HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-21, Page 5Air,.
"rt4-01I1 Y TO LOAN AT 5 PER
pent, F.fi, 800!CT, Brussole,
I3. McORA 3K] N�.
Y • Ismer of Marriage Idoeuees, Of.
floe at erooery,Turnborry'street, Hrussele,
1:4 • Tounrlal Artist; Spon, -Next :door
North of the Standard Bank, Ladies' and
Ohildren's hair ouh8ing a specialty,
D ,
Issuer• of Marriage L censes
�, Licenses,
TEAA$E8 or–
mxvrors=x.s, 4sr�zt.
Wellington Mutual
Oro ingaraneo Co.,
insurance taken on the cash and prominm
note system at current rates.. Before ineur•
ing elsewhere °all ou the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
L. O. M.,
Academia graduate of London Conserve
tory of Music, also Member of the Associated
M061010ns of Ontario, ited number ofpis prepared to receive
onus for instruotion
the piano, Qualitlod�to prepare pupils for
the PrinolpaVs Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan. and Insurance Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to"loau. Collec-
tionsmade. Office 1n Grahaln'e,Blook,Bras-
B. . SC
Lt rices to
1 for better • HOB, will eel p
F n
than moolees oneer and leesDroner
than any otherg anything. in t wandt Huron or
COP alwaycharge
be arranged anything. Dates
thle o111oa or by
personal appnoatlon,
LY • Honor Gladuace of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, Ss prepared to treat all die -
eases o1 demeutioatod animals ,.ln a compet-
entmanner. Partioular attention pnld to
Veterinary Deotletry Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, Turnborry et., Braeeele,
• Barrister, Sonoitor, 1Couveyanaer,
Notary Public, No, cake -Stewart's Blook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, dm. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Bruesele.
Money to Loan at lowest rates..
80. 11., C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of tbe Royal Col-
lege of r''bysioiano and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. esTelopboue N0.14,
Residence -Mill street, Bru Beale,
DR. R. P. FEiLD,
Graduate of Me Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•olaes Honor
Graduate- of Toronto University. 00100
port to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term in the
Begins Sept. 1, 1902
Students may enter at any time, Terms
reaeouable. Two eoureee-Oommerofal and
Hbarthab 7. Send for Journal.
0. A. p111010110, A, L. MoINTYRE,
1•reiddent, - amatory,
ltt'i1 s,ll. ('tlltiii[ltill:
tail t'eftar Shingle'.
Aup —
North snore
Pine, and Cedar
Brussels Planing Taills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
tarns on hand be made to order
at Short Notice.
Ilotimatoe Furnished for all
Itinde of Buildings. Workman•
ship and Material Guaranteed.
1'. .A„r.Y-M.CJN .L
tltl ; Term .•Qpenns 'Sept. 2
rSit rffor.Opt
A eehool that 000uppico trout ritnk among
the beet Ruttiness Oollegoo on tbie continent.
o0100y loading gommerolal P01100le ampluyy
PPC 80allaa100 as teachoro. Wo do bar beet
to piage alt our graduates in good positions
aid we have been more euooeoetul thio year
Wan In any previous year. Theo doming.
the beet In bioloene education ehogld at-
tend our school. Write for catalogue,
VV'.. J, Ia1b141IOTT, Prfnafpld,
lOzstritt' , tbas.
J, A. Plump lost another dog by poison.
Andrew Swooton was the local delegate
to the L 0. F. Grand Lodge which met
in Windsor,
We are pleased to report the CUOMO of
Mine Mabel Kidd in passing her Part 1,
junior leaving examination at Stratford.
Elm% Cheese Oo, have sold their last
halt of July cheese to Ballantyne & Bon
at ego. The cheese was shipped on Bat.
C. J. McKinnon, of Glamis, has been
appointed Prinoipal of the Atwood
Public eohool at a salary of 2400 per
Ohne. Parker is raising the roof of hie
dwelling hone and 'will thus materially
improve its appearance and enlarge Its
Luolkno w.
The Luoknow evaporator is now under.
gOg re
in Niro.
Tuesday of this week was proclaimed
by Reeve Allan, a Civic holiday for Luck.
Mre, W. H. Treleaven and her two
Bone of Winnipeg, are visiting friends in
11. D. Cameron and Frank Cain attend.
ed the rt
EL Hi'h Coa meetingof Inde lend•
6 f
ant F°[988908 atW IndrsO[.
Mrs. T. T,Smith, of Winnipeg, with
P g,
hereon and daughter are the guests of
Jae, and Mre. Gordon, of this village.
Robs. McKenzie and Wm. Johnston
were the delegates from the Luoknow
Lodge of Oddfellowe to the Grand lodge
meeting in Toronto last week.
There ie a movement on toot in the
village to have the Village Council -take
over the present electric light plant and
have it improved and enlarged enffioiently
to give an all night system, and also fur
Lash hoose lights at a :pooh lase Goat
than at the present time.
Rev. Mr. Hunter, of Markdale, spent a
ooaple of days with Rev. A. B. Dobson.
Rev. A. B. Dobson left on Wednesday
of laet week, for a few, weeks' welIeorued
Howiok Foll Fair will be held on the
Agrionitoral grounds, Fordwioh, on Sat-
urday, Cot. 4th.
Blake Cook, of Toronto, is vieitiog
ander the parental roof. He intends re.
mainiug at his home here for a couple of
Mre. Allan Davidson, after spending a
few weeks with her mother, Mre. Allan,
tied other relatives and friends in Ford.
wish and vicinity, started for her home
at Neepawa, Men., on Tuesday of last
Leat week's Record Biqa :-The briok-
layere, Messrs. Ilattanaob and Henna.
berg, have about half of the walla built
on the Foresters' Hall, and if brink can
be delivered to them fast enough they
will nearly finish the brickwork by the
end of next week.
Wedneeday morning of last week tar.
mere delivered to the 0. P. R. station
here from the Fordwich Cheerio Factory
a oarload of cheese. The cheese was the
last half of the June make and consisted
of 200 boxes of choicecheese, end the
pride reoeived was 91- Dente.
Wm. Carter while shieglitg on a build.
tug for Geo. Mee, of the Ninth Coo e'ooion,
met with an nooidont. He was coming
down the ladder, and it Blipped, letting
him fall to the ground about nate feet,
giving him a pretty bad shaking op
which kept him in hie bed tor a oonple of
days, bat wag not eeriou01y hurt.
Civic. holiday last Tuesday.
Captains Grant and MoVicar are attend•
ing the London Military school.
The rebuilding and repairs of the ha.
bor dock are progreeeiog very slowly.
Base fishing is still a favorite sport with
anglers, and during the week several good
bogs were made.
A chimney sweep was in an elevated
position one day last week while on .top
of one of the ohimneys of Victoria
street Itethodiet church.
Tennis is 01011 a leading gams in Godo•
rich, though it seems to have fewer play.
ers among the fair sex than in any year
eiece the game became p pular. .
Frank Pretty o aught a bats measuring
24 inohee,having a hook and part of a
lbw protruding from its abdomen. As the
fish was eaoedingly thin, 'the angler re
mored the hark and line otul returned.
the bate to the water.
De ide ation Dean. -0u Sunday of last
week. all that was mortal of the tate Dr.
John Morrieou McLeod was lnid to rest
beside his filet w fele 01110ins in tlait.
laid cemetery, the young wife whose
leash he alwoye deplored. He had the
mief• Anne to. tall the previous •Winter
from which occident hie nerves beuaine
Nhlttfered and`Alt1101101 hisdautiseeeamed
sudden to the oommunity it was doe to a
gradual decay of the nervous system,
On the day on which ho died he was in
his laboratory preparing medioine to be
sent North by expreee and made hie
secretary, David McKinley (nephew) read
all the correspondence that Dame by the
late mail of the preceding day. But
about 8 p. m, be felt the old severe pain
ooming on and a euffooation from which
of late he had Buffered (and told them he
always feared) followed and death came
poaoefolty to end all his suffering. With
the death of Dr. McLeod many of onr
citizens, and not only those whom he
befrienied here, but elsewhere, have loot
a kind. and loving friend who served the
Master in word and deed. He was a
etriot Preellyterian in every sense ofthe
word and d great lover of the eaored
Soripttroe, Having portions of them read
80 him oyery day, 110 wag born in Ter,
bort Barrie, t
n a on Die nt rill Wget t 8008 d.
, o tan
and early ehewod signs of rare iotolleot,
We father .dying steely, he had always to
thank his mother far trluning hie mind
for higher 0810000n, lie studied in the
Univoreitieo of.Glaegow and Edinburgh,
having evinced a desire to b000me a
medioal mi00iovary to some foreign °limn.
Se spent tour yours ip 81. Bartholomew's
boopital, London. Re eventually gavenp
all ideas at beaming a mieeiouary and
settled hero. In 1885 he married Au.
gusto-, youngest daughter of the late
Martin McLennan, by which i,oue he had
one danghtsr of whom he WOO devotedly
fond. He huilt hie present laboratory in
1888 and began the mangtaobure of hie
many patent mediOiuee which are widely
known. Ho woo a thorough bueiueee
man and a man well read and in touch
with all the topioe of the day, Iu 1894
Dr. MuLeod married Margaret McLennan
slater of his deoeeeed wife, who eprviveo
The casket was covered with floral
tributes, among which was noticed a
lovely crow of white sweet pea blossoms,
the offering of Pare. John Dickson, Sea.
forth, a large casket boquet from Pities
Ohrietobel Anderson and a lovely basket
of white geraniums and other lovely
flowers from Mee. James Stewart. Rev.
James Anderson officiated at house and
cemetery. The pallbearers were Ex
Mayor Wilson, Jarmo Mitchell, Hugh
Dunlop, D. Stoddart, S. Sloan and Wil•
dam Acheson. Many pereone came from
a dietanoe to she funeral among who were
Mre. John Lodewiok, of Detroit, Mr. and
Mre. John Diokeon, Mr. and Mre. MOFanl
andMre. (Rev.) McLeod, Seaforth,
Ohrie. Luker, Exeter North, has been
appointed a County constable.
The appearance of the Town Hall has
been much improved by a freob coat of
paint both in and out side.
•Jou, Davie left ou Monday evening of
last week for tho Muskoka Sanitarium at
Graveohuret where be will receive treat.
men 1.
Chas. Box, 4th con. Stephen, met with
a painful accident, In some manner the
blade of a eoythe oame in 000taot with hie
knee, nutting a painful gash that required
several otitcheo to close.
Among those who wrote at the recent
Publie echool Leaving Beame. Mktgas Win.
nifred Carling, daughter of T. B. n
e r
was the only one passing with honors in
p g
Icactor TOW'S e division,
obtaining 76
per cent.
Rich. Terry met with apainful accident
which will lay him off duty for a time.
He was in the aot of catching a horse in
the pasted!' OMB and when about to put
the halter around the animal's neck it
jerked' book and in some manner threw
him, :with each force as to break his
collar bone,
Whi a two young men fromrour town
were out Monday night of last week to a
oear•by viilage paying their reepeote to
some lady friends the young men of the
village, who, evidently did not take kindly
to their mieeion, put up a job on the
Exeter boyo by placing the front wheels
of their rig on.the hind, axle and the hind
ouea on the front. The boys drove home
without noticing the differenoe.
• Olin ton.
Governor Frenoh of the House of
Refuge took Annie Hermiston to the idiot
asylum at Orillie,.
A new phone will be installed in the
Sovereign flank, This makes 100 phones
in use in town.
Dr. Billings, who has been Buffering
from nervone prostration for the past few
weeks left with his mother for a lake
resort near Brampton to reenperele.
The laying of the netowalke this year
has been hampered considerably by the
ever changing weather; bat it mast be
admitted, nevertheless, that the work
has been well done.
Mies Barrett Holmes, of town, who has
been one of the staff of Guelph Public
School for the past nine years, has given
up ber position, and Nei❑ probably take up
her residence in Toronto.
Mr. Spaulding has bought the cream.
ery building and will convert it into a
knitting faotory. The machinery will
soon be installed and it is expected that
in six weeks or so the factory will be
turning out hosiery to which it will be
Joe Allaneon, who ie as active as a
Spring ohiuken, notwithstanding hie 74
yeare, oan certainly lay claim to being
almost the oldest residents of the town,
for he landed here in 1821, but it wen
not until 1868 that be tookop hie permn•
act residence here.
Monday workmen commenced the im.
provememente that 'are to be made in
Newcombe's eetabliehmente that will
add greatly to the afore and give rough
more room than is at present employed.
The state 000npied by W. H. Newcombe,
and the one lately 000npied' by A. J. Hol-
loway, (now oc0upied,by J. W.Newoombe)
will be all thrown into cue, making a very
oommodioom place about 44x85, There
will be one main entrance, with large
plate glass fronts cash side of the deer,
T1 '; Bt7f3sNL{3
The Standard elevator, which hoe been
run for ssvnxal years b Holmes & r
en b
hie been leant by D. Urquhart, of Ben.
9011, who Mime pee88eehnt on September
let, Tom 6mallaopmbe will have charge
of the elevator.
The hospital here reoontly profited by
the generosity n one of its ism e
h g y f t at e, who,
though he did not mover from his ill.
Hasa, showed his appreciation of the care
and treatment be received there by lean.
Ing property to the vatne of over 51090
for the benefit of the hospital,
Between thirty and forty members of
the Epworth League of the North Street
oburelo, Goderioh, paid the Ontario 1180801
League a return visit on Monday evening
of last week. Ona of the visitors presided
and two others, Will. Thomson and Miss
Leers l3rydgeo, contributed to the pro.
gram, The former Binge well and the
latter hoe a county reputation as an
On the Gun Olpb groaod° here, a test
was made of the new Farmer'e Friend
Wind Stacker, manufactured by the
Maopbereon & Hovey 00„ attached 10
one of their Monarch Separatpro. This
new device dispenses entirely with the
old etraw carriers, and instead of the
straw being carried to the eteok or into
the mow by a slat and etrap belt ae here
tofore, it is Mown to wherever it may
need to be placed. The "Wind Btaoker"
consists of a powerful tan of large oapa.
city fitted to the rear of the Separator,
and leading from the fan le a large pipe
arranged to teleeaope oo that any length
from 10 to nearly 20 feet can be used ae
required. The pipe is completely adjust.
able, and oan be raised or depressed, or
ewnog around in a complete oirole. Its
advantages are its quickness and oonven•
ieooe in operation, freedom from litter, and
saving of five or six men to build straw
etaoks. This latter feature will mean a
great saving to all farmers who employ
it, It is °laimed that it will leave stacks
more compact and in numb better shape
to stand the weather than those built io
the old taehionod way.
Me lf; i I1op.
Mre. A, Galbraith is ill and her friends
have fears for her -recovery.
The Fall wheat that has been .threshed
ie giving a good average return.
Robert Scarlett has purchased a large
cumber of steers and will
teed them for
some time,
We t regret to hear that Mise Hester
Godkio who has been 01 for some time
is not improving o g in health. r vin`
A. Gardiner has hie grave farm on the
Lea'dbary line well etooked with steers
which he purchased recently.
The oat crop in this emotionbe by far
the heaviest we have bad for many years,
The straw ie long and rank and in many
plaoee went down flat to the earth.
Witte -1m m.
R. Kitson has eiceived the appointment
from the High Court 0, 0. F. of Court
Deputy for Court Maitland No. 25.
Bev. 11. Hobbs lett on Tuesday of last
week for the Northwest. He -will go as
far Woet ae Calgary, and visit bin eon.
On his return he will attend the General
Oonterenae, which will meet in Winnipeg
in• September.
Mre. Plenty received a telegram from
Huntsville, Muskoka, stating that her
eldeet brother was dead. He was in
Wiogham last Winter and that was the
first time Mre. Flenty had met her broth•
er for 80 years. Rio name P00 John
Bildeoo and he Nese 09 years of age.
WING0It1 RAoxo.-viae weather favored
the annual meet of the Windham Turf
Aesoaiatioo, and a large number of feet
horses were entered in the different races.
The attendance the first day, Wedneeday
was fair, and tbe ranee well•oonteated ;
everything passed off smoothly, and no
-aooideute reported. J. E. Swede per.
formed the duties of etorter, The fol-
lowing ie a summary of Wedaeeday's
meg 1
2 40 olaee, puree $250 -
Colonel Hunter 1 1 1
Mies May 3 4 2
Honest Bill 4 2 3
John Nolan 2 3 4
Sister Jane 6 5 5
Time -2 24, 2.267, 2.261.
2 24 olaes, puree 5250 -
Little Buck 1 1 1
Louie L 4 2 2
CharlieP 2 4 0
Maggie L 6 3 4
Birdie Hays 3 5 5
College Green 6 7 8
Albino 7 6 7
Time -2.24}, 2.24}, 2 247
Running race, $ mile, pnree$160-
Wilfred Laurier 1 1
Logan Lenderman 3 9
Laurentian ,,,, 9 3
Whitney Jr 4 4
Rio Ban die.
Time -1.04, 1.05.
The reoiog association brought to a close
Thursday the most enoceseful meet in its
history. With the fastest boraes in Can-
ada facing him, Starter Swartz had to
n -e all hie ability, and he did bis duty
Downing Bros.
Beauty in a Shoe
is not hard to find these days,
but it is ditlicult to find that rare
combination of beauty and style
comfort and durability. Never-
theless you can get it;at DOWN-
ING'S, and it won't cost you any
more for these Shoes than others
lacking these essentials. Our
Oxfords and Colonials are mar-
Agents for the Slater Shoe.
Downing Bros.
Q 8'
26,000 Lbs. of Wool
Wanted at
Brussels cels Woolen Ell
Where the [3[ beet Market
Prloe will be paid in
Oaoll or Trade.
We also have in stook a fine line of
Blankets, Sheetings,
Yarns, Tweeds, Etc
All Pure Wool Goode.
Custom Carding done at any time.
Four own wool made into nolle at short
notice. Don't sell your wool or have it
manufactured until you call at the
Brusoele Woolen Mill and get prioee.
Lookridge Bros.
The Bodmin Lime Works,
4th Line, Morris, are ready for
N g trade and have a
quantity of fresh lime on hand.
Guaranteed to be first-class.
1 a a bushel theat'
A. Nicholson &Son.
If writing ad,lrene Bolgrave P. 0.
All kiudo of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from 510 up.
British Columbia, home out Shingles
and Lath kept on hand.
A good farm on 13th con, of Grey for
A quantity of green cedar poste for
stale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey.
very well, every start being a good one.
In almost every heat of the wonderful
raoe a blanket would Dover the eight
horses, and the time showed that every
horse was out to win. Dandy Hal got
the Bret two beats, winning from Two
Strike by a bead, and in the eeoond beat
he had no more from Maggie Usher, who
won the last three heats from Black Joe
by leers than half a length. Summary :
First rape, 2 28 olaes :
Billy Direot 6 8 1 1 1
Wisdom King 1 1 3 2 2
Mies May 3 2 2 9 3
Minnie S 4 5 5 4 4
Amelia 5 4 4 5 de
Maud H 2 6 de
Time -2.25}, 2.251, 2.24}, 2.25i, 2.25}
Second race, free for all :
Maggie Usher 7 2 1 1 1
Dandy, Hal 1 1 3 6 5
Blaok Joe 3 3 2 2 2
Two Strike 2 4 4 5 3
John Storm 4 5 5 8 4
Gypsy Girl 6 7 0 4 6
Nellie D 8 9 7 3 de
Nellie Wilkes 5 8 8 7 de
Time -2.17}•, 2.16}, 2.167, 2.187, 2.187.
Third race, running, half mile ;
Wilfred Laurier 1 1
Laurentian 2 2
Logan Lauderman 3 3
Hio Ban 4
Time -,51, .51
1E31 vtl.
Mre. Dr. Gray, of Acton, is visiting ber
mother, Mrs, J. 13. Taylor.
Mrs. Rance is at present the geed of
Mrs. (Dr.) Tait, of Iugereoll.
Frank Metca:f was in Windsor last
week attending the High Court
of the Independent Order of Foreetere,
The Blyth and Goderioh baseball clubs
met for the first time tide amnion on the
Agrionitnral park, Blyth, Goderioh won
by a score of 15 to 14.
A football match between Blyth and
Wiugham eenior teams was played ou the
Agricultural park dere. The game was
too one aided to be veryinteresting and
the Blyth team won by a score of Dix
scale to none.
Wm, King, who hos been attending
school in Flint, Michigan, for the past
year, is home at present eiokwitb inflam.
matory rheuma,ietn. He was ou a trip to
Mackinac island when the right ankle
aupeored to become epraiued. When the
other auk e and both knees ales appeared
sprained, rheumatism wag enepeoted and
this proved to be the real affliction.
The Petit Blue announces the sudden
death of General Leese Meyer of heart
diooaoe. Gen. Meyer was attaoked sever.
al times with this illness doting the war.
in South Africa. Gen. Meyer was a
oommander of the Orange Free State
forge° in the Boer war, After the eon.
°lesion of peace he Mit South Africa for
London where be was entertained in
British offioal circles. Gen. Meyer
acoompanied by his wife left London a
few dap] ago for Dresden. This step was
taken aeon the advido of his physicians.
0n hie way to Germany he stopped in
Holland to see former Preeident Kruger;
of the Transvaal,
g eat Olearing Sale has been a Proud 'sgooeee, oar ouatomers known
when we odver4iee bargains they always get them. Next week will windup our
eleerl05 sale, when we will offer greater bargains than ever, The following
should be iutereetiug to oloee cash buyers
Blank Santana Skirts, with deep frill trimmed with braid, regularrice 90o,
for 500.. -Ladies' Shirt Waiete, made of peroale, detaobod oollare, worth 50o, for
250. -Great reduotione will be made in all our Shirt Waists to clear,. -Men's
Straw Hate, double edges, worth 50o, for 250,-M0n'0 Fancy Striped Shirts,
worth 60o, for 39o.-Wrepperettee, in email checks, in blaolt and rod and blank
and white, a great gap at 5o, -Flannelette, yard wide, in pink and cream,
worth 1210, for 100.-Wblte Pique (P, K ) regular prion 127o, for 0730.-Ladlra'
B'aok and 111ilored Gloves, worth 15e, 20o, 250 and 30o, your ohoioe for 10o. --
Wide Prints, fast colors, worth 1270, for 803o.
Special Sale of Fine Shoes..
We have pioked oat a number of odd lines and sizes in Men's, Women's and
Children's Bboeo at reduced prioee to clear, Ii your size is in the lot you will
get a bargain,la'ASK '10 SEE THE3I.
The Hand that
Wit 1k Brush
is never so W !ling to per'for'm
its labors abs s aebe
w n the Paint used
yields easily
work becomes a labor of love if you
use our reliable Ready -mixed
Paints. We'll supply you with an
article that
Stands on its Merits Alone
LIAMS PAINTS eaves you Money, Time and Patience and never
fails to give satisfaction.
Complete stock of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, &c.
Wilton & Turnbull
Stec 1.J'7•.J„1.J tit5'l.J Zill Uellti J'L-r"f&t:3" ' 0"`Ule
&C., AT
The Post
Cncr lCYJrt O Etd!'17.1t•baO'V•.n"�f.b"hiO'1M�'Ci�. 1.0"x' JY'G7
Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wagons this
season, already, and are now offering Spec-
ial Bargains for one month as they intend
to make this season a record -breaker in
the number of sales. Remember the date,
July 12, is the limit for bargains. Yon
need not be afraid to drive 80 or 40 miles
to see our stock, you will be sure to buy.
It will be to your advantage to see the
High Grade Buggies at close prices.
Robt. Thomson has purchased one of .
our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear-
ing, bike buggies. This is the Ord
we have sold in Brussels and they
are all giving first-class satisfaction.
These rigs can be bought from
At close prices at the tip -to -date Carriage Factory.