HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-7, Page 8Tit ID s Stolt ,l'013rfi Atro,"7 1092
The Season is now on and we offer
the 'fest English Quality for R5 ots.
per pound.
Our New York Elastic Truss can, be
worn with perfect ease. Prices are
very vioderate.
Hursley's Drug and
Book Store
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows ;
Homo So4Ta GOING Nonma,
Mall 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a,m
a.mMail 1.17 pan
Flxpress 8:05 p.m I Expreoa 8:17 p.m
cal Vitt% Plus,
A ohiel'e amang ye takix' notes,
An' faith he'll prent
TATE in Kincardine on Tuesday.
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this
Parr1T A61ENT sold and shipped 2 oars
of heading this week.
ARTIST BREWER ie at Buffalo attending
the Photographers' Convention.
0. ZILLIAx moved Ilia honeehold furni•
tare to Listowel on Wedoeeday of this
5 CARS of salt were forwarded to various
pointe from Brussels Salt Werke during
the past week.
A CAR of heavy horeee was purchased
in Brussels during the past week by
Thos. Bird for Manitoba,
A TENNIS match is being arranged for
between Brussels and either Kincardine
or Ripley to be be played at the former
town neat Tueeday.
WINGaaal races will take place on
Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
Three races first day and four on Thurs.
day. 51,560 offered in pureee,
Tames or four rinks, of Brussels bowl-
ers will go to Kincardine next Tueeday
• on the exooreion to play a friendly
match with the Kincardineitee.
HARRY JAouoo, of the American Hotel,
intends making a large addition to the
horse shed roam in connection with hie
premises for the accommodation of hie
SATURDAY of thio week will be Oorona•
tion Day and a public holiday but out-
side of the Bank and poetoffioe it will
not be observed in Brussels and the
bueineae people will take the following
Tueeday instead and inhale the ozone at
274 YEARS AT A QUILTING.—Mra, Walter
Smith had a quilting bee on Wednesday
at whioh were 4 ladiee whose aggregate
age was 274 years. They finished the
quilt in 3 hours. Thie ie certainly a
speaking picture for the training reoeived
in the days of auld lang syn°, It will
keep the younger generation hustling to
take these start of the elderly matrons.
BRoseELo ranee Tuesday and WedneO•
day, 19th and20th mete. 51200 in parses
divided between six events, three of
which will be presented each day. A big
orowd and a large ohms of good horses
spected. Preparatory work le being
done on the half mile track which is in
excellent shape. Cheap fame on the
railway. Brass Band will be in attend.
S. S. ExcuneloN Tueeday of next week
to Kincardine. Special train will leave
Bruseels at 8.12 in the morning and in
returning in the evening ie billed to start
from Kincardine at 6 30 o'olook. Return
fare for adults will be 85o and 45c for
children. Hot water supplied free on the
Park for toe or coffee. Lunch baskets
will be checked the same as Mat year.
Go and enjoy a daye'e outing at Kin-
cardine. Tram laudeexeoreiouisteat'the
ExooReoON TO Burma—The Wingham
Independent Foresters have completed
arrangements for a big extrusion via G.
T. R. to Buffalo, on Saturday, August
16th. The return fare from Braseele
will be 53.45 and the route will be via
Listowel to Stratford, Passengers will
take the regular trait) from here to Strat•
ford and a special train will be inn from
Stratford to Buffalo. Train gets to Baf.
falo at 1,60 p.m. Passengers may return
up to 5 p. m. on Monday, 18th inst.
GREAT DIOcovEEY.—Tbe readers of this
paper will be very pleased to learn their
is a new and sure care discovered for the
cure of Rbnematiem, It has been tried
on 6,000 worst cases 1n Canada and in no
case hae it failed to ogre. It cares the
young and the aged ; gives lees trouble ;
Dares every aaae immediately. Cost
only 51 and 55 will will cure very worst
MOO of rhaematioe. Also came swollen
joints and lame betake. No quaek Medi•
cine but made only from pnreet of drugs,
Money refunded if it fails to once. Sold
only direst from the faotory, Address
all letters to Box 496, Galt, to Wm. W.
July 26 William Revell, who for a
number of years had been drafts-
men in the Survey btaoeh of the Crown
Lands Department, Toronto, passed
sway at hie Kew Beach residsno0, His
wife died some months ago, and 8inee
that time hie health has rapidly failed.
He wan 62 years of age, and an active
member of the Sone of England. The
fuoeraltook plan on Wedoeeday at three
o'clock from hie late reeidenoe, 618 On•
Mario etreet, to Mount Pleasant cemetery.
Ml, arid Mrs.Revell will be remeinbered
by moral of our townepeople, as they
were in the habit of making 000aoional
viBite to friend(' in tbbe town, ivlr,
Revell was a fine spirited, good living
man wbooe sudden 4010100 will be deeply
regeetteal by many friende,
VARIARLn weather.
PomAToBe are rotting the ground, some
people say.
BUFFALO mothe are destroying oarpete
so Boma of the housewives affirm.
Ern. Cosie'e reeidenoe le being lathed
prior to veneering it with clement.
A, 0. DAoEo shipped 2 care of cattle
from Brneeele on Thursday of this, weak.
R. Tnousoa, shipped 208 oases of eggs
to the Eastern markets einoe last Wine of
Ton Pour.
Scare 20 or more race horses have been
eeanred from Toronto and locality to take
part in the ranee at Wingham and )3rus•
LAST Monday George Beet shipped 4
oars of fine export cattle to Boston. He
also shipped another oar later to Tor-
OATS are a good prime, viz 50 Dente
retail per bushel, but tbe new crop will
soon be on the market and the figure
will acme down.
FARM Laborers' Exoureion to Manitoba
will ran on Thursday, Aug. 21. The fare
out is 510 and $18 book, tickets good to
Nov. 30. See advt. in this berme.
LEOLIE ToaNn4LL, John ;Murat, had a
growth removed from the first finger of
his right hand thio week and is getting
along as, well as could be expeoted.
W. F. VAN8TONE hao purchased the
brick building on Victoria street, Wing.
hem, used by Thos. Armstrong as an
implement warehouse, and will convert
the building into two dwellings.
A Nal/ awning hoe been plaeed before
the 'Dry Goode attire of Tao. FergusORM
Oo,, ere the old One had nerved ire day
Beueeepe postoflioe hour° on Saturday
will be from 9 to 10 a, m,, one boor after
arrival o! afternoon mail and from 6 to
6,80 p, m.
Tnn °bawl loot and advertised In last
week'a 58ene was returned on Tuesday.
People read Tire Poor, Thom who do
not are the losers.
IT is reported that S. Beattie and W.
Clark, former proprietors of the Amari.
van Hotel in Braseele, have bought it
hotel in Wallaaeburg, Kent Oo„ and
will take poeeeseign next week.
Base BALD, Foot Ball and Bowling are
on the program at Kinoerdine next Tues.
day—exoureton day — and with fine
weather a tip-top time should be enjoyed.
Fare from Brussels, 85o for adults, and
45o for children. Train leaves here at
8.12 a. m. and will leave Kincardine at
6.80 p, m.
0000NAT10N DAYS The Grand Trunk
Railway will beetle round trip tiokete at
single fare between all etatione in Gan.
adv to pointe in Lower Quebec and to all
pointe on Mnelioka Lakes. Good going
by all trains Friday and Saturday, Aug -
net 8th and 9511, and valid for return
until August 11th,
BRoasoos Bowlers played at Goderioh
on Tuesday, the following being the
rink Bootee :—D. C. Rope vs Wynn, 13 to
14 t Coseley vs O'Connell, 17 to 21 1
Hewitt vs Davie, 16 to 14. A Brumaire
rink skipped by Reeve Rose rather
squelched a Wingbam quartette skipped
by Mayor Venetone, by 32 to 9, Gode•
rich hao a flue bowling lawn,
Tno sad intelligeoae was reoeived by
William Oakley, eboemaker, tide week,
that hie daughter Mra, MaNagenb, of
Lonclou, England, had died, aged 37
years. A abort time prior to thie his
eldest eon, who was a steward on a
eteomehip, died on the Mediterr anion
sea, from an ambient. This is a verifi-
cation of the old addage that troubles
never some singly.
THE Apple Evaporator here will be ran
this Beason. It may be enlarged and
fitted np with improved machinery. !dr.
Mahler, the proprietor, asked the Council
last Monday evening to retinae hie as.
seeemont and that body complied and
and changed it from $500 to 5200 if the
improvements are made. A proepeating
tour ie being taken through the oountry
to aeoertaio what the apple orop ie like.
Tbirtynine of the baeioese people of
town have expressed themselves agree.
able to the observance of next Tuesday
as a holiday inetead of Saturday (Coro-
nation Day) and as a consequence places
of business will be all open on Saturday,.
except the Bank and poetoffiae, and the
expeatation is that all who signed will
above on Tueeday. Tbe general public
should arrange to accommodate them•
881000 to this. A number deoided to
avail tbemeelvee of an opportunity to get
to the lake next Tueeday, which they Ban
oonveniently do by the special train 0er-
A oonaoepownnNT from ,Forest writes:
—In the Globe of Friday last a fast game
of baseball at Forest was reported.
Angus George, a young Indian, whose
home is near the famous base fishing
grounds at Kettle Point (Forest) wan in
the box for Forest and held Ailsa Craig
down to four einglee. George playa any
position bat that of oetoher, and ie always
in the game, playing fast, enappyl ball.
He ie a guide to vieiting fiebermeo der.
ing the sermon at Kettle Point. In the
above game Fareet played four brothers,
eons of N. Tripp, the eldest being about
20 years of age." W. A. Tripp, of the
Standard Bank Brueeela, was one of the
quartette and we have no doubt he did
hie share of the playing in capital style.
Krnobanm1 vs. BnuaeEL0.—Three rinks
of Kincardine bowlers cisme to Brussels
on the afternoon train on Wednesday
and played an interesting game, barring
the too cool weather, on the lawn here.
The rioke and acorea were ere follows :—
KINCARDINE. Baleteers.
Gray, Farrow,
Cook, J. T. Rose,
Harvey, °oneley,
Bishop, skip ....17 D. 0. Boas, akip.. 21
McIntyre, Ferguson,
Moffatt, Jackson,
Smith, McNaughton,
Murray, skip ..31 Hewitt, skip
SATURDAY exoareione are ran by the
Grand Trunk to the lake porta as in
other seasons, tiokete good to return on
following Monday. The return fare to
Kincardine is 61.20 and to Goderiob
THERE were 69 adult tiokete and 5
children's tiokete Bold for the Exoureion
to Goderich on Tueeday. The train did
not get back here until 1.1 o'clock at
night, making the return trip a very
wearisome one.
IT is said Councillor Donaldson has
purchased the comfortable brick residence
of Mre. Heury, corner Albert and
William streets, paying 51450 for it.
Mre. Henry sod family will remove from
Brussels to Toronto.
ExcuneloN TIcaETe.—For the convene
ienoe of the public arrangements bave
been made whereby the tickets for next
Tuesday's Exonroion to Kincardine will
be on sale at A. Conaley's office on Bat•
urday afternoon and Monday. This will
obviate crowding at the G. T. R. ticket
office on Tuesday. Fare 85o and 45o.
Fool BAIL.—Last Friday evening a
game of Foot Ball was played on Victoria
Park hero between the Juniors of the two
villages, Blyth and Brussels. The more
was 5 to 0 in favor of Brussels. Players
were as follows
B MaArteArter Goal
JB ell
R Sellers
R Wanleee
J Brown F 0 Broke
W Smith
W Sellers
AT Begley
W Watson
H Gidley
S Buchanan
HYatENEAL,—The Stratford Beacon of
Monday says —IInder an aroh of maple
leaves at noon today Was Christina J.,
daughter of Mre. Wm. Rodgers, Inverneee
street became the happy bride of Geo. J.
Abey, •of Toronto, formerly of this pity.
Rev. Geo. Abey, of Preston, uncle of the
groom, tied the nuptial knot, Only ire.
mediate relatives of the °entreating
parties were present. The bride was
alienated by her abater, Miss Edith Rogers,
and the groom by his brother, Harry
Abey. Tbe bride was taetetally attired
in a travelling suite of blue ladiee' cloth.
She was given away by her Hoole, Jos.
Rodgers, this city. The bride was an
employee of Thornton & Donglae, and
among the many presents which she
reoeived was a handsome tea Det, the gift
of her ehopmatee, The; young ample
loft this afternoon for their new home
in Toronto.
Bose BALL.—The return matoh of
Base Ball was played on Viotoria Park,
Brooeobo, on Friday aftern000n of last
week between Blyth and Brueeela but it
was a walk•nver for the home team as at
the alone of the 7th innings the score
stood Brussels 26, Blyth 2, the looal nine
added 3 in the ebb and did not take their
9th making a total of 29 while the vieitore
scored 3 in the 8th and 0 in the 9th, ag.
gregating 5 for the matoh. Blyth was
whitewashed 6 times, G. Arde1) and
Walter. Roche were at the pointe for
Brussels, and did well, while Allison and
Oole did the twirling for Blyth with Bal•
lantyne behind the bat. Braseele scored
9 rune in one innings. Harry James was
tbe umpire. The teams were ;
BLYTH R 818400830 R
P. Douglas, ib 0 W Rocha, e 9
13.4MoArter rf......... 1 R Downing, If ,,...,. 4
S, Cole, 86 1 F Roche, es 5
A. Ballantyne, o 1 W. Tripp, 26 0
J. Jackson, Oe 1 J.Lookrldge, 11) 8
15. Somer0,11 0 A kerr, 8b 2
D. Allison p 0 G Ardellp -3
B. Brenner, 2b 0 LRorr of 8
E. Somers, of 1 J Ardeli rf 1
5 19
Blyth......,,, 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0— 4
Brussels ... 1 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 x-29
Summary—Tw0•baee hits, Donglae, F.
g ,
ookrid a A. Kerr, J,
Geo. tdell -
Ardell ; three•baeo bite, G o A
double playa, A. Kerr, to Tripp ; Arndtout, by Ardell 9, by Allison 2, by Cole 2 ;
inningspitohed, by Allison 3, by Cole 5,
by Arden 9; bases on belle, off Ardell 8,
Off Allison 3, off Cole 4.
Backe {
R Beattie
Wat Roche
W Cameron
W Good
J Brown
E Bstator
J Thome0n
G Thomson
6 Scott
A McLeod
Will Roohe
Deno, Meleattehlin, of 14reeeele, wits
Referee, and on the whole hie deoleioue
were taken without dispute.
People We IuOW.
Mrs, Habkirk to vlaltiog at Galt,
Harry DeWitt Suudayod in elluton.
Mies Hazel Lowry i0 on the eiok list.
Gordon Mocuey bs etlll on the nick list,
Miee Lyla Bamtliff le vieiting 111 Olin•
Mre. Moses Doll bag beau on the Molt
Harry Gooding tae gone to St. Marys
to visit.
A, Hewitt, ot'1Cinoordiee, wag in town
on 'Tueeday,
Miee Jean Rose is visiting her meter,
Mre, Jae, Beattie
Miee N0ttwe Browia be visiting Gorrie
friends thie weak,
Mre. 3, L. Kerr has pone on a short
visit to Owen Sound.
Mre, J. J. Gilpin want to Ofven Sound
on a visit 011 Tuesday.
P. and Aire. Wateon spent some time
in Wingbam last week.
Jno, Beattie and Duno. MoLanohlin
spent Sunday at Bayfield:
Miee Myrtle Hunter ie spending a week
or so with Clinton friends.
Claude Laing, of Blyth, was a vieitor
in Brhesele on Wednesday.
Co. Oouuoillor Miller, of Wroxeter,
was in town on Wednesday.
Mre. Bunaton and ecu are visiting u5
Woodetook for a few weeks.
DeWitt Oosene ie holidaying with hie
grandparents at Trowbridge.
Miee Jean MoLanahlin ie vi0itiug Miro
Bertha Farrow at Goderiab.
Mre. Newsome, Queen street, ie visit•
ing her daughtere, in Chicago.
Mr. and Mre. Egar, of Toronto, are
vieitoro with J. and Mre. Leckie.
Mre, Adam Austin, of Toronto, is vieit-
ing at Wm. Roes', William street.
Mre. Moore, of Teeewater, has been
visiting at Alex. Ellie', Queen etreet.
Mrs. Gray, of Elva, Man., has been
vieiting Mre. A. Coseley, of Brussels.
Miee Ada Imlay, of Sarnia, was the
g00et of Mre. E. °ober, Prinoeee street.
N. 13, and Mre. Gerry and daughters,
of Blyth, were in town en Friday.laet.
Mies Chisholm, of Hamilton, is visit
ing her oonein, Mre. Neil MoLanoblio.
Miee Lizzie Roes leaves on Friday for
a boliday visit with relatives at (Mosley.
Miss Settle Smith, of Treberne, Mau.,
is visiting her grandparents in Brussels.
Miee Jeanie Govenlook, of Seaforth,
is visiting her meter, Mre. (Rev.) Cosene.
Mies Florence Buchanan has returned
from a holiday to Seaforthand Bayfield.
Mre. Andrew Soott and Mise Scott, of
Poetise, III., are visiting at P. Wateon'e.
Mre. R. Liteon and children, of Wing.
ham, are vieiting Mies E. E. Kerr this
Mimes Lizzie and Hattie Downing re•
turned Friday from a 5 weeks' visit at
Miee Lina MoOolloogb, of London, for.
merly of Breesele,is renewing old friend.
ehips in town.
Wm, Henderson, of MoKillop, was
visiting his eon, Connoillor Henderson,
during the past week.
Alex. Bird and bride were calling on
Brueeela relatives and friends. Their
borne ie in Wingham.
Mre. Walker and Miee Emma, of Lon.
don, returned to their home last Friday
after a three weeks' visit.
Miee Eliza Oliver, who has been visit•
ing in Thesealon for six or eeven weeks,
arrived bome last Friday.
Dr. MoNanghton, who was rather poor-
ly for a few weeks, ie once more about
back to his old time vigor.
11. Ward Farrow and wife, of Chatham,
and Mier' Geddes, of Detroit, were vieit-
ing at Postmaster Farrow's.
R. H. Green and wife, of Trowbridge,
were in town on Saturday evening and
Sunday vieiting Mre. Harris, er.
Miee Lottie Koenig, of Mitchell, ie
holidaying with Miea Mary Rose and
other old companions in Brussels.
Barrieter Sinclair and Jeweller Jones
took in the Firemene' tournament at
Stratford on Thursday of this week.
Mise Sara Dudley and Master Eddie
Guff, her nephew, are here from Toronto,
visiting at her mother's, t rehamville.
Joe. and Mre. Whyte, of Straford, and
Miee Delmage, of Rotheay, were visitors
at W. W. Harris' daring the past week.
Mre. R. Johnston, of Wingham, and
her Meter, Mies Bowles, of Ohioago, were
viaitiog Mre. D. 0. Roes on Wednesday.
Carl Cross, junior in the Standard
Bank, here, is away to Oannington re-
lieving while some of the staff there are
Druggiet.Huraley is away on a holiday
ontiog to Detroit, Cleveland and other
points. He went by boat from Kincar-
dine on Thursday.
J. A., Mre. Falconer and children left
last Friday for Port Elgin where they
are vieiting before returning to their
home at Ohioago.
Robb, Donbow, Elizabeth etreet, hae
been a little "ander the weather" for a
few days, an unusual thing for him, but
he will likely Boon be o. k.
L Kingswood, wife and son, of St.
Tbomae, arrived in town on Saturday.
Mre. Kingswood will visit for a while
with relatives in thio locality.
Mre. MaArter, Harry and Wilmer, of
HOrrietoe, returned home Tuesday of
this week. Mre, Mao. is a daughter of
Mrs. Thompson, Turnberry St.,
Rev. G. J. Abey, of Preston, was in
town for a short time this week and was
warmly greeted. He is liking hie new
home and is getting nicely settled.
Thomas Bone will sail on the Allan
eteamohip "Parisian" on Saturday, 1661
inst., for England, whither he goes to
visit his mother and other relatives.
Mrs. Andrew Ourrie, of Seaforth, hae
been enjoying a vieit with old friende in
Brneeele. She is 77 years of age but ie
wonderfully active for her time of life.
Mre. Hanuah Ballantyne arrived home
from her trip to the West laet weak.
She reports a moot pleaeing and enjoy•
able visit with relatives and old friende.
Postmaster and Mrs. Farrow attended
the funeral of the late Henry Perkine at
Gorrie loot Saturday afternoon. The
deceased and Mr. Farrow were old friende.
We regret to bear that J. Soott, who
dime near Lakelet, and s the father of
Miee Ethel Boort, teacher, in Brussels
poblia echool, i0 on the stoic liet with ap•
pend icitio.
Russell Wheeler, wbo ie employed at
R, Leatherdale'e furniture emporium, ie
off duty at the preeent owing to rather
poor r health w
bat we hope
he will noon be
ty restored,
E, Ewan, wife and ohildren left Thum.
day of last week, for Montrose, Mich„ to
visit for a week. Mr. Ewan took in the
Carriage Faotoriee in a number of Ameri.
can towns while away.
Mitchell, Ardeli,
Soaugall, Blair,
McDonald, Downing,
R. Rase, skip ..15 Irwin, skip 18
Total 63 Total 44
Klooardine thus winning by 19 shote. A
lot of good bowling was done but for some
meson Mr. Hewitt's rink was not deeply
in it on Wednesday although they were
not far from the jack at any time.
LIVELY F00TDALL,—The Galt Foot Ball
intermediate ohampione, strengthened by
three of the senior team, paid Brneeele a
vieit and Wedneanay evening played a
match on Viotoria Park with our team.
It wee a very interesting and well non.
tested game throughout. Galt scored the
fleet goal and when half time was oalled
the opposing parties stood 2 goals each,
In the mooed half the home team only
got the sphere between their opponent's
Hage ones while they stunned a triple
tally making the result at the oloee 5 to 8
in favor of Galt. Very warm eorimmagee
were made at the goal of the viaitore but
with their strong defence many a premie.
ing shot failed to reach the desired opob.
Our boys are well eatiefled, however, and
the epeotatore enjoyed the game very
numb. It was devoid of roughneee or ill
feeling and was by no means one-sided.
The Galt team play lively ball and are
thoroughly conversant with the most
approved methods of seaming a victory.
They are managed on tbe trip by L. Duff.
formerly of Blnevale, who ie on the staff
of the Galt Reporter. He eaid that al-
though Brussels had the appointment of
the referee, timekeeper, umpires, &a.,
their rehab was perfeotly eatisfied and ap•
prooiatedjthe fairness accorded them. Mr.
Duff is a star player.and the whole team
i0 made up of v. gentlemanly, jolly lot,
who will be heartily welcomed bank to
town any time. They left Brunie on
Thursday morning for Atwood where
they will play the Bonoluding match of
the tour whioh took in Listowel, Wroxe.
ter, Entente and Atwood, ',Che line op
was au follows
Fraser Ba01i8
Johnston 7 { Robinson
Gourley McDonald
Hood ............... c Baoke 1 Tri
14utton 111
Ylokarrl Forwards
Dagen ,.,.,,,,..,�
F. Roche
W. Roche
..,.,, Cameron
The Stamaexcl ' BanIc of 'Canadea
CAPITAL (antbiorleed by dot of Parliament) ,,, $2,000,000.00
CAPITAL (follySold up) .,. .. ,., 1,000,000.00
RESERVE GOND ., ,,, ,,, „.„, ,,, 880,00000
TOTAL ASSETS .., ,,, ,,, ,.. 18,077,804,00
moo. le, NNBID'. Aonaral Maru,8er
BB,USSE^ LS BRA NCH ”Depoeite revolved, Loans made to reopen-.
• eiblo parties on favorable berme, Drafts
and money orders Issued, payable at any point, at loweet rates. Oolleotions
promptly attended to, A General Banking Baeineee tranaaoted, Every faollity'
afforded 0n8tomor0laving at a dietttnee.
Savings Bank Departmentdeuoivnd fodoidollart n U 51100031
current rate allowed from date account ie opener,and - added to the principal Alay
81st and November 80th.
1'+iL1lTl8l,.S Sale Notes Cashed Or received for ego keeping and.
Blank Note Forint Free on Application
Hours 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1. F. H. GRAS', AGENT.
J. and Mre. Sime, of Blyth, were
visitore with the Mimes Habkirk Iaet
THE Poor ie pleaeed to see- Robert
Oliver able to be on the etreet again after
his illness.
Lorne Danford will represent the L 0.
F. Court, Brussels at the High Court
which mete at Windeor.
Miser Little, Milliner, who was away
at Blyth and other pointe holidaying,
arrived home on Thareday.
Mine Manatee Byrnes, Who has been vie.
iting Mrs. E. C. Danford, returned to her
home et Detroit this week.
Miee Maggie Miller, of Toronto, and
Mies Miller, of Wroxeter, were visiting
Brume's' friende on Wednesday.
Mier' Edna Cooper, one of the_twino,
has been very eiok the last few days but
we hope she will soon be all right.
B. Gerry, whose leg was broken on July
12th, ie still in bed but is in good cheer
and making favorable progress. We
hope he will soon be able to get about.
Alex. Stewart; Queen street;' and Miee
Maggie left on Thursday for a trip to
Manitoba and Dakota where they will
visit relatives and friende. They will be
away, for a couple of menthe.
Mre. Willoughby, wife of Rev. Dr.
Willoughby, a former pastor of Listowel
Methodist church, died at Saskatoon, N.
W. T. ou Monday. The funeral will
take place at Toronto on Friday.
Barrister and Mre. Blair left for their
holiday outing on Thursday of this week.
They will be absent for a good abate of a
month and will no doubt have a good
One day last week Robert Currie, an
old and sturdy resident of East Wawa.
nosh, and Postmaster Fisher, a well
known Winghamite, were aallere on Poet•
master Farrow and had a good chat over
days that are gone.
We are sorry to hear that Jae, M. Mat,
tin, of Clinton, formerly of this locality,
has been in poor health. A mental
trouble is the chief oamee, 00113e Say at-
tributable to an injury received by a pile
of slabs falling on him a few }mare ago.
Walter Smith ie baok from en outing
to Manitoba oaoapying two months. He
was greatly delighted with what he saw
and heard and thinks many portions of
the West a veritable paradise. He tae
buckled into work since his return. His
grand daughter a000mpenied him from
Manitoba and will visit here for a time.
- Business Locals.
FAnu for eale. Apply to
TH08. M00RE, Brussels.
To TimPnooro.—Ladies and gentlemen,
all outlery aa0 be ground, sharpened and
repaired by Sawfiler McGregor, Mill
etreet Eaet, Brumaire. Choice work at
reaeonable prices.
Wtratieeooe.—In Morrie, on July 25, to
Mr. and Mre. Wm. Wilkineop, a
BAnNAnn.—In Wroxeter, on Angaet let, to
Mr, and Mre. Barnard, twine a son
and a daughter.
Working heroes for sale, Apply to
ROBT, THOMSON. Bruseels,
\J Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes,
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brueeela.
tbo gravel road between the cheese
factory and Ooo.4, Groy, on Sunday, July
2701, Finder will receive a Imitable reward
by leaving at THE Peer PubllebleB House at
Canadian IVew,r.
Miee Maggie MoOoll, of Drayton, was
killed in a runaway:
It is proposed in Kingston to Bleat
Captain Bruce Carruthers Mayor for
next year by acclamation.
It ie stated that the International
Paper Company ie about to eeteblish
pulp mills at Three Rivera.
Miss Amy Wilson, who myeterionely
disappeared from Lydon, has been work.
ing as a farm hand near Paris.
J. A. Jamieson, contractor for the 0.
P, R. elevator at Port Arthur, has enter.
ed emit040100t McKenzie Be Mann.
The contract for the erection of the
Rose rifle factory at Quebec boo been
let to Alex. Cummings of that city.
The Provinoial Firemen's Ameooiation
oonoluded their convention at Stratford,
They will meet next year at Trenton.
Josue Amos Cole, Ethel, and Cbrie-
topher Luker, Exeter, have been appoint -
ted aonotables for the County of Huron.
Seven snits have been commenced
against the Crow's Neat Coal Company
for losses resulting from the recent die
While the steamer Kingeton was
lying at Swift's wharf, Kingston, the
steamer Hamilton ran into her creating
considerable exoitment among the pas..
The congregation of the first Preeby.
terian churoh, London, preempted their
pastor, Rev. Dr. Clark, a peree of $200,
in view of hie departure on a Bummer
Sir William Mulook oableo that he ie
arranging for a shipping service from
Oanadian ports to South Africa and sake
by what date Canadian manufaotnrere can
All the first ship.
minors reeidenoe, with about 13 acme
of land ; good orchard, &o., for 001e, en
Math etreet North, Blyth. For further par -
Menhirs apply on the premises to JOHN
MOFFAT, or addrese Blyth P.O. 1.11
1.1vsss=x.st a.¢.la.1.0,=nS.ruu,
Fall Wheat .... 78 76
Barley ...... ......... 50 50
Pearl .... 68 . 70
Oats ...................44 45
Batter tole and rulle.. 18 16
Eggs per dozen ........10 14
Floor per owt. 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bee.) 76 80
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 8 00
Hay per ton 6 60 6 50
Sheep satins, each ...... 25 25
Lamb shine a. ..
each. 25 80
Salt per lib'„ retail 1 00 70
Hides trimmed 6 6}
Hideo rough 5 5
Hoge, Live 7 00 7 00
Wool 11 12
100118I014E1) wishes to announce to
tbe ladies of Bruseels and vicinity, that she
le prepared to make switches ant of comb-
ings and out hair, at bee •bome Mill etreet
Weet,Brnseelo. MR8. HING8TON.
Voters' List, 1902,
For the Municipality of the Township or
Grey, County or Huron
Notice is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted and delivered to Ube parties mention.
ed in Bectiona 6 and c of the Ontario Voters'
List Act, 1889, end copies required by toad
sections. to be so trenemitted or delivered,
the list made pursuant to the said. Aot, of
all persons appearlbg by the last revised As.
easement Roll of the Laid Municipality to be
entitled to voteintho said Munfoipality at
Eleetione for. members of the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal Eleetione, and
that said list wee firetposted up at my oIDoe
tbie let day of Aug., 1002, and remains there
for ioopoetion. Electors are called upon to
examine the said list and if any omi0eione
or any other errors are found therein, to
take immediate proceedings to have the
said errors corrected according to law.
Clerk of Groy.
Dated this let day of Augnet, 1902.
PEnoINs.—In Gorrie, on July 31. Henry
Perkins', in hie 67511 year.
REv1LL.—On July 26, at Hew Beach,
Wm, Revell, of Toronto, aged 62
Don't Corer
Your Face
With a newepaper when you teke
a nap, Geta tow sheets of IV
paper and you won't be bothered
with Mee. We °ell the Micky
fly paper, 2 double, for 50, then
we have fly poison paper In 50.
and 10o. paokagee - they are
killere, Inseet Powder by the
ounce or pound and its a fly
killer too, We guarantee it to
be the beet that Money eau bay.
So. per oz, 60o, per ib.
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
William and Albert etreete, Brussels.
49-tt J. LECKIE. .
promisee of the undereigned, Lot 116,
Coo. 10, Grey, on or about June28th—a driv-
ing horse. Owner may have same by pray...
ing property and paying expenses.
02.4 HENRY FUGAL, Henfryn P. 0.
$20,000 to Loan.
The above sum has boon placed with me
for immediate investment on farm proper-
ty at 6 per oeot. If titles are eatialaotory
loans may be oomploted in 9 days, Liberal
terms as to repayment. Apply at once to
W. M. SINCLAIR, Barrister, &e., Brus.ete,
Second Cine
Will bo run to etatiene on O.P.
R in Manitoba and Aeeinaboia,
Wept, South-west and North-
west of Winnipeg as far as
On AUGUST gist from stations in Ontario
on Main Line Toronto to Sarnia and North;
except North of Toronto and Oardwell Jot.
One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will bo
gold, with a oertifioate extending the trip,
before August gist, without additional coat,
to other points In Manitoba and Asainiboia
as above. If purchasers engage as farm
laborers at Winnipeg, provided such farm
laborers will work not lose than 80 days at
harvesting, and proiato0 certificate to that
elfeot, they will be returned to original
starting point at 918.00, on or before Nov.
Stith, 1062,
Tickets not good on "Imperial Limited."
For further particulars and tiokete apply
to nearest railway agent.
4-2 Ant, Gent. Pager. Agt., Toronto.
Clearing Sale
Now Going on
'We prefer to let our Goods and Prices do the talking
during this Sale. We invite Special Attention to the fol-
lowing items. Some of the lines are limited in quantity
hence early shopping is advised.
Men's Shoes
We have about 20 pairs
Men's Fine Shoes left, in
sizes 6, 8, 9 & 10 ; regular
prioe 53 ; gale prioe to clear
Ginghams Muslins
120 yards Fancy Zephyrs About '200 yerde [°nay
and Ginghams, aeeorted Maeline in Swiee, Batistes
colors ; regular pride 10a & and Velaye, newest ehadee,
12}o, for per yard to clear reg. price 25o for per yard
,71 .15
40 only Ladies' Print Blouses, ink sizes 84,
Blouse Bargain 866 88 t& 40, fast colors, walla
made, regular 50c. Special Saturday Bargain 25C.
Boys' Hats
Spooled line Boye''Felt
Hate in Navy, Red, Brown
and Block ; regular 500 &
750 quality, for eaoh
Speeial line White Piques
in the Black, Pink and
Blas dote, good weight,
regular 18a, for per yard..
Special line Unbleached
Sheeting, 2 yards wide,
extra heavy, regular 20e
geode, for per yard
Corsets Us Sp tial9, 2Line LSad es'
, 26,
worth regularly from $1.00 to ,$1.50.
Sale Price
Corsets in sizes 18,
27, 28, 29 and 30,
Clearing 50,
Boys' Snits
Boys' Tweed Snits,
Well made snort
, good
ment 1 during sale at
Men's Suits
Meu'e Tweed and Wor-
sted Suite, well made ;
quantity limited ; during
sale at only
I( Men's Hats
{ Men's Soft and Stiff
Felt Hate in Black, Brown
and Grey ; all to go during
sale at
GROVER at, 00.
Garfield Block, Brussels.