HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-31, Page 5I BUSINESS CARDS. ONE) TO LOAN AT 5 Pl',I3, vent 1'',H, 300'191; Beanele, H, M'a(1ItACI,I7.N�- r'I R Issuer of Matriaae TAoensoe, Of. leo M Grooeryaeuruberry etreet, Bruasols,. 1-4 N. I3'ARRETT. -• • TOneortal Artist, Shop—Next door ',berth of tbo Standard Bank, Ladlol' and Ohlldreree hair clottiing a specialty, M• MORRIsQN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, W 4L.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCiJLIN, .,T1 AOPIER 01— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI issusaNan, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co., nnTABLIannD 1140 Insurance taken on' the cash and premium note system at current rates. Before hour. lug elsewhere call en the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS,'ilrussele, MISS SARAH LOUISE. MOORE, L. C. M., Aoadomio graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music. also Member of the Associated Murdelaas of Ontario, ie prepared to receive a limited number of !!pupils for instruction on the -piano. Quallted to prepare pupil a for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Mode, Brussels, 'Ontario, ALEX. BUNTER— Cour .Fourth Division t Crone of the Lo, ,Loan; and Insurance ' Notary Public, Land, Loan invested and Agent; Auction- eer. Funds invested anti to'lo¢u. Collec- tions nude. Oiaoo in Graham's Blook,Brue- sele, AUCTIONEERS. Tit IS. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• • aura will sell for butter erica, to better men in lees time and lose chargee then any other Aoctioueer in East Enron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by Personalapplication. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK— • Honer Pimiento of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals ;in a aompet- entmanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calla promptlyat- tended to. Of0oe and Infirmary—Four doom North of bridge, Turnbull et., Brussels. LEGAL AND' CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR- •. Barrister, 9olloitor, 'Oonvoyancer, Notary Public, &o. Umoe—Stewart'¢ Block 1' door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &c. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Braseolt. Money to Loan at lowest ratan. MEDICAL CARDS. - DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE AND OFFICE- 1111LL ST, EAST, IIItUSS LS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, • M. n., E. M., Trinity University Fellow Trinity 'Medioal College, Member College of Pbysiotans and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of P'byoioians and Licentiate of Mid- wifory, Edinbu rgb. i.. Tolepbone'No.14, Residence—Mill street. Brneaele. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 'DENTIST1 Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental Surgeouo of 'Ontario and First.olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University, °Mee next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. 1 9 0 2. LISTOWEL is int vine forward. Spring term begins Mon- day, April 7. Our rates ate reasonable—our Courses of Study thorough and praotloat. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Studoute may enter et any time. Two Courses of Study—Commercial and Short- hand. O.. A. FLEMI IG, 1 resident Owen 'Hound. A, L. McINTYRE, deoretary, Lietowol, SHINCLE8 British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles North Shore Pile and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Aieo Doors andB ash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at short Notioe. Estimates Furnished for all land of Bgildiuge. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, ,dill Term Opens Sept. 2 aNtl3taL ft. � f DLJ"r I`'i Astra fi+ riL Oyu Asoho01tbateaeu lou front rank among the beet BuolueseCollleges on this continent. Many leading eommerelal schools employ our graduates as teaobers.. We do our beet tplace alt our graduates in good positions and we have been morn 0agoeeeful thio year Wallin any provtouu year. Those dec10105 the beet in business education uhoald at- tend our Sobopl. Write far catalogue. W...I, ELLIOTT, Principal, rO tztYixt Titbas. ore•to. J, S, Found returned home on Tuesday evening of lent week from hie trip to the Old Land, Rev. It. J. at, Perkins, of Loudon, Eng,, it at present in towu calling on hie many old Mende. Lambert Stinson had a hard time get• tine two cows off the 0, P. R, track the other day as the West bound freight wee approaching the station. Johu Stewart delivered hie fat cattle in Gerrie. Among them was one of the Hereford breed wbiob wan 27 months old and weighed nearly 1400 lbs. Orange Hill butter factory seems to be giving very good satisfaction to moat of the patrons au they received 17 Dente per Ib. for the June make whioh is undoubted. ly a very good price, ISlxe Ler. The Presbyterian obnrob choir pioniclt• ed at Grand Bend, Friday. Flax pulling in this emotion hoe nom manned. Kel farm an Bros. have 300 acres to harvest this season. Jos. Cobblodiok returned from a visit to the miens of the Durham Cement Works, in whioh BO many bere hold shares. John Crooke, of Clinton, formerly of Exeter, while melding the Durham luoroeso team io a ohnmpionehip matoh, the other day sustained a severely sprained arm. Jas. Creech, who for many years hoe served the town as road commiseioner, aouetable, tax colleotor, eto., tendered his resignation at the meeting of tbe Coaaoil Board last. 'Mr. Creech hat been one of the beet public servants the town has ever had and it is to be re. greeted lbat he has decided to quit. Forestvi I le. Mies Ferguson, of Wallace, visited at P. Patriok'e. W. Grainger hue finished the ebiogling and now has a fine large barn. Wm. Bennett, of Gorrie, was out bay- Mg aying at T. Bennett's' last week. John Lindsay, of Grey, visited for a few days at Peter Patrick's feet week. Miss Edna McTavish is home from Waterloo High School for the holidays. Henry Grainger .'shipped another oar of hogs from Gorrie Citation on Monday. John .Sharpie bad a ebingling bee ou thebarn ou the farm whioh A. Doig has rented. Berry picking is now the principal employment and amusement of the young ladies here. W. Sharpin has tet op housekeeping in the hitherto vacant house on Mr.!, Granger's, East 50 tierce. John McTavish is having his barn re. shingled. D. Myler! and S9, Muir, of Wroxeter, have the contract. Mies Rae Patrick, milliner at Stratbroy, ie home for the holidays. She 10 ea. oompained by Mice Arden, of Gorrie. Mrs. H. Flndeon left for a trip up the lakes, and will visit friends in Dakota, Wes. Treleaven, ptinoipal of 'the Almont High Sobool, is visiting friends in Luohnow. A eervioe will be held on Coronation Day to whioh all societies inthe town have.been invited, several of whioh have signified their intention of being preeent. E. Watson, of Blyth, shipped another 5.eare p1 export cattle to Portland ou Tuesday of last week. J. Soon, of Lis- towel, shipped'8 oars of fie tte to Boston for export. Robert Purves, ex- Warden of the County of Bruoe, and one of the oldest and most widely known residents of the township of Kinloss, died at his home on the let concession on Sunday morning 20111 inst. Deceased who was in his 70th year, had been ill for several months pas'. The Oddfrllowe of the village held their anneal decoration eervio00 on Friday evening 1811 inst. The brethren march- ed from the lodge room to the cemetery, headed by the band, and after deoorating the graves of the deceased brethren, a short service was held and appropriate addressee given by the Rev. 0. 11. P. Owen and Rev. A. G. Harris, Oa Toes. day evening a number of the brethren aocompnnied by Rev, Mr. Owen decorat ed the grnvee of brethren buried in the Loohalsh and Kiutail aemeteriee. • Winn ttrun. L 0. L. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August 23rd. Frank Constable is ill with oppendioitie. This is the fourth timehehas been ''fainted with it. , Nils, Agnee Soiatt, of ' town, has [sold herfarmon the 16th ann., of Howlett, to Henry Wood for $4,800. Improvemt its are on hand at the. Obair Factory. Among them le the building of a large.dryiug ltiln. W. J. Kennedy, formerly of the North End Grocery here, haw sold his 11neineee at the Canadian !'kloo" and le moving to Chicago. ' Our citizens heard with regret of the sad accident that betel Peter, eon of P. Deane, of Wingham. He was coupling oars at Union Station, Toronto, on Thursday last, when his arm was caught between the Dara and emaebed,eo barfly it had to bo amputated. Mies Ada Lang received from Ther brother in South Africa, a br000b which ebe p01000 very much. It is made out( of South African coin and bas the prolEe of Kruger on the back. A000mpanyingt the brooch wad a obegne. Alga bas had the dieeaee prevalent in South Ahioa; the criteria fever, from whioh so many °hent Canadian boys Suffered, bat we } are pleased to hear he hag recovered. +' Word hae .been reoeived froth Sait.lt tile, Marie of the accident that bapnetted to bred, Elliot, Ion of Jennie Elliot, briektnaker, 1t appears that Tired, was Working near the engine used to drive the lnachinery, when ho became *Wang, led in it and wan wound around it in Boma way, no that ono let{ w0..e broken, hie head entailed, and body lacerated, r'urd wt±ll. . Alex, Gibson ie op the sink list with a .severe attook of ooiatipa, Rev, F. Swann, of 13.uev?le, preaohed in the Metbodiat Ogren note last Sttb. bath. , W. Watters returned on Wednesday of went from a two week.+' visit to friends in Shelburne, A few of the loom sports are on the look out for a suitable situation for a ride range. J. T. Wiggins is having a new wire feriae erected around his property ou Victoria street, Wm. Wade, sr.. has pnrchesed the roeidence of Jaoob Mose. John Wright and family will occupy the residence. Rev, A. B and Mrs. Dobson entertain- ed a large number of the young people of the Presbyterian congregation at the 1170080, The Voters' List for the Township of Howiak has been published, and wan posted up in the Clerk's office onMonday July 21et. '1'be Foresters have now the brialt on. hand for their new hall and Mr. Catta• each will oommeooe the brick laying in a abort time. Liwrg'ow tat Erskine Riggs bae taken a position with Thornton & Douglas, Stratford. Listowel Fire Brigade will take part in the Firemeu'e tournament at Stratford on the 7th of August. The Listowel Lacrosse Club played the return game with Mitchell in Ketereon Park, Mitohell, on Thursday and lost, The old fire tank on the corner of Main and Davidson v7 son sir t ee u hae been filled p This hue .not been done any too ecce as its rotten covering rendered it dangerous. Wm. Climie, editor of the Banner, returned home from Winnipeg and left again for Chicago, where his brother Robert bae gone to undergo an exami• nation by X rage. The plan of the new S. A. barrsoke has been prepared. The new barrsoke will be built of brick and will be an imposing etrueture, costing about $2,000. The aontraot is expected to be let and work commenced early in Angaet. The dry ,goods house of Rnniane, McBee, Carson Co. have placed their affairs in the hands of Messrs. Andrew Darling, Toronto, and G. 0. Gibeone, K. 0., London, as receivers for their creditors. Meeere. Carson & McKee were former residents of this town, John Stubbs, of town, received a letter from his eon, Will. A. Stubbs, whioh was written on board the 8. S. Corinthian, and mailed from Cape Verde, Will. having joined the 4th contingent at Winnipeg, and left for South Africa on the 1st of May. He wan with the 50 regiment, 0. M R, and was in good health andenjoy- ing enjoy ing the trip. - Iaeritaatl.• Carmel Church Sabbath School have arranged to bold thoir.annnal piania at the Bend. Flax pulling commenced last week with quite a number of men and boys employed. J. E. MoDonell has so far recovered as to be able to sit np and walk around bot is not making rapid improvement. John 0. Doherty, of London, brother of the Ioonmbent, sang a Bolo "Face to Face," very acoeptably. at St. Panl'e 'church,. The new G. T. R. Station Agent has arrived and is gradually getting acquaint- ed. His name is Alex. Brandt and he aame from Hamburg. Among those who took professional aertiloatee at the Normal School, Lou. doe we note the name of our young towns. man Arthur McAllister. Mies Flossie P. Snell has enooeeefally paseed her examination, at Alma College and also at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, obtaining bonore in Theory nod Harmony. A very interesting game of football was played ou the trunk on Tuesday of last week between our juniors aid those of Zurich. Both Mama put up a good game but Bengali played the beet combination and scored the only goal won during the game: . . twonQ. Tfie lawn Teonii club have secured suitable grounds from Geo. Smith and have 'menu praatioiug. The Direotore of the Elmo. Agrioul. tarsi Sooiety met Saturday to arrange the prize list for our big fall fair. The Bnptiet ahorob purpose bolding their anniversary eerviaeli on Sunday '.and Monday, Sept 14th and I6th. 1,11A DSU SJLU J()$T1 "Bosolawn," the home of .the sitter at Tutt I3otc, ie offered for sale, Th EI fees o. so i The ma t O !d the r half et Ally make, 445 boxed, to fiodg- spa Bros„ Montreal, et 0 14 Be. a tb. ''itey were shipped Friday, J.phn Onthberteon received the sad intelligence Wednesday of last week of the sadden death of hie Water, Mre. Armour, (nee Jean Outbberteon) of Idoruinge itfllls, Ont, Pare, E, 0, Bmitb and children, Eddie and. Ruby, of Chicago, 111„ formerly of the Bit con„ Lllma, are the guests of Mra. Oliver, Atwood, Mr, Smith ie architect for a large .firm and tin doing exoeediogly well. The body of Mies Jean Love, of Lon. don, Oat„ daughter of site late James Love, of 'l'rowbtidge, palmed through Atwood 00 Monday of last week` for tee Elms Centre cemetery, where interment was made. The deoeaued woo aged 21 years, and was •tllioted with amnia heart trouble, from whioh she died. She was a mice of John Love, 0r., of Elma, and had many friends here. Sea(ortlr.' Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Egmondville, is still very ill and 000fined to bed. Rev. F, H. Larkin has returned from hie trip to the MaratimeProvinces, Ooptein and Mre. Ligbtowler, of the Salvation Army, are visiting Mre, Ligh• tawler's parente, Wm. and Mre, Copp. Mies Sloan returned home from British Calculable last week. She bae bean teach• ing school in Nanimo for four years. Mise L. Dorranoe, daughter of Mre. S. Dorranoe, of town, has paused her ex• amination at the London Normal School. A petition hes been circulated asking mayor to proclaim Monday, August 18111, as civic holiday. The 38rd, Regiment and the town Sabbath eohoole intend having and excursion to Goderiob on that day. 13lvtea. Wendell Holmes, of Toronto, ie visiting i nt at the Methodist Parsonage. h e are e Rev. J. Edmonds, the new rector of Trinity church, and family have moved into the rectory. Rev. Principal Brandt, of Point Aix Premblee school, Quebec, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on Sunday evening, John Denholm, 7'. W. Sloan and John Bell lett Blyth station Monday afternoon of Moet week with three oars of horses for the Manitoba ntark.te. R. B. Carter, who has been connected with J. M. Hamilton's drag store for the past 2} years has left for Hegereville where he has secured a situation in a drug store. A eorap iron dealer named Charles Harris appeared before Reeve Sime, N. H. Young, J. P., and Wm. Campbell, J. P., charged with naing indecent language towards Mre. Oakley. Atter hearing tbe evidenoe, the magistrates diemisaed the case. J. A. Jackson, B. A., appeared for the defendant. At the last meeting of Blyth School Board Trustee .Cowan moved, seconded by Trustee Mo0omming, that they engage a fourth teeober to take charge of the third division and allow Principal Bailey to take np high school work only. Carried. Traetee Potter moved, aeoond- ed by Trustee Cowan, that they engage Mies Kirkby for the third division for the balance of the preeent year at the rate of $275 per annum. Carried. Clinton. Mayor Jackson has appointed Monday, August 4111, Civic holiday. Lack Kennedy bae decided to again take op hie abode in Clinton. Dr. Blaokall was in Lnoknow negotiat- ing for a hotel there. No deoision was reached, however. The Gent's Furnishing Stook, of A. J. Holloway hae been parohased at a rate on the dollar by J. W. Neoombe, who, although be had accepted a laorative position in Winnipeg, finally deoided to remain in Clinton for the preeent, Dr. 111o0a11nm, of Crestline, 0., (for. merly of Clinton) has been appointed Surgeon General for the 0. C. T. Co. and the M. 0. & G. R. R. Local Phyei- Dane and Surgeons will be designated by }aim at Mansfield, Gallon and Buovrus. It cannot be said that the poetoffioe in Clinton hae moved about very much, for the building at preeent occupied has been Deed continuously for at least 25 years, having been erected expressly for a poetoffioe and residence by the late Thos. Fair. J. 0. Stevenson reoeived a telegram from Brantford, announcing the sudden death of hie anot, Mre. MoOallom, sister of the late Thos. Stevenson. This is the fourth death that bas oeonrred -within a few months among the relatives of Mr. Stevenson. 0: J. Wallis left for the North Went with a consignment of horses whioh he expecte to dispose of out there. For some time he and J. W. Hill have been handling horses in partnership, but they BAD WEATHER GOOD BARGAINS The Summer Season bae been so vory short on account of oontinned cold, wet weather we have decided at this early date to make greet reductions on all Summer goods, What has made our Shirt Waists so Popular this Season ? The Styles and The Prices The Stylee remain the sante but the PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN, We want you to appreciate the impoetanoe of this Clearing Bale and ycn can only do so by being among tate first to profit by the Bargains we are offering, This offer includes all Summer Goode soak as :— Prints, Gingham, Muslina, Ducks, Piques, Mercerized— Lawns, Chambrayy s and Sateeus. SHIRT WAISTS in White Linen Lawn, Embroidered Fronts, Open Backs, Insertion Trimmed, Lace Trimmed, Colored Mulling, Mercerized Mullins and Dark and Light Prints. Straw Hats, Sailors and Tams Parasols. —Aaguat Faehione, FREE. —August Deelgnere, 100 •—August Patterns, 60, 100, 15o, 20a and 26o. A. each. STRACHAN. M n cri ff Saw Mill Large quantity of Lumber of all kinds, Lath, Shingles and Slabs for sale: During July proprietor will be there each Wednesday to at- tend to the wants of the public. Oa other dates write Wm. J, Palmer, 50.4 Wroxeter P. 0, Lime' The Bodlriin Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris, are ready for the Spring trade and have a quantity of fresh lime on hand. Guaranteed to be first-class. Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln. A. Nicholson & Son. 41 -em P1tOPRIETORS. If writing address Belgrave P. 0. ETHEL SAW MILLS All kinds of Deemed Lumber kept on band from $10 up. British Columbia, home out Hhinglee and Lath k• pt on baud. A good bum on lath con. of Grey for sale. A quantity of green cedar poste for sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. dieeolved by mutual consent. Mr. Hill we believe. will eti11 continue in the same line Of business. 8 S. Cooper was notified on Monday of Met week, that being the lowest ten• darer, be was awarded the contract by the Pablia Works Department, for tbe erection of the Poet Offioe buildiog, and be informs no that he is prepared to start on it at once, and push it forward with all possible speed. His tender was $9,500. eat o01ericlr. Mies May Coates, daughter of Imoao and Mre. Coulee is suffering from spinel trouble. The merchants of Goderiob have not adopted the weekly half holiday system this Summer. A tea and bazaar 10 to be held at the West street rink on Wednesday and Thursday, August 5.11 and lth, in aid of the hospitalfnod. The fioanoial meeting for the Goderiob district of the Methodist ahureh will be held at Holmeavile on Thursday, Aognet 71b, at 10.30 a. m. The many friends of Mies Wynn will be pleased to learn that ebe has about entirely recovered from her recent attack of pneumonia, and is able to be out again. Tenders, both lump or separate, are asked fur the erection of the North street Methodist Church, in the town of Gode- riob. Tenders addressed to Rev. Dr. Daniel, Goderioh, will be taken up to 6 p. m. on August 12th. A. B. Davison, who hae been at Ayl- mer for some time, ie returning to hie former position at G. M. Elliott's grocery. Mr, Elliott intends to take a rest from bedtime cares for a couple of months, and Mr. Davison will have obarge of the store in his abeenoe. A pieoe of boyish mischief wag obeerv. ed some time ago, the seriousness of whioh the youtbtol perpetrators may not have realized. A couple of boys were playing with lighted matches with the evident intention of dropping them ha one of the letter boxes around town. The case in whioh F. MoOarthy, of Aebflold township, ie charged with um lawfully taking and keeping in his poo. session twelve sawlogs oast ashore on the beaoh of Lake Huron, and alleged to be the property of the Cleveland -Sarnia Saw Mille Company, has been before the Police llfagietrate, who has eent defen• dant for trial by the county judge. The defence 18 that the loge were on the road and the patltmatter directed defendant to take them up oat of the way. The defendant has been bound over to the December sessions. Immigration from Great Britain to Canada, whioh has averaged abont 11,000 yearly for five years peat, increased to 17,000 last:year. W. G. Griggs, station agent at the Grand Trunk at Woodttook, is leaving the services of that railway. Ho bae accepted an excellent position with the Bntland Railway and will be stationed at Rouao'e Poiut, New York State. The mammoth new furniture factory in Hanover, Oct., built by Daniel Reach. Eel, ie composed entirely of cement. The cement walla are ooneiderably thioker than brink, and it is said that there is no danger of them cracking in Winter. The Milverton Sun says that one of the Rimming features at the citrons last week was the eagerness displayed by some of the Stratford citizens to have their pia. tare "took" as they entered the tent by a smartly dressed clown, Who generally do out after begot hi g a victims posing, The $10,000 debentures bearing 4 per cent„ of the villdge of New Hamburg, were sold to the Mutual Lite Aenuraoce Company Of Canada at a premium of $50, whioh proves that the orodit of the corporation was not injured by the pass. ing of the bonne by-law ter the foundry, as was predicted by th0ee who tried to oppose it, 'VICK* n...,9s 0481-i STORE, Otlfl (=EAT CLEARING 'G S J1 Grown more intere0ting every day, Never lg tate history of our BIG CASH STORE have we offered snob bargain? 00 we are giving daring this sale. We are clearing out the balance of our stook regardless of 0001 to Clear; Our apace will not ,allow 10 quote prices in every department, Below we quote a few prioee whioh will give 50n an idea of the terrillo reductions you may expeot if you visit thiaetore early and often, Remnants of Drees Goode in two and 5 yard lengths, in black and colored Gash - mere, Serge'', Lustros, Venetitine, Broadolothe and Fancy Drees Goode, worth from 25o to $1.25 per yard. All at half priers to clear, -Ladles' Glovoe in Silk Taffeta and Lisle Thread, in add lines and sizes, in shades of tan, elate, brown, navy, blank, ox blood and drab, worth from 20o to 60o per pair. Your choice for, 100 per pair.—Monte Buepepders, made to sell at 20o, for 5o,—Meu'e Heavy Cot. ton Books worth 10o, 4 pair for 250,—Ladies' Sailors, with bleak and colored bands, from 250 to $1, At half prioe,—Ladies' Trimmed Hate from $2.60 to $0, all this eeaeon'e goods. At half pries -Ladies' Parasols, in bleak and fanoy oolore and etrlpee, from 50e to 53, All at half priae,—Men's Suite in single and double breasted ooate, strictly up•to•date, Shorsy's make, at 20 per cent. off.— Boys' Suite in great variety, at half priae. We will be pleased to have you oome and look through our stook, M'KINNON c& CO., BLYTH, The Hand Haat Wields tile Brull is never so willing to perform its labors as when the Paint used yields easily in application. The work becomes a labor of love if you use our reliable Ready -mixed Paints. We'll supply you with an article that Stands on its Merits Alone —The BEST and the CHEAPEST. The SHERWIN—WIL- LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never fails to give satisfaction. Complete stock of Paints, Oils, , Varnishes, &c. Wilton & Turnbull bueuerculecetuetioeucuetuuete CROQUET SETS, EXPRESS WAGONS, &C., AT The Post Bookstore Gfi Mt >1 IRr 1 tit21tc *d'ti ' rin 1 A RECORD -BREAKER EWAN & CO. Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wagons this season, already, and are now offering Spec- ial Bargains for one month as they intend to make this season a record -breaker in the number of sales. Remember the date, July 12, is the limit for bargains. You need not be afraid to drive 30 or 40 miles to see our stock, you will be sure to buy. It will be to your advantage to see the High Grade Buggies at close prices. Robt. Thomson has purchased one of our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear- ing, bike buggies. This is the 3rd we have sold iu Brussels los le and they are all giving first-class satisfaction. These rigs can be bought from E W A AT & o, At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Factory,