward Stewart, Beowiiler, ' Wm, J. L win, Belfast, T. I. O'Loughlin, Luck now, Melbourne MoDougall, Westfield. %V ins intro. Mise. Delia Aparliog has been vary ill. Wingliam Pall Fair, September 25 20 ]Nine Hattie RoynctIde 'eft nn Timidity of loot week to epend a couple of weeks at Grimbey Patk. Barrister R. Eicanies, is building a brick M. air on the corner of Josephine and Maple streets. Ethel Musgrove, Mabel Walsh, and, Geo, Jobgston left on Tneeday of lent week' to attend Olinkin Model oohool, Jno, Clegg is preparing to remove to the thriving town of Weteekewin, N. W. T., where be hag purohaeed an hotel business. John Allenby has returned from Cali- fornia. Ho thinks there le no place like Oalifornid and expoote to go book there in the Spring. Mien M. A. Robertson, forinerly teacher in Wingham school, baa eeoured a eehool in Leamington and oommeneed her duties last weak, The Wingham District Epworlb Leanne Convention will be held in the Methodist obnrab, Wingham, on Friday October the 10th, , 3, J Elliott, 'V, B., who took a trip to Manitoba a few weeks age, sate taken ill pa arrival at 110001000 Wn ,are p'eatad to ropprt hint hotter end ,able to retort) home e ,k , H 1g ex ''tad 10 k me thio week, f FfAIloln H. R'lxs--'fl'o ra000 ad the State fair, a0 Pea ,llotnea, Atte, 28th, wore feet, and .in Spino of adverse 000dl. Hone Harold H. Welts the track 007771(47 and set anew mark a0 2,00 Snt, the new reword wee mode in the third Moat pt the free lor•all, and a second and a quorter woe chopped off the previous beet time, the old record of 2101• being held by Strothberry, owned by Dr, W. A1, Scott, at Oenlrovile,. Harold H• went a pretty mile in eotablialtieg the new ro0ord, aim did not make a skip in the torr quertore. He wont the first quarter in 52 fiat, to the holt in 104/, to the third quarter in 1 87i, and home ill 2 09 flat, Boma 10,• 000 people saw the tame, Snntmary--. Free -for all paoe, purse 5500,. Harold H., 2 04, b, g., Road• master, Mackenzie & Moyee, Winnipeg (Carnatboo) 1 1 1 Yoeng Joe, 241, br. d., doe Young, D. K. Carter, Des Moines (Carter) 2 2 8 Mica Williams, 2.osi, b. m:, F. Burin, Colorado Springs, (Bush) 8 8 2 Time, 214j•, 214i, 2 09. l.xeter-. Roy Farmer" left'rueeday morning of last ' week for 'Windsor, where he will at tend 'sdndwJoh College. D. R zall, who has been engaged at the grief mill here, left for Sarnia whore he b to amoepted a similar position. The Jnuior Bible class of the James atroet Methodistohurob pia nicked at Grand Bend Monday of last week, the outiog being very much enjoyed.' •'' W. Johns hag ag•,in deoided to open up a tailoring bueinesn in town and will. money the premiere recently ,vacated .by W. W. Taman, on the Bost side of Main street. Rev. R, MoOoeb, R. D., reotor of Chrlet Ohurph, Chatham, preached an. nivereary and Harvest Thanksgiving aern1000 to Trivitt Memorial obdroh on Sunday. The many Mende here of Jos. Davie will be pleased to learn that he to daily improving at the Muakoka Sanitarium, Grovenhuret. He has taken on consider- able float during hie ab4enae and the 'Mange, oonpled with the careful treat. went, eeeme to have the desired effect. 1E 1-a. George Smith left for Teeewater, wbere he has eeoured a situation at the hotel Vendome. Harvest Theukegiving servioeo will be held in Trinity (thumb on Sunday, Sep. tember 21st. , B yth tax rate for 1902 will be 18 mills on the dollar. John W. Bell will be the oolleotor, at 340. Mise Amy Eder reit on Tuesday morning of last week for Toronto, where she will attend the Conservatory of Mavis. • Wm. Moser . left for a ,holiday trip through the Thoneaod Islands He will return by way ot-Rooheeter,.Boffelo. ane Hamilton. Mica Mabel McElroy, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Wm. McElroy, of'Blytb, woe married in Chicago on Monday aftar000a of last week, to a young gentleman of tbat pity. HYMENEAL—The reeidenoe of James Logan was nue noane of a pretty wedding at high noon on Friday, Aug, 29, when hie daughter Eliza, wall united in marri. age to Samuel B. Gorwill, of London. The bride, who was charmingly attired in cream lustre, with trimming of silk ap pligoe and obiff.,n, and carried a beaoti• fol bogaet o4 oream roses, entered the .room leonine. on the arm of her father, to the strains of the wedding played 1 P Y ed by bar slater, Mise Tena Logan. .Atter the oeremony, which wae.performed by T'S. 8RU8$$L$ Rov, Wm. Penball, of Atwood, the mete repaired to the dining room, .whore, c'vc ad r ale Mid w li for h 1 r 25 -the oohs robemnp of .1110 rl0coratiphe wag pluk- and white, Tho presents were rufnerana and ooetiy, showing the high entetm in which the bride to held. Gneeta were present. trots Oil City, Guelph, Zonation, Qoderiob and Harloolf. Gators 101, The-Vidttte 14 holidaying fade ]week, W. Green le improving bio reeidenoe by a atone fomuiatian and brink veneer. Mise Minnie Williams, otter spending the Summer with her psrente, Mit for Philade:pphia, Rev. Enrol Dean, S, F, Robineon, of Walkerton, will preach in the G}orrie par. iebee on Bept. 14th, B. S. Diane left on Monday morning of last week for AUleton where be hoe eeoured a position 00 teaoher in a publio school, Tine Great Northwest Telegraph office will stay in town and will be in °barge of Mina Edith Perkins at her borne in rear of the poetoffioe. Wm. Doig loft on Mpnday of last week for Montreal, to be present at the funeral of bis father, who departed Ibis life at the age of 61 yoare. Matthew,Daoe;le erecting a beautiful academie at Orange Hill, whioh when completed will add to the beauty and Qumran 'of Mr. Dana's egrroundingo. Forakwv1011, Fall Fair here on Saturday, Oot. 4. Rev. Theo. Hall, of Wingham, preach. ed in the Methodist (Murals here last Sabbath. • Alex, Orr ham gone extensively into Ibe bean bneigeea and intends parohasing all he oxo get. . The largest Dorn stalk to be Been this aemeon MA grown. on Thomas Gibson'% farm, and measured 15 feet 8 inches in length. Win. Mahood, of Webster City, arrived in Fordwioh, and will remain for a abort time vieltiog hie mother, easter and other rel•,tives and friends, Wm. Downey and Mrs. Coburn, wbp bays been bare for a abort time, returoed to Toronto on Monday evening of last week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Trios. Downey, who will go to a hospital to be treated for her illness. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Smith, 0000000 Banton and Mary Ste., Berlin, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, at 4 o'clock, when her eeoond daughter, Bertha, was married' to Bert. Young, of Ford south, Ont. The ceremony wag performed by Rev. D. B. Bberk. in presence of only the immediate membere of the family. The bride; who was given eway.by her grandfather, Philip Snyder, wag attended by her sister, Annie, and bo h were prettily gowned.. in ..white organdie. Alex. Pnttook supported the groom. Mr. and Mr.Tonng will reside in Berlin, iArotow,al Listowel'' rate of taxation thio year will be 24 mills in the 5,: - Mias Lena -Large has taken a position as bead milliner. at Mt Forest. Kidd-Broe, shipped a oar of horses -to Toronto, There were 21 in all. A. L. McIntyre hag again taken oharge of the Listowel Badness College. Mise. MoAllieter, missionary: to Liberia, Wast Africa, is home again and is sojoar- ning with her father, Jag. McAllister, Elmo street. • R: H. Hallie the poeeeesor of a geeing. foal opeoimen of interest and rariety, being a piece of the atone out of which a Whin is being made for Her Majesty The many friende in town of Mre. M. Wildtang, of Berlin, formerly of Listowel, will be pained to bear 01 shot lady's serious illness. She recently underwent anoperation o at Guelph General P Hospital, and vary little hope ie held out for bar reoovery. .,HOUSE PAINTS When you oonsider about the painting of your houee ' the moot important thingto think of is, what is the beet quality of paint. obtainable? The best paint to stand the weatber and look fresh for the longest time? There is only one gnawer to this, namely,' that a paint made with Brandram'e B. B. Genuine Lead, Pure Linseed Oil, TRADE MARK end jam enough Dryer, must be the beet, as this B. B. Lead hoe for eo many years been proved superior to all others. Such a paint is Anchor Liquid'Hooee Paint, and it is the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brandrom a B. B: Genulue White Lead. It is a mistake for yon to leu auything but the very beat paint in painting your home. The coat of putting on the paint ie neuallyabout the same as the coat of the paint itself. A cheap paint takes more time to make a reasonably good job with than a good paint, and dose not last 00 long, nor look so well. In fact the cheap paint is the moat expensive paint in the end. Make no mistake. Use Anchor Liquid House Paint. It ie -a Pure White Lead, Zino and Linseed Oil Paint, and ie art good as van be mode with .our oboioe of the very best materials. Use it and get themost eatiefaatory multi' obtainable with paint. Sold by— Ear,DiE'`Ay' qsz co.. Brussels. Downing Bros. Beauty in a Shoe Iis not hard to find these days, i but it is difficult to find that rare Combination of beauty and style, comfort and durability. Never- theless you can get it at DOWN- ING'S, and it won't cost you any more for these Shoes than others lacking these essentials. Our Oxfords and Colonials are mar- vels. Agents for the Slater Shoe. owning Eros. ETHEL AW MILk$ All kinds et Dressed Lumber kept 01 hand from 310 up, British Cglpmbia, hone qct 13hOnglea and Lath kept en stand, A good farm on 18th eon, of Grey for sale. 6, gnant ty of green cedar : p080a for sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey, 8, S. 001...E, PRQR1t1P(T01i, ETHEL. Queen Alexandria. The block tvae boat. ed on the North shore of Lake Huron end le pronounced a genuine jasper and orya.. tai stone, and ie the only epeoimen of this formation that baa been found in Ontario. Wednesday evening William Pelton, pump maker, had the misfortune to break his leg while out in Howiok. '3he accident was oaueed by Mr. Pellou trip. ping and falling over the wagon tongue while handling a pump, ' The break ie at the thigh, and will lay him up for sonic weeks. Mr. Pelton is a member of the Town Council. The annual Confereuoe of the United Brethren Churoh is being held in the U. B. Choral in thea town. The Confer, anoe opened at 9 is, m. on Wednesday last, and will oontione till Sunday foil. owing. Bishop Mills, .of Pennsylvania, presides, and about fifty ministers and delegates are present, from both Canada and the United States. There is preaching each morning while the• Con. lemma Meta. Bishop Mille will preach on Sunday evening, 140h inat. The Liquor Act, 1902. The vote to bo taken in the Province Ontario no December 4 next will be up a measure that ie not as fully 'Indernto as it ought to be. Thie measure, kno as the LlgdorAot, 1902, hasbeen m represented by M. opponent's, who ha ebdeavonred to make it appear that t lawlafrill of loop boles and &feet'', pe witting .1t good deal of unoontroll liquor eel ins in' drug -acorea, and ho drinking,. A. synopsis of the dead' features of the Aot will show how - n founded are each aeeerti,.ue. The new law absolutely -prohibits{ Bale or keeping for Bale. of iotoxiooti liquor by any person in the _Province Ontario except under the following oo ditione : (1) Wholesale druggists who a specially llaeneed may sell under rig reetriations for mechanical and satenti purposes, and to registered medical m and spatially licensed,druggiate. (2)iR tail druggists who are specially license may sell under similar reetriotiooe f modioinal or sacramental purposes. The keeping of liquor tor sale ie el prohibited in the moat precise and' 'etie five Patna. No person ie allowed to. ha liquor in an.offiae, store, or any oth place other them private dwelling i which he reeideo, urileeo he to a profs atonal men requiring the liquor for use i his baseness or profession, or le a license druggist doly'authorized to sell for pe milted purposes. The rev' ii sone for the carrying P y ng oat o this prohibition are of the most °omelet and effective obaraoter, including require menta of certificates and prescription from qualified profs 'clonal men an sworn official returns of all sales made The specially lioeneed droggiete will b under much stricter rests' i tot one 1110 those that now govern all druggists undo the liaenee law. Buying for home nae isabcoluteiy pro hibited anleaa the liquor is purchase from some person in another Province o country. No Bale or giving of liquor i olube or ebope or offices 80 in any wa permitted. The law is about as rigid measure of provincial prohibition as it i poneible to devise ander thepowere the a legislature possesses. It is now the 'strictest prohibition sot that it is now possible for am to aeons. Any one who gale, or keeps for sale, or gives away liquor unlawfully, any liaen: sed druggist who Belle in n s unlawful place or an 'unlawful quantity, or allowe igoor lawfully (told to be drunk on. hie premises, any. one who ['applies liquor in an idiot Beller, and. any one who Emile for given liquor in any olub; ie liable for first offence toa fine of not leee'them 8200 nor more than 51,000, and in default of mmediate payment to imprisonment or from three'to six montbe and for a cooed offence to ,imprisonment for not ass than six months nor more than we've moothe. If a licensed druggist r hie agent is the offender, the license is orfefted, and cannot be renewed for three pare Any spatially licensed druggiet who ells,•,wi,hont.pr,per affidavit or other uthority, or Mile to make or report eoord of sales, cny person knowingly sing Manor nnlawfnlly pnrtbaeed or con liming liquor on. premteae where Bold, ny physician, dentist, or veterinary sur.. eon who uses hie_poeition to aid in the scission of the law, and any person who vee liquor to mioor without authority f !Other, mother, guardian or phyeioian, liable for first offence to a fine- of not as than fifty dollars, and in ;default of mmediste payment todmprieooment. for om two to' f ur monttte i and for a onnd offence to a Ana of hot lees khan a hundred dollore, oar more than five indeed dollars, and in default of lm- ediate payment to imprisonment for om four td eight months, with similar ovieio40 abottt'forfeitare.of'Menge Old 'qualification of 'ioende. AB a mementos of prohibitory legislation is law is far ahead of anything ever fore drafted in thee country. It ie not it to compare it with the Soott Aol, or ny other meaenre more local in its ovisions, It 10 an honest attempt to vise the moat effeotive kind of prohibi• ry law. It was the work of skilled and petienoed professional men in Manitoba o were also earnest advooatea of total obabition, of On Od w0 is - 84 he ed m0 no n alt ng of n• re id fie en e d Or eo a ve er. 9• a r. • e d n n 7, a e n 71 ki 0 as le fr tie Ai) h m fr ill th be fa pa de e to ex wh pr WANTED. --A TRUSTWOR. Tim gentleman or lady in each oonn- ty to manage.buelness for an old establish- ed bongo of solid nonmetal standing. A straight, bona fide weekly cash salary of 1116,00 pain by shook 'each Wednesday with all expeneee direet front, headquarters, Money advanced for expellees. Manager, 840 neaten Bldg., Chicago, 5 Ate 1uu0fl9$ 87 MILLINERY This week we make our Bret display of LADIE$' TALL OUT- INC NATO in all the 1000 Paris and Now 'Rork eG log tmoh which are the Nayarit), Prinoeee, Parkside and Ethelbert, which are now so moors in evideuoe in the large pities and Sommer resorts, Dor milliners, who have been ,visiting all the oentree of tuition and getting all the new ideas in Millinery, will return about the 15th 'net„ when they will be prepared to take orders and trim tip Hata and Aonnete in the moat artistic) style, BLOUSE We are showing all the newest things in e Bionoln , in French Flannels and other new materials in stripes, 'mote and floral designs. Also the new Ribbon Stripe .Goode, in a variety of ooloringe, whiob are now H0 mnoh in vogue, and a Lull range of blaok and colored Sating, Tafettas, Tamolinee and Japanese Bilks enitable for shirt waiete. ' Thie week we have received enr New Furs in 'Mesio Far Coate, readier,' Astrachan Jackets, Caperinee, Ruffs, Cape, Eta. Owing to the great increase in our Fur trade we have bought heavier than usual and a mooh Hoer quality. urn iii er Goods P � Don't forget that we are clearing out all lines of Summer Goods very cheap. There is a long season of hot weather yet to come and you therefore get the benefit of seasonable goods at a low price. "M" Waists Don t sag and there never was a knitted shirt or garment that stands wear and washing as well. The fabric is knitted from a high gradecotton and is bleached after knit- tingby a special pro- cess to preserve all the life and strength. The weight of cloth- tar, inw doesn't come on the e knitted goods at all but on the ' M" system of taping: This carries the strain, and never wears out. The buttons don't come off, and the button holes last as long as the waist. Less worry about waist cost, and mosrsatis- iactioa for the child. We can supply you with the "M" Underwaist for Girls and Boys from 2 to 10 years of ago at 25c and -35c each. This is the ideal 'Waist for Children,: not only the most .comfortable and durable but nicest and. best in every' way. Standard Patterns, -Fashion. Sheets and Designers for Sep- tember.now to hand. Popular Patterns at Popular Prices. STRAC The Hand that rePr� ;i"71illllllii I� � 11 eS /411111 1‘10-Zt lh is never so willingto perform its labors as when the Paint used yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Beady -mixed Paints. We'll supply you With an article that Stands on its Merits Alone -The BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SFr17IRWIN—WIL- LIA.MS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Wilton & Turnbull 0 A RECORD -BREAKER EWAN & Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wagons this season, already, and are now offering Spec- ial Bargains pecial.Bargains for one month as they intend to make this season a record -breaker in the number of sales. Remember the date, July 12, is the limit for bargains. You need not be afraid to drive 30 or 40 miles to see our stock, you will be sure to buy. It will be to your advantage to see the High Grade Buggies at close prices. Eobt. Thomson has purchased one of our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear- ing, bike buggies. This is the 3rd we have sold in Brussels and they are ail giving first-class satisfaction. These rigs eau be bought from EWA At close prices at the tip -to -date Carriage Factory,