HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-31, Page 8•Tania .14p los .S L. PARIS GREEN The Season is now an and we offer the best English Qualit for ,2, ots. per pound. F µ P TITRE Our New York Elastic Truss can be worn with perfect ease. Prices are very moderate. Hurs1eys' Drug and Book Store BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION w. 0. & B. Trains leave Brunie Station, North and South, as follows Oath 20UTII GOING NORTH. Mall 7:18 a.m I' Mixed 10:00 0,m Mtaed.,..,.... 10:00 a.m I Mail .. 1:17 p.m Expres0...... 3:24p.m Express 8:17 p.m Total x S bans. A ohiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll pront is. WEATHER has taken on considerable warmth. Foos. BALL next Wedoeaday evening on Victoria Park. here, Galt Intermediate obampione 88, Brueeele. Don't miss it, Fox pulling commenced laat Monday on the MoGavin farm near Lesdbury. The crop is a dandy one, the beet for several season. Tnoe. BIRD is here from Portage•le. Prairie, Mao., on a horse buying tour. He wants a oar load of young, sound heavy horeee for the West. Tan old stable on the rear of the lot on wbioh the Central stables stand has been pulled down thereby affording a good driveway to the stables from John street. G. F. AND MRS. BLAIR purpose taking an extended holiday outing, leaving neat week. They will go down the St. Lawrence to Montreal and return by a Northern route to Parry Sound. F. S. Scott will take charge of Mr. Biair'a law office during the month of Augnet, BRUSSELS Bowling Club may send a couple of rinks to Goderiob on Tuesday of next week. Oar sphere trundlere hope to call on the Clinton lawn ohampione too. A game is algo being arranged in Kinoardino for Tueeday, Ane. 12sae our players will take in the S. B. Eaaorsion that day. Ax the Winnipeg Fair last week the names of Mrs. Ovae, and Mre. J. R. Grant are oredited as prize winners in drawn work in the Ladiee' department. Both were former Brueoelites. Mre. Ovat' maiden name was Lottie Logie, whose father was a merchant here eome 20 odd years ago. LAST Friday morning several G. T. R. °Metals paeeed through Brussels. A local delegation Bought to interview them in reference to new sidewalk from Turn - berry street to the depot but had not the opportunity as the train only stopped long enough to arose the morning so. oommodation from the Eaeb. By advertisement in this issue, of Tam Poem it will be observed that Sheriff Reynolds, Returning Officer for East Hnr0n, publishes the election eapeneee of the two candidates in the oonteet last May. A. Hietip, M. P. P. disbursed 7146.39 and Barrister Spotton only found it necessary to squander the modest sum of $42 00. There are ridings where espousal foot up to considerably more than this. Lawn GoAt4metoamae.—East Baron Lioenee Commissioners met at the American Hotel, Brassie, on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Lioenee was granted to the Royal Hotel, W roaster , on receipt of epe0181 minima returns show- ing the neoeesary population. Transfer of hotel licensee were granted to Joseph Qoerrin of the "Queen's" Brunie, and to Louis L. Longeway, for the Ethel. Hotel. Geo. Mardis, of MoKillop, having resigned as a Commissioner owing to removal to Seaforth, outside of the rid. ing, Jno MoDowell, of MoKillop was appointed in hie stead. BARRISTER BLAIR WON TEE LOCKET.— The OCKET:The gold lo0ket Bowling competition, Tuesday afternoon attraoted considerable attention. Eaoh player had the privilege of bowling 4 bowls and the man wbo planted them the nearest to the kittie was deolared the winner. There were 18 oontestante and some of them, to nee a cricketer's term were oertainly "wide," only 3 of the number being inside of 8 feet. Barrister Blair made the beet record, whish was ae follows :—let bowl, 17-i inches ; 2nd, Sd : 3rd, trenching kittie ; and 4th, 12i, an aggregate of 31j• inohee, and the locket, which was a gift from Postmaster Farrow, was awarded to him. Lorne Danford came 2nd in the play. It was a very unusual competition and surprised a good many of the old bowlers. Ftam.—The house 000upied by Geo. Barkley, Elizabeth °treat, was quite seriously damaged by fire on Tuesday morning. It is supposed to have orig• noted from a epark igniting the root. Before the engine was ready for work considerable progress VMS made by the flames resulting in the demolishing of the roof and otherwise damaging the building which belongs to Jag. Stratton. The tenant's property also enffered by water and breakage by removal. Both parties were insured. Mr. and Mre. Barkley and family have moved to Jae. Kelly's house Mill street, where they will make their home until they get poosession of the heath purobaged from Jae. Oliver, now °coupled by E. Speiran and family. Mr. Barkely was away from home at the time of the fire, Goon Fool BALL G0IE, The town of Galt is today the premier football town of the Dominion, their oolleation of Dope inoludes many beautiful epeoimene of the eilveremith'e art. Many of these ata, moreover, much coveted trophies. For three 0eaeone in eurceeeion Galt hes held the Senior and Intermediate champion- ship of the province as well es of the Western ae800iation. To celebrate this third winning the management resolved to aend the Intermediate team on a tear and it was felt that the tour would not be complete without a game in the good old football town of Brunetti. Arrmoge. merits to thio effeot have been under way for some time and are now eatiefactorily to nom ed. T completed. The Galt team will play y a game on Victoria Park, Bru°sale, on Wedneeday evening next, Aug. lith. Game will be oalled at 6 p, m. A etrong team will be put on the field against the champions and an Al match may be expected. TENNIS is being revived in Brussels. TOWN Council next Monday evening. LADIES' belt found. Ask at Tam POST. A. 0. 11. W. Friday evening of this week. PALL wheat is a great crop in thie e00t100. WaimIea stationery always on hand at THE Pon. Samoa Board will meet on Friday evening of next week. THE second draw is on the program for the MoNaugbton medal in bowling. SUNDAY Bassoon Excursion to Kinoar- dine 00 Tuesday, August 12th. Keep the date in mind. P. Aoracm'a heading department started work on Monday. They will rue through their stook in the oonree of a month. W. ROBERTSON, of Wingbam, VMS in Brussels on Thursday of last week billing the Sunday school excursion to Goderioh. H. R. BREWER expeote to go to Buffalo next week to attend the Photographers' Convention. He's boned to be up to the times. DR, MAODONALD M. P., has =weeded his eon-in•law, the late Dr. Horsey, M. P. on the Board of the San Gement Co., Owen wen Sound. Athos CODER, son of Jno. Ocher, of Brussels, has taken a position as elevator man at Baokoo, North Dakota. He ehoold fill the bill all right. LAST Tuesday evening a partyofyoung people, with a four-in-hand, went for a short tour Southward and enjoyed a good time. Jno. Beattie was the charioteer, nod handled the ribbons all right. A noon job was done on the Westerly part of the Bowling Club ground during the past week in removing weeds and grace and getting it well levelled. It is the intention to fit up a tennis court and more bowling rinks. CORONATION Day, Ang. 9th, will be a Public Holiday. Several Brueeelitee propose that we observe the 12th in. steed and take in the lake breezes at Kinoardine as the 8700101 excursion train runs that day. IN the bowling competition for the Jaokeon trophy Jae. Irwin won in Class 1 and Thos. Farrow in Oleos 2. These gentlemen will play the final game on Thursday evening to decide who will be the representative of Brunie in the contest at Clinton for the cup. The satchel rape in the Bowling oon- teet has been on the green. There were 10 rinks in it which have been reduced to 5. The winners of the Jaokeon•Blair game are in the finale against the winner of Irwin, Leatherdale and Coseley Tieka. Deoiaioo will be arrived at this week. HOME SALES.—Leat week P. Scott dis- posed of a fine 3 year old Costumer mare 10 a Milverton banker at a good figure. The mare is likely to beoorne quite a mover. George Thomson, grocer, sold his 2 year old Costumer colt to Thos. MoLsnohlin, the well known horseman of Brussels. The new owner has owned a number of good animals and expecte to make a No. I out of hie last purchase. TUESDAY evening Frank, eon of Coun- eillor Gerry, was bitten by Alf. Seeker's coach dog and had hie right arm and hand badly lacerated. This ie not a good season of the year for escapades of this kind bat we hope Frank will enffer no 'writhe consequences. The canine is the mother of several puppies and guards them very jealously, Frank went to Mr. Backer's on an errand and the fact of him being a Stranger is enpposed to be the oauee of the attack. SWAN & Co. have built a dandy wag. onette for A. Paulin, of Wroxeter, which watt shipped this week. It will 0Doom. modate 9 people. The game firm built a aerials for Mr. Paulin a year ago to oarry 13 people. Ewan & Co's work gives satisfaction. They are building at pree. eat a new stage ooaoh for George Robb, which will give pieaenre and comfort to paesengero going North and retaining from Wroxeter. Ewan & Co. have a large experience in *hie line as they have built quite a number of rigs In this elan of work. BRneemLs RAoms.—The Turf Club of Brunelle haft deoided to hold a series of horse races on the fast half mile track in We place on Tueeday and Wednesday, Augusta and 20. Following will be the program :—First day -2,50 trot or pace 2.15 trot or pace ; and a free-for-all. Second day -2.30 trot or pane 12.22 trot or pane ; and 2.10 trot or pane. The purees will be 7200 in eaoh aloes. Trot. tere will be allowed 5 eeoondo advantage in the variant oompetitione. Officers are R Thomson B resident • W. 1'. Scott, Secretary ; 1 . S. Boott, Jim. Hewitt and Jno. Beattie, Committee. The bills will be out in a few daye giving full parts. calors. As Breasts meg come on dates between Wingbam and Toronto a feat class of horses will be here, 04ataantteii GEatee le e$Oavating under bio reoldeuee Intending to prepare for the piaoi0g of a furnace. 12 Freeb Air Fund children from Tor- onto arrived at Brt7eele on Thursday and will holiday for it few wanks with families in oounectlon with Melville oburoh. 08000o18, -^Parties aro 00utioned against turning Stook into the Fall Fair Park without authority, Particulars may be had loom Jae, Speir, President or W, H, Kerr, Secretary, Omits. Zrr,Liix, who recently gold the Central Hotel in this place to George Brown, lute pnrohased the "Queen'," in Llsbowel from hie brother, George Zilliax, and took possession this week. The "Queen's" is a large, well kept host. tory. Woo or Taaaks.—We wish to tender our sincere thanke to the maay kind people who assisted in the removal of our household effects on Tuesday morning on the 000aeion of the fire. Their help was very highly appreciated. GEC. ANO MRO, BOaxoon. BASE Baan.—A Baoe Bali match, Blyth vs, Brussels, will be played on Victoria Park, Brueeele, on Friday evening of this Week commencing at 6 O'olook, These teams have already crossed bete this season and are closely matched SO a good game may be expeoted. AMONG shipments from Brussels G. T. R. during the past week were tbo fol. lowing :-5 Dare Balt ; 125 00008 eggs by B. 'Thomson ; oar of sheep, oar of cattle and oar of hogs by. A. C. Dames ; oar oattle by Geo. Beet ; oar ohmee by W. W. Barrie ; oar hogs by W. F. Vanetone. R. Mainprize reoeived a oar of coal. Toll Atwood Bee has bean disposed of by R. B• Pelton to hie brother•iu•law, D. G. Anderson, who hes been teaching at Atwood for several years. New proprie- tor comes into posseeaioo Friday of this week and will no doubt make the Bee as great a suttees as it ever wa8. Mr. Pelton, who by the way is a graduate of Tam Poem, will either purchase a paper in a large town or will take a share in one of the printing ineti• tutione in some of the smaller oitise. Be is indaetrioae, persevering and able to hold his own with the beet of them in the various departments of journalistic effort. He eetabliebed the Bee at Atwood 10 years so and has made a good Dame for it end considerable coin for himself. Last year he purohaeed a fine home, known ae "Roes Lawn" on account of the many beautiful rosea and hag also erected a substantial brick block in which hie office is toasted. Bobt, Oliver is an the sink lief bat we Nape he 770170708 be ail right, Mre. Wm. Roes and Mre, P, Soott were visiting Mro, 3no, McMillan at I ieburn, Mina NGre Holmen was vieiting ter 0, few days with Listowel Mende last week; MIS, shoe, H. Bartlift and MI68601 ylt and Annfe were vioitlag at Beatortlt this week, Mies Boatrlae }Iowa left this week for Brantford where ebe will visit for a while, 1, 0. Richards Snndayod iu Jiaydeld. It was it 0080 of "Where yogi treasure is, &c." W. H. Herr, of Tan Pon, attended the Prohibition Oonvention in Toronto On Tuesday, Mile Sanderson, of Toronto, was the gaeet 01 Mre, Fred, MoOraokeo, for sev. eral days, Gordon Mooney hoe been on the eiok list during the past week with one of Job's trials. Jno. Leckie has been on the poorly list during the week but is about o, k, once more, Mrs, D. M, Soot* has returned to Brus- sels to spend two weeks before leaving for Hamilton, D. M. Ferguson arrived home to Strat- ford on Tuesday from a purchasing tour to the Old Land. Mies Thnrea Gerry ie inhslingozone •from Lake Huron at Bayfield with a Sea. forth contingent. T. Fletoher left on Saturday for One. more where he will sojourn for a few weeks with relativee. Mrs. Juo. Wynn is on the eiok lief with the ehinglee, bat is improving now we are pleased to etate, Mise Eva Leavens, of Owen Sound, is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. R. T. Hingeto0, Mill street. Mre, E. B, Creighton, daughter and sun, of Hamilton, are visiting relativee and friends in Brussels. Mrs. N. F. Gerry was on the eiok list with pneumonia but is improving nicely now we are pleased to state. Mrs. Hoye, of Luokoow, a former Brneselite, has been renewing old friend- ships in town for the past week. W. F. Stewart has eulrloiently recover. ed to be able to get about once more el. though nob yet up to concert pitch. 3. M. O'Connor arrived Lome Tuesday from an extended visit with hie daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) Steele, of Port Stanley. Hattie, the infant daughter of Robt. and lure, Mainprize, is on the eiok list but we hope she will soma be well again. Mrs. A. Good, Elsie, Edna, Joe and Harold have gone to Southampton where th ey will epend a few weeks at the lake shore. BRUSSELS WON.—The Bowling rink that went from this town to London touroa• meet won the let prize in the Coneolatiou match, which consisted of four English olab bags. In the finale in thio oonteet London beat Seaforth by 17 to 12 ; See, forth won from Strathroy by 13 to 12 ; Brussels defeated Clinton by 23 to 21 ; London (Tytler) beat Brampton. These narrowed down to London and Brussels when oar rink won in a gallop over the Tytler rink, of London. Score was as followe :— BRUSSELS. LONDON. J. Arden, A. Tillmann Dr. MoNaaghton, 0. H. Ward. James Irwin, Dr. Alexander, D. 0. Roes, els 17 J. D. Tytler, ek. 5 Roeo.... 3 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0-17 Tyner ..002 0000001000011- 5 Brussels rink made a very creditable showing indeed winning 8 out of 10 paters played in the tournament. The reference to their play may be read eleawhere in this bane. Osman Wm. Henderson, of the 4th concession of MoKillop, departed this life on Thursday evening 17th inst. Mre. Henderson had reached the good age of 74 years. She had been in delicate health for several months, but the end came nnexpeotedly and very peacefully at last. A short time before her death she was able to sit up in bed and 00088008 with varione members of her family who were at her bed aide, and abe went off ae if in sleep. Her maiden name was Janet Habkirk. She was the third daughter of the late Wm. Habkirk, and her mother's name Wae Janet Scott, who was a sister of James Scott, of Harporhey. Mrs. Henderson was a ulster of George Hab- kirk, of McKillop. She wa0 0, native of Grahamelaw, Roxboroohire, Sootlemd. She came to Canada with her Parente and other membere of the family ie 1834, and settled in McKillop. She watt married to Mr. Henderson in 1848, and hoe ever since resided on the farm where she died. She leaves a family of six eons and three daughters, George E. and William, of Seaforth 1 Robert, of Braeeele ; James 0. and John, of MoKillop, and Andrew at home. The daughters are Mre. Adams, of Seaforth Mre. McIntosh, of MoBillop, and Mies Henderson at home. She was s faithful wife, a wise and affectionate mother, and was mnoh reepeoted in the neighborhood where ebe had so long lived. The remains were laid to rest in Harper• hey cemetery on Saturday. The six eons were the pall bearers. People We Talk About. Mies Diment, of Blnevale, spent Sao. day in town. Mise Jo. Roes is home from Toronto on her vacation. Mayor Watson, of Listowel, was in town on Tuesday. Mre, Jae. Ballantyne and Jaok were at Bayfield last week, Mica Hazel Lowry its vieiting in Lon• don and St. Thomas. Ernest Miller was home from White. oberoh for Sunday. Mines Katie and Edith Deadman are holidaying at Seaforth. Mige Jennie Howe returned from a week's vieit in Sunebine. Bilge Josie Buchanan is making a visit with Owen Sound friends. Mies Minnie Williams, of Gerrie, is vieiting the Mime Brown. George Thomson has gone for his heli• days to Hamilton and Galt. Mre. a. Fox and obildren are holiday- ing with relativee at Arthur. Mime Jean MoNair, of Cranbrook, was visiting Mre. J. H. Cameron. D. Moore took in the sights of the Queen nay during the past week. D. MoOrae and wife, of Guelph, have been visiting the Lowry families, Inepeotor Robb, Mee, Robb and dough. ter were holidaying at Kincardine. MSS Coulter, of Toronto, i0 a vieitor at Rev. R. Paul's, Victoria cottage. Mre. David Scott,of Wroxe*er, ie visit. ing Mre. Robe, FaxatSonny Brae. Mrs. Watson Ainlay hag been on the Sieh list with something like 1a grippe. Mise Clara Thornton, of Woodeteok, is visiting her sister, Mrs, D. M. Boott, J. and Mrs. Walkom, of Stratford, have bran vieiting Theo. Moore and family, William street. Mre. Walkom ie a eerier to Mr. Moore. Misses Enphemia and Lonna Goven• look, of Seaforth, were visitors at the Methodist Parsonage daring the past week. Mise Jennie Govenlook is vieiting MSc. OOeene 00w. Mre. Leatberdale and Miss Pearl are away to Burlington Beach with T. Leath- erdale'o family, of Hamilton, enjoying a Summer oottage holiday, Mre. Addie and daughter, of Peterboro', who were vieiting the Lott families re- turned home last Tuesday. Mies Addle Lott acoompanied them. Last Saturday afternoon Roggen Flak Ober returned to duty at Chicago after a two weeks' vacation that he will have to make do for another year. Wm. Miller was visiting in Wingbam last week. He has gone on an extended visit to Port. Huron, Chicago and other pointe hoping to build up hie health. Mian Sadie Maxwell left Brussels on Monday for Groton, North Dakota, where she will visit her sister. Mies Sadie has become quite an expert in telegraphy. D. M, and Mre. Soott will remove short- ly to Hamilton where the former will make his headquarters in paehing Life inearance at which be has met with great 0000000. R. K. and Mrs. Roes, G. F. and Mre. Blair, J. and Mre. Fox and 3. H. and Mre. Cameron, all of Bruseelo, attended a Garden Party at Wroxeter, on Monday evening. Will. J. Stewart, of the Standard Bank, Pioton, spent a few daye vieiting relativee mud friends. He was returning from an outing at lake Simooe locality and looked the picture of health. Wednesday morning Miee Minnie Mo• Naughton, left for Pen Yao, N. Y., to visit her brother, Dr. H. J. Mice Maggie will sot ae Librarian at the Public Library during the absence of her slater. Joseph Brien and wife, of Seaforth, were here on a visit to their daughter, Mre. P. Scott. Mr. Brien is remarkably well preserved for his age ae he ie jogging on to hie 84th birthday. He boa been bailiff for over 46 yeore and is as lively as many a man at 50, Lew. Jaokeon, of Peterboro', has been enjoying a holiday week under the paren. 3'u 'lr Si, 1902 ST4.1rD4 RD .B,4.N.f" OF C4 X ilI D.I . ;UioWAns4=4Xt94,X,'F•,00 3472., HEAD OFFICE, e TORONTO CAPITAL PAID IIP (One Idilllon Dollars) • 71,000,000 RAST , . . • • 7760,000 Agencies in ail prtnoip l points {n .Ontario, Qnabev,Manitoba, UnlIad Stater e5 England. a gVSSINAs INSAWCilf. A General ,Banking Busineee Traneaoted, Farmers' Notee Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collection', mads on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Lutenist allowed on deposits of OAS and upwards and oompounded half yearly. $v001ar. ATTENTION GIVEN TO TUE COLLECTION 07 FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Cuetomere living ata dietanoe, payable at any bank iseaed Under 11200 10 ,.. 8a. 720 to 780.,..120 Molloy Orders at the following rates;— 710 to 720.,..lOc. 30 to 40,.,,110 F, H. GRAY, ACTING AGENT.. tal roof. Peterboro' ie evidentally agree- ing with him se he bee added 15 to 20 pounds to his weight. Ha tbinhe his town is the top of the heap. The Goderiob Signal makes the follow. ing reference, the Mr. Hawkine epolcen of being father of T. A. Hawkins, of Brue • eels :—A pleasing meeting on the 12th of July in Goderiob, one that probably never has and may never have an exact coun- terpart, was that of Andrew Waddell, of London,,George Hawkins, of Port A1• bert, and Henry Horton, of Goderioh. The last time these three met together wee in 1862 just 50 years ago, in the anti- podes. Old residents will remember the mining excitement in Australia, when eo many lett what wag then termed Upper Canada, to seek their fortunes. There were 12th of Julys in those daye, bot not jnet like the present re 0081080, and these three men met in a town oalled Ballarat, Australia, a mining town, and enjoyed eaoh other's frieodehip, The meeting on Saturday, atter a separation of 50 years, was a re•Hnion indeed, eo unique as to have few parallels anywhere. Business Locals.. To TanPunnio.—Ladies and gentlemen, all cutlery can be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawing! McGregor, Mill street Mist, Brueeele. Choice work at reasonable prices. Eerie 14 Dente. We boy for Dash or trade, wool, eggs and butter. 'A 720,000 stook of dry goods, groeeries, ready made clothing, compete, boots and ehoee to eeleot from. Goo. E. Kara, Wingham. 715,000 worth of dry geode to be elaaghtered. Oar annual ,July and Augnst sale commences July 4. Return railway fare allowed on all porohaeee over 710.00 within 30 miles. G. E. KING, Wingham. The yacht Holly Gee upset off New- castle. W. Griffith, of Hamilton, was drowned, Lieut. Col. Turner, with the Canadian coronation contingent, eailed from Que. bac on the Pretoriae. The motion to dismiss the petition against the return of R. R. Gamey, M. P. P. for Manitoulin, has been withdrawn. 730SZN . CAl1ERON,—In Cranbrook, on July 15, to Mr. and Kra. Allan Cameron, a daughter. (still born.) KELLY.—In Morrie, on July 11th, to Mr,. and Mre. Michael Kelly, jr., a daughter. KENNEDY.—In Wingham, July 18th, to Dr. and Mre. J. P. Kennedy, a daughter. • NEwcooio .—In Olinton, July 21st, to Mr. and Mre. W. H. Newoombe, a daughter. PAmrEnoON.—In East Wawanoeh, on July 22nd, to Mr. and Mre. Alex. Patter- son, a eon. TEmIreON. In E ma, on July 24th, to Mr. and Mre. Wm. Thompson a daughter. Wo.—Is Blnevale, on July 2lst,to Mr. and Mre. John Waeman, a daughter. Z7Sp9- HENDEBeoN.—Io McKillop, on July I7th, Janet Elabkirk, wife of Wm. R. Hen. demon, and mother lo Councillor Henderson, Brothels, aged 74 years. BraINaTON.—In Auburn, on July 19th, Mr. Wm. Symington. Stnma.—In Atwood, on July 22nd, Mar. garet A. Stewart, beloved wife of Robert L. Smith, aged 26 years, 10 months and 8 daye. Wn.SON.—In Elms, July 21st, Catharine Petrie, relict of the late Alexander Wilson, aged 72 years and 10 months. Watches AT T. FLETCHER'S JEWELLERY STORE. ARE YOU GOING TO BUY A WATCH ? If Bo call and see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and Boys' Watches, with Elgin, Waltham Duber-Hampden and other movements. Our stook ie very heavy andhaving bought for cash our customers will get the benefit. Watches to please everybody and prices are right. RINGS, SILVERWARE, ETC Our store is full of first-class goods such as Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings, Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Silverware, Clocks, Fancy China, Souvenir Goods, Etc. OPTICAL Is well looked after by Mrs. Fletcher and Son, the DEPARTMENT Tatter having taken a course in Chicago. Oor Seoialties are Watches and Ringo. All work promptly repaired and eatiefaotion guaranteed. T-. .U�LETCHE.L71y 'II anis ner°E LMar;lege Lineages. Wedding Ringo and Marriage Lioengeo Sold privately, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. SERVANT wanted. Apply at once to MRS. W. M. iSINCLAIR, Turnborry street, Brussels. Linen brown shawl lost on the 8th eon. of Grey, near lot 18, about the middle of Juno. Finder will oblige by leaving it, at once, at THE Pons. Publiehtng House, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. "GUEST OLASS TItAM OF working horses for axle, Apply to ROBT. THOM800, Brueaelo. 10R SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelnng thereon, North-west oorser William and Albert abreebe, Bruesole, 49-01 J. LEOK1E. HORSE STRAYED ON •THE premises of the undersigned, Lot 36, Con. 10, Grey, on or about June 28th—a driv- ing horse. Owner may have same by prey- 11312..r01/ rov- ing property and pay1eg eapee000. 02.HIONRY FOGA(,, Henfryn P. 0. BUGGY DUSTER LOST ON the gravel road between the cheese factory ane 0on.4, Grey, on Sunday, July 27th. Finder will reeelve a suitable reward by leaving at Tan Foss Publiehina House at 01100, COMFORTABLE AND COM- 1000000 reeldenoe, with about i}'aeree of land ; good orchard, &o., for sale, on Math street North, Blyth. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises to JOHN MOFFAT, or address Blyth P.O. 141 HAIR DRESSING.—THE TTN- DERSruNED wiehee to announce to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that elle 1s prepared to make ewitehee ant of comb- ings and eat hair, at her •home Mill street West, Brussels. MRS. KINGSTON. FARM FOR SALE.—BEING East ¢ Lot 7, 000, 17, Grey, containing 60 acres. 8 acres In good hardwood bush, remainder eleared, well fenced and drained. It ie in a good state of ealtiyation, all seed. ed to grass but 10 acres. There le a good frame barn, 28a60 feet, with stabling ; oleo frame house, 20x28 feet. Buildings aro in good repair being built about 0 years ago. Farm ie about a mile from eohool and two mileefrom Walton. Will also sell Lot 21, Con. 18, Grey,. containing,54 aoree, all bush. There is a lot of valuabe timber on this lot. It is good soil and is dry at any Reason. This property will be sold without regard to value as the proprietor is going West. For further partlealare apply on Lot 7, Con. 17, or address DANIEL MOMILLAN. 8•tf Walton P.O. Don't Cover Your Face With a newspaper when you take a nap. Get a few 8heete of fly papor and you won't be bothered with dies, We sell the etioky fly paper, 2 double, for 5o, then we have Ay poieen Mot 10 6c. and 100. packages they are killete,, Ioeeot Powder by the oa00e or pound and ite a fly killer too. We guarantee it to. be the beet that money can buy. Go, per os„ 60o, per ib. FOX'S DRUG STORE. $20,000 to Loan. The above sum hoe been placed with me for immediate Investment on 'farm proper- ty at 6 per Dent. It titles are satiefaotory loans may be completed In 9 days,. Liberal terms as to repayment. Apply at ouee to W. M. SINCLAIR, Barrister, &e , Brim eels. Notice of Transfer. ETHEI. HOTEL.. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the regulations In that behalf, that I,' the under- signed have applied for a transfer of tho Hotel under- signed, granted to John Gardner, and that the said transfer will bo compiled and signed to by the Commieefoners after the second pubiLOation of this nobioe, ae requir- ed by law. LOUIS L. LONGEWAY.. Dated at Eth el, July 24th, 1902, EE EAST HURON ELEOTION. Abetraot statement of expenses incurred by end on behalf of Aesou Spotton, Esq., a candidate at the oleotion for the East Rid• ing of the County of Huron, heldon the 29th day of May,1902, furnished me under the provisions of the Ontario Election Act, by J. A. Strong.Eeq.. Financial Agent for the said Anson Spotton :- Printing $ 50 Stationery a 60 Livery for Candidate 98 00 542 00 J. A. STRONG. R. G. REYNOLDS, Financial Agent. Returning Offioer. Ooderich, July 90th, 1902. RE EAST HURON ELECTION. Abstract statement of expenses incurred by and on behalf of Archibald Elstop, a candidate at the election for the East Riding of the County of Huron, held on the 2901 dayof May, 1902. furnished me, under the provl0ions 01 the Ontario Election Aot. by W, M. Sinclair Esq„ Financial Agent for the said Archibald Hinton :— Rent of Ballo $ 11 70 Postage, telegrams and telephones40 64 Livery 40 00 Printing 96 00 Oandidate'e personal expenses 18 00 .8140 39 W. 11f. SINCLAIR, R. G. REYNOLDS, Financial Agent. Returning Officer. Goderloh, July 1101h,1902. Summer Clearing Sale 111111111111 Now Going On We prefer to let our Goods and Prices do the talking during this Sale. We invite Special Attention to the fol- lowing items. Some of the lines are limited in quantity hence early shopping is advised. Men's Shoes We have about 20 pairs Men'e Fine Shoes left, in sizes 6, 8, 9 & 10 ; regular prioe 73 ; gale pries to clear $1.50 Ginghams 120 yardoFanoy Zephyrs and Ginghams, aeeorted Was ; regular price 109 & 12}o, for per yard to oleos 7 Muslins About 200 yards fanny Mulles in Swiee, Batistee and Velay°, newest ebadee, reg. pride 25o for per yard .15 40 only Ladies' Print Blouses, in' sizes 34, Blouse Bargain 36, 38 & 40, fast colors, well made, regular 50c. Special Saturday Bargain 25C. Boys' Hats Special line Boye' Felt Hate in Navy, Red, Brown and Bleak ; regular 60o & 750 quality, for eaoh .25 Piques Spatial line White Piques in the Blaok, Pink and Blue dots, good weight, regular 18o, for per yard.. .9 Sheeting Special line Unbleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide,. extra heavy, regular 200 geode, for per yard .15 Corsets Special Line Ladies' Corsets in , sizes 118, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, worth regularly from $i.00 to $1.50. Clearing Sale. Price 59c. Boys' Suits Boye' Tweed Suits, well made, good extort ment 1 during sale al only HALF PRICE Men's Sults Men's Tweed and Wor• aced Suite, well made ; quantity limited; during sale at only HALF PRICE II Men's Hats Men'e Solt and Stiff Felt Hate in Black, Brown and Grey; all to go during Bale at HALF PRICE GROVER & CO. Garfield Block, Brussels.