HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-24, Page 8PARIS GREEN The Season is now on and we offer the best English Quality for .25 cts. per pound. RUP T QCT R' �.V E Our New York Elastic Truss can be worn with perfect ease. Prices are very moderate. rtursIeys ' BOO .tor S e GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800THE816 EXTENSION W. 0. & 8. Treble Leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; GOING Scrum GoINa N0ET8. Mail 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a,m a.m I Flail 1:17 p.m Express 8:25 panExpress ...... 8:17 p.m Coxa' Etins 3tcros. A ohisl's amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent ia. Too mach rain for haying. Reseminares now take their innings. 0. 0. F. will meet Tuesday evening of next week. THE whip lost and advertised in THE PasT has been found. 'Neff sed. AN appeal has been entered in the vase of MoNab vs Zi111ax which will be heard before long. Fred. MoCraoken and staff are busy painting and papering in the Qaeen'a Hotel for Joseph Querrin, the new pro- prietor, A pair of bowlers' satchels are up for competition in 000080ti0o with Braeeele bowling green and flrerinke of doubles are after them. IT would be difl'ionit to gatb•r together a lot of better testimonials than those presented by the 79 applioants, last week, for the vacancy on Brueeele Publio School teaohing staff. No Moire STAMP LIaxING,—A patent stamp-etiaker, consisting of a felt•aovered cylinder whioh revolves in a email basin of water, ie now at the disposal of the pobiio at Brueeele poetoffioe. GEORGE GUAR, butcher, had a horse ran away on Monday while out in the country. A. broken shaft penetrated the animal's body doing considerable injury requiring the care of a Veterinary. TRE residence of Mre, Jno. Grieve, corner ohuroh and John streets, has been purchased by Alex. McCall, the price being 0500. Mre. Grieve may remove from Breeze's next Fall, but we hope not. TEE G. T. R, authorities have been asked for a epeoial train on Taeeday, Ang. 12th to accommodate all desirous of attending the annual Sabbath School Exoureion to Kinoardine. Train will run from Palmerston the same AS last year. CORER Carriage Factory is bogy on 150 new cutters for next Winter's trade. Their large stook of buggiea is fairly well cleared out for this season. The firm will largely inoreaee next season's output. They make splendid vebioles and gaoran• tee eatiefaotian. 18 or 20 members of Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, C. 0. F., Braaoe's, attended the No. of Chester B. Harris, a brother Forester, at,Wroxeter, laetl8an- day afternoon. The deceased only joined the Order a few months ego. He was a fine young man and his death will be a great bereavement to his relativee. Mee, Moes DEAF.—Word was reoeived here last Monday of the demise of Oath. erine, beloved wife of W. H. Mose, of Toronto, formerlywell known citizens of Brunets. She bad been laid up with nervone prostration but ber demise was quite a ehook to her friends. Mre. Mose was 61 years of age. She vieited here last Summer and was looking well. Mrs. J. Leokie went to Toronto on Wedneeday to attend the funeral, Mr. Mose will be deeply sympathized with. They had no children. A rink from Brueeels Bowling club, oon0ieting of D. 0. Rose, Dr. McHugh - ton, Jae. Irwin and Joe Ardell, ;went to London on Tuesday morning to take e. hand in the tournament there. In the Trophy competition they defeated a Btrathroy rink on Teesday,by, 26 to 17 and in the second draw, Wedneeday, won from a London rink by 17 to 12. It is a big affair ae 43 rinks are represented. Onr bowlers will hardly get home until Friday. Do You BNow ?—Some of the common- est facts of our everyday e510100oe totally escape our observation. Here are some questions about things you've seen every day and all your life. If you are a won• der you may poeeibly answer one or two of the queries off -hand. Otherwise not ; What are the exaot words on a Cana. dian two -vent stamp ? In whioh direction is the face turned on a cent ? On a quarter ? On a ten - cent pieoe ? How many toes has a oat on eaob fore foot ? On eaoh hind foot ? Which way dose the crescent moon torn—to the right or to the left ? Write down, off -hand, the figoree on the farm of your watch. The odds are that you will make at least two mistakes in doing this, Your watch has some words written or printed on its face. You have seen there words a thoneand times. Write them out correctly. Aleo, what le the number in the mmie of yo0r watch ? How many teeth have you How many buttons has the vest or shirt waist you are wearing? How many stairs are there in Elie flret flight at your honer; How many steps lead from the etreet to the front doer of your house ? What is the name, signed in fan timite, on any one, two, five or ten dollar bill you ever taw? You've read donee ref those names. Can you remember one ? A aeon coating of gravel la being laid down on Turnberry street from the South. 8 orae of cattle will be shipped from Braeeele next Monday for Boston. Special cattle Dare will be sent here for diem. $229.25 were the profits of the eaoareion to the Model Farm, Guelph, last month along the division of the W. G. & B., Kinoardine to Ethel, inalnaive. W. G. Bremos, of Toronto, who died, on Monday, was a nephew of Mre, J. A. Oreigbton'o Braesels. He was a flue young man, only 21. year° of age. FIFTY dollars has been subscribed by the members of Braeeele Odd Fellows' Lodge toward the proposed Home to be ereoted for aged or needy brethren. Jas. Jones, P. N. G., pushed the eabeoription along to a aaooeeeful issue. Oman to the continued showery weath- er there has been a great growth and development in weed growing along the streets. Some of them have been oat but many will soon eoatter their Beed if not soon beheaded. Some lots are also well adorned with bnrdoeke, thistles and the like. FOLLOWING are the shipments from Brueeels G. T. R. doing the past week :- 26 oases eggs Wm. Neil ; 4 oars of Balt by Brussels Salt Works ; 1 oar scrap iron by J. Montgomery ; oar of lumber by L. Mo. Donald ; oar of etraw by 3, Govenlook ; steam engine by Thuell Bros. to Wood. stook ; 50 cases eggs by Robt. Thomson ; oar cattle by A. 0. Dames. LAST Saturday Edward Lowry asoam• ed the proprietorship of the Brueeele- Seaforth stage, with its mail and exercise carrying contracts. THE Poem wishes the new proprietor 0uaaese 08 we believe be will give careful, capable and prompt attendance to all business entrusted to him. Mr. Lowry looke after the route personally. Meeere. Williams, who Bold to the new proprietor, have been in charge for Dearly 5 years. THE Pon would like to see ; A Butinese Mena' Association formed in Brueeele,— Main °treat drained and macadamized North of the iron bridge.—Short sermons daring the bot weather.—Lees profanity by old and young.—A. by-law "going for" the fellows who deface the Dement side. walks with tobacco joloe.—An example made of the jack knife fiend who defaces store fronto and other property. THE Grand Trunk people went to work last week and pulled up the old plank sidewalk in their yard extending from Turnberry street to Primrose street ap- proaohing the depot. We don't know whether they purpose putting down another or nob to take tbe place of the old one. They oertainly should 0e it ie to their interests as mnoh as anybody's to have 0ocommodation of a proper character to and from their trains. Pee. gangers coming from the North to the depot will have to "hoof it" down the middle of the road or go around 3 sidee of a block more than ehoald be necessary for the sake of having the benefit of the sidewalk. The walk removed has been there for the past 25 years. A cement walk to correspond with those on other etreete should be put down by the G.T.R. AT HnymeverLE. A note from Rev. Jon. Roes, B. A., from Huntsville, °aye in part ;—Am likely to stay here for some time, mel family joining me last week. We are in a cottage about a mile from town by water or road, the situation being a beautiful one on Fairy Lake, with steamers, &0., passing within 100 yards or eo of our door. There are four cot- tages on the email peninsula, one near 0e and the other, at some dietanoe, quite hidden by the woods. From the veran• dah the 8oene is a fairy one indeed, a vision of wood, water, island end rugged oliffe, with the beautiful ()hanging lights and colors at different hours of the day, whioh is at once charming to the eye and reetfnl and soothing to the spirit. Ib ie very mnoh the place for whioh I have been looking and I expect to profit mnoh by come weeks' stay here. Rev, Mr. Rose returned thanks for the reeolation sent him by Brussels A. 0. U. W. OOoIPLnoENTARY.—The young lady re. ferred to in the following paragraph, whioh we take from the Port Arthur Journal, is Mies . Jennie Govenlook, daughter of the late Andrew Govenlook, of Winthrop, and cousin to Mre. (Rev.) 0oeene, of Brussels. Miss Govenlook'° many friends will regret the °anse whioh induces her to rehire from the position where eke wart so moab appreciated, but they will hope that the rest will restore her to tbe Meese of health once more. The Journal says ; "The closing of the public school for the Sommer variation was marked with a pleasing event in Mira Govenlook'° room. Miee Govenlook, who hag resigned on aaoonnt of ill health, after I0 yetere of moat faith• ful service on the staff, was presented by Chairman Dobie, on behalf of the board, with a gold watch and ohefn and a cheque for $25 ae a small token for services ren. dered on the staff. In the 10 yoare Miee Govenlook has been•a most painstaking teacher, and hoe had at all times the confidence of the board, and was loved by her «cholera. Her hard work in our school Mae impaired her health, and she was compelled to give up the work. The ((etiolate in the room also presented her with a handsome gold broach. Mimi Govenlook will be mn011 misread In town by a large oirele of friends, and in the Presbyterian oharoh,in wbiob she wag an enthusiastic worker, Mies Bothwell Imo been promoted to Miss Govenlook'g room," T 1 At .PA ll OkifiLki , O $ T TpiBDAY afternoon the Lioepoe Qom, 011501011e00, for Best Huron, will meet.et the Amerioan 15okel, Brasoela, tp attend to various matters of bueieeee, MIIATenY, -•, 93rd Huron Regiment, Goderiolt—Capt, J. W. Shaw reeigpo hie oommiesion to peoept the appointment 0t medical officer, Provieiopal Seemed Lieut, S. 3, A. Boyd, supernumerary Second Lieut, W, J. Brydgee, having left limits, their name are removed from the list of of teere of the active militia. TBE Stratford Herald Bays,—A poet. oar- bas been received in the oity from Danoan 6f. Forgueon and acme other Canadian merohante, The piotnre is printed right on the card, which baa a sensitized endue. It was taken in 'Berlin, Germany, and finished in five minutes, WnILx elating the tower roof at Dr,. Holmes' residence ops of the men gave the weather vane, surmounting tower, a sweep around and in its revelation the distance wag mieoaloulgted and the work- man received a blow in the faoa that nearly dazed bim. He plaokily hung on to the iron standard until level headed enough to climb down and have his face doctored up. His name would likely have been "Dennie" bad he fallen to the ground. Tnemeni7 of haat week, Edmond, the little eon of George Barkley, was set upon by a 0oaoh dog, while the lad was after some water at a neighboring pump, and the lad's fade suffered somewhat by the canine's teeth. A dootor was called at onoe, had the wounds cauterized and dressed and the little fellow appears to be doing all right. The dog was never known to attack anybody before and it will not be well for He pelt to try it again. either an human lite ie of too great a valve to endanger in this way. BOWLING GLEE CONTEST,—A valuable, speoial prize of a gold looket is offered by a member of Brussels Bowling Club, to be played for ae follows :—A11 the mem- bers of the club are to play ; Each mem- ber playa tont bowls ; Each member throws his own jeok bat the distance moat be over 60 feet ; The distance of each bowl from the jack to be measured atter it is bowled and taken np ; All to bowl on the same rink ae drawn for ; All t0 play in rotation as to the number eaoh draws ; The winner to be the person whose bowie meaenre the shortest die tante from the jack. Ties play off. No prize anleoe the combined measurement of the four bowls ierunder 8 feet, ,,Com- petition to take plane on Tuesday after- noon, July 2910, 1901, at 3 p. m., ore the Brussels Bowling green. Goon Bent.—Last Friday afternoon a game of Base ball was played on the Agrioaltoral Park, at Blyth, between the team of that town and a Bresoeie nine that would have done no discredit to League oompetition. Ardell and Roche were at the pointe for the visitors and did great work the former having no lege than 9 strike auto to his credit. Doaglae and Allison did the twirling for the home team and did it well, eeoh striking out 3 men. Ballantyne was bsbind the bat for Blyth. There were 6 nice costumes of kaleomine put upon the Blythitee, they only scoring in the let, 8111 and 9th in- nings, their total being 4. The youths from the oarpet town wore 5 suite of whitewash also, but they managed- to doable the score of their opponents aad had their e of the 9011 innings to aper°. Brueeele was blanked id the let innings and it looked as if the medicine would be repeated in the 2nd as 2 men were oat and 2 on beau bat a home ran by L. Kerr rather relieved the situation. Frank Rooke was credited with a 3 base bit ie 3rd innings. L. Kerr made the eeoond home run in the 8th innings with one man on 3rd bare. Game laeted 1e. home and was an enjoyable one throughout, Harry James was the Umpire and dealt out even handed jaetiae. The score was as follows :— BLYTa R 0 BRn99ELe R 0 Jackson, 11 1 4 w Roono, 0 0 4 Beatty, es 2 2 R Downing, 1t... 0 5 Ballantyne, o0 3 F Roche, 2b..,... 1 3 McKay, 3b 0 9 R Fletcher ea „. 1 8 McArtex rt 0 9 A Kerr, 88 1 3 Douglas, p 0 4 G Arden p 2 1 Brenner, 2b 0 8 L %err of 2 2 Allison 1b 1 2 J Ardell tf 1 2 Somers, of 0 3 Dr Field lb 0 3 4 27 8 24 Blyth 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1— 4 Brueeels 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 9 x— 8 A return match is expeoted shortly and should be a good one. J. F. BTBWART PASSES AWAY.—It was a great blow to the relativee and friends of the late Jno. F. Stewart, when they learned on Monday morning that he had paid Nature's debt in the hospital, Mon• treat, on Saturday evening. He was bneineee manager of one of the stores of the Upholsters' Supply Co„ of that city, going there by the direction of the Tor. onto department of the said firm a few months ago. He bad been attending to his duties rip to Friday evening and on going to hie boarding house oomplained of cramps in his bowels. • A physician was summoned and he decided that the patient would have to go to the hospital for an operation for hernia. Mr. Stewart walked downstairs and rode in the ambu- lance to the hospital where the surgeon Goon found it was too late to do anything for the patient 0e mortification had eat in and that evening the subject of this notioe paeoed quietly awes, before the arrival of his wife who had been telegraph. ed for to Toronto, where their home re. Geo. G. Wishart, bead of the firm, ace oompanied Mro. Stewart on the sad errand and on finding that the taper of life had fled, had the body pre. pared and forwarded to Toronto. There eervioe was held at the home of doomed on Monday evening and Tuesday morn. ing before the remains were forwarded to Braeeele for interment. An appropriate eervioe w00 held in Melville Church, Brussels, on the arrival of the afternoon train, Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oraubrook, an old friend of the family, was in charge in the absence of the pastor and was aseieted by Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Shakespeare, who knew deceased intimate. ly, and Mr. McLeod, who is supplying for Rev. Mr. Ross. Sympathetic and kindly mention was made of the manly traits of oharaoter of Mr. Stewart and oomforting words to the bereaved were spoken by Heyde, Meesre. MoRae and Cameron. Mise Paolo MaLauoblin play- ed the Dead March ao the oaeket wag. taken in and out of the obnroh. The floral tributes were beautiful and in ad• dition to those from relatives there was a flee wreath from the Co., with which Mr, Stewart was employed end another from Huron Old Boys' Asnc„ Toronto, The pall between were Jag, McDonald, A. Hislop, M, P. P., F. 8. and P, Saotb, A. Strachan and A. Mo1ay. Among those from a distance who attended the fanetal. were Geo, G. Wishart, Manager of the Upholsters' Supply Co., T3, M0Math and Mre, W, Hamilton, of Toronto ; Geo. Hamilton, of Galt ; Rev, 15. F. Cameron, Of Sbakeopeare ; Mre, :C, Hamilton, of Liotowel i Mre, W. Gilloellle, of Ripley, and Mr. Pennington, of Daudet!, Mr, Stewart spent hie boyhood day(' in Grey township and op attaining manhood entered aeon a mercantile weer sojourn• ing in Benuee's, Dakota and other pointe before removing to Toronto, where be was employed by the Head Co , from whotn Mr. Wiobort bought. Ile was genial in manner and a faithful, reliable employee who gave the :oloeest attention to business. His sudden demise will be mourned by a large ofrole of friends, Some 26 or 27 yearn ago deoeased was united in marriage to Mies Mary Leakie, sister to Jno. Leckie, and Mre. S. Slemmon, of Braeeele, and the widow and two sons, Harold and Athol, survive. Mrs. Charles Ritchie, of Morrie, ie a sister to the (deceased. Mrs Stewart and the other sorrowing relatives may rest assured of the einoere sympathy of a large oirole of old friends in their eadden bereavement. Dr. Horsey, M- P,, Killed. 08 WAS A. SON-IN-LAW TO Mt. 08AO. DONALD, JL P. Owen Sound was °hooked Wedneeday night by the tragic epaident in. whioh Dr. E, H. Horsey, representative for North Grey in the House of Commons, received injuries from wbieh be died at midnight. Tree minutes after six o'clock a fly. wbeel on an auxiliary engine in the San Portland Gement Works buret, and a flying fragment etruok the doctor on the right aide of the head, cutting through the akall, inflioting a fatal injnry. The Sun Portland Cement Works, of which Dr, Horsey was the originator and prin- cipal stockholder, commenced a few days ago to manufacture cement. The entire plant was working very eatiefao- torily, and during the past few days Dr. Horeey spent mach time in various departmeute of the works. Wedneeday he was at the works ae venal. Late in the afternoon W. P, Telford, a director of the San Portland Oemeet Co., and a well-known ioaal banker, visited the• works. He desired to see the plant in operation. He was with Dr. Horsey, and together they passed from one depart- ment to another, watching tbe revolving rotaries and other ponderous machines whioh comprise the plant. Just before 6 o'oiook they entered the engine building, wbiob is situated on the North side of the group of buildings oomprieing the premises. In this bu ing is a po0deroae engine of 650 nominal horee•power, en which is a monster fly wheel about 20 feet in diameter. From this extend heavy driving ropes, by whioh the power is 000duoted to the maohinery in the other buildings. Ant South of this large fly -wheel is a small auxiliary engine, on which are two fly. wheels, each about four feet in diameter. This tittle engine was used for turning the rotaries and other maohines of a subsidiary character. Dr. Horsey stood about four ;feet from tbie engine, and on hie left was Mr. Telford. They were talking to each other. Dr. Horsey turn. ed to the chief engineer, M. Smith, and inetruoted him to start the big engine at 9 o'clock. Mr. Smith then went over to the small engine to tarn off the power, Engineer W. Webb had just entered for night duty. While Engineer Smith was in the cot of turning off the power the rapidly re• volving fly-wheele. on the small engine buret into fragments. Large rents were'. torn iu the sheet iron roof, sleet rafters were twisted, the floor was torn up and bulged out in several planes. Windows were smashed by flying fragments, and the heavy driving rade were torn from the wheels of the larger engine, W, P. Telford and the two engineers stood unscathed, though terrified by the awful wreck. Their escape is miraculous. When they finally realized their position they were horrified beyond expression to see Dr, Horsey lying on the floor with a terrible gash in his skull, from whioh the brains were protruding. He was anaoneoione, but alive and breathing with difficulty. He was removed from the wreaked interior of the brtilding, and physioiane wore summoned by telephone. Drs. Lang and Herebey arrived and agreed there was no hope that the victim would recover. He was removed at once to the General and Marine Hospital, where, after lingering for a few home he paeoed away, Mre. Horsey who was visiting ber father, Dr. MoDonald, M. P., of Wingham, was notified of the terrible affair. Mr. Telford stated that he believ- ed that he would have been killed had not the dootor stood between him and the engine. The fact that one of Canada's brigbteet young Parliamentarians has been so enddenly ant off bas depreeeed the citizens of Owen Sound to a more than ordinary degree. Dr. Edward Henry Horsey was born at Ottawa on March 7, 1667, and eduoot• ed at Queen's University. He was an unsuccessful oandidate for tbe House of Commons in the general election of 1891, but was eaocesefal in the last election, defeating bis Conservative opponent, C. Gordon, by 23 votes. The demean- gentlemen WAS an able speaker, well versed in public questions, in all of whioh he twit the keenest interest, and a most promising public and professional career wee opening out before him, , UlfUIICII CHIMES, JULY 24, 1.002 ST,lXD44RD 73,/IXIss Q. ' C4N4Del, u2202..at.a37.,a;1<rssxnXe 9.072. HEAD OFFIOE, - TORONTO CAPl'1'AL PAID UP (One 3Milliop Dollars) • $1,000,000 REST • . , $760,000 dgenoias in alt prtneipai paints in Ontario, Qaebee, Manitoba, United States it England. VS8RL51 BBefNO.. A General Banking Bneiness 'T'ranaaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT.. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwarde.and oompofmded half yearly. SreoWo ATTENTION GIWEN TO THE QOpLsOTION or naaions, Seat NOTE, Every !ability afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. Vimpayable al any bank issued Under $10..., 80. $20 to 930..,.12o Orders at the following rates;— $10 to 920....10o. 30 to 40....140 F. H. GRAY, ACTINO AUNT. the beautiful solo "The Holy City" in good voice, Sbe is a promising vocalist. Mr. Leopard, of Toronto, ie expeoted to contribute a solo next Sabbath evening. The Christian Century, of Chicago, of July 1701 says;—Rev, Andrew Scott, formerly of Brueeele, entered on hie eeoond year ae pastor at Pontiac, Ill, During the year all debts, including a mortgage on the °bnroh, have been paid. One hundred and one dollars given by the °March to the mule of mieesione and all current expenses promptly paid. Thirty have been added to the ohuroh member. ship and Rev. Scott preaohed the memori. al sermon for the G. A. R. and also de. livered a memorial address each for the Modern Woodman and the Odd Fellows. The ohuroh membership is now 169 and 91,455,51 is the entire cam raised by the church for all parpooes during the year. Rev. Mr. Webb, of Windsor, was here as announced and took charge of the regular services in St. Jobn'e oharob, Brueeele, and St. George's ohuroh, Vial. tan, Sunday. He preached two interesting sermons here and found fever with the congregations. It is expected the rever- end gentleman will dome here penmen. ently about theist of September. Sabbath morning Mr. McLeod took as his text at the morning service in Mel- ville obnroh "They found bim Bitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and in hie right mind," Luke 8:35. "The Christian r005" was Will topic of the evening. NeXt Sabbath eevening Mr. MoLeod will direct hie discourse specially to young men. The anuaal floral Berlin in the Metho. diet Sabbath School was held last Sab- bath afternoon ae aanonnoed, although the weather woe not any too propitious. Tbere was a large supply of beaa0i• ful boquete many of them being arranged on a arose by the Committee. In addi• tion to the regular exercises a duet wee given by Mieees Thane Gerry and E. E. Herr ; a reading by Mae Minnie Mc- Naughton ; and the illustrated hymn "Nearer my God to Thee," in whioh tbe following girls took part, Grace and Mary Welker, Stella Gerry, Louise Davey, Florence Mainprize, Eva Gilpin, Hazel Lowry. They did their part very nicely. After the evening eervioe flowers were sent to several of the older people of the congregation and to sick adults and pupils unable to attend, Rev. Mr. Smith was inducted on Taeeday afternoon of last week into the pastorate of the Kinlough, Riveredale and Enoiekillen oharohee.. The ohuroh at Riveredale was crowded in the afternoon. Rov. J. L. Murray, eon of Dr. Murray, of Binoardine, who will shortly leave for India, preached, Rov. Mr. McLennan, of Laoknow, addreeeed the minister and Rev. Mr. Bawer, of Bruoefield, the con. gregation. After the iedertion eeveral of the older people went home bat many remained to the festival in the evening and these wore joined by such a large number later on that toe obnroh was packed to the doors. .Rev. Jas. Malcolm, of Teeewater, moulded the"chair; the Walkerton double quartette provided ex- cellent vooal mesio ; Wm. Robertson, of Teeewater, played a couple of organ solos ; and the following minietere gave short addressee i Revs. Dunn, of White. church ; Maxwell, of Ripley ; Sewer, of Breoefleld ; Sawyer, of Salem ; and the newly inducted outer, Mr. Smith. All the oongregations were well represented and there were also quite a number pres- ent from Walkerton, Teeewkter and Salem. Rev. Mr. Smith has begun bis pastorate under very favorable auspices and we treat that the relationebip of pastor and people begnn on Tuesday may be a happy and a benefloial one. Business Locals. To TM/Pumice—Ladies and gentlemen, all cutlery van be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawfller McGregor, Mill street East, Brueeele. Choice work at reasonable prices, ' Boas 14 cents. We bey for Dash or trade, wool, eggs and butter. A $20,000 stook of dry goods, groceries, ready made olothing, oarpet°, boots and ehoes to eeleot from. GED. E. KING, Wingham. $15,000 worth of dry goods to be slaughtered. Our annual July and August Bale commenoee July 4. Return railway fare allowed on all purobaeee over $10.00 within 30 miles, G. E. SING, Wingham. "The Golden Calf"will be the eubjeot of next Sabbath's Sunday School lesson. You may fled helpful notes in Tun Poem on page 6. A load of St. Jobn's ohuroh workers drove to Goderiob on Thareday to attend the Sabbath School •Convention being held there. The Financial District meeting of Wiogbam Dietriet will be held in the Methodiet church, Gerrie, on Wedneeday, Apgaet Oth, at 9 8, m., sharp. Rev. D, Rogue, of Fordwiob, is the Chairman, and Bev. A. G. Harris, of Laoknow, Finanoial Seoretary. Rev. Mr. tioeene took oharge of the Epworth League Consecration eervioe last Sabbath evening and gave a (Mott addreoo on "Growth in Grave." There were only 4 of the Active members ab. Bent out of a roll will of 88. Next Sab• bath evening a Missionary program will be presented at the League, "The Christian Graaee" wee Rev. T. Wesley Comm theme Tait Sabbath morning in the Methodiot chinch and in the evenineit Was "The Now Birth," Mi3s Zutta 3ergeeo0, of Teeewater, snug t Ronna,—Io Morris, on July 12th, to Mr, and Mre. H. Hopper, a daughter. HARTLEY.—At the Mance, Roland, on June 91h, to Rev. F. and Mre. Hart• ley, a danghter. MA0NEERS, In Morrie, on Jnly 16, to Mr. and Mre, W. H. Maunders, a daughter. M.LR Pd Ta✓=1. H30000N—L171N0010NI0,—At the resideooe of the bride's parents, on July 23rd, by Rev, Geo. Ballantyne, of Moles. worth, Mr. W. J. Bndeon, of Detroit, to Miee Enpbemia, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Duncan Livingstone, of Grey township, Huron County. Te3re8-Bura,-In Blyth, on July 16th, by Rev. Jno. Holmes, Mise Ida Taman, to Mr. Allan Burt, of London. axsta. BILTon.—At the reeideooe of hie Lather, 48 Huntley street, Toronto, 21st July, 1902, Rowell George, third eon of W. G. Bilton, aged 21 ye00e, Mose,—At 661 (Meech street, Toronto, on July 21, Catherine, wife of W. H. Moes, aged 61 years, STaWA107.—In Montreal, on July 19, Jno, 6tewat6, in hie Odd year, Henala. In Wroxeter, on "Saturday, July 19th, Chester Wm, Harris, aged 21 years and 6 menthe, JOHNOON.—In Chicago, Illinois, on July 12th, Wm, K. Johnnie, formerly of Morrie, aged 36 years, 11 months and 14 days. Meo1LL.—In RIyt11, on July 14, Thomae, eldest eon of Thomas Magill, aged 24 years, 28 days, Pno0TOR,—Iu Morris, July 16th, Eliza. both Waddington, relict of the Tate Cherlee Praetor, aged 78 year°. S -ti."Vs:oa✓SJE IaTARIC=tE,S, Fall Wheat. Barley Peas Oats.... Butter, tnbs and rolls Eggs uer dozen ........ Flour por cwt. ,..,. Potatoes (per bus.) Apples (per bbl.) Hay per ton Sheep skins, eaoh Lamb skins each Salt per bbl., retail -Hidoe trimmed Hideo rough Hoge, Live Wool 73 50 68 42 13 12 400 35 2 00 6 60 25 26 1 00 6 5 7 00 11 76 60 70 43 14 13 6 00 35 3 00 6 60 25 30 70 6 7 00 12 ONE CENT'A WORD COLUMN. Feast for Bale. Apply to 720e. 20011E, Brussels. SERVANT wanted. Apply et owe) to MRS. W. M. SINCLAIR, Tnrnberry. street, Brueeele. Lama brown ((bawl lost on the 6th non. of Grey, near lot 13, about the middle of June. Finder will oblige by Leaving 1t, at once, at Tan PoeT Publishing House. THE -PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED. -- FARM HAND, capable of taking aurae. Married man proferred. Apply, stating wages, exper- ience, &a. CRAB. 9. SHAW, 2.1 - Beine valn, Mao. Don't Cover Your Face With a newspaper when you take a nap. Get a few sheets of fly paper and you won't be bothered with flies, We veil the etioky fly paper, 2 double, for 5o, then We have fly potion paper in 60, and 10o. packages — they are killers, Insect Powder by the ounce or pound and its a fly killer too. We guarantee it to be the bent that money Dan boy. 5o. par oz., 60o. per lb. AT FOX'S DRUG STORE. GOR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels. 4941 J, LECKIE. H0118E STRAYED ON THE premises of the undersigned, Lot 36, 0011.10, Grey, on or about June 2801-0 drly. ing horse. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. 62-4 HENRY FOCAL, Heotryn P. 0. COMFORTABLE AND COM– =MOOS residence, with about 35 acres of land ; good orchard. &o„ for sale, on Maio street North, Blyth. For further par - Mouton apply •on the premises to JOHN MOFFAT, or address Blyth P.0, 1-t1 HAIR DRESSING.—THE, UN. neuronal wishes to announce to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she is prepared to make ewitehee out of comb- lsge and ahair, at her 'home, Mill street Went, Brunteeels. MRS. HINGSTON, $20,000 to Loan. The above sum bas been planed with me for immediate investmenton farm proper- ty at 6 per pent. II titles are satisfactory loans may be completed in 3 days. Liberal terms as tc repayment. Apply at once to W. M. SINCLAIR, Barrister, &o., Brussels. TEAGHER WANTED. FE– MALE toaoher wanted for 5, B. No. 2,, Grey, holding a 2nd ohms certificate, State salary expected. Applications received up to August 2nd. Duties to commence on the third Monday in August and ending Decem- ber 24111, 1902. ALEX. BTEWART 1.2 Oranbrook P.0, Bee:'f'reas, Notice of Transfer. ETHEL. HOTEL. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf, that I, the under- signed have applied for a transfer of the Hotel `License granted to John Gordnor, and that the said transfer will be complied and signed to by the Commissioners after the eeoond publication of this notice, as requir- ed by law, LOUIS L. LONGE WAY. Dated at Ethel, July 24th, 1002. JULY CLEARING SALE Now Going on For genuine, money -saving items the undernoted list Will commend itself to the shrewd shopper. Don't let this opportunity slip by unimproved. Somebody will be too late—don't let it be you. Corsets Special Line Ladies' Corsets in sizes 18, 19, US 620, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, worth regularly from $1.00 to $1.50. July Clearing((�� Sale Price 5tf7c. MUSLIN SECTION 175 yds. Zephyrs and Ginghams, reg. 10c & 12}c, for 125 yds. Fancy Piques, reg. 180 for 130 yds. American Batiste Muslins, " 15c for 90 yds. English " " 25c for 76 yds. Fancy Swiss Muslins, " 25c for 165 yds. Delainette Fabrics, " 20c for 65 yds. Mercerized Lawns, regular 25c for 85 yds. Tambour & Organdie Muslins," 40e for 225 yds. Anderson Gingbams, " 25c for 200 yds. Fancy. Mercerised Sateens, " 25c for 25 yds. only Waist Satinettes, " 85c for 7} 9 10 15 15 10; 12 25 12?� 15 20 DRESS GOODS SECTION 2 pos. only All Wool Delaines, 2 „ ,t Cc 41 4 st " 0 r, reg. 25c for 15 " 30c for 20 " 45o for 25 4 " only Fancy Dress Goods, reg. 30 & 35 for 35 8 " " reg. 40, 50 & 65 for 25 8 " " " reg. 75, 1.00 & 1 25 for 50 4 " (Suit ends) Ladies' Cloth, Black, Fawn, Ox- ford and Heather Mixture, reg. 1.00 & 1.25 for 75 2 ccs, Black Valetta Cloth. regular 76c for 50 2, " (Suit ends) Black Venetian Cloth " 1.50 for 1,15 30 yds. Black Venetian Cloth, " 65e for 45 2 only Ladies' Tailor-made Homespun Suits, regular 11.50, for 5.00 2 only Ladies' Tailor-made Homespun Suits, regular 12.75, for 5.50 GROVER & CO. Garfield Block, Brussels.