HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-21, Page 1Vo1.'81. No. 6 111•111111MIIIMINSIMMONIOXIMINIMPN• BRUSSELSONTARIO THURSDt AY A'CJGUST 21 1902 2 3 1111•••••Ms....414.03 W.H.K.ERR,Prop, New Advertisements. Oetnent-blaKity & Go. Howse for gale -Tun Pose. nerved Exoursion-C. l', R. Buelueee wanted-Tge Poe, Farm for sale -W. Turnbull. Sale continues -McKinnon & Co. Pure spices-Huthley% Drug Store. Wooded al Cure -MoLeod Medicine Co. Itttvs, Renfrvo. [trammed for last week, 13. Wright burned a kiln of brit* last week. S. and Blre. Wright spent Suuday aroong rffiativee at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, of thie locality were visiting friends at Gerrie. E. Collis has made improvements to the looks of his residence by repainting. B. and Mee. Pateraon, formerly of Kincardine, were away visitiug friend and reletiveg. J. D. and Mrs. Guthrie, ot Ayr, were the peen of Aire. Wm. Bawtinheimer. A. and Mra. Brooking, of Harriston, were also 'Mee. Blue vale. Mies Mary Scott ie visiting relatives in Seatorth. Miss Burgess, of Brookville, is visiting Mrs. Collie. Alexander Moor, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with hie family. efre. (Rev.) R. Paul, of Brussele, vigit ed Mee. Joseph Pugh over Sunday. Miss Alice Doff has returned to Isi- Ools after apending her holiday e here. Mist Kearne, of Mootreal, is visiting her Mater, Bin. Joseph &Mille. in Morrie. Mrs. Matthewson Riobardeon, of Brue Bele, was visiting relatives here this week. Mrs, Beattie and children, of Stratford, are visiting at James Anderson's in Term berry. • Mies Kathleen Swann enoceeded in passing Part II Junior Leaving. We congratulate' her. Geo, and lilrg. McDonald and eon Cameron end Mies Mary King visited at Molesworth this week. Froth and Mrs Hill, of Ethel, and Mr. raid Mrs. Moore, of Henfryn, visited Mrs. Wolfe over Sunday. Mrs. John Fawcett has been very ill during the past week but is slightly irra proved we are glad to say. Mies Mary 13eattle, and Andrew Scott, of 5eaforth, and Miss Mande Matielonald, of Michigan, visited at F. B. Boott's laet week, , Mr. Cummer, of Owen Senna, visited hie daughter, Mre. J. Favnett, who ie very ill. Mee. Cameleer, of Wingham, also vieiting her. liZoleswer tit. School opened on Monday with a fairly good attendance. Mrs. Johu L. McKee is at preaent very 111 with typhoid fever. We hope for a Min Ida MoKee, acoorRpanied by Mra. Warrereand children, of Ingersol, is spend- ing a few weeks with her parente in town. Johneton alcCormiok monied the pul- pit in the Methodist Ohneoh last Sabbath owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Phillipe. John Meiklejohn has had a relapse and ie again oonfined to his bed with inflam- matory rheumatiem. We hope he will aoon he better. The Trustees have placed a bell and belfry one the Retool house whieh will hereafter toll ant the time of day to the villagers and farmers round about. An old time Mission Bond meeting was held in the Presbyterian church on day evening lag* and was in every par- ticulara deoitted success. °reline° Mc- Donald, of Harriston, occupied the chair. He gave a lengthy address on the origin, growth and inflonee of the bliesion Band. It was organized twenty years ago when the late Mr. Sickle was pastor and An- drew Mitchell, Duncan McDonald and Robert Elliott were Elden. Be spoke of the influenoe the Miosion Band had on the young in enoonraging systematic giv• ing. Another reeult of the organization was the development of the Missionary spirit in the youth of Moleuworth and as evidenee of that we have a missionary in India, in the person of Miles Kate Camp - hell, ithrt /eft Moleeworth Berea eight yeasts ego and labored in Nennuoli, India, Mies Ottropbell has been awarded a medal by Edward VII for her Beryline in Indin, Moleewurth hoe indeed a hietory ol tehloh she has no reason to be sehamed, The Chairmitinie addeese wag followed by a very interesting addrees by Wee Oalnnbell on her work in India, She put forth in Meer, foroible language the need of the missionary in that land. The pro. gram wag interspersed with einging by the beet loeal talent so tho eervice cloud by a collection of $45.00 for the India rantine sufferers. Trowbrid=e• 0. Cosene vent a few Map in Berlin that week. Quite a number left for the Weet on Thursday. Solloll re -opened here on Monday with a fair attendance, We are sorry to abate that Rev. R. Phillipe ie dangeronely 111. W. J. Goodwin and 018660, 01 Bruesele, vent Sunday with Trowbridge Mende. Dlr. Gibson, of Toronto, was the guest of Mies Hattie Jatakeon for a few days thie week. Mies Welch, of Lietowel, was visiting Mies Mabel Taghen for a few days this Week. The Laaies' Aid intend holding a Garden Party in the near future. A good time expected. Eli Moore, , who lute been bedfaet with appendioitie, le, we aro pleased to say, able to eit up. Blies Jennie Oosene accompanied by Maeter Dewitt, are epending a few weeks with hien& in Dornooh. Craitibro Township Connell here on Sept. 8. Mims Mabel Zimmer, of Brussels, is holidaying in our village. 25 cote in advance, secures Tint POST for the balance of 1902. Try it. August and Mrs. Gain' took in the ex onion trip to Buffalo Mat Saturday. Joo. Habkirk, of Montreal, ond Jas. 13., of Winnipeg, are vieiting at the home of elm T. °elder. gra. Atkins, of Hamilton, a daughter of Mrs. Wm. MoKay, ie having a weekte holidays at her old home here. Harvesting will be praotioally over in this vicinity thie:week and the hum of the threehing maohiue is everywhere heard. Mr, Davey, wife and daughter, were vieitore over Sunday at Mrs. Steele's. Aire. Davey is a grodaughter of the lat. ter. A. Raymann's new ogles la giving good eatightotion, having tried it thresh. ing ont Cameron Bros.' Fell wheat and barley. Our congratulations go out to Mise Sylvia Seel who wan suacegeful in paaeinr Part II of the junior Leaving. She wrote at Seaforth. Joeeph &Reymann and eon, of Detroit, were here on Monday and Tueeday. ,they Gem° with the formeths father, and re- turned on Tuesday night. Cameron Bros. will ithish flax pulling thie week and the flax mill will be run Meg next week to thresh out this year'a crop which ie a good one. Mrs. J. Hubbard, of Chicago, Ill' and her neioe, Mies Mamie Edwards, ofMoe. nington, were visiting at A. Reymann's, Met week. The former wae a daughter of the late John Dakelavr. Leos McKay, of Niagara, N. Y., Oa his brother Adam, 01 Beaforth, were home a few days this week owing to the Moen of an invalid brother. They are none of Mre. Wen, MoKey, of Cranbroolt. A meeting of the Cre,nbrook Beef Ring Aeeocitition will be held in Long's Hall, Cranbrook, on Monday evening, 251h Aug. All ehareholdere requested to be preeent. A. itioDotteen, Sera Doe Cole, contractor of Ethel, was in town lest week moving a building for Peter Baker, which he purchased from V. Steles, formerly used tor n, blacksmith shop. It who built by Robert Cameron, about 25 youth ago. Miohael Reymann, of Detroit, but for. merly of Oranbrook, 10 now at hie son's, A. Reymann. The old gentleman is in hie 871h year, being horn in Creathaugh, Germany, April 16th, 1816, He ernigrat. ed to Cauada, when about 21 yeare of age, landing at Termite then called Little York, From there be found hie way to Vaughan township, when he married Catharine Keifer, a sister of Jacob Kef- fer, of the 7th eon. of Grey. He Battled in Geo township in Feb, 1854, with a family of three eoue and two daughters, Vals1.101=1 CMIVI E3 INT Another advents in price is the present tendenoy of the Cement market. A shortage is reported and priors are very firm and only for immediate aoceptano. It ordere are platted with us within the next 30 days we aan assure a pries that will Save money as we have Bound, under cou• trot, Cement at a prima below the preeent market value, Yone order plaaed with 00 will reoeive our ptompt attention and will be appreaiated. LAMP GOODS Our new line of Lamps stand without a rival. Last senson'e trade has demonstrated the foot that our L imp Goods are handsome, up -to -dote and remarkably low in priors. Youe ramie° now while 'stook ie new and varied frorn 61 00 to 47.00, WASHING MAG-HINES Double aotioe Waeher-The "Knoll"-awartied First Premium and Gold blade! at World's Fair, 1893. When you buy thie machine yon get the BEST YET PRODUCED- A trial will coat you nothing. J. Holmee, of Clinton, Ont., says in hie testimonial : "The Knoll wather to woeth five times its ease° Writethim and get hie Opinion. MCKal. 3111 41 Co BRUSSELS, two danghtere and 0120 eon being born in Grey townehip, There are Mill four sons and 1 daeghter living, 3 Bone in Grey, 1 in Detroit end 1 daughter in Deloraine, Man, The mother died Dee. 27, MAL M. Raymann le Mil/ hearty but hie Memory to failing considetably, Lawn 13oorna-The Y. P. S. 0. E. of Knox (thumb will hold their annual Lawn Social on the grounds of Jno. Cameron, Orenbrook, the evening of Thursday Aug. 28113. Tea 'weed from 6 to 8 o'olook. The 33rd Regiment Band, of Beaforth, will furnish the program. 0. 0. Rook and Woo, Stelae, of Brod. Ism, were callers at Cranbrook Mat week. They tried their had at bleak bites fishing and got 8 few choioe onee but their bait gave out and darkness set in too soon or the results would have been greater. Try again boys. • Morrirc W. IL Maunders may, take a trip to Maniteba this Full. Lions) Inspeotor and Mrs. Miller heve returned from a visit to frieuds in Well- ington County. The school teachers got to work last Monday, although in 00108 08800 the ali- tendanne ie very small. The threshing machine retards the work of healing in the oat orop when it strikes a community for Fall wheat threshing. Mine Rebeces, Sherrie and Masters Clifford end MoKenzie, Bone of Jno. Sherrie, 4th line, are holidaying with friends id Ripley. Among the Moreisitee away to the West, thie week ere P. Jaokeon, Bewley Broa, Emmen Fear mid jamea Clark. Angus Taylor, of Harlook, was also a paseenger. There are some terrible holes on eome of the conoession lines that eortse Path. master should look after before the Fall raine set in and the Cotton thciald see that they do it. Blra. 131„ Forsyth and her brother, Ohara Dow, of Scotland, who have been visiting relativee in thie township, will eail from New York on the Allan State Steamship 'Carthaginian" on Sept. 3rd. Walton.. 25o gets Tins POST to Jan. let 1903. If you want the neWEI invest a quarter. A few front Walton locality attended the roes at Bruesels on Tuesday and Wednesday notwithstanding the buey season. Daniel McMillan is advertising hie farm property for eale as he intend going to the Wed to manage a ranching business. A letter from Jamee Smillie, who with blise Smillie are now vieiting lo Scotland, saye they are keeping well and enjoyably rambling round the country. They ex- pect to return next Ootober. Last Sunday a eon of Rev, Mr. ,Ryan, of Durham, preaohed in (31. -George's ohnrole and Rev. Mr. Griffin,'ett Dresden, ie expeuted next Sunday. Bffr. Ryan's father, and Mr. Griffin watts formerly incumbents of the ohurob here. St. George's (Moth was built in Rev. F. Ryan's time. This week Dr. Armstrong left Walton for New York oily Rod after a short go. journ there will moo the Atlantic where he will take (some in London,Edinboro' and Glaegow Colleges. He will be away for 5 or 6 months probably. litre. Arm. etrong end family will continue to reside in Walton, we are pleased to stat' e and they have moved to the Methodiet Par orange. As the pallier hae not yet secured Mee. Careoallen be will board with Mrs. Armatrong We wish the Dr. a pleasant and sucentesfel visit to the OM Land. Dr. Irving, of Toronto, is Dr. Armstrong's enacessor here having pur chatted his praatioe aud reeidenee. Wrosirester. • Geo. and Wm. Kaake have returned from la uskokit. " Reba and Mrs. Black spent a few days; of lagt week in Belgrave. Mrs. Tao. Barnard, of Loan, is the guest of relatives in the village. A. large number, from here attended the races in Wingbam last week. Peter Wallace, of Toronto, ie epending a week with Dr. and Mrs. Brawn. Jo. and Dare. MoTestah, of Parie, visited friends in the village hot week. Mims Carrie Lawrie left for Toronto on Saturday where she will emend a month's; vacation. Misses Maggie and lidary Miller enter. Mined a . large number of their friends Thursday evening. Jno. Willie returned from London On Thursday. While there John wag seri- onaly ill and spent two monthe in the hospital. J. E. Black returned from Calgary on Friday where he has purohaged a business and expecte to remove his family in the Spring. Blies Belle Marshall, who hae been the guest of Mies Davideon for the past month, returnbd to her home in Ayr, on Thursday. Amoog those who lett thie station on Thursday for the West were D. Mertin, W. Gibson, Mies Maggie Roberteoe, Mise B. McLeod and W. McLeod. There will be no 'service in the Preeby- tlerlan church not Sunday. The Rev. it S. G. Anderson is expected to weepy the pulpit the following Sunday. Atwood and Wroxeter played Foot hall at the latter place on Tuesday evening and the home team won by 2.0. Listowel ie expeoted at Wroxeter on Saturday. Our junior foot ball team played a Morally game in Gerrie Friday evening with the team of that village, which remitted in a viotory for the Wroxeter boys by score of 4 to 1. A combination team or:imported of play. ere from Listowel, Milverton and Atwood called the Atwood team,played or foot ball team Tuesday evening. The game wag oiled at 6,45, At 'seven Miller, of Wroxetee, eoored the Wet goal, 80 7,01 the seoand goal was Bored, from thab tiro to the end of the pme the Wroxe. et' boys took it easy. The referee, who 0 anie with the visiting team, did every. thing he poindbly could do to help hie triende, bra he rather ovetclid hie part. There wee a lair 61Ten out Of SpeOtatOra The Lietowel team plaYe here on linter. aay evening when a good lively game may be exneeted. BeifitrirtsaYee Wm, Lawrenoe, Of iinffalo, le home for a short visit. T. Hamlin wail gie greet of Mre. G, 11. David over SundaY. John Corbett of •London, is visiting under the parentaIroof, Miee Fannie Mellen ie home from London on a elsort Vaiialion. O. McCelland ahipped a oarload of cattle to Toronto og 910n0ar• The minions have earenieted the steno work under Mr "Speost,o stable which adds greatly to the appearance of the Plage. Mise Lovelace, who bail been the met of her °casein, Mies Lillie Soandrett, for the poet msnth retarried to her home on Friday last. Mr. Wray, of Ldridon, is the guest of Wm. Wray. Mile Potter, who has been vieiting Mior Mond Writy, left for Ripley on Saturday. , A garden platy doder the auspices of the Methodist °heron, will be held on the parsonage grenade or*Friday, 28th Good time expecited, • Olkii el. • 25 oente gee Tut POST to Jan. 1903. The Maoist Board of the Methodist °Minh deoided to pny Rev. Mr. Wells, the pastor, 8700 thinyear. Improvements to the pareonage are, also contemplated. Alex. and John. Witte, Fred. Mason, Peter McIntosh, jr,, end Thonne Cooper were among the youthe who left Ethel for tht harvest fields of thiWest onTharsday of thie week.. Mise Belle Lamont, who wee home for a brief holiday, returned to her position at Feeverten, Ontario, this week. She le O book keeper, type .writer, &a. and a capable hand. W. L. PiItteon has purchased the 60 &area, Easaa lot 26, Con. 7, East of Ethel from Robt. Malay, who bought it last year, Dlr. Mescal's father leas 200 ores adjoining so their plantation ie a big one now. We wieh them continued mama Bille bre out announcing the hold- ing of a plomic in Maitland Park in this' place on. Labor Day. It will be under the auspices of the Sone of Temperance Lodge. A program of athletic sports, music and literefry eeleotions will be given and a good time is promised tow! attending. PORIOnli Clinton B130• orb of last week says of Rev. and Mre. Legear, formerly etationed here :-Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Legear, 01 laokeon, Mich., who have been epending a few weeks with Heron friends, were at the station on Satorday leat on their way from Kin. (sardine to St, Marys. Mr. Ingest began Ms ministerial labore in onneotion with 'the Canada Methodiei °bomb but tisk. teen years ago affiliated with the Mettle. diet. Episoopel eitheet:e eel the United States end hae filled 'Several important ohargee. Previone to rooving to Jaolteon he wae stationed in Galena, Ramie, the birthplace of General Grant, were hie pastorial work wag very eneeeseftd. He ie e., clergyman who wears exceedingly well and is blened with a wife who hi amiable, tactful and in hearty sympathy with hie work. Mr. Loam's 'salary in Jaokson aggregates about 01700 a year. On returning from St. Marys Mrs. Legear will epend a few weeks at her old home in Goderich before going back to Jackson. The voice of the thresher is heard in the townehip. Mieo Winnie MoKinnon visited Buffalo friends during the past week. D. Stewart and Mrs. A. Smith, of Wiarton, were renewing old friendehips in this locality. Samuel Rife, wife and daughter, of Walkerton, were Melton' at Hugh Stewart's, 161h con., last week. . Township Oonnail and Oceert of Reviai• 00 00 the Looking drain, 12th oon„ will be held at Cranbrook on Monday, Sept. 8. Friday of Mei week a fine straw abed wae raised on the farm ot Thos. Inglis, 14th con. There was a good attendance of both men and woman We have much plotters in compliment. ing Robt. Work, son of IND]. Work, 8th eon., on hie moose as a candidate at the John Leaving, Part II. He's a olever youth and 'should do well. The new terather in S. S. No. 3 is 11. 11, Aviaon, late of Ottawa, who oom• mooed work last Monday. Hen 8 step. eon of Rev. blr. Liddy, the Methodist minister at Harrieton, who moved there from °shasva last month. We wish Ur. Avieon success. James Ball, of the boundary, spied a large eagle sitting on a dead tree. He etetheeded with a dose of buokahot in bringing down the bird, whioh wag a fine large one meiteuring about 8 feet from tip to tip of wings. George Town'of Wroxetar, seemed the bird and will have it duffed and set op. Doe lineatn.-Wedneeday afternoott of lot week as A, Hielop, M. P. P., wag reaping oath with the machine hie collie, wee oattglit by the knife and bad a front and hied leg amputated. The dog wag lying down in front of the binder while Mr. Hislop wee arrenging the cord and did not get out of the wey soon enough as the reel oaught him and threw him in front of the sickle. He was dispatched to put him out of migery. Last Monday Samuel Shine had en ugly pelt iralioted on the baok of hie right hand while feeding a threshing machine on the farm of Richard Roe. The sheaf band outting NOSS beieg done by Harry Atwood and the connection betwou the feeder and the sheaves wag too oleo ond accompanied by the above mentioned roults, Mr. Shine will be off work for throe time 10 le feared as the cords leading to the fingerer were severed. A telegram watt received by THO POST last Friday evening from 3. SV. Yeo, Emerson, Mitnitobe, intimating that Mee, Yth'e mother -Mrs. William Al000k-a former well know reeident ot the 141h on., had paid Nature's debt. Mr, Mock died a ntinther of years' ago and wag buried in Brooks cemetery, The old lady wee pain her 8700I year, She wag noted foe her geniality and hospitality, being a typioal daughtee et Erin. Mr% T. Hall, of Brunets, wbo le about the mime age, 10 an old friend of the family, having come out from Ireland with them. Pare. Aleock hee made her home with re/atiVee in Manitoba for a good many Yeere. Giesler len. Onia,--A. prominent resident of Gado. rich has beau removed in the person of Semi. Sloane, J. P. whom) death occurred unexpeatedly at 8,60 o'clock Sunday 0000- ing- from heart failure. Mr. Sloane was 72 yearelago, born at Sher000k, Co. Oavau, Ireland, ancl oame to Canada when a young man. For more them a rooter of a eentary he was engaged hi the grain buying end exporting business in this towo. He retired a few yew ago after a very sucesseful business oareer. Mr. Sloane was tor a number of years a membet of the Town Conned of Goderieh, and for a long period and up to the time of hie death he was one of the License Commieeioners for Vasa Huron. In religion he was a Methodist and a mem. her of the Maeonio Order in polities he held stannohly to Liberal prineiples, He wea one of the moat widely known men in thie motion, and wet; univereally esteemed. Educational Pointers. In order that a man may tweet a Pura lie School in Ontario he must be, at least, eighteen years of ago; he mob have certain literary qualifications and a pro. torsional training. The Hall Bloke of hie literary atanding are either Junior Leaving certificates or Senior Leaving certificates. Each of these examinations may be taken in two parte, either at the eame time or one or more years apart. The First Part of Junior Leaving is neually taken in two years after passing Otto Entrance Examination for admission to the High School, and the Part Second in one or two years after posing the First Part. Hence it usually takes four years from the time a pupil passes the Entranoe Examination until he passes the full Junior Leaving, Then after attending a County Model School for four months, and posing a final examination before Otto County Board of Examiners, he is awarded a Professional Third Class cer- tificate which authorizes him to teaoh for three year's in any Publio School. After he has taught successfully for one, two or three years he meg attend a Normal Sohool for five months. After passing a final examination there he is awarded a Professional Second Class certificate which authorizes: him to teaoh in any Public: School during good behaviour. The Senior Leaving Examination may be taken in two parts' eaoh part takes at loge one year. Bothparte may be taken At ono. Candidates holding Senior Leaving certificates, and at least twenty one years of age, may attend the Normal Oollege at Hamilton, the eession of whioh lasts about eight roonthe. After passing the final examination they are awarded interim certificates. Tide authorizes them to teaoh in any Public or High School. If successful teachers, after one year, these oertificates are roade permanent during good behaviour. The present syetem of teething and licensing teaohere is an evolution of that inaugurated by Dr. Ryerson in 1871. Anyone comparing carefelly the two epitome must reaoh one of two wraith- sions, either Dr. Ryerson wae a true Educational prophet or that we are about tie coneervative as the Chinese. Oddfellows' Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge I. 0. 0.13'. whioh has been in session in Toronto, has elect- erl °facers as follovn : Grand Master, R. K. Cowan, K. C., London ; Deputy Grand Blaster, J. B. Turefer, B. A., Ham- ilton ; Grand Secretary, J. B. King, Toronto ; Grand Treagurer, W. 3. Mc- Cormick, Toronto • Grand Auditor, Charles Paokert, Stratford. The, cm. pointed officers are ; Grand Blarshall, D. B. Brown, Orangeville ; Grand Con. doctor, 10.11. Brett, Essex ; Grand Guar- dian, R. 11. James, Oshawa ; Grand Herald, W. G. Graham, Guelph; Grand Chaplain, Rev. 0. R. Morrow, Barton - villa ; Auditor, Abner Fraser. The Grand Lodge voted 01,000 to the projeoted Odirafellowe' Home, which makes 620,000 now in hand, and a Committee was appointed to select a site. The report of Grand Seoretary King, of the L 0. 0. F., Meowed that the total expenditure of the order for sick beneets, relief for widows and orphane, funeral benefits, death indemnity and epeeist relief for the past 45 years up to and in. eluding 31s1 December, 1901, amounts to Otto vast sum of 42,690,589.88. An effort was set on foot to have the age of admission to subordinate lodges reduced from 21 to 18 years, The Grand Enoampmeut eleoted the following offieers : E. J. Spaokman, Exeter, Grand Patriarch • L. 13- Cooper, Belleville, Grand High 'Priest ; E. C. Garraitt,Pioton, Grand Senior Warden; M. D. Dawson, London, Grand Seethe ; Edmund Boltz, London, Grand Treasur- er ; Geo. 0. Mortlinore, Toronto, Gramd Juhior Warden, Frank Jeffrey, Stratford, Grand Representative to Sovereign Grand Lodge. The appointed officers are as followe : Robert Chambers, Lindray, Grand Marshal ; W. J. Bute, Windsor, Grand Sentinel ; R. X, Jennings, Pal - Moreton, Grand Outside Sentinel, Returns te Rev. George H. Cornish, General Coufereno etatiatioian of the Methodiet Church, Dhow that there are 8,413 ohnrohee, an hicreats of 84 over last year. The number ot pezeonagee ie 1,208, an inorease of 75. The value of the thurolsee and furnishings' its 011,836e 410, an totem of 4589,609 1 value of the pareonagee and furnishing, A178,544, in• Pease 9146,833; valne of burial groande, 0180,949, inereitee 920,081 ; total value of ;thumb property, 814,190,903, increase 0717,522. The totel chureh and par. eonage debts amount to $2,290,843, which lo 0880,171 lees than fa 1901. BRUSSELS SUMMER RACES. Fine weather, a big ening of the beet hones in the oountry, good train, well oontested heats with aloe &litho, and a well pinged orowd were mime of Betio - Notion to the Driving Park Association here in tionneotion with the Summer meet held on Tuesday And Wedneeday Of this week, The firet day's metre card showed a 2 40 trot or 2.50 pine witti 5 eutriee ; %Free-for-all with 6 Mertens out of 8 entries ; and a running roe. Soot Billy won three straight heats in the fleet mentioned ; in the thoond race the talent benked quite heavily on Gus. Grebel'a speedy Miss Delmaroh and lost as Bleak Joe, of Newneorket, cooldn't be orafooted and touabed 2.15 in the third heat. The restate for Tuesday were :- 5 60 pee - Hoot Billy 1 1 1 Miss May 2 3 2 John Nolan 3 3 4 Sister lane 4 4 8 8ime-2.279, 2.224, 2.261 Free•for-all trot or pace- Blaok Joe 1 1 I John torn 6 0 2 Mies Delmaroh Dandy Bel 1 t Darkey 4 8 6 Maggie Usher 5 4 8 Time -2.159, 2.17, 2.15 Four-and.a-half furlong run - Wilfrid Laurier 8 1 1 Laurentian 1 2 Logan Lenderman 2 0 dr Bent time, .68. The second days raoing bill of fare comprieed a 2 80 pace or 2,25 trot with 4 starters and split heats. Gal, Hunter took first plaoe in the 100 and 2nd heats but had to take second money as Billy Direct won the next three beats. The latter wae the only trotting horse in the airing. In the 2 25 pace or 2 20 trot Little Buck, the property of W. Finning, of Oamberry, took let money winning all the heals except the firet in whioh he was in eixth plaoe, 2 19i was hung out as the time of the 2nd heat bot outside watehee ought it a couple of noonde lege than that. Nellie D took etraight heats in the 219 pace. There were 4 horses hut Commodore K WAS Sagged in the mile. 2.19e was the best time. Rain threatened and a light shower fell but only delayed the nine for to few minutes. The none for Wednesday were the following, 2.30 pace - B illy Direct 3 2 1 1 1 Col. Hunter 1 1 2 2 2 Minnie444 4 Vickie Klook 4 3 5 3 9 Time -2.241, 2.249,2 241, 2859, 2.28 225 mice - Little Buck 0 1 1 1 Lewis L ......... 1 2 6 8 Windom King 7 4 2 2 Birdie Hayes 5 6 3 6 Charlie P 8040 College Queen 5 8 7 4 .Dolphy W 4 7 5 dr Time -2 9/19, 2.309, 2.24, 2 211 2.10 pone -- Nellie D. 1 1 1 Nellie Wilkes 8 2 2 Madison G 83 3 Dorm:nano re X dte Time -8.109, 223, 2.211 George Henderson, of Seaforth, gave good eatistaotion as starter. The judge's were W. Biehop, Kincardine; E. Living- ston, Blyth; Roht. Wilson, Seaforth ; aud Ohne. Kneohtel, of Wingham. blusio was eupplied by a brags quartette oonaist. ing of Moan. Howe, Jones, Berrett and Grewar. Owing to the very busy harveet season on the the part of the farming comronn. ity the attendance watt aonsiderably re- dacted and the gate reoeipts correspond. ingly curtailed but the Association will be able to liquidate all indebtednese and show a small balances. The most of the horses were shipped to Toronto on Thursday morning where they will take part in the meeting there next week, Favorable oommente were made from a number of the horsemen ass to the excellency of the mile track and the courteone treatment received from the officers of the Association, Canadian News. Signe all point to an early Provincial al Potion in Manitoba, United States oapitaliste will build a 4500,000 hotel in Wiunipeg. The value of building permits issued in Winnipeg this year was e2,500,000. Fowld's pain elevator and 2,000 boo- klets of grain were burned at Cempbell- for a. George Mahrgany, of Southampton, was killed by the exploaion of gas in a tank. S. P. Hannaford, formerly chief engi- neer of the Grand Trunk, died at Mon- treal. The Quirk inquest at Bra ntford wan again adjourned withont any evidenoe taken. A. N. C. Treedgold, head of the Yukon 'Indicate, is in Montreal, on hie way to Ottawa. Contracts bave been let for a 420,000 addition to St. Joeeph's Hospital, Lon- don, Ont. Hog cholera prevails in Middlegex, Frank Chantler, near London, lost seven. teen hoge. Several large herds of cattle are Bore. ing into Alberta and Aseinilatia from the United Statea. By.lawe to raise 436,000 tor good roads, a new obool and a Carnegie librery were Voted down at Lindeay. Jolt Brown and ttvo youtig ladiee, of Essex, named Seranme, were killed while walking on the railway. The British Columbia Fruit Growere' Association is sending five tone of fruit to the Winnipeg Hortioultural Show. The Frontons° County 00411011 011111 upon the Ontario Government to remoee Sheriff Dinveon, who le imiog the oonnty for a etationery bill. Workthae cornmericiea gleaning op the old Hodson Bay Sailway grade, and the Canadian Northern will build the line to Oak Point, Lake Menitoba, Another Oatie ot ernallrox liets develop 13a`EhteCsOtterinaet met yesterrley to generate Otto South Africa etettniship a:Inbred. will rds1.07nett Oarnaby, of Toronto, corn. Mated suicide by toking perbolio mud. At Hosting(' Simon Benham waa ought in a belt, hie apine broken, end he The King and Queen have gone to Othwets. His Majesty intende to vieit Irneetd8railsQinn'g Hamilton eleotrioal worit• ereeg,olitalavetioutere.ed to re.open the arbithetion n A new gold reef of onsiderable extent ie reported to have beep discovered in South Africa, Stooks of anthracite cool all over Haat. ern Geode and -United Stetee are pretty well exhausted. Large orders for pure bred live stock are being received from Britieh Columbia and the Territories. The 13r1000h Postoffioe had 10,000,000 undelivered lettere lot yeer, end 98,375,- 000 was toned in them. Col. Kitson, formerly of the Kingston Military College, has been appointed Commandant at Sandhurst, Mts. John W. Fleming, of Victoria, while demented, killed her 21 yeateold daughter Pearl, with an axe. The new Biehop of Keewatin, Rev. jos, Lofthouse, D. D., was aonsorated in Holy Trinity Church, Whinipeg, Alfred leradelmw, a eix-year-old child, was fatally burned at the Toronto Gon- na Firespitel while playing with metraters. George Craig, student in charge of the Baptiat minion at Foote's Bay; waa drowned while canoeing in Stewart Lake, President Russell of the Winnipeg Board of Trade, hes invited the Mann- faaturere' Association to visit that oity. E. 3. Rosen, Manager of the Inter - colonial Railway, is to retire, and G. E. Price will be appointed General Superin. endet:eti aeal Anarchists of Madrid hare been • arreeted, :Merged with plotting to tone. Mote M. Deloaese, French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Dominion Iron & Steel Compoy ntiVe reoeived an order from the Oonsoli- dated Gag Company of New York for 25,000 tone of coke. The Canadian Northern Railway (lea- ded 9,000,000 bushele of last year% wast - ern grain, and expects to nearly double thet amount this years. The 0. P. R. auditors' report for the week ending Augnet 14th shows an in. orearte of 572,000. The figurers aro:- 1902, 9778,000 ; 1901, 9701,000. Capt. Ford, of the Toronto Fire Bri. gade, one of the delegethe to the Sons of England Supreme Lodge, narrowly escaped death by aephyxietion at Winni- peg. The Canadian Railway Ciondnotors' Assiniatiou at Montreal, passed a reaolra tion refusing to work for an organization which used coal reined by non-union men. Five direetors of the Dominion Ooloni• =Mon Company were 00000001 at Mon- treal for oonducting a lottery. The manager was sent to jail for three months, and the others fined 9100 eak'te Grand Trunk Railway passenger departments have made a great success of the Muskoka traffic tbie emeriti. The latest move in plaoing a dining oar On the service is meeting with the fullest Op- preoiation of their patrons. The Western harvegt-Cool and clear in Manitoba, with bright sunshine. Many farmere encouraged to ooromentet cutting. A yield of sixty million buthels of wheat predicted for Manitoba. Harvest begun in many sections] of the Territories and Manitoba. At a meeting of the directors ot the Canadian Pacific Railwey Company a dividend of 5 per. oent on the preferenoe stook for the half year ended June 30 last was declared. A dividend of 2 1-2 per. cent for the Barns period wee also dealer. ed on the common atook. The grose earnings of the company for the year were 927,503,054. The Publia Werke Department an- nounces aome road improvbmente in AI - Renee. The road from Mithipiooten to Wawa has been repaired, and a new road hag been built from Senn Ste. Marie to Genitals Bay, to repleae the old road, whioh was through a rough, mountainous' part. Seine new highwaye are also being laid out in BloDougall and Koesh Town- ships, near the "Soo." The announcement .4713,8 made last Sat. urday of the immediate building of a big factory to manufacture white metal. Tbe Power °emptily provides a site at the East end ot the American "Soo," Nickel for the plant le to be eapplied by the Olergue Mines at Sudbury. The ootte- pauy building the propoeed pleat is 0003. pone of Eastern men not previously identified with the Olergue intereets. Dr. Charles A.. Log, of Granton, and Dr. Lorne Robertson'of Stratiord, passed through Toronto on Saturday en route for England via, the steamship Lake Mo. gantic. They purpose taking speoialiet clothes and degreee in London, Bran - burgh and Vienna. De. Lang is an honor graduate of Toronto Medical Sohool, and Dr. Robertson an honor graduate and B. A., of Toronto Univereity and medolliet and M. D. ot 10100111, aud hes just fluieh. ed hie term an house !surgeon at Moatreal General Hospital. reticule eltAtill et Guema.-0.1 Setae. day night last, a rather serious aceident happened to a freight train from the North On the W. G. & B, branoh of the G. T. R. at Guelph. It was omposed at twenty six ore loaded with cement from Owen &mad Oement Co's /eatery. Ode of the oare which was too heavily loaded gave way allowing the barrette to fall to the track, Which blocked and derailed three other care, Two of the oars were swathed to kindling wood and On fell over itt the ditch. An auxiliary traiu from Stretford went down en Stmday morning and cleared the tee*. Oto per. son WOO seriously injured, althongh the crew had a overe ehaking up. A, brake. man, Who was standing on the top of the orth whioh broke down, wag thrown Mont twenty-five yeede atid alighted ha pota. to and wen patoh, but reiroulottely eareaped with 180 a few emettohea.