HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-28, Page 5•
Avg, 23
oPut, h' 11, 89QT7!, hriteecle,
IL 1VfoOltA(KPN--
Ite tirooerY,Ternnbeerrry treat, eCasaolOaf
N, „
3AR1 TT—
4Thildraoaf 's h1b0eah$ro (tutting
te,aPn0Bk9toa1pt—LY•uNdPlSaet " daonodr
'Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
W.41 -TON, ONT.
• INSIMAtioe;
Wellington Mutua1
Firei euraece Ce.,
Bn7l'Aurasnop 1890
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
nota 1I system 0at call
0 at rated. Bgtiod 4goot
ine 416owhrre call ou the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
L. O. M..
Academie graduate of London 0onserva-
toryor Music, also Member of tbeltesoclated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for Instruction
on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for
Cho Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Mork of the Fourth Division Court,
Co, Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan. and Insurance Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to -loan. Collec-
tions made. Offioo in Gvshant's. Block, Brur-
• sun, will sell for bettor prices, to
botter,men, In .lees time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything, Dates and ordure
can always be arranged at this office or by
Personal application.
Honor Credence of the Ontario Vet-.
etinary College, 1s prepared to treat all ills;
eases of domesticated animals in a oompet-.
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Oahe promptly at-
• tended to. OM se. and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Vnrnberry at., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solloitor, +Oonveyanoer,
Notary Public, &o, Office—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel
Solioltor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Oftloe over Stand -
and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
AL D. O.
Dolle a Mombar College of Physicians
l d
Surgeons,Out. Licentiate the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate o1 Mid-
wifery e'r t&—lUloit eatries
Graduate of ;the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and First-class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
neat to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term in the
Begins Sept. 1, 1902
Students may enter at any time. Terms
rt•nsonabl 0, Two gouroes—Comm erclal and
Atm Chit, d, Nand for Journal
C. A. 1t,l{\Il'n, A, L. MCINTYRE,
1rinideat, Feoretary,
Ustli1811 1011111111.1171
lard CVOi' 1111"tl�lt!�
North Shore
t'ilse and Cedar
Brussels Planing, .Mills
Also Doors and Saab of all Pat
terns ou hand or made to order
at Elbert Notice,
Estimate° Furnished for all
kinds of Buildingo.' Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
+'1tiII Teti ,Qpons
(')K)t. 2
A 001001011Memiaploe beet rank among
the boot Business Cotiog 9 .Pn 01110 eentigent:
M 1 le dlu a m r pp
y m M 0 10 sal leo employ
our graduates ae.touphgrs;� WeP to 0111 beet
to place all our gradnatee to good ppogltlope
and we have been more 80800001101 Ott year
than to any provloue year. Those deetrlug
tee beet in Medium oduoatlon should pt.
tend our flobool, Write far catalogue,
Jit ELI IUTr, Princtpnl,
istriCt Cdos
Mro, Dr, Fergneon left for Barrie
where she will upend et few Weeks visiting
A. Brandt, station agent, bag purelmeed
Harry Weleb's tine reeideooe, corner of
Netoun and Eiolimond eta., and will move
roto it obprtly.
J, Stamey bee a variety of plume Galled
the Perianth f3amonia, some of whiph
7 inobee in oiroamtereaoe
They are etpd to be excellent for panning
John Caldwell left this week to spend It
few months' with relatives in California.
Elia health baa been rather poor of late
and he gore to the garden land in hopes
of improving it,
While in Bootland, T. Berry attended
the big agriealtaral show at Aberdeen
which he pronounces ao exceptionally
Ane exhibit of hornet; and etosk. He hae
made 22 round tripe acmes the Atlantic
Lllclkrto w,
R. Sneigrove hae the oontraot of paint
ing the Laoknow Town Hall.
Rev. W. E. Treleaven, of Teviotdole
was visiting friends-in.Luoknow.
Rev. A. Maohay and Mrs. MaoKay have
retnroed from their trip to Algoma,
W. J. Mitohell hae removed his jewel.
lery store to the building recently oaoepied
by R. Soott'e dry geode store on the South
side of Campbell street,
The Laoknow base ball club went to
Cargill on Tuesday of last week to p ay
the return match with the team of that
village and suffered another defeat.
A base ball game will take plane in the
Agrioultitral park in Laoknow on Labor
Day, Monday, Sept. let, between the
Cargill team and the '•Irish Nine" of
At the High Court meeting rf the L 0
Foresters held in Wiudeor R. D. Cameron
was elected for the fourth time to the
position of High Auditor, Frank Cain
was also appointed High Junior Wood
Kinloee Council met in the Towoebfp
hall, Holyrood, on Aagaet lilt. All
members preeeut. Minutes of last meet
ing were read and signed. A By-law was
preeod providing for the levying of the
following rates for the current year viz:—
Pei County porpoeoe, 1 8 10 mills ; for
Townehip pnrpoeee, 1 810 mills-; for
special school ',amoeba 1 3 10 mills on the
dollar. John Purvis was re appointed
Mr. Fry, of Elmira, was visiting at the
home of B. S. Cook.
Howlett Townehip Council metio Ford•
wioh on Wednesday of last week.
W. H. Spence conducted the eluvial, in
the Methodist ohurub on Sunday evening.
Courtney Gilpin,, of Toronto, has been
venting relatives and friends on the 441,
Concession and io'Fordwioh. He leaves
this week for Alberta.
Wm. Downey arrived in the village
laet (week. from Toronto and will remain
home for come time to aeeiet in oaring.
for hie mother who is at preeeut sink.
Mre. Elijah Ellie, mother of the late
Mre. E Little wae in the villageand
received a °berme for 81,000 from the
the amount of
Little's insurance.
Tneadey afternoon
of last
week D
M0110 Porteous, Kurtz ills
v met'
with a
oink 1 a
t ud sed s '
p omdeot while threehiug
for Mr, Denny who lives on the boundary
South of Newbridge. It 'teems that in
same way he got his right arm caught in
one of the belts connected with the oyl
'oder, and would have been killed had Mr.
Denny not seen, caught and held him till
the arm was aomplete'y twisted off about
three inches below the shoulder. Mr.
Porl000e also received a bad wound on the
back of the hood by otrikiug against it
pulley it is thongbt. He has bean in the
threshing buaineee for some years and ie
well liked by all who know him, who all
hope that he may remover though it will
be a long time before he will be able to
ue arouud again.
II. Rapp has sold hie finenewlreeidenoe
on Main street to Mrs. George Furber, of
New York, who is eumrneriog bere.
Garroch Broa have hod considerable
improvements made in the interior of the
eignr tindery, with a view to the com'ort
of 111 emplo}ere,
J. H. Purl Mrs, Stuart were palled to
Hamilton to attend the fo.lar.l of Mre,
Stuart's sister iu law, elra O+borne, wife
uI Dr A. B. Osborne, whoa° death took
place unexpectedly at St. Catharines.
flies Denali Hutohineon, daughter of
R Hu °lllII 0n, town, who has been teach.
I11d in the Pelmoretou Public eobool, hae
been promoted to the room next to the
Principai'a, et an advance of $50 in
Tommie Rae, an expel rider in the
employ of Kidd Broe., met Willi It bad
aeoidant on Tuesday of last week.
WI,ile training a horse tointim hurdles be
wee thrown, and in failing his at liar bone
was broiled
A largo number of friends at Rev, A.
P, Moore and Mre. Moore assembled at
the pariah room of Christ ohurcola on Mou,
day evening, of last week for the purpore
of nmaltingafarewell presentation to them,
S. A. Tussle, warden, was called to,
the chair, end John Watson, reotor'e
warden, read the addreeo, at the same
time handing the rev, gentleman a well
filled purse, Mre. Moore was given a
colonial oak roolter.
A rink of Listowel bowlere went to
Niagara on Monday of last week to par.
tiaipate in the Ontario teurnameut held
there. They met with rather hard Inuit
falling in the firet round before the Royal
0anadiau Yacht Olab team. In the
Aeeoolatiocn Matoh Listowel rink was
beaten by one ebot. The following gentle-
men composed the Listowel rink J. L.
Gillian, W. J. Sarvia, J. W. Rolle and
"" ANENT , Geo. Zoller, 0119. (n the eeoond day,
8 Consplatiop tnatahee, LIstowsi rink de
i Coated toe Saar Dowell and 0aeade rink,
of Toronto, het logit le Brampton in th
i third round,
The (Moir factor y Mooed down for a
week or two, wlti,a 00d1t is being taken,
'Tie step bas bawl oonaidored adeioable
owing to Notion between the ,tanager
Red direeturo, The Company hoe a good
beainaoa established, which will not be
e1040ted by Oho temporary eioaiug down,
LW ordere are being dined 00 0 nal.
Qao,•, try,
A large number left here lost weak ou
the harveet exoursiohe to Mauitgba,
Potatoes promised an 00or,0001 yield
but corn is not eo good ae iu former years
owing no doubt to the 000l Summer we
have had together with the frequent
Jae, Found, father of our 0, P, R.
agent, arrived home gn Tueedey from
England, where he has been renewing old
aognaintancee for the past three months
Mr. Found 'coke ae if the trip agreed
with him.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woinen'e Institute was held in the For.
eaters' Hall, Atlanta 13th, 1902. The
two interesting papers given, wore 009
on "Salads" by Mre. W. Siropoon and on
and utas of Vegetables, by
by ,vlra,J, Armstrong. Twenty.. mem
Imre were present. Viae Coleman's 0005
ma friss
your Coate was en-
joyed by the Institute,
The Polios Trueteee mat on August
10th, 1902, Mr, Bennett being ab•
sent Minutes of last mooting read
and ooufirmed. It wae deoided to raise a
special tax of 5125 for the purpose of pay
ing balance on graoolithio walk and
other village expellees, The motion pass.
ed at previous meeting to have all playing
games each a8 baseball, lacrosse, azo., on
the streets put a atop to was considered
and decided to have it enforced. Meet
lug was then adjourned to meet at the
cell of Chairman,
Olin. gou.
Mies Fisher, of Colborne, is the new
oreauiet of Ontario street ohuroh.
Ogle Cooper hae disposed of hie grocery
buoineee to Peter Maitland, of St. George,
who fa now in possession.
Robert Coates, assistant editor of the
Labor Gazette, Ottawa, ie spending hie
holidays at his home in Clinton.
Onslow Oriob completed hie first year's
eervi00 ea caretaker of the cemetery and
during that time there were 39 ihtermente.
D.Aantelon shipped two oarloade of
apples to Winnipeg, Man. The variety
is the Duchess and the price 10o per
While aeoieting his son in law, John
McGregor, of the god con. of Stanley,
with hie harvest the other day, Arohie
Macdonald euetained an injury which
has since laid him up and neoeeeitated an
operation which was performed on Time
day of last week.
John Irwin, who has been aesistant
euperintoadent of the Denver and Rio.
Grande Railway, hen resigned that posi-
tion and Inc been offered that of super
intendant' of the American Refrigerator
Transit Co, covering the Gould system of
five railwayo. The salary to start with
is 83000 and' expeoeee'with' a' probable
raise to 85000. Grigg Irwin, who has
been in Springfield, Maes., for some time,
Imo gone to Oleveland, Ohio, where he
has accepted a lucrative eituation.
Meohanioal engineering ie hie forte and
he is making rapid progress at it. These
young men are natives of Clinton and
sone of R. Irwin.
U ort a ri oft.
Judge Doyle is away on a holiday trip
St. Patrick'' ward school has b en
shingled dud• the outside painted.
The Knitting Company 10 shipping
lar I
e principally E
g y, p p y o the Northwest,
The etea w
mer no being built on the
island is being pushed ahead these days.
Michael O'Mara is in the county jail,
having been Bent up from Wiugbam for
30 days for vagrancy.
The dock Drib work is praotioally nom
luted but ire [Vine I
4 e will take
P two years
at Chetpresent
rate ofproceeding;
The Hurb,r i
Limber 11
M l
woe matting
square timber moat of which will be used
iu the pier being built at St. Joseph.
Wm. Erwin has ehowu the Star a
sample of Irish beans he 18aa grown this
semen frons imported need, they are
certainly large and plump. From 5 to 8
Olt a pod, which is frequently 10 inches
Philip Holt, K. 0., who was recently
appointe l deputy county judge for Huron,
hae received Abe additional appointment
of looal judge of the High Court of
Justice for Ontario. This will enable Mr.
Holt to hear motions and transmit other
local bueineee in the High Court.
R. W. and' Mre. McKenzie have left on
a Western trip. • They go to the Pacific
coast and return to Winnipeg in time for
the opening of the Methodist General
Conference, to which Mr. MoKenzie is a
delegate from the London oonforenoe.
They will be away petit about the let of
JO 46 P081'
lames Raid, of the m011ieipel staff, ha"
b n i
ea ar uu 1 'I h et a v
a s tike a twtek
weeks and
hl «
o tr' ca ham it
ran l h e h n alarmed d ie
v me at h Gott
dingo. tie le now tufting trelkimeot in
Detroit, flan we hope will souk recover
0o I t
mp eely hie wputoti health and
thea young et diiughtar oident f befell
IP, Butee,
Newgate elreet. Whito playing in a yard
adjoinigg her own borne she ran against
a rope and Woe'brown down on 9, o9rnent
w4110, her collar brine being broken in two
planes and her arm dieloottted at. the
ohoulder, $tie suffered greatly from the
shook and io o0iee at first, but be now pro,
greael8g favorably.
i .twvootl.
Mro, Jeoob filum(, jr., and baby left on
Thursday morning of last week for Mani.,
lobo, where she will join her hnebaod,
Mr. Matheson and two obildreu, of
1118. nae, are visiting Wu eieter, Mrs.
Steveue. Mr. Matheson ie a Veterinary
Mre, Jve, Molloy left Tbnreday of last
week for a two weeks' trip to Sault Ste,
Marie where Mr, Me/Coy le at "nougat
Lorne Fear, we of Rev. E. A, Fear,
formerly (motor of the Methodist church
here hasbeen
, euooesefulin obtaining his
Pert II Junior matrioulation, Ile wrote
at St. Marys. "
The Atwood Publie eobool reopened on
Monday of last week with Priaeipal Mn
Kinnon in ;barge of the senior depart.
ment, and Miss Meredith holding away
ovee the junior room.
The Bee Editor thinks a bylaw ought
to be paeeed, prohibiting ,owe bawling on
Sunday from the hours of 10 a, m. till
12,30 p. m, and from 2 p. m. till 6 R. m.
the next morning.
A number of the residents of the South
end of Main street have enbeoribed a sum
of money and are oinking a well on the
East aide of Main street. Henry John-
son hae the contract for drilling. It ie
intended to nee the water for drinking
pnrpoeee and for street watering.
While attending the funeral of old Mr.
Gilchrist on Suuday of last week, W. F.
Forreet wee suddenly overcome with eick-
oeee. He managed to get home bot was
aompelied to be up and around for beer
nese on Monday. He then called on the
doctor, and was informed that he had a
paralytic stroke; affecting his right aide.
Mr. Forrest ie oonflued to ked at preeeut,
and is very weak.
lets tlr.
Twenty-seven people left Blyth station
last week foe Manitoba.
Mies Janet Aodereon left for Tebkum•
mah, Manitoulin Ialmud, where she has
been engaged to teach in the public wheel
of tbat place. ,
Blyth oonnoil met on Monday evening
of -feet week and decided' to build a ,roe..
Mg on Dineley street near the railway
John Selly hae sold his residence on
King street to Dr. Jerome. The pride
paid wag $1450 dash. Mr. Kelly and
family .will likely take op their residence
in Goderioh.
Honey Taman, of Blyth, and Mre.
Margaret Machan, of Mitohell, were mar-
ried at the Sekforth' manse en Tuesday
Ang.• 12. Both the bride and groom are
73 years of age.
F. W. Tanner, a former resident of
Blyth, and who has been residing ie
Strathroy for the peat seven years, hag
removed to London where he hae been
appointed manager of the Sanitary Dairy
Co. The Strathroy Dispatch makee the
following reference to Mr. Tanner and
family :—"F. W. Tanner and family
leave for London, where they intend re.
siding in future.. They perry with them
the heat wished of many.triends here, who
sincerely regret their remove!, and hope
hat roe aril
and ha in
ase '
P P y will be the
result of the oh n " Pp
0. fie.
DEAre or JAattte Cutra —James Emigh
died shortly atter 10 o'olook oil Thursday
Aog. 14 For the paid year and a half
he had be it
been I with Sri' '
to ether with
dropsy, g p y, was the
toe of death. e b. Ever thio
was done
that human kande amnio do t
checking the dread diseasr but. all of
avail., '
A time
duringthe e past three or
four menthe be would he very ill, rallying
only for a day or two. Two weeks ago
Sunday he took suddenly worse and grad•
ually grew weaker until Thursday morn•
ing, when be passed peacefully away.
The funeral took plane on Saturday after.
noon from the residence of hie parents to
Union cemetery and was very largely
attended, The services at the house and
grave were concluded by Rev. 3, Ed•
monde, the new rentor of Trinity obnroh,
The eervioe at the house was a beautiful,
touohiog and .impressive one. The de-
oeased had two favorite hymns and before
he died he requested that they be Bung at
hia funeral eervioe, which was done.
The coffin was covered with flowers and
floral wreathe, some of the latter being
most beautiful. Deceased wag the young.
est eon of J. G. and Mre. Emigh and was
in the 33rd year of his age. He wag o
yonog. man of magniliaent physique,
Downing Bros.
Beauty in a Shoe
is not hard to find these days,
but it is difficult to find that rare
combination of beauty and style
comfort and durability. Never-
theless you can get it at DOWN-
ING'S, and it won't cost you any
more for these Shoes than others
lacking these essentials. Our
Oxfords and Colonials are mar-
for the Slater Shoe.
Downing Bros.
26,000 Lbs, of Wool
Wanted at
Brussels Woolen Mill
Where the Illgbeet Market
Price will be paid in
aaeh or `trade.
We oleo have In etook a 500 line of
Blankets, Sheetings,
Yarns, Tweeds, Etc.
All Pure Wool Goode.
Custom Carding done at any time,
Your own wool made into relict at abort
notice. Don't eell your wool or have it
manufactured until you call at the
B ousels
Woolen W Mill and get (close.
L00kric.ge Bros.
The Bodmin Lime Works,
4th Line, Morris, are ready for
the Spring trade and have a
quantity of fresh lime on hand.
Guaranteed to be first-class.
Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln.
A. Nicholson & Son.
If writing addreea Belerave P. 0.
All kinds of Dreseed Lumber kept on
hand from 010 up.
British Colombia, home oat Bbinglee
and Lath kept on hand.
A good farm on 13th coo. of Grey for
A quantity of -green cedar poets for
sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey.
OMoa over Hursley's Drug Store,
Feb, ken, 1901 00.8m Brussels,
standing 6 feet and weighing over 200
pounds, and up to begioniog of bis illness
had every appearance of a long life before
The Seaford
l Millin
are re i '
ga alfa
!hair bnildiug.
The choir of the Methodist Church will
hold their annual picnic to Bayfia'd on
Labor Day.
Mee Allele Laird, of Brooklyn, New
York, is here 91811105 her lather, John
Laird, and other Iriende.
Robt. Reid, of Clinton, has accepted a
poeitiou with the Canada Furniture
Manufaatnrere in town.
Mise Jessie Bethune hoe been engaged
as teacher for the fourth department in
the Seatorth public school.
Work has been progressing rapidly one
the big sewer, and it will probably be
Ooiahad within two months.
Mise Mabel Goveolook has been engaged
as teaoher in the Babylon Line school,
Stanley township, for the coming year.
The 93rd Regiment band have reeogeiz•
ed home talent in the eeleotion of Will.
McLeod as their leader. Mr. Brown, late
leader, intends joining the Gay Minstrel
Mre, John M, Qnode, who hae been in
the hospital et London, for the peat few
weeks, returned bone on Monday of last
week. Although far 1,om strong Mre.
McQuade is on the high road to recovery.
The Methodist, Episcopal and Preeby-
terian congregations will unite iu a Sab
bath school etooreion to Goderioh. Friday,
the 29,1 inst. The train leaven Seaforih
at 9 o'alook a. m., and returning leaves
Goderioh at 7 in the evening.
Rev. I. B. and Mre. Wallwfn, of Beta
.•rth, lett Iaet week on a Weetero trip.
Mr. Wallwin will attend the Methodist
Cunferenoe iu Winnipeg and will also
'sit in Brandon, whie Mre. Waliwin
will go through to the coast.
Mr. Box, father of W, H. Box, of 'his
owl,was here visiting his eon. Mr: Box
a mus of the pioneer settlers of the; town
hie of Stephen, and otill resides on the
arm iu that towebbip, near Exeter. He
e Clearly 90 yearn of age, and 1e still
emarkably active for hie years, and Tooke
e 11 be might reach the century mark,
D. D. Wilson and Mr. Cardoo are again
nay buying apples for shipment to the
Id oonntry, Mr. Wilson eaye that
bile there is an abundant crop, a large
roportion will not be fit for shipment on
eaount of mote. The Snows and Spiel)
re almost umlaut on this amount, while
ho Dnobeee are quite Olean.
John O'Keefe, cattle dealer, of tbie
wn, paid out 510,783 for cattle, which
e ebipped. There were seven oar loads,
r 148 headof export keen) in the lot.
°eidea this, Mr. O'Keefe boys and ship
n an average three oar loads a week, and
no week not long ago ho paid out $11,146.
hese cattle wore all purohaeed in this
�Id xn CASH
n s ..
Oar ]'iadiee' Cloth Jaoketa have arrived end they are dandies.
I We show all the new up to•date etylee in short, niediutn and long lengths.
Tiley are 1100 very latest Pail and Winter ;Styles.
We will be pleased to have yen mall and limped them whether
Yon wish to boy or not, bat if yon want to buy you will have te bettor
Choice now than later on, Below we quote a few prices :—
Ladfee' Beaver Jaoketa, in navy, bleak and fawn, velvet oollar, double
breaeted, good value at 88 50, for 82.71.
Ladies' double breaeted Cheviot Jaoketa, velvet oollar, stitched lapel, m
eerized tieing, 55.
Ladies' Venetian Jaokete,in bleak and grey, fly front, pearl buttons, 36
inobee long, very stylish, $7.50.
Pine Remy Coate, inblack and fawn, 40 inches long,oemi.filting with
yoke, 514 96
Weare showing iu n
w e lanolin
g p range ne New Drees Goode, in black fry
and colored Homespuue, Vionnae, Venetians Coatine8ergee Broadcloths, t�
44 to 00 Mabee wide, at 40o, 75o, 81, $1.50 and 82 per yard. '
Summer Goods
Don't forget that we are clearing out all lines of Summer
Goods very cheap. There is a long season of Lot weather
yet to come and you therefore get the benefit of seasonable
goods at a low price.
"M" Waists Don't Sag
and there never was a
knitted shirt or garment
that stands wear and
washing as well. The
fabric is knitted from a
high gradecotton and is
bleached after knit-
ting by a special pro-
cess to preserve all the
life and strength.
The weight of cloth-
ing doesn't come on the
knitted goods at all but
1 101 on the 'M" system of
taping. This carries the strain, and never
wears out. The buttons don't come off, and
the button holes last as long as the waist.
Less worry about waist cost, and most satis-
faction for the child.
We can supply yon with the
"1111" Underwaist for Girls and
Boys from 2 to 10 years of age
at 25c and 35c each. This is
the ideal Waist for Children,
not only the most comfortable
and durable but nicest and best
in every way.
Standard Patterns, Fashion
Sheets and Designers for Sep-
tember now to hand. Popular
Patterns at Popular Prices.
The Hand that
1 ,
�^r► u
II ,.
� Ari
!e1Ug lie Briisli
i n
a never BO willing D R 11 n to perform
its labors bo s aeh
w en the
Paint used
l ed
yields easily in application. ou. The
work becomes
a labor of love if you
use our reliable Ready -mixed
Paints. We'll supply you with an
article that
Stands on its Merits Alone
LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never
fails to give satisfaction.
Complete stock of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, &c.
Wilton & Turnbull
Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wagons this
season, already, and are now offering Spec-
ial Bargains for one month as they intend
to make this season a record -breaker in
the number of sales. Remember the date,
July 12, is the limit for bargains. Yon
need not be afraid to drive 30 or 40 miles
to see our stock, you will be sure to buy.
It will be to your advantage to see the
High Grade Buggies at close prices.
Robt. Thomson has purchased one of
our pneumatic, steel wheel, hall bear-
• ing, bike buggies. This is the 3rd
we have sold in Brussels and they
are all giving first-class satisfaction.
These rigs can be bought' from
At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Factory.