HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-31, Page 1Mkt BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1902. W. H. KERR, Prop. BRussELsSunday � Of above Ne At�Vel'i lSeillelllS•, Duster loot -Tux Poem, Western Fair—J, A, Nelle°, Summer eels—Grover et Co, Semiannual Bale—D. 0, Roes. Oiearing Bale—MoKtnnon & Co, Breasts Ranee—Rohl, Pbomaop, for Bale—Daniel McMillan, Horne for tale—Robt. Thomson. Fall term—Stratford Bus, College. expenses—R. G. Reynolds. Ford and Mies A,Ime. Cooper were v;store at Dr, Armstrong's, on Sunday. School Exogreion to Khmer- dine on''J eeday, Aug. 12, The special train leaves Bruaaela at 812 a, m., and will leave Kiooardine at 6 p. m, Return fare for adults, 85o and for ohildreu 45a, The "Lettergos," of Brgseele, seamed. ed the village on Tuesday evening, We take this opportunity of oorreoting those of our citizens who live under the im• pression that it was the nightgang of llax•pullers• Rev. Mr. ()emotion, who bas had the pastorate of the Methodist Chirob for a few weeks has been recalled by the aew Conference to engage in mission work, probably in China. W. R. Manning, of Walkerton, who will encased him; took the services last Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Careoallen will preach next Sabbath, oom. munion eerviose being held at 10.30 a. m, and service at 7 p. m. . nation owing to continued ill health eo a towbar for this room beoomeepe0esary before oohcol re epos, Death or Mas. GoLLox,—This week we have to chronicle the death of Margaret Hunter, relict of the lets Joseph Gotley, of Morrie towoobip, whioh ead event 000arred at the residence of her oon.in- law, L. J. Williams. on Wednesday, De°Saeed was one of the pioneer residents of Morrie and with her husband, lived for many years on the gravel road South of Wingham, Mre, Golley was 75 years of age end leaves several children, among them being Mra. Thos. Ousels, Wing. ham ; Mra. L J. Williams, and William Golley, Morrie; and Joe. Golley, it S., of Treherne, Mao, The bereaved will have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. The funeral will take plane on Friday afternoon from Mr, Williams' reeiaenoe, lot 4, ooaoeseion 5, Morrie, at 2 0'°look for Winghaw Dema- feta. 8 Weenie °ranee, some of them capable of hoisting the largest railway engine over the top of another engine with ease. Cleveland le a floe city with a population of about half a million poseneipg all the modern advantages known. Mr, Ma. Doagall returned to Cleveland on Thurs. day. He bide Tair to attain a top notoh position in hie trade, and bie old time frteude will be, glad to hear of well de. served promotion. ---a---- 5th el • Township Connell will mesh here on Friday of thio week. The well is being drilled at the school g hones by B beceon, Anew pump will also be added, Lest week oar usual quota of stook shipments were made nondieting of both cattle and sheep. The new brink 2 story cottage of Robt. Barr is being plastered. It will be a fine home when completed. W. H, Newcombe, of Clinton, formerly of Ethel, re ulnae in the advent of "the 7➢ prettiest little girl you ever eaw." The first hall of Jul oheese has been sold to Ballantyne 8c Sons., Stratford, at 9i• cents. It was shipped last Monday. Next Sabbath the quarterly commun. ion service will be bald in the Methodist church here. The pastor will oondnot it. Ethel Oonrt of the I. 0. F. will be represented at the High Court, to be held at Windsor on Aug. 12th, by Jno. Fraser, Chief Ranger, We are sorry to hear that Ackhurst Taplor'a;health is not any too good. He is bothered with ohronio bronchitis, but We hope he will soon be better, Chaa. Rapp, 05 St. Thomas, le here on a holiday. He has been 11 years in the employ of the Michigan Central railway. Not a bad testimonial by any means. G. W. Pollard is having hie brick reeideuoe repainted. W. Routley is do- iug the work. A forams and other im• provemento will be made to the interior. Four Ethel Public School pupils passed the recent Ent,anoe examination viz :— Ellie Haosuld, LilySimpson, Emil P Y Manna, Mamie MoAllieter. The tint mentioned took honors. Well done. Return fare on the Sabbath School Hum from Ethel to Kincardine, on Tuesday, Ang. 12tb, will be 95a for adobe and for here 5ata 8 01 children. and returning will leave Kincardine at 6 p. m. text helps "Ile Bold hie til Jacob, Next. Sabbath tba ragula Communion service will bo Methodist Choroh, Brussels. ship meeting will be held in i Sohool room from 9.30 to 10 whioh hour the regular pseac will begin followed by lbs dispeuntug. �� RAtoEsFarm ®Election Program ii on the ' - BOWLING TOURN. ry Wednesday; l e a (� Tuesday .J� • iimugusiFriday � outside UPiulau of liens. c�y�ry�, Misfriti 1" � s. The London Free Press c mooning makes the followin, in reference to the closing Bowling Tournament :—Th somewhat regrettable inoia motion with the aemi•fln Ooneolatiou aeries, The thr the roond were Tytler (Lon (Seaforth) and Rosa (Br tatter was advanced to the fi bye. Then Ski Bright as P g sion to substitute another ph g entleman who had bean for him all through. Skip r1 ed being within his rights i and the Seaforth rink thereu the would default the a Y g the grounds for uptown. Mr, Bright name book an play out the game bat by tau final game between Tytler ar commenced and the exeantiv after full consideration, deer would not be fair to either rinke to stop the final game, ruled that Mr. Bright's d stand. The Consolation finale deal of a runaway race on th Brassie rink, who bowled i fashion. They scored on ends of the eixteeu played, won oat by 17 to 5, the being in doubt. Brussels b every reason to oongratnlate y upon their showing. They o rink, and it re no small feat one of the three principal eve p p snob Strong bowlers as they The Tytler rink have no re ashamed of the result, In in P y up•bilt game from the o0 had a lot noteyal ogether oreepoosib e defeat, London Advertiser of Sat Ing touches the BrueaeliEee o —D. 0. Rosa' Brussels rink, such a brilliant fisiah;io the within an ace of not elfin nament at all. When Mr. his entryMouthy night he w y g tar¢ whether be could get ax me he had only secured two of He managed to fill hie rink a sequence is that the Oonsolat 9 Brussels, when in all probabi otherwise have stayed in Lon ocher im octant prizes. Mr. P played under difficulties, Naughton,the seoond, is onl cent after a month's illness. members of the rink are Ja who has just disposed of t Herald after editing it for and Joseph Ardell, who runs business. The r1rk deoervee oprrying of the prize in spit opposition. Mr. Ross reports that 11 club, though only two year posseeaing only a limited mei nevertheless imbued with tL ambition. It is generally re g y 1 anytournament within reae tante. Al Listowel both its their way into the semi-finals they meG defeat. At Seafort1 rink enured second prize in lotion, taking first in the nam Seaforth last ear. Though 1 only28 members, rt had of =petitions master way. P Y Farrow, ex M. P. for East Hr a old locket for nom etition P in whioh the scoring is done i way.Each man lays four P dustman of each from the Jae] orad, and the player whom P Y of inches is the 1019814 score Dr. MoNa4 bran Lae offers medal for oath sin lee, while 1 ivin a prize for doubles. giving The finals resulted is a 1 viotory for Mr, Roes' rink •being 17 •to 5. The Brussels 0 •eu °riot •and dear P• bowling prates they received. Gvrex. Gre townehi Connoil will roeet on Y P of this week at the Hall, Ethel. Misses Lawrence and brother, from Want Seaforth, were visiting at Eli Smith's on Sunday, The Miaaee Mustard, of Gladstone, Manitoba, are visiting at Janne Fermi- eon's, their nnole, 9th cop. There will be no preaching in Roe's ; church next Sabbath morning owing to the quarterly communion being held at Ethel that day. Anew threshing outfit has been par- abased from New Hamburg by Robt. McTaggart, 15th non., and he will be better able than ever to make thingsmiller, bum. The annual Sabbath School Excursion to Kincardine ie billed for Tuesday, Aug. 12th, by special train, and promisee to afford a very pleasant day's dating et Lake Heron's shore. the storm Saturday afternoon McKay, 17th con., had his baro attack by lightning, 2 tatters were torn off and oarxied 10 rode. Fortunately the building was not Beton fire. Fall wheat harvest this week and the engairy • What shall the harvest be?' is being ciphered oat on broad lines as tar as anticipated results from the wheat fields, Oats is also et splendid crop, Jamestown. Next Sabbath evening Rev. F. Swann, of Blnevale, •will reach at Victoria Hall, p Jamestown, Jno. McAllister took they aervioe last Sunday. rvioa l ra HeLLAxutvxasanv.—Th4reday evening of last week one o[ the largest crowds ever seen around here assembled on the apacioae lawn of Geo. Eokmrer, the event being the birthday part of pictoria Hall. The enthusiasm of the of Jamestown vicinity was shown tbof themew. ation S. very anpaarxradtying l way affair, Not a detail wee omitted. As the crowd aeeembled the reception committee was very saliva in making people aogtatnted and seeing that all were comfortable. The tables on the lawn, 10 charge of the ,rig and gentlemen waiters, were some. tin to race a state ban uet, and ft ie needless to say that tpe edibles were equal, showing that when Jamestown vicinity do a thing they need not be shown how. A booth in charge of Jae, Innes, D. McDonald and Norman Smith, did a rushing b°einese and netted a neat sum. repairman being Beall The whe pe people Pied, the people repaired to the Hall where every available equate foot had of least two pereons standing. The pro. gram was largely made op of win talent, Prof. Cline's choir, of 20 voting, rebendered re 0110x4888, sol°eeponsible for eo�me o. lsplendidly plendi d hick's recitation was well received as was also Min Bebe Smith's sola Rev. F. Swann, of Blnevale. aa chair. man kept an orderly totes and err. P Y P formed his duties very we1L Oue die agreeable feature most be bare mentionedgetting a number of otthe from Bru.sate after orating themselves with John Barley- corn, became very noisy and corn offensive in the lobby of the Hall and were foraibl a soled b a Doc 1e of men, Y 1 y P whioh shows that disgraceful conduct will in no way be tolerated bare and tbatJameehown re not a dumping ground orresort for the rabble of surrounding towns. At the olose of the program °eke and coffee were for luncheon. The prone we were provided $100. Virroxeter. R. Mailer paid Toronto a flying visit on Tiaureday. Mrs. Borden, of Wingham, ie the guest of Mre. W. M. Robinson. A. Hislop M. P. P., of Walton, wee in the village on Saturday. Burns Walker, of Niagara Falls, is the guest of relatives in the village, Rev. E. Shaw and Mre. Shaw, of Ben. are renewing acquaintances in the village, - Gofte° Thompeou, of Guelph, is visit. ing Geo. Town and wife, at the Gorton House. Mise 13. Smith; of Galt, and Mies N. Turnbull, of Walton, are guests of Mies Tena Smith, A load of young people attended the Borden party in Jamestown, ISM There. day evening. Frank Sanderson, of Chicago, is spend• inga few weeks holidays with hie parents on Queen atreet. Mise McKelvey, of Strafford, and Miee Parish, of Montreal, are guests of Rev. and fire. McKelvey. Mise R. Wendt, of Mildmay, is spend• iug a few days in the village with her brother, J. R. Wendt. Rev. R. S. G. Aodere°° left tar Muskoka on Wednesday where he will spend a reonth'e vsoation. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre returned to Cleveland on Thursday having visited the latter's mother, Mre. Allan, for some time. Mrs. Paesmore who has been the guest of her sister, Mre. J. Hamilton near the village [or the past week, retorad t0 her home in Goderioh on Saturday. Owing to the inolemenoy of the weather the football matoh with Listowel whioh was to have taken lane i❑ the Park, p Saturday evening was postponed. A cab load of young people from Listowel drove 4p to wetness the game but unfortunately were disappointed. A very sncoeseful garden party under the sae ioes of the choir at thePress ter. p y tan church was field on F. v Diokeon's lawn Monday evening. •A more delight. fel evening could not have been wished for and was apparently taken advantage of by the residents of the village to spend a moist evening together. There was a splendid program also tag-of•war between the married and single met whioh re• salted in a victory tar the latter. The gate receipts amoented to $25. - Brussels Turf Club will put a First-class Horse Races on the tip-top half mile track . - dates, the list embracing the following :— �,--/�• j Day l ZiSt ,Day / 2.50 TROT OR PACU 2.25 FREE-FOR-ALL. Trotters will be allowed 5 seconds �r7 �r (�y� Second i� 1Jecond DW 2.30 TROT .OR PAC " rtDuring 2.22Walter 2.19 " • advantage in all classes. — ak I�Ji 00 in Purses VV dl ton. F. O. Neal is home for a few holidays. Mrs, H. B. Moon of Londeeboro', spent a few days ip Walton last week. Alex. and Me. Smith, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with friends in Walton. There will be no preaching service in St. George'e Church next Sabbath atter. noon. Ferguson, of Will. and Mier Hattie gfriends Blanchester, were visiting triende in town this week. Alex, McDougall, of Olevaoosa Ohio,y is renewing old aegnaintanaeehipe i4 Walton this week. Min Christina Fleming' of Markham, a la'a, enact a few days at L. Dill, week. P. and Mre. Dill, and Fred. Broadfoot and Roy Aitzel, of Seaforth, were also granite on R Sunday. A large class of cod horses expected as dates come in between g good g ham andTorontoRaces. The trach: is fast and in excellent condition for records. REDUCED RAT ES ON TI -IE RAILWAY. �tiPatch out for posters giving full particulars. ��i7t�7 f l } W. F. Scott,S Uc y Robt. Thomson Pres i ! Committee—F. S. Scott, Jno. Beattie and Jno. Hewitt, I31uevale. Mies Mary Doff was visiting in Listo. wet. Alexander Mensa, of Hamilton, spent Bewley with his family here. Miss Jean Rose, of Morriebank, is visit- in Miss MaryIain thio week. g g Mre. Walker, of London, WW1 visiting her sister, Mra. Lewis, Ian week. Master Morel' McKenzie, of Ripley, ie visiting at the Parsonage this week. Mise Lizzie Johnston and little mice, of Goderioh, are visitingrelatives here, Mines Bertha Sanderson and Maggie Diment visited in Brussels over Sunday. Miss Winnie Sallery, of Da°dae, spent a day with her mote, Rev. F. Swann, last week. Messes Aneie Holmes and Lizzie P0000k visited for a few days in Wing. ham. Mre. Joseph Barges and children, of Woodstock, are visiting relatives in the village. M. H. and Mrs. Elliott and children, of Wingbam, visited at the residenoe of R. N. Duff• Wm. Maser and hex mother, Mrs. M=Allister, are visiting relatives near Walter Barges lett last week for Woodstock where he has =tired a good position. Miss Lipa McOullongh, ora fedw , was visiting at R, N• Duff's, fora few daye this week, Little erste Helen Black re visiting Ler grandparents, Jno, and Mrs. Robextean, at Wroxeter. Peter wheeler and oh11 ren spent a few days with the former's sinter in Turnberry last week. Miesee Bnrdetta dna Eva Geddes, of and Detroit, raepeotively, visit. ed their sant, Mrs. Henry Diment, The Quarterly service will be held •Iu the Methodist church, Blnevale, next Sunday morning. Rev. R. Paul, of Brae. Bele will preach. D. Ragars, of Fordwi°b, •oocipied the p¢lpit of the Metbodiet chetah on Sunday night. Rev. F. Swann took the work on the Fordwioh neiouit. Sunday School Exgnrsion to rima - dine on Tuesday, Aug, 1215. The return trona Biaeval° will be 80a for adults and 40a for children. Train leaves here at 8.26 o'clock a, m, � � 3113, 3MIL CIO • Semi -Annual Sale Aug.St station. No just 9 We've hesitation no f Washable. off. • And, begun, � DIorros . Good hay weather now. The Coronation will be an August ceremony. Township Ocunoil will meet on Blom day, Aug. 4th at 10 a. m. The Misses McCullough, of Teeswater, are visiting at Alex. Clark's, 615 line. Win. Jewitt shipped guar of huge to Palmerston on Tb°rsda of this week. y D. Halliday is learning the drug bustMrs. y g nese is Brueeela. His parents live on the 6th line near Belgrave. Berry pickers report the Drop a poor one. We know one lady, not 10 miles from Snnebioe, who went out and got one herr Tryagain. Miss berry. her and Mise Tram Pp, who were visiting at James Sharp's, 515 g P'Min line, for the peat few weeks, returned to Friday. St, Thomas last ride Wm. Kerney, 415 line was badly injnr. ed byafork fallin and striking him1418. hay g in the side breaking several ribs and iaroin one of the lenge. p g There will be no preaching service in the Jackson thumb next Sabbath atter-Brussels noon as the quarterlycommunion earviae will be helat Bl t, Y John Kelly has pnrohased a new Massey -Hanle binder. John Agin, Jae. Granby and John Nethery have also fall.' en i° tine and got the came kind.Rev. A lot of Fall wheat is now cut and with good weather the crop will be all in the stook by Saturday of this week. Barley ie about ready, and a lot of bay to out yet, A brood sow and number offare young page were found iu a grain field on the 615 line by some berry pickers. Time they were looked after or they may prove rather oostly pork. Wm. Kreuter, of Entente, is potting a new roof on John Mille' barn, 0th line. Mr. Mills lives at Auburn and ie not in the beet of health. We hope he will soon be able to attend to farm work again. KIalms Aar.—Joseph Mollro Saltine, y has had bad look with big cows this sea• eon, one dying 2 weeks ago and another taking lump jaw. His neighbors took in the situation and without much trouble collected near) $100 whioh the resent- Y Y P ed to Ma Mollroy, at hie home, theotber evening. Oonnoillor Code made a abort appropriate address and Township Clerk Clark made the presentation. The re• aipient returned his very hearty thanks to the kind friends for their thought. Ialnees and generosity. Sgoh eats are g Y• not a bad r000mmendatron for any corm m5mty and Would stand copying by other localities. The. Clinton New Era of lest week Saye t—The Modal eahooi is advertising fora Weather for Room No. 4, and also for the junior Division, applications received up to the GiS of August. In the juhlor Division Min Kirkby, of Walton, had been engaged and taught for some time, but her health gave out and she got leave of abeenoe, her place bring enpplied by Mise Minnie Cooper, who ie an excellent teacher and ono whom the board Would gladly retain but whose certifloate unfortunately, has run oht• Lost weak the Board received a letter Crrtnbroott. The flax atop is ready for harveting and it ie a good one. The new st resp d atn n Mentalis, EaeE of here, is completed. Biaoar are, is coanion, on Tuesda Aug.oronto. 12, will attract a good many from this locality. Mise L. Calder bee returned from Galt she has been holidaying for the the set month. Waugh, of Seaforth, was the guest of Ler friend Min Margaret Oar der, daring the past week.g Brown cooker spaniel strayed from here about the 15th of May. Infer- nation as to its whereabouts will be thankfully received by A. Reymann. Adam J. Foerster, of Detroit, ie visit- Ing ander the parental roof. He is asotg of V. Foexeter, of Grey, and is employed in a wholesale grocery in the above 0ity, L. Foerster and John. Mittleholtz, of ' Zurioh, accompanied by their better halves and ohildreu, were visiting rel. skives and friends here for a. day or two. The broncho and ice driver won leaf Sunday evening and Fred. was also in the game. Your oorreepondent is sorry for the gentlemen who loot but Jack may not always win. Miaaee Maud and Carrie Reymann, of Detroit, are Sommer visitors at A. Raymaun'a. They are danghten' of Joseph Reymann formerly of this Ioaalf• ty. It is 0 years sinoe they were here. Wednesday of this week Amel Barfoltz, 9th con, and a young lady here, neige of F. Raddatz, who came from Germany last Spring, were united in marriage and wilt make their home on the 9th con. May their joys be many. A 10 horse power engine and boiler hoe been purchased from Geo. White 8t Son, of London byA. Rn mann. It will be y here thio week and put in operatic°, This will take the place of the proposed 6 h. p, spoken of last week. Atnong the sneoessful Entrance pupils this year were the throe Oranbrook ma pile who wrote, being Willie Long, Robb. MoDonald and Athol MoQoarrre, We congratulate the boys. At Ethel the g y e4 Owing l the qsa was all oerm Owing to the quarterly Communion being held in the Metbodast ohnrab in Brunets next Sabbath the usual Sabbath afternoon •service will be withdrawn in the Methodist ohuroh bare. A -•number will likely go to Brnaeele 0a that day. Among our Summer visitor who have boon walling on old Mende was Alex, McDougall, of Cleveland, Ohio, He is a wide awake young man who retaipe hie Old time x05856 for the Maple Leaf and Canadian institutions, hit, Mao, is an omployse of the Lake Shore and Minh!. gen Southern railway and in the new repair stone erected will employ about 1600 }mode, Tide shop is 300x669 feet and out a million dollars. It is upao SUMMER At• Bargain time. It's like arrived at the point 'where it's waiting, no partial -measures. Every Unlined Summer Vests and Washable Sailor Suits—goes as everybody knows, the real A partial list ; come early, OF MI Beginning ®� J ! . reach the theygo. it. Trousers, at one-fourth has but of boys. a Friday, t? getting off a train when you time to droprices and down P Our time -table doesnt allow ' Garment for Men and Boys—Coats, on sale' Friday morning season for this class of Garments men and boys and mothers A CANADIAN 110301 The Duke of Connaught, G of the Grand Lodge of Free M was notified by John Rose Past Grand Master of the of Canada, of the ambled resol Canadian Grand Lodge at W Leering the rank of Past G upon his Royal Highness. eapreesee grateful thanks n P reoiation of the Lonox whlob ae another proof of the l entertained towards the mbh by the Free Masons oL requests that the same be tea q the Canadian lodge, The G Ear oP 17❑ land, in Domino above, eayegthat the Doke of desires in g which Mr. E Robertson lhas Masonry, and the important has rendered, the rank an Peat Grand Junior Warden be conferred upon hem, It is that Mr. Robarteou bas a honor, which is the highs, coofared by the Grand Lo land, Boys' drill and obeek cotton coats, regular 65o for 490 and re alar 75o for 5G g Boye' grey and black elpaos conte, regular $1.25 for 94o and regular $1.65 for 3 1 25 Boys' double breasted bine serge coats, Yegular 32, at 1 50 Boys cambric sailor suite, regular 50o, for 87} crash sailor suits, regular 76o, for 56 Boys' Fine Cotton Sailor Suite, regular $1, for 75o, and regular $1 60 for 1 12 g Men's drill and other cotton conte, regular 75o for 660, and regular $1 for 76 g Men's alpaca and serge conte, regular $1.60 for 1 12 Men's black and blue serge ooate, regular $2.75 for 2 06 Men's alpaca eoat°, regular $2 for $1,50, and regular 2.50 for 1 88 Mona blue Berge and worsted ooate, some single, some double breasted, reenter $3 tot $2.25, regular $4 for $8, and regular $5 for g 76 Men's wadi vests, white duck, cashmere finish °becks, white and drab pique, regular 75o to $1.50, for 50a to 1 12 Mao's cost and trouser suite, light etri a flannel S PP effect'', very natty, regular $6 for , 50 Mens stylish coat and trotter suits, light flannel effects replier $T 50 for 6 62 Mat's elegant suite of blue, with light stripe, coat unlined, regular $9 for G 75 �� ClIUlICll CHIMES. — Rev, R. Peal will preach at Bluevele next Sabbatb. Rev. •Mr. Coeene •and Mx. McLeod will sxohange pulpits next Sabbath evening, Last Sunda Rev. Mr. Jennings, of y Bayfield, took Ete eervicea in St, Johns Church, Bruesele. Ira Gerry and Miss Minnie Moore gave interesting information on Missionary progress at the Epworth League last P g p g Sunday evening, "The Tabernacle in the Wilderness" will be next Sabbath's lesson for the Sunday schools, Notes may be found on page 8 of this isetie, Next Sunday will be the monthly Misaionor dayin the Methadiet Sabbath Y Sahooh Chinn will be the field to whioh attention will be direoted. The regular presohing services in St, John's obnrot will be withdrawn next Sabbath owing to difloulty in sebaring sp pplies, Rev, Mr, Webb will arrive hate from Wiudeor about the let of Septem• her. Mr. M0 eod'a theme last Sabbath• morning in Melville Oburoh was "The nature of the true God and of the true worship." A special disoonree to young men was given in the evening, "God's gall for men," ;ler, 5 and 1. Be Strong was the brief text ohmen by the pastor in the Methodist °heron loot Sabbath morning. Hie evening �,���^ Straw The hat story is very short, Choice of all straw hats -hundreds the common harvest hate, which will SailorA, Fedoras, Panama Shapes 25C, 50e, 75c, $1, $1.50, t2, 2.5� Hats go at S3ali ■ - Price. - and while they last, your ' There s •only one exception, sizes. Regular prides run 7 BRUSSELS it means a lot. Friday of smart new straws -at half not be reduced. ; splendid assortment, and 4, to clear at 12 c to morning price.' few broken t, Mrs. John Oreilly was killei iug at her home in High Par Norman Reid, a Toronto drowned white attempting to e Mimiao Creek. The propeller Cuba broke of her mew by running al Port Dalhouoie. Charles Mallinley, of Ar at Berlin to forging promhasor orders for a number of firms he acted as agent, and was re ew tin T T7 A T1T A? /'7. YY T . tltT1`CTT-G1 l� ....'V .3..l..r.J..a.:a.1.5 �. • from Mtes Kirkby tendering iter rseig• date in everything and tea nc lsee than 0nbleot was "A F°°hide Bargain;' boa santenoe. tlaright unto r quarterly held in tate The fellow, be Sabbath 30 a. 111 , at hing service saorameutatl MENT. cuts Mole. f Saturday statement up of the 010 Wne a ant iu m- ale of the ee rinke in don), Bright nsseta). 11ho ' nate on the ked permie• oyer for. the playing lead yt10r objeot• n doing so, non declared me, and left Subsequently d offered to at time the nd Rose had e aommittee, ded that it of the latter and eo they efault meat were a good e part of the a first olaas all but lour and finally result never owlets Lave themselves oly gent one t0 win orcin ate ttgaiuet met here, aeon to be g a plucky nameureme¢t, I that was for their urday even- ffasfollows t which made trophy was to the tour - Roes wired as not oer- ink together, her players. ad the °on- ion goes to lity 11 would on with the Ross' rink as Dr. Mo. y oonvales- The other mea Irwin, he Brussels E • years, a harness credit for e of strong to Brussels a old, and nberehip, is e spirit of resented at unable dia. rinks won bat there i a Bruesele lbs Coneo- 3 mateh at he club has ivocal local Postmaster mon, offers in singles, n a novel bowls, the t is mass. t aggregate e a point. td a gold he club is ether easy the soora nen won by ve all the UIS1). GI • Master aeons, Eng., Roberteoo, Grand Lodge ration of the indoor, oon- rand Master The latter at • high am h he regards lo • feelings Ler aountry Canada, and nomitted to tend Saone. niooting the Connaught of the zeal evinced for Banos, be d dignity of of England undoratood acepted the et poet rank Loi of Eug,. t by tights• k, Toronto. lad, wan wart aura tbrae blades ground near r, pleaded y notes'and for whioh mended for