HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-8-7, Page 1ru
Vol. 81, No, 4
W EL KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Reeved excursion—O, P, R.
Voters' Lists—John MoIatosh.
Truth is Mighty—Dr,MaoLeod.
Tho Standard Bank—F, H. GIraY,
Fail term—Listowel Business College,
MxstX Li Jews.
Ja rtestawn.
Fall wheat ie a good orop and the
(spring graine are showing up in good
Several persons near Jamestown will
go to Manitoba to bolp in the harvest
fields. •
Quite a number from this locality will
take in the Exoareion to Kincardine on
Tneeday neat.
Mre. Forsyth and her brother Chas.
Dow, of Pod Glasgow, Scotland, who
have been visiting rslativee in this
locality, left on Wedneeday for a trip to
Saginaw County to visit their uncle,
Chas. Forest. John Forrest, of this 2nd
line, of Morrie, e000mpanied'them. He
ie a brother to the gentleman they have
gone to eee.
Dounro DRowNrxo.—A sad aooident by
drowning occurred on Sunday afternoon
in Goderiob Towoebip, about three miles
from Bayfield and six from Clinton,
whereby two promieing and muob respect-
ed young men, Fred Burnett, only eon of
George Barnett, and Arthur Curry, only
eon of Joseph Curry, lost their lives.
They had gone with another young lad
some two miles from bums to the Bay•
field river to swim.; Burnett got beyond
his depth and Carry went to hie rossae.
As neither could swim both were drown
ed. A third lad dtagged Buruott'a body
out, and went a mile and half to the
nearest house for assistance. Every
effort was made to resaojtate him, but
life wee extinct.
Tbe oat orop in about ready for harvest.
Miss Ada Imlay, of Sarnia, was visit-
ing relatives here.
Mre. Taylor and daughters, of London,
are visiting Jae. and Mre. Laird. Mre.
Taylor is their nein.
We have a new Co. Constable here now
ae "Does" Cole hae been appointed. He
should fill the position all right.
Rev. 0. P. Wells, M. A., and S. Cham-
bere attended the MethodistDietriot
meeting at Gorrie on Wednesday.
Poet Office bonre fbr Coronation Day,
Saturday, 0113 inst., will be from' 8 to 9
a. m. and one hoar after arrival of after-
noon mail.
Mre. Monro, of Toronto, le visiting her
parents, Wm. and Mre. Hall. Mr. Mun-
ro was also here for a day or two but
was nnabie to prolong hie stay.
Ethel Sone of Temperance will hold
'their annual pio•oioin the Dilworth grove
on Labor Day, when a good program will
be preeented of which full particulars
wiil be given later.
11, Wanner, of Palmerston, has been
epending a few days in Ethel this week
as the Carriage factory was closed down
for a short time for repairs,- He's a
Andy worker, •
The Connell pushed through a lot of
municipal work at their meeting last
Monday. Clerk McIntosh le getting a
hold of the ran of the multlfarioue dui.
fes of his ofnee in a:oompeteee manner,
Notice have been counted in Etbel and
surrounding country as to ettendanoe at
the exonreionto Kincardine next Tnee-
day aul the ;outlook ie for a good turn-
out. Hope favorable weather is being
arranged for..
I1 le stated that Wm. A, Irwin well
known bere, will be appointed Poetmaeter
in Gorrie as almoner to the late Henry
Perkins. He will no doubt oompetently
fill the office.
Wednesday of thia week the annual
Financial District meeting was held in
the Methodist (thumb bere. There was
a good attendance. The ladies served
dinner in the school room,
Thursday evening of last week the home
oall came to an old, well• known and
highly esteemed resident in the person of
Henry Perkins and he passed away from
a world of Buffering to that land where
the inbabitante are never eiok.' Hie
death was not an unexpected event as he
had been ill for a long time. He was a
man of a frank, kindly nature and hada
wide acquaintance enjoying the friend•
ship and oonfidenoe of the community to
a marked degree. Henry Perking was
born in Lanark Co. Ont., Oot, 20th 1836
Died in Gorrie July 810 1902 aged 66
years, 9 months and 11 days. He was
united in marriage on March 6th, 1863 to
Mitre Louise Green, of Howiok township,
by Rev. Jae. Carmichael then of Clinton,
now the Right Rev. Lord Bishop of the
Diocese of Montreal, Thie anion was
blessed with five ohildreo the three aides
having died. George, 30 years old, pre-
deceased him four years ago and there
are left to mourn a widow, two daughters,
Mime Eleanor and Edyth, and two
brothers, Joseph and Robert, of Lanark
Co., and two eistere, of Gorrie. Deceased
wee a life long Episcopalian having been
lay delegate at Synod, and for a number
of years Superintendent of Sunday school
and church warden. He joined the L. 0.
L. No. 115 town of Perth in 1856, after.
wards moved to Westport, Leeds Co. and
became Master of L. 0. L. No, 47 and in
1850 moved to Gorrie and was a member
of this lodge up to death. During his
time was made W. M., of 767 ; Dietriot
Master of Howiok ; Co. Master of North
Huron ; ton years Jr. Deputy Grand
Master of Ont. West, and was made
an bonorary member of the Grand
Orange Lodge of British North America,
only one more besides himself in the
Dominion having had eaoh an honor con.
[erred on him, Deemed bad all the
degrees of the Order conferred on him
being made a Royal Bleak Knight of
Ireland on March 11th 1885. On retir-
ing from the County chair was presented
with a gold headed Dane one of the finest
in the Dominion. Io politica Mr.
Perkins was a etanneh Conservative hav-
ing been for a number of yeara President
Tuesday & Wednesday,
august 19&20
BrueselsTurf Club will put a First-class Program of
Horse Races on the tip-top half mile track on the above
dates, the list embracing theafollowing
First Day
2.25 "
Second . Day
Trotters will be allowed 5 seconds advantage iu all classes.
X1,200 in Purses
A large class of good horses expecded as dates come in between
Wingham and Toronto Racea. '
The track is fast and in excellent condition for records.
K etch out for posers giving full particulars.
W, P. Scott 8ec'y. Robtt Thomson Pros,
Committee—P, S. Scott Jno. Beattie and Jno. Hewitt,
of the Ouneorvative Association of Huron,
He watt an honorary director of the
Economigai Fire Igeuranee Co,, of Ber-
lin, and wee appointed Poetmaeter in
Aognat 1891, The funeral was under the
direotion of the Orange Order and wee
Very large, one of the largest that ever
took place in this vicinity. 11 proceeded
to St. Stephen'o ahgroh and the sermon
was preaobed by Rev. E. A. Hall, The
pallbearere were ;—Tboe. Farrow, Brae.
cele ; John Mooney, Bruseele ; B. S. Gook,
Fordwieh; Jae, Faille, Newbridge; J,
Scarlett, Leadbury ; W. M. Evans, Gorrie.
Mre, and the ,Misses Perkins will be ata
oorded the eineero sympathy of the nom.
natality in their bereavement.
Mrs. Wm. Kneohtel has gone to Mani.
toba where ebe will vieit for month or
Wm, Rae, B. A , Prinoipal of Edmon-
ton High School, is borne plaiting his
Albert, eon olJamee Hilione is ab pres
ant very sick with inflammation of the
We are sorry that Wm. Easton, our
genial Dream gatherer, hae gait the job
owing to sickness,
John Crozier hae purchased a power
windmill to lessen labor. He intends to
do all kinds of work with it. It is an 18
foot wbeei.
Deudis Bros. have again started to
Warmth. They have everything in good
ehape and will no doubt keep up their
good reputation.
Wm. Davidson returned home a few
days ago from the Wed where he hae
been for three years. He and hie brother
James will go back again on the first
W roof ter.
Mee Annie Martin has returned from
Mies Bite Powell is visiting friends in
T. W. and Mre. Gibson, of Toronto, are
visiting relatives here.
Jno. Brawn, of Toronto, is spending a
few days at his home here.
W. French, of Garrick, shipped a oar
load of cattle to Toronto on Monday.
Miele Barnard, of Hamilton, is the
guest of her cousin, Mre. Ohne. Pope.
Master Tot Belden, of Toren to Ja notion,
is visiting his aunt, Mre. T. F. Miller.
Mrs. A. H. Muffat and children have
returned from a few bolidaye at Ayton.
Mrs. W. Hazlewood, of Clifford, spent
Monday with her sou, gyp. C. Hazlewood.
Min Alice Hamilton left for Chatham
on Monday where the will visit for some
Alex. and Mre. Thomeon, of Guelph,
are gnats of the !attar's father, Jno.
Mine Haggle Miller, of Toronto, is
attending a week's holidays et her home,
"Gatmoee Farm "
The Mimes Hazlewood entertained a
number of their friends to a lawn party
Monday evening.
0. Forest, Loan Inspector of Mutual
Life of Canada, was iu the village a few
days of last week.
Lyell Ireland and Mise Annie Ireland,
of Dnrbarn, are the guests of their stint,
Mrs. F. V. Dickson.
Rev. W. Reid, of Weston, bo taking the
work of the Rev. R. S. G. Anderson,
during bis vacation.
Byron Simmons, of Toronto, is spend.
fug a few holidays with his parents, Geo.
and Mre. Simmons. .
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Henry Perkioe in
Gorrie on Saturday,
Mteses Morahan and Jean Davidson
attended the excursion to Goderioh from
Wingham on Tuesday.
Our football team went to Lietowel last
Thursday and defeated the team of that
town by a score of 2 to 1.
A load of the members of the Method-
ist oburah attended the Quarterly meet.
Mg in Belmore on Sbnday.
Mieses Elsie Allan, and Sara Allan left
on Saturday for a twb weeks' visit with
relatives at Galt and New Hamburg.
Bert. Muton, our batober, who was
kicked in the cheat while handling a steer
one day last week, is able to go retina
There was a large tnrn.out of farmers
with their teams on Friday to draw
gravel for the dere which wee completed
that evening. The water is now dammed
back and gradually rising to its old level.
This will much improve the printout
rather desolate appearance of the lower
and of the village.
Wao%ETitn DEFEATS GALT.—Tho moat
exoitiug Football game of the season took
place on the Wroxeter park grounds
Tuesday evening between Galt, the
champions of Western Ontario, and the
Wroxeter team. The play from the
start was fast and furious and the teems
seemed very evenly matched. At about
fifteen minutee from the start one of the
fined sorimmagee ever seen in this sect.
Won tools place in front of the Galt goal,
over o dozen of the players rolling over
eaoh other while the Galt goal keeper
was hugging the ball tighter than he ever
hugged hitt best girl. From the midst
of the struggling crowd the Galt man
tore bimaelf with the ball eafeiy tucked
awny he made a furious throw towarde
the side, but let the ball through thelgoal.
In older to make etre Miller, of Wroxe•
ter, sent it through the snood time. It
wee called one goal. The eeoond' half
wee rushed in a lively manner by Galt,
they were bound to even up if ponible
but every rush on goal was met by those
iuvinoiblo betake, Blackwood and Robin.
eon. If anything the vioitors had the
beet of it during the last halt bnt failed
to score. In twenty eight matches play.
ed by the Galt team ;hie eeasbn they lost
only three goals and met their drat defeat
in Wroxeter. The game was devoid of
all toughens and played in a very
gentlemanly maneut by both teams,
George Paulin gave good satisfaction ae
Referee, If our forwarde, Miller and
Rae put up mall a good game at sixteen
yearn of age what will they 135 able to do
when tbey arrive at football maturity 2
Bricker and Sanderson pub up a magnifl•
met game, Dowling, who was not vary'
well, did not put ap his noual brilliant
game. Langford, taking the place of
Edwards, who had big ebopider knooked
out in the Listowel game, showed a clean
pair of heels to every ops but looked in
combination. J. Rao, centre, played in
tine form. Joe, Seagram, (MoLeaa) in
goal was not called upon very often to
show what he could do but when he
was wanted he wap' very much there.
The turn out was good and both teams
were obeered continually by the epee.
tatore, Wroxeter bee played eleven
games this mama and euffered defeat
only twiee.
Wal ton.
Bert, Cummings spent Sunday in Olin•
Mise Minnie McDonald has returned
L. MsDooald hae recovered from his
Me Dora Kinney is visiting friends at
P. and Mrs. Dill spent Sunday at L.
George Candler is wearing a "sonny"
emile these days.
There was no service held in St. George's
Churoh last Sabbath.
Mre. Kohler in visiting her slater, Mrs.
MoMallen, at Oalderwood,
Mrs. Dougall, of Henson, is visiting
her brother, John Mowbray.
Will. Ferguson, of Auburn, le assisting
E, H. McLaughlin for a few Ways.
Misses B. and L. Koine, of Gorrie, are
visiting their easter, Mre. W. h Johnston,
Mies Maude Wiltee, of Clinton, spent
a few daye at R. H. Fergueon's this week.
Mrs. John Waghorn and ebildrea, of
Toronto, are visiting at T. G. Wagborn's
this week.
A few of our residents took in the Galt.
Broeoels football match on Wednesday
evening at Bruseele.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. A MoNab,
M. A., will preaob a'opeoial sermon to the
children in Duff's ohnrob.
New oatalognea are being printed for
our exoelleot'Public Library. We have
about 700 books on the net.
Mr. Swab, wife and daughters, from
Ohio, are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
(Rev.) M. G. Jarrow, of this village.
We are sorry to report that Mre. Eli
McLaughlin is i11 with pneumonia but
we hope the will soon attain oomplete
Charles and Mrs. Leppard, of Moles•
worth, were visitors at Dr. Armstroog'e
this week. They are en route for Lon.
don on atholiday tour.
Wm. Rae, who bas been teaching in
Edmonton, N. W. T., is home for the
bolidaysand wee renewing old acquaint.
atone in Walton this week.
D. and Mre. Fritzley, and Mies Nellie
McKenzie, of Detroit, are visiting at
Alex. McKenzie's. Mre. Fritzley was
formerly Mies Annie McKenzie.
Esaarsion to Kincardine next Tneeday,
Return fare from Brussels 86o for adults
and 48o for obildren. Train leaves for
the lake at 8,12 a. m., and on the home
trip pulls out of Kinosrdine at 6.30 p. m.
tat rn.nhrooar.
Rev. J. F. Knight le spending his
Summer vacation in the North West.
Jno. Cowan, K. 0,, hie daughter, Mies
Annie and Mies Jean Calder, of Sarnia,
are 'idling at the home of the latter,
Cranbrook and !ooality will be repre
eented at the S.13. excursion to Kincar-
dine next Tuesday if the weatber is
favorable. Notice tbat train leaves Ethel
at 8 01 a. m. and Brussels at 8.12,
Some of oar young men have been
boasting about forking bay but Tom
MoRae, a medical student, forked two
ton, nine bnndred and ninety pentacle of
buy cot of a windrow on to one waggon
in thirty two minutes and a halt
BARN BURNED.—The barn on Lot 25,
con. 12, was destroyed by lightning on
Tuesday at noon along with hay, wheat
and barley just harvested, Some imple.
merits were also consumed. John Gor-
Balitz le the tenant, the farm being recent-
ly purohaeed by Wm. Mickel of the same
lice. The contents of barn were insured
in the Howiok Mutual.
Faint Hogorau, Wan. Tan.—Following
ore dime interesting notes from letters
written by Jacob Bohn
oak, formerly of
this locality, but in Washington Terri-
tory, 13. S., for a number of yearn, to
relatives here, Mr. Schnook is in the
employ of a lumbering firm. He Hays I—
I am generally bogy as the Co. have quite
a store in the oamp and 1 am storekeeper.
I keep the time of the men, write all
orders, ohegnes, an., and do the book-
keeping. Last Winter woe a mild one,
ball frogs singing and mosquitoes buzzing
about. The cook and myself were the
only ones left in cramp at Ohriatmas time
when work was shut off for a week. A.
good many Dame book with considerably
lees money than they took away. The
foreman and I went out elk bpptiog one
day and we eaoh were anoosaeful. He
killed a oow e:k and I shot a calf. We
saw 15 in one band that day and I could
have got 6 or 6 of them bat we were too
far away from camp. The calf I got was
about twine as big at a deer. Have got
akin tanned and will bring 11 home with
me some day as it makes a fine rug,
Cor Spring wan baokward this year,
After breakfast and the men have gone
to work I visit the 9 cabins and put the
fore out of the stoves in oold weather.
Each oabin holds 8 meta. I also swoop
oat the cabins, get the wood, teed the 12
pigs and attend to other duties snob ae
Ming eawe, fix the lamps, bluokomithing,
ono. The evenings get very pool hate and
fire is often required. I run a dart of a
branch Savings Bank and often have a
dozen watches and from 9500 upwarde
money in my po0eeoeion belonging to the
men. Must not forget to tell you that I
have turned out to be quite a dootor and
have a regular doctor's outfit sent me
from the hoopital at Hoquiam. When
the foreman goes to town I have charge
of the works. He ie sometimes away 4
or 5 days ata time. The Co. got a new
locomotive and 20 new care, coating them
985,000. In the Spring season we see
wild geese by the thousands in their
Northward flight. Have just returned
from a trip to the Northwesterly part of
the 17. S. Saw cedar tram op Olero:l2
to 14 feet across, The Maoism Indinne
killed a whale there a abort time ago,
110 feet long. They drink the oil which
they fry out of the body lying an the
beaob, You can smell the whale 9 miles
away as it is in a badly decomposed state,
Wild strawberries are to be found bore in
large gnantitise and are very nine eating.
Have engaged a man to do some ditobing
on my ranch (600 acres) eta eat to effect
necessary improvements. Don't have
numb time to write letters bat am always
glad to reoeive them. I get Tan PosT
Ell tae's alte-
Rev. F. 6. Oaten, of Luokoow, woo in
town on Tuesday.
William Smith, who bee been on the
eiok list for some time is improving.
Mrs, Brownlee is expected to armlet in
the Methodist ohoir next Sunday evening,
Pare. Oummer, of Owen Sound, is with
her daughter, Mrs. J. Forrest, who is ill.
Rev. W. W. Leech, of Toronto, is
spending a few weeks with hie many
friends here.
Reeds, F, Swann, W. W. Leeoh and F.
J. Oaten and Joseph Leech attended the
Methodist District Meeting in Gorrie on
The Quarterly service of Blnevale Cir.
ouit was held in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning. Rev. R. Paul, of
Brussels, preaehed with bis old•time
vigor. The pastor was assisted in ad-
ministering the eaorameot by Rev, W. W.
Leedb and Rev. R. Paul. The Official
Board met on Monday evening and made
the appropriatione for the year.
(;.r t33•.
Next Council meeting will be held at
Township Council minutee may be
read en page 4 of thio issue.
Mies Kite Harbottle, of Brussels, is
visiting rslativee on the 14th con.
Ino. B. MoLauohlin spent a few days
at Bayfield during the past week.
Willie and Maggie Elliot, of Bright, are
holidaying at Jae. Elliott's, their anole,
8th con.
We have next Tuesday marked down
for a day's outing to Kincardine on the
S. S. Excursion.
Truman Smith, 7th con., has been
under the doctor's oars daring the pact
week but is once more convalescent.
The first threshing of the Beason was
done at Angus Lamont's on Wedoeeday,
It was a good sample of wheat and big
yield. It watt W. Brewer's maohioe.
Corn although very poor in some
places is a good orop in others. Chas.
Rozell,10th con.; has one patch of about
- aore, that has has
up to 9 feet and
ie still growing.
Io Gray township Voters' list for 1902
there are 948 names in Part 1 ; 108 in
Part II ; end 5 in Part III. 685 parades
are competent to serve as jurors. List
was posted up last Friday.
A fine book baro 42x62 feet was raised
on the farm of Ghee. Cleaver, lot 31. con.
11 on Friday of last week. Wm. Dark
did a good job in the stone work and Alex,
Hird hoe the carpentering in hand. It
will be an up.to-date building.
Thureclay evening of last week Mies
Annie Livingstone, 1j: miles North of
Brussels, received a shook from a east of
lightning saesvere that she was quite ill
for several days and was under the loo.
tor's care. It was a very oloee Dail for
her life.
H. and Mre. Ball, formerly of the 10th
con., now of Wingham, left on Friday
for an extended-vieit in the West. They
will spend a few months at Calgary, and
intend ependiug next Winter in Vaocou.
var. The visit will extend nearly a year.
Their old friends here wish them a plea.
sant time.
An ingenious Greyite, who was bother-
ed with crows in his corn, hae rigged an
alarm that even the onto black fellow
cannot understand. Astake is driven in
the ground on the incline, to this is at. •
toothed a cow bell and from it to the barn.
yard runs a line of binding twine and
when a covey of orowe ebow up the
string is pulled and the frightened visitors
Apple buyers are in eight,
Township Council mat last Monday.
Rural Baboole will open a week from
next Monday for the Fall term.
Morell Mo.Kenzie, of Ripley, was holi-
daying with the Sherrie families, 4th
There teas no service in Sunshine
Methodist church last Sunday as it was
the quarterly Communion at Belgrave.
Samuel and Mre. Burke were vioiting
relatives and friends in Goderioh and
locality for a few days daring the past
Rev. R. Paul, of Bruseele, preached at
Johnston's ohuroh feet Sabbath evening.
He retains hie old time vigor to a marked
Mre. Hamilton and daughter, Mise
Pearl, of Toronto, are visiting James and
Mre. Hall, 6th line, Mrs. Hamilton is
their daughter.
Look out for nu nest Tuesday on the
Excursion to Kinoardine. A tiptop
time was enjoyed last year and we are
going to try it again.
L Kingswood, wife and son, of St,
Thomas, were visiting at Jas. Sharp's
The tormer returned on Monday bat the
others will extend their visit,
Several Morrisites went to Goderiob
last Tuesday on the excitation. Rain in
the forenoon and late home coming de-
tracted from the pleasure to no small
A fine Dominion piano has been par.
chased by Edward Niobol, 5th line, from
Joo. Walker, of Brosoele. Thie is 10
pianos in 10 months sold by this dealer,
a good record.
George Hood, Sanehine, fell not long
since rind gave one of hie arms a severe
sprain that bag interfered somewhat witb
hie customary ioduetrial habits but we
hope no permanent injary will remain.
Jno, end W, R, Mooney, 5th line, wore
among these to pay their last respects to
Henry Perkins, an old and highly totesm-
ed Gorrite who was buried last Saturday
afternoon, Tho two Wain were quite
Mise Flora McNeil, of Hgllett, is visit.
ing Mise Aggie Bradshaw, 4th line,
Robert Bell, of Grey, who 10 visiting
Fibs sou, Jno, R. 8oh line, pitehed 28 tondo
of heavy Fall wheat in one day loot week:
He is poet 71 years of age and we doubt
11 a similar feat ie often attempted by
men of hie age. Mr. Bell ie undoubtedly
one of the old heroes,
Miss Lily Sbarp, 5th line, left for
London ou Monday where slue will amid
her brother•in law, W. A, Lowry and
afro. Lowry in Catering to the public' in
the redound at rhe popular resort
Springbauk Park in that city. She will
fill the bill allright.
Peter Jaokeon, 8th line, and others
will take a trip to the West on the
Harvesters' Excursion. Mr. Jookson hae
decided to spy out the land for himself
and if he finds what suits him he may
parchaoe and remove Weebward. Morris
will not be suited with any eaoh intent-
Tuesday's lightning was closer and
and sharper than some supposed. Frank
Lambie and Will. Duncan were anhitoh•
ing borne on the barn floor as the rain
was falling and while handling a steel
nook yoke Mr. Lambie received a shook
on one of bis hands. It had to be rubbed
to restore oiroulation. A aloes call.
Oar readers will learn with no small
regret that Mrs. Henry Mooney's health
is anything bat what her many friends
would wish it to be. She and Mr. Mooney
went from Wayburn, N. W. T., to Banff
in the hope that the medioinal treatment
and bathe there would prove efficions.
We sincerely hope to Boon be able to
report favorable progress,
BARN BURNED.—Lightning destroyed
the book barn on the farm of P. Scott,
North Boundary on Tuesday. Tbe
building was 46r80 feet. Io lb were 16
sores of hay, 7 acres of wheat, 4 loads of
green feed, Implements deo. There was
91600 in the Howiok Mutual on barn and
oonbente. It will be quite a lose to Mr.
Scott, partioalarly at obis season of the
BARN STROOx BY LranTNxNo.—There•
day evening of last week the bank barn
on Thoa. Bone's farm, Srd line, was ettnek
by lightning and had a clone above. The
gable was the point of attack, the electric
onrreot following down the boards to the
door of the etabie where it left marks of
its course on the frame and wall. A
good reiloh cow was killed in the yard.
It was fortunate the building was not
fired ae the mow was well packed with
bay. Both barn and cow were insured
althongh Mr, Bone will not roaeive full
value of course for his loan. It might
easily have been worse as lightning is not
long at its destrnotive work.
The annual Dietriot Meeting of the
Wingham Dietriot was held in the Metho-
diet Obnrob, Gorrie, on Wedneoday of
thie week. Rev. D. Rogers, of Fordwiob,
the affable Chairman in the District, in
the ohair. Rev. A. G. Harris, of Luck -
now, was the Seoretary, and looked oare-
fully after hie work. After devotional
exercises the roll was called and the fol.
lowing were present ;—
Wingbam, Rev. R. Hobbs, H. Park ;
Laoknow, , A. G. Harris ;
Teeewater, " G. J. Kerr ;
.. Ethel, " 0. P. Wells, S. Cham-
bers ;
Fordwich, D. Rogers ;
R. J. Garbutt, R.
Deaobman ;
Wroxeter, " I. A. McKelvey, J.
Bretbaaer ;
Blnevale, " F. Swann. J. Leech ;:
Brunets, " T. W. Omens, W. H.
Kerr ;
Ripley, " R. I. Hooking ;
Ashfield, F. J. Oaten ;
Salem,'T. E. Sawyer, absent ;
Whitechurch''' O. 0. Koine ;
Bethel, " Pentland, absent, S.
Doupe ;
Bervie, " W. R. Vance ;
Belgrave, " A. H. Brown ;
Kincardine, " Jos. Philp, absent ;
Tiverton E. W. Edwards.
In a vie of the work t has
review Tiverton
decided to booms self supporting and
this removes the last of the Missions on
Wingham Dietriot.
Following are amounts levied on the
various eironite for thio year for the Gen.
oral boatman' and Snperannation
Gorrie, —
Gen, Con. Fund Bap. Fund.
Wingham $ 11 10 974
Kincardine 8 36 56
Looknow 7 75 52
Bruesele 6 80 60
Teeewater 6 60 44
Ethel 6 55 40
Pbrdwioh 6 75 45
Gorrie 7 85 52
Wroxeter 4 95 33
Blnevale 6 30 42
Aehfleld 6 46 48
Salem 615 41
Bethel 4 60 31
Ripley 7 55 50
Bervie 8 90 59
Tiverton 4 40 29
Whiteohuroh ., 5 75 88
Belgrave 5 60 87
Arrangements were made for the hold-
ing of Missionary and Ednoational meet.
fuss in the District, largely local arrange.
Rev, W. W, Lesob, of Toronto, was
present and addressed the meeting. He
is au the Superannuated list but yet an
aotivt worker, Mr. Leech was for years
a member of this dietriot.
An Open Parliament followed on the
question of Evangelistic effort. Short
addresees were given by Dewitt. Meagre.
Marie, Hobbit, Kerr, Oaten, Wells, Gar.
batt, Rogers and Meyers, Deaohrnan and
A dineseion was entered ape as to
the (petition of a re -arrangement of the
work on several Northerly oironite. The
Chairman appointed the following Oom•
mittee to report on the oaeo;—Revde.
Barrie, Oaten, Kerr and Rogers.
Rev. A. H, Brown, of Belgrave, was
appointed to take charge of a Dietriot
Reading oirole in the mattet of soliciting
Rev. Walter Rigeby, who woe to ad-
areas the Diatrftlt meeting relative to the
claims of 51, James' Churob, ltloutrettl,
was unable to be present owing to galtfug
to Wipgham too )ate for train to Gorrie.
Meeting was brought to a olose by the
The ladiee of the congregation had
nicely flower•deoked tabloe set in the
basement, loaded with both the neoeesar-
iee and delicacies of life and the delegates
were invited there to dinner. It was a
thoughtful and hoepittohlo procedure,
They were 000011ed to hearty vete of
thapka on motion of W. H. Kerr and R.
Deaohmap, supported by Rev, Mr. Wella;.
The highly esteemed pastor, Rev.' R, J.
Garbutt, L. L.13,, made an appropriate
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Brussels Conn.
oil was held in the Council Chamber on
Monday evening of this week,
Present Reeve Rose and Counoillnre
Henderson and Doualdeon.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following dements were presented for
payment :—
A. MoLaaohlin, salary 925 00
Simon Greet, fire department .,1 00
Wm, Bird, street improvements38 00
R. Denbow, ri ,42 64
R, Henderson, " 1 25
A. McNaughton, Town Hall 10 50
Moved by Donaldson, oeoouded by
Henderson that the foregoing 0000uate
be passed and orders leaned for same.
Moved by Henderson, seconded by
Donaldson that H. James be permitted
to extend hie shad West to Elizabeth
street and build 40 feet to East end of hie
stable on 000ditiene be remove the pres-
ent lean-to to barn and build during 1902.
The following communication from L,
Mahler re apple evaporator was read :—
To the (tonnail of Brussels :—Dear
Sire,—As I am unable to attend the
Coattail I writs these few linee to take
my place. I would like very mach for
the Council to oonsider my propoeitione.
As I have sold the entire evaporating
machinery at Brussels, my intentions
are to build larger or move out, If the
Connell of Brussels, will grant free water
and not assess my property for more than
$200 I will enlarge rnybueinees so that
the oapaoity will be from 300 to 500
boehels per day. To do this will be
necessary to pat up several buildings.
Should the Council not meet with my
views I will move out ae I have other
induoemente. If the oapaoity of factory
be enlarged as above this would give er•
ployment to 40 people. Ae a role my
building was aeoeseed too high.
Tours truly,
Chatham Ont., Avg. 2nd, 1902.
;!loved by Donaldson, seconded by
Henderson, that if said Mahler builds ao-
oording to the terms of hie letter that
the Connell will Man as asked for this
year ae to taxes. Carried.
Council then adjourned.
Temperance lesson next Sabbath in
the Sunday Schools.
"The pleasure true religion affords"
will be the topio at the Epworth League
next Sabbath evening,
Rev. T. W. Omens and W. H. Kerr
attended the District meeting of the
Methodist Church at Gorrie on Wednee.
Maitland Presbytery and the Presby•
torte! Young People's Ooovention will be
held in Brunets on Monday and Tues•
day, Sept. 15 and 16.
In obosrvanoe of the sabbath as a day
of rest, London and Winnipeg are the
beet of the large cities of the Dominion,"
said Rev. G. Shearer, of the Lord's Day
By a change of regulation the financial
year of the Upper Canada Bible soaiety
will end with the calendar year. Thie
will oeoeaeitabe the holding of meetings
and making oolleotione earlier as the date
baa heretofore been March 1st.
At the Offioial Board of Brussels Metho-
dist Ohnrob held on Tuesday evening,
the salary of Rev, T. Wesley Coote was
fixed at 9810. It was agreed that the let
Sabbath in eaoh month be the Sunday
the pastor will be at the Brunette S. S.,
Oranbrook to be supplied by Rev. R.
Paul, or looal preaabere. The indications
for a eaooessful year are of a very hope-
ful character.
"The purifying power of the Christian
Hope" was the oubjeot dieoonreed upon
by Mr. McLeod in Melville church last
Sabbath morning the text being "Every-
one having this hope set upon him pure.
flesh himself ae He is pure," St. John 3-
3. It was an inspiring demonetration of
the Truth, Rev. T. W. Omens preaobed
in the evening from the lest "He saved
otbere, Himself he cannot save." Hie
sermon was well reaeivel.
The monthly Miesiouary meeting in
connection with the Methodist Sabbath
Bohool was held Met Sunday afternoon -
Io addition to the regular program a
chorus was given by H. R. Brewer's
elan ; a solo, "Ars you a reaper 7" Pante
Maggie Beattie ; Mre, Buchanan gays a
good address on Mina ; and a short ad-
dress by Rev. T, W. Coons. Collection
was 95.58, for the first quarter the Mle•
eionary collections have amounted to
919 58.
There was a large attendance at the
first gaarterty communion service of
thio Oonferonoe year in Brussels Metho•
diet Ohurob Inst Sabbath morning. The
pouter preached a very appropriate ear -
noon from the text, "When I eee the
blood I will pane over." The fellowship
meeting wan held from 9.80 to 10:30
o'otook. Sacrament was dispensed after
the sermon. Mr. McLeod, of Melville
Church, occupied the pulpit in the even-
ing and gave a good cliesaateo from the
topic, "Give and it than he given unto
Work of dredging the sxoavation for
the water power canal at Sault Ste. Marie
is oomploted.