HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-28, Page 3I
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��ppy� •���t{;�t;; +7��7�,���;; �•Tryry{r+•ryetry;t;; ry` yup 6 �jiry��; r 1 M{tit' mi• T�yT 7, t1 r`y {rye n{. ry�u} 6 A �ry7T ��5� ty����{T 7pt� BEST
C al Principles, lit farming fat, vague * .
I'' 7di1J"". L e.„1 A.lAitLJ:l N.�rl.••fl!..#+1,L't1+! H�t+iJ�.1, •f ,FI.1 ,F7,I:.tpJ,L IAN� 11,R� .41 Ji,410 kV TEE LL'1��-, rqp ��'7�' (Q� '. 1%r t,pPRlat' pt'pJf,td'I,os."' ,It iri a pr&gL 44AC,.,
- T rr ,t tical pr00f teat "obodloncq is better -,- . No pt'lzelf offeriid with gammon them 8a4rffle4 " Tiie panadfun fdLxtn-HEBRIDEES PEOPLE WORT. HIP P 4 1 fs ar a b .
�+ UVIi IIAItTffIlRS GROW THE boa S velli tone tempt the fella we.=
THE GODDESS FLORA. THE CO�tTMION or =S. �O1�T BEST WHEAT IN TIM man to use common soaps:. Th6 o t Pt puAll, but only s i long.
-- S1nOTT, OF ORANGEV TLLE. wino woman soon sees sh4 has to as h9 wills to da t'ltnt wl)lell tile il'e- ,/ /� /
Ancient Oak Trey Allo ad Sacred WORLD, a pattnibnt 4f Agriculture sets before °�� 46.8
Well, and Variogs Other pie- -_ pay dearly for prlres in the low him as the straight Path of duty,
ects Idolized, Suffered Fr a Buxnfn Serxsa- i sled for Wltite- fivai'itY of sone, in the damage tom. am �" ' t
j Flour Is Unsurpa dollned after long Years of patient
7Y titan Scapa d° her clothe@ and her trial and invest'
probab be mws to most , tion in the Stofaeh,-Ti ood , an nese an Unadulterated. . ° Rands' 7thq Wien woman considers Investigation, will hp U°' in
11 It twill Hess Sweetness noaa lee Strength,
d t tiho happy nosltlon of being able to,
pmeoplc;that thor' are atilt linin in re- Became Distasteful and her health -09 soon ruined i1 She calitora, the markets of the world in
e and, for.tile most part, outlying Towards the end of the eighteenth were to lion breathing the tl
She Grew Worse and the pipd,etfozi of till that the r
portions of hire British Tslgs '1360 IS century nota few of the pioneers of -Steam o! adulterated Common soapo, (� .t+•
Despondent, agricultural world's markets require in general, .-.-.,•,n.,
whose 'dwelling places and mode, of progress recognized In the wise woman reoagnlzes the and wheat and flour In partloular, _
Gducatfon and oxporittiont the most Ill between such saaps and Iiia in general are but vgry little re- from the Sett Orangeville, Ont,. - The Department experiment list aro
moved from those of savages. g linpot'taut agencies for Futuro ad i3unliaht 9oaP-teed °n Bar, E12 ' O/ 10"
The San is ona4lad this ween, Vance, and a earl 1; never at rose, dot than never heir f T ,E' II11,
In many of tiro losses ltrtpwn 7Io- y as 1800 the sea
through tiro ,OurtosY of Mrs•. John x, Wadey of well-doingl and ill their
Oyttl I1Caldetlt Of th0. Eh'1t61t � �/ �-�"'-•--^' '°"p'""'""'
,brides, C instance, 'fro the people aro -• 4
,Sltott, a ktily, wgll ]mown and much of Agriculture b' • ri4ar•d' ..._. - --- _. tasks they are greatly stlntulatbd by
y tura strongly U ged the the gap vacated by the home farm• the knowledge that they Posaeas alto _,_,_,-- _ �-
US much alit all from Civilization iia g'icul
are the Inults or tile Congo dwarfs, Orangeville,
man of tlto residents o4 establishment qY nn Urged
r, g, Oiangevillp, to give the Particulate, farm with a) annu • Subsidy of er' .,. r confidence of our fanners and are - I 1ret lliliHk l8al.11
ill li hqusoar,ator do f:ti as outtvnrtl of another of those cut•es that have 2 i Ala y \TIE BRT`.ISH PUBLIC. doing the . best they tali for the VT7# W&
appoat•ances gay exactly like 7{orifi nlada Dr, Wi111ams' .x'1nIG Pills a "� t�00, Evan 4oluntella; a lioznan refuse absolutely to b4 fed whit development o4 Cana,dn and all Astaple
hots_ cis
rough iteape of stones a 1 remedy throe flout rife tvtitai, complained that every art halite-uiado grain. Thoy dao' that thh)•a Canadian in the art° useful 1 M �a
household e. Y g ryas tau h Y, it =alto$ the best or the. masti satfs of LI callinrs: o st e u UHca AJ�ItU��lV cl®th�
few feet itlg'h, Surmounted by eircu- civilized world. Mr», Shalt; fn Soil- ell g t tnetltodigall, whilst a 6 N
Ear straw roofs, Ghirnnoys, tea a at of husbandry wa.s neglected. f g years aro Do artment of Agriculture, Otto-
. Zeraetion with our reporter,. said 1- yllt br0ad,10af. Tln1'ty fa p , •'.� ',�T {jB y MOO, ,I•ANT8, KNICICISOR,
rills, are conspicuous b, their ab- •„ And so, to oris day, the same Com it was the custom to that counts wa, 1902. SM11 7s • QUALRY OVERALLS, SrAobk6; &a,
A Y About theca years ago, while liv- Y
soace, and the reel: of thO Pent Ing in Ingersoll, I was a groat sur- plaint may, with some degree at to make flour suitable to the public' . —L Ask your dealer for those• geode.
The Iruth, be made. husbandry should w 8LST EVER,
a7nolca iSSls,gagh iitt'4rioi•. Meir, w°- fetor from iiyspepsda. 1'hq trouble taste; that would give satisfaction' WI3Y IS WOOL SO UIIEAF Z ."' ''�` +�
r moil and children o barefoot even form. a more loading part of our' ed- p. ro •
g ili•st' began with lovers headache», to the consumers 'both in town and -._, O o 'y, -
in the depths of winter, to ation at public schools, In 1790 country, by the mixture of 75 pot, Mr; feed Mans c pq��� - �g�p
Gizzines» and sometimes vomiting' Ai ell, of Shrews- vu' t, a tiAnrc.: '"�� DARLING
The goddess Flora is worshipped Ngxt I »u(Tereil cpnlinually from art first chair' of 'agriculture died cent.' of home -tirade wheats with 25 n
annually on May 8 at 7lelston, fn a economy was fowrdGd in the g bur E Gives the Reason. 4
htlrnfug sensation ut my Stomach , par cant, of form n. In fact, niter yx g', COMPANY, IAIITto 7tlg0NT0.
Cot'nwali, with much pante, carp- food dtstressat enc, 2 did not sleep University of Vdinburgh, and on- an ordinarily fav°table hnrvost
dowpd by Government, with $750 asoma lar My attfative was first din %v to .
mgny, and rejoicing, On the evening well at night, lost flesh and became large country mills, favorably the oxtenskp adulteration in wooilon -___-__1____----_-= """
of the previous da eat. Por nforo than a hundred, actuated in ---
Y practically the very weak. I was continually doe- y good wheat rLf, even
goods by all dela article headed, E3i�Yi Fite:® e�rft00�
entire adult populutfozi "aallic5 igrtlt toting but it did: mo no good, In Yearn it has exercised an unobLru- would grind 80 per cont., or even "tl'hy is Wool so Cheap ?" in which e
Into the surroundingcountryside for stub but stimulating influence on the 100 c,
Y fact l was gradually growing worse per cent. of uatfvq grant, 'fl elle writer, who is wall known as a
garlands and green branches, just farthing practice. of the whole of Bri- teen g wool ex art,, boldly lentos that t
W1 0 US 348, r 388 side PER BOX
and despaired ai ever Iia ]led 'raid. As the end of the ex hteenth fore' newheat thatha millerlwould be "If. the expert,
a: pare] as utt3d h
as did the anetottt Romans eightcou' ,again. Ona'day rL friend tubo called g g g I1 Y I "
centuries ego. The main feature of t ee me strongly advised me to century witnessed the formal initia-, compelled to use lead Increased to, mail and women Were only load out . TI LEg..R AY IN �Q) � @�0. CO., TORONTO,
__ - tD , iri liiead,
° s gY tion of education in agriculture, so one half, whilst to -day it is not of the urp ,wool Libra express], --
the festival i5 a Curious deuce pot•- try Dr. Nilliams'-Pink Pills. She . g' P y
formed to. a sprightly tune, said t. it was also the period that gave safe to make flour to meet the a t , o Y e f !� 1, �� �
Odko so highly of them that I de- gee- given to as by liovidenw Jb1 flus
be used also in Wales and Britamy, aided to take hot, advice; and I soon birth to the scientific literature of oral demand from a mixturre contain- sole purpose, instead of being sub -
and on "I'lora day," ,its it is local- discovered that. they, were not. tike the subject, While prior to this ing til°re than 20 tq.25 Pbr,Cent. of stituted by other foreign materials; Con
ly termed; both doors of all houses the other m4dlcines I find been talc- Pftzhbrhort•, Passer,' Rlarkham, English wheat, and there, are mills their there would be a robust state BRAND& Don't
BILLIt, Walton, full, Iinrtlib, and where even this small proportion has ,� -
are kept open in order that the ing, and that 2 had at last found others had described the rtlib, Mural had to 01, this
cod to 15 per coot. of affairs ill connection with wool, gg�g Experimenti9
strings of dancers inay press something to help me. I continued but, as it 1s, the use of wool is Ming' Edward iA'
through them at pleasure. For any using the pills for perhaps a couple conditions in Great I3ritain and oth- Whey this change?, it is because annulled at every turn by the use 10ba. f ? • mfth
householder to close his doors would British agriculturists, unlike .thew B.-' "
er countries, it; was reserved for
or months, when I found aly.elf fully g of substitutes for the sole purpose
be to invite misfortune tulcl ill luck restorod to health, I have always Lord Duildpnald (alt a,eestnr of rite Canadian brethren, are not alive to of cheapening wool fabrics, with lit- 11 I, Ofil®C and
l g Headlight
throughout the ensuing ,year, ;ince enjoyed my monis wills relieit new general officer commanding ate the gafinntial quality of "strength" tie or no regard to the wearing. � � ... F.�R '' 'x iiifiBriOa
Canadian militia and who rreeently .in their wheat. They do ,not roc- n
w. ,
TFIE SAC11ED WELL, and have had no return of the troll -arrived in Ottawa), to give shape to o nizo es Canadian farmers do that Proper"ties of rho smite." „ 't{� (�J7 - brands,
Exactly the same thing may be ole, With my experience I Teal car- fire idea that was, doubtless, sLgien ih is determined b, rho pre- The same authority states that in 61 Engle It E. ��'` a.
tain that if other, sufferers will give g Y 1 deers of \lorry dories around Brad- �' e
witilessed t'o-clay at the sacred 'Vali• soneo In wheat of what Is known'its letle• '200- ;:'
Dr. Willituns' Pink Pills a fair trial GRADUALLY FORMING fgrtl; not otic, but stoics, of rn3lls USE
of Sto: Maebrublia, hu Loche gluten, and that of the right kind, I could be � �y �•�
they will tint] a certain cure." fn the minds of the philosophers of pointed out phare for every is „
14[aree, 7#ass-attire,; where is an an- Dt,, jVllliatns' Titilc Pills anrieh and the Inst decade•. of the eighteenth And so to -day Canada is in every halo of woof used; tau bales, and Victoria
t-oak _tree,. studded with count- nourish -tiro blood . and strengthen) cmitury, dud- to emphasize, once for sense of the term "Phe Grau.ary of often more of shoddy, bales stack- ,e ��
ass flails of all sizes, Lire olfergnga of rho' ZVorld. ' Kings and cotton are used, and elide, i itLiO GOtt1@t ,-_
invalid pilgrims Who came to •war- the nerves, 1t f» thus that they cure. all, the. dependence of agriculture °n o y, in what is ltnow as the heavy wool -
ship and be cured, Pennies ,incl half- i y experience ier ce that 1 f Gann a ].naw U ne v
such troubles as dyspePsitr, kidney chemistry. This Lord Dundonald bo Government Have
p ailments, xheutnatisin, "Partial par- did in "A Treatise Showing the In- len districts of Yortshire, thein are
peonies. also are 'to be seen fit ever- alysis, .heart troubles, -St. Vitus' theft interests at heart. And not of manufacturers who never
timate Connection between Agriaul- Irish Barris (addressing thq ,
mous quantities driven edgeways ur dance tinct the ailments that snake only so, but they are growing, 'Lite buy a single bale of raw wool, and BencTt -"Your IYossor I shall Drst W � � ! 14,L
to the tough bark, and a friend , of titre and Chemistry," puulishecl fn, best' whoaL' in the world, as Proved g �
tete Lived of sb many warden a .1765, aticl Tho PrrnciPles aT Ghbm- yet are known and acknowledged as absolute[ rove to the jury that
the writer who visited the spot soma source of misery. These pills never istry1705 Refilled to t114 les Of ement by comparison of analysis. Can- influential manufacturers of woollen the prisonercouldnot have,commit ^' "�
little time ,back discovered to a fail to drive away pain, brio n n 84 02 best patents show net. gluten goods. J
g of Agriculture," published in 5709. O , g s. \'his 3s a very Sett aorcliitar`"' ted t11e oxime with which he is charg
aleft lvglt t1A to the trunk what ho low of health to the whole body 24._2, and dry gluten 1 ,RI1, Ms stnteuient, and nptwithstnudifi the ed. If that. does not convince the 4 a��-
took to be ;a shilling.On being . ex- g Y The closing yodel of the eighteenth against 26.17 wet luten, anti 9.79 g � .,
!I and make 'despondent men and wo- centur thus. recognized nized the import g wide circulation of the been
fore quer jury, T shall show that he was at I w
tracteil,: however, it peeved. to baa Luau bright, active and stroll DO y g dry gluten In the mast grades that l ad, no refutation has teen f°rlttr:em- sane when l coitinum a it, if that �
A g• .'int coiuteCtiou that exists between can
counterfeit, Probably the donor; not take any pills without the full chemistry and agriculture, while the can •be found a compare with it at Ing from the manufacturers interest- fails I shall procto an alibi_" or finding that he could gat no value narne "Dr. Williams'. Pittk Pills far nineteenth century effected. its eon- till. Then take ties percwttag'es gf ed '
for his coin in the natural world, pale People" on the wrapper -around sulnmation.. Y etlbumnlords or protein, 'the most, Tile importance of the frequent stop. the C*Ugvk /
concluded he ttughl'-as well try as a the box. Solei by all medicine deal- Tho be fur hit 7 important part' front a nulritiv° ;sales of rags of every description, and -01-Rn.off the Cold. j"
n y t t resent y close curt of sigw, and whet aa•r. the re )wialive Bromo•Quialae Table o @• o@I�
last resource what-Ofiect it might ers or sent post raid at.50 cents a P
have in the -spiritual. P I was oily,,;1wo years old when •the. (stockings, mango rind the like, dos` tt8g 4r le
L British Board of Agriculture invit- sults?' By the.' saltie comparison p fr•Dnedey. No Cure. �. :. 7.{,,
Of course, the box of, sex box; s for $2.50 by ad- I.atcicd froth all arts of the Brit- �:
poor Sorters and dteasing ,the. lir, lVlltiams.' it2cll vino pd 'HFr Hurnpiire Da to ex ound Canadian' .patents , come out at ish Isles, and several Continental �' =
others who \\cele to St loracibtubha Co:, Brockville, Ont. y W P 1 ;5p, per cent , as Compared with She --"Do oil think we shall over. t. ���,��•: ,.,.
before them the scientific basis of I Countries, held by Dewsbury, lintley,y 9.. t
wltll their Balls and their hence do 11.27 in the other samples. British Lceds and other centres in the man,- save enough money to•get married?" - ,
tile farmer's business; and this he ( �.
not for it Moment adient that they �balcors have personally deniornt.rdt- factoringdistricts, prove the truth Haw -'Nat unless we break ori•tbe an -
are assistingat a a ail ceremony. DANGER TROM PETS;. diel annually up io 1818, when his all that not one .'
P g Y• lectures v;aro collated and Published Y is Canadian flour of 'the foregoing iu5setti°n. It is gagotnbutr'' j, X11 �t „S
But they roost undoubtedly are --. unsurpassed for, whiteness, sweet further stated that to several large " ;,
Well worship has always occupied an They Axa Very Often the Victim of ander iho title of "Elements .of Ag-;ness and strength, and that it is till- co,lei ?) nuwtutarturers, these Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitche , r: ^'b
importruit place in Paganism, anti rlcultur•al Chemistry, rapidly rue -1 adulterated, but that from it they i ( Y P � $�
Tuberculosis. sates are far more impartan't than utensdls, steel. iron and tinware, / p ,_ t -
the sacred oak tree before which ning through several editfous.' It eau make not only the best quant !
Ill families where household was Sir Rumphrey Davy who de y any of the great wool sales held in knives and forks, and all kinds oP . try .
each pilgrim Inuit thrice- ening arc Para �of bread, but the largest quantity London, Bradford and ntrowhere, 'cutlery. r LIBQ, f .
humbly presenting his offerings qP various hinds aro allowed to be' seri".,'" ...lento ns the reDrretngnt of Per barrel,
,what is it but an obvious, survival the daily contriAnlotts,of small child- cahvnon-sense guided by experience THREE TESTS IN LONDON Examples of Adulterated Goods r .
- of the snared roves of Druldieial eon, Parents should take the great- gradually substituting sound and ave tiro following-results,each us nfell.on, 4.n. in. wide, 6d. to 7d. per Fatltar• (impressively) Suppose -I Id/i��ltAL `"l
timesa g est care to. see that these pets af•o rutinnal principles for vague popu-�tn 100 pounds of otu: 146 lentis Yard, extensively t.aeci for Skirts and. should be taken away suddenly, what
Similarly the final rite, in which always ill perfect Itcalt.h and kept lar prejudices. It was the teaclting�ofgbread 151 ouods of broad, and hocks, contains no wool, being ab- would become of you, my boy?" Il � �f �����
clean. of Davy that broke .UP the system O ' � solutely All Colton warp, the weft reverent Sen -'I'd stay mere. Rhe (lf 6n
the island
it is towed thrice around 1:i� ouuds of bread. F0069, US
the island at the stntn of a. boat We know uoty that filially o[ fhb of bare iaUowing, so that in Great In 1884 Canada exported in value being rawentirely spun from rags and a question is: 'What wottycl become of 'Are U. a. Q.—rae,tIn.
- with the course of.tfm sun is clear- sn1rL11 animals- allfl birds most fre- Dritain to -clay the, proportion of wheat, $812,923; fit the following little raw cotton blended together You?' " e Bated. ro r rry poohea
chosen as pets are vet like bare-falloty to total fixable area has g to give it strep Lh-sold as woollen -- ;i �AHtcaa,n;Aly peeked ly a custom derived from those dfs. fluently yr year it had risen to $1,'166,287; g g •! to y% Fta.h, Datety. pLL
trent days when the adoration of the ly to fall victims to various dia- fallen to one in G0. As regard$ then it Ica t u to$3,0,) 86 i goods. It is stated that thousands For rarer filing years. Ade•Il.lonaty,aarorod. Pat 42iod nlancair,
p P 4 n - " Kw. stag Snit., Lok roararoe•r, t[ I. oa !.ecalf,
'Oases, especially tuberculosis- olid germination, Davy's vietts were oil^ at pieces are sold weekly ill the Ax OLD .tsD waLy-TATlru, h"sxt'tDz, —Mee• b:V, eroraen eno.Anaroarcr ter.Premednotin olyhy
_ .,. .—'orb, the 'visible 'source Of. J{girt and 144(', and In 1900 had grown t0 winabne soothingaMili%a.bceauted4or aver si try-
life, was the - ordinary and obvious, till lltherla. It Is natural for birds tiroly Ill line wird _ the bresent-clay $11,995 4SS. Flour that ill 1 $ altlLpe Of hattona. Sart nerd .the, yannbymfI iodine.moDhecaltor'•thnir•.nliTtdr a nLtlo i :LhBBY,McNEI l:& LIEi$Y CHICkGO'
due Y p knowledge, r 8 4 g ty �y t� bely•;
and au'unuts to hue In the n.cn ate, ]cnowlad a white wheat rest was like, and that the art of Illtisfim tee tnr,:Rl yorfaotep.00sa-„zt.enoay. a o,
y -.o4 -'those whom he belleliCed, - only amounted to 81,025,99u, ill , - • ao[tmnr ttio gums, n11nyY •1I nhin, cdrea-Hind dofia, .0 - .. Th Wor)rt•s Scomtgst Cmterers.
But these are harmless °bsbr-- end eouilttemant is probably the: wall known to be frequently ass°ci- 188x3 had risen to 1 744 969 and as practised fit Yorkt,biro has, teach '*'toboctnINoay-Lor*nlarrhma ^It ploaeant tq yea. pat,nawediaoaof°novenay{a�® qDo�axsatae
vaneCs: !t'lters is n: dor lc side 'to tEle cause of their great proneness to ated with the presoner- of barberry last. year rood the.$t •k $- T ed sucJt a state .of Perfection; that lion soler by aneyygg aea.in eye Dari of fele, arta. TO EST"nene4e•tarthe:n, trDg..
It la Y mark at $1-,0 u, • Titoa y -Rio ranee •poEtie. Ire ynlL+a fe tttonlb�ah)6. -
picture. For instance, i•hn cock has certain thttL bushes in the neighborhood. Al- �•xG. , Without being wearisome titasa it is now quite possible to hruC fiord $e evrea.da.it eor'mM wfellode sootmur ���t),
always played a Prominent tart in very Eery city dogs get, nearly en- though tho recognition of the fact the ulLiinato buyer the, defects of the mLL.Ihomrorne4•hlhx
f figural toll, and they bear ,,Peti-
ough exercise, and therefora iL is that legunzitious crops li:ave the land fabric, particularly hiding the foun
paganism .the -world over. In In- ti°n. —`
not surprising that they aro goner rich fn nitrogen may not first Have dation material of the cloth. 11aud-"Why did you break your
tlla, in Ceylon; in ldnyti; he is to oily troubled with indigestion dere! been made by Davy, hit anticipated Auci this is one Of Life rasulis in Ire the Yorkshire Daily Observer of engagement with To ITatehkiss?"
rive clay, Openly Sacrificed by being CtuCon1m fa filing of the ref M III
It B14
bm ed .alive. So; too, is he in foul wreath. by more than hal[ a emtLnry the ex- March 29th last, reference Is made :Edith -"Bush, don't tell anyptze,
Of connnonSense guided by expert- . + ,
parts of Scotland, 0n.ts, event oftener than dogs, are portmenUiL demonstration that Such to a cheap Class of Cocci t,s brought but he was growing, so horribly fat. ,natrumnnte, �Drurna, tirritorrne, Etc,
but secretly, at once substituting sound and rationa-
vicLilns of tuberculosis. This disc crops draw most of their supply of out by swuo lending manufnctururs, When grief h,ns pulled leen' down a
a -
Lead of night, with .much mystery, ones is extremely vague tit its anilide 'nitrogen R•on1 the. titntosPhera. compo.ed of a uncture ai tvore.te!l bit r shall tale him on again. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE ;p BAtdt1
the Object being..ta etloet a cure m Y g - warp, and it cheap carded weft. term- Lowest prices ever noted• Flnecaaaldgu
syntptorus, and often slow. It dogs T:he axperinnetits of Liebig, Lawes, tie@illusErnllon Mfr; }v
cases of rpilepey and insanity, by q,matie, eo. rttouefogan
propitiating, tllo deuton that is su - not requites ' much thought to sea and $enslow in 1840 and the three ad Angola n himlt sounding name For thing to letesta or �ftialeallastrn,nents:,
posed to dwelt, in thoac'Afiiicted b how don emus it must be for young -followin jroarq, introduced into n bland of cotton wi t mango.
y children to romp, with: and caress Practical use that invaluable fertil- — Raving a satin or Venetian weave; WHALEY ROYCE � 00.1 Mi ted]
these terrible maladies, Also, it Is COitsunl tivo .
said, it is by no means unkliown P pot, Thr, sight of a izev, superphosphate of lime. Then 'A G'ONTRACTOR CONESNED TO the waft is thrown on the back of Torouto,Ont. slid widntpog,Mah
tiny child- seated on tbrl Door and cause Underground drainage, by which the cloth, leaving the fare with a I bought a lierso with a supposed-
among the highland crofters be for one playing with a constantly sneezing, enormous tireas, with the assfstanco HIS BED WITH KIDNEY worsted appearance, The cloth is ly Incurable ringbone for $30.00. /�I1 A �e i�i1 11VALKINQ
ofti hard of''cnttrb a io interred kittbtr of doubtful physione. is a of Parltaillout, 'caro relieved! of their TROUBLE. • wail constructed and has a larg'e,dc- cured . hint with $1.00 worth of OLEANI'I�G' On
alive after a similar fashion, its nu 1 1 OUTING
shocking sight, mut oun wl"ell 'tiny mend. HI[NARD'S LiNTiYLEL1T, and sold LAPIF-�
offering to the spirit of tits murrain, SUPE1t.A.BiJAT:De\NT. IIJOIS`L'UltA'.
when: that disease or nnything I•e- be witnessed only too after. � An Assizes trial At Loads on \Larch him in Tour months for $85.00. Pro- Cna be dodo parrxtly by our Draaoh. Prooeer, SUITS
Tq It
semblin it is more thnit usual] It is now generally conceded that Front. the beginning at 1800 to 11-0 is Better Now and Writes an 17th. last, has settled the vLxGci tit on Liniment, $,x4.00. 9atrraX AMWR1tlAH dVttNO oo,
g y canarles and parrots are u. Interesting Letter Tellingo g "
prevalent, source of danger in tbis'rogard. They attemptingarlitoo improve agriculture Recovery S and 'How et 0 me wool"
and ' woollen,",and �rwe now niOTSIJHDtel I{ eP r [o T:cwAI 'Toltoxro,'uTSAwA A gVEsto
@ are birds used to the free, air in a by Baus of taxatin on giniported About. know that "till wool" recalls all St. PhilliP's, Que., Nov. 1st, 1901.
IT REQUIRED CARE. warin climate, And it Js Milo to be rain, and wfth slight nuodlilcations wool, but "woollen" means any-
g ®®3Mo treat tie y Brook $eteaae14ieri@aa
In'a town ill the wildest wondered at''whe they sre cal fiat front 1804 and ttfell sL differential -Toronto, Ont., Aug. the (Spacial) thing that is cton. ed of shoddy, Montreal to idr6rpoAL Heston to Iaeeti
part ' k solo disease tvhau rho, There etre few men ul the wc�t nd num o duel torten, pool. Pottlsndito;lavorpoor. TIa,Queep -
ilio Tfiaitsvaai rho: cttshiet• of n baiilc p y are caged ill tariff in favor of Canadian grnitt, g f
.is an individual who fora time act- seeder- heated rooms fn a northern prntectiolt governed tiho flscrtl pnitcy or tills city Who and ictore widely ¢ lar 8oa”udaaetatoomehtpo.Av areae ooaomwua•itoa
Y clime. - of Great'.•Britatu.until 18+Lei, whoa nerd rtro!'e favorably known, tlrnn tor•italheea.gt.Dotooate.* sap�,oa, nud atgtaroaro
ad ns a judge some oars ago, Ono Purasi es also c n L.f t t r r r Mr. lit, J. Keane, 66 Lippincott St., r4OU Reward, $100. Old Gentlemen (to little girl who arnaoddehlpa peol.tattoouon no bead hen to t4
day recently he refused to cash a t S o s t t tl t t,ret t the only shred of protection that is weeping Second Salaon-.ono ThRd-Olden nodomModauon. Val
It da g,? , especially front cn:Ls. It is was left vena tri cents Par carter wlie ter years hits conducted a busi- Thereaders of thla papor will be ploleed to g biP•tgrly)-"Why, what are rateo ettpurara•nd Nit pnttioulats, arrly to eel oepdq
Chaffee o(1et•ed'UY a stranger, p q Hess its builder Lund contractor, loarathatbberefaati,ttstonodreadrddisaase you crying about, little girl? Of the oemDaay„pe .
Tile cheque is all right," he:eafd, pellovad by physiclaus that many upon"all kinds of grain. The aboli- that science hoe been able to arra in all its Little Cit•\ -"Olt, I don't Intow• Rlehnrda MI'u.s opo, n. Tor...006 ae..
Cases bf ringworm to children in" tion of the CO.rll Laws in I846 ,Some five Or six years ago IIS'. $Lagos tal coat fe Catarrh. 11a11's Catarrh 77 ti latest.. R..to.. Meatr.•Inad Peru a
-"but alto evidence tilt pars fit Keane was a t•ur sick meth. Ids had Cure is tile cure now known to Cause I'tu a tvbutan, 2 s'pose:" _ �'
identifying youraetf, as the person Lq• be tracbcl to rhe, cat. Although dog marked the. critical dein in alta his- Y _
Kidney Trouble which fim-otoped un^ tlxa tnediaal trat$raiby. Ca-arrH botng a ala- a rnnratT tit.
whose' Orden ft: is drawn Is acorcoly tioga scIdotn leave. Chair habitation tory. of fhb agriatilLuro oF, ,Lila cairn- eL[tuttonnl diaoaso, requirca n cone E4utional N0 t�ept� g�69 t
for human bafugs, aS they arae Fqi•- tl• .[t i8 Hat ':hat. in the. ]nttbi, LFI he was absolutely ttliablC to 1Ca.Ve Eroatmont, Ho)1's C¢Enrrh Cure. 3s Gakau lit• TO COyi9 A COLD IN myg b tS, ,'�+ Htt 11tll7gtN sr¢mm�arsl•t j,S, . ,
aU1i1CFCrit," Y Iiia bed, iAr•nall nko Lacabtva Brom6 s, u..,an.a ,aaystoaarartaaaaant V
"1'VO known you to -1 tunately iL distill b'spocies, still, this half of Ilia ceutm;v rigrJCultuxe has y, dating dlraatay on Eho blood And QUJn77ne allots , i D.n.rner, st.n.e m..e .u.b.+e ho.
y 1 tang,a Helen is b no m nS i invariable1 Dir, 1'feauo found a tura lvharb so tnuaouenu•fanoa ot�ho system, lhercbydoe• l�tarotundthe.mon�ylZitf4uttoo Z ,, D,mldt.rlue.l811 ,04.1,mON.,-
cit less , 'evidanCe,judge," teas to y ea al , r r C, beet furnished with ally note aids troylnt Ehe tuundntion of rho diaolao, and t 4rovoe altnaturoteonaaohhox t�de, d:o+,nithoaeot1.a..rttra.t.n.m.,
{ lVhCrO the pot habit is ingl'ttiecd, that it has Ilourishod but that exist- lna.ny s1Ck tiled $ill lYel$ng. 01109 hays giitn3 rho patiahtatrongEh by bUt183ak tip rho. 2e(at.oht.r.t n. Pite.eiae o" , , ' '
»ti anger'» ras[•onsa,: tortrtatrfatw.rnn.haunianr.,rµia .
"Quite likely," and C:tl)not be ovorconto indcect, it in` aids lituvo bean mala enerrilly fou.uct It, in Dodd'a 1Cktney Pills,, ooaetrtuuonandntsfattagnaturoih'domtfta os. erayq,'dtt.rarorebn.a. .rut`
Q into y, iCpliact LhG: ea is ]lob wisp .tvltoll to !le • cliihh o g g' a'iaid-"T tel you, u i "4 's ""'
telt when y acrd has Ivan for• publication the work. Thoproprlotorsha,oaotnuoh•tnitha l y ma'am, that vi, P►nsgaDOlpnaOA
judge; it conies to lettin V t U °. and' More full utiltzpd, The exten- lEa oarnLivo inward, that they oiYar' 0¢0 lien• , Enrtleld, rasa, V,t:
0 of cold ca 9 titolr pots-vor'.y dnigful .jyat,tch should s No . agriculture °f the thirties was ioilowfng written s'ta.Leauwtt : drod Daltpre toranycuso that it tnila to caro, You'll miss me' when I'm gonel" `
g cash we have to I doom It a great pleasure to give 9lndtordlatrattosttwaulale.
Ue earn Uc kept, b the elders Of' the fnmil MIS tress-" I shall, mut
fel.' p Y Y suparseclod 1ty th4 1lttan iivn agiieul my experience of T)ot1.c1's lCidua 1'illg Address, L', T. CHPu,IltY ie CO,, Toledo, U. s 00 O®�. jolOr ®. �N�,PAVI NG
for tiro flint slight symptoms of fn- tett a of the. sixties. Rhe improve L Sold bY Druittgie4 73c. th.on 1 sha'r1 t miss so many other
die osition; and when these °cern• and the goad they have daub mc. X Belle l'ntnil7 PI is oro the best. titin •s." C 4e.
p moat nY roads, tto construction of S �. .��I+si�� FN G. "NOW, 'I1PtD,bir,' SING," the pet should lid' placid in, tete caro urea n great ,yutfarer with pains in __ r 1611 BAY-STRECY..-ToftoN,YO
ralittays, rite inauguration of agrf- tit back, and used to be often so.
A teacher of a. cokilain Sunday- of an animal or bird rloCtgr for eulttuwLl sgpietiee and a»uuad shores, lit}bey-"T do wish that batt' next p + --- ---
treatment -Youth's' Coinpdocto laid up as to be unable to do tlty Bll11arfls L101 1 Buffs 0010. l0 Coils,
School class hits beautiful reel hair, the extension of litertidure azul the tvordc door would peep quiet, its Yelling
, On a recent Sabbatft the recio`r ^---�= -- cpcad of Cdiicatinn, have all tend- is a iprrfml4 nuisunce." FVifey-- --
mailo the aatouneemenL of a h Inn• r ad to tlaeo farmers in the "A friend advised Dodcl's Iiiclney
I Y CAR1tI:P,:D OL Ir'B.I AN EACiLIu, I 11osltintr Pills, but as 2 had used. so many. "Wily, John, that's not tiro Smith's A wise man neither slttl'ers himself
to bit sung, anti, rising, waved Itis of balig' acquaintod with the nroaL other medicines without tin good baby. It's ours in the bank ronin," to Ub governed, nor' attempts to goy- I
• .'Itand, -altd. tile, Organ pealed forth. � Art infant .left asleop ill Its CradlO recout devoloprnelits . of their busi- - n Y g IlubbY--"I4 that so? Tile dear ,lit,- Orrn others, -La Bruyereo-.
y g'„ fn it fiold near Telosto in Sludge or hews. Otto of the main fnntures of rvsulL.,,,2Ithacl� little #a�tlt in I. tie darling",
"Now,"ll said tic, oloul -site thing. To Rave , I got some of that
- A small and pt'ecaci4us youth in art o[rlor child, while ;rho matter .tied agriculture of tltn PaaL half Carr ills and corlmranced the. treatment, Mp L I I I��i���t 1pplt����
the young woman's Class said wont '°11 with Ther work elsewhere, tory has baen.tha increasing amount p a a {�laard s .L�niment' Cures �1: hthar a ^•" ,
dOn't'you sing, M'Se 1+'cis- Was carried ON by nn -eagle. A. search of'attcntlon that lifts been g'i:ven t°. I had only used part of the first box e I DIPM8118, -
t t when I was able to resmnto my Minard s Liniment Cures DIstempert
boo ?' party discovered the engle'S nest live stock, the teud'bltev xn Lhe Afa receive our Careful nttentiom
�1 " - ` , with the child's body, tvorl<• There is not a,Passion.se. strongly,
; � iVle 7 r, I cover shlg„ replied y'. already 'half thar \,duel being that renis anal nlorb "I used altogether sew a boxes, T rooted in the Stuns of t)iVP D0i1AIt' feed up-
tho teacher, sanfting bar pratttesL; dovoureit. of ilio crops. of the fill-in ora finding' g e b it astet-"IVCV, Tommy, you worn o human heart as ouvy, Wards r, taken deposit nd
1•", „ r ,,. ,.--:4. and I can say that T was Complete- not present Ycstordtry. Wero ,Iron.. Sheridan, a, n e actin on.. po tt u ,
01 Dut,' exelahltbd tite boy, too their wiry to market In t.ho shapo o4 cared and as this was over four, detained' ho - r.n Interest allowed,
uzhiister'sa,, a , _.._ at mo h1 consequence of. "
, Y• you must. " 4i`L he Inmos .l Lon on hHe the author, beef and ntuttnn ani' cinirY lino 1v g
lust say "Now, "Iietldy" sfrtq• ' ]s clnnd let 7:,ondbtr. IIo teas born in elects, ,years ag'o, aid tltn trouUle 'line not. rho nrcibmaney (if the weather?" •^- S R � C
" 181.1, br bfacnulay was, a native of 7'o -da, r)toi'a than bvgv bofgtc the reLurnec in any form, I feet safe in Tommy-m''No, sit-; 'Cause of the
j t' L;diubur'gIr. I -To attended the uuiver- tmtdencv bf the hrUish farms• is to Perma that my pure was perfect ani atnl'
I The stale caiThI9a wets built for t Permanent,
the col•anatlorf . q#, GCpr o III, I t sity in • hat city. I]'C vena joint. cell- Colttilet a wtitli .the foreign and col "I ,believe Dodd's Kldnoy Pills � I C
ter of, the LFtot ary flazbito from milll markets in stock raising, so \Saved tate train death, They art car, Mina h Lint e I . t
1761, so that it is about) 141. i r m n. Cures C�Ids etG
5 1. c
1t3 1 to 857 , and i as o I r as
n 1858 was t supply, the "home o tr rltols
old Itis bidlt at Lila beat oalr,.finc1 li 1I y. a n t tainly worth theft weight in gold tit'
Vit r' f the e! r re. I• n l
o a 4 I. s i lour, which • tush S possible with the million r ch he a ave t „
weighs e�rr f 1
Over four toils. n sick that ,
l r •
supplemented 5 other l 1 nurl'a' t if f cattle, and the sew n Employer r fl 1 --'
publications (C.ttiolr I e. o cat C u a a til p q at co r :9oa baro, Y s a o I
i P 1 ( V)
What t dello much r
for un folk. i has so ) for Mr.
n 0 o finally
:v of d that are bolo nIt- 1 l
g n Shoop e t t n told oil date rl v morning h
y p g y o w an
Gan uctn t lt'
v h g
I c n a tar others is certainly
'Lf cit )iC.b . Y
Chaim aC beauty 1
oat o of wit
Hell 1 his hie .Every L a lauded d l Il a e fl f i t'
v r b at a yYou cared t hal at bort lata bl '
tvi;rtlt a trial U th'a h t
cot pita
Were l 4•
v be
V e of to Y Y
w tit nr l 1
a c tic
me ci r
5o s L to � t ci
on s see °t It ' t'i 11 s l ss r in t o wit au h v
a t ant t CO C n 1 ticl
t 1 n veal 11 p L
at tl e g o to o clown earl -
Oil, g a
s tryst -in fr n Kidney
of )
h to ' Disease t
YSh, Whitt a diener#ill sbatctty parser deli in allies is ibtrnd about mora ainek raising in 7Sritnttt, And g Y a o or ally reel" Clerk•--"tVaii. I'm only t,votl-
01 wise yonlrg Whids we'll Dnd I 25 foot above the street Su face: hero is Canada's chance to stop. in of its consvquoneok- ty mite, minutes late this luormrtg.."
AS Ot UT R —lux
ear• iu�n
Uir aadt
qta - - 1HADA 1
AND aA E�t
M ..
Cid OliPf3ftA`PIONl
Oi r; pro, ;