The Brussels Post, 1902-7-24, Page 1Vol. 31, No, 2 New Advertisements, Fly Poison—Jas. Fox, Wanted—Ohae, 13, Shaw. Clearing talo—•6foKipnon & Co. Great reductions—A. Straohaa. July Clearing Sale—Grover & Co. Beauty in a ehoe—Downing Bros, • Notice of transfer—Louie L.Longeway. An extraordinary oure-Dr. MaoLeod. zz kxe1v, Jamefstown. Norioc To TnmsPAeaene,—Notioe is here• by given that all pereous are forbidden to trespass oo Lot 1, Con. 2, Grey, and violators will have to abide by the oon. cogaeeaee. W. Cl. Cooties, Jamestown, fl�tlael. Grey Council will meet on Friday August let at 10 a, m. The price paid for the hotel property here by the prospective proprietor ie said to be $4,850. Sabbath School Excursion to Kin• sardine ie expeoted to run on Taeeday, Aagnet 12th. Train service will be similar to that of Met year. Mise Hannah and Emma Hall, of Montreal, are the guests of their grand. parents, R. and Mrs. Ransom. Mies Hannah Ransom, of Detroit, is also here for a holiday visit. An interesting letter baa been reoeived by Tan Pon from Mise Ella Dilworth, from Voltaire, North Dakota, and will find a plaoe in our oolumns next week. Mies Dilworth's health is muob improved we are pleased to hear, Ceram broolc. Mines Olive' and Jean Jnokeon, of Brussels, are visiting at A. McNair's. Jno. and Mre. Cameron are expeoted home shortly from their trip to Iowa, U. S. V. Stehle is away to Waterloo Co. Same say he ie 'serionely thinking of matrimony, Mime Lib, MoLaohlan io home from the Soo where she holds an important milli- nery. situation, Mre. J. H. Cameron, of Brussels, was renewing old frieodehipe in this vicinity during the past week. Mre. Bird and her daughter, Mre. Fox, are still on the sin lief and not making the improvement their many friende wish for. A. Raymann made a trip to Tilton burg last week when be puraheeed an f ngine and boiler for his pump shop. He also intends to pat in some more mach. Ines et' be oan do all kinds of job work on ehort notice. We oongratalate Min Jean MoNair on ber success at College. Io oonneotion with the School of Literature and Ex- pression she took Honors in the let year's course. Mies McNair should make a great success in this department. Tuesday afternoon Rev. D. B. and Mrs. MoRae and Alex. and the Misses Mo. Nair attended the funeral of the late J. F. Stewart at Brueeele. Rev. Mr. Mo - Rae took charge of the service in the abeenoe of Rev. Jno. Rose, who ieholiday- ing in Muakoka. Rev. R. F. Cameron was in Oranbrook this week for a abort time. He name from Shakespeare to attend the funeral of an old friend in the person of the late Jno. F. Stewart, of Toronto, formerly of Grey. Mre. Stewart is well know here being a daughter of the, late Robert Leokie, Last week Mrs. Michael Hunt and daughter, former residents of Grey town - Fillip, now of Lebuet Co., Minn., U. S., paid a visit to old friends and acclaim thane, A. Raymauu being one of the number. A sister a000mpanied Mre. Hunt. Mre. Hunt's maiden- name was O'Mara, one of the earlier settlers of Ma- Killop, South of Walton, and need to keep one of the first hotels on the road from Seaforth to Walton. Mr. Hunt waa among the early settlers in Grey township, coming into this townebip in the fifties. He Dame from the townebip of Kitley, near Brookville, and was a relative of the Dukelaw family. On com- ing here be bought the South } of lot 21, eon. 12, Grey, from the late John Duke. law, where be made hie home until 32 yikare ago, when he sold to the late John McIntosh and removed to Minnesota, where be hag eine° resided and followed farming. He epeake very highly of the country. They paid a dying visit to the old homestead on the 12th von., then going Ent, galling on old oeighbore along the way, they went by Mitchell to Strat- ford via Detroit, where they called on friends end acquaintances on their home.. ward trip,. Wroxeter.. ' v 0, Smith visited Oheeley last week. See additional Wroxeter news on page 5, intended for last week. Alvin Hemphill, of Walkerton, visited his home here over Sunday. Robert Fox, of Brneeele, is renewing acquaintances in the village, D. M. Walker, of Niagara Faits, is visiting relatives in the village. Mies 0. Moffat, of Blyth, ie the guest of Mies Mary Miller, at Getman. Mies Cassie Harris, of Watford, ie spending a few Jaye at her home here. Jas. MoEwen, teacher of Midland, le spending the vacation at hie home here. Mre. E. Sanderson left for Wingbam on Saturday where she will visit for some time. T."P. Smith, the noted eye specialist, of Elora, was at the Gotten House on Wednesday. Mies Jennie Murray returned to Gorrie, having spent a week with her friend Miss M. Hazlewood. Mines Eva and Bessie Atchison, of Harrieton, are gueete of their cousin, Mies Zelma Stook, A foot ball team from hare went to Walkerton on Tuesday to play againet a team of that town. Rev. T. L. Armstrong, of Millbank, preeebed in the Episcopal Chureb, on Sunday afternoon. George Brown, of Ottawa, is spending a part of hie vacation here with hie mother, Mrs. G. Brown. Frank Edwards, of the village, has bought the furniture and undertaking business from J. E. Black, and took poeseeeion last week. Owing to the death of Cheater Harris, the garden party, ander the auspices of the choir of the Presbyterian Church, whioh was to have been held on F. Dick son's lawn, has been postponed until Monday evening, July 28th. A YOUNG LIFE CUT OFF.—A gloom was net over the whole village when it be• oame known leer Saturday morning that Chester Harris, only son of R. B. and Mre. Harris, bad departed this life after a short Moen of only two weeks. De. ceased was a sufferer from malaria typhoid and other trouble but until this last illness had always been a strong and robust young man, benne his sudden death Domes as a shook to hie many friende. A sorrowing father and mother and three dieters are left to mourn a lov. ing and detital eon and brother. The interment took plane Sunday afternoon, after a short service by Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, at the house, the funeral was oondnoted under the 0. 0. F., of which deceased was a member, and was one of the largest ever seen in the village, For - eaters from Harrieton, Brueeels, Ford - wish, Blnevale and Gorrie attending. The pallbearers were J. Weudt, C. San- derson, A. Robinson, G. Davidson, W. Egleton and A. Sanderson. Walton. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong are visiting friende in the North, Dr. and Mre. T. G. Waghorn are enter. tainingdriende this week. Miee Florence Baobanan, of Brussels, is vieiting friends in town. Mre. W. E. Cummings spent a few days this week in Stratford. Mies Aggie Campbell, of Goderioh, was the guest of Mies Lottie Campbell thie week. Mr. and Miss Keine, of Gorrie, are visiting their slater, Mrs. W. I. Johnston, this week, Rev. Mr. Carnahan was away to Toronto this week, leaving on Monday morning. Lewis McDonald, of Detroit, and Mise Ida McDonald, of Ottawa, are holidaying at home. People are enquiring shoat the annual excursion for the Sunday Schools to Kincardine. It is reported it will take Ciao° on August 12th bat expect fall information will be'ehortty given. Watches T. FLETCHER'S JEWELLERY STORE. ARE YOU. GOING TO BUY A WATCH ? If so call and see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and Boys' Watches, with Elgin, Waltham Duber-Hampden and other movements. Our stock is very heavy and having bought for cash our customers will get the benefit. Watches to please everybody and prices are right. RINGS, SILVERWARE, ETC. Our store is full of first-class goods such as Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings, Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Silverware, Clocks, Fancy China, Souvenir Goods, Etc. OPTICAL Is well looked after by Mrs. Fletcher and Son, the DEPARTMENT ' latter having taken a course in Chicago. Our Specialties are Watches And Rings. All work promptly repaired and eatisfaatron guaranteed. T. i'r T -E7 JEWELLI7It, . L / C U R Ismer of Marriage age tummies.. Wedding hinge and Marriage Lioenees sold privately, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1902 Miss Lettie McArthur, of Bruanels, spent a taw days with friends in town last week. Alex. McKenzie has improved the am pearanoe of hie reeidenoe by giving it a good coat of paint. Laet Sunday afternoon May. Mr. Webb, ott Windsor, took the service in Bt. George's ohurob. It is expected he will be here permanently after Sept. 1st. Mre. Beirnes. who bas been visiting at Geo. McKim's for the past two weeks, returned ,home on Thursday, Mies Jewel and Frank MoKim accompanied ber on a visit. Tuesday afternoon License Inepeotor Miller and Constable Jco, Lung, of Brue• eels, made a search of the "Royal' for liquor but they were unrewarded as nothing was found. Fall wheat will be out in some plane in this neighborhood before the week ends if the weather keepe dry enough to permit of the reaping, It has been very poor hay.onriog weather. CoNnoLENas.—At the last meeting of Lady Sanderson, L T, B. Lodge, No. 16, Walton, the following motion of oon. dolonee was unanimously adopted := 2'o Miss Maggie Kelly, DEng SISTER,—We, the endears and membere of Lady Sanderson, L. T. B. Lodge, No. 16, desire to express our sincere sympathy with you in the heavy affliction you have been called upon to bear in the death of your dear sister Jennie, who wee an aotive and valued member of our eesooiation, and the first break by death in our Lodge. We assure you, that we, at' your eietere, feel deeply the severe lose you have been oallsd'npon to bear. We pray that our Heavenly Father may comfort yon in yon hour of trouble. May the same Gad who sande both joy and Sorrow guide yon in the pathway of life and do not forget that He has prepared a bright and beautiful borne beyond the grave, and we trust that you, with the rest of ue will so live that we shall meet her in Heaven, where parting will be no more forever. Yon will mies her in the family oirole, the vacant plaoe will never be forgotten ; but may you look to Him who death all things well and be able to say, "Not my will but Thine be done." May God bless you and your parents and the rest of the family in yonr honr of sorrow is the wish. of every member of the Lodge. Signed in bebalf of Lady Sanderson, L. T. B. No. 16, Walton, Mag. J. G. GRravR, W. M. Meta. Joist; BOLGER, Gond. Walton, June 6th, 1902. One of oar membere is at rest, She hoe answered the judgment will, She's now among the angels blest A departure mourned by all. Her soul in Paradise shall dwell, In Heaven's eternity above ; May all ber friende on earth ao dear Bo with her there to share her love. So farewell Jennie, We meet on earth no more, But it won't be long before wemeet On Canaan's happy shore. M orrtF- Township Council will novena on August. W. H. Maunders is the happy daddy of a baby daughter valued at $50,000. Jno. T. Donnan hae taken a situation in Guelph. He is a tailor by trade, and a good one too. Mre..Gilleepie,of Ripley, was here on Taeedey attending the funeral of her uncle, the late J. F. Stewart. Thou. Forbes bee sold hie farm, lot 15, oon. 3, Morrie, to R. Johnston of the same townebip, at a fair pries. A tidy "Costumer" colt bas been sold by Walter Forrest, 2nd line, to W. H. Maunders, recently home from Idaho, U. B. Donald Halliday, 5th line, will go to Brussels next week to take a poeition in F. B. Hareley's drug store. We wish him moons and believe he will do well. Fall wheat will fall before the reaper this week and next week. The rain and wind last week knooked down the grain quite badly io some plane. Crops look good. CAn» of TwANRe.—George and Mrs. Kelly desire to record their thank,' to the Lady True Blue Aesooi:then for the prompt payment of $100, fink and Fun• eral benefits in aooneation with the ill- ness and subeegoent decease of their daughter Jennie. This year Jas. Robb, a former resident of the 8th line, living near Langdon, North Dahota, bas 250 acres, of land under flax. Last year be had 1080 bushels of seed from 67 acres and received aa high as $1.75 for part of it. He should make quite a haul than year at a corresponding rate. Carr.—One of the oldest resident,' of this townebip died on Wednesday of Last week, in the person of Elizabeth Waddington, relict of the late Obarlee Prootor. Mre. Praetor has been living with her son, Richard Prootor, since the death of ber husband. She was a lady held in high esteem and wag aged 76 years. The funeral took plane to Brandon's oetiietery on Friday last. SNro:v. Wm. Work, 8th eon„ out his Fall wheat this week, Grey township voters' lista are about ready for dietribubion. James Gaynor, of Goldstone, is spend. ing his holidaya at home. Misses Alias and Minnie. Gaynor are home for their Slimmer vacation, The benefits of good drainage in Grey have been very manifeet this season. Mrs, James Longmire left oo Tuesday for Brandon and other points in the Wes. Fatll wheat is about ready for harvest. fug in some plane. Orop ie babkward owing to wet weatber. Neil Livingstone, whb lute been in Nevada, V. S., bas returned to Delta, B. 0. Be is a former resident of 7th oon, of Grey. Hector and Mre. MoQparrie, lth oon., were among the company who took the exoureion trip In the lake from Kinoar• dine to Detroit on Tuesday. CrM. TraVia, of lot 14, Elliott, recently sold his ballade' dappled brown driver, Young Wedgeblook, to Mr. Elliott, of 2nd of Grey, for the goodly sum of 5180, Why don't the Pathmaetere have the thietlee and other weede out along the roadside,' ? Mre. Robert Armstrong, of Kinbare,' was sailing on friends in Gorrie and Brneeele last week. The Trustees of S. S. No, 8, Grey, have engaged the serving of Mr. Evison, of Oshawa, as teacher eooaeeding Mr. Eastman. There were 15 applioations. Mies E, J. MoKibbin and niece, of Tor. onto, and Mies Jennie Motibbin, o1 Leadbury, are visitor,' at Wm. Arm. strong%, Ent of Brneeele. The ladies are eietere. Dr. McLellan, of Obiaago, wag renew. ing old friendehipe on the 16th eon., last Monday. He was a one time resident of Grey and attended and taught school on the 16th about 40 years ago. A young collie dog, dark yellow in color, with strap, miler and snap, lost on sone. 4 and 5. Grey. Owner will be thankful for information leading to its recovery. JNo. Mobexog$, Molesworth, P. 0. The Teeswater News of lest week says of a former resident of the 3rd oon. ;— Jae. Jackson, of the Sud oon., has been offered 54,000 for the farm on which be lives and -which he purchased less than two years ago for $3,300. Miss Margaret Brown, of the North Boundary, whose health et times le inter• fend with by epileptic Ste, has gone to the Hoose of Refuge, Clinton, as a pay- ing aying inmate. We hope the medical atteo• lion, &o., reoeived there will prove bene. ficial. Miss Mary Livingstone, of Toronto ; and Misses Maggie and Annie Living- stone, of Detroit, are here for a visit for a month, arriving in time for their sister's wedding on Wednesday. Mise Hudson, of Tiverton, add Mr. McKay, o1 Kincardine, were also at the wedding. The oOcers for Roe's ohurah ,Epworth League are :—Hoo. President, Rev. 0.P. Welie, B. A., B. D. ; President, Mies Buie Pearson ; Secretary, L. Frain ; Treasurer, Jno. Pearson ; Organist, Mies Lizzie Bryan,'. A new program for the coming 6 months is in the bands of the membere. MarnrttouxdL.—Wednesday of this week was the time of a very pretty wedding at the reeidenoe of D. and Mre. Livingstone, when their daughter Miss Enphemia, was united in marriage to W. J. Hudson, Detroit. The bride was attended by her sister, Mies Annie, while the groom was ably supported by Fred. Lowiok, of Kinoardine. Rev. Geo. Ballantyne, of Moleewortb, performed the ceremony in the preeeooe of the immediate relatives, and friende of the bride. The bridal party stood under an arch of palms and sweet peas. The Wedding march was played by Mies Majorie Straohan, oouein of the bride. The bride was prettily attired in white Irish Swiss Lawn and carried a boquet of white rosea, the brides- maid's dress was of pale blue muslin, trimmed with lace and medallions. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold pen. dent. The promote were numerone which bespoke the popularity of the bride. The happy twain left ou the evening train for Kincardine:: and other pointe amid showers of rice and good wishes for their future. They willcontinue to reside in Detroit. Tan Pon joins in the oongratnlations. Blaaevale. Mre. Stowet of Goderioh, is visiting relatives here. Duff & Stewart ehipped two carloads of tan bark to Listowel last week. Miss Maggie MaaDonagh, of Wingham, visited Miss Aggis Herbert last week. Albert Denman beg retnrned to Mount Forest after spending hie holidays here. John and Mrs. Messer, of Manitoba, are visiting the former's mother in the village. John and Mrs. McDonald and ohildren, of Molesworth, visited relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. Robert Black and ohildren and Mita Cora Messer visited io Wroxeter on Monday. Mies Kathleen Swann baa returned from Fergus where she haa been attend. ing High Sobool Fourteen of the Blnevale Foresters drove over to attend the funeral of the late Chester Harris at Wroxeter on Sun- day. nn- d Andrew Holmes hag had hie house painted whiob improves its appearance greatly. Fred. MoOraoken, of Brueeele, did the work. The annual Sabbath School excursion along the W. G. & B. to Kinoardine will be run in the eeoond week of August. Definite date will be announced next week at' Committee is endeavoring to arrange with a 'steam boat for short exoareioo tripe on the lake. A concert and social gathering will be held in the Methodist oharah on Friday evening of this week. Mre. Brownlee (formerly Mies Bina Farrow) vocalist, of London.; Min Carrie Moore, violinist, of Wingham ; the Jamestown Glee Olub ; the Blnevale Oroheetra and others wilt take part. The annual report of the Methodist oharah on Bluevale circuit ie published. The three appointments are—Blnevale, Johnston',' and Ebenezer. The total contributed for minister's salary, eco., was $714 98. Besides 'bhie the oirouit fnnda were snatained by contributions of 5574 78, of which the missionary fund was $126. Rev. F. Swann is the ener- getio pastor. The voters' lista for the municipality of the Township of Turnberry have been issued, The number of pereone qualified to serve as jurors ie 389. The list con - Laine a total of 702 voters. There ars 567 voters for both municipal and legis• lative assembly elections, 101 voters for maotoipal eleotlons only and 44 voters who are entitled to vote at elections to the legislative assembly only. The list was first posted at Clerk Bargees' office in Blnevale on Jaly 8th. Untended for last week,] fleeter Fred. Johnston visited relatives in Goderioh. George Aitohesoo, of Molesworth, visited hie pareote here on Sunday. Over 100 tiokete were sold at this station for the Orange celebration at antecede. W. H. KERR, Prop, Minn Alice. Duff and Mabel Oliver and R. N. Duff visited at Listowel last week. Minn Irene and Etta Saone, of Godo• rich, are visiting their uncle, John Johpston. John and Mre. Diment, Mlee Maggie Diment and Will. Diment spent the 12t12 in Goderioh. Mre. John King and little daughter,. Florence, visited relative,' in Goderioh for a few days last week. McKillop. Dian of Fareuy.—Oa Tuesday after. noon, July 15, about 4 o'oiook, as three young ladies, the Mines Molutosk, and Mies Sadie McMillan, were driving home from Seaforth their horde took fright and ran away. They had proceeded as far as what ie known as Grieve',' bridge in Mo• Killop, and just as they were going over the bridge the horse took fright at some- thing and started to run, the two Mies MoLotosh's bolding onto the reins very pluckily. Somehow they were thrown out before the horse ran very far, but Mies McMillan still remained to the baggy,, and the horse continued to ran at a very rapid rate, and about a mile and a half further on the horse ran into the ditch, apeetting the buggy and ooeupaut badly Smashing/ the buggy and, strange to say, when found a few minutes later by Mr. MaIntoeb, a brother of the young ladies, Mies MoMillan was sitting on the aide of the road seemingly noiujored and the horse none the worse for hie fast ran. The young ladies we're then taken home to their father's residence, on the 41b oouoeeeion of McKillop, where it was found that Mies McMillan'scondition was very Berthas, she being of a very nervone disposition, and medical aid was at once summoned, but about 8 o'olook she died. No marks or braises were found on her person, and it is thought she died from fright, she being rather delicate of late. The Minn McIntosh were bruised some. what, but their oonditioo is not 'serious. Mies McMillan was visiting in this vicinity, and the aooident has oast a gloom over the neighborhood. The funeral of the deoeaeed took place on Thursday afternoon from the residence of George Molatosb, the remains being interred in the Egmondville cemetery. Belgrave. The Knox oborob people at Belgrave were favored with splendid weather ou Thursday eveuing of last week for their Garden party. There was a very large attendance and everything passed off very eatiefaatory. The Luoknow Band made things lively with several oboioe selections. The prooeede for the evening amounted 'to over 580. J. J. and Mrs. England, of Caro, Mioh., have returned home after making a pleasant visit among friends in and around Blyth, Belgrave and Wingham. Mr. England combined business with pleasure by purchasing a fine young northern vow and calf from Rioh. Corley of Belgrave. The price paid was $310. FORWARD MovEoENT.—Rev. Mr. Geddes, referred to in the following interesting note was at one time located on a charge in this locality :—The Presbytery of London met at Allem Craig on Monday evening of feat week, when Rev. J. H. Bruce, B. A., Toronto, waa ordained to the ministry and designated as a missi• unary to Hanan, China. Rev. Dr. Mo. Tavieb, of Toronto, was present in behalf of the foreign missionoommibtee. Mr. Brace took a high standing in bie academia coarse, being a graduate of Toronto University and Knox College. He bas for some time been aasietant to Rev. Dr. MoTavieh, in Central church. The reason of the ordination being held in Allan Craig lies in the fact that the joint oongregabion of that place and Carlisle (Rev. W. H. Geddes, pastor) bas recently decided to 000tribabe 5500 an. nnally for five years towards the support of one of the missionary candidates who had offered for service. The foreign mission committee was highly pleased with this proposition, considering the strength of the congregation, and at ones allotted the above named gentleman. In the raising of this fond no canvass was made, but instead subscription Dards were issued to the members, with a abort explanation of the proposed plan, which bad previously been submitted from the pulpit, with the approval of the joint session. These oards were returned, with the above result. The pastor asked the people from the start to make the effort a matter of prayer, believing tbat apart from the direot result, the congregation would reoeive a spiritual benefit. This fund will not represent the total mission• ary giving,' of the congregation, being for a speoial objeot. It is interesting to note also that the neighboring congregation of Nairn and Beechwood (Rev. Jos. Elliot, pastor,) lame for some years been ooutri• bating a substantial portion of the salary of Rev. J. A. Slemmoo also of the Honan staff. Their last payment for this par. pose was over $450. Thin plan of indi. vidnal congregational support for the foreign missionary appears to be steadily gaining throughout the Mutation abaroh, and bide fair to prove a great impetus toward,' the more rapid spread of the Ohristian faith, amongst the people who have heretofore lived and died in ignorance of its saving truths, Rev. James MoAlieter dropped dead ab his home on the Preston road, Galt, Monday morning last, from heart failure. He waa 76 years of age ; entered the Methodist ministry of the New Connexion in 1850, bis oirouite being Gouldoarn and Drummond, Ormsby, Prince Edward, Yorkville, Waterloo, Galt, Nelson, Hilton, Waberford. Anoaeter, and Nolan foe a second term. With the New Connexion be was chairman three times. After the nnfoe be weut to Kilbride, Hespeler, Oakville, Wiarton, Tara, Kinoardine, Palmerston. Following the anion be was chairman daring almost his entire ministry; he was a delegate to the general conference in 1878 and in 1892 ; he was president of the Guelph Conference in 189.5 and was superannuated fu 1890. He was etabiotted in Galt in 1856 begin. ning the New Connexion work there, bub did not Morn 10 Galt oath hie sap. ertennnabion seven years ago. The late Mr. McAlister was in many ways a remarkable man, and a eelf-made one. He was progressive, energetic, optitniotio, broad•eolnded and sympatbetio. He was a prominent figure in the agitation for the union of the New Connexion and the Wesleyan bodies, working for ib with both pen and tongue. His pastoral work was a lasting tribute to hie an t:aeete' minietry, and all over Ontario hearts will grieve that he is no more. Hie wife, two eons and two daughters, survive: Bev. W. Geo. MoAlieter, Aylmer ; Dr. Mo• Glister, Jerseyville ; and the Minim Nettie and Maggie MoAlieter, at home. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. PERSON AL FARM; RA S. Murdy McLennan, of London, was in town on Wedneeday, Mr. Spence, of Orillia, is in town oalling on old friends. Barrister Sinclair was in Guelph this week on legal Matinees. W. A. Tripp, of the Standard Bank, is away forhis holidays. Mies Brett ie the guest of her either, Mrs. (Dr.) MoNaughton. Mrs, Maguire, of Peterboro', is visiting her sister, Mre. D. O. Rose. Mrs. Lowry, of Guelph, is visiting Mre. E. 0. Lowry, Turnberry street. Misses Florence and Alice Thomson are holidaying with relatives at Galt. Barrister Blair was in Goderioh for a day or two this week on bueinese. Mre. George Rogers has returned from a visit with old friends in Wingham. Mre. Leokie and Master Bob were visit. ing friende in Listowel for a few days. Leslie Lowry, Priuceee street, is visit- ing at his grandfather South's, Morris. Mre. J. H. Day, of Gorrie, was vieiting Mre. A. J. Lowry during the past week. Mise Edith Inman, of Guelph, ie home enjoying a holiday for a couple of weeks. Peroy Jackman, of St. Paul, U. S., ie visiting his parents thin week. He looks well. Mrs. I. 0. Riobarde and Percy and Oharlie are away to Bayfield for a holi. day opting. Harry Brown, of Winnipeg, spent several days with his "friend" in town this week. Dr. Graham, of Clinton, was in Brae - seta on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late J. F. Stewart. Mre. Robert Henderson was visiting Mr. Henderson's parents in MoKillop during the past week. Mrs. A. Btraahan and Mrs. A. Good were visiting Mrs. W. F. Vanetone in Wiogham last Friday. Miss Kate McColl and brother, of West Lorne, are vieiting their sister, Mre. F. B. Hartley, of Broseele. L. N. Phelps, of Tileonbarg, late of Listowel, bas taken a position io the Queen's Hotel, Brands. S. Leppard, of Toronto, haa been en- joying a holiday week at Walter Jackson's. Hie wife and sone are also here. Mrs. Funetoo and MIss Ella left on Friday for a holiday opting with rela- tives at Underwood, Bruce Co. Mrs. Andrew Carrie and her grand- daughter, Mies Jean Currie, of Seaforth, were visiting in Brussels during the past week. J. A. and Mrs. Falconer and ohildren of Ohioago, are holidaying with Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Elizabeth street. Mre. Falconer is a daughter. John Gormley, er. has been on the 'sick list but we hope he will soon be about as anal. It is not often Mr. Cowley is laid aside by illness. We are sorry to hear of the ill health of Robert Armstrong, of London, for. merly of Brneeele, but hope he will soon regain hie old time vigor. Will. Leatherdale has made an engage- ment with V. Kneohtel, Seaforth, and will remain there in the old ataod for the next year. He's a capable band. Mrs, Long, sr., has been quite poorly for the past few weeke with an absoeae on her nen. Her heart is also troubling ber at times. We•bope she will soon be able to be about again. Mrs. Dr. Davidson and eon Douglas, of Woodstock, are the gouts of Mre. J. G. Skene. Mre. Davidson was a former resident of Brussels where she still re. taint' a large oirole of trienda. Mies Annie Rose and her nein, Miss Gertrude Roes, Miss Dora Smith, Frank Smith, and Mrs. Frank Stratton were visitors to Detroit this week, going by the exoareion on Tneeday from Kincardine, T. Fletcher arrived home on Saturday afternoon from Luoknow where be ban been visiting for several weeks. Hie health woe considerably improved by hie holiday. He expects to go to Oreomore on Saturday to visit hie sister for a few weeks, Conductor Quirk, of the London, Huron & Bruce, Ie not only one of the most popu- lar mea in the employ of the G. T. R., bat is also one of the oldest in the eervioe. It is nearly forty years eine he first became connected with the railway work, and for 85 years he haa enjoyed the die. tination of being a oonduotor. His reoord is certainly a long and honorable one. The Seaforth Expositor says of a former Brusselite 1—John Landeborough, who has been carrying on a furniture and uuderbakiog 'minims here, for the past six years, bag disposed of the business to Valentine Kneohtel. Mr. 8neobtel is well known in Seaforth and vicinity and should do a good betel:nee. He gets possession about the 21at of the month, Mr. Landeborongh has not dsoided what he will do. Harry Oootts, Mrs. Ooatte and Baugh- ter, of Chicago, were among the Cana- dian contingent from that city to the Galt Old Boys' celebration and continued their journey to Brussels. Mr. Contra bas returned to hie home after a hasty yet hearty shake hands but the other membere of the family will remain for a longer period. Mrs. Coatis is a daughter of Jas, and Mrs. Menzies, William street, Brussels, and Mr. Gonne ie a brother to Mre. George Thomson. An old time Brnseelite and a former well known resident of the 16th son, of Grey, in the person of Dr. 0)001. B. Mo. .Allan, wee a welootne visitor in town daring the poet week, tie bas been sooceesfully praatioing Medicine in Obi. eag0 for the peat 10 years, going there from Trenton, Ont., where be had reci• dad for 20 years previously. It is 39 Years since the Dr, taught sehoal in Brussels, oompying the Prinoipal's ohair for 2 years, He hue not lost his old time love for the Land of the Maple and be and his family spend their Snw• mer vacations in their oottage at Trenton. Dr, McLellan, accompanied by F. S. Scott, drove out on Monday forenoon to pall on some of the Grey old eobool• mates of 33 or 40 years ago, By way t f a lark he made enquiry about pdrobasioig farms but on the Drs. idenity being re. veiled very hearty greetings were a000rd. ed. Time is dealing very kindly with the Dr., and hie friends off anld lang Gyne in this locality were glad to one more have the opportunity of shaking hie band and talking over bygone experienoee. Be left far Trenton Monday afternoon. EDITORIAL NOTES. WINNIrie Fair ie in fall swing thio week and thousands are attending. It le proving no mean rival to the Toronto Industrial. * x lfferuTonA and the N orthwest Territories are figuring on a great harvest and are on the book•oat for able bodied men to help gather in the crop. LORD DUNDONALD, who 00008 to enema command of the Canadian militia, will arrive thie week. He is 50 years of age and a man of broad exparienoe, Tata has been a great year for the far- mer,top•notoh prices being realized for horses, cattle, hogs, eggs, better, &a. We all prosper when the tiller of the soil does well. Sae OLIVER MowoT, Lieut. Governor of the Province of Ontario, celebrated hie 82nd birthday on Tuesday. He ie well worthy of the appellation applied to the late Hoo. W. E. Gladstone, viz. G. 0. M. ', REv. MR. BTEEN, a Montreal reotor, affirms his belief in purgatory and thinks that the prayers of those in Sheol will find favor in their release. Delinquent eubeoribere had better pay up, however, and run no risk. Tae Coronation ceremonies are an- nonuoed to take plane on Saturday August 9th. King Edward is able to walk about a little once more. Coronation Day will not be a publio holiday in Canada but military salutes will be fired where soldiers are stationed, in honor of the event. ' • Lmnnane still holdpower in Ontario by 1. This may nob be much to brag abon0 but it is infinitely better than a minority of the same numeral. We have heard that great oaks from little Rooms grow so we shade ourselves under Mre. Parbington'a cheering words "While there's life there's soap." Mr. Whitney may have a corn that may never attain to an oak if after being so near be is so far. 17,000 emigrants from Great Britain to Canada last year an increase of 6,000 over the previous year. No better pros. peace await a man willing to work in any land than those offered by the Dominion of Canada. We van still get along with• out the Baum of some of the big Eastern oitiee or the boozing dadisb eons of Lords who have not added anything to oar national lnotre. JONATHAN Mitten,the genial, well known heavy weight, of Goderioh, will have to take a book seat as a North °oroline. youth of 17 year,' bas arisen and in that position measures 6 feet 2 inches while he bangs down the scales at about 650 pounds. Lewis Lewark is the name of this broth of a boy. Anybody Lew. Elite on will likely stay there for the bal. ono° of the season unless gathered up by the undertaker. Nomietake would be made if the powers that be appointed Barrister Holt, of Gods• rioh, now eubetitating for Judge Maeeon on aaoounb of the latter's illness, to a per- manent seat upon the bench. We've felt it in sour bones for some time that he would come to that end. He ie bright, brainy, bnsinese•llko and brimful of geniality, gnolifioations not always in super•abundanoe even among these who wear the ermine. Tau Toronto Mail•Empire is going to have Sir Wilfrid dissolve the Domiuion Pariiameub at an early date and go to the oouetry. It not too late please Mr. Mail•Empire don't rush Sir Wilfrid too bard in thin election boldness,. Let him get home from England first as it would Enke it awkward if yon have the whole thing settled before he arrived. Why got in a rush anyhow until the Sainmer beat ie over. Pat a oabbage leaf in your hat, (take a sedlitz powder each day for a weak and ayoid worry.