HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-14, Page 5,ADO 14, 1002 BUSINESS CARDS, ONLY TO LOAN, AT 6 FEB Pent, P. B. SCOT% 13ruesele, YYIi, AIDC EACI% '1.i'— tt imam at Marriage Mimeos, 0f• pop at Grocery, Mulberry Week. Breesele; p N. ]3ABRE'1'T— L i• ToneorlalArtist, 13110P, -Next deer North of the Standard Bank, Ladles' and Children's n' ! a tppiba 2cutting as)eP 1 alt i+ MORMON, issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHi,IN,. T8 11411 0E - PIANO AND - ORGAN, sz, vssflz�s, oxm. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: 180unenca, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Sire Jnattt'anee Co., EenumzenED 1840 Insolence takes on the cash and premien note eyetem at current rates. 13 store Mim- ing elsewhere call on tteunderslgned Agent of the Company. GEORGE 10011BS, Brussels'. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. 0. M„ Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, Slee Member 0(1(1110 Aeeooiated. Muetoians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for inetruotion on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principalei Pons in the conservatory of Musk'. Brussels, Ontario: . A LEX. ETT.J TER— XX ER—£ L clerk of the Fourth D)vleton O.enrt,. Co, Huron • Conveyancer Notary Land, Loan, and Inenranoo,A^ nt Auction- . u tlon- oar. Pandainvested and Eo^oat.^ell a o- toumade, Otaoa in. Graham'e{B)bok, Bins - .0018. AUCTIONEERS. .1 1 8; SCOTT. AS AN AUCTION • am, will salt for bettor prices, to better men ;in leas time end lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won'tcbarge. anything. Dates and orders can aiwaye be arranged et this (Moeor by personal application. VETERINARY.' T D. WARWICK— e/ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary .College. is prepared to treat all dig- caeee of domesticated animate do a compet- ent manner. Parttoular attentlou paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to, Office and Infirmary—Pour doors North of bridge, Tmnberry et„ Brnasele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W• n2.: SINOLAIR— • Barrister, Solleitor,,Oouveyancer, Notary Public, &0. Office—Stewart's 81ook. 1 door. North of Central Hotel.' Salloitor for the Standard Bank, ,lT1 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER,. V1 • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. O. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFICE- MILL ST, EAST, n1ESSEL8. ✓. A. M'NAUGHTON, 211. D., O. M., Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medical' Oollege,Member Olie a of Physicians and Surgeons,Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col. lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-. wifery Edinburgh, PrTelepbono� No.14, Beeidenoe-Mill street. Brussels, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, RENUST Graduate of !the Royal College of. Dental Surgeone of Ontario and Firet.olaae Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, Fall Term ri/n7 th/e LA.JTJW.a- Begins Sept. 1,. 1902 Students may enter at any time. Terms reaenuabie, Two eoursea—Oommorolat end S1orthno I, Send for Journal. C. A. t'Lr:a11NG, A.L.MoINTY1tE, President, secretary, 8oflmLE Itriiikli Cohnnhin Red Cedar S111iigIe AND LVuPtll Shore Pine and Cedar POE SALE AT man Brussels. Planing ,Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat • terns on hand et made to Order at Short Nbtioo. Estimates Pnenieja°d for all kinds of Buildings Workman - fillip and lVfatorial Guaranteed. '• AMENT F4tJ1 fileriti Opens Sept. 2 CNTRAI, f iNE Stra b)d,r Ont Aoho s of that coop fes (root rook among Me boat Ba ing co merciaNiegeff 00144019 employ p our g loading commercial auto 10 Our bt our grndnaEoe 00 rancher, Wo do aur fleet to piaee all our graduate's in good posltl000 and Wo have been more 0uc400efgl Ebie year theft ie any previous year. Those desiring the beet in business education Should at- tend our Be1eol. Writetor eatalogao,. W..0. ELLIOTT, PRlno/pal, 'VV I LE; tt N. ma, Mre, Dr, Ball, of Toronto, le visitingat Fl. Bahb, The North Western Fair will be held 1n Wiogbam, September 26 26. Jae. Melville has a Severely out band, the result of injury at the chair factory. Court Wingbam, No; 605, Independent Order of Fore9ters, has completed ar. rang$mante with the Grand Trunk for an excursion to Buffalo on Saturday, August 16613. John Joynt hae purchased Mrs. Gil. obriet'e building North of the railway tra0ks, and if the tranefer can be made without delay, will pat in a first olase apple obtvMpDonouoratingh ie home from South Africa, looking well. The 000tingeot landed at Durban, but fortunately the war was over. and the servicesof the troops were not required. Alter a short stay, orders were received to return. While at Durban, Robt met Harry Wells, who left here for Africa, about two. months ago, Lnel..uo w, Rev. 11. H. Barnby and family, of Mil. verton, were visiting in 8.0/afield. Cargill and Lackuow played Use bell, in the Agricultural park, on Satarday. James Moody has purchasing the bar baring burliness from his brother, D. Moody, of this village. George Mollay, who wag with the last Canadian Contingent sent to South Africa is visiting hie rolativea is Lnoknow, Mitchell Bros. have commenced a thirty oar shipment of maple squares to the English market, and they expeot the output to be ap to the meal amount this year. 'Phos. Helm passed away at hie home in this village on Saturday, gad inet., in 69th year of hie age. Mr. Helm had been for nearly 40 years a highly esteemed resident of the 12th oonoeseion of Ash_ field, and removed to our village a few years ago. Listowel Oleic holiday last Monday. 'Listowel Business College will re09e0 for theNall term on September lat.' C. A. Lee, photographer, attended the American Photographers' convention at Buffalo. Jae. Cunningham hag sold bie totting mare, Black Maria, for $260. She gore to the Soo. The Town Council has deaided to. have all surveyed streets opened up. There are several aures of enclosed streets within the corporation. °hie( Kay wishes to warn boys who have been making a preatio0 of swim• ming on Sunday at the pond near the brewery that it meat be stopped. I°epeotor May hue condemned the Pantie Library here, and enleaa better facilities are offered for both library and reading room the government grant will be withheld. Trooper e Glenn, , of Carthage, and Will. Stubbs, of Listowel have arrived home off the Oeetrian. Oar young townsman joined the Fourth Contingent, 0. M. R., at Winnipeg, and Trooper Glenn joined at Sault Ste. Marie, Tuesday afternoon of last week, W. W. Niohol, B. A. mathematical master in the Listowel High Sebeal, wee united 1n marriage with Mise Myrtle Rigg,, daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Riggs. Rev, Mr. Pritchard, of Granby, Que•, perform ed the oereinony, in the presence of a large number of guests and friends. Clinton. The late Dr. Horsey, formerly of town, bad 935,000 life insurance. A. J. Holloway has rented a store in the Searle blook, where he will continue hie tailoring business: Henry Stevens hae bran recommended as Clerk of Works, or inapeotor, in con neotion with the erection of the Poet offioe building here. The untortenate young man Barnett, of Goderiob township, who lost hie life by drowning was a nephew of Rohett Welsh hire: Burnett being Mr. Welsh's eis'er Mre. Higgins, whosehuebsnd woe killed recently at Oolumbee, Ohio, left for that phwe last weals, and w,i11 visit there some limo, pending th0.01100 with the railroad, Or. Blackett hes ren art ,he Centennial hotel In Henaall and Frank MoQaaghey the Redgene House in the same villaeo and 40th enter into po aeerio84 on the eerrieday, Au,uet 18'h. 1t. J. Mnalonald, formerly of town, hae gone into ` Ilse wholesale handling of lin- ings in 'roron'o, the firm of which be ie a' partner being Bradshaw, Macdonald 12 Oo. The old Mende of Juba Beacom, tor.. merly deputyroevo of Goderioh township, will regret to ioaru that ho is in very delicate health, He ie now Heine with lite fetber•tu-law Mr. Patrick, of London township. W. P. Spaulding, of town, has porches. ed from J, E, McGregor, the creamery building eitualed below the railway etation, and if satisfactory arrangements can be made, will engage in the mann. facture of hosiery, 1]arlq Bundy morning H. Andrews went book on hie farm to bring np his oowe to milk and was surprised to find that one two year old colt Was missing. Looking about, bo discovered that it had fallen into a well near Mr, Fitzeimmone' alengbter house. D. M. Stewart, the general inanages of the 'Sovereign Bank, visited this plane to toe what the proepeote were for opening up a branch hare, He wait muoh im- premed With the town and eoaaty, and evidently oonoldded that there 800 00me bnsino0e to be done, as an agency wee opened on Wednoodey of last week, • • Temporary quarters 1• r the Clinton branch have born secured in the .storeof Jamie Smith, lloaver 13100k, and the managotnont lies been p'aond in charge of L. P, Snyder, of Bt Oatharinee, a young man 01 '0onsldorabJe banking experience On D. A Forrester's farm iUet Weet of the sown there are about one (111oneand ohiobene, probably the largest ppmber of 0416(110 being raised by any individual far n this mer i ie o a a t r n o ad' •' . Y rns epee. 1 i e k 1h)a branch of the farm work is noder the management ofJuhn Forresterwbo le peeing tbropgh the experimental stage with no more then the u•nal eharo of had Inok. He is now fattening it batch of the (thickens and in a 'fortnight or so will begin shipping. LestdhtorY, It10li,ILLOP 000N01L..-0440011 met in Chstoesday,pher Aug. 8th. to'jbpre 3U,emeurof Council/ all present, Minutes of former meeting read and adopted. Accounts were pass• ed and paid inolgding lumber, bride0e and abutments, (amounting to 91657,00. By.law for levying the different rales was passed and signed, Oognty assessment i0 $2,297 80 ; Townebip, 96,500.00 ; re. ghosts of sobooi trustee, 96080 00. Conn- ell authorized' the clerk to notify 'parties throwing rubbish in'roadways to •remove it. Connell adjourned to meet in °brie. topher'Wbite'e,Leadbary,on Wednesday, Sept. 17th, at 1 o'olook afternoon. JNo. 0. Monnxeoi, Clerk, 11 the Townshiphad a Township Board of Trneteee and 14 sections indeed of 18 as Dow, &Shoot houses would be bed. ter and oheaper repaired, and nob need newbuildings every 80 year's.. Distangee would be shorter for ohildrep to go to school with 14 than 16, as we have now, gad lea0 expense as' each 9obool o0rries about a Wanes of 9100 for the benefit of their Beoretary'a, which would not be needed. Inv r., Maloolm Campbell, of Sault Ste Marie, is visiting with Blyth friends. 8 iytb fair will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7th and 8rh. Mies Florence OJark, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of N. H. and M. Young. P. Metcalf entertained the members of the English church ohoir at his residence on Monday evening of last w,ek. Eddie Campbell, a Blyth boy, who was one of the members of the last ooutiogent ecnt out to South Afrioa, returned home on Monday of last week. Arable Campbell, who was a mamba of the last' contingent that left 0anada for South Africa, returned to Me home here on Monday evening of last week, Mise Barbara Taman' returned to her home in Detroit. Her nephews, John and Roy Emigh, accompanied her as far as London where they, will visit with friends for a month. W. J. Scott, a format priooipal of Blyth public school, and who is now principal of the public sohool at Moose.. Aesiniboia, was in Blyth for a few daye renewing old friendships. John Denholm, T. W. Sloan and John Bell have returned from Manitoba where they went, two weeks ago with three care ef• horses. Tbey Bold all their homes at good prices as anon as' they reached Win- nipeg. • X45 .S 3 !4• U W a ,.N r,, t3 A' O S y We are enrey to report that Miss Lours Turnbull 3e slob with (piney, Wo hope forepeerly 1 th0.l Meti10111,•tM naging Stated, the At the uarlsrl bllaifreea me»tin Of Inembere •gnarrinme0ly lnereaeed the ea, .47a.r'"^w� + e+""--"'""'""7"'"'"-""'""`", lary of their pastor, Rev. Mr,,Ponball, to 98(10. rota theannual l"± QC Lbs. 0 /a i?naunilsl et0tameat of � � of Wool tbo Atwood add Donegal appointments of the lviethodht ohnroh, we °sell the tot - lowing Amnunfrained byAtwond 5a $ 0, by Donegal $220, total 9750. Atwood (dwell trustee board oclloetiono other than special 9130 96; expeoditure$102 821 Epworth Liagne, Atwood,r0a0ipto 962.01, rxpenditnre 949 75 ; 8nuday sabooi, At- wood, reooipts 970 53, expenditure 976.78; tntifle11I col , A granolitlio sidewalk was laid ou Nal• coq street past St. George's ahgrob. and Sunday school, R, S. Williams has presented the Sun- day 0011(10(1 ooholara of tat. 1100090'8 ohnroh with modals oommemor0tfve of the coronation of Hie Majesty Ring Bdward. Work hae 00mmenoed in tearing down the platforms at the old station house, and the demolition of the old building and the erection of the new will now be pushed ahead, The Signal was shown two very large potatooe grown by John Brownlee, of St. David'd ward, ' The larger of the two weighed lib dice and the two tipped the goatee at Sib 2oz, Mrs. Mo0amue, wife of Rev. D. N. MoOumz,e, pastor of Central Methodiet• church, Sarnia, with two daughters arri- ved per steamer Ooeifrage on a visit to S. E. and Mre. H1011. Mre, MaOamne -will be remembered by many of our reeidepte ea formerly Mise Rate Jamieson of this town• D. ltIoGfllionddy and ex Mayor Wildon were in Toronto, Hamilton and Wood. stook during the past week in the inter este of the Huron, Braes and Grey Elec. trio Road, They met with considerable eo0ooragement on the trip, and we under- stand it fa the intention to -submit atook by•lawe to Goderiob, Colborne and a 000Ei on o[s A hdeldw to nskip at an early date. Geo, H. G. Colton, of the office of the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Go, appeared before Police Magistrate Seeger for preliminary examination in a obarge of theft of $50.40 from the company. E. N. Lewis was present for the crown, Wm. Proudfoot, X. 0., for the'prooeoutton and L. E. Danoey as 000nsel for the defendant. Mr. Bolton through his. oo0noel waived the taking of evidence, r and on Saturday appeared before Co0uty Judge Holt for election, Mr. Holt emu mitted him for trial at the next general sessions of the peaoe, and the case will onme up for'hearing at 11 o'olook on the 26th ofthis month. The information in the case was sworn out by S, A. McGaw, The total number of voters in Blyth is 825, divided as follows :—Entitled to vote at both municipal eleotione and elections to the legislative assembly, 196; entitled to vote at municipal eleotione only, 89 ; entitled to vote at elections to the Legis. lative assembly only, 40. The list oon- tains 72 voters eligible to Serve a0 jurors. Aawtlod. Elmo Fall Pair will be held on Oot. 7111 and 8th. Wm. Porter, eon of J. A. Porter, has entered upon hie duties as appreotise to the Bee. Hugh Porter has bought the tailoring business of Charles Stewart and is now in possession. Bev. T. B. EC mord' held ooronation service in St. A:bau's abumb, Atwood, last Sunday, at 11 p, m, Wm. Wherry deeervea the sympathy of the community in the *miens ilinees of several members of hie Ismfiy, R. S. Patton, formerly editor and pro- prietor of the Atwood Bee, hag purchased the Parte Review and will take poeseee ion about September /at. Atwood OM:Bellows met at their hall Wednesday evening of last week and re• paired to Elms Centro cemetery where they decorated with fiotiers the graves of three deceased brothers. H. T. Switzer met with an accident while working in Forrest's:plaoing 01111. His Rogers Dame in oontaot with a saw and were severely 'acetated. The acci- dent will lay him off work fora abort time. .E'ordwieh. Mrs. Samnel Peel, of Sault Ste. Marie, is at present visiting at the home of Robert Peel, Wm. Irwin, of Stratford,'Public Sobo ql p,oterfor Perth, called on Ates, Orr rr and family. of Ripley, Rev. and Mrs. Hoskings, y, village were palling on friends in the on Wednesday of last week. evening Mr. Coburn lectured Thursdayng "What w in the Methodist Chards on e owe to the Reformation." w wire Wm. Gibson ie having a as' fano which evil/ erected around his residence, ll add greatly to its appearance.anile to h Alex. Orr, of the Albion, int e olored 'b0 ap-to date and hae engaged a o s mon, who took charge of the 'bee. ha Wm. Downey, teacher at Be s been re.engxged for another ye e trustees, who must be well pleased with ar by tb him, as they have give0 him a $50 00 a year increase, making his salary now 9450 00. A pnblio meeting was held in Bother - Hallon Wednesday of last week, for penile purposes, relight, corporationand pnblio park. On motion Dr. Spence was appointed chairman and T. J. Nicholls. Secretary. After the chairman had ex. plained the cause of the meeting, Mr, Groeoh, who i, an experienced acetylene gas men, explained a0 to the float of light. ing by aoetyline, the met of plant that would be neoeosary for our village, and other imtormation of importance. A committee of Dr, Spence, B. S. Oook, Thomas' Gibson and A. Orr was then ap. pointed to investigate the light question and report at a future meeting. In re- gard to forming.Fordwioh into a Police Village some disouesion took place, some of the audience were favorable, otbere against the incorporation. On motion B. S. Cook, T. J. Nicholls and S. Johnston were appointed a Committee to get a petition (simulated among the ratepayers to have our berg turned into a Police Village. There was some little talkabout the Park after which a 0ommitt00 con• w Watches Ar T. FLETCHER'S JEWELLERY STORE. ARE YOU GOING TO BUY A WATCH 2 If so call and see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', .Gents', Girls' and Boys' Watches, with Elgin, Waltham Duber-Hampden and other movements. Our stock is very heavy and having bought for cash our customers will get the benefit. Watches to please everybody and prices fere right. RINGS, SILVERWARE, ETC. Our store is full of first -plass goods such as Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings, Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets,. Broaches, Silverware, Cloaks, Fancy China, Souvenir Goods, OPTICAL Is well looked after by Mrs. Fletcher and Son, the DEPARTMENT latter having taken a course in Chicago. Our Spoaiattiee are Welobee and Ridge, All work promptly repaired Rad satisfaction guaranteed. T. FLE CI... ..E E JLWrti (1M Ii, Iaeuor o1 Marriage Linentee, Woddlug Icings and Marriage Licensee void privately. Wanted at Brussels s s Woolen Where the 0Igbeet Market Price will he paid in Caeh or Trade. We aleo have in stook a flue lino of Blankets, Sheetings, Yarns, Tweeds, Etc Alf pure Wool Goode. onetotp Carding done at any time, Your own wool made into rolls at short Dotios. Don't sell your wool or hove it mannfaOtured until you call at the Brussels Woolen MW and get prices. Lookridge Eros. hne The Boclmin. Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris,' are ready for the Spring trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand. Guaranteed to be first-class. Price 15c. a bushel at the kilo. A. Nicholson & Son. 11.3m PROPRIET02S, 1lwriti,•g address Belgrave P. 0. ETH E L SAW MILLS All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from 810 up.. Britten' Columbia; hame ant Shingles and Lath kept on hand. A good farm on 18th con. of Grey for 0stect : A gnaotity of green cedar poets for sale on Lot 7, Oon. 4, Grey. S S. COLE, PROPRIET01t, ETHEL, 20,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED 'Will be run to stations on 0 P. Second Clas R in. Manitoba and Aeainaboin„ West, South-west and North- west o Winnipeg aas far as 111008E .A18, ESTETAN and 8'0RJ(TOi1 On. AUGUST slat from stations in Ontario 00 Main Line Toronto to Sarnia and North, except North of Toronto and 0ardwa0 Jab. d,yickets to ofnnnlhill esolwith aoertitloateyedinggte trip ional poet, to other before pointe in net Manitoba and without ftAseinibola, a0 above. If pur010aers engage as' farm laborers at Winnipeg, provided snot farm laborers will work not lose than 00 days at harveeifng, and 12004000 certificate to that etc rting point at 318.0to 0 returned before Nov. 00(111, 1002, Tickets not geode, "Imperial Limited." For further particulars and ticket, apply to near00t railway agent, A.11, NOTMAN 4-2 Aeat, Gell, Pa0er.Agt„ ''Toroato, niatin9 of Messrs. Gibson,Hutchinson end Cook were appointed to confer with the Government regarding the Park, #$eat t,r- r . John Rale has leased i 1bis b'ookemith shop to Wm. Kyle, George Stewart and John Galbraith shipped a car load of horses to Romney, Manitoba. Riobardson t1:11lalnnie, who have been doing a shoe trade in Soaforth have do.cided tc retire. The 38r4 Riogiment Band tools part in the Firemen's Touruamsnt at Stratford on Thttreday of last week. The Library will be closed for two w.eks, dating from Tuesday, 19th inst., during Librarian'a holidays. 3fieo Kate Cowan hae boon offered and has Resented the 90.1 ion in the Port Arthur 8011001, the Wary being $400. Mise Jennie Russell, of Highgate, daughter of Rev. A. L, Rueaell, formerly of Soaforth, is viefting friends in town. Arthur Forbes, who had a cataract re. moved from hie eye in Montreal recently, totnrned home Monday evening of last weak, W. Sometville in the North ward, ih reeentlyo0oupfedaby Mrs. J. O. Laidlaw, to Ed. Daley, for 9800. The Mayor bag proclaimed. Monday, August 18th, as' Seafotth'e olvioholiday, iu oompliaaoe with a requtst from the ratepayers, of the Srm youngf Oeeeney4 SmInd, eon ot illie, bad tothe top taken off bis Middle finger a NW days ago, The little fellow was ie the tin Shop and while working1, with the obelus the aooi. dent occurred. Sti11 GrWr This w,oti we offer vary a eolal bargain,in m00ufaoturor's stook of overmakee at bale price a In newt aorto to goWaInbought e Percale and Fancy Mnelin, detached oilers, feet galore, Home trinmedowith 'riniow. tion, regular price 500 to 91. We self the 91 line for 09e and the 500 line at 260. Move goiokly if you want any, We won't have them long at then prions. We are clearing out Children's 'f:Ioeiery regardless oL000A We have picked out all broken lots and' odd sizes ranging in priioo from 8a to 150 per pair a05 have placed them on our bargain table, and give i'o9 your ob010e of the lot at 5o per Asir. a New Dress Goods We have received our first shipment of New Deem 'Good Wr Eto., it Venetians, Homeepana, Vicunas, apperettee, brown, grey, oxford, navy,bleak n ' and heater Cheviots. ora in shades of yard. , myrtle and hether mtxture9 from 600 to 91.50 per We will be pleased to have our ladyfriends Goode whether they are ready to buy or no. cul1 and inspect our New Drees M'K(NNON d CO,. BLYTH. W1CI�S t full is never so wt ling to perform its labors as when the Paint used yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Ready -mixed Paints. We'll supply you with an article that Stands ©n its Merits Alone -The BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SA•FBWIN—WIL- LIA ' S PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. • t r ilio X11 E .17seUkr5l't. Z:3t ' 5 "lJ'Y.l" .J'•.YC..J"lS`4...J•'Urr..J'ti...,• CAIQUET SETS, EXPRES$ WACW8, C., AF The ' ost Bookstore kYLLLrtI•a2•117'321or3••c"r3•L+"U''•;::)G•LY'cc,lrii'l'+'U li-n•.lir1•.U'1l:J'�J••Lv' A RECORD-13REAKER Have sold 62 Buggies and 6 Wagons this season, already, and are now offering Spec- ial Bargains for one month as they intend to make this season a record -breaker in the number of sales. Remember the date, July 12, is the limit for bargains. You need not be afraid to drive 90 or 40 miles to see our stock, you will be sure to buy. '. It will bo to your advantage to see the High Grade Buggies at close prices. Robt. Thomson has purchased 0110 of our pneumatic, steel wheel, ballhear- ing, bike buggies. This is the 8rd we have soli] in Brussels and they are all giving first•elass satisfaction.' These rigs can be bought from ' f o� At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Factory.