HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-17, Page 5i
.row, r IV, iii
rout, a', 8, BOO'i'J, Breesele,
e Issuer .of Marriage Matinees, Ot-
1100 at Grocery, TnrnberrY street, firuseole,
w. Tonsorial r
flat, e door
North the Standard Bank, Ladle' and
Children's hair cutting
a specialty,
l:ssuer of Marriage Licensee[
air T7'BS'FJis, o110T.
Wellington Mutual
Fire 1nsuranee CO.,
n0TADYisliltn 1840
Inaurauoo taken on the Dash and premium
note system at current rates. Brforeineur-
lug elsewhere ualt ou the undersigned Agent
of the Oompauy.
14E010011 ROGERS, Brussels.
L. O. M.,
Academic graduate of London Conserve.
tory of Muelc, also Member of the Associated
Musicians' of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
pupils for
thethepiano, norm i to prepare'at
the Pinoipal'eForw in the Conaoratory Of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer,Notary Publics,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent; Auction.
eer. Funds invested and to loan. Collec-
tions made, Office in Grabam's,Blook,BrOB-
better mew, in lees time and lebettor es charges
than any other Auotton0er in East Huron or
be won't charge anything.. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this Mem, or by
personal application.
• Amcor Graduate
of the Ontario Vet.
080winery College, Is prepared to treat all dis-
eases n Ot domesticated animals ,ti a epmpet-
Votmnnryr. Partd^.nlar attention paid to
Maea0,1 Galla promptly doors d Infirmary—Four doors
to North
of b OID, Pur
North of bridge, Tarnborry at., Brussels.
o Barrister, Solicitor,+Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Offioe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel..
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
tJSolicitor, &o, Otllee over Stand-
ard Bank. Solloitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowoot rates.
M. h., C,. M.
TrinityUnl or i6 Fella Trinity Med
v s C w fol y ;cel
Ont, College of Phys Royal and
Sur sone Ont. anooand the 1 Col-
lege y
lo6•e o. I'h Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinborgb. ' Mr Telephone No.14,
#Losirlonoo—Mill street, Brussels.
rt -
DR. R. P. FEU -0,
Graduate of Ithe Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Firet•olase Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph , Gallory,
is mevin forward Spring toren uegfus Mon.
any, April 7, Cllto rItLoo are reasonable—our
Courses of Study thorough and practical.
Solid for eta Journal to Soo what we teaob.
Students may enter at any time. Two.
Courses of Study—Oommoroial and Short-
1 resident Secretary,
Owen' fauna. Llatowel,
British ('oliii'ltliia-
1{.e4i ['hilar Shingles
AND• —
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
tarns on handormade to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furniohed for ail
kinde of Buildings. Workman.
ship and Material Guaranteed,
A Course (a 'vainhlg 14 the
t 'a 'fi 'rdL On
enabloe young men and women to oeoure
employment at good wa es immediately on
leaving college. Tide ie the eohool that
enjoys the reputation of doing the boat
work in buofnese education. The graduates
of the school are in strong demand as tench.
UpitedbStates. TDls ie in the eohool for you
and your friends. Write for catalogue.
W.J.. ELLIOTT, Principal,
J. A. MUBain ie home for his Summer
Roy Pelton, of Innerkip, is acting as
telegraph student at the elation.
Ivfiee Mabel Kidd is home from Strut.
ford for the Summer vacation.
The flax orop in this Be0tton promisee
to be an exceptionally good one thio
Dr. May, Inepeotor of Publio Libraries,
visited the Atwood Library and found
everything in ship shape.
The Royal Tempters will hold a garden
party on the grounds of J. B. Hamilton,
sr., on Friday evening, August let.
The Royal Templars pioknioked at.
Grand Bend Wednesday of last week.
Mise Pearl Rolling has returned (tome,
after a pleasant visit with friends in
The Latter Day Saint preeohere are
still holding forth in their large tent
North of the Town Hall,
Mrs. Jee. Stewart, Huron street, while
attending to her household duties had
the miefortuae of scalding her arm quite
During the severe eleotriaal etorm on
Monday afternoon of last week J. H.
Hyndman and Sam'l. Adair had a
narrow eeoape. They were putting up
bay fork rods in John McDonald's barn,
oonoeeeian 15, McGillivray, when light.
ping struck the rode and both euetained
eev01e shook°,
George Girvin has removed hie barber
shop to the new blink neer
the bridge
Oampbell arrest.
Button dt Trevett shipped a oar of
tables for Winuipeg via Chicago and the
Northern Pacific.
W anter a big
et•eer has been
shipped to. Guelph where he will be on
exhibition at the 0. A. College.
R. D. Cameron was in St. Thomas
auditing the books of the High Court of
the Independent Order of Foresters.
N. Oreee has opened out a new photo-
graph studio upetaire• in the Campbell
block next door to H. Morrison's law
Wynne Price, who has been bookkeeper
for D. C. Taylor for some time past, lett
for Sealorth where he has secured a good
Mies Donnlda McLeod has returned
from the Presbyterian Ladiee College,
where she has e000eesfetly paeeed her
The banking firm of Moir dt Biddell,
neo dissolved. The busiueee will in
future be continued nude
r the name m and
style of Geo. A. Biddell.
Ata meeting of the school board, it was
decided to engage another female teaoher,
Ler duties to comments after the holidays.
This extra teacher will be oompetent to
teaoh thel n
a na'oe
and will aeeie
g t the
in t
t i the gentle ti
as on ohm principal e work.
It wee also dnd
O ed CO remove v the old
fence in front of the eohool and to bitve
the galvanized iron deck on the building
Wingliam races on August lath and
L. 0. L. exonreiou to Sarnia on Augur'
The dates of the Winehare Fall fair
are September 25th and 28th.
Dr. Bethune, late of Seafortb, has
opened an offioe next door South of the
National Hotel.
Harold H., the famous little Canadian
patter, was sold at the Windsor track to
McLaren Bros., of Winnipeg, for 88,000.
Wingham Electric Light Go. have
installed same 40 meters in different
Wanes in town during the past few
Mrs. T. Hall, Miss Ethel Hall and
Master Earle, left on Toeeday of last
week for it visit with Owou Sound, Nes
ford and Tara friends.
The lawyers of Winghtm have Ovoid d
to alone their rffices daring July and
Angnat at 2 p m. on Saturdeye and at 4
p. nt. on other days of the week.
A surly of some ten or move 7Vj1.g
Iiatuitee attended the Harold H. Dan.
Patch horse rape at Wil'deor on Toed +y
of last week. Among the party were G
B, Roe, J, J Eiliett, J, C Currie, Dr. J
R. Maodouuld, C. Shuttle and Itobt,
Bwtlt le,
Riahar, 1lolmes returned lastweek
from a tour' 00 the upper lakes and a bah
ing trip in Algoma, Ile went by the
new steamer route via Kincardine and
returned by Party Snned, Be caught
Rome fine blank bane kud trey, and
secured many Hue viowi of Northern
R. A. Douglass, Financial Seoretery of
Court Maitland, U. 0 F„ hoe reneived a
cheque from the G. T. 1t. for 8105 55, as
the Court's there of the receipts of the
recent 0, 0. F. excursion 60 Owen Sound.
The Court nae applied for the privilege
of running an excursion to Hamilton in
June, 1908„ when the High Court of
Foresters meets is that aity.
The Mayor reported on behalf of the
Exeoativo to the town Council that the
National Iron Works have been sold to J.
3, Cnuningham and other° for 88,600,
payable' in ten enuuel in0talmonte, the
first payable Jan. let next, with exempt.
ion from taxation, except eohool and
county rates, The buildings and plant to
be need ae a stove foundry, and at least
25 men employed for ten menthe in the
year, The agreement for the sale above
mentioned was then read to Cou[oil, and
oppo r d to be eattetaotory to Iho
Geo, Aneley has woo the Gold Medal
for general pr lloienoy lu the bieiuese
department of Ul10Lhetn 13uwine08 College,
lite diligent and Buooee.fal work during
the term was oolnpleted by almost u
Mean sweep of theexaminatiou queetione.
He nae been Omitting olerk apd enpet1nt.
eudeut iu P4.10 of the praotioai Wetness
offtoeo ofthe ll ' f
I Go e e for the sea three
f, p
motfthe and rsveivee whigh testimonial
of hie Efficiency.
131. rt..
Mies Mand donee attended her brother'e
wedding in Detroit.
Mise Mottle Watson is home from
Crediton for the Bnm11300 holidays.
Alex. Elder returned from his three
weeks' trip to Manitoba and Minnesota,
Be reports a delightful trip.
John U. MoLenuau, 13. A,, Ph, D.; a
former Blyth boy, who hits been lecturer
in physics at Toronto university, has
been reload to the professorship in that
At the recent mu Taal examinations in
Godericb, Miesrijth Polled passed
with tlret•olaee honors in junior theory
and Miee Edna Carder and Mee Carrie
Slater obtained firet.olaee bottom in pri.
Peary theory.
Among those who were trying the piano
examination at Goderlab last week in
couneotion with the Torouto 000eervatory
of mu810 are Mimeo Pearl Gidley, Pearl
°bellow and Rose Clark, of Blyth ; Mies
Edith Mills, of Hai look, and Mise Allis
Bell, of Londeoboro, all being pupils of
Mies Mand Goodwin.
John Potter went to Chicago on Satur-
day 5111 inst., to see his brother, Dr. Wm.
Potter, who has been very ill for eeveral
weeks, first with typhoid fever and then
blood poisoning. Dr. Potter resides et
Galt,Iowa anda '
w n
e n Chico taking
a special Iowa,
in the boepitahi of that
oity when he was etriolien with illness.
Mr. Potter reluroed home Tuesday
evening and wheu he lett Chicago there
was every indication that the doctor
would reocver.
Vr•odevie h.
J. E, Brydges, left town Monday on a
prospecting tour, it may be to Sault Ste.
Marie or even farther Went.
Commercial fishing is not nearly ae
good ae ii was six weeks since, the fish
apparently have moved to ehatlowsr
Many citizens are keeping the grace
down in front of their properties by
leading their horses and allowing them
to eat it.
Jas. H. Tigert, of the Godericb Pub'io
School„ left for hie home in Aebfield,
where he will spend a portion of the
eohool holidays.
jThe oontraote for the Huron hotel have
been delayed by the rains, but the was.
one Reid & Co., have rushed theirP art
of the work on fine days.
The Godericb Organ Co. is still busy.
on orders for the old country, and al.
though here is n f
1 stuff, overtime is
necessary to keepnp with the order liet.
McLean Brothers have opened out in
the butcher business, in the old McLean
stand and Morrow and Tilt have started
in Wm. Andrews' old stand. Thio now
gives Goderich three meat markets.
Barrister Campion, after nine weeks
in the hoose as the result of hie fall,
breaking several ribs and rupturing blood
veeael5, is now able to take daily walks
ahont the town, and ie pleased to see the
many improvements whiob have taken
plaoe daring hie enforced absence. On
bis first vieit to the Court House he gave
notice to the offioiale concerned of the
changes he desired in the offioe be has
selected when the new administration
takes hold.
'3ealor r,h.
Mise Rae Diokoon, third daughter of
Post Master Diokeon, has peeled her first
year in theory, with honore, at the oon•
eervalory of music examinations.
W. and M e
r Somerville lett for
mouth's holiday. Y
They T ne intend 'n
through to the coast and will stop off at
Winnipeg,Brandon, a dao, Banf and other
pointe by the wily.
Jacob McGee,. of 8omondvillp, while
engaged in petting away some hay in
the barn, Blipped and fell off a
platform, with the resell that the hip
joint was dt'loeated, but fortunately, no
bones were broken.
L'oyd Hodgins, eon of Rev. Rural
Dean Hodgins, Seafortb, took first•olase
honors in Euglioh and history. This
entitles him to hold the noho'arehipwhioh
he won in hie first year examination..
John Iiendsborougit baa disposed pf
his fernitgre and undertaking stook and
bueiueoe to Valoutme1•teohtel,wile Ielte0
p0eeeteion au the 21st suet, kir Kneel].
Lei le no stranger to the pe pig of Sea,
forth and violuity, hevint been a resident
of the town and an employee of the
liroadfopt & Box Furniture Company
for many years prior to bis removal to
Stratford, about ayear ago, Air, Kneob.
tel fully ndere
[ands every branch of
the furniture bueineos and is a thorough..
ly reliable bneineee man, in win ret the
public, have every ooptidenee. Mr,Lando.
borough eetabll•hod this buoinooe six
years ago, and hat been remarkably sue.
easeful Id it, We hope that, although he
is going out of busineeo, he will remain
a resident of the town, as he i0 too good
a citizen to lose, He oontamplates a trip
to the West as soon as he is relieved from
bneineee, with the hope of benefitting
Mre. Landaborough'e beelth wbioh, we
regret tosay, hoe not been satiefaatory
for some time.
C lOostort.
Nearly 40,000 square feet of graoo
litltia walk have been built title year in
fawn, and a gaol deal more 10 yet to go
For the six menthe ending Jane 80th,
there were recorded with W. Coate regia
trer, 85 births, 13 marriages, and 12
T. T. Leckie, late of the New ERA staff,
to now in the the mail service, and is
running daily between London and
Hamilton. '
Mr. Bentley experienced a 'mooed
stroke of paralysis on Monday of last
weep being found on hie lawn. It wee a
mild stroke and no serious results are
For about a year I7d, T. Holmes, for.
marl of ()Beton, U o has bad I
u a o lar
Y e of the
Canadian Immigration Agency at In•
dianapolie. He nae just been ordered
to 8t. Paul, Minn., where he will have
full charge of the Agency. He was aerie•
tont at St. Paul before going to Indian
apol ie.
While loading cattle at the station
Thursday, 8rd inst., Thos. Mason wee
kicked in the leg by one of the animals
and had the small bone thereof broken.
The injury watt dressed by a doctor,
and suffering Beverly as be was Mr.
Mason determined to go on to Toronto
with hie cattle. He went and disposed of
the load, returning home on Friday,even-
ing, but not without experiencing con.
eidetable pain on the trip.
Samuel Higgins, soninlaw of Mr°.
Carter, Clinton, met with an•aooident at
Oolumbue, Ohio, which revolted in his
death. Deceased was a moulder, and un-
til quite recently woe worki0g at Hamil-
ton, but he lately took a situation at
Columbus in the smelting works. The
shop wan a abort dietanoe down ode of
the linea et railway, and the men
the shop were it the habit of flagging
the trains, which [Dually slacked upgfor
them. It ie stated that Higgins flagged a
train ae anal, which did not atop, and
that to attempting in to et t [ t6
p g g out o e wa
he teas etruok, his skull being badly
unshed. He was taken to the hospital
but died shortly afterwards. Interment
was nude here.
tory, met da Clinton, on the 8th ;net. Mr.
Sewers wee appointed moderator for the
ensuing six months. Rev. Mr. Brandt,
priuoipal of the Pointe Aux Trembles
school, Quebec', being present was invited
to address the Presbytery, which he did,
giving a very instructive addreee. Com.
mieeioners to the Assembly gave a re-
port of their attendance in the nenel way.
It was agreed to increase the number of
regular meetings of Presbytery from four
to five during the year. The standing
oommltteee as appointed are RA fol.
Iowa : Home Missioos,—Meeere. Render.
eon, McLean McNeill ministers, r d
Kerniok, Ma
Q e and 6terliug, eanlders.
Ohurob Life and Work,—Meeere. David
son, Sewers, Small, m10101E100 ; Clark,
Reid, Bissett, elders. Sabbath Schools,
—Meeere. Hamilton, Anderson, MoLen•
ministers Malan a
Tom, McKay,d
el ere, Fissnose`—
Alesere Larkin,
Musgrave, Shaw, ministers ; Mental,
urdie M I andabo a roach, elders. Soper.
intendence of Students,—Mesere. Ma.
Lean, Dr. Stewart, Musgrave, minietere ;
MoQuarrie, McEwen, Mnrdie, elders.
Augmentation,—Mesere,— Fletcher,
Lnrkin, Ande,eoo, minietere; Dungan,
MoFanl, Tom, elders. Foreign Missions,
—Meagre. Sewers, Dr. Stewart, Fletober,
miutstere ; Reid, MoEwen, Dungan,
elders. Obrietiao Endeavor,—Meesre.
Martie, Cameron, Hamilton, ministers,
Gladman, MoGregor, Hamilton, elders.
Co01000000,—Mesere. Davidson, Bender-
cin Greiff
Large quantity of Lumber of
all kinds, Lath, Shingles and
Slabs for sale,
During July proprietor will
be there each Wednesday to at-
tend to the wants of the public.
On other dates write
Wm, J Palmer,
50-4 Wroxeter P. 0.
eon, Beware, minietere, Clarke, Kerniok,
MoManuo, elders: The first named on
eaoh committee to be conveners. The
next meeting is to be held in Braoet 01,
on the 14th day of October, at 10 o'otuck
a. m.
Wm. Bright, town olerk and Division
Court clerk, has removed hie aloe to
the Town Hall.
B. H. Alexander, eon of E. M. Alex.
ander, reluroed home from New York,
to spend the Sommer vacation with hie
parents lu town.
On the evening of July 22od a geared
oonoert will be given in the Methodist
church of tbie town. A chorus of 30
volae°, including the Metbodiet choir and
some of the beet local talent, assisted by
Mteo Alice Calder Stook,eo rano soloist
of London, will render Phe program.
The A. 0 13. W. excursion to Port
Elgin wee fairly well patronized. About
fifty members and their friends, left bare,
and otbere joined at various pointe along
the line, a hundred or more getting on at
Clifford. The excureioniets report hay.
Mg hada pleasant outing. Grand Mas-
ter Gibson, of Ingersoll and other promi•
neat members of the order were present
and delivered addresses at the picnic held
in the park,
The work of improving the II. 13.
Churoh betiding, eines removing it to
the new site on Main street Eeet, ha°
been making good progress. A new roof,
baying a 0teeper pitoh, has been put on,
and the ioteriorhas been lined with build.
ing paper and olap•boarded. A new
porch has also been built at the front
entrance, and the edifioe, when painted,
whigh is pow under way, will look like
a new building, and although not ae
pretentious as some of the more
expensive oborohee in town, will be a
vary creditable pin
e° of worship..
reopening will take plane on Sunday,
July 276h, wheu Rev. Mr. Weekley,
Dayton, Obio, will oonduot special ger.
vines. On the following Monday even•
inga N.B.D. will be
given bythe ladies
of the oburch in Vandriok's hall, after
whtoh a good program of addresses and
mu,io will be given.
A Wise Mother.
MacLeod Medicine Co.,
Godericb, Ont.
With the greatest of pleasure I write to
testify the merits of your Harmony No.
1 and No. 2 and Protein Reeargem. Not-
withstanding good uureiag and all that
could be done for my boy, he oertaiuly
would have died only for your remedies.
He i0 now in perfect health. My boy
was at death's door with Bright's disease
and some eymptone of diabetes, his feet
and bands awelle.1 at times. The local
doctors failed to help him. We had to
apply hot Balt
pp y continually over all the
joints of hie body to relieve the pain, his
joints often turned block. At this time,
be bad a false appetite, a craving for food
all the time and for cold water aa well.
We heard of you from a friend who bad
token your medicine for the Dame
and wee mired. Then my eldest eon
went to G r'
for rah
0 to
e mallein
ea last
October, and es myei
boy ak be un g talc.
lug them, improvement followed every
dose. He is now well, stout . and votive
as ever he wag, and is going to school
every day. I am sure you will have our
beat wiebes as long as you live.
Bus. M. Fonnan.
MaoLeod's Remedies, established in
1888, are the only medicines in Canada
whioh have Bold on their merits without
advertising. Address MacLeod Medicine
Co., Goderioh, Ont.
Sold by James Fox, Brusoele.
E are having a splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup-
ply the wants of the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or
Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or
half truck with 2i or 3 inch tires.
Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to.
Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter.
John Cober & Sons' Carriazo Factory.
na►n ���f? E
131.1-5r1111. -...
tie znra ii IC tiliaD 1uI C TION S.
On Thursday next we will oommenae our great Semi•Annual Sale of Bum.
tiler Goods when everything' in Light Summer Goode will be Bold regerdle>s of omit.
These are the tots
.121e 3tioelin ITtr 1113.
500 yardedno Printed Muellns In strives
and floral designs, 50 Mottos wide,
feet 0,1010, good value at 1260, Sale
25o Deese Goode ror i2i0,
5 pieces Dress Goode In blank and figur-
light cheeks and ms rlpeoottled goods,0 o and
Inches wide, worth 20 to 25o per yard,
Sale prioe .10i
/fen's 60c Skirts. for 39e.
bosom, English Zephyr
Sn 06 uand
wrist also[shirle,a lauudered4e ambi
bosom, coloredOcorreat
colors in newest stripes, 'Thede are
broken lots picked from our last eol-
linglines, regular prioe 500, 000 and
70. Sale prioe
S1 25 ladles' White Skirts at 98c.
Ladies' Underskirts, made of doe eam•
brio trimmed with rows of tucks, In -
lengths ¢nregularoprioo ambroi01 25,eries' i gale
1513 Embroideries for 10a
2a5 yardsOue Cambric Embroideries
5 Inches wide, with work half depth
of goods, very special, regular
yard, Sale prioe 0per 10
le Crash Towelling for 10.
167 surds Crash Towelling, in two quai,
s 17 lcol half
and uaturacolr,good value bleach
Sale prioo d14
35e Summer Corsets for 25e.
Ladies' Summer Corsets, made of
strong net, also, Jean Corsets, long
and short Wal0t0,in all (Z09, regular
pried 550, Salo price while they last .15
250 While Sailors at 121,
Misses' White Sailors, made of good
for 1060, Also Ladies' Sailors regular
klnaw braid, black band, regular 50o
and OOo. Sale prioe .80
Trimmed Millinery at about hall prin0
during our great Summer Salo,
A11 kinds of Dreeeed Lumber kept on
band from 810 up.
British Columbia, home out Shingles
and Lath kept on band.
A good term on 13th eon, of Grey for
A quantity of green cedar poets for
Rale on Lot 7, Coe. 4, Grey.
The Bodmin od min Li
me Works,
4th Line, Morris, are ready for
Spring g trade an
d have a
quantity of fresh lime on hand.
Guaranteed to be first-class.
Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln.
A. Nicholson & Son.
If writing address Belgrave P. 0.
25,000 Lbs. of Wool
Wanted at
Brussels -Woolen 1E11
Where the Highest Market
Price will be paid in
• Cash or Trade.
We also have in stook a fine line of
Blankets, Sheetings,
Yarns, s Tweeds, r ee s Etc.
All Pure Wool Goode,
Oilstone Carding done at any time.
Your own wool made into rolls at short
notice. Don't sell your wool or have it
mannfaotured lentil you gall at the
Brussels Woolen Mill and get prices.
Lockridge Eros.
The Hand that
Wields tile gush
is never so willing to perform
its labors as when thei
Pa nt used
yields easilyinP_
application. •
work becomes a labor of love if you
use our reliable Ready -mixed
Paints. We'll supply you with an
article that
Stands on its Merits Alone
LIAMS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never
fails to give satisfaction.
Complete stock of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, &c.
Wilton & Turnbull
Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wa,gons this
season, already, and are now offering Spec-
ial Bargains for one month as they intend
to make this season a record -breaker in
the number of sales. Remember the date,
July 12, is the limit for bargains. Yon
need not be afraid to drive 80 or 40 miles
to see our stock, you will be dire to buy.
It will be to your advantage to see the
High Grade Buggies at close prices.
Robt. Thomson has purchased one of
our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear-
ing, bike buggies. This is the 3rd
we have sold in Brussels and they
are all giving first-class satisfaction.
These rigs can be bought from
At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Factory.