HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-10, Page 8G R� The Season is now on and we offer the best English iSZ° Gslz Qaalzty for ,e5 cls, per pound. RUPTURE Our New York Elastic Truss can, be worn witherect ease. .P ,a f .Prices are very moderate. HUrSleNt? 0= Drug and law Book Store «RANO TRUNK RAILWAY. 800TBEBN 3xTEN8ION W. d. & n, Trains leave Brunets Station, North and South, as follows ; . Gana SooTH Goma Nonni. Mall 7:18 a,m l Mixed 10:00 a,m Mixed, ......10'00 armMail 1.17 p,m Expreee 8;25 p.m I Express 8:17 p,m m oral ° ,cinS PTAS. A ubiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prem it, Hanna ie at hand. Baumann on the 12th. A few more business changes on the carpet. R. THoaison shipped a oar of butter to Halifax. ANoMMI dry goods store Le mooted in $rneoele. Luclteow Band will be hereon Saturday —the 12th. READ the advertisements. It may save you many a dollar in a year. A Targe contingent of gipeiee camped on the bank of the Maitland, Queen etreet, last week. SEvnnAL from Braeeele took in the Heron 01d Boye' Celebration at Sea- lants last Saturday, Tun road machine soraped the mud off Turnberry need last Friday and it was hauled away. It was a good job, BY Order all matches in the first draw in the Bowling competition for the Jackson trophy on Brussels lawn mast be played this week. MARL AnxiNT is carrying hie right arm in a sling owing,to the straining of the mu8alee or tendons of his right shoulder. We hope he will soon be o. k. Earl will be 13 years of age this month. Monnay was Civic Holiday and a very quit day ib was. The excursion to Ber- lin to .see the Foot Ball attracted 123 of oar citizens. The day was warm despite the shower in the early morning. DoN'T forget the notion sale of frame cottage and lot, Turnberry street North, to be held at the American Hotel, Brno - male, on Meade), aftetnoon of next week, at 2 o'clock. See advt. in thin issue. Efiatorra 13, the faeb Wiogaam pacer, wee beaten at Windsor on Tuesday after. noon in straight beats by Dan Petah tune 2.04, good beebling for this Seamon of the year. They will meet again this season, probably next week in Detroit. HYnrENH&L. Taeeday morning of this week Wen. G. Bell and Mies Elizabeth Clareada, daughter of Henry Fogel, all of Greytownship, were gaited in the holy estate ate of matrimony by Rev. R. Paul, at Victoria Cottage, Brussels. May happiness and prosperity attend them. Nor THE RUST v10x1M.—Wm. Denbow undertook to split some wood last Fri• day and forgot to take observations se to hie surroundings before the work nom. mended. The result was the axe handle (tame in contact with a clothes line, the wood splitter received a bang in his right eye that dazed him for a while but for. tunately no serious damage was inflicted, The clothes line is responsible fora long list of tragedies. BRUSSELS ON THE 12T11,—Preliminary arrangements are well advanced for the reception of theOrangemen, Lady True Blues and Young ,Britons on Saturday at Brussels. The Lacknow Braes Band will be here by special train that morn. ing. Atter dinner there will be a march through the town and a gathering after. ward at Victoria -Park where speeches will he given by prominent members of the Order and the ministers of the die. Bid. Everybody ehculd do some decor- ating and make the town show aweloome to the visitors. STAGE SOLD.—This week Richard Wil - lime sold the etage outfit, used on the Brueeels—Beaforth route and the good will of the mail and express oontraote 021 some line to Edward Lowry, Mill street, Brunets. The transfer will be made at the oldie of the month. Mr. Williams has everything first -pleas bub had not the time to personally devote to the work, his livery badness occupying all his attention. In the new proprietor the pablio will find a man who will carefully, competently and agreeably attend to the various wants of the public and will give his personal supervision to tbe various details. THE Pon wishes Mr. Lowry 61100806. Fran BAn0,—There is probably no better stabling or as ap to•date ao0onamodation in Huron Co. than at the Central Hotel. The building ie brick 60x100 feet, with cement flooring thronghoab and proper drainage, corrugated metalio roof, eve. troughing, dm. and ababling for 50 horses. Watering and feeding arrangemente are as complete a0 modern methods have devised. Good work waaon d e throughout, g Ont Alf. Lowry wr the Y baIt e torso foundation a dntidn • LI J. L. Lloyd ant down the gement flooring; J. Adams- had the briok contract (D. MoNaughton did the framing and carpenter work; and Wilton & Turnbull supplied the roofing and pat it on. George Brown, the proprietor, supervised the building and hag 18 to Gait his wishes. The horse abed roam ties been increased and an entrance hi afforded to the stable Prom either Turnberry or John streets. Barn hae octet a tidy sum, but it ie built for permanency and oonvenienoe and f6 le eredit to both workman and Gwen. Ooue to Brunelle on the 12th. 800 bead of export lambs have been shipped this week by Meeerm. Clegg & Dames, H. R. BREWER bee opened a photo. gallery at Wroxeter and will visit there every Wednesday. 4 OARS of Brussels prime salt went from the Werke here during the past week to prove that this Balt lag not Loet its savor. A slate roof will be planed on Melville Manse as eoon as the slaters are through at Dr. Holmes' residenoe. They are well up to their work. Sonooa Board will meet on Friday, evening of this week. The question of selecting a teacher to take the plaoe of Mies Brook will come up. There are over 50 applications in Secretary Roes' betide, some of them graduates in Arte. TUESDAY a block of cement walk near the Town Hall got its back up and went to pieces with a loud report. A few other planes in town will have to receive attention as well at the bands of the former contractors whose goarauteee stand good for necessary repairs. Bas? Deen,—Friday eveniug of last week Bobt. Ralph, infant son of Fred. and Fannie MoOraokeo, died atter a brief ilines'', aged 5 menthe and 3 days. A brain trouble and a toaoh of pneumonia was the osase of death. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, Rev. T. W. Cones taking the eervioe. Mr. and Mre. McCracken are deeply sympathised with in their bereavement. Linn Saturday a natural curiosity wag brought to Tug Poar in the hen egg line. Mre, Wm. McCall received some eggs from her eon•in-law, Cbae. MoQuarrie, 10th von., Grey. One of these eggs that Mre. McCall was intending to eat was found to contain a email egg about the size of a marble with shell hard and complete and also a eat libelled egg of a slightly manlier size. A biddy that can triplioate her hen fruit should be a valuable acquisition to the poultry yard. NoT LEa812,—Several enquiries have been made at THE Pon relative to the use of grain teatere Here is the law as oontained Lo Seo. 6 of 61 Via., Chap, 30, "No weighing machine need for weighing or determining the weight of any of the articles mentioned in Seo. 16 of The Weights and Measnree Act shall be of leas certified oapaoity than one bushel." Every trader who violates this Seo. shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding 510 for first offence and not exceeding 520 for each enboegaent offenoe and to the 0008000,tia11 of the weights. The Inspeo- tor of Weights and Measures is on the track of those who are violating the law ae any teeter with oapaoity less than a Mahe! is prohibited. TRAIN rN Aca MM 0 ODATION FOB min 1278.— The local Committee have arranged with the G. T. R. authorities for the following epeoial passenger eervioe in canneotien with the oelebration of July 12th in Brus- sels FROM TEE EAST, FROM TEE WEST. Listowel, 7.25 a.m. Kincardine, 7.30 am Attwood, 7.45 Ripley .... 7.47 Henfryn, 7.50 Laoknow.. 8 05 Ethel .. 8.00 W hiteoh'h, 8.20 Brueeele, 8.15 Wingham.. 8.35 Train will leave Jct. 8.40 for Listowel at 7.30 Blaevale .. 8,46 p. m. Brussels .. 9.00 Will leave for Kincardine at 6 p.m. The regular trains will ran on Saturday as usual. Single fare, return tiokets, will be loaned. ADDnEge 3.000 E'110eENTATI000,—The Pan - 100 League held a most enjoyable social on R. Jarrott'e lawn at Hensel! on Friday night Jane 27. There was a good attend- eooe and young and old appeared to enter into the spirit of the 00800100, A feature of the evening was the following address from the''beade of the various departments of the church to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt, reviewing the good work which they had accomplished and wish. ing them happiueee and success through future life. They were also presented with two upholstered rookere. "Dusan Mo. AND MRe, SEwrrx,—We are glad that we have the opportunity tonight of meet. ing you in this eooial way once more before the time comeethat you leave no for your POW home. We feel in looking baok over your three:yearo! residenoe in our midst that they have been years of prosperity, both in a temporal and a spiritual sense. We think that to you we owe in a marked degree bbe unity and harmony that exiate among the membera of the congregation, the strength of the various departments of ohnroh work and the spiritual tone manifested in various ways. We desire to sbow in scoretan- gible way our appreciation of your labore and would ask you to aooept as a meneen. to of our 068001atim0 together these chairs. We hope that when wearied, as you doubtless will he and at times dies warmed, you will take time to rest a few minutes in theseai oh re and think to yourselves This eey a aere a reminder dee that your work in Honeall was appreoiat. ed and will not be in vain." Wishing yoareelvee and family the blosoing of God on your outgoing, peen and prosperity in your lives and the due reward of your labors, we sign onre01890 in behalf of W. F, M. S., Mee. .1, C. Stoneman ; Ladiee' Aid, Min L, Agnew ; Choir, Wm. Stoneman ; Sr, League, Mies E. Murdoch; dr. League, Loy13nmerton S. S., J. 0. Stoneman ; Trainee, Geo. Brown. Mr, Jewitt heartily thanked the dowers, Bottom, howling club will be rs resented at the tournat9ent In Seaferiph, next Tuesday by two rialto. L. McDonald, of Walters, eputinneli the lunober ottippiug to Wi4gbeui 4 oare being leaded bore this week. Aoar of 40411lt4ral boroee Was 6111711411. from B0090610 to Bellega la Prairie, Man., 00 Wednesday by Time, Bird, goon care of haled hay were ahipped during the poet week by Moore. Sotto & Val/atone and one Po by Mr. 0105mar9, Tap Merlin' Now of last Monday Bayo t—The Nerve Regard hada pleaaant gall from Heave Bose, of Brussels, on Monday. He game down with the toot ball tont and woe seen ott the toltoh nue eneeeraging the pluolly Brueeele eleven, It wee hie first visit to Berlin and he was charmed with the town. He is very popular among the oiligepe of Brueeele and a pleasant gentleman to meet. Mies Sane Oona shwas 4wax,-00 Fri, day of last week Mlee Sara .Oode, a very highly esteemed young lady al Trow. bridge, paid Nature's debt, after a some, what Lengthened illness, aged 87 years and 27 days. Mies Code oonduoted it drosemakiog haeipese in Brussels for some time and bad a large eirale of friends. She passed away from earth triumphing ie the faith of her Childhood. The funeral serene Sabbath afternoon wee largely attended, Rev. Mr, Phillipe, Methodlet minister, conducted the ser - 710e. Tan Hansell Observer speaks as follows of Rev, Mr. Jewitt ;—"Rev. Geo. Jewitt, wile and family with the exception of the eldest son, Oliver, who ie writing on the P.13. Leaving, left on Tuesday for Wardeville, Mr. Jewitt'e new. charge. The people of that circuit will find Mr. Jowitt to be a goad all round man. A very earnest praotioal preacher, and a coneoientione painstaking pastor, He has the quality so apparently neoeesary to manes as a Methodiet preacher of being a good financier." The reverend gentleman and his good lady are well and. favorably known in Braemelo and looality and we wish them stamen at Wardeville• in which THE Pon editor has a warm interest for the Bake of auld tang eyne. QIIRnN'e ROTEL PIIB0HAOED,—This well known hostlery has been diepoeed of this week.to Joeept Qaerria, of Listowel, for the nam of 57,500 and possession will be given by Strebton Bros., next week as axon as the furniture do. isvaluated, the new proprietors taking the entire out- fitting at a valuation. Mr. Qaerria is wellaoquainted in this 88081on having kept hotel in Ethel /for several years and tended on a farm West of that village after selling out at Ethei. The probabil. Wee are that one or both of the Stratton Bros. will continue to reside in Brussels, at least for a time. The new proprietor intends making a number of improve. meats in the "Queen's" we understand. Piano REOITaL.—Qaile a number of ladies accepted T. A. Hawkiue' invitation to hiestndio Thursday afternoon of Iaet week to tenni to a recital given by him• self and some of his advanced pupils aaeieted by Mre. (Dr.) Holmes. Mre. Holmes, occupying as ebe does, a very high place as a performer, was listened to with great pleasure le the splendid setae tion she gave. The following wits the program ;— Simple Confession Thome S.foderstuuke Mendeleeohu Mise Ina Bryauo Cradle Bong Wandering Sone Miss K. Smith Tendresee Pae dee Amphorem Miss V. 0 ardltO Seconde Vales Mien 00,IHolmea Pompoanett Behr Minuet ai'Aatigae 8trelezkl Mine Jessie MoLanohlin Sonatina Buhlau Mine M. /3 traction Rhapsodies:Hongroiseo No,2 Liszt Mre, Holmes Lehr Marital Pacher Charalnade Durand Spring Song Bunting Seng Mendelseohn T. A. Hawkins Bol diet March 8c4 mann v T he Joyous Peasant •. Miss Ada Rose Bogdan 06MarehL13 duet . Baltzell Mies I.Bryane and Mr. Hawkins "Goff Save the Bing;" ADDRESS ego Pnss0N70TION —On the evening of Jape 24th, about 300 peewee from all parte of the oiroait unceremon- iously took posaeeeion of the Westmin• eter Parsonage, and presented the Sup- erintendent, Rev, T. Wesley Oosene, with B. well filled purse and the following ad• dress :— Tee. 2'.' Wesley Omens. Dean SIR SND Bno.—We, the members and adherents of the Methodlet oheirehes on the Westminster oiroait, take thio opportunity of bidding you and your family "Good•Bye." We also desire unitedly to expreee our appreciation of your services during the past four years. We have learned to rega0d you with feel. inge of the greatest friendship and love, Your pastoral duties have been well at. tended to, eopeoially in vieiting the sink and imparting comfort to those who have been bereaved. Your prayers have gone up in behalf of all and a00were of peaoe heve been given. Your sermons have been etrong end vigorous and while octagonally embellished with humor, they have varied no to refine cm the anima aspects of life. While truly Scrip. tura) and pointing to the 'old paths," these 'old truths" have not been pre- sented In stale and stereotyped phreee• ology but have been clothed in language, whioh would oatoh the attention, enab. ling tie to listen with interne and profit. We are pleased to learn that though the. membership hag suffered greatly through removals and deaths, yet through the blessing of God on your labors, we have oontivaed to grow in numbers and we believe also in grace and Ln the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jaime Christ. And now an we are about to part, and in order that you may procure a memento of Weatminmter circuit for yourself and family en that our regard for yourself and family, may not goon be forgotten, we eek you to except this token of bur esteem and we pray that you may long he epee• ed to fervently odd effectually work for the Mester, and at last be among thooe who have turned many from the error of their ways and aline ns the stars re fore ver andv ser. Signed on bah o ' g alt of Weet. minateri 0 scall W.112. Bern, Recording Steward. The assistant pastor Rev. J. E. Reuter, a former resident of Morrie township, wag aloo kindly remembered. A,tbough taken by eaprioe both pastors made suit- able replies thanking the people for their kindneeo. Rev. John B. Maher, in a neatly worded address, referred to the pleasant relatiooehip that bad existed between the Weotminsler ministers and himoell. Refreshments were then served and the people alerted for their home shortly after midnight. E'ee1;Io Ltmlaitx,.. Qwing to Baknrday being the 19th the 1ubliq Library in Wergilds will bo 9o3ed that day but it Will be open eu Friday e700igg 09 ae ko penult of the exnilapge of boobs. Throe tntereet9d 8114n1d bearthe slump IP' mind, 33108910010010 or 57010A7nx,—The loilow, fag le a 00411 of a reeolutipn vont to Rev, Jim. Bose, 33, A., by Braea9le A. 0. V. W. No. 135, of wllioh the reverend gentleman lea worthy member: Reg. ,Tho, ,Base, k. 4, Darn SIB 4Nn Bao,—Wo, the member9 of Brussels A. 0, U. W. Lodge, desire to tender you our einaero sympathy in the neeesslty or you temporarily baying to d90i9t from your molt loved work to seek restoration to mote 7igorou0 health, Oar :united wish to that opeedy reoupera• tion may be yours end that the ohunge of alt. and egene mal nave the invigorating Wept dotted, Although distance may intervene between pe we will often think of you and hope ere long to Bee you re. turn refreebed and enervated and as well qualified as ever to angry on your large and interesting department of work in tbe Master's vineyard. We are yours in 4„l3.&P„ W, A. Caron, W. At, W. H, KEBR, Recorder. Brueeels, July 4; 1902. No "OFrawj” PDAZ.-Xnowing of the oxpeoted removal of Antony Sample from Bermuda to the "Soo" the Football boys assembled on Tuesday evening and presented him with a fine droning ogee' a000mpanied by a kindly worded eddreme. G. F. Blair coupled the choir, Jas. Ballsnyoe read the address and Dr. Feiid made the presentation, The reaf- pieot madea paitahle reply. Speeohee were also given by Ire Gerry, Art. Ma Naughton, Durso. McLanohlin, Frank Rooke, C. P. Cross and others expressive of regret at "Tonyje" removal and good wishes for the Nature. Retreehments were .@erved at the Kerney restaurant after. Mr. Sample hag had a large share in foot ball organization ernoe the game has been played in Brussels and did his part in good style in attaining the numerous victories to the credit of the various teams. He left on Thareday morning. for Sault Sto. Marie where be has a good position awaiting him. Two of his brothers, Jno. and Wm. are already resi- dents of that locality Tui, Poo' will be pleaeed to bear of Mr. Semple's pros- perity. Dier ttermaor.—A very pleasiug event took place on Wednesday evening, Jane 26th, at the reeidcnoe of Mre. Geo. Mo. Clere, on the 4th eOnoesaion of MolIillop, when her daughter, Mise Franare wag united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Seafortb, to John L. Brown, eldest son of John S. Brown, one of the most prominent and proeperoaa residents of McKillop township, The bride was sup- ported by her sister, and the groom by hie brother Alfred. The ladies were bandoomely gowned, and eaoh carried a beautitnl boquet of roses and carnations. After the ceremony, nearly one hundred guests, inoloding some from New York, Minnesota, Goderioh, Wingbam, Brus- sels, Seatorth and other points, enjoyed a magnifioeot repast. When this pleasant duty was performed, Rev. Mr. Larkin made a oomplimeutary speech, in which he entogised the enemy good quali. ties of the young couple just starting off on life's journey together. Dr. Campbell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., uncle of the groom, replied in hie usual happy and pleasing manner. The wedding presents were numeroae, bandoome and useful. The bride wee a resident of Brunetti for some time and will receive the hearty good wishes of all her old Blonde for a happy life. BitsilleSld LOOMS. GET your photo. taken at Brewer's on the 12th of July at Brussels. To Talc P IIDLIO: ado L s and gentlemen, g all cutlery ex can be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawier MoGregor, Mill street East, Brussels. Choice work at reasonable prices. Eon 14 ciente. We buy for oaeh or trade, wool, egge and butter. A 520,000 stook of dry goods, groceries, ready made clothing, oarpete, boots and oboes to adept from. Geo. E. Kum, Wingham. 515,000 worth of dry goods to be olaoghtered, Oor annual July and August sale aomm00000 July 4. Return railway fare allowed on all purchases over 510.00 within 30 miles. G. E. KING, Wingham., People We Talk About. Mies Mary Beattie wag holidaying at Seatorth. Rob. Roth, of Listowel, is visiting Charlie Zillias. Robt, Beattie, of Wingham, was in town on Sunday. Miss Eva Gilpin is rusticating in Mo- Kiliop this week, W. P. Soott is tatting in the races at Windsor and Detroit, Harry Ainlay is holidaying at his 'mole MoNeil'r, 14th pan., Grey, Mre. T. Farrow was visiting at Wing - hem during the past week. Mre. Bell, of Port Huron, formerly of Bruaoels, wee in town this week. Walter Lowry arrived beck on Satur- day from a week's trip to London. Mioeee Carrie and Katie Ament are vieiting at Seatorth fora few days. Mise Edna Good is vieiting her cotton, Mies, Freda Vanetone, fn Wingham, Inepeotor Robb is at Clinton thio week presiding at the Departmental Examfn. ations, Clara S;mmane has been on the sick list with brouohitie but we hope ehe will goon be o. k, Will, Ameot le home from Ypsilanti, Mioh., where he bee been attending Burliness College, Mrs. S. Leopard and son arrived in Breseole on Wodnoaday for a holiday opting from Toronto, J. Tripp, of Sudbury, is vieiting his brother, W. A. Tripp, of the Standard Bankto r o ff B noels. Mre. N F. Gerry and Mitis Stella have been vieiting for the past week with relativee in Seaforib, James MoOraolreo, wife and family, have removed to Godericb, their former home. We wioh them prosperity. Mies Cosens, of Trowbridge village, has been visiting her brother, Rev. T. W. Cones, ab the Parsonage, Brussels. Hugh Williams returned last week from an enjoyable holiday With old Mende at Elora, Rayon), Galt and other places, Minn Lottie Ardell, of Gerrie, and Annie Stark, of Owen Boned, were guests of the Mfooee Brown at the Central Hotel, ItaiY 10 1496; �T r.I.XFt' .rf4F-4,&. , 0 XILlt 07 04,1r423#4, .... r"^ 41 511X- 1817rx 11 9E72, HEAD OFFI0E,, . TORONTO 0431914,L PAID 171' One Mililon Dollars) 51,000,040 18.48T 0764,000 Agencies in ail 9710301p91 pointy ip Ontario, Qelebee, Ofanitopa, matted Stater o .3npiand; 0R10"Ss/1z19 114lVC1e A, General Banking Bpeinee° Transuded, Forme& -Notes Dieopunted. tM t' Drafts Domed and Cgllootione made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards and compounded half .nail y„ y Brietal Antiunion man To 701E 001010537005 or FAInflgna' Bern NOTEe. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanpe. 110137Dri rs at thelfolowing rateee at anank issoed $ 0d to 520,...100: 80 to nbr 810.— So. 520 to540,,,.14o F. R. GRAY, A01I70 AeBNT. Mise Ida. Zilliaa is visiting in Detroit and Gabel oh. Jameo Walker and wife, of Wingham, were in town over Sunday. Mre, Geo. Roberton, of Clinton, is visiting with Jae. and Mrs. Ballantyne. Mrs. R. ' Leatberdale and dotightere were visitors in Seaford: for a few days. Misses Lillie and Violet Cooper were vieiting friends in Beaforth over Sunday. Mise E. R. Little spent Sunday and Oivio Holiday vieiting friends in Wing. barn. Mies L. Little has returned from a pleasant visit in Londesborough and Vi0inii y.. Lofton Thomson, of Gaelpb, le holi- daying at Mrs. Jaw. Thomson's,• 'Itis grandmother, Lela, the little daughter of H. and Mrs. Ram, has been quite ill with-p0eomonia- but we hope she will soon be all right. Principal Cameron ie at Toronto taking hie work as one of the Departmental examiners, He will be there for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Robert Elliott, of Ingersoll, and Mre. H. 13, Elliott, of 'Hingham, were palling on old friends in Brunets on Tuesday. Mies Estelle Griffin, of Wingham, passed en examination -in Harmony, at Goderioh, with honors. We congratulate her on her semen. Mrs,, Simpson and daughter, Ino, of Antigonieh N. S., who have been 710111ng Mre. Good here, went to Wingbam on Thursday to vide W. F. Vanstone and "Mara. Delaoy and Ryerson, and Mise MoNanght, of Rapid City,. Man., and Mee E. Henderson, of Beaforth, were.vieitore at 'Councillor Henderson's, Brussels, on Guelph, Galt Taeeday. Moo, Jno. Thomson is baok from a holiday visit to Walkerton, and Seatorth. The Metes Scott, Ler grand daughters from the latter plots name home with her. J. D. and Mre. -Ronald lett Denver, Colorado, 00 Manday en route for Brae - eels. They will visit relatives at. Chica- go, Windsor, Chatham and Strathroy on the homeward journey. F. J. and Mre. Soheak, of Toronto, who were vieiting JRo. and Mrs. Wynn, Brussels, left Met week for Oeoebe. Parry Sound Dietriat, where they have a Sam• mer oottage, and will enjoy an outing during the months of July and August. TIE POST has great pleasure in oon- gratnlating Miee Nora, daughter of Dr, W. L. Holmes, Brunets, on her snood's in passing the Junior Conservatory ex. amination in vooel 010880, Mios Holmes bids fair to take front' rank among the aomi0g ventilate. Mrs. G. A. Powell and Mise Pearl, of Toronto, were welcome visitors in Brus. Bela far a few days. They were former residents of this place. Mr. Powell i0 away just now on one of hie regular per - chaeia trips to the Oout- g P went for the T. & Oo. establishment. R. A., Mre. Walker and daughter, Zelma, of Toronto, were vieiting the former's brother, Geo. Walker, Brunets, and relatives in Wingbam. Mr. walker lathe Secretary of the Huron Old Boys' Aeeoofation in Toronto. He and Mre. Walker will spend a month in Huron before returning to the Queen City. Alex. Grant, a farm laborer near Princeton, wag robbed of a small sum of money. He brooded over the toes and out his throat with a razor. Elia recov- ery is doubtful. Several buildings of the 0. P. R. oar drape at Perth, including the of6oee, were burned. The night wetahman, Roland Burr, it missing, and itis thought he perished In the fire. Mre. A, Cookerlino and her foar.year- old daughter were burned to death by the explosion of a lamp in their dwelling near North Bay. A little boy was also badly burned and may die, I. all Wheal 78 Barley 50 Fein 68 Cate . 42 Butter, tube and radio 13 Eggs per dozen 12 Flour l.er owl, . 4 00 Potatoes (per brae.) 35 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 Hay per bon ., 0 50 Sheep skins, 00011 ... . 25 Lamb tilting each 25 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 Hides trimmed 6 Hideo rbugit 5 Hoge, Live 7 00 Wool e 11 75 50 70 43 14 13 5 00 85 8 00 6 50 26 80 70 64 5 7 00 12 lt; G1ne0N .-3A t Mattis, .3 11 tau; 'Wroxeter, July' 6111, to'54,1. aed,lklrei T. A. Gib, son, a daughter. BYBLor.—In Howiok, July 7th, t0 Mr. and Mre, Benj, Hyslop, a eon. S6.P..1ZMaTtia to BELL—FO A t Viotoria a L A D o a Oa t to e Bromine, on July 8th, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. William G. Bell to Mime Elizabeth Oleronda, daughter of Mr. Henry, regal, both of Grey Township, Sntuo.8--MA0ne1,-00 the 26th alt. at the residenoe of the bride'm fattier, 17th von., Grey, by Rev. D. B. Mo. Rae, Mr. William John Miele to Miss Mary BlIcal Mohan, both of. Grey. 9SOemo. Cong.—In Trowbridge, on July 4, Sara E. Codo, aged 37 years and 27 days, 1111o(1atp1ons.—In Brussels, on :July- 4, Robert Ralph, infant son of Fred. and Fannie MoCraoken, aged 5 months and 8 days, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Font for sale. Apply to TH08, MOORIB, Bruaoels, Them pasturage for a' number of mteere. Apply to TH00.3100B10; Brussel e. Pon head of two year old oatble for rale, 11. N. SEABEE, Lot 24, Oon.14, Grey, R412281210 whip lost between Braeeele and Con, 12, Grey, on Friday, July 4. Pinder will much oblige by leaving It at 'Tun POET Publishing House. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, 7 OR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwebling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brueeele. 40.11 1. LE08IE. PIANO FOR SALE, THE A bargain swill ofthe91880.e. airs. Rogers. LRAIHERDALE, dealer in pianos and or - gone, Brussels. HORSE STRAYED ON THE Con. 10, Gpromisee eys on or about June 28th -a driv- ing horse. Owner mayhave same by prov- ing property and pa ing eipeneee. 52.4 HENRY FOGAL, Heufryn P. O. tARM FOR SALE, BEING •1-' Lot IL Con. 8, Grey, containing 001 acres. e0 aorea of eared. Good frame house cedar log barn, orchard, &o. Farm is well Watered. spring creek 011 rear end ' 000800- tentto school and church ; et mlIoe from the thriving village of Brussels. Possession would bo given next Mardi with privilege of Pall plowing,. dee. For 'further portion - bars as to price, terms, dc., apply on the premises to RICH. BOB, Proprietor, or Brussels P. 0. 52 -Bin Notice of Transfer. QUEEN'S HOTEL.. BRUSSELS. 700TI0E is hereby given, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf, that I, the under- signed, Lave applied for a transfer of the Hotel License granted to Sxretton Bros, and that the said transfer will be complied and signed to by the Commissioners after' the aecood publication of this notice, as require ed by law, JOSEPH Q17IORRIN. . Dated' atBruesele, July Oth,1902. BEEF, WINE & IRON Everyone knows this old reliable medicine. I1 Oontaine nutriment, strength and othnnlaot 99001110. od, ,All05 115 ingrodiepts are of the. beet awl 'purest, Good for lava of blond ; good for prompt relief in oases of sadden exhaustion. Nothing better for convalescents.` Just the thing+; for the warm . weather. Try it and you will Bpd ft right. FOX'S DRUG STORE. $20,000 to Loan. The above sum baabeen placed with me for immediate investment on .farm proper- ty at 5 percont, It three aresatiefaetory loans may bo acnlpletod in 9 days, Liberal terme'eato-repayment. Apply at once to 'W. M. SINCLAIR,Barrister, /to , Brag sole. AIR DRESSING. -THE UN• I�1010810EDwl the ladles -of Brunelp 004 vielpity �tk t ebe is prepared to make awitehes out of comb - lege and out hair,at her •borne M/11 40001West, Brueeele. MRS. HING0TC0. 14ALE TEACHER WANTED for 8, 8. No. 8, Grey township. Duties to commence after Bummer vacation ; ap- plicants to state eatery and send teetiraon- isle. Applieatlono received op to July 12. ALEX. STEWART, 49 Boa 274,Brueselo P.O. Secretary. Notice to Creditors. In, the mattiir of the estate of William Mitoholl, late of the T0woebiti of Grey, • in the County of Rum, farmer, deemed. ItOTIOE isbereby given, pursuant to Re- vleeu'Statutes of Ontario, 1807, Chap. 108, Section. 98, that all creditors or otbers hav- ing late oheTownhioreyo. the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1202, In the said Township of Greyyp,are here- delrequired ver to the undersigned Exeontors of the said estate, on or before the let day of Aug - net A. D„ 1002, their full names, addressee and deeoriptions and fall particulars of their claims and the nature of the eeourl- tiee Of any) held by tbem. And notion is hereby given that after the said last men. tiered date, the said Executors will Proceed to distribute the • outlets of the deceased amongst the persons ;entitled thereto, hay- ing regard only to the claims of which not- ice obeli have boon given as above requited, and the Executorsshall not bo respVOneible for attach], or any part thereof, so dietrlbat- eddietribotibo,onyob.pervon of whose claim notice shall not have beenreaelved at the time of mon MARGARET E. MITCHELL.).u Eisen tone, M,E. G. MoDONALD, Dated at Molesworth, July 8th 1202. Thc w Store Iiave Toll Tried, the New.Store ? If not, why not ? Our stock is large, varied and Prices are not fancy either. During July and August the -se columns should be carefully watched. They will contain from week to week items of special interest for every care- ful shopper. To make particularly memorable: The Glorious Twelfth we append the followingextraordinary list 40e Table Linen for 30c Speoial line Half Bleached Linen Table Damask, 60 inches wide, neat pattern, worth regular30 ly 40o, for, per yard tl 50c Table Tinen for 40c Speoial line Half Bleached Linen Table Damask, 72 Mabee wide,good weight, sold everywhere 40 at 50o, for, per yard 40C Muslins for 30c 4 please only best Frenob Tambour. Moline, tbie •eeaeon's latent assorted Wore, regn ar prise 40o, epaulet to 018ar 30 20c Delainettes for 13c Speofal line Delainettee, Pink, , Cardinal, Sky and Royal in Pais ley and Floral effects, regular pride 7 20o, to dear,' per, yd 18c Pique for 10c 200 yards oalyllPigoe, white groando, with polka dot io blue, pink and blank, regular price everywhere 18o, our prim' to clear 10 2Qc Sheeting for 15c Speoial line Uubleaobed Cot. ton Sheeting, 2 yards, wide, nice heavy Wolfe sold everywhere at 20e, our epeeist pun per yd : ,, 4, SE Our Men's Clothing at Half Price SEE Our Men's Ties at 6c &10c .SEE Our Boys Clothing at ISEE Our ' Men's a& Boys' Hats at Half Price Half Price Grover & Co. Garfield Block, Brussels. ri }