HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-28, Page 8d,r y63] L Fr7 ,aN Lokitk.'AAet tandlaxc Dank of Cauada AC) Q'U 4Rre t ' FOR school Supplies We have 'a Full and New Line of --4101.111110.--' Public School Books, High School Books, crihblers, Exercise Books, Note Books, School Bags, Pena and Pencils, Slates, Pencil 'Boxes, Stafford's Black ink, Fountain Pens, Geography Notes, History Notes, Etc., Etc, BLOTTIt3RS GIVEN AWAY, HursIeysDrug and Book store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & 8. Trains leave Bruesele' Station, North and South, as foliowe: ' Gored SonTn Goma NORTH. Mail 7:18 a.m I.M1xed 10:00 a,m Mrxed.........10.00 a.m 1 Mail 1:17 p.m &apress...... 815 p.m Express 8:17 p.m rptal Sdas Vans, A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent i I, THE Pon gives the news. DAYS are shortening rapidly. NEW wheat is coming to town, THE POST will holiday next week. Bnn8SELo market is ready for the farm• er. 6 OARS of Balt have been shipped this week. SEammUREkwi11J be ushered in Monday next. W. F. VANSTOEE shipped a ear of hogs a Monday. G. A. DRADDAN sold and shipped a Jer. eey cow to Gampbellford. NExT Monday will be Labor Day, end a public holiday. The business plane will be dosed. Ton village Connell will meat on Tues- day evening instead of Monday owing to the latter being a holiday. A Goon Sized meek rat was killed in the Maitland River, near the iron bridge, by some boye on Saturday afternoon. A BRAND new covered stage hae been pat on the Bruseele• Wroxeter roan this week. It wag manufactured by D. Ewan & Go. and looks gay. BRUSSELS Pabito School will open on Tuesday of next week. A large atten• dean of pupils expected and a great term's work is figured on. NEXT Monday the Second Farm Labor- ers' Exooreian will be run to tbe West, from this section. Fare oat 310, return ticket, with oertifiaate, 318. Good until Nov. 30. Frvw modern furnaces have arrived at the G. T. R. for the Mahler Apple Evap- orator now being completed. They par. pose running bnaineee on a large scale and will handle all the apples they can get. TEE probabilities are that the G. T. It depot here will be illuminated with eleo• Incilight. An estimate of the proposed cost has been obtained. It would cer- tainly be a big improvement and should be canis A LARGE sign has been painted along the North side of the ()ober Carriage Works that may be easily read. The firm le busy now on cutters of which they have already made several thirteen te, in the white, to dealers. J. J. GI sum, of Brunetti, hae disposed of hie doe 100 acre farm, lot 9, con. 10, Binnehard towoehip, Perth Co., to Wil. liam Jones, of London township, for the sum of $5,500. The lot was taken np when all bush by Mr. Gilpin's father 51 ago. Mr. Jonee takes possession this Fall and will no doubt do well on it. Two rinks of bowlers from Brunets drove over to Wingham on Wednesday afternoon and played a return matoh with the sphere trandlers of that enter. prieiog town. The rennit was as follows WINGHAM. BRUSSELS. Culbert, Feild, Aldereon, Farrow, King, Rose, Patteraon, ak..,,18 Irwin, ck 18 Van Norman,; Ardell, Kneobtel, MoNaughton, Vanetone, Cameron, Jeffrey, ck 18 Gonaley,ek......12 Totals 34 30 Wingham and Kincardine Mao played. One Kincardine rink won by 9, the other lost by 7, leaving Kincardine 2 up. The lawn is level bat short in grave. Our bowlers speak well of Wingham hospi- tality. OBIT. -The Olifford Express gives the following partionlare of the decease of John Scott, Lakelet, father of Mise Ethel Soott, of Bruseele Public School staff :- The faint hopes that John Scott, of Lake. let, who had been seriously 111 for two weeks, would recover from the illneee with which he was attacked, were Erne• traced on Sabbath morning, when he breathed his last. All that medionl at- tendance and careful nursing could &a• complieh were done for him, and when serious oomplioatione were discernible, a Fergne doctor wae called, who performed an operation similar to that performed upon King Edward. Subsequent develop. menta, however, left no hope and the operations were of no avail in prolonging his life, and be passed peaoefally away on Sunday morning. The funeral on Monday to Lakelet cemetery, a ehort distance from deaaneed's late home, wee largely attended. Rev. S. E. Marshall, B. A., Clifford, the deceased's pastor came from Bonthampbon, where be was spending his holidays, to conduct the funeral services, It is a coincidence that Mr, Marshall has been called home from hie annual holidays, on the sad errand of a fannra( service in hie congregation every year since Doming to Olifford. First, for the funeral of the late Ira M, Hazlewood; next for the late Myles Scott, and this year for John Scott, father of the latter, alum deliveries of flax thie week 01 mill here. • JNo. Boom shipped a oar of cattle to the Eastern markets, A OAR of ashes for New Jersey, (1. S., is being loaded at Brunetti etation yard. D. Ent( & Go. has a gay express de. livery wagon about ready for A. Coasley, agent here. IT is said that Samuel Beattie hae per• abased the Patterson Hotel at Wiarton and is now in possession. Tax "Fresh Air Children," who have been holidaying in thie locality went back to Toronto on Thursday of last week. THREE Itinerate ma Friday afternoon, viz.: -Mrs, Fox, of Granbrook ; Miee Somerset, and A. Hinter, late of Brno- • eels, MRs, GRIrrzTH'e residence has reoeived a new dress of white paint and with its trimmings of a fashionable green looks very neat. A NEw roof will be pot on the Metho- dist Ohnrah horse ebede and repairs will also be made to the oornioe briok work of the Uhnroh. EDWARD GARVIN baa one of his patent apple palling maohinee completed and will exhibit it at the Toronto Fair. It should find ready sale. MIss LITTLE left on Wednesday to at. tend the wholesale Millinery Openings at Toronto. The newest and moat etylieh goods will be purchased. BRusewre oheeea factory sold 140 boxes last half of July make of Meese to Mane. Ballantyne &Bono 9 conte. It wae shipped to London, England, Too Board of Health Inspector ie on tbe look out for canoes of impairing the pablia health and has given notion to several parties to have loud perfumed refuse removed forthwith, Ooottotx,on GERRY has pnmhaeed the building need as a paint ,bop, Ring street, from B. Gerry, end hae changed it into a driving barn and stable. It is very con- veniently located for him, THE Pearson property, Brussels, eon. (fisting of an ante of land, houses, &e., will be offered for sale by public &notion on the premises, on Friday of next week, Sept. 5th, at 3 o'clock p. m., to oloee out as eetate. Rocca Go&Hent hae engaged Jno. Con• ningham as etoreboneemen as Robt. Oliver went to the Weet lash week to look after interests he has there. Jno. Wright will be in charge of Alf. Beaker's store. hoose. Menke. Cunningham and Wright ehoald fill the bill in firet•claeo style. WEDDING BELLS.-Jobn Alexander Mc- Ontaheon, of Molesworth, and Mies Emily Rollinge, of Britton, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Methodtet Parsonage, Broseels, Wedoee• day evening, by Rev. T. Wesley Ooeene. May their joys be many is the wish of Tete Pon. LAST Friday afternoon as Harvey, the Youngest son of W. H. and Mrs. Willis, of Beafortb, who wee visiting here, was upset out of a little wagon with which he was playing with some other ohildren, and in the fall his shoulder was dielooet- ed. He le getting along ell Tight. Har. vey baa ran the gauntlet on several 00- caeions bob ie a hearty youngster yet. A Loin of townsmen, consisting of Reeve ROSS, Coonoiilor Donaldson, R. N. Barrett, Alf. Banker, R. Maioprize, Geo. Olvar, Gbae. Jaokeon, Jae. Irwin and Harry Mercer went out to Sam. Shine's, Ord con., of Grey, on Monday and insist. ed in hauling in grain. Mr. Shine ie laid up with a disabled hand ant while teed. ing a threshing machine. Brunetti con - 'Mont to the harvesting bee was no Light draft one ae there were 4 of them over 200 ponode each, 1 of the quartette plum• ping the wales at 240 and the 9 weighed 1.700. About 30 loads of grain were hauled in, 3 teams being engaged. DEATII on ARTHUR 1d Monate.-Tbe Cedillas Daily News of Augant 29rd, Bays :-"After long and weary menthe of intense pain and suffering, borne without oomplaioing, death ended this morning the etraggle against the inevitable end of all life and the silence of the sleep eternal released the spirit of Arthur MoMortrie from its emaciated tenement of Olay. Arthur McMurtrie'e illness began in Febroary of thio year, but a few weeks after the death of lBre. MoMnrtrie. In May he was taken to the Univereity of Miobigan hospital, but no operation was performed Innen of his weak condition. Hie ilineee was diagnosed ae the result of 0anoeroue growths in the etomaoh and intestines. Sinoe his return home Mr. MaMnrtrie had suffered untold agony, but he awaited the Doming of depth with. out complaining, Funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the 'residence on South Wood street, Rev. Mr. Armstrong, pastor of the First Methodiet ahoroh, taking the aervioe. Interment will be made in the Maple Hill cemetery under the alopioee of the Foreetere. Mr.' Mo. Murtrie is Survived by hie little daughter, Bernadine, one year of age ; his mother, Mrs. H. C. Mahlnrtrie ; and hie Dieter, Dire. Tweedie, of Croswell. Arthur MoMurtrie wae born on the 2101 day of September, 1876 -therefore was nearly 28 years of age. Cedillas had been hie home for many years. He wae as in, dustri000, honest boy,and in hie manhood retained these virtues. Pleasant in his iptereouroe with men he made Iriendcbipe which assisted him in life, sustained him in hie illooa0, and which will care for the little orphaned baby girl through the awning yeare," Deceased was a brother. ie.law of Mrs, Ed, Opeiran, Bra: ole, Itvi Ptfsit 9iht uitoA1l' NEVAI Following Mir anetom we will take oar annempiQualyHolldeeean oyopponextrtuweeknity of trodonalljoylnd aow ouur outing, Our next issue will therefore be Bent. 1018, The ofEee will be open for the receipt of job works, advertieemente, eubeerbptione, Ifto, G}oeo'r harvest weather, Lamm Day next Monday, 11auogo4e will supply the bride for wedding on Wedpeeday, 10th inst, P, Boom has pnrohaeed a likely Sidney Ooetomer colt from Charles Ritchie, o Morris township, P, Aaigws received 0 oars of heading, oar of ebinglee and a oar of lumber Our ing the past week, Mom the (1401 of Brucoele Fall Fair i view -.Thursday and Friday, Out. 2 t@ $ It wilt be the beet ever held here, REPAIRS were made to the front of tb Marble Works building this week. Th property belonge to Postmaster Farrow THE party who has been palling onion in W. H. McGracken'e garden had belie desist before he gets into trouble as Mao has spotted the thief. .A QUARTETTE braes bandfrom town will supply instrumental music at tb Garden Party at Granbrook Thursday evening of this week. CHEAP holiday retee are annonuoed on the railway for Labor Day. Tiokets are good going on Saturday and retarni ng On Teeedey, and will be leaned at single fare Ton funeral of the late Alex. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, will take place from hie late residence, Alexander street, on Friday afternoon, at 4 30 o'olook, service at 4, GRACE, the little patient at Juo. Walk- er's, ie alk•er'e,ie able to be about again we are pleased to state and the reeidenoe has been properly disinfected, eradioetiog any deugerof infection from diphtheretio germ a . STATION AGENT HAM and two of his eons, Frank and Clarence, are oontem plating a holiday outing to Muskoka, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Peterboro' and other pointe. Mr. Ham deserves a poli• day ea be is tied very oloee by hie multi. ferioua duties. IN the Da McNaughton medal bowling contest the list of aompetiiore is narrow• log down Jno. Beattie and Jae. Fox being left in Giese 1 end the winner of this duet, will have to play off with the winner of Class 2 now oomposed of Tripp vs, Feild ; Downing vs. J. T. BOSS ; and Jno. Hewitt with the bye. There have been some great games with not a few startling sorprisee. The interest has been well maintained throughout.ve Sawa BEETS Goon. -In company with Prof. Harcourt, of the Ontario Agl. Gol. lege, Guelph, the Editor of THE Poen took a tour last Tuesday morning among a few of the Sugar experimental plots in this locality. The seven visited showed very favorable progress and Prof. Bar. ooart was greatly pleased. An exhibit will be sent to the Industrial Fair, Tor. onto next. Wednesday, where au experi. mental plot is being worked for educa- tional purposes. A few own of beets may be shipped from this nation to the faotory at Berlin if the farmers are will. ing to dispose of them end -enquiry will be made along this line before the crop ie lifted. We hope some day to see a factory in operation at Brunette BowLING.-Toeedey afternoon Listowel bowlers paid Bruseele a visit with three. rinks and enjoyed a good game with oar bowlers On Maitland lawn, The home rinks were vietorione by 18 shote as the appended score wilt show a a D • BRUBSELe LIorowEL Leatherdale, Rolle, Beattie, Stuart, Uameron, Gabel, ()matey, sk 15 Featherston, Bk.. Ferguson, Jaokeon, Hewitt, Irwin, ek Norton, Gabel, Brett, 20 S 17 hinbein, ak ....14 Arden, Hawkins, Downing, Bray, Dr. McNaughton, Climie,' D. 0. Rase, ek..28 Yaill, ek 14 Totals 63 45 SUDDEN D$MIBE.-The people of Brus- sels were greatly ,hooked and saddened last Tuesday night to bear of the Budden death of an old and well known resident in tbe person of Alexander Hunter, Clerk of the 4th Division Conr6. He had per. Mend eome drugs, carbolic acid in the lot, and taken them home to be utilized in the preparation be was compounding for stuffing a crane. By some mistake he swallowed a portion of tbe carbolic acid, euppoaed to have mistaken it for other liquid, and an apprising hie wife was advised to hasten to Dr. Mo- ' Naaghton'e office. On arriving there Drs. MoNaaghton, McKelvey and Roberto did their beet with antidotes, etomaob. pomp, &o., to give the patient relief but he Boon lapsed into anoonscioneness 1 and .paeeed away inside of an hour atter taking the drug. It wae a great blow to Mrs. Hunter who wae alone, as her two daughters were holidaying at Kincardine and Wingham. Mr. Hunter wae born at Berwiok, York Go. Ont., and was the eldest eon of the late Franoie Hinter, of Granbrook. In hie early yeare he worked at the carpentering and wae a gond meobanio. He was united in marriage June 22nd 1862, in Ainlayville. to his, now bereflt partner - Miss Elizabeth Mo$ay-and after a reeidenoe in Oran. brook moved to Brussels about 22 yeare ago. Deceased was a well read mac and was quite an expert in various arta snob a0 pbotograpby, drawing and painting ; had read largely on optica and was a very regular patron of the Pablic Library. Before coming to Brunets Mr. Hunter was Clerk of Grey township anti on open ing an office here in addition to the Divi. sloe Court Clerkship did conveyancing, money loaning, auotioneering&o, He was very fond of company ; wag generous and and kindly in his disposition and lent many a time a helping band to the needy. About 12 yeare ago he united with the A. 0, U. W., in which be parried $2,000, and was Master Workman for a term. In addition to the widow, two daughtere, Misses Rills and Myrtle, and three Sone, Lorne, at Toledo ; Fred. in Idaho ; and Hilton in Detroit, The seoond eon le a candidata for the. Methodist ministry. Two daughtere were buried rant year, Dire, Eli Moore and Mica Clara, The t funeral of Mr. Hunter will take plane t from his late residence, Alexander street, on Fridayafternoon a o0 4,86 0 clock. Sr.A viae at 4. The A. 0. U. W. will be in charge, and interment will be made.in t the family plot in. Brussels cemetery, The entire community tender their deep. test sympathy to the bereft family, OAPITAL (authorised by int of 1'arliaptont) 32,000,00e 00 0AII2'AL (lul1Y utd up) ,, 1,000,000.00 mesio VA 9'ON1 .•. ,.. , ,,, 000,00003 '1'OTAU 48511'35 , ,,, Xd,077,004,Q0 MEAD OFFICE, r, TORONTO 4:110, P, llt4'lr►, Ilenorpl aragagee AVG. 28, ,i 002 URV klJA7 )1W,C11\Vii, ♦ 1lopco[te reaelV vl, IMAM/Made to xenon. • etble parti0000 favorable terms. Beate 0000 moneyordoro"jesued, payable at spy'polnt, et lowest rates, Oolleettone promp ity attended to. A General Banking Baelneeo trausaolod, livery lemony afforded Cusbomere living at a Pitmen. eSlLYlllrU�S Billy Department Ammon of ono dollar and O'Mara current rate allowedirom date aeeount le opened anon added and to the principal) May 91st and November 80111. r Sale N 0asbed or rooetyod bar colo koepiug and Fill•lnot^s 1910OL05 Ooltepti0n, Munk Note Venus I�'gee on ALpllentlen Hoare 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1. F. H. GRAY, AesNT. TER aroma arising from, the decaying vegetable matter in,tho Maitland, above the dam, ie not of the essence of rosea variety. 25 :Ante gets THE Poo for the balance of 1902. Tbie is eheaper than you can mail it to your friends 0.0 the rate ie now 2 ovate on each paper. Tun Shock of goods in the Garfield Moak, Bruesele, belonging to the estate of Grover & Co., will bo offered for Bale in Toronto on Wednesday afternoon of next week. It eomprieee about $12,000 worth of goods. J. S. Timmine, wife and son, of Win. cheater, Ont., accompanied by Mrs. Henry Perkins, of Gorrie,.wero in town last Monday, Mr, Trimmine was a for- mer well known resident of Blnevale. He and Mrs. Timmins are just baok from a trip to ,Mlaokinao, H. L. Jammer: and W. Grewar are bill. ed to 055101, with instrumental selections, violin and cornet, et the Harvest Home Tee meeting at the Union Charoh, 12th eon,, Grey, on Monday evening, Sept, 8th. Mr: Grew'Ar will also gtve.00 a trombone Bolo "The Holy City." 114169. SOMERSET DECEASED. - Early Thursday morning Mise Prudence Som. ereet, who has been a resident of Brneeola for about 25 years, paid Nature's debt, at the advance age of about 80 years, She hail been in fatting health for some time and her demise was 'no enrpriee. Mies Somerset, who is related to the MOCutoh• eon families in Morrie township, wae a native of Ireland but lived at Barrie before locating hero, living with her brother John until his decease e few years ago, Deceased was a member of St. John's church. The tonere] will take plane on Friday afternoon at 1.80 o'clock. to the family cemetery, on the 6th line of Morrie. 8ervioe will be held at 1 p. m. :R. S: Pelton lakes charge of the Paris Review this week. - The Blyth Standard has jogged'past another joarnalietio milestone and looks. hearty under Bro. Bradwin'e manage- ment. -The Gerrie Vidette hae been im• proved by a new heading. Editor Bharpin le keeping the prow up steam all right, -A very creditable Coronation number printed in royal purple; wae is- sued by the Fergus News-Reoord. J. M. 'Thompson, whose parents reeidoin Brun. seta, is the editor. The paper is no discredit do him. -The Atwood Bee with its new editor, G. Anderson, ie thriving and. if Mr. Anderson keeps Hp the gait he has streak he will leave no all behind. Foos Betz.. --The Janiore played a good. OMB of Football with a team from Wingham last Friday evening on Viotoria Park in this plane. In the. first half the vieitore put np a good etiff play eo much so that they eo•'red 2 geode while the home boys stood 0. When ends were reversed the locals besieged the goal of the visitors and although they made &gallant defence and warded off many a ',likely looking shot Brunets planted the sphere three times before the whistle blew, leaving the count 3 to 2 in favor of the home lade. It was a well tomtit ant mutest in which good play .wits exhibited on both aides with promise of two hustling clubs for the doming seasons. Leslie Kerr wae the Referee. The line up was as ander:- BmRseELa - Wnto-nenl A Irwin Goal Davidson w Uameron i Books Potter W Roche , Lookridge E Beaker ...... Mitchell W Good � 4 Backe Terrill R Brown Long B 800tt Reuemon J Thomson Murray 8 Scott Forwards Finlay J flood Datveoa W Rooke Griffin A retnen mato!) will likely be played at Wingham before long. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION -Last Mon- day evening the members of the Lady Macoabee Hive here presented Mies Belle Other, who bag been Sergeant in the Order, and expecte to shortly leave Brno. eels for Manitoba, with a Brussels eouve- air apoon. Dire. R, Ham read the fol - owing address and Miee Thuraa Gerry made the presentation ;- To Miss Belle Oliver, - We, the Ladies of Riverside Hive, No. 315, of the Maccabees of the World, hay- ing learned that yon are about to leave this plaoe and never your immediate oon neobionswith us, desire to express our sincere regrets that you can no longer be associated with ae in oar work. May your future be bright and prosperous; the ehadows few and the sunshine ever present, is our einoere desire. May heaven's oboioest bleseinge be yonro, and your life kept constantly in touch with that Great Life whioh makes all life per - feat. Be pleased to accept this present ae'a small token of the high esteem and the effeotion in whioh yon are held by ue all. Signed in behalf of the Hive, Dine. H. Mat, Dins, A. McGurn A short program wae also given, ooneiet. ing of a solo by Mise Ritahio; reading by Mrs. N. MoLauoblin ; Bolo by Miee Jean MoArter, and a reading by Mrs. Ham. Refreshments were also served and an enjoyable evening was spent by all, the recipient heartily thanking the ladies for their kind works and ()bolas gift, The Hamilton Spectator of lash Mon• day speaks as follows of a former pastor of Brunie Methodist :harsh :-The Methodist polity began with the itinerant Byetem when changes were made at every conference, and'it was rare for any' ;lector o serve a ocngregation for more than wo yeare. But changes have been made along thie line, and the term ie now extended to five years. In the Methodist pulpits in this oily are able preachere and heir congregations Aho w their appreai• a tion by continuing thaw to the limit, Dr, Salton, the very able minister of the Centenary (thumb, elands in the front DRY GOODS and. GROCERIES rank in hie denomination, and it will be a great lose to Methodiem In Hamilton when this oonterenoe year oloeee, as ander the Pulse be must make a ahango, The congregation that eeonree him will bo fortunate indeed, for hie sermons are not only.thoroughly scriptural, there being nothing of the eeneationeliet in Pr, Bal• ton ; bet they have a scholarly fioioh that makes the Sunday service attreotive not only to )be regular attendants, bn also to men and women of vulture who once iu o, whilestray away from their own fold to enjoy a change of iutelleotual menu, The two eermone preached by Dr. Salton yesterday gave hie aongregaiione food for thought that will brighten up their thinking !earthiest. Business Locals. Oust Fall importation, of faebionable dry goods are weekly arriving. We invite inspection. -Butter 16o. Ono, E. KING, Wingham. WANTED. -A trustworthy gentlemanor lady in each oounty to manage businsse for an old eetabliBhed bonne of solid fin- anoial standing. A straight, bona fide weekly cash salary of 018.00 paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters, Money advanoed for expenses, Manager, 340 Caxton Bldg„ Chicago. M�-RRiF,D� BAILEY--PAEEEa,-At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, 72 Lansdowne avenue, Toronto, 013 Augoet 12th, by Rev. Dr. McKay, Dlr. Joseph 3. Bailey, principal of Blyth pnblfo eohool, to Mies Tetye, daughter of Mr. and Mre. J. H. Parker. Ta ar000-MAauAN,-At tbe mantle, Sea - forth, on August 12th, by Rev. F. H. Larkin, Mr. Maury Taman, of Blyth, to Dire. Margaret Meehan, ' Mitch- ell. sxa=- EiuGH.-In Blyth, on August 14th, James Emigh, aged 32 years, 2 months and 22 days. Fox. -At Granbrook, on Aug. 27, Mary A., wife of Edmund Fox, aged 40 years, 8.moutbe and 13 days, .HUNTER. -In Brussels, on Aug.. 26th, .Alex. Hunter, in his 59th year. HAETLEY.-In Tarbatt, Algoma, ou Aug. 22, Rev. A. Y. Hartley, formerly . of Blnevale, aged 65 yeare. ScVool Be�ius Nest 11111 We are all ready this, week with the largest and most up- to-date line of School requisites we have yet shown, The Books are the most important thing for the 'children but they, will Heed Note Books, Scribblers, Pens, Pencils, Slates and all sorts of odds and ends and we have them in ar bundanoe. If you get a book that's wrong bring it back. If you get anything else that's wrong bring it back, Bows, times when you start the boy for school you want to get his books ready before -hand' but are afraid you'll get the. wrong books. Isn't that so 2 We take the chances; come and get your books and if they are not right we'll gladly exchange them for you. Our new Coronation Blotter goes with every purohase, be it email or great. Be sure you get one at Fox's Drug Store. GODFnEY.-On Tueeday evening, the 19th inst., at her late reaidenae, 95 Close avenue, Toronto, Mary Jane, beloved wife of Rev, Robert Godfrey, former. ly of Belgrave. MILLER. --At Toronto, on Aug, 25, An- drew Miller, aged 63 years and 7 months, SOMERSET •-In Bruesele, on Aug, 28th, Prudence Somerset, aged 79 yeare, 11 months and 11 days. F.A.T. s,S- Brnesele, Oot. 2-3. Toronto, Sept 1-18. London, Sept. 12-19. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Exeter, Sept, 22-23. Mildmay, Sept. 22-23. Teamster, Sept, 24-25. Wingbam, Sept. 25-26. Bear oats, Sept. 25-26. Stratford, Sept. B0 -Oct. 1. Listowel, Sept. 80-Oot, 1. Goderioh, Sept. 30-0ot. 1. Kincardine, Sept. 30 -Oat. 1. Belgrnve, Sept. 30-001. 1, Rowiolr, at Fordwioh, 056.4. Atwood, 004. 7-8. Blyth, Oot.7-8. Dungannon, Oot. 9-10. Fall Whoa 1. .... 68 Barley - • 35 Peas 65 Oats ... 28 Butter, -tale and rolls 14 Eggo 0.'r •hien . 18 Flour per cwt. 4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 40 Apples (per bag) 40 Hay per ton ,.. 5 00 Sheep skim, each ...... 25 • Lamb akiue ea"h 25 Salt per'bht., retail • 1 00 Hides trimmed :6 6} Hides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 7 00 .7 00 Wool - 11 12 70 87 70 80 15 14 5 00 40 50 6 00 25 80 70 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. BRRVANT wanted, apply to M118. JAMES FOX, Brussels, FARM for sols. Apply to THOS. MOORE, Brussels. - HOUSE end lot for Sale on Alexander street, Brussels, For further particulars apply at Taw POST Publishing House. ' ConNTay store bnaineee wanted. Send nartioulare to Tax Poem Publiebtng House, Negotiations strictly oonddeutiat. Lame' abort blaok goat, red lining and steel buttons loot. Finder will oblige h oommunloating with 14118. W. M. SINN - GLAIR, Brussels, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FIRST - CLASS TEAM OF working borsea for Bale, Apply to ROBT, TEOMBON, Bruesele. GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes. Apply to GEO. BEST, Brbeaele. L1OR SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west ooroer William and Albert streets, Brussels. 49•tt J. LE08IE, COMFORTABLE AND COM - memos reeideuoe, with about 1# acres ofland .; good orchard. ,40„ for sale, ou 'Maio street North, Blyth. For further par- tloalaze apply on the promises to Jol0N MOFFAT, or address Blyth P.O. 1-tf $20,000 to Loan. Tho above nam hae been placed with me for immediate Investment on farm proper- ly at 5 per cent. If title, aro satisfactory loans may be completed in 9 days, Liberal terms an to repayment. Apply at once to. W. M. 8100LAIR, Barrister, &o , Brussels. FTAIR DRESSING. -TBE UN. DEnnIGERD wishes' to announce t0 the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she le prepared to make switches ont of comb- ings and ant Bair, at her'home, Will area Weer, Bruseele. 0010. HINGSTON, varam 41Co. STRICTLY ONE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST There's a Big Difference between Cheap Goods and Goods Cheap The former is False Economy, the latter True. in paying too little as too much. The motto of some Good." Our motto is "Good and Cheap." See out of many. Don't forget there's as much' evil stores is "not how Cheap but how the following special lines, a few 2 pieces 60 inch pure wool Serge in Blaok and Navy, very' durable for Bkirte, will not catch duet ; worth every cent of 31 00 per yard, our Bpeoial Price .65 2 pieces pure wool Cheviot Serge in Black and Navy, very imitable for Costnmee or Skirts, worth regular 75o, Sproial at 3 pieces 60 inoh pure wool Homeapune for Ladies' Costumes, made from fine wool, and worth regular 90o, Special at 8 ends Fanoy Wool Delaine Waist Materials, worth regular 35o to 50a, (nearing at 10 pieces 28 inoh Reversible Wrapperettee, bright new goods, worth regular 12do, Bargain at 100 yards 26 inch check Glass Cloth, regular prion 12io, Bpeoial at ,50 .65 .30 .10 .10 5 dozen only Ladies' Cotton Stookinge, guaranteed feet black, with natural wool feet, worth regular • 20a, Clearing at .f5 - • 12 only fine Bleached Table Clothe, yards long, 2 yards wide, regular price 31,60, Bpeoial at1,25 10 pieeee 29 inoh heavy Cotton Shirtinge, feet colors, worth regular 12ia, Clearing a3 /0 12 only 10/4 White Satin Qnilte, bright new goods, worth 31.50 each, Bargain at 1.25 25 pairs 10/4 Flannelette Blankets, beet quality, worth not lees than 75o, Bargain at .60 15 pairs 11/4 Flannelette Blankete, in Grey and White, worth regular 31.00, Special at .75 • 20 pieces 83 inch Extra Heavy Print, this eeaeon'e goods, Clearing at $ ON THE ATLANTIC On the ocean to -day are many cases and bales bound for this store. They are Coming as fast as the big Ocean Greyhound can bring them and.their contents will soon be on our counters and ,shelves. Whenever and wherever it' has been to our advantage to do it we have gone to the European makers' for our Pall stocks and you will find here for the coming season better assortments, more ex- clusive styles and better values than ever before.-' .Already Fall stocksare beginning to arrive and, early buyers will find at this store good assortments' and ndw goods to seIcct•froni. LTew ,Wain Materials. Fancy. Waists will be this very popular equal' of our eolleotion of p p season, more so than ever before, There is not the materials anywhere in these parts. They are the newest to be had. Just two or three Waists of a pattern. Already they are selling fastandthere is no better time to buy than to -day. J. FERGUSON & CO.