HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-28, Page 2THE
Prices of G
in Tr
Teroelo, „Aue
ferings of eiew
prices eteady
(100104 111 78c,
freighte. Spree
670. Old evil
Manitoba, when.
87e grinding ir
Ociderichl No,
and 79c Gelder/
ern, 88e gen.,
Oats -The nu
No. 2 new quo
Coe'n-The (00
No, 2 Canadin
68c West. Mem
No, 8 yellow,
Rye -The mar
2 quoted at 48
2 nominal at 4
Peas -The m
No, 2 quoted 0,
Flour -New
patent, 52.75
freights, in b
port. Straight
$3.15 to $3
easier, Hunger
$4.20, ilelieera
nags included
63.65 to 88.90.
Oatmeal -Car
trade, ad in
lel" 20 to 25c
west, and shor
is $16.50 to $
522 here. Mani
517 in sacks,
523 in sacks,
Hops -Trade
changed at 3.8c
Honey -The 011
stabled jobbin
per M., and co
Beans -The m
prime qualities
to 51.80; and
May, baled -
with offerings/
-firm, with No.
at 511.25 to
59.50 to 510.
Straw-Tbe n
lets on traek
Poultry --The
mote : Chick
40 to 50c; live
:clucks, 50 to 7
10 to 11e per
Potatoes -Th
with fair roceip
Per bush in qu
'to 45c in emal
'th'e, with recei
easier. Choice
quete :-Cholee
selected dairy,
ed, uniform co
grades, 1110; c
Lo 20ec, solids,
Eggs -Market
receipts. We cp.
15 to 1531; or
143e; low grad
Cheese -Mark
-Finest, 1010;
Dressed hogs
products are 01
quote :-Bacon,
1140, in ton
Mess, e23.50;
Smoked Meati
"brealciant bacoii
124e; backs, 1
Lard -The in
quote :-Tierce
3.3ec; pails 113
Montreal, A
generally contii
are no changes
cattily in flour
lef easier feelin
dition of the LI
quoting of low
' and strong
toha wheat at
784e; No, 2, 7
cally, Ontario
46e; barley, 5
68 to 68ec; pe
68c. lelour-M
8.3'.20 to 34,10;
to 53,00; On
$3.55 to $8.6
51.774; Onto
84,10. Rolled
to joebers, $2.
and 55 to 50
Mtuntoba bram
bags included;
515.50 to. 516,
to 524. Pro
Man short eut
3.oftned lard,
Man lard, 11
120; Mune, 1
to 110; (frees
killed abattoir,
lob lbs, oho
bec Dee, To
Choice 0080)11
10 to 103e; lio
dairy, 16 to
inceipts, 1.44 t
la .
Buifalo, Aug
era, old, ado
and easy; NO,
eeeet, Corn -
lone 65c; No,
corm 68/0; lkto
Steadier; No.
mixen, 8030; 14
teye-No. 1 an
freights -Stead
Toledo, Atife.
. . vEr
fisegir.rti NIspo.r.tIbeN1,110,rtb?7rpt 1.7t'04,41,7teo:. 7s4-4!pe::
1.1 e-$teinim No, 3.,
Weber, 89im -Y -'
Mee, Barley -Steady; No, 2, 70e;
=ripen 4.0 to 68e, Oorn-Septem-
per", 8,2110'
Duluth, A ug, 26. -What - No, 1
herd, caste 77'c; No, 1 Northern,'
73em No, 2 Northern, 72e; No. 8
ePring, (laic; SePteenher, 584e! Dem
ember, 65/e. Oats -nee; December,
29en, . .
Miuneapolise Aug. 26. --Wheat -
September, 66ec; Decombee, 0410;
OX1 tl'llek, No, 1 bard, 79.1im No. 1
Northern, 76ee; No,. e Worthen),
74ee, In feeler the dernand is re-
ported rah., ead prices holding Ill'el
with the eontinued strength en cash
wheat and lighter crutput, . '
• •
4" 'r. '
e Thera May BO Breught
30 000 f
/- .
I t the W t
11 o e es .
'A TMedo, Oho, deer/itch say e
George Vir, Whitney of Detroit,
Romesteediug Agent for Canede, bas
been thorizon by the Dominion
Government, to Preceen to the coal
regci ions enoffer inehicereats to 80,-
000 or more of the stng IMMO
and theii• eamilies to form a eolney
Sild leettee an, free homesteads which
the Government win PrOvide ler
them in the groat wheat belt of the
Northwest, Mr, Whitney says . the
men will be given work for eix
weeks, at least, at the • eat° of ' $65
to $100 pee mouth Dent board, and
after that worn. will be provided for
them on GOVer171110/1t contracts until
spring, when they can begin break-
ing .up their homestead grants for
next season's crop. It is allo un-
donned that the Canadian Govern-
anent will furnish bona MN settlers
With means to purchase horses or
oxen farm utensils and the erection
of hornes, Mr, Whitney sere the
Canadian Government is anxious to.
secure colonists from the United
States. Word received hero shows
that hundreds of them favor the pro-
• el.---
' ' , • i' '
InTaT,p,1 R [IV ..rwrITA
IN HE J,,,,,,,,..,". ‘,,,t .........
. .
Utensil:3g the Weeter a the Mighty
Cataract ef the Gangee of
' the South.
Wetly, without any Mee or oaten-
teeion, a yory remarkable induetrial
enterprise ham been Ferried to a Slid"'
cessful completion . in the heaet of
the jungles of-Indice; Says the LO11-*
don Globe. We refer to the Cauvery
wails emetriem pewer tanesmissien
Works. Theeectuvery Falls are em
of tho state of southern taale, mid
tan mmth te„,0 wen pe °peen]
works which havo taken not quite
tlyo years to cionstruct literally 4,-
500 horse powo is transmitted over
more• than ninety miles lea the very
heare of, the ICalar geld, fielcle, and
ther Mstrib tea racmg • ten gold
e i u a .
mines, of which the best, lcnown in
this country, rerhaps, are the My-
sore, 001'OglilD, NlahdydrOOg'4 • and
Ohamplon Reef.
The magnitudeof the undertaking
will best be realized when ,W0 etate
that judging by the quamity .of
h r • • d 0 dist rice • ver
o se towen an le a 0
which it is trauemitted, theee• works
are the second .biggeet in the world,
and quite the most important
throughout the Britiele empire. The
premier position is held by a Cali- .
1001111111 undertaking the tame plant
at Niagara not beteg employed to
transmit Power over any long dis-
tame. Another peculiarly interest-
by feature of this Indian enterprise
is its initiation and execution 'by a
Canadian ' officer, a member of one
of . the °Meet fannies in the De-
minien, Capt. Joly die Lothiniere,
R E Thus noemerely on the battle-
• •
field, but in the paths• of peace d'o
colonial ()Mean add new laurels to
our imperial renown.
The Cauvery ie one of the .0acred
rivers of India, and is sometimes
celled the Ganges or the south. . It
t •
rises in 0, wild valley on the western
borders of COorg. From the SUM-
mits of the encircling hills ono looks
down 071 the western ocean, not
forty miles distana. But the seeing
strecun springs eastward, and wind-
Ing through the nroken uplands and
Coorg and Mysore leaps down will
gorges to the thirsty .plaiese when
it flows a tuighty flood at this sea-
son of the year, but ever an unfain
ing waterway to the Eastern sea,
500 miles fret its fount. ' Irrigation
WOV1CS are frequent along its 'course.
and it, spreads it network of Media-
channels oyer Mysore and a.
wide area of the Mentes PresideneY•
Along its brinks the spectre of
at the island of
-.yes. , The falls. occu..
ni anunuane, on tee eas c.lu. n 4c / r -
ders of Mysore, the river here being
ethe frontier line between the
state and British territory. Two
other notable islanas teemed on tbe
a nr re Sarin a tenni. where
Sultan's fort stood, and
near Trichinopoly, fa-
mous for its temples. At SiVOSEL-
madam ie a marvellous bridge, mere
rolv anti tortuous, three-oucaters of
a mile in length, bent on piers • of,
single monoliths. The falls are two
in number-Buvi Claikki and Gane
gen Chukka -An the former the riv-
er broadens out, and its lied is
etudded wall a thousand little , is-
rands. The height of •the falls is
not green under 200 feet. Bu e Ituel
u a is 0170 o 0 ove es
Ch. kl " l tee 1 li twater.her
falls in the world. The finest effect
N by moonlight, when the river is
at half flood. Standing on a Mull
the cataracts, at one's feet
a Moan pool of broken silver
water, and down the thickly wooded
semi -navel° opposite leaps the langhe
nig riven not in one roaring flood,
but in 500 clamoring cascades, in
among e Tees, a oe
and out the t nd over
tell hangs a Yell of mist shining in
the moonlight. . .
Gang= Caukki is the very untie
thesis of its sister cataract. Too
river narrows and the flood rushes
down the gorge, sending up clouds
of spay that on a cleat cley are
visible for nines. At the foot of
cki • few hu deed
the. Colgan Chul , a 11
yonds clown the melds, attends the'
generating station.
' a
Toe Cauvery Falls ere thirty notes
from Gm nearest railway .statiora in
a thinly . populated district. The
6033113.0 • , will, 3,3 i .1
y is vele. a c or mi ee
the transmiaeion line, consisting of
telegraph posts careying six strands
of eopPer wire,' run through hilly
jungles • infested by tiger, panther
and bear. nerds of elephatte still
roam will here. Tame elephants
hoped to convey:the maehineey from
thenniiway to the worke-they amt.
n 11 1- line long -horned breed
-11--eeee, a wet . , ,
f dr ugl t b 11 RS for winch MY-
0 a 1 II ,op ,,
sere hae fel- generations lieen fa-
mouse It was the excellence of this
bree'd that enabled Hyder Ali a cen-
tory and a quarter ego to make
forced marches. With his heavy en,
tiller d 1 1, d '
3 . y, an near y o rive Fey-
_ , - - ..... _
tl . 0 1 RN . .
• o .11 Ole s u 'HE levDiA
Nyder Ali toad his gees have passed
but his bullocks and Beitein ramie.
tame the waterfalls in place of
teLs1.'lesulY bringby people.% inn nub-
' le e. ol i do that Cant
Not the a t is, a .
Jay de. toothier° had to oVereottle
was ,the pottier Atiperstitiott thea
the . divinity cif the sacired CauverY
would stay ila that interfered with
the etreion, Most difficult was lt for
nn s reason to collect 'labor aed
..., ,, , .
materia, always cleactlY 111 the rivet'
. .
botteree, especially when the soil is
neWly , t "Iliad' l'ia"d 141.v"" and
there was also a bed ouebreek of
cholera. 'ignorant peoples !mean of
these supeestilemie as foolishness,
. 'Yet in teeth it. is hard to coname
higher 'wisdom '• then that whereby
the belief that the rivers were the
' e • I
ne Oar care of no gods. was firmly
• - • i .
• I. ' d '
instance into he •popular. min in
days when Kings and Sulam were
, ,s . ,
ueaP049. .,.. in.,dge foolishly Imilt or
a Steam •diveetedby some • petty
tyraut 'Might nave 'nought Per-
pewee ruin foenhemereds of mita up
nal came the watershed, lly tact
ehil ' nlanallemi the old
end 0,0,81rex
sOl7Oretit17 Wil ""overeoe al the
worle proeceicied enidely, Thle email
ft Is hoped teatall the milling hiS.
eeneeev ee ete. Renee mad feeble tent
.1)(3 Worked by eleetrie motors, the
PoWee fee wbiell, bus been generated
. the go. ninety-1We miles (nay.
If t . le meaettre of ellecess mitten
he 11
Patel' by Oalet• De Letbiniere is ate
tained, eve, seall goon hoar Of other
Indian weterealls Ming turmoil to
practical use, ' •
voltil 11.111MIETT11. I
.1 eniel! nnitainnee we J
Qom) sxoNs TIIAT DC
0g/pE BOOTeall
Symptoms • Of Go ed Inc
Sometimes Very IV
leading. ,
Consulting a doctor tho
about my -Shatterecl 00net
expreseed surprise ae
breakdown, •considerieg e
lent healtIve alWays enjO,
a Writer in London Answ
"MOW do Y411 kflOW tha
• '
joyed excellent health?" e
"Beealltie I had all the
of it," I replied, .
"Symptoms are deal
the dater. "What are 3
„ clear skin, to begin
e .
A clear skin? My dea
is an unquestionable eye
scrofula.' •
. 'Well, a, good red cc
°hooka." .
"Commencing heart dim
disposition to apoplexy, c'
"My heart was sound, 1
had a splendid pule. •
"Ah, a splendid manse 1
. •
veiy dangerous Wag.
melee is significant of Man
Pollens .your liver eta
caueing obstruction to t
tion. The C011beCplelle0 W
the. heart .
strongly to overeat:0o 11
tion, ancl this'. would ae
you strong pulee. Or 11.
hear of the bullock -hen
letes? The strained 11
way, baoines dilated, am
compensate for its ineillei
Muscle becomes eniermousl
ed, and every boat ol the
comes like a blow wit]
hanunce. In fact, we
, sleclge-haramer.pulee' - a
gerous sort of pulse indee
"00, but e had it good n
all, eVents-ate a hearty
aol it good dinner." •
eAlial bulimia. - it wolf
stomach. • Nothin g more.
than a, great appetite. II
ly accompanies diabetes,
fatal disease. • It arises 2
bility of the stomch, al
passing out as quickly as
• to that organ. Whenevee
a great •appetite, beware
disease. Something is be
too fast." •
"But I slept so sou]
hours every night '
a.„at •
tumor on the brain
or approachir.g imbecility
sleep is not always a sign
It may sincnea.te a letharg;
of brain' power, or the I
poisons in the blood.”
" Yes, but I enjoyed Mel
its. Never melanchcill
laughing at something c
Isn't that a sere seen of 1
"Nonsense! General pa
the insane -a. dreadful
conies on in that way. 1
see a man ivitle face w
smiles, and rubbing his he
exuberance of his spirit'
my head. nt may mean
but more probably it is
intoecication of general pa:
the mane.
"011, but X never knew AP
to be tired. Could. work
01 low all day, and be a
. l'
the end as at the beginnii
"Good gracious! TI
health. It indicates a tet
. . m
of the Muscles. nel• dog
for days without becoming
Delirious/ fever patients as
go through an amount 01
work that would kill a. hex
I should feel truly alarm°,
er grew tired."
"I ha.d a splendid crop .
"Tendency of blood.. to
"And bright eyes."
"Inflammation cel the le
red ton 1
"And a clear, g
'"Irrita,billty of the stor
s ., ,,
haps a este= ulcer.
. g
"Really, you must camas
• .
laughing.' •
ene e t I 3 , 1 er a u y. saw
on - Hie nestle sardonict
•n it fair tva to o off' 11
i y , g
eennedeemee, .
. "Y,es, that all sounds vi
its way; but I can walk
mile at a very ereditable
I never feel out of conditic
1 ,,,,,,,}3, .m.spim. sm0
good siger'
meal, are, my dear fri,
ing under a chronic clam
are living in a' Tool'sparte
.c, is meitivel
condi-el n 1 • Y
Why, you are sureerIng fr.
ady wince is absolutely fa,
proeracted. Perspiration
ler keeps you alive. If :
perepire your pores are ix
able condition, . end you i
sure road 1,o pulpitat
troubles, aeryous diseases
ailments of the worst; c
If you don't perspire extc
e • 'eternal] Beware
o so i y.
are in. seen a, conclitionl"
, "They say that your lb
aro a sure indioation of t
health you are in. Now,
of a. perfect hue-beautitte
"nen another - of mu
Take care of the red Deg.
entre. , t 3 , t 1
0o ys m cm mice o nu
Possessore of red finger'
sbun violent exercise as 1
3 ,ri, t .
a, mad cog. en, oe
your nalle. Why, a. ma
medical euthoristy hes ovo
eseorted that this
liebit , . . . _,
i Int is re sum sign Of in
sae", (30331,,hal with a n
,,enee you nee that 7
' 'in"
really In good halt
"judging by yotir eyne
neeol to have been on the
itiplicity of Anemias,
mu ,
hot at ell eurimised at e
plete imealcclowa,
rain, Cattle, etc
Ae Centres.
,26. -Wheat -The ofe
aheat Ore seriall, with
, ,Sixty-one peeled
and 00-2b At 720..10'W
ted quoted at lee to
at reondeal at 80e.
A StOSG15l; 40, 1 herd
traneit, end at, $10
. Northern, 85e gt.t.,
ill, and No. 2 Northe
and 77c Gederich,
,rket is. weaker, with
:ed at 80 to Sle out-
aket . 10 dull, with
1 yellow nominal at
101111 Mi.710d, 64e aed
iti to .67c on track,
eet is quiet, with'No.
to 490 outside,
ag doing, with No.
/ to 45e.
rket is quiet, with
, 76 to 77c west.
)0 per cent. Ontario
to $2-77, middle
mers sacks, for 811-
rollers in wood,
.25. Manitoba flour
an patents 83.85 to
, on track Toronto,
and strong bakers',
lota in bbls, $5, on
sacks, 84.90. Broken.
is dull at $14.50
s at $20 west. Bran
17 here, and shorts
tobe bran, $16.50 to
and shorts, $22 to
Telegraphic, Briefs From Ali
• Over the Globe,
/Porno; pres aee meene. neer. led-
s , B. on Ct. • • .
a non
nacre] Booth; of tbe Salve
Arre ' as...
Y ant bo in Oetawa Oetober 21,
- ' .
' Alnioneces imuncipcd electric light
P„leut ehewe 4 Pregt al $1,478,74 la
eight months.
The Canadien Artillery will go Jae
to 'camp at Dearonto 00 September
13, ,.
Hog cholera prevails in Middlesex.
Mr, ierank Cbahtler, pear Leaden,
lost seventeen !loge,
Hall a 1111111011 (loners have been
d' ' ' ' S a
spent in buil leg operations at Syd-
ewe 0. 13., 111 SOV0/1 1111111thS, '
llemilton ieivens ere retesting
• -'• 0 . , P • -
against the Freelnan Feetilizer works
bein • allowecl to '" "poison the air."
g P
ee ailway
The Canadian Nerthn R
carried 9 000 000 buebele of last
. , , • •
yeer's green, and expects to nearly
double that amount this year. . .
The Dominion "eon ee, Steel Conn
peny Imre received an order from
the .Copsolidated Gas Company f
New York for 25,000 tons of eoke.
A. D. James, of the C.P.R., at
Montreal; says the enormous west-
ern crop .will be handled this year
without difficulty.
The draia of the ever 'upon Can-
adia,n horselleele is being felt in 01-
taxa, where tbe price of draft hor-
ses for the WOOCIS has advanced 20
per met. '
A cable says that ibe British mil-
a , „ .„. ,„., e, . laber
1 my anenounes nio sum a nu
of breedinn horses of . the etyle ac-
- - •
eepta ble for militar service to Can-
f t the
alt, , and' will endeavor to os er
raising of sun animals here. •
. • .
Th earl' . rdeners' round Ote
The 11 ot ga a ,
tawa have, formed e combine . and
Willatteiupt to'regubatotrade.
The cite/ is Wedded into. areas,. each
gardener , being allowed certain
streets IIS his exclueive preserve for
trade. 1
The new Lord -Lieutenant of Ire-
land, Earl Dudley, bas been sworn
Lord Roberts is' looking strong,.
• ' ' • . • f
and well, and has no inteution o
resigning his position. , .
.......\ 1, . ling
Though hKiard pressed ng me va. u. ,
refused to pardon officers of the Sec-
end Life Gourds who hazed better
men. •
The British PoStofflee had. 10,000,-
undelivered letters last year,
and $3 375 000 was Memel in them.
add general . s I
Over £100,000 is to, he. 050111 on':
mountings for the barbette l.
guns of the battleship King Edward iTippoo
rya., now building at Dem/part. n1Srirangliam,
, London and Northwestern
. 1
Company 's Birmingham. to Loneon ,
express stained 115 Miles in 113'
eineetee. This boats all previous
English records for a .similar dis-
tame, •
An advertisement in the London
Daily Express by trustees acting un-
dor the will of a West Hampstead
woman, offering twenty pounds a
to any person welling to adopt
. C • I
pet dog, luny, lias In oug it a
of letters from applicants.
' -.--
Ineporte and Exports pi a yeann,
• Big ..Crop Decline' ' .
An Ottawa despatch says: A. re-
. '7, ' _ the
port lrom J. ,?• A-dtrice , shier.
A ,,i, ii: 3.07
aggrUgat° tPad° cl -14-3'a '
1901 to • have been $138,128,129.
T1 ' 't • • s ' `464 488 520 . „nd
le 1114101 6 11ele ,a • .' ' ,i''''
the exports' $74,689,600, ' New hes.-
1 , , , $e, ,89,60 d
end 0 import's welt) ni , • , an
1 e0rt ele 881' 404 L t ' ,
lea -expel e e - e e as YIP
' '
Auetraliaes -croP fell short by 12,.•
300,000 bushels, or 22,4 per cent, of
pie ti on o the piev ous year.
the • d di. f ti . 1A
"-e- ,. en es,
LIVE STOOK hinetetelleeS•
Toronto, Aug. 26. -At the Western
cattle Yercle• this morning the re-
ceipts onlive stock were 80 loac10,
including 1,416 cattle, 1,811 lambe
and snap, 1,000 hogs, 25 calves,
and a dozen 11111011 "'Ws. Trade
dull, and prices were lower for both
cattle and small stun. There wa$
a moderate export demand; the sup-
eal ocattle was small,
ply et rthke
For the best here quotations ranged
from $5.50 to $6 per ewn, and light
stuff from $4.50 to 65.25 per cwt.
We tad not much good butcher
cattle here; what little there was
fetched the price of $4.50 to $5 per
cwt., but the suppliee consisted
largely of inferior cattle .that was
not wanted, and sold at 'weakening
prices, Some common cattle Were
left over. A few choice lots of but-
cher cattle were reported as fetching
5ee.per pound.
Mitch cows are unchanged a.t from
$25 to $45 per own There was n
fair trade in stockers and feeders at
unchanged prices. There is 110
change in export bulls. .
In small stuff, sheep were weak,
and lambs about 25c per cwt. low-
er. Export ewes are worth from
$8.e0 to $8.50 per cwt. Lambs sold
at from SI to $4.40 per own Culled
sheep Sell at from $2 to $3 each,
Bucks are worth from $2.50 to $2,-
7e per cwt. Calves are .quoted at
from $'2 to $10 each,00 ---M - R fen - t C'
5c Per Pound-
I'ollowing is the range of quota-
Cattle. ,
Shippers, Per owt ......$5,50 $8•On
Do., light ... ... ... -• 4.50 5.25
Butcher, choice ... ... 4.75 5.00
Butcher, ordinary to
good ... ... ... ... ... ,.. 3.40 4.20
Stockei•s, per ewt ... ... 8.00 4.00
Sheep and Lambs.
Choice ewes, per cwt 8.40 8.50
Lambs, per cwt ... ... 4.00 4.40
Ducks, per cwt ... ... ... ..50 2.75
Culls, each ... ... ... ... 2.00 8.00
Milkers and Calves,
Cows, ea,ch ... ... ... -25.00 45.00
°caves, each ... ... ...... 2.00 10.00
1Choice hogs, per owt .. 7.00 7.37e
hogs, per cwt ... 6.75 7,12e
Heavy bogs, per cwt.. 6,75 7.3.2e
, Sows, per owt ... ... ... 3.50 4.00
!Stags, per cwt .., _. _ 0,00 2.00
leeurcler in Quebbe Caused by Jeal-
ousy . and. Drink.
. A Quebec cl t. 1 • About
espa el save. ,
2,30 on Wednesday merning a:brutal
.d • nt d t Mont -
min'der was comma e a
me,gny, Que. A. man named jesePh
eenethurin killed his wife by cutting
ter throat. The murderer and Ins
victine are both 85 yeers old. ' ma_
tl 1 kept le itl d plumb
me n a insm 1 an -
ing shop in the village of Mont-
anegny, ,High Constable Fortin, of
the dietriet 01 'Nfontinagny, aerated
the . nnarderer about 8 o'clock the
same motning. , Ileathurin confessed
to his brother immediately after the
murder. Jeneouey and ,druntermess
are said to be the motives. ' .
Paper •Refers to Kreger as a Ran -
' corons Old Nan.
A Vienna despatch says: The Nate
Weiner Tageblatt publishes a tele-
gram from Brussels, saying Inert-
Jing dissensions are increasing
among the Brussels Boer leaders. It
is stated that ICruger was advised
to recognize peace in order that the
naciere may return to South Africa.
He refuses, being influenced in hes
decision by Leyds. Editorially the
iourain saYs that in vain the ran-
corous old man, who was the first.
to leave .the country in the hour of:Y.'
danger. anvised the generals to re-
fuse the Ning'S invitation. Their
receptions in England taught them
that magnanimity Is en English
Word. The generals are the author-
ized representatives of the Boers,
says the article, end in their recap-,
than by the King England sheen
hands with the whole gallant ma-
.t. •
, --
- _
Simla Despatch Says. It Is An
ereaeng Rapidly.
A London despatch eays: The Ex-
change Telegraph Company on Wed'
nesday publishes a deenatch from
Sinne,, British •India, saying that'
no -plague mortality is increasing
at the rate of a tbousand weekly.
mien with prices un-
yearlings, 70.
arket is steady, with
f here at 8 to See
10 at $1.75 to $1.35.
osket is steady, with
quoted here at $1.25
la.nd-picked at $1.35.
he inaaket is quiet,
limited. Prices are
L old timothy quoted
$11.50, and new at
arket is quiet. Car
quoted at $5.50 to
market is -quiet. We ,
Ls, 50 to 60c; hens,
chickens, 45 to 55c;
ic per pair. Turkeys,
, market ie easier,
ts. They sell at 85cILight
entities, and at. 40
1 lots. •
' .. .
- — '
T he Kaiser Will Go to England in
• .A. London despateh. says e nit is
eeporte;d from Windsor Palace that
the Emperor William of Germany
has' accepted Mieg ,,Edward's invite-
tion to visit him at Sandrin hcon
some time M November.•
—e, .
in a o .
So SaysReitz• Lettert Col
A Paris despatch says :-A better
from Mr. Reitz, ex -Secretary of
State in the Transvaal Government,
to J. McBride, an Irishm•an .who
held a command in the lloer army.'
during the recent war, is published.,000
here. It shows that an irreconcin
able spirit is stil strong among
some of the Boers. In the course of !
the letter Mr. Reitz says :- :hydraulic
It gave .me much pleasure to re-,
ceive your letter. on the 18th inst.,
and. to read what you say about our1
and your conviction, winch
country . . ._ . .
is also mine, and will continue so
be until re get our country back,
that the time will shortly canna
when our countries will be as free
as God meant they shank] be."
-ains in Deaa ,Rem.ove Fe'ar 01
e Famine. •
' A Bombay despatch says: Good
rains have fallen in West India just
in time 11 save the crops and ie-
move the Immediate feax et famine.
The Centrals Provinces and Baer
have also been beraelited.
earket is fairly ac- ,
pts large, and prices e
in good demand. We
1-18 rolls, 3.6c ; I
tubs, 15c; store -pack -is
er, 18e to 14e; low ,
reamery, prints, 191
18; to 19c. .Contmiioner
steady on -moderate
tote :-Strictly male, ' ?
anary candled, 14 to -
os and cheeks, 11 to
1 steady. We quote :•is
seconds., ge to 10c.
Prophecy of a Neraber el Nanito-
ba House.
An Ottawa deepatch says: Mr.
T. A. Burrows, M.P.P. for Dauphin
in the Manitoba Legislature, and
of the Canadian
Northern Railway, spent Wednesday
in the city, {Ind loft on Thursdny for
the West. Mr. Burrows says that this
year be believes the crop will far stun
pass tbat of amy other year. There I
about a million acres in the WestIder
more under cultivation than lastlernment
year, and the wheat crop may equal sin
twenty-five per cent. more than last
year, which was the greatest in the
history of the West. Mx. Bureows
says that while the average crop
last year was slightly under 25
bushels to the acre, this year it will
run over 27 bushels to the acre at
the mostmonservetive estimate, a.nd
there are those that say it will o u
as high as thirtyeilve bushels.
N n ut Some
Notes of I terest Abo
. • Leading People.
MI Ch Cl 1 X i the
ss eong . ni c Wan s
Cll' ladyh •h s endettak-
b MleS1,wo O. _.
en to travel round the World. Sne
is extremely wealthy, speaks several
• • . '• . el
languages, includieg English, an
. _ . . . . . s, a .
is possessea or pi ogiessrve meas. On
the completion of her toue she bi-
tends to return to her own .country
and I t • E • • customs
ec tue on in ppean , •
Sarah Bernhardt's dresses aro the
p ne le of "Mainnilliners', " gen-
ei c eon 1
ius. .thie gown is of ivory satin,.
profusely decorated with diamonds
and terquoises. No fewer than 200
.animals were needed to primer° the
ermine to line the train. On the
skirt is a band of 1,800.turquoises,
• 0
the froek being worth some $6,00
or 89,000. • ' . . • ' .
: •
The collecting 01 knives Is rather
Minron Potter.
bbilt e Bw
'e ho . y w .
She has several daggers In her Poe-
.. . . .. ,
session with blood -curdling nescor-
, , - . , . . ..
ies. eine, in a beautiful =sect set-
ver . scabbard, once belonged to La-
e , ,
' lee, the great Spanish pimp, who
.committed many terrible 1cIveeds on
tho main in clays of old; 1511110 00-
(her is it short weapon br g
4.0111 Brazil, onee tee property of a
10 11" a :tired in
great pirate WI ae cs Pe
.0henese waters,
Mrs. Arthur Ca,dogan, the clover
salter -in-law of the • late Viceroy. of
Ireland, ie ono of the very few 1ov-
ors of. anirtnels who have ever niade
as pet of a python. There have al-
tvays been individuals, especially
members of the fair sex, who have
exereised a curious faicheation s over
I • • t of their
.snakes, per Mem one sotto
power being their abeolute fe arlesse
' • •hon Is 9
nese. kern Oaclogan s Met
mid though ehewing a
feet 1°11g' '- --- ' • d
rent dislike to strengei•s, is 'wet-
g , , .. '
eie hie owe mist:lose. .
ed .
It is a, fact not geriercelly known
that n., Joseph vdrkot, of the they
m .
cumin on one occesioh put up as
a cencliciate for Inielfinewittarer hone
ors, ele wanted . to represent the
City .of London, tend held several
crowded and, enthuslitetie mealtime
but withdrew his candidature be-
e . the nomination day, At (me
mei . . . • ,
meeting a visitor deeethed to talco,
on, hie, 0" •W11" told t" d'' "'
"Take it on! . Take it aft" 1)10
crewel' yelled at Mai until The Vare
au neteseferred, eNever mind," he
seed. "there's nothing iu it."
a sr, . .. .... ,•. _ en,
•nishop Tayloa, , Of tile .1410,110( StA
Church who died recently, lute for
• hall century slat With 1119
0501la • - •
h d pl'Imeecl amen a etone. He
ea ,
geeerelly Carried the simile iii a
!Reel 0111e
satchel, mad /always laid his. ..
on it at night whetted. he was
thus actually carrying out the words
of the hymn, "My rest at 010118..," , A
0101,01110h says that 0/1 00e • ,
len the
the bishop visiLan hint al 1
tietame wee far beloW5000,z0, anc
that the bishop elept in the Poem
W111 111 I. the WilldOWS thrOW11 119 4114
With 171I4 176116 eh the stelae,
,_-_, 4-...--
Lot of 100 Offered at Guelph - .year
tel $3,345.flint
A Guelph despatch says: The Bret
annual sale of pure-bred swine un-
the auspices of the Ontario Gov-
Ives held here ou Thin.sday
the Provincial Winter Fair Build-
ing. One hundred animals were of-
fed. The lot was cleared out quite
eariy in the afternoon at a high ay-
erage of 339. The sale netted 83,_
345, and the expense of gelling av-
eraged $5 per head. A registered
sow, bred by J. E. Drethour,
brought $325, which is considered
the highest Price ever paid for one
animal 011 the continent. Another
sow bred by Brethour and Saunders.,
of Burford, was sold at $185.
tle are dying fromlfacing
Numbers of cat ,
3 ris
anthrax in the neigliboritoor of La
Ca osse, lees.
'• ,
An earthquake in Las Alamos,
Cale has caused an .acre of land to
settle eight feet below its former
Returns show that Western fanners
will reap the greatest crops in the
nation's history.
The Secrethey of the Wisconsin
State Fair has notified the Com-
missioner that there is ile place for
the Canadian enhibit,
An Infant child of Adam Seider of
Terre Haute, Ind., died on Monday
from b100d-P0150ning, the result of
a mosquito bite.
. '
Ten thotisand agents and °ince
employees will lose their poeitions
through the amalgamation of hare
veeter companies in the United
States. .
A public whipping for burglarY
was the punishment inflicted,at
West Superior, Wis., epon two boys
thirteen.years old, the sons of ..Tolm
W, Scott, .it former mayor.'
IV. G. Mather of Duluth Mimi.
' ' '
has purchased four moose calves
from Canada, d will stoat u
ne . 3 1 1 o allGi ul 'Island, ' i
uper or • • .
1,0,010cr S.4nel folli. the a
Pressure is being brought on Con-
gress to rettelitete against British
Columbia for 'prohibiting the export
01 cedar logs to the States by pro-
Minting the ituportatiop of British
Columbin, shingles,
John White, a inotorman, is the
first victim of a new stomach dis- Ito
ease whiele has broken out in Win
mington D 1 • el 11 0 •
, • e Mettle, au te 1 0 is
caused by the jarring and jolting of
the. tremey ears., Tao doctors can
it the "trolley jolt."
• —a-
There ' WeVe 1,027 Swiss divorcee in
1001, whieh ' racens 398 for eve.
, 1Y.
3,000 marriageu.
111 Itusem over 17,000,000 children
etre deprived of education thx•ottgli
lack of Public Schools,
teknarai. Andre is about to aliolish
all the Artillery and Engineer battle
in the Prelleh arneY•
Many monks; and nutte expelled
from Innen) by the exoeution of the
in , a e e• , n 3 .
se/elation. Law am daily an vine
"" -.-. ne-
in the South et 13olgium.
' '
,Austeralle, ainemplems the wain'
318halent ef a nigh. 001111111801011er In
Ifinglaud 1""kir. the mama .eonditions
ftfl tile elanedirin High Camenselonce.
e crae
zar has tel thM
thThin of all thete srlente who Were
lenerhioned cte Smolensk in Nemec-
leoll wi.th the steadeilt disturbitnees
la 11027e0W 1as1. rebinery,
are unchanged, and
good demand, We
long dear, 13. to
and case lots. Pork,
0 short cut, $2$.50.
5 -Hams, 13 to 140 ;
i, 15c; rolls, 12 to
i 'to 15em shoulders,
arket is steady. We
1 11 to llee; tubs,
Sad Story of One . .of the Boers'
A Veenne. despatch says: Count
Anton Potocky d'Otton, who is at
present in Budapest seeking to be
cured of a shot wound, is a man
with a sad history. When the
Transvaal war broke out he had
been for 34 years a resident in the
Republic, and owned a farm about
one and a half miles from Johannes-
burg, valued at about a quarter of
a million sterling. As a Boer
commandant, he went through the
war, was wounded in the foot, and
had his lotver hp badly torn by a
shell, But this was not all. Ills
wife and three children were
burned to death in e llre
which broke out in a concentration
camp, while his eldest son, a boy a
18, fell fighting under De Wet. Count
Potaley, says the Pester Lloyd, in-
tends to return to the Trensvaal to
settle, if possible, his affairs.
Cannot Get Into 'Court and May
Be Tried Outside. •
Owensboro, Hy , despatch says
Because a prisoner. is too fat to get
through the court -room doors, Unit-
ed States Connaissioner Dudley
Lindsey has telegraphed to Washing-
ton for permission to told court M
the open air. The prisoner is Jane
eVoolsey, of Litchneld, arrested for
malcing moonshine whiskey. She
was hauled to this city in a wagon ,
but it was discovered that she could-
not be taken up the narrow stairs
leading to the cournroom. She
is 5 -net 5 inches high and weigh,
430 pounds.
Cedric Successfully Launched in
Belfast Yards.
A. Bellcon, Ireland, despetch says:
The White Star lane steamer Cedric,
01 21,000 tone, the largest liner
afloat, was suceessfeiny launched at
Harlend and Wolle's yatds here on
Thursday She is 700 feet bong,•
' ' '
has 75 feet beam, and draws 40 1-8
feet of water Her carry! a ' ram-
ine is ' - Ile G '
a- e --- e8,400 tons, and the has ae-
commodation for 3,000 passengers
It i t d ti t .1 ' 1 b. . I '
s ext.= e in - le wil e laity
tor eermer in the autumn.
• . -
ig, 26. -The markets
ne seefttlY, and there
to note beyond some
Prices., and a slight-
; in bran. Tbe con-
air trade. justifies the
or figures for patents
bakers. Grain -Mani-
Port Arthur, No. 1
Inc; No, 2 oats, lo-
17c, Manitoba .17 to
1 to 59e; buckwheat,
as, 85e to 86e; rye,
initoba„ best pateets,
strong bakers, $3.65
Melo straight rollers,
• in bags, $1.70 to
40 patents, $8.00 to
oats -Millers prIcee
40 to $2.45, in liege;
.10, per len. Feed-
$16, and shorts, $28
Ontario bran, in bulk
aborts, in bulk, $28
'Nicene -Heavy Cana-
porlc, $25; compound
) 1,0 Ole; pure Coto-
e; neat •larel, 12 to
ee to 14c,' bacon 11
e i eee 0„e I e ,
''. 'Kee-. '"''''''' '''''s"
50.25 to $0.50 pee
U-thltari° 9'16' 'euc'e
511.51111M 9/0. Butter-
ery, •arrent meeipts,
lel stook, 18 to 3.81e;
161.0'' r4ggs-Straight
e llic; No. 2, 18 to
Thinlis Inspection at the Boundary
May le Stopped.
A Victorim B. C., desleateh steYsi
Dr. Montiztanbert, bead of the mum-
. .
autism service, is here on re tour of
inspection. The results of his ob-
servati X d the
ens at ootently an en e
toast nee such that be. will report
to the Mthister at Ottaven. thee, the
item:action en passengers reining in-
to Ilritish Columbia from the Unit-
eel States by train and steamer is
no longer necessary, and will ream-
mond the withdrawal of the officers
at tbe boundary and Xentenay, and
the suspension‘ of the inspection tet
comet cities. Me thilike there is nd
longer clanger of smallpox being in-
traduted from ' the States. The
chmage 1vill be it welcome one to
travelers by Sart Franc:few and
Mound boats 'and in the interior, to
, whom the quarantite delay has long
0 been a mource of '• annoyeace. Dr.
Montizaletbert will Om press for a
1ain/m*1011010t vemeine 10,1/11, cm that a
pure and steady Innerdy ulay be ob-
4 ntiww1 tohlsvs fit,PKALSitrtY.
Switzerland Forbids Their Estalen
A • Berne, Switzerland, despatch
says: The Federal Commie has de-
creed the active enforcement of an
article of the Constitution 1 mind-
ding the establishment of SOW Com-
veleta '1,:e religious orders or tem .tne
establieemeat of suppressed emigre-
gatione, Three months' grate is al -e
lowed the orders that. have infringe
ecl the Cionstitutioo in winch to
conaply with the (Mora by Meshy
10,11, ...11A7,11JJ0kys.e.,1 1... '
iliollag enneenne
' -,--- --eenee'•
. 26.-Flour-Steiely,
higher; No. 1 • Nte•tin
;c1s, 80e0; Winter, dull,
2 red, 74,e; No. /3 do,
etronger; No. 2 yen
a el6., Glee; No, 21
. 8 do„ 61341. Oats--;
a white, 874e; No. 2
'6. a do,, solo. nal,
56 to 68, ' on track.
1 No. '2, 6510. Canal
116.-Wbeat -- Aetive,
5,'.. of% ,..-21171,..17: ....
The e150310,11uillest150310,11in
eo fay le as kni ' .
own, s nee
Was bore at Matanzas,
3850, Silo ni 26 Janes
eem webylve 113 ereilide.
NOT Dlee.
alth Arn
is -
ether day
itution/ 1
he sudden.
het excel -
ed,, says
you en --
• inquired,
ova -Moms,
tful," said
our eyee11-
✓ sir, that
einem of
lor in the
ase, pre-
y gout."
nyhow, 1,
often a.
A strong
y diseases.
he circula-
111 be that
ig oestruo-
mint for
ol you ever
rt of Sal. -
eat gives
than, to.
racy, the
Ly thicken -
pulse 00-
11 sledge
call it the
very elan-
ppetite, at
in your
a rapidly
one irrita-
the food
It goes in. -
you have.
01 wasting
entug up.
idly -eight
ithout a
oR health.,
,a decay
ressure of
dent spir-
e:, always
✓ nothing.
ralysis of
malady -
Tatted in
ude hi the
, I. shake
the early
alysis of
hat it was
or walk,
fresh at
let Is not
attic state
cl maniacs
lthy man,
if 11 nov-
I hair."
he heaclet
ach. Per-
✓ me for
it. coming
0. You're
Ito tetanie
ry well in
or run a
»ace, and
n. In fact,
y that's u
nd, labor -
ion. You
Ise, Your
ni 0 mel-
on if long
practical -
you didn't
a 'deplore
un on the
on, hewn-
, and lung
rnally yOol
wben you
ger nail/
e state of
ranee art
• fallaciesl
✓ nail. It
11 (Haase.
mils meet
hey would
, YOU bite
et eminent
r and ova,
Miry() ine
lento con -
was never
toms, you
venni of 0.
and I ain
our come
Lilo World, ,
(Mita,' Who
Ouble, 111
in height,