HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-17, Page 8Tl3 A313tID ,S Gia i?OOT A B - +, S GREEN The Season is now on, and we of'er the best English Quality for RI5 ets, per pound, :I .0 P T U R E Our New York, _Elastic Truss ears be zoom, with perfect ease. Prises are very moderate. HursIeys�Drug and Book Store GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. sOUTIUMN ESTENeioil W. 0, & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North find South, as fellows; Goma Bot GOING Boum. . Mail 7:18 am 1 Mixed 10;00 a.m Mixed.,.......10 00 manI Mail 1:17 p.m pm 8:05 pExpreae 8:17 p.m Turd gebas Mems, A ohial'e among ye takln' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening o1 thio week. Some beantilnl crepe of weedo that should not be allowed to go to seed. Sem of the etore,windowa of our busi- ness people are kept dressed very attrao• lively. QuANTxTxms of gravel are being battled in by train for use in the Grand Trunk yard. nix is doing well in this section and will be ready for pulling in the course of another week. No street in Brussels has made much more noticeable improvement than Mill street in the matter of lawn laying oat, &o. Wm, WILTON is driver of His Majesty's mail now between Brussels end Wroxeter for George Robb, who hes the oontraot for this ronte. A sew Bruaselitee gave Belgrave a hand in a base ball match at Blyth on Friday. The Northerners won. A report of match may be read ander Belgrave heading, R. J. IISEoLarionens reoeived a nasty blow in the face on Tueeday evening from a laorosee ball while engaged with savers) oompanione playing on the Park He will feel it for several days. OoaoEspONDaNTB will Confer a favor by using 2 oe❑t postage etamp instead of 1 cent on news items as tinder the new rule the latter is insufficient andwe ere oberg. ed up with 2 °ante in each of snob oases. P. Beaune and wife were at Blyth on Wednesday attending the funeral of T. McGill, who bad been ill witb consump- tion for some time. Deceased was a nephew to Mre. Baohanao, and about 22 years of age. Bovssnns was repreeented at the Bow• ling tournament in Seatorth on Tueeday and Wednesday of this week by D. 0. Rose, Dr. MoNaughtou, A. Coseley, J. Hewitt, R. Downing, 3, Irwin, Joe Ardell, H. L. Jackson, J.T. Rose and T. Farrow, AnaeNOEtIENTe were being made for an exhibition game of football between the Galt champions and Brussels to take plane on Victoria Park here next Tuesday but word was reoeived on Wednesday that the Easterners were unable to come as their olub was diebandiog. CHANGED PROPRIETOR$.— Tueeday of this week the ownership of the Queen's Hotel, Broseele, passed from Stratton Bros. to Joseph Querrin and the latter is now in charge. The new proprietor is contemplating a number of improvements to pat the hoarse in favorable comparison with the beat houses in the country. J. B, Stratton and family have moved to the honso Weat of the hotel premises, corner of Thomas and Elizabeth streets. BOWLING.—The Brnasele rink ekipped by D. O. Ross and made up by R. Down- ing, A Ooneley, J, Irwin, and D. 0. Roes did well at Seaforib tournament. They won from Seatorth, Mitchell, Goderioh, London and Listowel and came home with 4 jardineres as 2nd prize. They were beaten in two encounters with a London rink. Oar other rink composed of H. L. Jaokeon, J. Ardell, J. Bewitt, and Dr. MoNanghton skip, won from 2 Seaforth rinks but loot to 2Mitohell riche and Clinton. There were 30 rinks in the oompetition, some of them creaser -imam. MATRIMONIAL.— On Wednesday, lath inst., a very pretty bouse wedding took place at the home of David B. Moore, in the presence of a large number of relativee and friends of the contracting parties. The bride was Mies Lizzie B., eeoond daughter of the boat and hostess, and the groom D. A. McQnarrie, of the maroon• tile firm of MoQaarrie & Grimshaw, of the growing town of Rainy River, in New Ooterio. Promptly at 11 o'olook, to the strains of Mendleehon's Wedding March, played by Mies Jennie Habkirk, the bridal party took their planes in front of a hauls of palms and ferns and ander a beautiful floral bell. The bride, who wag given away by her father, was obarming• ly dressed in a gown of white liberty obit. fon, carrying a boquet of white rosea and wearing a bendeome gold pendent with whole pearl, the gift of the groom. The little maid of honor, who was Mies Annie Moore, of Toronto, neioa of the bride, looked very dainty in a dine of pale blue silk and carrying a basket of pink and white roses in which the ring wae con• pealed. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, in the absence of Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of whose congregation the bride was an esteemed member. After the usual eon- gratulatione were extended to bride and groom, the guests repaired to the dining room, which was prettily decorated with smilax and sweet peas and where a dainty inob wag served, wbioh was followed by a few words of congratulation and beet wiehes from Rev, D, B. McRae, who happily and fittingly expressed not only his own feelings but those of the resem- bled gaeate in wishing Mr. and Mre. MoQaarrie health, wealth end happiness, to which the groom made a suitable reply on behalf of himself and bride. The bride( party, aeoompanied by a large member of the gueete, took oarrfage for Wroxeter to catch the 0, P. R. train for Owen Sound, where they took the boat for their home. The groom's gift to the maid of honor was a pearl crescent. The preeente were tasteful and beautiful and wore the visible expression of the esteem in wbioh tbo bride is held by her many friends. Among thoee from a dietanoe who attended the wedding were :—Mrs. (Dr,) Kneohtel, Winnipeg;,Mrs, Mo• Gowan, Toronto ; D. MoGowan, Rapid City, Man. ; Mrs. R. Moore and children, Milton ; H. and Mrs, MOQuerrie, Mre, Laidlaw and Mrd. MOGowae, Blytb 1 A. and MM. Babb, Teeeweter. ANOTHER wedding yet. Tsui Pose gives the news. Com the weeds before they seed. ON fine days trade is rather quiet in town. PASSENGER traffic ie lively on thie no- tion of the W. G. & B. Ovum will be a great crop in thio emotion of Huron County. Jeo. WaOGOT, I. P. M., is attending the Masonio Grand Lodge at W indeor. ELE0TRm light has been planed in the Genteel Rotel hotel Stable and horee shed. THE barber shop of Jno. Hewitt has been improved by the painter and paper banger. Loots out next week for announcement of big bowling match to be held in Brus• Selo on the 29th of July. TELE POST oomm0noes its 30th year this week. It never reached more people and the proprietor ia, oorrespondingly thaokfnl. Text a look at the address label of Tae Pose and if it ehowe you in arrears for snbeoription kindly remit. Its takes money to rune newspaper. TEE Pose is in receipt of an interesting letter from 9. R. Orerar written from Algoma where he is sojourning with e prospecting party, It will appear next week. INeTALLATxoN of officers is on the pro. gram of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., llrusseie, Thursday evening of this week. A. McGuire, of tele plane, is the D. D. G. M. THU person who took the fife on Satur- day, July 12th, off the shelf in Mre. Kirke etore, will save closer investigation by returning the same. We do not say he stole it but we invite him politely to bring it back. Taos. FARROW tioketed the following passengers the Westward this week :— Frank Wright and Son, to Moosejaw ; Mrs. Hugh Stewart, Gladstone ; Mass Taylor to Melita ; and D. A. MoQaarrie and bride to Rat Portage. BY the breaking of an iron rod support - Mg the joists in H. Williame & Son livery barn, Thursday of last week, R. Williame reoeived quite a bang on the top of hie head neoeesitating the doctor's Dare in dressing it. Tao cottage and lot, Turnberry street, North, offered for sale by public suction on Tuesday afternoon was not eold as the reserve bid was not reached. F. S. Scott was the attolioneer and Lawyer Gibson, of Toronto, was here in charge of the basinees. Tien attention of shoppers ie directed to the big announcement of Grover & 0o., the new dry goods store in the Garfield Bleak. This pushing firm believe in the efficiency of printers' ink and we bespeak for them the patronage their efforts deserve, IN the G. T. R. shipments thie week were 3 oars of cattle for Jno, Soott ; oar of eggs and oar of batter by Bobt. Thomson ; oar of baled bay by 3. Goven- look, and oar by Baeker & Vanetone ; car of floor by W. F. Stewart re Son ; 3 care lumber by P. Ameot; oar cheese by W. W. Harris ; 3 oars lumber by L. MoDon- aid & Go. ; 2 care Balt from Brussels Works ; a oar hogs and a oar sheep by A. 0, Dames ; oar hogs by Geo. Beet. LEG Bnoxat .—The pleasnre of the eventful 12th was sadly marred early in . the proceedings by the unfortunate so- oident that befell B. Gerry by wbioh both bonee of bis left leg were broken about half way between the knee and ankle. His big toe on the left foot was also die - located and a couple of the other toes eiigbtly damaged. Mr, Gerry wee one of the Merabals for the day's celebration and was moanted on one of R. Leather• dale's grey horses. When the local lodge, headed by Luoknow Band, started for the depot to meet the morning train from the East Mr. Gerry rode down Mill street and on reaching Tnrnberry street the horse slipped on the granoiithie 000001ng and falling on the rider'e leg the damage above mentioned was speedily done. Willing hands were soon to Mr, Gerry'e aid and he wee carried to big residence on a wire mattr000 and dootors summon- ed who get the limb and got the"toe back to ite place. It was feared that perhaps internal injuries bad been re, Delved hit fortunately thie was not the ogee and it is hoped that the patient will make each favorable progress that be will goon be able to get about as clonal, The aooident wag deeply deplored, par. tioularly oocnrring when it did as Mr. Gerry is so (Willamette and energetic) in hie ardor for Orangiem—or for that matter in any caeca he eeponges. This aoeident shored prove a warning to tbe publio generally as to the necessity for t tiniii.dri)n ver the the greeted motion V g o Dement era0atnge in the intermits of both men and beast. Pemex morning of laet week Mee, Gilpin amputated the and of the third finger on her right hand in a very simple manner, She bad raised up the window sash to put in the wire Ay flower, when 044, a Hash down came the sash with a graph sad oetohing theiloger inetantan. (lonely eevered the end of the digit, The disabled member was speedily dress, ed, and although very painful at times, is doing as well as could be expeoted. Ditan 0 1 ME, Wn,+T Gxawr 1— The Lielowet Banner of last week had one of its proxy spells in which it above any. thing but a sportsmanlike disposition to a ueigbboring town, After commenting on the Brupeele-Lietow.el game at Berlin it goes on as follows :—"Poor old Bru- nets, The only man ruled off for rough playing wee a Braeosie player, The referee stopped Brussels favorite way of snoring from offside. This is probably the reason Broseele scored only once. They are eo used to playing that way that they can't score any other way. The whole population of Brussels went to Berlin to see their team—well, when they left the village they said "winin the oup," lent coming back l—defeated by Listowel. Mouthy was declared a oivio holiday by Droseela and a spacial train wee chartered for the giorioue 000asion. Young and old took in the exoersion and a crowd more joyful, more confident or mors arrogant in their prowess than that whioh went tbrongh here in the morning would have been hard to find. Bat what a differenoe at night 1 'i'be town team were met at the station at night by a torchlight prooeseioo, and plenty of noise. Iu tbe morning some Brusselite remarked that they bad a couple of extra oars hitched on to bring back the Listowel dead, bat it would have taken a dozen timee that number of Dare to bring bank all Brueeale' fond hopes and aspirations of winning that coveted oap that were killed in that one little skirmish with the orange and the black." The above is surely a badly written great hurrah I about nothing. There have been these enooantere this eoason between these teams end the malts were as follows :— let match, Listowel won by 3 to 2 ; 2nd match, Broseele was viotorioue by 4 to 2 ; and the 3rd and last game went to Listowel by 3 to 1, or a total of 8 to 7 in favor of Listowel. Nothing terrific about that. Galt trimmed their whiskers 2 to 0 at Berlin tournament and what the torchlight procession was for we oaonot well make out. We have no kick to make over the resulte of the aeries as the var• Mus oluba evidently played good ball, Lietowei among the number, and our teem has no reason to be diecooraged, neither has anybody either at home or, abroad any right to speak slightingly of their efforts to win ahampiooehip honors. Several of the players are oomparative boye and some of them playing league ball for the fleet season. You did welliboys and Tax Pose still believee yon are able to stay with the beet of them. Dear Mr. Banner please don't hit us again as your biowe ere so terrible in thie hot weather. You know you set 0e the exemp'e over the amnia' train and we used it, es you did, to get home the night of the match. People We Know. Mrs. David Ross is visiting at Seaforth. R. Graham was in Stratford on Tues- day. Miss MoArtbnr ie visiting here from Berlin. D. M. and Mrs. Soott are visiting at Woodstook. Jno, Bailie, of Goderioh, is visiting at R. Mainprize's, George and Harvey Buchanan epent the 32th in Goderioh. Richard Williame wee taking in the horse Tana at Detroit. Mies Minnie Moore is here for her va• Dation from St. Thomas. Miee Hall, of Wingham,- spent last Saturday with Miee Creighton. Mre. Magill, of Blyth, was visiting Mre. Baohanan during the past week. Rue. Fletcher spent a few days with relatives at Laoknow this week. Mies Maggie Brown is visiting Mende in Wingham and Gorrie this week. Mre. Oliver Smith, of Wroxeter, was in Brussels on Thursday of Met week. Misses Smith and Rae, of Wroxeter, were renewing old friendships in Bruesele. AIP. Baeker was at Zurich over Sunday visiting hie mother who was holidaying there. Mies Mary Rose, John street, is enjoy- ing a visit with Miss Lottie Koenig, at Mitobell. W. H. Willis, Mrs. Willie and sons, of Seaforth, were visitors ab B. Gerry's for a day or so. Mise Ethel Creighton, milliner at Grand Valley, ie visiting her mother and sister in town. Charlie Rieharde is home from Sea• forth, where he was attending the Collegiate Institute, Dr. MoNaughtou was trying to fight off an attack of indignation last week and outmoded fairly well. Johnnie and Jennie $boldine, of Grey, were holidaying with their grandfather, P. Watson, Queen street, T, A. Hawkins is enjoying a holiday outing at Port Albert and other points of interest for a couple of weeks. James Oliver, who is in his 87th year, was rather on the poorly list daring the past week but is feeling better again. Mre. Washburn and Miee Cora and Mise Annie, of Harriaton, were visitant with Mre. Thompeon, Turnberry [treat, Brussels. Jos. Oakley, Mra, Oakley end two children, of Listowel locality, were visit- ing Jno. and Mrs. Donaldson and other old friende, Percy Riobarde, who has been ill with something akin to pneumonia, ie im• proving. We hope he will aoon be ae well ae ever. 0, B. Jerome, who has been with H. R. Brewer, artist, for some time, has gone to Toronto where he has taken a poeition with Photographer Dizoo, We are sorry to hear Chet Wilbert, eon of Watson and Mre. Ainlay, John street, has been bothered with rheumatism in hie limbo but trust it is only a temporary ailment. Mrs, Walker and Mie9 Emma Walker, of London, former residents of Bruseele, are spending a few weekn' holidays with relatives rod old friends in Broeeeie and beatify. Miss Alexader, of Moose Jaw, Man. ; Mre. Alexander and Mrs. J. W. Rolle, of Listowel ; end Mr. and Mrs. Davidaoo, of Wingham, Spent the 12th with Mrs. T. R. ThomsonBrunie. Mimeo Tietze and Txemalne, of De. troit, and Miee Macklem, of Hinoardioe, E Mre Jno. Lon were the t,R09te 0 g, Flora [treat. The ladies accompanied Mrs, Long and Miee Winnie from Detroit, Miee Maggie Beattie hoe been visiting in windepr and Detroit. Miee Green, of New Bamberg, le visit. ing bar oogein, Mfee Ruby Mre. Ferguson, of Toronto, ie vieltiog her eteter, Miss Jennie Bloomteld, Mies Stearp, of Arthur, was visiting her sister, Mrs, damps Fox, preemie. Mise Maggie MoNaughtOn, of Toronto, arrived home on Friday ter a holiday. Mrs, and Miesee Moffat, of Blyth, were vieitore in Brnosete ou Wednesday, Mies M. Ames, of Ethel, woe visiting Mrs. D, 0. Bose for few daye last week. Mies Georgia Ross and Master Austin were visittng relatives at Lietowei last week. N. B, and Mrs. Gerry and daughtere,, of Blyth, were in town on Saturday sod Sunday. tare. Thee. Danford and her niece, Mies Danford, of Langdon, Dakota, are vieiting relatives at Clinton. Mrs. Robert Grant and daughter, Mies May, of Paisley, were visitors at W. H. MoOracken's last week, Mies Govenlook wee the guest of 'Mrs. (Rev Omens at the Metapdiet Parsonage, , this week. The ladies are slaters, 3, Buneton, of Preston, was visiting hie eon, who holds a poeition in Oober & Son's Carriage Factory, Brussels. Miss Boles, Stretford, Miss Mabel Kidd, Attwood, and Miee Eleanor Ainlay, of Listowel, spent the 12th with friends in town. Mrs. George Baeker left Exeter on Tneedoy for Dabota where she will visit relatives for a few months. We wish her a pleaeant stay. Mre. Jas, Turnbull and son Jaok and her sister, Miss Minnie Whyte, left Tueeday morniugon a holiday visit with friends at Brantford. R. Leatherdale and Councillor Donald- son were at Durham for a day or two this week having a look over the new cement works established there. Miee Madge MaLanohlin, of New York, and Mrs. MoLaaohlin, of Wingham, were callers on relatives and friends in town during the past week. Mies Alioe Bone, who has been making her home in London, is,visiting under the parental roof, Tarnberry street. London evidently agrees with her. W. F, Stewart has been threatened with appendicitis but an operatian may not be neoeeeary. We hope be will mon be nbie to attend to his acoustomed duties, Mre. Oox, of Auburn, was visiting her sieter, Mrs. Jno. Ounnioghare, Frederick street, Broeoels, Miss Jessie Cunningham returned with Mre, Oox for a holiday outing. Runt' Fletcher is home on a holiday visit from Chicago for a few weeks. It is a year since be was here, He holds a good poeition in an Insnranee nffioe in the Windy city, Misses Edith and Jennie Walker, of Wingham were renewing old friendships in Bromide daring the past week. They are daaghtere of Ise, and Mrs. Walker, formerly of Brueeeie. W. F. and Mre. Vanatoos, Mies H. Ball, H. Ball, L. Ball, R. Jobnoton, B. Cochrane, J. T. Mitobell, former residents Of thie locality were here with the Wing - ham contingent on the 12th. Mre. Shearer and moo, of London, and Mre. Barkley, of Belgrave, were visiting et Geo. Barkley's daring the past week. The ladies are sister and mother, reepeotively, to Mr. Berkley. W. R. Strettoo, 0. P. R. engineer, with headgsartere at Bobrieber is here this week in oon❑eetion with the transfer of the Queen's Hotel in which he wag interested, to Joseph Quartile. Alex, McKelvey, son of Dr. and Mre, McKelvey, Bruesele, lett on Tueeday o0 a holiday outing at his uncle Jno. E. Smith's, Brandon, Man. He will aleo Visit in other section0 of the West. Mrs. B. 0. SimmODS, of Toronto, has been visiting ,Too. Simmons and family, John street. Mesdames Simmons and Magee Clara and Hazel are away this wreck on a visit to relatives in Wroxeter and looality. Robt, Rose was in town on hie home- ward way from Toronto where he copped a Kincardine bowling rick at the toarna• went. They gave a good aaoount of themselves and obaoed up the trophy winners in good style. Mre. (Rev.) Rose and dangbtere lett town on Wednesday morning for Hants. villa where Rev. Mr. Roes baa leased a Summer cottage. The family will spend a few months there. The health of Mr. Roes shows improvement already. J. A. and Arra. Stewart and sons, who were here for a couple of weeks while Mr. Gray, agent of the Standard Bank was holidaying, returning to Toronto on Wednesday morning. They purpose taking a trip to Miohigan for their annual outing. William Forrest, who has been visiting old eoenes in Scotland for the past year, arrived bank to Broseele on Thursday evening of last week. Ts had a very en• joyablo visit. THE Pose wae presented with a sample of heather, with the real Soottigh soil attached, wbioh we have planted in our garden with the expectation of keeping it growing. Jurrx 17, 1402 ST4X7V'D4.R.D ✓1JVI ° Or CrrIN.M2I4. =mm.,A.Taxo4n Ex7 a.e710. tiEAD OFFIQ •. TORONTO' CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) 91,000,009 RAST , . • 9730,009 .4geooier to sit principal points fn Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Statts t $npipnd. Rregill is' INSAMP JD. A General Banking Business Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drone Issued and Collections made on all points, • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwarde and compounded half yearly. STRO , ATTENTION 0073ti TO run COMMOTION OP FARtinna' Sino NGTse. Every facility afforded 0nstomers living at a dietanoe. payable at any bank issued Under 910, , ,. 80, $20 to 980....120 MOOT OrdarA at the following rates 1— 910 to 920....100. 90 to 40....14o F. E. GRAY, ACTING AGENT. noon session which meets at 2 o'clock, the following subjects will be disoueeed "The obligation of beptiem, " by Bayfield S. B. ; "The desirability of teaching oburdh bietory," by Mre. W. Q. Philips, of St, Paul's 9, S., Clinton ; "The Ohnrob of England, its antiquity, bietory and Liturgy," by Rev. Mr. Goldberg, Dungannon ; "Parental Responeibility," by D. Naftel, of Goderioh. A meeting of the Deanery Chapter will also be held at. 5 p, m., with a full aboral eervioe et St, George's phorah in tbe evening, to be addreseed by Rev. 0. R. Gonne, of Clin- ton. Business .Locais. UlUUKOU (1IItMEN. Regular monthly eervioe will bo held in the R. 0. Church, Broseele, next Sabbath morning. "The Ten Commandments" are under oonsideeation in next Sabbath's Sunday school lesson, See notes ea page 6. Next Sabbath afternoon the annual floral melee will be added to the regular exercises of the Methodist Sabbath school. Eaob pupil ie asked to oontribate a boquet. Rev, Mr. Webb, the expectant incum- bent, will officiate in 88. John's church in this plaoe next Sunday. Mr. Shore, of Wingham, took the services last an day. The IV Commandment was the ground work of Mr, MoLecd,s praotioel sermon last Sabbath morning in Melville ohnrob and at the evening eervioe he preached a very interesting discourse on "God's glory as revealed to man." "The Temptation of Jesus" was Rev. T. Wesley Omens' theme last Sabbath morning in the Methodist ohuteh and at the evening eervioe "Lessons from the lite of Peter" wae the subject, the text being "Peter en opoetle of Jeeue Christ," The dieooureee were both interesting and profitable. Large oongregstione were in attendance. Steam/ 900011, 0ONVENT1Oat.--The Aoglioan church Sunday eohoois and Rorai.Dooanal meetings of the County of Huron will be held in Goderioh on Thursday, July 24th, At 11 a, m, there will be an opening eervi0510 St. George's ohnrch ed b the chairman's 1 addrese followed y and reports of the different Sun- day sohoole of lbo county, At the after. GET your photo. taken at Brewer's on the 12th of July at Broseele. To TimPunr,ro.—Ladies and gentlemen, all cutlery can be ground, sharpened and repaired by 'Sawfller McGregor, Mill street Eaet, Brueeale. Choice work ab reneonable prisma. Erma 14 Dente. We bay for cash or trade, wool, eggs and butter. A 920,000 stook of dry geode, groceries, ready made clothing, eerpets, boots and shoes to select from. Geo. E. KING, Wingham. $13,000 worth of day goode to be elanghtered. Our annual July and August Bale commenoee July 4. Return railway fare allowed on all purchases over $10,00 within 30 miles, G. E. RING, Wingham, Brussels School IN"u'd. The regular meeting of Brnoeele School Board was held on Friday evening of last week io tbe Board room. All the members present. Minutes of loot meeting read and passed. Following accounts were presented :— F. B. Horeley, supplies 9 2 19 Jae. Fox, 8 44 D, Robb, presiding as examiner,20 80 Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by D. C. Ross that abo• d amounts be paid. Carried, Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by Jae. Turnbull that Mies Ritobie's saiary as teacher of Primary department, be inoroaged to 9300 per annum. Carried. On motion of J. G. Skene and A. Cooeley 91,00 was voted to Joseph Marr for caretaking during the examinatione. Carried. The matter of engaging a teaober ae ereme00r to Mies Brook was next taken up. There were 79 applications and the task before the Board of reading them was no small one. Moved by Jos. Turnbull, seconded by J. G. Skene that Miee Rate Wilson, of Brussels, be en- gaged as teacher at a salary of $300 per annum. Carried. Miee Stewart was the eeoond choice. Board then adjourned. ROY ,7 SELL. In Wingham, on Sunday, July 6th, to Mr. and Mre. Frank Beli,, a daughter. PoTTEa.—Ia Blyth, on Joly 4th, to Mr. and Mre. Geo. Potter, a daughter. RICHARDSON•—In Seatorth, on Joly 13th, to Mr. and Mre, Thee, Richardson, a eon. Bran—Pmopag —Oo Joly let; at the parsonage, 130 Crawford street, Tor- onto, by Rev. W. E. Haeeard, B. A., Mr. Alex. Bird to Mies Verona Phip• pen, both of Wingham, HARTLEY—WEIR.--In Howiok, on July 14th, by tbe Rev. L A. McKelvey, Mr. John Hartley, of Wroxeter, to Mise Minnie Weir, of Howiek. MoQoeaaxl—Mooax.—At the residence' of the bride's parents, on July 16, by Bev, D. B. Molise, Mr. Darnel A. MoQaarrie, merchant, of Rainy River, New Ontario, to Mies Lizzie Be daughter of Mr. and Mre. D. B. Moore, of Turnberry street, Brussels. OTI}7 D. Femneona.—In Sacramento, Cal., on July all, Helen, reliot of the late John Fairbairn, formerly of Grey tewnehip, aged 70 years, 1 month and 23 deem. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. DIANO 13'OR SALE, THk1 property of the late Mrs, E. Itogare. A bargain will be given. Apply to R. LEA'HERDALE, dealer in pianos and or- gans, Brunie. HORSE STRAYED ON THE premises of the undersigned, Lot 80, Con, 10, Grey, on or about Juno 28th—a driv- ing horse, Owner may have same by Prov i>eaprope 01081BY paying expenses. Henfryn P. 0. COMFORTABLE AND 00M— monmos residence, with about 19 acres of lona ; good orehard, tee., for sale, on Main street North, Blyth. For further par- tioulare apply fon the premises to JOHN MOFFAT, or address Blyth P.O. 1-tf J• LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE. INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE. AGENT, VALUATOR, ke. Office over Bur,ley's Ding Store, Feb, 0th, 1902. 90.0m Brussels. FARM for Bala, Apply to THOS, MOORE, Brussels, HAvs pasturage fora number of Steers, Apply to T1103, 11001010, Brunie. Foon bead of two year old risible for sale. D. N. NEABEIL, Lot 24, Con,14, Grey, SERVANT wanted. Apply at'0noe to MBB, W. M, SINCLAIR, Turnberry street, Broseele. Bi-wnino whip font between Broseele and non. 12 Grey, on Friday, July 4, Finder' ill Iona Wino by leaving it at Tan PoeT Publishing House, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. poll, SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert etroots, Bruseele. 49.82 J. LRCIiMS. 'ANTED,—A YOUNG MAN to loam the drug buelnese, Must have necessary qualinoation, namely, 1000. 1101lation ethndIngg. H0188LEY'8 DRUG STORE. TEA.OI1E? WVANTED. — FE= buret member wanted for S. 0, No, 2, Grey, bolding a en 01050 (artlaoate, State eatery oxpOotdd, Applications received up to August Sud Duties to ommoneo on the third Nfonday10 August and 01,010g Deoem- ber 2413, 1002. ALEX, B'l1WARr 1.0 Cranbrook P,0, Bee, -Frees, Notice of Transfer. QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS. NOTION is hereby given, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf, that I, the. under- signed, Lave applied for a transfer of the Hotel License granted to Stratton Bros., and that the Bald transfer will be complied and signed to by the Commissioners after the second publication of this notice, as requir- ed by law. JOSEPH 0UERR110. ODated at Brueeale, July 9th, 1902. BEEF, WINE & IRON Ilveryone knows this old reliable medicine. ft aonteina nutriment, strength and stimulant pombip- ed, All of the ingredients aro of the beet and peewit. Good for look of blood ; good for prompt relief in eases of sodden exhaustion. Nothing better for oonvaleeoente. Just the thing for the warm weather. Try it and you will lied it right, - BOX'S DRUG STORE. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of William Mitobell, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron,. farmer, deceased. NOTION le hereby given. pursuant to Re- vised Statutes .l Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, Section 88, that all creditors or others hav- ing any claims against the estate of William Mitobell, late of the Township of Grey, 1n. the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about LLD 05n1 clay of April, A, D, 1202, in the said To wiretap of Grey,are here- byrequiredto Bend by poet. prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned Executors of the said eatato, on or before the fat day of Aug- ust, A. D., 1990p2, their lull names, addressee and descriptions and full particulars of their oiaime and the nature of the securi- ties Of any) held by them. And notice 1s. hereby given that after the said last men. tloned date, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons .eotitisd thereto, hay- ing -regard only to the oieimo of wb]oh not- ice shall have been given as above required, and the Executors Mall not be responsible for emote, or any part thereof so distribut- ed to n ny parson of whose claim notice shall not have been reoeived at the time of such dietribntlon, MARGARET E. MITCHELL,). Executes. E. G. MoDONALD, l! Molesworth P. 0. Dated at Molesworth, July 801,1902. 'Spoiled a Good Baking you have many a time by using an inferior grade of flour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when using the Venue. It is always of sup•, erior quality, with no variation, and ie oarefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory brand for your bread, cakes and pies, and you will never nee any other, ALP. -3AE1EI f Downing Bros. Your Heart's Desire • will be found in our new line of Summer Shoes. New shapes. ideas, comfor t before. New styles. New Grace, beauty and combined as never Our Oxford Ties and Strap Slippers are beau- ties. Agent's for the Slater Shoe. Downing Bros. LOW PRIONS GOOD QUALITY and STYLISH GOODS iri READY MAGE OLOTHINC 1 seminummoom W e are prepared to supply you with the s above for Children, 'young Men and Elderly Men in Suitable' styles for all ages. Our prices not only compare favorably but are much cheaper in many lines than usual. —Suite for Boye at 91,06 and Seita for Men at 9376 that will nurprioe you, — If you want something better we can supply you at 93,00, 96 00, 97,00, 98 00, 90.00 and 910,00. — We oleo have the newest styles in Straw or Felt Hats, Ties, Collars, &a. A. very simple way of making a few dollars is by g n buY iyour Cloth- ing and Gents' Furnishings from A. STRACHAN.