HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-28, Page 1Vol. 31. No, • 7 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28„ 1902 New Advertisements, Looai-G. E. King, Settee) begins -Jas, Fox, Wanted -Manager, Chicano, School Soppliha-Horsley & 00. Servant wauted--Mrs, Jae. Fox, Goods cheap -J, Ferguson & Co. Ladies' oloth Jackets -McKinnon �i xxixt geto$. <Tam e s tovw><a. Fall wheat sowing camas next. 25 cents gets THE POST for the balance of 1902: Threshing of Fall wheat ebowe a good average return, •• & few more from this locality may go to Manitoba yet this season. Neat Sabbath evening Rev. R. Pani, of Brussels, will be the preaoher at Victoria Hall. Our hearty congratulations are extend- ed to Fred. Bryan, over hie emcees in his recent examinations. Quite a number in this locality paid their tribute of reaped tp the late Andrew Miller at Wroxeter on Wednesday atter. noon, Mr. Miller was a straightforward higbly esteemed ream. J. E. Ooombes, formerly of this loonlity, has secured the prinaipalehip of Hanover Pablio School and the family has moved there We week. Hanover is a good town and we congratulate Mr. Ooombee on eenuring the eppoiutmeot. Wrosart era Mies Tena Smith is visiting Linde in Cheeley. Frank Edwards paid Hanover a bnei. nese call on Saturday. Alex. and Mre. Maoroe visited relatives in Milverton last week. Mies M. MaLeueblin. of Brussels, is the peat of Mrs. 0. Smith. 18 tickets were Bold at this station for the west on. Thu raday morning. Joe. Cowan returned on Monday fro m a two menthe' visit to the Weet. Welled) Laokie, of Harrietou, recently spent a few days at hie home here. Thos. Appleby oonduoted the service in the Methodist oharoh Sunday evening. Mre. Doke, of (Mosley, is visiting her sister, Mre. It. Gibson, at Maitland Brae. Mise Playter, of Toronto, le the guest of her anut, Mre. R. Hamilton, near bare. . Herman Morrison hes eeoured a poli. tion as Bectionnean oo the Canadian Paci- tia Railway. • Mies Lizzie Thompson, of Brunette, is spending a few days with her friend, Mies Mary Smitb. Mies Lizzie Nookee left fat Gerrie on Tuesday, where elle will assist Wm. Irwin in the poatoffiee. til, and Mre. Allan returned to Colorado on Friday after having visited fur two months with relatives here. Mre. Walter Belden, late of this vioio• ity, now of Toronto, is, we are sorry to atate,-very ill and her life ie diepaired ot. The following in reference to the har- vest exonraiou to the Weet taken from Monday's Globe refers to David Martin a reapeotable oitizen of this village. "The only aooident reported to date is that of a than named Martin, of Wroxe ter, Huron Connty, aged 73 yeare, bound for Winnipeg. It ie thought he walked off one of the trains in WS sleep, Bast of Sohrieber. He woo pinked up by the following train and brought to the hospital at. Port Arthur.. Ho is in a oritiaai con•, ditioo a number of bone, being fraotured. OErr.-On Monday Andrew Miller, aged 73 yeare and 7 months paned over to the silent rind laity at Toronto. The Miller featly ware einem; the Bret eettlere in Morrie baying taken up farma there in 1854. For the last three yeare Mr. Mil- ler's health has been very poor and less than a year ago he retired from his farm to a oomfortable property in Wroxeter. He will be mined by hie friends among whom he wan a general favorite. Mre. Miller will have the sincere sympathy of many friends in her bereavement. There WANTED. - A TRUSTWOR- TIIY gentleman or lady In email coun- ty to manage buetneea for an old establish- ed ]rouse of solid financial standing. A straight, bona fide weeldy eaeb salary of 818.00 paid by °book 'each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced tor' expenses. Manager, 390 Caxton Bldg., Chicago, W. H. KERR, Prop, are no children. The funeral took place Loot hie residence here Wednesday after. noon, The combination foot ball team from Milverton, Atwood and Listowel met the Wroxeter team here on Saturday evening but this time ander the named Lietowel. Owing to acme of the Wroxeter boyo not being on the grgnnde sooner the game was not galled until 7 06 and it is owing to this fact and that the latter pert of the game was played in darkness the Lista. Wel team claimed the victory by a one of 8 0, Until 7,50 the home team had by far the beet of t116 game but fortunately for the Listowel team, when the darkness name on, they had the beet position in the field to play, as regards light and with with what apparently seemed all through the game a rather shortsighted referee, the Listowel boys played behind ae well ae in front of the goal thereby sooting 2 goale. It is hoped the Wroxeter boys will profit by this lesson, and be on band in time to play in daylight when the victory will surely be theirs. .lt:.thel. 25o gate Tau Pose for the Wendt of 19)2. The engar beets are doing well Ethel locality this eeaeon. Conrad Bernath, left last week on a wheeling trip to visit friends in the Connty of Waterloo. Misses Luella and Gerrie Ron and Master George Rosa, of Brunets, are vioiting at B. Ames'. Mies Anne, of this place, ie anoouneed to sing at the Anniversary Tea meeting to be held in the "Union" ohurah, 12th con., on Sept. 8011. Mre. (Dr.) Laird and children, of De. troit, n000mpanied by her sister, Mies Reid and Thomson Laird, are here on a visit. They came by boat to Kincardine. Remember the Temperance pia -nig mixt Monday afternoon program to commence ata o'olook. Lamb served at 4 and games afterwards. Everybody welcome, Mrs. -Taylor and her two deughtere, who have been spending the peat two weeks here among friends, returned to their home in London on Taeeday of thi, week. Rev. Mr. Wella will preach a sermon to the Sone of Temperance in the Methodist chord' next Sunday evening, The mem- bers will meet in the Temperanoe Hall at 6.80 and march to the oburob. The -pastor's topic will be "Rescuing the bleak ebeep." Charles Davies, after a bneioeae term of 7a yeare in H. F. MaAllieter'e store here, has resigned hie position to attempt that of traveller for the firm of J. Lennox & Co , boots and ehoee, Hamiltgn. He will . leave at ones for a trip to Manitoba and the Weet and returning from that will have Western Ontario as bia reader terri, tory. Mr. Davies is gedtlemenly, active • and well posted with baeiaeee affairs, and will no doubt succeed admirably. While sorry to loge him from Ethel the people of this locality will be a unit in wiehing him prosperity in hie new palling. Gerrie. S, R Ratbwell, formerly of Varna, bee started a boot and olioe store North of the Glaegow House. Jae. King is building an addition to his residence that will improve its appear. ante and comfort. The addition to the building occupied by James Beewitheriok, and veneering with brink, makes quite an improvement. W. H. Gregg, who resides jest Beath of the village, ie down with an attack of typboid fever. We hope anon to be able to report hie reoovery. W. H. Litt bas improved his store by pulling' down the old verandah, putting up a roller awning and giving the baild. ing a fresh ooat of paint. Milton Borland and Louie Hough, former Gerrie boys, made a sheet visit to the soeoee of their youth. They hail from New York at present bathave been over considerable of the United States since leaving Gerrie. Sixteen tickets were acrd here for the Harvest Baconian to tbe West. Among those from Gerrie were Joeeph Wray and ton Thomas. The latter will remain to work a' farm Mr. Wray 000apied some years ago and ,till owns, George and William Ardelf and Len and J. G. Arm- strong. Lou hoe just returned from Afrioa where he served as corporal of the hospital staff, having charge of the die. pituitary. He eujeyed the trip immensely but was [lorry to have to oome home eo soon. The country there he thinks will C Another advance in pride ie the present tandency of the Cement market. &shortage ie reported and prices are very firm and only for immediate ac0eptanoe, It orders are plaited with ae within the neat 30 daye we , can entire a price that will gave motley as we have enured, under con. tenor, Cement ata price below the present market value. Your order placed with tie will reoeive ono prompt attention and will be appreciated, LAMP GOODS Our new line of Lamps eland without a rival. 'Last eeseon'e trade baa demonstrated the fact that aur Lamp Goode are handeome, up-to-date and remarkably low !nitride. Tutu ohoioe now while steak le new and Varied from 81 00 to 87.00. • WASHING MACHINES Double action Waober-The "Knoll" -awarded First Premium and Gold Medal at World's' Fair, 1893. When you buy thio machine you get the BEST YET PRODUCED. A trial will coot you nothing. J. Holmen, of Clinton, Out„ sage In hie testimonial ; "The Knoll washer is worth five Limen ire poet." Write,him and get hie opinion. McXay&-Co BRUS82L.s. prove a rich acquisition to the Britieb in time, tbqugh au far ae he eaw there was nothing in the ehapeoffanning and mud) of the country from Durban to Newoaetle le very rough and rooky. The natives he thlnke may become tronbleeome ae they are numerous and without firm control inoliued to he ugly, Should they obtain arme would prove an unruly foe ae they ere powerful and active fellowe, Mno, STRONG Dann. -Moe, Wm. Strong, an old resident of Gerrie and vicinity, died en Thursday of last week, aged 72 yeare, at the reeldenee of her daughter, Mre. Isaac Sanderson. The remain, were interred in the oemetery here on Sunday afternoon. Rev, R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., oonduoted the service in the Methodist oharoh preaohing a very unit. able sermon from the text "5 must work the worke of Him that eent Me while itis day, &o." Mre. Trimble, daughter of deceased, Deme from Manitoba to attend the funeral. Mr. Strong died a number of yeare ago. Mre. Strong had been ill for the past three months. a; rum p roohc. Jno. Raddatz was home for a holiday vieft, Two of our, young men [spent Souday in Lietowel. Dredge pic•nio next Wednesday after. noon, 1411 con. Geo. Bielby, of Tiverton, wan visiting in this vioinity this week. Garden Party on JnO. Cameron's lawn in this piano on Thursday evening of Chia week, Some of our young men can erose a very narrow footbridge notwithstanding the darkness of the night. Nobody lees than a Seaman would be able to do it we think. The many old friends of Alex. Hunter. in this locality were terribly ,hooked on Wednesday on hearing of his sodden de- mise. Mr. Renter and family raided here for a number of yeare. He ' was, Township Clerk for Grey. Funeral Friday afternoon at 4 30. The inhabitants of Cranbrook, espeoi- ally the young ladies, were pleased to see the name of John C. Calder among the eaooeeeful for Junior Matriculation. Thia we consider ie exceedingly good work, when we know that it is:scarcely a year since John stopped farming and entered the field of the literary. Singe the holiday, oommeneed he hae bean harveeting and can handle the sheaves taster than the aveaage men. We con- gratulate the young man on hie encoees. MRS. En. Fox PASSES AWAY. -Attar an illnese extending over several menthe Mre. Edmund Fax passed away to a bet• ter world on Wednesday morning at 8 o'olook. Her maiden name was Mary A., being the eldest daughter ot the late James Bird. She was born ' in London township; 40 yeare ago. Deoeased was married to Edmund Fox about 20 yeare aims and is survived by 2 sone and -4 daugbtere, the 70009000 9 yeare of .age. Last February Mre. Fox• went to London hoepital for an operation and has been confined to bed sicca April. A aombina tion of ailments existed chiefly of stomach and lung character. Her sou Willie died 10 months ago. The funeral will take plane from the home of deaeaeed'e mother, tare. Jae. Bird, Weet of Cranbrook, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Brua. eels cemetery. Service at 1 30. Tho relatives are deeply eympathieed with in their sorrow_ Grow. Township Couuoil at Cranbrook oa Monday Sept. 8. , Fall wheat is yielding well. Chas. Rozell, 1011 con , has nearly a thonsand bushels. Mrs. N. 'M Riohardeoo Ilan been en. jnyiog. a vacation at Exeter, Goderioh, Sarnia and Detroit, Albert Whitfield leaves next week on the Harvest Emersion for a trip to' Carrievale, Manitoba. Mies Edna Gant, who taught daring the pact term in Turnboll'e school, 15th (Ionahae engaged io a Boltednear Exeter and ie now at work. The fine farm of Wm. Turnbull, 16th con., is offered for sale an the proprietor thinks of taking lite a trifle easier -a very wise conclusion. Dredge Pio•nio will be held on Waded]. day afternoon lot next week iu a grove on the:14th con., en Ennis' earner. Made, dancing, refreshments, &o. A. horse belonging to Hugh Ramsay. 17th con., wan injured by running against a stake in the field. It ie a valuable Dolt so we hope it will get allright. Stewart Bros., of the North' Boundary, have the etrawontter and blowing ap• menthe attached to their threebing machine this Beeson. They do great work as the combination is very complete. Mian Nellie Turnbull, daughter of Andrew and Mre. Turnbull, 16th con., hae tendered her resignation of the Dray. ton anted to swept the Principal's room in Mitobell Public] eohool far the Fall term, She oommeneee work next Tues. day. The Miiohell Advocate Saye ;-Charles Querengeeeor ban formed it syndicate to operate the large timber limits which he lately purchased in New Ontario. Some ten or twelve epeonlatore have taken stook, and we Understand several portable mills will at once be erected and the timber out into lumber and planed on the market Laetweek an additional 900 aoree of heavily timbered land was pat. ohnend, and the <proepeote'are that the investments will turn out profitable af- faire. HAnvseT Roofs SERVICES. -The tenni vereary sermons in connection with the Union Methodist ohuroh,12th eon., will be preached on Sabbath, Sept. 7th, at 10 30 a, m. and 7 p. m,, by Rev, 0.0. Koine, of Whitebhnroh, formerly a pastor on Ethel circuit. Thank offering ool• Mations will be taken. In the afternoon, cOmtnenoing at 2.80 o'olook, o opeoial Sabbath eohool service will be held, Harvest Homo supper served from G to 8 o'olook Monday evening, Program will bo a good one consisting el addressee my Revile. D, 13, McRae, of Oranbrook ; W. Peuhall, Atwood; and C. C. Faine ; solos by Blida M. Ames, A, 0, T. Id., of Ethel inetrumertal seleotioni by Messrs. Sack - son and 'Grewar, of Brussels ; and Mee• ere, Tonng, Campbell and MoNangbt 1 reoitatione by Min B. MoNaught vocal number, by the oburob (hoir. The oharoh will be appropriately decorated fortheoaoaeion, Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. A., B. D., ie the pastor and W. Whitfield, Oleairman of the Program Committee. Keep the dates in mind Sept. 7 and 8. dl oe-rreI. Fall wheat Bowing is on the program this week. Township Council) will meet on Moo - day Sept, 15th. It is said Richard Armstrong, 3rd line, will have 1200 buebele of Fall wheat this season. Mien Kellington, 4th line, has not been nearly eo well during the peat week bat we) hope a ohapge for the better may 0013118. Surveyor Rogers, of Mitchell, attained by F. 8. Scott, of Brussels, bee been en• paged surveying the line of the Lamont drain whioh will have to do with Grey as well as Morrie townships. Thos. Forraet and daughter Ivey, of Chicago, came last Friday and were visit. ing the Forrest families. 1t is 15 yeare elude Mr. Forrest was here and many ohenges and improvements are noted. Rain interfered with a 8 r bee at' Walter Forrest', Monday evening of last week so it was held the following evening. Good work was done and about 2 cores of flax palled. The girls appear to like these kiede of bees as well ae the boys. Last Monday evening Mre. M. M. Car. diff arrived book from an enjoyable boli. day outing to Winnipeg and other pollute in Manitoba. Her daughter, Mre. Ames, two song and daughter came home with Mre. Cardiff and will visit in this locality. A flax bee was held at Aneon Shaw's Wednesday evening of last week. There were about 50 attended and tbe result of- the fthe beg was about 2 aoree were palled. A jolly time was spent after the work in games, mune, refreshments &a., and Mr. and Mre. Shaw were voted fleet class boat and hostess. - John Agen, of Saginaw, and eon Dennis are visitors at Thos. Rurnell'e, 6th line. Mr. Agen ie a former Morrieite bat has not been here for 7 yeare. He is night foreman in the freight department of the Pere Marquette Railway. The return trip will be made next week. Sugar beet bo.ineee ie being pushed at a lively rate in Saginaw and locality he says. DEATH OF Mao. (Ray) GoDMIEs. O, Tuesday evening of last week Mary Jane, wife of Rev, Robert Godfrey, passed away at her residence, 95 Close avenue, T..r• onto. She is survived by her husband, two deughtere, Annie Elizabeth and Kathleen Godfrey, of Toronto, and two sone, Dr. Forbee Godfrey, of Mimico, and J. M. 'Godfrey, barrister, of Toronto. The -funeral took place on Friday from her late residence. Damaged -wee well known to a good many in this locality as her husband was pastor of the Belgrave circuit in the Methodist oharoh at one time. Ealiaevat1 . Mise Aggie Herbert left on Thursday for a visit to Manitoba. Mre, John Bargees and Mies Mary Riobardson spent Saturday in Brussels. William Sellars has had his house freakily painted whioh improves it greatly. Mies Laura Snell hae returned after a three months' stay in Comin, Michigan. Ed. Coaltee hoe returned after spend. ing three weeks at the lake shore near Ripley. Mise Mary Richardson, o! Boiesevaio, Manitoba, ie vioiting her aunt, Mre. John Bargees. Miss Belle Powell, of Tnrgberry, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mre. George MoDonald: Mise Bertha Farrow, of Goderioh, was vieitiag- her oonain, Mre. Robert Musgrove, tbie week. Dr. Toole and little daughter, Edith,, of Brussels, were in Bluevele for a abort time on Saturday. Mise Eliza Messer left on Saturday to visit her ,deter, Mre. Ira Barkley, at Ypsilanti, Michigan, Mrs. Brownlee and ohildren returned to London 00 Tuesday after spending several weeke with relatives here. Minn Jennie and Minnie Miller and Gavin Davidson, of Wroxeter, visited frieude near here on Sunday. Mre. John McIntosh end children, of Moieeworth, visited at Thome Ooultee' this week. Mise Mabel Coultas returned with them. Rev. Mr. McKay, of Luoknow, and Rev. W. J. Weet exobanged pulpito last Sabbath. Mr. West, wife and ohild will visit Mende at Luokoow,. Ripley and St. Helene before returning home. Robert Peoreoo, of Ethel, visited hie uncle, Robert Musgrove. Mr. Pearoon is preparing himself for the Methodist ministry end preached a very good ser• mon in the Methodist eburoh on Sunday evening, It was a sad enrpriee to many in this locality to hear of the death of Rev. A. IS Hartley, the former well known Pres. bytorian minister, of Binevales He de. parted'thie life on Aug. 22, at hie home at Tarbutt, Algoma, aged 65 yeare. The Timmins Bron., formerly of, Bine. vale. are now iu baeleeeo in Almonte, Ont., and doing well. Biemarok in in obarge of the dry goods, aarpote, white wear, &e. departments, and Fulton looks after the boots and shone, clothing, !late, paps and furnishing». They are eons of J. S. Timmins, it well known merchant of Bluevale in other days, George Reid's gristmill at Danville was burned. Loge 08,00D. The [Apply of .natural'gae in Essex County ie reported to be bumming. Two thoaeand exonreioniate from Port Hnrea visited London Ont. Wednesday. Robert Darling, of Ameliasburg, wee naught in a binder by his horsed running away and fatally injured. Thomas Rooney, of Strathcona, lost his lite by saffooatfoo while trying to moue hie hired man from a well, Beeman A. MaoMurohy, barrister, of Limiest,. wan found drowned in Soegog River with hie pooketo filled with etonee, The General Synod of the Ohnroh of England in the Dogtinion o! Cagnda an will convene in Mootreol on September 8rd, The eeeei000 will last till September 17111, Muth important legieletion will be up for dinoaesioa. Hon. 6. W. Ross las Returned. Hon, Geo. W. Ross, Premier of Ont. ario, arrived home on Saturday evening from hie trip to England, where he spent a very pleasant holiday. He was inter- viewed by a Globe representative at his residence, Toronto and he talked in a must interesting manner of hie two menthe' muting. He appeared to be in excellent health and to have greatly benefitted by the relief from pnblio cares.. Mx. hoes eailedfor the old land on Jane 14 and arrived in London in ample time for the coronation, which wee to have been held on Jane 26. When announce meet of the postponement of the ceremony was made he left for Sootland and spent a portion of the interval in Edinburgh and Glasgow, He had intended to re. turn to Canada early in the present month, but remained over in order to attend the coronation. He did not want Coterie to be unrepresented, especially as the Premiere of all the other Provinces and of the other ooloniee were present. HEARD EDp00000N DERATEe. "I was in London," said Mr. Rose, "while the Premiers of the selt•govera ing colonies were in 000ferenoe with the Colonial Office and kept my,eif well in- formed regarding its proceedings. I tea oepted a number of invitations to funo• time given iu honorof the oolooial Pre- miere by the Imperial League, the Brit. ieh Empire League, the Oouatitutional Club, andother bodies. At these affairs opportunities of seeing and hearing prominent men from all parte of the empire were afforded. I oleo attended the debates in the Hopee of Commons at Westminster daring a great portion of the dieouseion of the Edaoatioo bill, a subject in whioh I was much intereeted. L found the members of the Hoose wrestling with phaseu of the edooatioaal question which we settled many yeare ago, par icularly the subject of religious in- struction in elementary sohoole," THE n1tPERIAL CONFERENCE. Regarding the Imperial Conference Sir. Rose said :-"Tho Oauadion Miuiatere were most aoeiduoue in their attendance at the meetinge. I have meson to believe that the (i nterstte, a though it may not bear immediate fruit in every particular in which Canadians are interested, wilt ultimately, to nee the words of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, 'prodaoe ooneider. able results.' The Imperial Ministers took great interest in the deliberations of the conference, and showed the keenest anxiety to make it a means for promot- ing the anity of the empire. In this re. salt, I am satisfied, they will be emceed al. A full report of the resolutions approved at the meeting will goon be made public. PREFERENTIAL TRADE. "The impartanae of preferential trade between the United Kingdom and the colonies WAS fully dieoaseed. I was in formed that, in view of the result of the recent election in North Leede and the opposition offered to the bread tax in the Home of Commons and by some of the leading j ,ornale of Great Britaiu, the Imperial Government considered it prod. ant not to commit itself to any preference to the colonies at the present time, not. withstanding that this question was, etrougly pressed upon its attention by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and hie colleagues. The dootrinea of free trade have still a very strong bold of the public mind, and it requires epeoial leadership to direct the movement in the mother aonntry in favor of a preferential tariff, although it hoe many sopportero both in England and Sootland, some of them in very influential gaartere, FAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE. "The vitiation of a fast steamship ger. vibe between Great Britain and Canada was also discussed, but, ,o far as I could learn, no definite conduction was remitted. It wan greatly to the advantage of the members of the Canadian Government to have an opportunity of dieoneeiog this gaeetion with the large capitalists and others interested in the shipping nom• mercy of the old country. The opinion w'au very freely expressed by many influ- ential.' men during my any in England that eomething mast be done to counteract the etfeot of the great eteamehip onmbine formed by J. Pierpont Morgan. A fast Beeville between the United Kingdom and Canada appeared to be the beet way to meet this combination. INQUIRY 0011 CANADIAN 00000. "1 wee glad," continued the Premier, "to learn that there is a general desire on the pert of Eugli,h merchants to trade with Canada to au even greater extent than heretofore, and that inquiries are being nand, at the Higb Commissioner's office more frequently than ever ae to whether certain goods now on the British market, whioh were pnrobaaed abroad, could be supplied by Canadian dealer,. I believe that nettling could better promote trade with Gre ,t Britain than a well- equipped depot and commercial agency in. Landon for the distribution of informs. tion reepeeting Causdian products of every kind. It was moat gratifying to bear emit good reports ou every hand with regard to Canadian bacon, butter, oheeee hod beet. A leading cattle dealer at Liverpool informed me that in th e est Iwo yearn a great improvement imp he quality of the live stook shipped to the British market from. Canada bad been apparent. 000REA0EDINT0RneT IN 0000000. "There 000m0 to be an ioereased inter. est in Canadian affairs on the part of the press and of public then in earnest every position of influence in Groat Britain. Invitations were extended to the colonials, it they,il naae, by all the l6adiog aloha or the city, and there teemed to be no end to the list of reoeptione, within and without the city of London whioh were given by men of the bighted rank in the empire. An far North as Edinburgh and Glasgow, d over in Dublin, hospitalities were freely offered to those of the o010010le wbo were in a position to aooept them," Mr. Rose said that Sir Wilfrid Laurier bad suffered a good deal during hie ocean trip, but that after a few days' rest In London he had greatly improved in health, Wbeo be started for a tour of the ooutinent he wets in expellent spirits. SIR rumen» 0010000 OOMINd. "I have jun had a cablegram," said the Premier, 'from Sir Edmund Barton, Prime Minister of the Anatralimo Com• monwealth, saying that he expecte to be in " Toronto on September 1, andthat be will remain here until the 4th of tbat month. This will give him an opportun• ityof seeing at the great Industrial Fair the wealth of trait, of grain and !greet prodnote which Ontario contains. He is worthy of e. hearty welcome from the people of this province, as be in a man of rare ability, who repreeenta a riei0g and proeperoue Commonwealth. People We Know. Mise Mabel Colvin is visiting at Wing. ham. Will. Ainley, of Listowel, Sandayed in town. Mies Annie Beattie, of Toronto, ie here for a vacation. - Mre. G. A. Deadman and daughter are home from Muskoka. Charlie Richards hae returned from a pleasant trip to Bayfield. Jae. Irwin and family may remove to Wingham, so it ie rumored. Walter Hall, of the Wingham Advance staff, epent Sunday in town. B. Gerry is able to get down town with the aid of a orutott and oane. Mine Mary MoLaaohliu ie home from 8t. Thomas for a holiday visit. Dr. J. M. Moore, of Moorefield, and Eli Moore, of Trowbridge, are in town. Mre. Wm. Aldridge has been poorly bat we hope ebe will improve speedily. Mies Ethel Creighton in attending the Fall Millinery Opeoinge at Toronto, T. W. Norton, of Lietowel, was renew. ing old aognaintanoee in town this week. Mre. R. aisinprize is oonniderably ire• proved in health we are pleased to nate. Mre. Axton, of London, was visiting Mrs. (Dr.) MoNaaghton daringthe past week. The Misses Hamilton, of Toronto, are the guests of Mre. Leckie, Kelvin Place, Brussels, Mre. Geo. M. Mitchell and baby, of Ethel, were visiting relatives here for a few daye. Mre. Morton and daughter. of Hamil• ton, are visitors at Thos. Friendship's, John street. Barrister and Dirs. Blair areexpected home the end of this week or the begin- ning of next. Mre. 0. E. Turnbull is making fair progress from a medical operation par. formed last Monday. Gordon Mooney ie able to get about a little now after a lay up of over three weeks from sciatica. Geo. Ardell and Leslie Kerr will boli• day for a few days with relatives and friends at Owen Sound. Olarenoe Thetford, of Toronto, 0000 a visitor at Mre. J. A. Oreightoo'e, Princess street, for a few days. Alfred Denny, of Buffalo, N. Y , ie in town for a short vacation, visiting hie mother and other old friends, Rev. G. J. Aboy is is town from Preston and will take the funeral service of the late Mies Somerset on Friday afternoon. Mrs. (Rev.) Oloff and children, of S(rathroy, are visiting her sister, Mre.. W. M. Sinclair and renewing former friend. ships. Mre. George Cardiff arrived home last Mondmy e0e010g from a visit of a few months with relatives and friends in Manitoba, Rev. R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., Mre, Gar. batt and Boo, of Gerrie, were visitors at the Iifethodiot Parsonage in this plane en Monday. A. L. Molntyre, of Lietowel Business College, wan in town on Thareday in the interest of hie institution whioh will open for the Fall term next week. Mie, Kate Richardson, of Brookville, was oalliog on old friends in Bruveele this week. She was a former well known teacher in our Public Sohaol and is a sister to N. M. Riobmrdson, of this locality. Mies Ames, of Ethel, was vioiting her deter, Mre. D. 0. Roes. Misses Luella and Gertrude Roes and George returned with her on Tneeday and will spend a week in Ethel and locality. We ore sorry to hear that Wilber Baker, wbo went from here to Portage. Ia.Prairie, Man., some time ago, is i11, in tbe hospital in that town, with fever. Hie many friends hope he will soon be better. The eiok man ie a eon of J. K. Baker, of Henfryn. 7. D. and Mrs. Ronald have arrived back to Bruseele atter an abeenoe of nearly a year in California, Colorado, Chicago, Detroit and other planes, They moven, after a sojourn here, to go t0 Detroit where they intend making their home and where a residence ie bow in o00ree of erection. Jno. Cotter and H. Ham drove over to Trowbridge on Sunday afternoon to call on Rev. R. Phillipe, the Methodist minister, who has been and ie yet danger. ouely ill with some ailment thought to be cancer of the stomach. We hope he will Boon take a change for the better. Jno. A. Smith and bride,.ot Waltham, Metes., U. 8., and Mrs. Sylvester Smith and daughter, et Brantford, are visitors with Jae. and Mre. Turnbull, John atreet, The first mentioned ie a brother of Mre. Tnrnbnll's and has followed enooeeefnlly the profeeeion of trained onto for the past 8 yearn. Thin visit is part of their wedding tour. Mrs. Sylvester Smith ie a eieter•in•law, her husband being a former Beneselfte. A Orediten correspondent writing last week say, :-Dr. and Mre, Rivera left for Burnie last Saturday, to visit the Dr'a relatives, before tbey lett for the North.. west. Before leaving Dr. and Mrs. Rivera were presented with an address and two hondeome °hair,, 010 behalf of the Methodist Month as a token of their appreciation for the serviette rendered to the church while here. We with them 8000008 wherever they may go. 3. D. Stratton and family have removed to Kausae, Mine Jean Roes is the guest of her deter, Para, Jae, Beattie, Mise Jean Carling, of Clinton, ifs vigil. Ing Mende in Brussels, Mrs. Hanley is visiting at the parental home, Weed Lorne, Elgin On, Ohas. H. Bartliff ie laid up again with eoiatile. we ere sorry to state, Mies Olive Gilpin, of Wisrton, le visit. ing at J. J. Gilpin',, Charon atreet, Mre. Lowrie, of Wroxeter, was vioiting Mrs, R. K. Rose, Alexander street. Moe. George Birt and daughtera are holidaying at Kinaardiae for a week, Menne Leo and Beatrice Curry have been holidaying withrelativee at Atwood. Mise Bertha Farrow, of Goderioh, wee visiting at Poetmaeter Farrow's this week for a few days. Mise Ella Inman, of Chicago, ie visit. ing her mother, Mre. Jas. Wilson, Elizabeth atreet. Mre. Robt, Black, of Wroxeter, spent Tuesday at "Roseville," the gusat of Mre. D. 0. ROBS. Dr. Roberts, of Hamilton, is %seining Dr. McNaughton, of Brunets, in hie practice this Sommer. Wm. Campbell Smith took a trip to New York city and eaw the sights for a weak or ten days. Mre, M. G. Richardson left oo Saturday for Saolt Ste. Marie to visit her daughter, Mre. Wm. H. McGaaley. Ralph Tripp, of Forest, hoe been . holidaying with his brother, W. A., of the Standard Bank, Brussels. A. Bawtinheimer, formerly of Braseele, ie in very poor health at the reeideuoe of hie brother at St. George, Ont. George Puttee, of Ailsa Craig, fo merly of Brussels, was renewing old friendehipo in this looality during the past week. R. W. and Mre, Jewitt and W. Britton and Mien Kate MoOrory, of Contemn, were visitors at Wm. Jewitt', this week. Mieeee Mary and.Beatrice Howe have arrived home from a nine weeks' visit to Heopeler, Paris, Brantford and Danville. Mies Mary Roes is having her holidays and will visit her sister mud brother at the two Capitalo-Toronto and Ottawa. Mre. Jno, Haiet and daughter are visit ing frfende io Kincardine. Mr. Hainnwent West with the Manitoba exonraiou• late loot week. J. M. Thompson, Editor of the Fergus News Record, was in town for a popple of days last week visiting his parents. He favored Toon Poem with a call. • Thoe. Holmes, an old and well known resident of Wingham and locality, was a - vieitor with hie eon, Dr. Holmen, this week. Mr, Holmes is one of the stalwarts. Mts. 3, G. Skene took an overdose of headaohe powder on Friday of Met weep but no serious oonsegaenoee followed. Various rnmere were afloat as to the result of the mistake bet Mrs, Shane's ability to get about set tbem to net. Jae. McEwen end bride were in town on Tuesday. Mr. Mac. was in charge of Brueaele station for a short time before the present agent derived after Mr. Sutton removed to Wingham. They were visit- ing the groom's nnele, Mr. Watt, Hullett. Robert H. Olimie, of Winnipeg, aged 40 years, formerly of Loudon, died in the German•Amerioan Hospital at Chioego Taeeday. The remains were taken to Lietowel for burial there Thursday after- noon, Mr. Climie was well known in Ontario, having travelled ontof London for about eight yeare far Knox, Morgan & Co., of Hamilton. Be was married 21 yeare ago to Alice, a daughter of Rev. W. F. Clarke, of Gnelph, who, with a family of two sone and five daugbtere, enrvivee him. Deceased was a cousin to Mre. R. K, Rosa, of Braeeelo. blliUl(011 Ulla! ES. "Communion and Transformation" will be next Sabbath eveming'a Epworth Leagne topic. Mise Hamilton, of Toronto, sang a fine solo, "Abide with 00." at the evening en- vies in the Methodist ehnrob last Sunday. The Young People's Presbyterial Con- vention and the Maitland Presbytery will meet in Brussels on Tuesday, Sept. 10111. "The Brazen Serpent" will be the topic of next Sabbath'e Sunday eohool lesson. Read the motes on page 6 of this week's 0806. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Omens prao. tinily dieoonreed in the morning from the text "He name in the spirit into the Temple." The evening theme was "Wrestling Jacob and the victory gained." A letter received from Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., from Huntsville, ie to the effect tbat hie health has improved but alightly mince going to Muskoka. Mre. Rose has aleo been ill with inflammatory rhenma. tiara but is now recovering nioely we are planed to state. The Winghsm Advance of last weep ,aye :•-"Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, gave the Advance a call cm Monday. Though 75 yeare of age, he retains hie vigor wander. folly and ie still onpable of doing effective pulpit work. The reverend gentleman will officiate at Victoria Hall, Janne- town, next Sabbath evening. - A week from next Sabbath the Sabbath Sohool anniversary sermons will be preached by the pastor in the Methodist church. The morning eervioe will be to the pupils. The singing will be lead by the S. 5, Orobeetra and a choir of Bohol. are. Iu the evening the dieoonrso will be directed to teachers and parents. Mr. MoLecd's theme last Sabbath morning at Melville oharoh was the Old and New Dispensations °entreated Jno.1. ✓ 17. "The law was given b Moues but y Grape and Truth came by 78808 Christ,"' At the evening service be took as his text Mat. 22.42 "What think ye of Ohrlot 7 !'. dealing with this great teat queetiou. under the two heads Christ as the "Son of man" ; a, the "Son of God". Mr. McLeod is a thoughtful speaker. Rev. Mr. Griffin oonduoted the services in St. 30130'0 ohuroh Inst Sunday and wag welcomed by many old Wanda. Ile and his son visited among hie femme parishioners for a day or so, Next Sun. day 11tir. Ryan, the student here a few weeke ago, is 0xpeeted. The probabilities are that the new incumbent, Rog, Mr. Webb, of Windsor, will be able to oda. manna bin regular work on the tint Sunday of September.