HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-21, Page 4T.Fi URSDAY, AUG. 21, 1902. Tint gptleekfor a PA Vail .trade le of a very hopeful oharaoter and large atooke are being bought by both whgleaaie and retail dealer,. l Erna EDWAnn Wee crowned at West. Minster Abbey on Saturday, 9th loaf,, and the gipey'a prediction hart gone tip in smoke. We heard of a Huron Co. real. dent who bet a gallon of coal oil that the King would not be crowned. The man le Opt his kerosene. Long Live the King. Hamanpat• - has. has both hands full yet in commotion with the Philippine Islands and will keep 20,000 soldiersthere to preserve peace and out off the bands of insurrec'ionfets. It. has been a long dragged oat, costly campaign, upon whioh the ourtain oannot yet be rung down. GAM preparations are being made for the Indaatrial Fair at Toronto, whioh will be held from Sept. 1 to 13, Single fare tiokete will be issued. for any day and apeoial cheap exourBion at 1 out a mile on pertain data, Lord Dundonald is to tough the eleotria button this year in elating op the machinery. JOHN Burn has hie new Cabinet well ported up for the opening of parliament- iary bneineee in the Old Land. No leader will ever hold sway as William Ewart Gladstone or Lord Beaconsfield and the coming years will see many changes in dealing with the intricate gneetions that will come up for settlement. There are no doubt acorea of clever men however who will capably deal with these problems. How differently people do the same thing. Down in Miesonri two young fellows wanted to spark the one girl and engaged in a prize fight to decide who wail to do the "spooning." In this nonuty fine girls are not that mane and if two gentlemen find themselves at one home on the same evening, unless there are two daughters, one of them climbs the line fenoe and visits the neighbor's daughter. 1902 sees the Summer resorts patroniz• ed in a wholesale manner, despite the baokwardneae of the season on account of rain and cool weather. Nearly every paeeangsr train has its matte, either going or returning from an outing. The wonder le that many of the localities so richly endowed by Nature are so poky in letting the advantages be known and corporations so parsimonious in bettering the facilities for housing and entertaining the visitors. IT is said the Rnesian Czar desires to give up the sceptre to his brother as hie health is poor. If somebody would use their intoenoe to repeal come of the out- rageous laws of that country and thereby bring relief to many sabjeote the Czar's head might not aobe 'o much nor hie heart beat so exaltedly in dread of a end. den demise. We hope the brother will accept as we are too busy to go over this Fall, al least until after Brussels Fall Fair is over, the dates of whioh are Oat. 2and 3, A GOOD many Opposition newepapere and speakers ari0i0iee Hon. Mr. Tarte, Minister of Public Works, without rhyme or reason, but he is demonstrating the foot that he is not attending to bneineee on the pig.iu•tbe-poke style that has often characterized the department. Ho has jot oompleted a tour of the waterways from Qaebeo to Fort William and ie hav- ing maps prepared of all the harbors, &o., eu route so that the latest and most accurate information will be in band in this important matter. Hon. Mr. Tarte is no peesamist bat looks forward to Targe and greatly improved faoilities in Can- ada's shipping intereeta. Tun business man who says "he le well enough known without doing any adver- tising" is trading on the expenditure of the up-to.dater, who draw the customers to the towns by judicious use of printers' ink. It every person engaged in business did their legitimate share along the line of ietting the public know what their specialties were there world be an en- largement of trade that would salaries the most dabinus and well reward the tradespeople. Thoueanda of dollars an- nually are not epent by business people in advertising: merely for the ion of it bot because the .rewardo tire substantial and proof positive of the wisdom of the outlay. R17S17;GTS 03?' AX&l $, Candidfataa prom ]Hiroo and Torek Who rattail higher Toad. The moults of the pabllo eoliool leaving or pert 1 junior leaving examiaatione were tient some days ago to the High School Prinoipale or pubic School In epegtore oonoerned. A similar course will be followed with the part 1 matrioulation results, whioh were mailed on August 18012. The revolts of parte I and II senior leaving, part II matrioulation, hgpor matrioulation and part If junior leaving are given below. In the oaaa of honor matrioulation the expression in braokete after a name inti• rata the eubjaot apd class of honors obtained. In the junior leaving flet a subject in braaketa after a name indieatee an addi- tional subjeot in whiob :the candidate pass ed. Oertittoatea and etatemente of marks will be sent in about a week, Candidata will obtain these from the inepentor or high school principal at the :centre at whioh they wrote, bat in no Dasa will they be sent to the oandidates from the depart- ment. Appeals mint be sent to the Deputy Minister of Education not later than September the 10012. Before making an appeal the candidate should consult with his principal. It will be obeerved that the names are grouped according to counties, but not aaoording to local antra. The step has been taken by the Education Department at the instance of the Ontario Education. al Association, of supyreseing tbe names of the High cahoots, with the objeot of pre. venting the making of oumparieone of the work of cahoots. These oompar- sione in the past have had a good deal to do with the tendency to judge teaohere by examination results, whioh le at present a distinct evil in the eduoational world of OOtario. The following i0 a fiat for Huron and Perth counties ; BueoN. Senior leaving, part 1—Hamilton. Part II.— Anderson, Maokenzie. Part I. — Brownell, Buebanan, Hamilton, Kaye, F. J. Lawreaoe, L, S. Lawrence, Smith, White. Part II. — Govenlook, Gray, Hamilton, Hartry, L. S. Lawrenoe. Part L—W. G. Edward, F. W. Edward, Miller, Newton. Part II.—Olark, Gregory. Part II. matrionlation—Batton, Jen. kine, Browning, J. R. Dickson, A. 1. Dickson, Donoanson, Gardiner, Hodgins, Richardson, Carrie, MacKay, Martin, Monour. Part I1. junior leaving—Agnew, Cam. Bron, Chidley, Dever, Downer, Hart, Jar- rott, Johns, Manning, Marob, Mustard F. McEwen, A. Mo3wen, MaoNabb, Mo• Queen, Oaimette, H. Porter, 0. Porter, Robson, Sewers, Wilford, Beet, Ooartlay, Durance, Govenlook, Kelly, Lane, Low- rie, McLean, Mobliohael,(German), Mo - Taggart, Seel, Bolster, Torrance, Trotter, Work (French), Allison, Bailie, Bean, Brydgea, Colborne, Dunlop, Jeokell, C. Johnston, Knox, Million, McDowell, O'Loughlin, Spence, Stewart, Walker, Willson, I. B. Woods, Ansley, A. E. Beaton, W. G. Beaton, Cayler, Henry, Hogg, Musgrove, Walsh, Payne, Greg. ory (honors), Jennison, Martin, MaPher- eon, Robinson, Sweet, Taylor. THE Grand Lodge of the Sons of Eng- land have tackled a red hot subject, viz.,, laying down the law against members who fake eiok benefits. There is not much doubt but other benefielary moieties oat shake bands with tbe B. of E. over the Same highhanded procedure. Tbe, fakir member, physician and lodge will likely all Dome in for a laming over the same buoineee, Evidence,' indiaputable, hae proven thatmen wile would fight' if they were called thieves have pereieteotly perjured themselves for tho eake of fobh bli0g a few dollars. The oanoallation of membership followed by an eaten at law for perjury and telae pretentoe ie not too Molt fot the well eiok acrobats, PERTH. Senior leaving pt.1. Armstrong, Brown, Heaton, Maxwell, MoOraakan, Mount. oheon' Maintain, McLean, Riley, Welch.. donors and regretting his severance from Part II.—Armstrong, Brown, Martin, snobleaean0 aaeooiatione. The village Riley, L. Short, S. Short. Pert I—Hap• also presented Mr. Harold with a cabinet of sterling silverware and an engrossed ad- dress. The oabinet, wax a very handsome' one in quartered oak with silver plate with the name of the receiver on the top containing 44 pieces of sterling eilver with Mr. Harold's monogram engraved on eaoh. A fitting response was made. Joseph Comte, of Cbieelhdret, bad quite an experainoa. He had parohaaed a. swarm of bees from Truman Britoell who was driving into hie place to set it tip. When going through the gate the wind blew the hive againet the wheel, and jarred the hive so as to allow !herniae to escape. They Hrst made for Truman and the horse stinging them both severely. Truman jumped out and held the horse as long as be could, but the pain Bent the T Listowel player did nob tarn up. After the time for quitting had arriv. ed Mr. Davis, now of she Detroit Bowling club, but an old friend of the Clinton boy,, nth° is Summering at Goderioh, wag galled anon by W. Ja0kwn to moire the pfiielal preeenta0lof of the trophy to 'W, Elliott, Illitehell, Nearly 160 paople had gathered and Mr. Davin, in a neat, off. banded, one half hour epeseh, won hie way into the haute of ail those who had listened to him, Be is a fine fluent speaker.—Naw tIra. Lrdn04l1on Dopartlu0at iite04u11e1118, The following amend motto to the rep IatIMI' for 1903, approved July 1902, have been made by the Qatari° Education Deportment ; Part 1, Junior Leaving. —There will be no examination in 1908 for public eehml leaving or Part I, hauler Leaving Standing. (R'golatione 23 acd 46) Part II Junior Leaving, --At the examinations tot 1908 a oandldate for Part II Junior Leaving Standing who seleote the ohernietry option may omit Latin, bat lie will be required,: if he ex- eroisee tole privilege, to obtain 60 per pent, on the total. (Regulation¢ 48 (8) and 46) Junior Leaving Standiug.— Atter June, 1908, a Part II Junior Loay. ing aertifieatee will give fall Junior Leto. ing Standing, If endorsed end certified to by any high sohool principal : or public eohool inepeotor with a statement that the holder hae taken the required coarse in all the sabjaote (geography, history, drawing, book keepiug,reading, eto ) for Part I'Junior Leaving Standing. Con. fidential. Reports.—In addition to the requirements preearibed In regulation 43 (3) the name of no candidate for aPart II Junior Leaving certificate shall be Includ- ed by the otaff in the oonfldential report who has notsatisfaotorilycompleted the course for a Part I Junior Leaving anti.. Heats. Dietriot Certifioatee.—Examin0- tione will be held as heretofore for Die- triot eertifioaree, but snob oertificates shall be awarded only at the request of the County Board of Examiners where there is a eoaroity of teachers, and with the concurrence of the Minister of l4dn- oation. (Regulations 44, 98 and 64 ) These announcements will lu do respect effeot the requirements of matrioulation as prescribed by the Uoivereity. IIeii<a1aiI, On Oatnrday, Aug. Sib, Coronation Day, James Bouthron, formerly of Rod gerville, but now of Exeter, celebrated his 90th birthday. It is not often that a. cow takes a trip on a train without the knowledge or con, sent of the owner, bat R. Ballard has one which baa broken the record. She got out onto the road just as a had of export ostble was being driven to the station and not being noticed was ship. ped with the rest. Oa reaching Toronto the owner noticed that he had an extra and at once shipped her book. The re- turn freight poet $7. The poor animal was so pleased to get home that she name near knooking Jae. Stewart over in her joyous leap from the oar. Wednesday of last week L. Harold, who was recently promoted from this station to be G. T. R. agent at Wingham,. came to Hensen to move hie furniture and family to that plane, and Carmel Sunday eohool and the oitizaus took ad- vantage of his presence to make him presentations. After the prayer meeting in the ohuroh Mies Murray read an tip• propriate address and a very handsome eat of works was handed Mr. Harold, who made a very feeling reply thanking the burn, Hewitt, Kilburn, Oakely. Part IL —Crerar, Edmunds, McNamara. Part II. martiaulation— Evans, Fear, Gibb, Gill, Stoodely, Keen, Baker, Big- ham,Davideon, Dutton, Lorge,. McCal- lum, oloPhersoo, Ptrimmer, Benne, F. A. Large, S. E. Large.. Part II. junior leaving—Atkinson, I. Brown, Cade, Elgin, Goodbolt, Kirk, Langford, Mayle, McKay, Peart, Pyke, Richards, E. Robinson, T. Robinson, Walks, Wheaton, (Frenoh phyeioa), Davidson, Dorland, Eason, P. Farrell, Jones, Keane,'Magwood, MoTavieb, Mo• Pherson, Neilson, Newton, O'Donoghue, Pearson, 8orimgeonr, Bryan', Burt, Cameron, Campbell, Ferguson, Holt, Marion, Marano, Roes, Totham, Thom- lineon, Wilson, Zimmer, Allen, Brogden, animal wild and it got away: As it was Parana Robertson. Russell, 81ritL,) passing Truman threw the blue 000 of the (French). rig and ran for hie life. Mr. Coats who was about four rods away was so badly stung that he fell 0o the ground from the effeute of the poison. Truman and other members of the family with the aid of pails of water enoaeeded in getting the bees away from thejoldgentieman who LAWN BOWLING. M. Elliott, Mitchell, Carried ort the Jackson Trophy. August the 12th, the day set by W. Jaoksoo, for the finals of the winners of clubs in singles, for the trophy, will ,long be remembered by Clinton bowler,, ae it has been the ret thing in the shape of a tournament that has ever met here and was a great enooee8. There were eight of 'r the nine ,lube in the trophy, showed op, and between singles and visiting rinks the green wan kept lively from 10 a. m. till 9 p. m. Our Secretary was kept buoy hunting op players to fill the ranks, two being present from Goderich, one from Mitobell, one from Seaforth and one from Wingham. In the olnbe represented in the single trophy it would not be wise to say that the best bowler of each club represented them, but a nom ber of tbem were and a good stiff play was put np by these, as the ,antes will show, amongwhioh we will mention F. Davis, Goderioh t J. Irwin, Brunets ; J. Morrie, Kincardine ; and the winner, W. Elliott, lifitohell. Below we append the scores :— P. Davie, eoderiah—Woo from Hum ba 13 to 12. from Brydone 18 to 10, from Irwin 13 to 8, from Corbould 18 to 11. Won 6, loat 2. J. Norris, Kinaardioe—Won from Davis 18 to 1, from Brydone 13 to 9, from Shine 18 to 0, from dorboutd 15 to 11. Won 4, Met 8. M. Bomber, Stratford—Won from Norris 18 to 8, from Shine 14 to 5, from Corboald 14 to 8. Won 8, lost 4. W. Brydone, Clinton — Won from Humber 13 to 3, from Elliott 18 to 10, from Shine 18 to 7. Won 8, lost 4. a. Irwin, Brussels—Won from Norris 15 to 3, from Humber 18 to 7, from Bry- done 18 to 6, from Shibe 14 to 4. Won 4, Toot 3. W. Elliott, Mitobali—Won from Davis 14 to 8, from Bottle 14 to 11, from Hum - her 18 to 6, from Irwin 18 to 0, from Shine 14 to 8, from dorbould 18 to 5, Won 6, loot 1. 3: Shine, Seatorth—Won 0 fact 6. W. Corboold, Wingham—Won 3 by 1 default, loot 4. !'S, I,) to ti ,A la :ti Wan carried to the home and, planed 10 bed. He guttered meati daring bbs night and a Pr. was palled iu. Tao ie nOw out of danger though his Noe apd peek wore literally powered with ettngs, C or l'i et. • Howigli Council met on Wodneedsy last, Fronk Arden lhad hie leg bort badly While (aleying foot ball - Mise Carrie Areal. is at Landon witeru qhs will attend the Millinery Opeuinae. While oradling grain John 13owyerrgave his lion a Bever° gash whioh will lay 'Win up for a few daye. John 13. Bepnelt returned -on Monday evening of feet week from a three montha trip to England, Ireland and Sootlaud, We are pleased to pole that Stanley Sanderson and Garnet Campbell of town have their names among the augoeaeful oandidatee at the recent junior leaving examination, They wrote at Wroxeter, Mies Anniel3oward, of Orange Hill, hoe sutured the sohool in S. S. No. 4 for the remainder of the year. We ander. stand that Mr. Mitchell, who has taught iu that about for some time, intends making his home in Manitoba in the future. A Wonderful Cure. Benmiller, Ont , Sane 28th,1892. MaoLeod Medicine (Jo., Goderioh, got, With great pleasure I write to teetifyto the merits of your System Renovator. Notwithetaoding good nursing end the beet that our local medial skill could do for my eon, he certainly would have died, bad it not boon for the timely partaking of your System Renovator. Be'ore we got it be was so radiated and weak and low that he could not move from one side to the other, His reason and eyesight were both affected so meati tie to know nobody, not •even hie mother. He was quite simple and blind, All control of the urinary agate bad Kone. Lost ail strength and power of his limbs. The Renovator acted at once on the kidneys and at once checked the loee of albumen, of whioh no doubt he would have died if it weren't for the inoreased doses of the Renovator, I am pleased to say that it did this enaoossfully. He continued to gain till he was able to help himself. He recovered hie eyesight and all hie !soul - ties so well as to be able to go into Goderioh in nix weeks, He ie now eleven years of age and be is a etroog, healthy, big boy, eighteen months after cure. MmnAEL SonwANTo. MaoLeod'e Remedies, established in 1888, are the only medicines in Canada which have sold on their merits without advertising. Address MacLeod Medicine 0o., Goderioh, Out. Sold by James Fox,•Brnosels. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERVICE. A y'boro'-bred Abort Horn, registered pedigree. Terme 75o, !with privilege of re-' turning if necessary. GI40. ROBB, 98- Brussels Booth. REAL ESTATE. L;I1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN - Dammam) has several good Farms for sale and to rent, 518y terms in Townships of Morris and Grey. F B. B4OTT,Bruseei ASACRIFICE IN REAL -ES– TATE.–$9000.00 will buy the MOOau- gbey Block in the village of Brussels. These two flue stores most be sold to Mose out the McCaughey Estate.' intending purchasers should u,vestlgata at once. -Apply to F. B. BOOT'! or G. P.'BLAIR, Brooch', Ont. HOUSE AND I ACRES OF HOUSE eligibly located on Turnb erry street, Brussels, for sale. Will be sold en bloc or house andlots separately, to suit purchaser. Good dairy business in connec- tion. Possession could be given any time. For price, terms, 40., apply to. NEIL Mo- LAU.OHLIN, Brussels. 1ARM FOR SALE,—BEING East 1 Lot 7, Con.17, Grey, containing 00 acres. 8 acres In good hardwood bush, remainder cleared, well fended and drained. It is iu a good state of cultivation, all mod- el to grans but 10 0ores. There is a good frame barn, 50x50 feet, with stabling ; also frame house, 20128 feet.. Buildings are in good -repair being built - about 0 years ago. Farm.. le about a mile from echoel and two miles from Walton. Will also cell Lot 21, Con. 113, Grey, con taming 64 acres, all bush. There is a lot of valuable timber on ON lot. Itie good call and is dryat any season. This property will be sold without regard to value as the proprietor is going West. For further particulars apply on Lot 7, Con. 17, or address DANIEL MOMILLAN, 5.08 Walton P.O. HOUSE PAINTS ? When you ooneider about tbe painting of your hoose the most importaut tbiui to think of is, what is the beet quality of paint obtainable? The best paint to stand the weather and look fresh for the lseg,et time? Tbele is only one answer t0 'Ole, .num-ty, that a mint made with Brandrom's 13.13. Geuoir:o-Lead, Pura Linseed OP, TRADE MARK - 803 just enough i).yer, ntoetbe the best, as this 13, B. Lead has for so many years been proved superior to all others. Boob a paint is Anobor Liquid Hotta, Paint, and it is the only liquid pelta made In Canada: With Brandram's B. B. (hotline White Lead. It ie a mistake for you to nee auytking bo the very beet pain: in painting your home. The eat of patting on the paint is usually ab,.ut the some as. the Coat of the paint itself, A °heap paint takes more time to make a renewably goodjobwith than a good paint, and does not last as long, nor look so well. •Ir, fact the aheop paint le the most expeueive paint In the nod. flake it. mir.tuke. Doe Author Liquid House Paint. It is a Pure White Lead, Z uo and Linseed On P.,wt•, and is tis good as be made with oprbhoie° el the very beet mater! int, Use it e,l gat the m"st satietao0ory reaulte obtainable with paint. Sold by— W.&' � 'r, Brussels. carmanestrailammoneresseanowaroomasnmemetserstervessammetamummur 4C310 Sale Semi -Annual SUMM'ER -CLOTHING AUG, 2't i;)O2 At.4Oft Began Friday, Aug. let arsorasiamseasmunosemononmste Bargain time. is litre getting off a train whenyou reach the station. We've g �' .'g g' arrived at the point where its time to drop prices, and down they go. No hesitation, no waiting, no partial measures. Our time -table doesn't allow it. Every Unlined Summer Garment for Men and Boys Coats, Trousers,' Washable Vests and Washable Sailor Suits—goes on sale Friday morning at one-fourth off. And, as everybody knows, the real season for this class of Garments has but just begun. A partial list ; come early, men and boys and mothers of boys. Boys' drill and check cotton coats, regular 65a for 49o, and regular 760 for .. Boys' grey and blaok slpaos ooats, regular $1 25 for 94o and regular $1 66 for $ 1 25 Boys' doable breasted blue serge (Date, regular $2, at 1 66 Boys' cambric sailor snits, regular 50o, for:......:37} Boys' crash sailor suite, regu'ar 75o, for.., 56 Boys' Fine Cotton Sailor Suite, regular $1, fo and niggler $1.60 for 1 12 Men's drill and other oottoc goats, regular' 750 for 565, and regular $1 for . 75 Men's alpaca and serge goats, regular $1 60 for 1 12 Men's, blank and blue serge °oats, regular $2.76 for 2 06. 56 75a,. Alen's alpaca costa, regular $2 for 61;50, and regular $2 50 for Men's blue serge and worsted coats, some Bingle, come double breasted, regular 98 for $2 25, regular 94 for $3, and regular $5 for ,Men's washvests, white duok, cashmere finish obaeke, white and drab pique, regular 750 to $1 50, for .. ,.66o to 1 12 Men's coat and trouser suite, light stripe flannel effeute, very natty, regular $6 for 4 50 Men's stylish coat and troneer suite, light flannel effects, regular $7.50 for.... ,5 02 Msn'e elegant suite of bine, with light stripe, 0010 unlined, regular $9 for 6 75 1 88 8 75 Straw Hats go at Half Price. The bat story is vary short, but it means a lot. Friday morning and whilethey last, your choice of all straw bats—hundreds of smart new straws—at half price. There's only one exception, the common harvest hats, which will not be reduced. Sailors, Fedoras, Panama Shapes ; splendid assortment, few broken iiize8. Regular pricesjrun 25c, 500, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2 50 and $4, to clear at 12ic to $2. LEADING CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS. rARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 25, Oon.10, Grey, containing 1021- acres • 55 acres cleared. balance bush. There ie a frame house, 19x20 feet,with kitchen 10x10 feet; barn 97150 feet; stable 24x40. feet ; orchard. well, deo. Farm is well fenced and only 14 miles from school, Store, Post - office and church. Possession to put in orop next Fall. For further particulars as to price, terms, dm., apply to GEORGE BPARLING,Proprietor, Oranbroo k P.O.. you have many a time by using an inferior grade of door. Tour bread will always bo light, white and sweet when: using the Veone, 11 is always of sup- erior quality, with no variation, and is oaretolly made from the beet grown. Manitoba wheat. Try this eatiafaotory brandfor your bread, oaken and pies, end you will never use any other. AALF. BAEHE, REIIHHEL9 FARM FOR 1 s011, Don. 9, y, - 1 acres. 90 born, cleared. Good trams bonen cedar log barn, orchard, &c. Parra is well Watered, epilog meek On rear end ; esorso- 100100 school and ohuroh ; e1. miles a from the thriving village Of Brussels. Poa privilege Would be given next Morph with privilege. of Fall plowing, Sze. For ,, r particu- lars as to price, terms. dro., apply on. the premieos -to RIGH. ROE, Proprietor, or Brussels P. 0. 52-ain SALE, BEING Gra -contatnin 99 NOTIOIt.-UNDER AND BY inane of the last will and testament of Phillip Gremlins, sr., the nroporty being village iota 106&167, West Bide of James st., ,and Noe. 161 do 105 fronting 00 James et., all in the village of Brunie, in the County of Huron, containing in all one mere more or lose, will be offered for sale at Brussels by muonths from date hereof.expiration of portion lars and date of satowill be advertised ata later date.. PHILLIP GRANDINE, Jr., Exeoator. Dated June IOth.1902. TheWESTERN FAIRSept.e LONDON 12-20, 1902 A Medley of Spectacular Merit. Prof. Hutchison, the Homan Bomb, in a thrilling Balloon Aaoen- elon and Parachute Drop. '1125 marvelous Oyole Dazzle The Osoatos in a sensation novelty. The great Gay, lh-' Handouff King. The Olifans, Continental E000ntrignea. Mooning and Do Crow, famous Monopedeo. Rosa Naynon, with her troop? of Trained Tropioal Birds. The Barb Brae., Anrobatio Wonders. Ohrtsaie M. Jonea, 'Cornet Vit. taoso. Magnificent Pyroteohnios and many other features. Special train service over, all Boa. Exhibits further ahead than the times.:. Grounds insidiously beautiful. Buildings irresistably inviting. Prize Lists, Maps, Programmes and information for the asking from I,T ANIL. W. M. GAETHII031E, J. A. NELLEH. President. Secretary. COBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup- ply the wants of the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or Retail. Special attention given tothe manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or half truck with 21,, or 8 inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels. Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to. our attention will soonbe turned to the Cutter Trade for the doming Winter. GIVE 135 A CALL, John. Cober & Sods' Carriazo Vaotory.