HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-24, Page 2pro,r.Orf, Th ERRI OLD ENULAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOITT zons BULL AND NIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Laid; ; ;That Beiges Fiapreepe t1td chsen- . =VOA/ W�1». Near Swansea lives a neon who, deePite tqninety-nine .yeaSS,Still' drinks his qiiiteC•pf eider aide/Y.' 1-,-Muthesii street, SStodkilaill, Woe del.' seribed In.Litailfeth Po1lee:001/1st, tt* a place ,where fighthig, s'ssfdia the laWarite female recreation. . Ping pong tables ;have Mem set Pp, in Ilattessets Tewa Malls ;tad may he used by the cellisnput at ieeterva4s during the •Cpune meetings. Six hundred and • twenty pounds Wee realized' by the matinee perfumes, ante of "Rosemary" tht Wymtharres theatre in aid of the Gity•of •Loadon Hospital. • • • listm miners Weil) killed and ans other injured 'by a 'fall of cOal at the Writhlitegtore cofllory, Radstock, Somerset, Isar sixteea yeare"there has been no other fatal accident 'intho inthe.' "Martha Ti'clale" 4ireatinted no" dif- ficulty to the postal officials when it appeared in the address ;00 a latter this week. They eeltvered* it safely to the addressee at Merthyr-Tye:evil. LIBRARIES 1011 gOTIO DEPUTY TSTTS EBI AWAICE A..' REAT NEED, Visited 'Various States, and Saw HoW .$4,ppl1ed With. 'Books, For some time Mr.. '701m Millar, 'DepaysitilantstersofsEdueittion of On-' i. ilsS been studying the ques- i§n. Of librM:ies..Ignite reatleitily- he liA,L44.;g9ii1414 Whstern States to iii- • In tho merge of her :holiday in the New Forest, Bitroness'BurdettMoutts. has visited a gipsy encampment , at Lyndhurst, going into ono of the • tents and conversing with the dwel- lers. While trying to recover his father's walking stick, Adelaide Hallam, - aged one year and nine months, has been drowned by falling into five inches of water in a dolly -Leib at Loughborough. Breed first-class hunters and har- ness horses and the "rnislite'' can he sold for troopers, was the ,advice given by Major Dent to the members of the Yorkshire Union of Agricul- tural Clubs. Mr. Michael :Henry WilliainO. chas- te:Ma of the Cornwall Railway Com- pany, and head of one of the largest copper smelting companies in the world, has died mar Truro, aged seventy-eight. sAfter being sexton of Crediton church, Devon, for: more than forty TecitiR44 IiIM,SsitsnagenSent Of' trltVels •til rtihe, 1•47).,Yel 1,f11$` lThtario wPre ie).?P;ItVfarWi''. • ps t4fl. YeCg's but lij' 1)11110 I *gees; , over the fact' that vie have ea. duplicated the work oatsayelling, anfkinablie libraries, ...cht the. other tide, however, lar grectielt,eaterPriSe is:shown, by: thesenunielpaliaes them M. Qatari°. Ili -Ootario, says Mr, rafillar,..peoplo rare UnfOrttnlately too mach. inclined to look, to: the Gosa trinnent,. for. aid and ;direction. Too often' in; this- ravines ' the ;local • hoards expect the provineiaL.grant 10 meet nearly all^ the requirements fpr thespurehaee, ,1 ;:boolosc, ;;The amount raised by the local bodies is often a, mere lrtlie,• . , - has lu.st' (4Sd'•for adults, it would. he • more ,adviss years, Airs. Wol a ott Pler family have held appointments able to have books for children pur- in connection with the Church for • close on 200 years. The sea serpent has arrived early this year. A fearsome monster, 200 feet long and furnished with four SHOULD BE FREE.' • ,.• Said kr. ;-"I think no, aid should be ,given hy the 'Government towards a public library unless it is wade free to, all satepayers of the municipality. Lihraries. sustained by. feesanight answer during th.e.,ploneer days of the country,, but with . the principle ssf. free educatioa so well established, the feu system should be abandoned. There is • altogether too much expended for fietisrt by 'most of ;our .publle. library. hoards. It is questionable • whether publics funds •should be expended for • ephemeral novels. 7'5e1e is much forte in Mr.' Carnegie's statement that a novel should not 'be purchased until three years after it leas' been issued. A proportion of staadard, fiction' is doubtless desirable. It Would popu- larize public libraries it hoards' were Lo eater largely te the needs of the pupils of the'Schools, The children rather than adults, sho have priority. School libraries • have been languishing in ()uteri° for thirty 'or forty years. "While it is desirable to have library buildings with thousards of volumes of good literature suitable •LIFE Hi PERIL, calm, s.A.v.p.)iy„ Islig101,13.PER ARTICLE, ' She; Sieffesed Frain " Headieliee- Dizziness 'aid' Nignt 'S‘iiitettlie44 i; Efex Friends Feared She WASS .. • G°1h.g I'at° f.'"#18,41.I)" • • ;Praia L'Aveals, Jerome, Que.' 4,nsOng thoSsands op Yettnai ; end lpure,tedible fate ha -S4nlight ,glYls Who hless Dr. WillituM i SOUP," '" ' • • ss: ; '208 lPitis toy safely, , carryitig': .,thiorti itbsough that attest" s -!..„ , stivrry, ;timer lives when they SloP:frehl. Vignalstat,0 Gil; ill ATh, 1,004, tate the broader lease •of .wos , ,a 'o ,I* • • mainumci, tbeie le none more eas " ;Breath:1A 11) SeASe IisteegiMS ase,'",hrealthede, With Pipes tro,g03-0,(1 yot• late th41, finitrens,thotieleffeettedt;'„ how/ManY the,' offenSise fiteam fro M Oennnon soapS Made from rancid fate, and 'keep their „leandfl ter laintrikin S01111:10ner and the clothing ,1 isnmsnell Soap „On ifi sworn"; next; the iteaddr slah.) sWartgtera;.41.8,0Mitt diAta-..044014a Preralent 1 'Users of Sunlight Soap --4-0etagen ;Bans-lent:iv the diffeeenhe between' that and tho healtles; ful smell from the regethidea"•0118; Maser]; and with proper ma.clunery to send them to the various homes. In other words, the plan should be adopted as far as possible of Sending books around to do gooda It es dos "as large as sals," has made evsemay admitted that if :children his appearance off Teisby-at least a form a taste for • good literature local fisherman says so. For stealing a stick of rhubarb from a garden, a married woman be- longing to Penmen St, Peter, Nor- folk, hes been fined 18s. ld, The odd penny was the amouut at which the bench assessed the damage done. Oorleston Parish Church bells were so disarranged by the efforts of en- there is a lamentable lack- of suitable thasiastie amateurs to _celebrate the reading'inatter. -t is searcely ' too announsement of peace that the ser- strong a 'statement to make that in vices of London expert he.re had some country diStriets children are to be called in to put the peal -intelleetuallY started on account cif right. ••• • the absence Of readinfa matter."' Two defendants when charged at. alssaa Stroud Police Court used such disre- ' * , . spectral language to the Bench that Mr. Millar auticipates a boom in they were promptly remanded 'to school libraries within'the next fevo Clotteester jail for a week to learn 00 three years. New York, Michi- better manners., • gale and Wisconsin isstie carefully Since 1870, George BentleY, aged prepared catalogues. of ,bctoics from which trustees May sleet labolcs suit - fifty -four, has spent twenty-seven and a half years in prison At'West able for the schools. A., Similar po- Ham quarter, sessions last week he 'icy will probably 'be odor ted in an - was sentenced ,to a further term of tarlo• . seven years' penal servitude. for • "While sonic standard works • lir theft. • fiction ' may be included, -the boats An old pauper at Anglesey who should mainly • consist of worka' of has seen the coronation festivities in biography, 'history, geography, test - connection with the accession of vel, elementary science, etc.. If a.' George IV., William 1V., and Queen small grants Is :made by the Govern - Victoria is to receive 5s a week out- ment primortfeiled to the' alimunt relief from the guardians for the rest expended locally, 'Maly evert/ school of his section may be' expected to licticti Canon Lambert, of ILO], has pb- fair library 'in a IOW years. Thirty ;looted successfully to the local or forty' dollars will buy all the board aehools being supplied with books required for a beginning, and copies 'of the National Anthem hem with $5 worth added every year it which' the verse containing'the words:• would 50 a short time give all the "Confound • their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks, etc., had been excluded. ' Ten shillings a barrel was stated in the London Sheriff's Court ta be the bresvers' profits on the beer sup- plied to ft tied public house • on Tower Bridge aPproafah, fel' the eoni- palsory aequireneent of whieh by, the London County Council ,E16,000 compensation was awarded. . Once a century the officials and tenants wale and define the Mends of land Derby's Westmorland estate. The 'ceremony has just been obserl', ed. l't included a .svallt of sixteen they are reasonably safe even should they sever go to colle'ge or high school. In Ontario the high 'schools are doubtless fairly well provided, now with -libraries and _books for supplementary reading. As regards the public sehools, • hoisever, and es- pecially these in rural districts,' thuslastie then . Aiiss, Thomas, young lady known to 1 , • ;;;.. , I most of the stealth:ars St. Jerome, 1 s„. e „sea , t„ , . • i and greatly .esteenied by ; _ _ , her aetptuintances., parelOrtor Ci 11°1116aS 9;*g34i'q I ,°2,- 4111iithi said t "Froze tine tifne,i Was fearteen , 1. , :.0•?•03,e441.11,:lft.• .• ; REGEHOIES, ,IH, HISTORY i ,,,,,,,,,.. a., -,,c41:14, 4 ICING s op,.. T.4./Auz MATERIASO ' Only Two Notable cineS - Those a . Pf,Aillsfl 9f, Porlgord...ancl $94 . •, J.,. 1 of thel Mind Xing. 1 I chit; report that" the Prinee of Melee .. will be made regent,. in. the. event p5. a loag convalescence of ilttoilingaliEtthd Wolut; ciiiitegiedia.3•DIrdis es ifteoo i,poinpe,,:•, yN,c14,' lain qangorously 41 witlio14., ; Oitio souf4P)o.61i,Ldita..1:1' \vlirei'ai.;'411Ter Vil*'11071,913644i.'4,51'91 L'A.senir du hierd, fails', • Thwhas Chi4'147Pec;'-'14t; Pf• until I. woe eighteeeiyettra of age MY ; Some, time sage :African poteas: health was vety had. Was 0.1;11 !tate, named 'Lowenilort, paid sa.rvisit; weak ; had . ao appetite and 001.11d 1Cing Edivard.,1; With whops he' do no 'work. night 1 perspired Ismoked tesfetV. choke (tigers,. greatly and; frequently .alept but 'paling" details' regarding the: ; chief-, little, I seamed ;team ; nettclachee, ,tairc aroseentainetisin lettisf •tram: dizzines.s and count eteareely move about without 'becoming breathlesk and 1 finally reached a stage when Ray friends feared I was •going into eonstinaption. I W05 '1111(101 the care of clot:tors, but. their "treatment' did Captain .Alfrets Bertrand, ,••of the - Swiss "Pcifierals' 'ermy, a well-known eXploret and ti'aYeler, 'VOW 'tells' ' of, the remarkabld iThaiges Which ''Insice, recently/ taken Baraseltated,; Whence the said' leot4ntatecoineS. Re' pot help me. I then tried soma , a6erlised Medicines, but ;with the ; "There, can be tai; delta 'that LOW - Sane poor results and I had' Conte /anilese: trio in.P.0'.,Ple`tureSque" per - to' think 1 could not get better. One -sestage invited teslring, day' I'reae in a newspaper the Coronaion„and •liii's;saye,sence, has at- atateinent of a yoeag girl whose treeted the atientien dr ,Enigno. symptoms were almost identieei with pee* ,to that- little-known portion my cave, who was cured by the use of their undeveloped eslatie.' Of Dr. Wiilhans' Pink Pills.' 1- then . "The pioneers, of the decided to try this .inedicine" and besi havesbeen; the :Ii'efeacle. Protests have roaster, to bless the 'daY • did :ant miesioneirieavalt=eiY; 1:11-9 •4v,• SO, had only used. the pills a feW, Cloillarca, the. brotheas aned Weeks when .1 begun to get better, their collengues,, inoludbig several. ot and , in a CaMpl.e. of months , •every ray o wn • eauntsYmen..frem Switzer- eamptom of my troulale had :Ms' e,p- land. •••• • . , peered and I Wan as strong • aufl ' "liarotselancl, in. 1805 Wee annest healthy OS .any .girl of my age. entirely ,anknown• .and unexplored.' have, since always enjoyed the best ,Three 'travelers only had passed of health, and .1 shall be glad indeed :through -it, and- frOrn their accounts if iny experience proves helpful to. ,we. expected to take'our.layekla our; somo other suffering girl," . 'hand's: Their experiences at the The hapriness of health for; both bancis Of the' Basetsi led ;them to; Men' and women liee in the timely- paint their treachery, ra.paelty,i use of Dr., Williams' Pink Pills, • cruelty ' Mick ; 'degro.dation in; •thel which act as; a ;nerve tonic and sup- datecest ; All tbe greater Wa.s ply new blood .te enfeebled systeexis. ray 'astonishanha when 1 saw with; They have cured many thousands of my own eyeS 'the tranSformation eases of unacmia, "decline," eters both in tile 'eno'rel and•reaterial slemption, Pains in the 'back neur- main width hacl'fbeen: effected, by the algia, depression of spirits, heart mission.; • • ' paipitatloli Indlgestion, rlieunnitiSm tiol Thralysis. To any 'toniahMeirt on reach- selatlea, Vitus dance and tars health ; see that the full name 'Ins. thg' SI' 9unc h 1 iletaZta:josibe: • :.:cinufrches'1, teecaceho Qsf, should he avoided if you' value your louses 'and stores-ereeted in situas Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pea- 1 " . tons where. everYthing had to be Iclytnis at °sheen() , Silon'eaissefefcene utiel' file'iqr c:4U'Uhiuetiss"dii• ••114, Pr5 Ny.a11., 0;9 ,ppcp01.1.01'.111g.:6,0 r*1. ie ple" is o(1 every box. Sold by. .all dealers or sent post paid at 00'. hi"a•dse'ffers{L'ila'.1sph:as.Ter; .11issitietatsteeii,latul. cents it box or six Ilexes for $2.50, hy addressing The • Dr. Williams' as the sesai.s.e-sa cipline, reigning in the 'Sehoolth • and Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. ; At church I WaSe struck With' the "serionS gent &Mealier :of ' tt'roiddle-aged NEW ABMs Man, sone, rfectrzied"to•hey enepriSe, - Waa "no other than Lesvanelta, d . For ,Sold'iers ,and Sailors of the whOln We had expected to 511(1 -0, eitiaintande ',wit shsWed that 111. ',ill:3 tap eta .S,)itewa,v,ea,,, asirtee'esee.Y1 ,P;',11/0 , nose( hie, 15s ; not „trader, ,,, ,4ons • UM•ella otMls,i,-lualle ale p1obahi1i1is11,01' e, .,., • s • To. 1,1111 av1i1840al.stl1.delet history, but two regencies, stood ant prealittentlY• in ilicaemords•-sthate o the; Duke '0.11 Bed! ords • , • tv hich • 813001 the 'foundations of , the; House -10 Lances ker, daring. the leng-ininoritY of lIenry VI., anctstbdt of •George Prince of Wales,clailig the taltdhesS :of his, lathier; • end syet 'paciviSionS' fen a regency have; teen, made no leas than fitteen times' einee 1.110 11011 hoe of Norman conqueet atelanped upol England the 'seal, of a gentile° na- tkinal 'life, "The Eas1 ql Penehroke ley diitl with' the " 0011sent` at the barbfis, beeemesSegent When' 'Henry 1II. ascended the,,,themicusthe eigrith Nenry appointed his executors re, geaSiontit the heir to shia crown s)aoald; attain legal age, a.nd the, eeee- eutors, il/p011 -the.. accession of Ed- sSfarclaVIasclelegated their rights ,itnd pramilegeS and authorityto the man by , such delegation, becalhe Loud Protector of the -Realm-and ‘a virtual king; in' 1/7.51 the -Widow of Precieeic,k, Prince of Wales," ,wafi, named- as regent. should ;the troWn pass 'lean her father,in,faw, George to her then mint* Son, afters ;dated' 'George III. Parliament was Miced 'upon three separate ciecasione to grant authoirity Rm. the 'daub- lislitheat of a regency. . . . POWER TO APPOINT, By the first of these acts ;the Ring Was invested with power to appoint at regent, if it appeared te, him that the :succession was likely ton devolve hpoa a minor • or an incapable:, again, hi 1778, a 'Second regeney. 15131 - W'aS introdtteed, owing ''to the insanity. Of the ',Ming, and' 'although it Was droPpeci,' When C-leorge recov.-• ered, the debate, uPon tts proyiSione furnished a notable hint satisfying denial to the repcirt that the Prince of Tales desired to ,assume regency powers without „the Consent of ,Pars ljament. A diSciainter of any such intention 011 the -Past of his brOthee/ was made in the House of Lords by Frederick, Dace of York. In 1810 a recurrence Of the insanity hastened the pasSage of ihe 'third regency bill, which clearly defined the limits of the regent's -authority. He was etapewered to mile without 41. eouneil of regeney;. he could. 2115.180 war and conclude peace, negotiate treaties, dissolve . parliament; but be was restricted in the matter , of Lnperial Forces. hictoclahirsty s'Irerther ete- The new e•ifle to be expee•iiiieletessfl 1.. _transfoianation; was 'licit merely with 'in the British aims, is' a Conis" 1151. outiverd "WO court lOs isheaticin of the Lee-Eafield, and the found caider, cleanlisfes's, coartePF ManSer. The breeth actfon is Of, t:4 end hospitality. „ Mauser pattern, and iS adapted hy ouwaaikas,htmsess,„ who was a.dor-' the act ; of thumb screws, to rapid led as a Scnt' of divinity, raded„ byl adjnstsneet irathe field without, the fairer alone '-eheditting bleed' li1e. aid of tools. TM sighting is most water. . He. had at b.Wclrdite.erts,1,4,biea; eomplete ad up ito the standard in code of tcirtUreS easit mors barrel is shortened. by five inches, one, the Berayi, , or warier ants. Thu than. the last, I will only descrSbe most; respects of 131111.1111 rifles. 'end to =intone, the belanCe an A, 'wretched (sometimes a' Sena' weight has teems removed, from chie() would -he bouatl, smeared with; ilte stock. );he,; Wood -having . been honey, and' .placed•in the "track of steel plates •replaced.. lay ..alansinutal Ciffort;41115;s,74.- drilled ;with holes and itheabrass, ca; The now Weapon will be :loaded: -by trig ,literallyttlevolar.ed, alive by mil - means 'of ;Clips, eacheOutaining: .five Hens 01 masteposiess.,.,. s ass•a Cartridges.. s s , BURNING ALIVE. , For the 1101)0 gun the muzzlesvele- ..B.ushaag disaA was 03 sexaatem..,of- cities %yin,. it is mid, be maintain- ed at 2,800 foot -seconds. It was at ten daily oecniterMe, -kind 'the ' hla 1110 first proposed to. erimloy 2,500; foots by tbipiEtililng water.0„irtimhaol t,nyie_iisart ee,a seeonds, but the resalting pressures in the gnn barrel- were 'decreed' ;iris th6";ac6lisdd'/564:1A6'bi.0 .S41"; natojetidt}e%o by proxy .,,o!il:kfi 1U3�10 ail Is ,0110115110d, 'aid" et; i•ough lieg5tar"jticliefief PFP-• • books . the children Would have Lime calVisable. At 2,:100 feat -seconds eiti 11. to read." the 311)118011 1.115 coriefffronding sure does not exCeed it5,(5d0 potlndi, THE MAKING' OF MAR13LES------IlothOr;liUaTOinlhll. 15 N1.n(rko 3111, t11 • . In appeal.ante Int new weapon aghte Marbles that -very handsome; eta 10 a inerlee&-inis N'i'cc!..r., WOO la the Pbbket- p1 all pt;OVOIlleilt bn tl,be 1-ZiP1.601 everthe SCheolho,k'S- en..?arth are made ,in the, Tang, baessnes ,anti 'relined tato, p1 -Thtun:agia.. CermanY• . • On have 1111811 United in en ingeniag winter tles's . the poor people , who 'fashion, thus doing a:WAY wiLh t1.6 he live in tvitlages- s gather , saMil necessity for a:bayonet , scabbao.,:d, square stones, place .them .moulds , this particular 001. something like big coffee mills, . and seem to have taken up ,the grind them until they are round. TM loss 44.41180 Tar fanny years the pre,C marbles made .111 this WAY are the ti ce in the "Classical amoy,leas Wee to, eommon china, painted china, glaz- taweya keep the hastonesk.fixed. • miles, it little swunimpg, halts for led chinas end imitation agates. "m- ale, bread, and cheese, and \'ari011Sj nation agateS ere made irora white sports, and ended the roasting', stone, end' are painted -to represent' of a whole bullock, more sports, and .; the pride of the marble player's a torchlight procession. i heart -the • 3,001 agate. The' agate painted 'china maibles are of plain White stone, with Rhea Crossing eaeh As showing the ektent to which other as aight aessea asaaas aaan streets are honeycombed, it is inter- themmesas eaus 11451,1(11011 3133. esting to note that, there 11.10 11.0SV glass hie:Woe's 'in the tdtvit of Lau - about one and a half miles of sub- sehn, Oeiainesey. T116 ekpert wcole- ways undet; the thormighlares of the men take a piece erplain glass, anci one squere Mile; that total being ex- anotliel, .bit at rod glasS, Nat' thelff elusive of the • subways, to the red hot, Mow tismii together, ' give length of one mile and 061 yarilm thein 1 tWitet, and there hi PtettY' that are in the city, but ara 51101 With tln 1013 ft11(1' WhItO threads tion. go), water, 5118 11.0'1°- of tivelt.61,1(nU(.1 111S5i,(11 Tntibglelt‘s0 Ss'inio,"Intlad under the control of the COPpara- 4 leve„ row p, y 41 • r • BABY'S OWN'T'ABLETS. . ' :ced.urs terkg,n,ft§.-42(1Prie, ;#L4Lie,. arC! Wiflo;C; ,keyere, , ,TrAt, 844 :14W als91Vre; are 461,' 'dinozig theni. "The MISSion., station' of Lealuyi, now soccuPleastlie witChi leu later 'S 15111001<;, , the, ancient, plac0! of, execution?, ,1 Month, ,Lewoulla and;his chiefs, used. to-. . colebr ate. _the -new •0100/1 by or,gles . of strong native beer (Winking. IShexi .1 visited Loalbyi lie.had already forbidden :the snaking and .consumptimit of intoxi- cants tffrooglioutsthe coiintry, and Setthe ; oiciamPle by • himself licedriiieg. an abstainer... ,To; -.day 1 riiii''tiesured 115.5:3101.'tasted:Laren- PoSitiVe Care Starlic, Wheathez h,o,r fox,. • Ailment*. •BEAL cEssiarpsAsars•s-s, Jai the hot weather the little Pace ,",Althotigh Lewanika suffer fitula bowel trotibless age 11e17 nolygam.y. mulB311Q aplaa a ous, wealcs sleepless and 'end table' ipatteliees„ heseneouragess otheres, even Their vitalityis lower mesas theses -cal 'h,is owe • chi / ; to becollees,lehrise nY other season, "SronePt. :action At! triarest • • • ..;" • a this time often, saves 11. VELI u able soot "the, 13 erotbi. Cr,R. pro, *tie life. Baby's Own •Tablets is the .duced •real, .and 'not Merely, outward best suedielue..in this world for little lprofessare of ;OluSstianity. •sgt-nong °has at. thid si)e&-lilY, re- these I may mention his sous saris .heir Akanangiosa, a ',graitt criliftrarsgar own' rights attitt,Mdkambitii 1118 5o11t31145.kv, •and Priint 'Who -15'11w Nfcis 'the "first 'to'rlet tiic 'Sxhifijile 81 liiUvltig' hist onsd trent's -With 1 tha resneet 'clisq lib it' woriidis fn 11. elirrEk, In "41)0)1l11 rnniains.'tb Sl dtine; tharl IsI 1131311'AO dark. Ade tc?' 1:19,totge life, nor are the in`f1141ditals. herb 'mentioned, ' far from At. of What they naive emerge'd from, realize that theranhtLVe heart trans- 1ormatfeinif indeed." ' , . 1.,A;DIES, 'MICE wA.1(101,10. War against trailing skirts is be- ing aetively conduct6c1 its some places on the Continent, In parts of Switzerland wearers of these long garments are fined; and in Prussia some public gardens axe dosed' to those whose dresses have evert quits moderate grains; lic mains, the telegraph and pneu- matic: tutees, and the electric light- ing coattails • laid he the subways under the control of the corporation amount to 11 nines, being: an in- crease of nenrly three 101105 the year.. Tliu electric lighting nod telegraph conduits contain Sons Um/IS/111d% of sniies nt (111 the barber's ch(1ir)-"I Say, do you think 111 ever have a moustanne Ti,,,rber (after ther• On)3i MO.Oni natiOn)--oVell, I can't say 11.14 1 do," that's vewy odd. Why, my gtiv'nor ilea a tremendous moustache." llarber- "That may be ; hut perhaps " ;inn take after your Ma," Parhler TTudge-"Those confounded boys tied 0. tin pail to that, dog's tall and ran him eleven 311(155, i'JI Sue 'ern t" Mr. Citynnov-"Was it Your dog 3" I'armer /t Wkue • alleys end plain glass alleys, • tile figure of p. clog 01' sheet) inside are, reale l'or very Sraal I hoys as's 511)15) 10 • Play tviLle. 131.13 the theibleS Mast, prized to -day are the real agates, These marbles ere Seal. brown or bleak in color, find many of them have largo round ;circles on. them (111)1.10 olc 11 140 eyes, • ,IAPASTE'SIS liffLtS• All nil in ;in pans rtm clay earl /eight and elasugo heeds ,at, noels and inidnight. 1,11 vast. nuijority of xnill ,wotkers .are children, who Warlt eleven, hmirs 'ett.„ low Wages, In on0! mill et Osaka 2,000 workers are 3821' - del' fifteen years of ago, and operate only 8,700 spindles. In this Court-, try SOO persons operate the Setne nusriber. Dunks, when migrating, rarely fly lower then 000 feet, and more usu- ally 1400 feet% ha in every home, Where 14ore little ones during 1430, 11.6t ,wtratqcr, months. Airs, „Vergus6n, 1.00, viansiteld . street,„ Montreal, says 'X have found Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine L 'have 00111' used tor. ,children, My baby. was a.ttacked With dysentery ' alld Was 11 Ot and feverish, 1 gave him the tabliets and thay promptly cured him.. Befere this 'he had been rather' delierete but Since using the Tablets; he' has beefy Oath• betiter in every - "way, X ean Sincerely' recommend the Tablets 5.11' otbei0 With; ailing children." Baby's Osin Talslets are guaranteed 1,6' he &legal:Adis> fret front oplatts6 and lidniful drags. Children talt& them readily, and crushed to a pow- der they can be given to the young- est infant with pet,feet, safety. They ard sold at all drug stores or, will be sent post paid at 26 cents a box "by writing direct to the Dr, Williams" Medieine 0o,, brockvillo,,, Ott", or Scheneetady, moulateasmsencousacarasansammues.a.1.olv=1.1..11 , ; . HAD TO, BE LIFTEL None knew thee but to love thee), None named the bnt 50 Pretiss,o ..; s„ klelarellow was not thinkieg of ig sits-Whanalasssarote these Mee, but they describe' this delecious bever- leagesaceiplutelyiee ;A HELPLESS CRIPPLE IS P. STORED TO HEALTH AND STRENGTH. s Tr,7,7,-"S/so sams Extra Fine Stook 403.5 • 300 Or 360 01Z% PER SOL • ,16.101111,A*80,Pi. TCOAMISSION . CO, 1.41111ted, T4pRoNwo. 1114•444411;li'.'1.,.!;;,14-4,444,414,7•1-4-444”fett,4•14-thlentirfekiit-tt.lett-+ 'rho Roost matches la i.,ame Back tied This :Han a Pris. oner f for a, Long Time, but • ai Last. He Found a Cure Though OiVen:VP by the Doctors. ,,910160.: 1" tho world, made from IhbOrgek. E,„_ Eddy's soft oorhy pino, and espoolally suitable „,„, for demean° taie- t., Hood ght ,, put up in neat swung ocome,assorietieolors each box containing or i EVOry, SVC rr•-,. .1 ,., , .. •,,,kes,,, . ,e about SOO matches- or . ' '''seiiblifi/Oh•. i,....,.', Pa riour tame Woe in a paok• T ago. Eili ifryttl -itir tchas , A .Light , , . For safe by L All First Class ti Dealers, *14 1 1,444 -I-1,14:44,01414,41,444-01"1,14.11,444.14444+++444444-444. - - - -------- -''Gooseberry wino is very nearly at strong ea champagne. It has 11.8 per cent. of alcohol to 12.2 por cent he champagne, • conferring Peerages Oncost aid pen- Sions, 334ing of Piens cry powers the regent complained freely, to his frleads, and was even represented by a, eat:islet of the day ss writing a rhyming ;epistle to his 'dear ;brother. Fred,'' in widen; ite observed that., , . With straight waistcoats on' Dad ,a,nd restrietions on 21.10; A' more limited monareley scarcely ecnad be. -011)3.31EGET0.3, ACT. 'rho .reign ot George TV. includriti the passage of bat one regency aet, whiele merely stated, in accordaneh WiLli a. well-knowo .constitutional priocijile, that the regent, like the sovereign whom he represents, can- not be a. member of the Cathaiii faith. After this mecesaiun of Wil- liam, av, an act was 'passed to • en- able the Duchess of Xent to exereSse ;the functions of regent Le the event ;of her datgleter, -the Princess Vie - stories being • caned to the thrones during her • minority, and in the reign of Victoria. twomore, and the lest segeney statutes 'were proposed by the' minists7 of the day and ac- cesaed by Parliament. In the first yea' of the late Queen's 'Seigle a re- gency cotincil 'without a regent was named to net if the heir to the throne' were absent from the king- dom the time of thm, Queen's death; by the Second. act Prince Albert was- hecorded the full powers of sover- eignty 'clurieg the possible minority of • lels ,suceessor, • SIMPLE, 'INDEED. , It seems a* if the acme ot frugality had been raddled by a Prenels, officer who eaplained, .with many appro- priate gestores. system of sus- taining life on a pension of five francs a week- • • • "It is simple, veree, vere,e simphi," Id said to the friend who -had ex- presaed ansmemeat at his feat "Sunday I go to ze house of a good Wend, and zero 1 cline so exinctordin- aire, and eat so very much, zat 1. need 110 -128010 till Vednosclay. ."On Sat clay i have at my restaur- ant one large, veree large, dish. of h•ripe and some 01.1100. I abh01/ ze tripe, yes, 'ara/ze, onion. also, and togezzer zey make me so seek as have; no more any apPetite tin San- dky. you zee, it IS verde simple." ..Napatme, 'Oat., Jets's .14,s-(Spe1 :411al).715,41octers tole Sinsoei Wars; MS 'that ,they ic,ould do nothing fon hiM, „I-Ie.:lead tried many 'medicine* rand atheatuents with (1 good siiel ' ; was. a lielplessicripple lame 'beaks: and for aslcing time- his •voliosalad, to, lift fleira in and' 0111. .171 bed4 the pain ;in bia.- back, Was ad "(13 this ext-re,mity iliiefed'S. • iad- Vice saved. him. This enten"leitcl: SATS feted "btlelcache h'finSeif, blit'"lead 1101311 .c611.1131411113' cel.red; by -1lbdtl'6 4.0id111y,"-,11111s, ' wh'en "he ' heard ivatCaO batPlie iv'eSit; to,i'lliSsiseine 'and, Xectemnitalcled tjtjs medithie" to' : " Wai•ner Wife','wers at ,first inclined , to .'he aoinessfisat but 'here was tthe eVidence Pocid's kidney 'Pills cle,- Core 141331.1. Blieleaeight before their ,,Very, esieZ in the :persoa, et the. 14031. Whq 1md 'beenfll.11134§ .,,Surely it raost ;rho io 503710. ,cleltleration- .they 'aCirr9S4e 4v4edrY, 'meoesh: t'ILYCi'see'aci c.ithaint,°,'LleytIcritlY; ao,, for in a. short -time Mr. Wars nor's backacheetehad vanished. Tie grew. atromer _and sbettey and at present enjoys the ,be,st. x.ourid :good, iaealth. he,:rias hall for ',Theris,iesnot.,e. firs ca-of...3hme hack remaining, 1101. 03 ;single' • symptom,' and the chelPfesa linen who esed to be a bunden to; him:self' 011(1 11.10 wild is .0.019'.grt000g....atld' a... sal/Dolt te his, faithful itelphialte: • life 'tetra ; "We'llueve 'Med ia 'Oat tWen-/ ty;-five bokeSof ihida'S NitheY 1,11113, mud given some away to our rleigh-1 eke: 1. llrsltlist '14515311, they Use a betio they thertiSbilves are about 'as: strong, in their r4errnneudatlonS-ad, We 'IMO. tan. 'CertnInly roceMineto, Didild`ti'kidn'ey Pills' al 13, 'lure •„cifre, for Lamo 1,34ck, for they curod' and 1 ei'e3'er 11001111 ot 11. worse. : The armies„artd navies oi iThsrppe 181)40(1113. 12 .4578' 4arnIngo yea.rly ot the 43311173 population, .••. :1• , • . Mittard'stlifihiht 'hr RefflatIsffl England has 120 artesian wells over 100 feet deep., Mind's liniment:, Is ths best, Atop.. thr ,ennab anti ivorits Mr ore 061d. Gazalivo 13rorno•Quinino Tablets mire 'II, Sold .dnionb par..-Prioa 960011t5. ss • 'xi f 1.110 75encji c;1 .1; as been "bestOWeil 1)3)011, 138 WOmen. • ' • „ • When 000.5111111) greasy dishes or pots ,and, nails, Lover s Dry soap (a pow- der) will remove the grease with the greatest ease, The Sandwich Islands ere alenost as free from snakes Ds Deland. There is but one sort, and that very scarce. Mloard'i......Lal(fierktur,es Germany's 1,500 -mines -employ 41,- 000 ruiners, MeStare• C. C. Richards Ss Oo. Dear Sirs, --While in the country last summer I was badly bitten hy mosquitoes -so badly that 18 thoUghti 1 would be disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was advised 1.0 try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect was more, than I expected -a few applications completely curing the irritation, pre- venting • the bites from becoming sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also a good article to Steep off the mos- quithes. Yours Lally, • Harbor Grace, Nfld., Jan, 8, 1808. There are at Present 2,000 men att, work on -the Swiss aidS Of the Simp- lon Tunnel, and' 1,800 'on the Italian dide. , P C 1131 t,,si/f;l:l'l-ii;t 6-1 - aleVaiativBt0elciToletsL;.,.".1 duggiottrefuhd *almoroytltfa.et09!i1.5 . WUroveXalthlurolo oqsah1ox.. . . ,818 g -s- . . e 1r26 ilifferent -lefixis f/Inseet•11aye been enumeratedwhichpattaek :.tne suga'ca17:"'.'L1.:;lilr10er::t.ir lil: .,: : wiliwi ' (Mb 'Aiigli : .M,Ifill (Sarah ,IVeSt6t.: i- *re TIINAIISPI11115i2ZIgnArdoia'ilgiD4iftsild t.:07roVthirtl'trnitliViillt4AnCi*TalLIZitt. tttilranIAIZgaTAViengneliti gonr; Tivesty•Iire Nag a bogie, ns 101110 .10.k.043onlahlo, ..ino efilii.es.(id,,,ImL 147,.. /..80, wintioesseesuande"coip us ;THE MOOT POPULAR DENTIFRICE. OAl.VERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH .POWDER, fereseivistlerteath. sweetens 450 5,0,1(5. Strongthana tho gums rass and Instruments, Drums, Unit -Orme, Etc, EVERY.4011/11 CAN HAVE P BAND LoWelst prfaes Cris eilated, tIne 0885155380.beelliastreitinuennfiled free. W01111 115 for any thing,in 71,1510 or litmitonlInstrAntent.. ROYCE. /6 .00. LImited toronio Opt. and -Wirini.pog Man OdlittTileitttlettlied , irk Dpg;•Pllio,Ladlea'Vial, III Ora, . cg.picirsd. On orlptto. A3111B3tt1ei.4T ThYIOIIIG 00'1r. "Moinireal, TiWont.O. Ottawa 1, Olieboo. ,Dominion Line -Steamships :" Montreal to LIveit.' Doktb.ii ,t0'.3.1ver• pool. Portland:to lverpOoL , VIISPiOna. • saThere *ere not,. 1,500 .71ri1l:5h-owned., vessels manned by Chinese crews. Illhile,111 418,1108V Heir{ mini. Arr, 13.00,seveit is Ihe third gradu- ate of Ilarvard College to become, ,PsIsesidentt"of ; Lite 1 41 altld , ta test • ,37., " • HOW E nis We after One Hundred oollsrsi reward fdt any ease of Onteerli Malt &meet be dared by Ikall's Catarrh Oure, We, the unterejtsfee. einte*ku en „la J. 5, 3. 011111<11.3' ,43 co. 'redo, 0,_ '011Sbe3' (5171 '11111 kiwis ”yeare,eis d. believe him perfectly honorable in ell business transaetionq and en:melting tifile"ta entre Slit any obligations mode Up Iliolr 111111, Wean & eat U.S.X.,Wholesetto Druggists, froiedo, 0, W0013111'0, gINNAN tic MAlI- 31117, Whoiesine Druggists, Toledo, 0. Ositsrit cure is taken internally, acting direetiy hpOn the Weed and mucous 011011058 of the Elston. ;testimonials soot free, me 750 per bottle, SJId l ell sm. gista nitre losmily /Pills are the beet, • 'Lare allniid PapnftitoarOlthlp9A.0,Pn6tlel amOotin. ial"at6len 1;''g?:l::n':bil.illlr61951E'7 2eood3lekIhi01aI14012;,:71 .atohdltb6u.c. of the Oipanypor , •,, Itehardallla kClo, • 01T6ritC6i0a 77itate 01.30000. linntrdlindrotand. .., '1NOh.RQa11O 11:g.tl";1:.1'iOMOOl:11ii V1i1,47 1.olletookgika:::IOle ::111.in..tiu,,0frar:li":te1:"k;':u li"' 'n',b1'd!1:t'n1;eiteonlalrfreePrIt1aoosen11 ar:/T17LItwoe1t::bu1nr.1ata ";4112744"/Cf!IT11taPl4aold ow V.. +. ZOIT.1..M),HOTO: ENG. RAVING .17.1.',47'1...1f3l, 1.7.40A:11,?4SE.44e1,T,,ITN+61.T719.1CIA.:10..1---:ill1;11-ii., 4 :re THE CANADA PERMANENT . ' .NIONTCADE, CORpORATION . . andAVESTEIFINCANADA 1 , Toropk Street, Toronto. '.. ,..•".....,........••.1"4",........ 1 . INVESTMENTS • • Pros'dont, 00()DlimItalSi 15 • "tiTetae.gr,nattP1111TINg1811r. • s: end /lea Prondent, '17.11, BEATTY ,',,F30P1138 4. Is which Exoniters and 'rrusloos ore * Ittntd"';'Irot 01) 11.:g:Itta'Wfou',,t0P111.21 , hY anno.di MI Government aro l• ISSUED AT 4 PER CENT, • •