HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-21, Page 8OP R ' C !`f•C Our Spices are the Purest that can be obtain- ed, It is necessary that they should be pure beelvp e they are user ,f'or, medicinal purposes as Woll}:as for cooking. They are sold, also, as Jew as the common cheap'„spice. OLIVE OIL SOAP P This is an excellent Toilet Soap for general purposes and is only 5e per cake, Fruit Jar nings Frtilt %ear Rings Hursley's Drug ani. Book Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800THERN ENTEN010N W. O. & Z. Trains leave Brossele Station, North and South, as follows; Gorse' BOOTH - GoINa NORTH. Mall 7:18 a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 a.m Mixed 0000 a.mMail 1:17 p.m Express 8:25p.m I Express ,., . 8:37 p.m Xulal: tem:, A ohiel'e amang ye takie 'notes, An' faith he'll prent Bnossoosmarket leads. Try it. Tam POST gives the news and 25 dente gets it for tbebalanoe of 1902. THmsE 0000 of salt were forwarded by Brussels Salt Works this week. 8 on 10 passeogere left Brussels on Thursday for the Western harvest Bolds. s hound atomism DENROw a OD d of a i dose of g poison some place last Monday and was in doubt wbetber to die or live. THE damaged parte of cement side• walk in town are being replaced this week Hader the supervieion of Jae. Beatty. A new metallic roof has been placed upon tbe livery barn of B. Wetliame & Son, Messrs, Wilton & Turnbull did the work. Otos day last week a small milk snake was captured on the sidewalk near the Horsley & Oo. drug store. R. N. Barrett has it in a bottle preserved in alcohol, Tam house owned by Jae. Stretton, Elizabeth street, wbioh was damaged by fire reoently has been undergoing repairs in the way of a new roof, painting, paper- ing, &o. ORR 25 cent offer for THE POST to Jan- uary 'las 1903 is meeting with gratifying enemas. Send it to the absent members of your family and let them know the weekly going's on. A PRIVATE pio•oio was held by a dozen or, - more_ smarmdamsels of Brussels on 'Wednesday aer"oon. Tae Objective point was a grove on tbe 5th line Morris township, on the bank of the Maitland. 28 nun/ horses were shipped from Brussels station yard on Thursday morning of this week. 17 of them went to Toronto ;; 2 to London ; 2 to Blenheim ; 3 to Brampton ; and 1 each to Owen Boned, Brantford, Ingersoll and Hamil- ton. Too new evaporator for the Mahler firm is being pushed ahead on the same lot with the old one winch will also be utilized. New building is considerably larger than the one formerly used and will offord greater facilities for increased badness. ANOTHER ExovnsroN To MANITOBA.. -On Monday, Sept let, another Farm Leber - ere' Excursion will be ran. Tbe out- going fare to Winnipeg will be 810 and free transportation from there ae far ae Moose Jaw, Estevan and Yorktoo to persons who engage to farm 30 days. Tickets good to return until Nov. 30 at 518. See advt. in this issue of Tan Pose. RUBOR POEMS AT LONDON NOndrAL.-- George BDobanan, of Braesele will attend the Normal Sohool at London, which opened Tuesday, for this term. Tbere are 78 on the register. Other Heron 0o. pupils are :-Monde B. Alexander, Ber- yls ; F. J. Addison, Clinton; Gertrude Graham, Goderioh ; Jae. A. MoTaggart, Exeter ; Rosalie O'Riley, Kintail 1 Harriet and Sadie Phillipe, Seaforth ; Nelson W. Trewartba, Holmesville ; and Robert Weir, Wingham. Perth Co. will be represented by Edith L. Arober, and Isabella 0. Dow, Mitchell ; and A. L. Langford, Milverton. Qnine W>IDnmet.-A very quiet wed- ding was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, Tarnberry street, on Wedneeday evening, when Wm. Thom - SOD, merchant, Tbeeealon, Algoma, and Mies Eliza Helen, danghter of James and Mrs. Oliver, of Brneeele, were united in marriage by Rev, T. Wesley Casene, Only the immediate relatives were tree• ant. The bride wore a most becoming travelling oo0tnme, and was unattended. Mr. and Meg. Thomson left for their home in Thoesalan on the 8.20 train, taking the steamer at Kincardine. The many friends of the bride, Ton Pose in the number, wish her and her husband Many happy, pro0per0ae years. Bowr,n4o.-.'Three rinks of Clinton bow. lere drove into town Iaet Friday forenoon With a grey tour.in.baod, lege flying and Outer evidences of proeperoes times/. A very enjoyable game WAS played in tbe afternoon; witnessed by a laege eompany of Isaias and gentlemen. Brunelle won by 13 allots to the following Boors will allow :- CLINTON. BRoesine. Taylor, Farrow, Wieeman; 3.:T. Boee, Forrester, Downinq, Dr, SUaw,ekip,,,.28 Irwin,sbip..,.11 Howard, Arden, Wiltse, Jackson, Combe, Hewitt, De. Agnew, skip .... 8 D. 0. Roes, ilk, 84 Irwin, Leatberdele, Rattenbury, Ferguson, Paha MoNanghtoh, 3aolcs0n, skip.,,.14 Oousley, ekip..18 Totale., „50 88 LAST Friday W. W. Harris shipped a ear of obsess from this atatiou. It went to London. Bnosoolo flax mill oommeaoed work on Thursday of this week threshing this season's Drop wbioh ie a good one. THE extension to Harry James' hotel ebede is in progreee this week and will largely inoreaee the accommodation. Bemire ball is filling a- large' plane to tbe Stammer sports of the Braesele girls. They play on Barrister Sinciair'a lawn and have many an enjoyable hoar. Some of the girls are quite expert et the game. THE 1.0. F. I•;xoatafon from Wingham to Buffalo last Saturday was . not tbe blooming oeoaess the promoters would have desired as there were only 25 or 80 tioketa sold. Tbere are too many exoor• eione to make them all a mimeee. THE Crediton correspondent says ;- "Dr. Ezra Heat, of Toronto, has parches, edthe medioal praotiae and drag store from Dr. Rivers and took poseeeelon on 81st alt. Dr. Heist Domes to us highly reoommended and we extend to him a Dr. and Mrs. Rivers heartyR Telams. D a intend to leave ahartly for the Wast, where they will visit frlende and with e view of starting a practice there. We are sorry to lose tbe Dr. and hie wife as tbey have many friends here and will be greatly missed.” Mrs. Rivers is a dough. ter of 5obn Hill, Queen attest, Brussels, and is well known in this community. On Friday 8th inet tbe Messrs. Bans• ford, of Olinton and Brussels, shipped to Vancouver, B. 0., the Bret carload' of Balt ever shipped from Heron to the Peoi&a province. It will necessarily retail at a considerablyhigher price than does salt bare as the freight on the con. signmeot amounted to 8275. This ship. meat ie one of the first results of John Ranstord'a trip to tbe coast a few weeks ago. It wee only two or three years ago eiooe the energetic head of the Salt Aesooiation euooeeded in planing ite pro- duct on the market in the Maritime provinces. He's a hustler. FOOT BALL,-Braesele Juniors drove over to Blyth and played a return match with the FootBall team of that enter- prising burg. Some time was lost in dieoussing tbe make up of the home team as many of them were maniere but event - flatly, with one change, the game went on Blyth winning by 1 to O. The teams lined np as follows :- 12 Beattie Goal Godley W Cameron ...l Backe J Rhone W Roche f Edmonds E Ba A Somers W Goonkder ..._. 4 ]Sacks 3 Brown R Brown ,0 W $milli B Scott Bell 3 Thomson ,.. Haines S Scott Forwards 8 Somers T Good Macon W Boone Sellars Garf. Banker was the Referee. Worm DONE. -We are pleased to notice that a goodly number o! the candidates from this looality were encoeeefal in passing Choir respective examinations at the variety ()entree where they wrote. Among those to be oongratnlated are Mies Marion McKenzie, of Morris, who took Part II Senior Leaving ; George Bnobanan, of Brussels, and Oaten White, Leadbury, Part I Senior Leaving ; Part I Junior Leaving, Misses Georgia Rose and Mabel Zimmer, of Brussels; Robt. Work, Grey ; Miea Sylvia Seel, Oran. brook ; Mies Cora White, Leadbary. Wingham passed 4, candidates for Part II Jr. Leaving, one being the Principal's daughter, Ethel Musgrove, also H. Ansley and Rebeooa M. Hogg. ON THE GREEN. -Tho Wingham Bowl. ing Olnb Bent two rinks to Brussels on Wednesday forenoon to play a friendly game with our bowlers. Brussels bad the play their way all through and won out by 82 shote. Following ie the score : WINOHAM. BaoeoELe. Jeffers, Arden, Crawford, Jaokson, Dr. Irwin, Uoneley, Dr. Holloway, sk.10 Irwin, ek 26 Vanstone, Ferguson, Campbell, Downing, Nash, Dr. MoNangbton, Alderson,ek....11. D. 0. Roost t• Totals 21. 53 A return game wili be played at Wingham before the season is over. CANES of INeeravommN.-A radical de. r 1 militia tura in the training of the ru a par g has been adopted thin year. Io plana of having all the infantry regiments turn out 10 has been decided to bold camps of instruction for offioere.and non -commie. gonad officers of the regiments of O u terio, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces next month. The Ontario damp will be at Niagara•on•tbe.Lake from September 28 to October 4. The period of training in eaoh Yoe will be twelve days. The several companies of the permanent portae will turn out in. hall strength, but each of tbe other' infantry regiments will be re. presented as follows :-One lieutenant: Colonel, 1 major, 1 adjutant, 1 quarter. master,1 company officer per company, 2 staff sergeants per regiment, 8 eergeante per company, 8 corporals pee company 2 buglere per regiment. Twenty/aro ptivatee pee regiment will also be detailed for fatigue duties, The camp for Ont ,trio will be compelled as follows :-Fire P. Amant torwardrd a oar of .heading this week troth hie faetory in title plane. 0-'140 Wingham junior football team le espopted to.gley a snatch with the Brue. sale janlora, ou Victoria Park, Oddity evening„ TRE shiptnente Of live steak, In addition to reoe horeee, from Brueeeie thie week consisted of a oar of horses shipped to Northern Ontario, by M. H. Moore, Y.S.1 oar of horeee to Georgina Bay Lumber Co„ by Mr. Bailey ; par of expert oh0ep by Soo, Cardiff oar 07 bode by W. F, Vanetone; oar of bogs by W. Jewitt, FOR THE WEST. -.The following pee, ilengers were ticketed by T. Farr ow, C. P. R. Agent for the Woot life week, the first two went by boat; Matbsw Moses, 0 wen Bound ; Mre. Sees, to Fort William. For Winnipeg. -W, J. Johnetouand wife Peter Molotosb, Ales. ()orate, Donald Brown, Martha Brown, Effie Browp,J44. Oontte, Rioh, Cleaver,: Alex, i00oNab, J. 5, MnlSauoblin, Fred Mason, Maggie Oaotelon, Gavin and Baxter Bewley, Russell Fear, Mary 'Mitchell, P. Orerar, Id, 0anningbam, Tbos, Cooper, Wm. Kelly, Eli Bruoe and Peter Jaokson. 021'Au10 BpwLtNo 1punxeNENm.-In the first round of the Ontario bowling tourna• mast at Niagora.on.tbe Lake Tuesday the Toronto Viotoriae, W. B, Smith, (Yip) defeated Mitchell, Dr. Wood, (skip) by 19 to 18. The Globe report nye : There' wee. a keenly oonteoted game, The Victories started with a 4 and were 10.0. With the Score 13 5 Mltoheli got 5' and 2 and were laying well on the next end when Viotoria's skip ran the jerk'and got 2. Mitoheli then got land the Vio. toriae 1 in the 170h. With 5 to tie Mit. obeli made a great fight on the 18th end, They lay 6 when the skips went to play. Smjtb drew second. Wood took it out. Smith again followed in for ee000d, and in hie attempt to take it out the Mitchell skip lost the that. The R. 0. Y. C. of Toronto, defeated Listowel, Geo. Zilliax, skip, by 28 to 15. The Lietowel rink got one on the Rest end, bat the R. 0. Y. C. the R. 0. Y. 0. then took the lead. Listowel drew up to 11.10 against them Ori the twelfth end, but R. 0. Y. 0. oat. Lured the next five, with 3, 1, 1, 8, 4. In the association Mitchell Dr. Moore, skip, defeated Peterboao 14 to 12. Mitobetl was successful this time in making a eeneational finish with a four -end by winning oat Biratton'e third ebot. At 10 ends Peterboro wee ahead 10 to 6 and were 12 to 10 beginning the last end. Niagara defeatedDated Listowel 16 to 14. Dr. Hake, of Toronto, formerly of Stratford, skipped a rink for the Granite club and won In the preliminary round the Oaer Howell plgb by 19 to 15, and in the first round from St. Oatharioee by 21 to 14. Division -Divisional troops, No. 1 00„ R 0. R. ; let Infantry Brigade' 26th, Lon don 127th, Sarnia 1 82nd, Walkerton, and 88rd Godorieb. Second Infantry Brigad -22nd, Wogdst0ok 128.b, Stratford; 29th Gait ; 80011) Guelph. • 8 People We Talk About. Hon. G. W. Roes has Bailed for Oen. ado. Fred. Adams took a trip to Buffalo last Saturday. Sir Wilfrid Leerier ie visiting on tbe Continent. B. W. Laird, of Ingersoll, was in town for e. day or two, Miss Mildred Scott is holidaying with London friends. Mies Irene Bmith, of Wroxeter, woe visiting in Brneeele. Mise Maggie Ament is holidaying friends in Seaforth. with Mime Irene W11bee spent a few days visiting in Wirgbam. Mies. Nora Holmes was visiting Wing. ham relatives last week. Mieel:Maggie Garden, of Seaforth, 10 visiting Mies Garble Ross. Mrs. Jae. Jones sad Mies Minerva are visiting relatives in Toronto. Mies Matheson, of Toronto, im the guest of her oonein, Mrs, Orono. Mies Ina Carvetb, of Walkerton, is here on a viait at W. H. MoOraaken'e, Mre. D. Carter, of Blyth, was visiting relativee in town -during the past week. Mies Jean Robinson, of St. Marys, is visiting Mise Mary Forbes, Albert street. Mre. M. G. Riobardeon wee visiting relatives and Wanda in Bluevale this week. Mrs. M. H, Moore and children are visiting relatives at Trowbridge and other playa. B. Garry is able to move about a little now and can get outside so se to drink in the ozone. Mies Lila Grey, of Wolseley, N. W. T., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. G. Riobard eon, Brume's. Mr. and Mre. Barringer and danghtere, of Mildmay, were visitors with P. and Mrs. Ament. Mrs. W. H. Willis and sone, of Sea. forth, are 'pending a week or eo at B. Gerry's, Mill street. Jno., Duncan and Oolin MoArtliur ar. rived home last Saturday from an enjoy- able trip to Scotland. I9, Parker and Maggie and Mete. Grineoldby, of Owen Sound, wore visitore at Jno. Carter's, Mill street. Mise Nina Rogero, a000mpanied by Mies Ktigonr, of Mount Forest, aro en. joying a holiday week in Brussels. Mies Jennie Babkirk was holidaying at Bayfield and left this week for the Millinery openings in London and De. troll, Colin Shaer,. of Toledo, was in town last Friday renewing old friendships. Ha is a eon of Jno. Shaw, of Clinton, formerly of Bruaeela. Arthur MoNangbton left on Tbnraday for Dsloraine, Manitoba, where he will spend a few menthe, perhaps more. He'll a good mechanic. Mieseo Norma, Olive and Freda Van. atone, of Wheelloro, were in town this week. Mies Edna Good returned with for f r a abort visit. Mre. Thomas Bone and daughters, Tnraberey street, left Friday for London' where they will visit daring Mr, Bone's absence in England. /no. Jaokeoe, of Petrolea, is the guest of his nephew, Jno. Leckie. Mr. Jack. eon, although well advanced in life, ie remarkably well preserved and vigorous. Mies Jane Richardson, of Bay City, Miobigan, who has been visiting her slater, Mre. John T11omeon, Brussels, left for Galt and Waterloo where she will holiday with friends. R. W. Mathoeon, of Luoknow, bite been Spending a few days in Brussels. Rio health has not been as good as usual bat we hope tbe rest will speedily restore him to hie eoenetomed vigor. Mrs. T. T. Smith, Mester Frank and Mise Kathleen, of Wfanipeg, and Mrs. Frank Gorden, of Lacknew, are visiting fire. Fikteher, Aire. Smith is the lattet'e sister and fdre. Gordon a lister in•leav,' Mre. Brownlee and daughters, of Ottawa, are holidaying at :Postmaster Farrow's, Mrs. Brownlee is a danghtor. Mxa. beoegrove, of Bluevale,tangelo visit. ing Mr, and Mre, E'urrow, She 10 a nolo°. asrliuerna, Method* ishoidaYIn g Dr, 3, W. Shaw, of Chalon, was in than en 'Wednesday, Mies M, Donovan, at Seafortb, ie visit• ing friende in town. Rat, Roes, o! KinaaraIne, an vi I10 r in town pn Wednesday, Mies Mary 8foLee.n, of Bealtaow, le visiting Mre, James Fos, Acre, A, COMiley and vhlldrep are visit. ing friebdo is Windham, Mira Fite, of Baelo, N, X., le visitlpg at Fred, Adams', Mill street. Ids, W. W. Harris and children are en. 'n otf tRtha joys s a va an a o cl a y. Misses Jean and Graoe Austin, of Lie. towel, are holideyial with relativee in Brussels. Mrs, (Itev,)$apl and 1011e8 Connor were 'Visiting Mee. Joseph Pugh,'Bluevale, for a taw days, Mies Hannah Ball and Mr. Dey, o7 Wiogitam visited Miss Ethel Creighton. last Sunday. Arobie Scott, of Port Huron, was 10 town fora few days visiting hie brothers' and old Mende, Mice Dora Smith returned to Platte. villa last Saturday to be ready to resume teething last Monday. Mies Eliza Roddiok, of London, is re- newing old friendships in Braseele, She acme on her wheel making Seaforth the first drip. It was a long trip tar a lady. Mise Isabel Boott, pl McKillop, hoe re. turned to her home atter au enjoyable. stay with her nnole and grandmother, Robt., and Mre. J. Thomson, Turoberry street. Mise Maggie Bielby, of Morris, was renewing old acquaintances iu Braseele and looality last week, before noodling duty as teacher in Battoo'e sobool, 8th line Morris, last Monday. Tag Pon is Vented to notice the name of Arthur E. Allis, eon of Rev. S. J. Allis, formerly of Brunets, in the list of eocoee.ful candidates at London in Part I matrioolatioo examinittioa. Word was reoeived last week from Chicago by Mrs. B. Gerry to the effect tbat her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fiehleigh, were invery poor health. They are well advanoed in life, Mrs. Thompson bas taken a position in J. G. Shane's store, as eae06emr to her Water, Mise, Belle Oliver, who ebortly Ieavee for Portage la Prairie, Man„ where ebe mammy a new poet of duty. D. A. McMillan, who bas been sheep ranchingin bin Idaao has been visiting K alit l relatives and friends in thie oo y. He oame with stook to Chicago and took a run over from there. He is well pleased with hie work. Mies Grace, daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Walker, bee been laid up with an attack' of dipbtberia' but is making favorable progreee and we nope she will soon be as well as ever.... The disease was imported from a neighboring town in this event. Will. Habkirk, of Teeewater, was here on Wednesday shaking fiends with old friends and taking in the rases. He Bayo old Mr. MODonaid, his father-in-law, ie failing in health bat ibis is not to be wondered at as the old gentleman le 86 years of age. J, and Mrs. Landesboro', of Seaforth, were visitore at R. Leatberdale'e daring. the past week preparatory to their leaving on an excursion to the Northwest. Cal- gary is the objeotive point. They left Seaforth on Thursday morning and will be away for a few mouths: R. S. Pelton, late of the Atwood Bee, but who takes potaeosion of the Paris Re. view nest week, was in Brussels on Wed- nesday oalling on old friends. He is a graduate of THE Pose and is working hie way up the journalistic ladder all right and well deserves to amend. Mre. Wilson Berne and daughters, of Sagivaw, Mfoh., are .visiting Mre. D. Heist, Mre. 101. loll and George Edwards,' of Brussels, also Mre. W. Edwards, of Belmore. leirs. Kerne is a nein to the above mentioned end a grand daughter to Mre. Ben. Edwards, who resides at D. Baiet'e. Mrs. Stone, daughter of Jno. MoOrae, who has been visiting bore for the past few mouths, started on the home trip to Langdon, North Dakota, this week. Mre, Robe. Work, Mrs. MoLenahlin- mud obtl• dren, and Mise Danford aleo returned to their homes in the same locality on the same train. John Ransford, of Clinton, went to Halifax to attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Mannfeetnrer's Association which was in session there last week. He was the only representative that we know of from thio county. After the Anode, tion adjourned he will make a trip through the Maritime provinee0. L. 1rrN, Tito Stozclari Soak of Gaztad1a °AMMpTAL (authorised by.4ot of Parliament) 012.009,909 .09 0APITAL (fully paid up) ,. ..._ 0,000,00090' RE881VA RFN{t „ 850,00000 TOTAL 48809)8 „,... 11,077;604 00 HEAP OFFICE, - TORONTO GEO, P. HEW, Se3eernl.Harlltger USS 7 f a- d t o 1:� pp U E Ir S t] NCR - De oe to 0058lvp1. l'loa s ma. e o r peon• A1J,VU ti9 r eel Aimed, k!bi1-1 : 011110part1ea00favorabletormq, Draitp and inopoy orders joedod, payable at any point, ee lowest Kates, Colleotlona promptly attended r ta. A General Banking 13aetoesa 4raueaeted. Every fauIll*y a¢ordod Customers living at a dletaeOe, Amo me of one dollar and nwrdeSayings Bank Department civ01 and interest at wettest 80 Oa0rr6 dnenta rateNahovembeowodlror80th,oAate account le opened, and added to the principal May Oaebed or 00007001 for Bata keeping and ruiners'„Salo Notes Ooueetiop, Blank Note Forme Free on Application Hours 10 to 8, Saturdays 10 to 1. ' F. R. GRA.'., AoeNT, did nolo "Hoeannah 1 ” with good effeot. Mies Jean MoLauoblin, ori(aniet In St. John's °bore a, played the dlffioult MOM. paoinnot and gave a fine organ solo ae the oongregation was diemiseine. Mr. MoLeod's . sermon . in Melville ohuroh lent Sabbath morning waa based on the 6th verso of the 48rd Psalm,"Why art thou out down, 01 my eon!, dee" and showedthe advantages of the good oheer of the Gospel. The theme in the even ing wee. "The Tragedy of Lite." Atter 0010x0000 to (torrent events in which the experience of Sanford, in the well ; Rioe, the Toronto murderer ; King Eward VII and the Coronation ; and the South 'Africa war were depicted an illustrating different phases of life, the speaker oslled up five great tote in the world's Watery .viz: The Creation ; 4110 Fall, and Adam and Eve turned oat of Paradise ; the Birth of the Saviour ; Hie Oraoifixion ; Hie emend ooming, and presented them in a striking manner. He concluded with drawing attention that in lifb'e tragedy we cannot play our part alone if life re to be a euooeee but meet have the oompanionehip of the Son of God. • WANT OF' REVERENCE FOR THE SABBATII. To the Miter of THE POST DEAR - aim -Last Sabbath morning those owning b in to the several churches from I d ' the North were greatly shooks to wtknees bones being exercised on the rape o0nree arther o n Tuesday preparatory for races o y and Wednesday of this week. I did not sup. pose that there are mon in Brnseole so lost to every ee0se of propriety' that snob a disolay should be countenanced ae the utter disregard of the eanotity of the Sabbath. If men are eo utterly devoid of any regard for the sanctity of the Sabbath surely the law should be invoked, and thereby teaoh a lesson to others, to avoid a re•oeonrrenee of tench a shameful violation of propriety and the good name of our village. Yours truly, A Loy=R OF THE LOBD'6 DAY. r Business Locals. To Tae PIIDLIo.-Ladiee and gentlemen, all cutlery can be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawfiler McGregor, Mill street East, Braesele. Choice work at reasonable prices. The Dominion Line promisee to greatly improve its Montreal service next year. The Earl of Hopetoun and party were in Winnipeg, bound east from Australia. CHURCH Gi111*ES, "Freedom for eervioe" will be next Sabbath evening's topio et the Epworth League. Landeeboro' Methodists intend to pe. tition Oonferenoe to have that plaoe eat apart as a station and to have Kiobnrn appointment attached to an adjoining Circuit. Evangelists Hunter and Crossley will begin union evangelistic services in Dnoganoon, Sunday, Aug. 31st, morning serviose in the ahnrehee, afternoon and evening in Agricultural Ball. Week evening meetings inAgrianitural Hall. In Bt, John's oburoh last Sunday a student in the person of Ohao. Ryan, eon of Rev. F. Ryan, of Durham, a former incumbent of Bt. Johne church here, took obarge of the service and did well. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Griffin, of Dresden, whole spending a few weeks in Riney. dine, where Mrs. Griffin has been quite ill, will be the preaoher. Mr. Griffin will ' t be remembered as a one time motor o t this ohurob and his old pariobionere will be pleased to greet him. From the Delroit Evening Emit we slip the following paragraph : "Tbe de. 9000000 of Rev. 1. M. Webb, curate of the Chapel of the Asoonefoo, for Beneeelo, Ont., where he hes%een offered 0. pariah is oaneing trouble. The oongregation of the Chapel is random' to secede from the mother oharob, All Sainte. It will be neoeseary to obtain the ooneent of the ocmmittee on• entries of All Borate, Windsor, and of 11t. Johu'e, Sandwiob, to become a separate pariah and thereafter of the Synod and the bishop of the diocese before theeeparation le oomplete." Last Sabbath morning Rev. T. West ley Oosene preached a very praetioal sermon from the text "Honor all men" The latter part of the same verse viz, "Lova the brotberhood ; Fear, God ; Honor the King," gave the speaker ample swept in acn1oatian with the evening 0eeeioe, for interesting retereuoe to Our new Icing, hie coronation &o. not omitting a Ine eulogy on the life of 'Victoria the Good. James Jeanie rendered the eplen, BORN . WALEEn.-In Wingham, Aug. 10th to Mr. and Mre. Walker, a eon. STEWAaT.-In Elma, 6011 con., on Sunday, August 10th, to Mr. and Mre. Robert Stewart, a daughter. EZE.Al2.1.2.X3E=. TaoueoN-OL1vma.-IN Brneeele, on Aug. net 2003, at the residence of the bride's parents, Turnberry street, by Rev. T. Wesley C0a0ne, Mr. Wm. Thomson, merchant, of Tbeeealon, Algoma, to Miss Eliza Helen, daagb. ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver, Brunets. Lamm;-SrENom,-At the reeidenoe of the bride's brother, Maieewortb, on August 6th, by Rev. R. Phillipe, Mr. James Leech, of Gerrie, to Mies Sarah Speen. COUNTRY store bueineee wanted. Send partioulare to Ton Pon Pobllsbing Blase.. e otla lone etr o t on dentia g t fty 0 fl. lr LAD1Es' abort blaok eclat, red lining and steel buttons lost. Floder will oblige:b�y pommunleating .with )11113.Vv. M. KN. GLAIR, Braseele, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ' I'IRST .-CLASS TJ AM OF working horses for Bale, Apply to RUST. THOM8010, Bruseelo. GGOOD 'YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for roneh purposes. Apply to GEO. BEST,Brussels. AOR SALE—LOT 207 AND -A1 dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels. 40-08 J. LE08IE. COMFORTABLE AND EOM— moutons residence, with. about 1} acres of land ;. good orobard, &a, Sor ealo, on Main street North, Blyth, For further par - Maulers apply on the premises to JOHN MOFFAT,.00 address Blyth P, O. . 1-01 $20,000 to Loan. The above sum 1103 been plaoed with me for immediate investment on farm proper- ty at G per Dent. If titlee are satisfactory 1 n 8 days, Liberal loanser10 bo completed i Y . v p e 00011 a, Bar, e p 1 at once to terms as pp y Apply W. M. fiINOL4Ia, Barrieter, Acs , Brussels, AIR DRESSING.—THE UN - 1 1 DERBIONR° wishes to announce t0 the ladies of Brussels and vloinity that she is prepared to make switches out of comb- ings and out hair, at her •home. Mill street Weet,Brussele. MRS.H1NGSTON. AR1f FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 7,- Con. 10. Grey. -containing 100 aoree,06 cleared and balance dry hardwood bush. There are two houses, two barna and other outbuildings ou the premises. also 2 orchards. Farm 1n the best of order ; well drained, good femme and all seeded down except 30 80080. Coeveufont to school. Good community. Possession would be given this Fall. For further.. particulate as to price, terms, do. apply onithe premises to Wet. TERN BULL, 6.1 -Walton P, 0. _ Tooth • S s Everyone nese Tooth Powder, Tooth Brushee Mid Tooth fluke. iPe sell the Powder in bulk 9.0 well ae all of the well imowp Powders, Pardee and Waehoe, Tooth Bruebee from. 50 up, A guaranteed 4 rgw, all Frepph Bristle Belle's for 250, If the bristles come out bring it book and get & now One or your guar - ter if you wieb it. We patentee every 250 brush we sell A!1'• �^- FOX'S DRUG STORE, LEOKI•E, 0LIFE AND FIRE INBURAN081, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGk1NT, VALUATOR, 10. Office over Hursley's Drug Store, P013,0011,1903. 80•3m Braseele. 10,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED Second 0111$01 Will be run to stations on C.P. R in Manitoba and Aoetnaboia, West, South-west and North- west lnui a as far west o W p e ae g T I. M0080 JAW,RS EVAN'• O and YOicTOx On September lot from stations in.Ontai•io on Main Line Toronto to. Sarnia and No 11, except North of Toronto and Oardwe0 Jet. Farm Laborers' !amnions One-way ttekets' to Winnipeg only will bo field, with a certificate extending the trip, before Sept, 10011, .without additional coat, to other pointe lu Manitoba and Aseinibola as above. If purchasers engage as farm laborers at Winnipeg, .provided such farm laborers will work not lees than 80 days at harvesting, and -produce eertifloate to that effeot, they will be returned to original starting point at 118.00, on or. before Nov. 80th, 1002. Wlekete .not good op "Imperial Limited." For further particulate and tickets apply to nearest raliwayy agent. A. H. 0009010400, 0.2 Asst.Genl.Paeer.Agt., Toronto. Watches ;AT T. FLETCRER'S JEWELLERY STORE. ARE YOTJ GOING TO BUY A WATCH ? If so call and see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and Boys' Watches, with Elgin, Waltham Duber.-Hampden and other movements. Our stock is very heavy and having bought for cash our customers will get the benefit. Watches to' please everybody and prices aro right. RINGSILVERWARE, ETC. 1 Our store is full of first-class goods such as Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings, Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Silverware, Clocks, Fancy China, Souvenir X0050.Banittet Moans, P., kied 72 Years. Good , ite* StoANI-Ia Goderioh, on Sunday, Aug. 7, OPTIOATi Is well looked after by Mrs. Fletcher and Son, the DEPARTMENT latter having taken a course in Chicago. • Our Bpeoialtiee are Watches and Rings. All work promptly repaired and eatietaotion gnaranteed. '1 I1 LETCHER, JEWELLER, Tyne of Marr ia a Licenses. h 0 Wedding Rings and Marriage Licensee sold privately. Brunie, Ool. 2-8. Toronto, Sept 1-13. London, Sept. 12-19. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Exeter, Sept, 22-28. Mildmay, Sept. 22-23. Teeewater, Sept. 24-25. Wiogbane, Sept. 25-20. Bae forth Sept. 26-26. Stratford, , Sept, 80-Oot. 1. Listowel, Sept. 80-008. 1. Goderioh, Sept, 80-0ot. 1. Kincardine, Sept. 80 -Oat. 1. Belgreve,,Sept, 80-Oot. 1. Howiek, at; Fordwioh, Oot, 4. Atwood, 000. 7-8. Blyth, Oot. 7-8. Dungannon, Oot. 9-10, MIR 'TX'3.ite , Fall Wheat ,. 73 Bari s•y 50 Paas 68 Oats, 44 i,ttr`. t- 1..'n • a 0.'.06' ., 18 ' eon .. la. T loor �e, etvt, 4 00 POtato00 (per buil.) 76 Apples (per. bbl.) ,1 2 00 May per ton ... Sheep ekine,each Latnb Shins each`.. Salt per 1)00„ retail....,1 00 Elides trimmed 66 Hides rough, Hogs, Live 7 00 Wool 11 12 75 60. 70 45 16 14 5 00 80 8 00 650 • 650 26 25 26 80 70 646 7 00 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Farm' for sale, Apply to Tf108. M001014, Brunie. Alexander tot Ot for 80.18 on A $0U8 Yvon, BtDesele. For further particulars apply at Tun foam: Publishing House. Summer Goods Don'tforgetthatwe are clearing out all lines of Summer g Goods very cheap. There is a long season of hot weather yet to come and you therefore get the benefit of seasonable goods, at a low prise. M Waists- D0i1tsa� .g and there never was a knitted shirt or gatmont that Mande wear and washing an well. The fabric is knitted from a high grade cotton and is bleached after knit- ting by a special pro- cese to preserve all the life and strength. r The weight of cloth - doesn't come on the i ' knitted goods at all but knitted goods on the ` " system taping.: This carries the strain, and never Wears out, The buttons don't come off, and the button holeslastas long as the waist, Less worry about waist cost, and most Batie- ld. A. STRACHAN. ott with the "M" T7nderwaist for Girls and Boys. from 2 to 10 years of age at 25c and 85o each. This is the ideal Waist for Children, not only the most comfortable and durable but nicest and best in every way. Standard Patterns, Fashion Sheets and Designers for Sep- tember now to hand. Popular Patterns at Popular Prices. faction for the chi Wo can supply y t'.