HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-14, Page 4Of. k!. r ilk 4ntuds Vint,. THUR9D4Y, ,nUG, 14, 19W. Pelt; I! -llyplor Leovro !. We give below the names of the eltaoeem fut°gaudida/ee who wrote at the Exami. nation Centres of Braeaels, Wingbam, Blyth, Wroxeter and Fordwioh on Che Public Bohol Leavipg or ae now called Part Junior Leaving examination. Tllo aubjogts examined on were Baglieh Grammer, Arlthmetio and Menepration,, ]Unitary of Great Britain and Canada, Geography and bingliell Oomposition. 4aob of the live napes le valued at 100 marks. Ia order to pees a candidate must take (3615%) in each paper and 60% of the aggregate, A candidate who failed on the total bat obtained Paws Standing (83%) in English Grammar, Arithmetic and Menearation, and His tory of Great Britain and Canada ie ac. cepted ae having passed for Part 1 Jon. igr Matrionlation on these epbjeete. The pluoking paper this year was the paper on Geography, The oertifioates of thane who passed and marks of those who failed were mailed 00 Monday last. The Eduaetion Department does not give out the marks of the suooeesful can. didatee. BRUSSELS. PART I, J0NIOR LEAVING: Ruby Olegp, Susan McNair, Anna Dunlop, Beatrioe McNair, Emmerson Fulton, Irwio Baynard, Eleanor R. Funeton, Ada Rose, Harry 0. Gooding, Luella Roee, Frank W. Ham, Brine Stott, Beatrice H. Howe, Kate Telfer, Alex, Lamont, Wm. M. Wright, D. A, McDonald, Albert R, Zimmer. Barbara McKelvey, PART I, JUNIOR MATRICULATION. Ruceen Brown, J. M. Richardson. Frank H. MoGavin, 28 Candidates wrote at this centre. BLYTH. PART I, 0000000 LEAVING. Wm. 0. Henry, Ray. Redmond, Edith E. Jenkins, Annie M. Toll. PART I, JUNIOR MATRICULATION. Annie Cowan Katie Marshall. 12 Candidates wrote at this centre. WROXETER. PART I, T0NIOR LEAVING Garnet Campbell, Stanley Sanderson. Ben. A. Higgine, PART I, JUNIOR OIATRI08LATI0N. Etta J. Burns, Ernest Wiley. Robert Higgins, 6 Candidates wrote at this centre. FORD W ICH. PART I, T0Nr0R LEANING. Percy S. Ashton, Ar. B. MoLaughlin, Henry A. Garter, Eeeie Milne; James T. darter, Ed. A. Strome, Jemima E. Gilpin, Lindsay Wilson, Mabel MoGoire, 10 Candidates wrote at thie centre. WINGHAM. ' PART I, J0NIOR LEAVING. Laura A. Ansley, Arthur Maokereie, John E. Currie, Willie J. MoLean, Oora G. Oarrie, Jim Murray Pearl I. Davis, n, Albert Paterson, OliveK. Ferguso Alene M. Pearen, Norman Gowdy, . Jeanie Rintonl, Wm, A. Higgins, Robert M. Shiell, Willie F. Lioklater, Mary Troy. PART I, 30NI011 A0ATRI0uLATIoN• Josie Campbell, 'Alberta Rintonl, . Annie Gilchrist, Herbert H. Sheriff, Marjorie Gurdoo, Maude P. Troy, Bertha J. MoKagae, Gertrude B. Troy. 28 Candidates wrote at thin-oentre. Historical Sketch of the Town- ship of Grey. Io ebape this township is that of e 'reotangle, approaohing nearly:to a equate, the profeotion of Its bounds running near- ly midway between the cardinal pointe. In size it is the third in the county, con. taioiug 74,740 acres, the largest super - finial area of any township except Howiok and Ashfield. In position it ie the East. ern (in the county) of the range of Gov- ernment townships lying Northeast of the original "Enron Tract" of the Cana- da Obmpany, being butted and bounded on the Northeast by the Tawnahipe of Turnberry and Howiok in the Comity of Heron, and Wallace in the County of Perth ; oa the Southwest by the Town- ehip of Logan in the County of Perth, and MoKillop in the County of Huron ; and on the NorlhWe0t by the Township of Morrie. In its pbyeioal topography' Grey is for the most part an inviting territory, the regular irregularity of its evenly uneven surface being seoh ae to add a beauty to the landscape and afford prantioal and cheap natural drainage to almost every acre within its bounds excepting a nor• tion of the Eastern and 'Sobtheaetern eeotion which is swampy, while in the ohmmeter of it0 soil it aompateafavorably with those townships considered the rich. eat. The first eettlement by any white man was by a French Canadian named Bean. champ, who Lived for some time where Henfryn now is, though the precise date of hie location is uncertain. But he had lived there for some time and afterwards removed and 000npied the lot where the river 0900000 the concession a short dim Moo Weet of the village of Oranbrook and was located at thie point before he was followed by any other, ao that his original settlement moat have been ,pre• viou0 to 1860, as John Mitohell who was afterwards for many years Deputy Reeve and one of the leading men in the town• ehip'e nubile affairs, settled at the Cite of the Village of Moleewortb, in Jane, 1862, and Boattehamp had already' been some time in bis eeo0nd location. Mr. Mit- 011011 was the eeoond eettlor in the town.' ship and the next reeidente were the early eettlereof the Village of Brueeele, already referred to. Among;thoee who Dame in then (Ootobor 1862) were Peter, John and Dorman Ferguson, Robert.'' and Ronald McNaughton, Peter Maodonald, the Bye - lop family, inelddiog father and a nam. ber 09 grown np sone, William Douglas and family of five sone, Thos. Bleollfe, James J. Ford', the Sellars family, the MOFadzean brothers, John Stewart, John Donald Allen, and three families oL' Lamonto, From Mho time for. ward the settlement wtte rapid and the growth and development uninterrupted until at the aeseeement pf 1:870 WO had a OPWEehip with 271814 agree oteered, the whole 44,740 being valued at $1,142,300. The population, agaording to the, same re. Wm wee at that M01(1' 3,962, of whom 860 were resident ratepayers, aeeeeeed for $97,460 of personal property and owuiug dogteeth) animals inolnding 4,660 cattle, ,4,109 ebeap, 1,608 pig6 and 1,684 bowie. The publio reoorde of trey ehow the township to have been organized ae a separate muploipality in 18$6 and the minotos of the fleet meeting of the0 un it to have been dated •, "Grey, Oon. 11, Lot 14, January Stet, 1890." . And from them it eppeare that "The following gentlemen, tiompoeiug the Coucoil•eleot, aeeembled here thin day et the appointed Gime, viz Peter Macdonald, Peter Fergneon, Robert Leckie, John Robertson and Thomas Strachan, whin Mr. Macdonald was elected Cbalrman, Duncan Ferguson be - appointed Secretary of the meeting, The several members having respectively tendered their oaths of 06100, Mr. Robert• son moved, seoonded by Mr. Leokie, and carried, that Peter Maodonald be Reeve toe the present, year '•' •" The minutes are signed by John Stewart, whom the Oounoil appointed the first Town Clerk. Mr. Maodonald held the position of Reeve uninterruptedly for nine years, ending hie term of office with the year 1864, when he was succeeded by Arob. ibald Macdonald, one of,the oldest settlers in the Northern portion of the townchip, who retained theoflfoe for three years, He was followed in turn by John Leokie, during the years 1868 to 1872, inclusive 1 wbon he again filled the office for one year, 1878, at the end of which 'Thee. Straohan was elected to the position .and. retained it by re-election for some years. In 1862 the township baoamo entitled to; a Deputy Reeve and John Mitchell, of Molesworth, was the .first elected, hold- ing the position by re eleotion for. 1863. He was followed in eaooeesion by Arch. Macdonald for 1864, John Leokie for 1885 •66, David Dobson for 1867 69, Aroh. Maodonald again for 1860 72, and atter• wards Samuel Slemmon, The retort of township officals for 1878 showed the liobilitee of the township to be $17,000, all of which was Wanes due on debenturee given ae a bonus to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, the eouth extension of which pares through the entire township, having two etatione, Elenfryn and Ethel, within its. limits. The original amount of _ deben- ture indebtedness on account of the above road was $35,000. The chief part of the redaction had been effected by the appli• cation of the township's share of the Municipal Loan Fund Surplus. Truth is Mighty. Gore Bay, Manitoulin Id. Out,, May 2nd, 1894. MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderioh, Ont. For nearly one year I was in terrible distress, 'could nob -sleep any night with nervoueneee. I would often get cold and powerleee. My heart would stop, cease to beat, and ee often I thought I would die. When the coldness passed off my heart would palpitate and the blood would rush to my head. Then I would think I would choke to death. I tried medical aid cod persevered in different treatments, bet got no benefit. A good friend ad• vised me to get some of your mediofne. I am happy to state that I did get your System Renovator, which did me a world of good, and I am sure your Protein Re. enrgam saved my life. If it had not been for it I would be dead or oat of my mind before this. I would advice any one who has like trouble or tronblea •to give these remedies a fair trial. Anyone wishing to hear from me can write to me. I will only be to glad to give them all partienlare d q , about my case. I am thankful I can never forget you, and if ever I or any one belonging to me should need your aid I know where to write. MRS. NELeoff STOwo. MaoLeod'e Remedies, established in 1888, are the only medicines in Canada which have Bold on their merits without advertising. Address MacLeod Medioioe d0., Goderiob, Out. Sold by James Fox, Brussels. MISHTER GROGAN Oil the BnlSoIo Moth and Other Enter" • taiiuneute. supple meg etbalaite lolke me lrinll Jiln. About the only koiud OV rennin 1 flu POW a daye 1000 1011 into debt, Pur. baps you're not aware iv it but there's a'gra0d olotnpe jiet now tq prooure e supply of hoote tan' oboes at way down 000leee. No ould shtook, mohld ye, bat Bret ohms up to.dato ('outwear, The auld rolioablo firm iv ltiobardeou an' MoInuio are givin op lewdness an' their big ehtook ie goin" to be oaorifioed. "'lie a wurld iv ohepgee, Av its not wan t'ing its another. G iUUA N. ! Morris Oo nnoit X0Etting, Oonnoil met purettaut to adjonrnmeot in the Ooupeil room, ttlorrie, an Ang,tet 4'h. Members all preeent, the Reeve in the ohair, Minato of leek meeting read and passed. Ou motion of Code and Show the cleric was instructed to write to Mr; Dallas in respeot to drainage on rail. way lend at Lot 24, Con, 8. On motion of Shaw and Taylor, Mr. Code Was in etraotnd to have bridge between Lots 5 and 6, don. 9 pat in a proper state of repair. On motion of Taylor and Jaek. eon, John Mooney wee appointed Tax Collectorfor the current year at a salary of $85 00 , ou forniehiog eatiefeotory eeourity.' On motion of Jaokeon and Taylor, the Reeve and Treaenrer were inetruoted to borrow $500 to meet current expeneee. The 'Trea.urer preeented' his half yearly statement of receipts and ex- penditures and ou motion of .Code and Jaolseon the came was accepted ae eabie- faotory. By laws Noe..6 and 6 were duly read and passed. Accounts were ordered to be paid as Follows P, Kelly, gravel, ..... $20 37 A. OloekeY, " 6 85 J. Wateh, 1 47 E. Wawanoeh, " 98 S. Slturrie, " 6 85 Geo. Proctor, ' 7 30 E. Laaudy, " 8 50 Geo. Pierce, " 42 J. Smith, 4 20 W. O. Stretton, '" 6 30 W. Maine, "' 8 80 Jno, Barr, .. 8 40 R. 0. S okeo, " 4 50 0. Campbell, " 2 60 E.. Irvine, " ... 8 75 T. Miller, " 4 00 J. Thymus, 4 00 D. Ager, "' 6 20 A. ;new, " ......,..... , 2 00 Geo. Peacock, J" 9 25 J. Breckenridge," 6 60 A. Bboldioe, " 77 13. Kirkby, " 3 90 D. Farquharson, " 2 46 Jae. Sherrie, " 4 00 D. Laidlaw, tile dicot, 4 60 J. McElroy, onderbruohing and stamping, 10.00 W. 0. Proctor, repairing culvert,2 60 Geo. Henderson, use of Romper, 75 A. Campbell, o ,. 76 W. Kearney, payment as operator, 25 00 R, Maguire, repairing bridge, ......1 00. D. Sommerville, cutting bill and • repairing waehont, 7 76 IJ!..t'1 l Aa 41 4.) tt P, MoNabb, grading on venter eide• road,.. 79 00 Geo, Grigg, gravelling ou mitts' lady 12 00 ABhtee 3 Keliingtou, grevelling, „ it 6.0 J. Reeeell, repairing guard tenoe,., 10 00 W. Jaokeon, building ()Overt, ., 5Q H, Alcock, gravelling,,. 20 00 Geo, Turvoy, rup,irlug Culvert,, • 40 P, Cantelon, repairing road, 30 00 Wm, A MoOall, witting hill, ,41 00 Jae, Hall, gravelling end ender, brudlting, 10 30 Jae. Bolger, inspecting, „. ., 10 94 0. Pollard, gravelling, . 88 30 J o- Gambia, gravelling, 18 40 W, Armstrong, repairing bridge,,. 60 The Oouneil then adjourned to meet again Ma the 16th day 0.1 September, Wet. OLanlc, Clerk, Applioo1ion has been made by the Southwestern Traotion Company for the privilege of running a street railway, system in London, Ont. A letter was received yesterday by Hon, J, R. Stratton, Provinoial Beare. lary, from the Premier, Hon. Geo. W. Rose, in wbigh the latter states that he will sail for Canada on the 16th Inst„ and will be in Toronto probably on the 24th or 26th of the month: STOCK FOR SERVICE -BULL FOR SERVICE.— A Thorn' -bred Short Hornregistered pedigree. Terme 75e, 'with privilege of re- turning if nooeseary, GEO. ROBE 38- Brussels South. REAL ESTATE. BARNS FOR SALE—THE U1`i- nnRelGNnI, line several good Forme for sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of 0100,', and Grey. If 00. SCOTT, Brussel A SACRIFICE IN REAL ES— TATE.-85000.00 will buy the McGau- ghey Bleck in the Tillage of Brueeele. Theee two Ane atoms must be sold to oloee ant the McGaughey Estate. Intending purehaeere ebould mveetigate at once. Apply to F. S. 800TT or G. F. BLAIR, Brueeele, Ont. TTOUSE AND 14 AORES OF land, eligibly located ou Turnb erry etreet, Brussels, for sale. Will be sold en bloc or house and lots separately, to suit purchaser. Good dairy business In eonnee- tion. Possession could be given any time. For utioe, terms, &o., apply. to NE1L Mo- LAUUHLIN, Braesele. LLFARM FOR SALE,—BEING Q' Teat 13 Lot 7, Con; 17, Grey, :containing 50 acres. 6 amen in good hardwood bush, remainder cleared, well fenced and drained. It is in a good state of cultivation, all seed- ed to prase but 10 acres. There is a good frame barn, 96188 feet, with stabling ; also frame house, 20x28 feet, Buildings arete good repair being built about 0 yoare ago. Farmis about a mile from .school and two miles from•Walton. Will -oleo sell Lot 21, Oen. 10, Grey, containing 64 sores, all bush. There is a 101 of valuable timber on this lot, Me good soil and is dry at any season. This property will bo sold without regard. to value an the proprietor is going West, For further earticulars apply on Lot 7, Con. 17, or address'- DANIEL MCMILLA.N, 9.00 - Walton P.0.,1 • ts•G‘4" "- HOUSE PAINTS 1 When you consider about the painting of your house the most important thing to think of ie, what to the beet quality of paint obtainable? The best paint to stand the weather cud look fresh for the longest time? There is only one avower to Ibis, namely, that a paint made with Brandram'e B.B. Genuine Lead, Pure Lineeed Oil, 'TRADE MARK and jnet enough Dryer, moat be the best, an this B. B. Lead has for eo many years been proved superior to all cabers. Such a paiot is Author Liquid ploaee Paint, and it is the only liquid paint made in Canada with Brendram's B. B. Genuine White Lead. It ie a mistake for you to nee -anything but the very beet ,paint in painting' your home. The coat of putting on the paint le usually about the same ae the cost of the paint itself. A cheap paint takes more time to make a reasonably good job with than a good paint, and does not last ae long, nor look so well. In feat the cheap paint ie the moat expensive paint in the end. Make nu mistake. :Use Anchor .Liquid House Paint. It is a Pure White Lead, Zino and Liueeed Oil Paint, and is as good at oao be made with our choice of the very beet materials. Uee it and get the most eatiefaatory reaolte obtainable with paint. Sold by Av its not wan ting it's another. 'Tie a great world thie, fur tormeotin' ineiote. A0' iviry now in1 thin we dobe bavin'' a change by way iv varoiety. I eappose th' bed bog always misled an' nobody pays any attintioo to thim. Iv'rybodye accustomed to thiin an' we all take them ae a matter av noose. Thin somebody in- vinted th' parity bug an' we're gittin need to thim too. I niver hear annyt'ing about th' kiesin' beg now a days, eo I guise its retuired from business. Th' Meet arroival in til' bag loins is known as th' Buffalo bug an' its a dandy, There's no 0101 f,r the wimmen folks whin it gives ye a oall- I'm not math posted on bngology but me Lind Clancy is, He used to be a school Mob. er an' he knows th' habits an' Letin name iv nearly iviry insiot "that was iverinviated to make loife unaiey. He eaya th' Buffalo beg first saw th' loight of ivday .in oityiv Buffalo, N. Y. Re Gaye fie Latin name is Boffeloinoue Oarpnt. ehawupionse wid th' anoint on 111' cues, It's no wonder it does eo much demese with a name Ioike that Mary Ellen takee op tb, carpets iviry day, bat ehe Moult dieoovored finny yit, an' I don't suppose elie'lt be happy till she does. We have two oerpnte, wan in our own bidroom an' th' other in the gnosia chamber. They are about tree feet wan way an, mehby two feet or more noraee an, we've had shim in th' family so long we wuddn't Mike to have thiin diefignred. Mary Ellen has been nein' a mixture iv, bizane an' corroded sublimate an' th, place emille loike a paint ebop. Av its not wan t'ing he another." I with to oorriot a ehtatement that hag been goin' th' rounds lately to the efflot that me frind Jim Fox an' me are to this a tut raise Hist Moncla' noigbt fur the hundred yard obampianehip iv friebtown. Therese not a word of troth in it, In my young deye I'wne party ixpnrt wid me. fate, but thim dole is past. Av worseI will be an intbereeted spectator iv th" 0phorts in Iriohtown nixt Monde' an' Tootda' noighte but my running days aro over. There will he dead Made of ammo - mint there widont th' lollies iv me thrying. to take th' eprintin championship froma t A. NE., ,"Sr at Brussels• you have many a time by ming an inferior grade of dour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when using the Venae. It is always of sop. erior quality, with no variation, and ie carefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat. Try this eatiefaatory brand for your bread, oakee and pies, and you will never use any other. sa ,LtY . aYr6nl+/.aZrd,rotr,, It IIUSSEL4 Downin r„r Bros. Beauty in Sr Shoo :it` is not hard to find these days, but it is difficult tonna that rare combination of beauty artll style comfort and durability. Never- theless you can get it at DOWN-' ING'a, and it. wont cost you any more for these Sboes:than others. lacking these essentials. Our. Oxfords and Colonials are mar- vels. . Agents for the Slater Shoe. owning Bros. tf0. 14 11002 Semi -Annual Sale �/ #tom _ SUMMER -CLOTHING At Off 1st Began. Friday, .l�le°tat�t . esempansonamstromnizawassisanams Bargain time. It's likegetting oft' a train when you reach the station. We've g„ arrived at the point where it's time to dropprices,and down they go. No hesitation, no � waiting, no partial. measures Our time -table doesn't allow it, Every Unlined Summer Garment for Men and Bo s—Coats, Tronselt:ri, Washable, Vests and Washable Sailor,Suits—oes on sale Fridaymorninggat one-fourth off:, • And, as everybody knows,the real season for this class of arments as but 'ust begun, Y Y � g A. partial list :come early,men andboys and mothers of boys. 110ye' drill and cheek cotton coats, regular 65o for 49o, and regular 75o for 66 Boys' grey and black alpaca coats, regnl'ar $125 for 94o and regular 41 66 for $ 1 26 Boys' doable bleaeted blue serge, goats, regular 42, at 1 50 Boys' oambrio Bailor snits, regular 50o, for Boys' crash Bailor snits, rega'ar 75a, for 66 Boys' Fine Cotten Sailor Suite, regular $1, for 75o, and regular 61,50 for 1 12 Men'e drill and other cotton coats, regular 75o for 56o, and regular $1 for - 76 Men's alpaca and serge Boats, regular 41 50 for 1 12 Men's blank and bine serge ooate, regular $2.75 for. ,,2 06 371r Mea'e elpeaa coati', regular 42 for $1,50, and regular 42 50 for 1 88 Men's blue serge and woreted ooate, some single, some double breasted, regular $8 for 42 25, regolar $4 for 48, and regular $5 for 3 75 Meu'e wash vests, white dook, oaebmerefinish checke, white and drab pique, regular 75o to 41 60, for ....66o to 1 12 Min's coat and,trouser suits, light stripe flannel effeote, vernatty, regular 46 for • 4 50 Mel,'e etylieh goat and trouser ghils, light flannel ' effects, regular $7.50 for 5 62 Men's elegant suite o1 blue, with light stripe, coat unlined, regolar $9 for 8 76 Straw Eats go at Bali Price. The bat story is very short, but itmeans a lot. Friday morning and while,' they last, your choice of all straw hats -hundreds of smart new straws -at half price. There's only one exception, the common harvest bats, which will not be reduced. . Sailors, Fedoras, Panama Shapes ; splendid assortment, few broken sizes. Regular pricesirun 25c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50; •$2, $2 50 and $4, to clear at 12*c to $2. C. ROSS, LEADING CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS. i1ARM Lot 25,Oon. Grey GSALE. BEaIN1� acres; 55 acres cleared. balance bush. There is a frame house. 18E26 feet, with kitchen 16E18 feet; barn 97x10 feet,; stable 24x40 feet ; orchard, well, &o. Farm ie well leaped and only 19 miles Arum eohool, Blore, post - office and oburob. Possession to pet in crop next Fall. For further particulars as to pride, terms, &e., apply to GEORGE SPARLING. Proprietor, Orapbroo 10.0. 11ARTI FOB SALE, BEINGLot 11, Oon. 9, Grey, . containing 001 acres, 80 acres cleared. Good frame house, cedar log barn, orchard,. &c. Farm is well Watered. spring. (reek on rear end ; nonven- motto school and church; 69 miles Irma the thriving village of Brueeele. Posseseion would be given next Afarah with privilege of Fall plowing, &a. . For Mother partioa- iars ae to price, terms, • &o., apply on the ppremiees to RICH. R019, Proprietor,. or 13rnesele P. 0. 62-8m NOTICE, --UNDER AND BY vittde of the last will and testament of Phillip Graodine,. er., the property being village lots 168 & 187, Weet side of Tames et. and Noe. 104 & 168 fronting on James st., all in the village 0f Brueeele. in the County of Huroncontainingin all one nom morn or lees, will be offered for sale-' at Brueeele by polio auction atter the expiration of three. months from date hereof. Further pertien-.. lana and date of gale will be advertised at a later date. PHILLIP GRANDINI7, Jr. • - Executor• Dated June loth; 1902... ' The WESTERN FAIR Sept. LONDON 12-20, 1902 A Medley of Spectacular Merit. Prof. Hotohieon, the Homan Bomb, in a thrilling Balloon Aecen• eion and Parachute Drop. The marvelous Oyole Dazzle The Oenatas in a eeneation novelty. The great G•ty,' the Handcuff Hing. The Mann, Continental Eoaentrignre, Manning end Do Crow, tumour; Monopedee. Rosa Rittman, with ber troupe of Trained Ttopice' Birds. The Barb Broil., Aorabatio Wonders. Obriseie M. Jones,: Cornet Qtr. luoeo. MagnifioentPyrotechniceend many other features. Speoial train service over all linea. Exhibits further ahead than the times. Grounds insidiously beautiful. Buildings irreeietably inviting. ^ Prize Lists, Mope, -Programmes and information for the asking from LT -Cot. W. M. GARTSRORP., J. A. NELLR$. President. Secretary. COBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. WE are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies,, and l the wants of the public with First-class y p b w a class article: We will Retail. Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either half truck with 2* or 8 inch tires. Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows: with steel or wooden wheels. Repairing and Repainting promptlyattended to, p g p�nting are in a posi ion to sup- sell either Wholesale or solnmon sized wheels or Our attention will soon bo turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter.” GIVE U S A GALL. John Cober Sons' Carriaze Factory'.