HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-10, Page 4to iv USt zrzuRsZ14,r, Juzfr 1.0, 1902. An Apology For Defect. • To the Baiter of 'Tea Pang DRAB $14,—You have the reputation of being goad at figurers or if you can't answer my gelation probably some ono of your many readers oan as they are interested ' ere fn ,Frost Reroo. In the Herald of June 19th I see an imaginative areiole from the bone pen of Ja nes Bolger ars an apology for the defeat of Mr. Spotton and from the artiole I would say )3e is it Simon• Toryif any there are in Huron.. pure Ile undertako to e showwhyhis .canal. date was defeated and gays he wars a good talker, yet only spoke at Nomination as his time was short. Where were the other Tory cpouterc who let Hisiop tell his aide of the story through the campaign? Surely it was not because Mr. Spotton and they had a different yarn for each voter in the personal °saves to suit the views of the voter oanvaeeed. It is said that the Opposition this time ran the rankest eleeeion ever known in the East Riding of Huron in this reaped. He also eayc the lista were not corrected and cites Brussels as an instance. Yet I am told the flet of Brussels; was corrected by both parties before the judge last year and this statement of his is only on a par with the rent of his apology as bo truth. His candidate surely had as much time to hold meetings as Hislop, as I understand Hislop held no meetings until after Spotton was in the field but when a candidate goes on the platformhie person. al canvas yarns must agree with his ptiblio utberancee or "the oat will out." Mr. Bolger's candidate did not want this as he thought he could purloin East Huron as did his neighbor Tolton in Wellington against McMullen bat it seems it would not work. His canvas lasted too long as it wag as his yarns were being found out and his majority was reducing daily. But the question I want answered ishow muoh has Mr.Bulger got oris like- ly to get from his candidate for his able apology for the defeat ? He, Mr. Spotton, must surely have some left after deduct. ing his expense as he did not run for hie health, nor yet to be elected, as he had no idea of such a thing from the beginning and so stated. This apology is worth a great deal, se there are some great flights of imagination in it. What was the matter with Howiek —Mr. Spotton'e home township—where he was well known? His majority was only increased by 9 over the election of 4 years previous. 'Yours, A VOTER. MR, RONALD WRITES FROM DENVER, COL, Drag Stet,—At the risk of intruding too much on your apace, I cannot refrain from Bending you another letter, expect- ing it to be the last one to wind up before coming home. Finding eo many good thing, to report of interest to all Cana- dians let me tell you of the great British loyalty found in the columns of the American Prese, noting folly every par - denier in connection with the sad tragedy of King Edward's illness as well se' daily bulletins posted up in the newspaper windows on mein centres of this city. A beantilal large piotare in gold frame of Sing Edward, in his ooronation robes, appeared in the oentre of one of the large windows, hung and bosomed in purple hangiuge, reused maob attraation. To- day's papers also contain a large baud - some illnetrabion of Buckingham Palace, desoribing its lovely grounds, ,2o. An incident; of rare 000arrenoe transpired here that would take a pen of great ability to properly portray, viz.:—The United Sunday Sobaoi Convention from all the States and Canada, eome 2000 strong, is now oonvened here, meeting in the Trinity Methodist °herds, the 'sag- est and most mineral of all the ohurabee. Daring ite first day's session, a Commit- tee was appointed to Bend a telegram, last Friday, to King Edward, of sympathy and heartfelt wiahee for his recovery, inolnding kind wishes for the good Queen and Royal family. Saturday evening all met again and we were fortunate to be then present to witneea, what we shall never forget. Immediately after the opening exeraiaee,the President announ- ced be had an important telegram from the Queen of Ecglaod to read to the Con- vention :—"That Phe had received oar telegram of yesterday with heartfelt gratitude and was pleased to tell as of the continued favorable condition of King Edward." On that moment great obecring went op with joyone acclama- tion, ladiea' waving their handkerchiefs, &o, and the President also invited all to rise and sing in heartfelt loyalty "God Bove the King," whioh was done most evidently, and in as brae a ring of loving fervor by the great assemblage as could ever grace the patriotism of any people. Moab creditable in evidenoing their warm attachments for the mother country, also otherwise expressed in editortale, and oorreepondents' lettere of praise at Bri- tain's liberal, large hearted generosity in the Boor settlement of peaoe., After maob disoanicn and liberal invitations from other delegates it was finally eel. bled in favor of Toronto, Where the ext meeting shall take place three years honors. Bev. Dr. Potts, *evidently one of the master minds, helped much to turn the tide in favor of Toronto, Evidently fall of humor, he well suoceeded in a nine laugh from all when be told them Toronto was not in the Arctia regions, as many enppoee, Jane weather simply love. ly, nud the heartiest invitations from all Onterle extended. A lady down South bad written him for hie advice what to wear when she name to Toronto? Thio, the rev. gentleman said, was totally be- yond hie power to answer, which caused the serene conditions of the great aseem. Wage to a hearty outburst of laughter. Withal tbe floe addresece delivered be• fore this earnest Sunday School Convert. Alen in the guidance and inatruobions to to teacher] I am more than pleased to award the prize to the, one lately deliver- ed in your own little Convention in 33rue- sele by Mita NeNair, of Cranbrook, which we earthilyread in the Tris POST as the moat ale address on this grand nub. loot that probably wan ever deivered en thin or any other Continent. All praise se the doble efforte of that Whole scaled young lady—truly the prophet .fa 001 kaoWil in Ole own eouubry. The 1` TowTeed Press interviewing Mr, Laurier aeolaimg for him one of the glees greet mets of the age, aodelihely to prove hieneglf head and gtouldere above ell hie gonepoers 10 Moet in Lond0O, bat he will maim the tniriaade of hia lite aboeld be consent to the proposed further recitation of the tariff to 50 per dent. off Ip favor ot vitals meonlaeturee bawevee muoh the id , a , e r9` 4lTi m. ,be nulls] a and pproeperity of thio bosun ry—aside from Ata dtvereity of proddhtiop—is =duly due to the far reaching fiat of McKinlay area hie eolleaguee, to legialute and protect their maaufaeturing interests, that ail they consumed should be made by them- selves], giving employment only to their own arbisu se, Sea the thoueande of young Mau here, forced out ol.0anada to fled employment, the heart and soul of Canada deaerting her, to get big wages and riche] here, actually starved out and obliged to give way to foreign mauutuo• torero is a earl lest in Canada's history, The weather here ie simply lovely, up to the nineties, sotually once up to 100 ° yet Doul in the shade and moot enjoyable. The big strike noticed before le now set. tied and the workmen will get justice, One of the Australian Colonies has a law that no strikes shall ever take pteoe there, must be all eettled bye Board of Arbi- tration, appointed by Government when• ever a dispute arises. This ie a happy state of affairs. Let Canada follow epic. Jun. D. RONALD. Dc ,ver, Cul„ Jane 50, 1902. W1.ATIili11 FORECASTS. In Word and Werke, Rev. Id Hicks gives fall foroaete of Jnly weather, from which we aendecse the following A Venue dislurbauoe is central on the and and extends beyond the 1511e, swearing the Vulcan period from 4th to 10th. On 4th to 50, the moon is at her extreme declination North, and ie new. These facts and other osusee may prodnoe a warm wave of great intensity, and wiok. sd storms of thunder, redo and hail may follow it) some planes, Some of the moat di.,aetroue storms have occurred under similar conditions, and storms may be expected from 4th to 7th. Reaotiou. ary storms due about 11th to 1310, may develoa about 10th. Excessively warm weather will be felt just before these gonna. The plaoeb Saturn is in opposi• tion on the 17th, and enters frequent electrioal storms break upthe solar energy there will be a term of iutanaily warm weather daring the central part of the month. Oa July 17th the earth passes between Saturn and the sun, sad on August 5th, between Jupiter and the sun, and unless we have breathing spells and thunder storms, intense heat and drought will prevail in many parte for several weeks. Netab'e disturbances may moor, from 1610 to 20th, owing to combined in. fiance of Mercury and Venus. It mark- ed, electrical etorma emir, they will brute ng respite from oonsominn heat and drought. From 22ud to 24th, storms, lightning and rain may Dome. The moon oroasee the oeieatial equator on the 2410, and Oda iooreaaee probability of thunder storms which may be expeoted to pass from West to East as the month goes oat. HURON OLD BOYS VISIT SEAFORTH A epeoial G. T. R. train of ten ooaobee, oontaining upwards of 600 parsecs, left Toronto Saturday morning at 7 o'olook, and when they reached Sealorth the orowd to welcome them was eo great and their incoming so effective that it was aptly likened to the descent of an army. Numbers bad baso taken oo at Parkdaie, Guelph, Berlin and Stratford, and when they all poured out into the midst of the throng awaiting them there was an array of happy faces that is seldom seen in that generally unemotional, business like town. The home band etruok op a medley of patriotic airs, and there was even a dog fight to improve the hour. The excursion from Toronto was the largest that the association bas ever held, yet with so many people aboard there was no over- orowding, so often coeeegnent upon snob an outing. The train erew, Conductor McBride and Brakemen Howard and Halpin, were old Huron boys, eo it le needleos to say that everything was done for the comfort of the passengers, Among the Visitors. The following were among those pre- sent : E. Floody, President • Dr. Sloan, Vice. President ;C. A. Smith, Treasurer; R. A. Walker, Secretary ; E. 3. B. Dun. can, 3. A. McLaren, 8. T. Chnroh, W. Prendergast, J. R. Lyone, Walter Soott, Thos. Boole, H. Cluoae, Geo. Damon, C. 0. Rose, C. B. MoDooald, 0. R, Cooper, 3. S. McKinnon, T. MoGilliouddy, T. W. Gibson, John F. MoLaren, H. Bobbwell, Dr. J. Henderson MoEanl, A. Whitmore, H. 8. Scott, Dr. Stanbary, F. S. Eagle, Dr. Keefer, H. J. Crawford, B. A., G. R. Anderson, M. A., H. Clarkson, W. O. MoTaggert, 8. Dean, R. 8. Pointer, M. Morrie, W. B. Rogere,Dr. Duncan, W. P. Mackay, T. Scott, M. Hall, W. Mo. Taggart, P. W. Goldtharp, G. B. Cowie, Ed. T. Croaker, Frank Sweet, F. H. King, W. Powell, Robt. Payne, R. Fitz. gerald, J. Oar. The train was met at Stratford by J. L. Killoran and M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, and at its destination by the local committee, the 33rd Begimeot Band and carpe of mounted infantry, the officials of the municipalities of the county, a company of local militia, the cadet crape, fire brigade, representatives from the edneational instieetione ot the county and en immense crowd of people, At Victoria Park. As soon as the vieltore bad detrained a 4810procession was the formed, Highlanders'Bandheaded whiohmarched up Main street to Victoria Park, where the speeches and pee,ientation of the flag was made. Rev. Rural Dean ' Hedging presided, and with him on the platform were the Mayor, J. H. Broadfoot, Chair. man of the local ecmmittee: J. L. I illnren, 8eoretary;;.W. K. Pearce,'rreas. aces; M. Y. McLean, D. D. Wilson, James Gilleepie, E. J. Hamilton, F. G. Spading, of Wingham, B. D, Gunn, James Beattie, Mayor Jaokeon, of Clin• ton, Robert Miller, Dr. Staubury, of Bayfield, H. Clara, of Goderiob, 3. M. Beet, T, E. Hoye, Dr. Campbell, of Brooklyn, N. F. Holmotead E. at., , Floody, Thomas MaGilt!obddy, W. er h olsiath Prendact g Hag 112e. , Dr, Sloan and 8. T. Church, The Chairman Apoka briefly,after which the Mayor read a olein addrese 0f wog. Deme, Short apaches, bat bright and to 'LeapoiEo, lmere edditW iter Gill 080ddy, 1..; 'PONT Prendergaat, lael4ath, end Dna, Camp• hell and Bloan. 'Che epeaolios ware Mottle 9l a patriotic nature, and any oariouepeoe that may have been prompted thereby was gulekly dispelled by the bumoroue runes Ise of Mr, Meailliouddy gad of, Campbell, The banner, which on one aide bore the Union Jack, and oit the ether the in• eoriptien, "II, 0. B., llealorth,_ Jttly 5, 1902," wee presented by little Missed Verdi Best and Hazel R bare. Mr. Floody, in accepting it, salnbed the little ladiea most gallantly, and then expressed au eppreaiabien of it on behalf to Plat' of the eaea ton, Following the oeremoniee the visitors were entertained at lunobegn In the 010-. !street botele, titter wleiehthe time watt devoted to carious forme of eutereaiu- metb, Ittero se, football, tug of•tvar and rapes being the prinnipal ti•traotioue, Later in the afternoon and evening many of the vieltore diaperaed to vedette puts ot the tenuity, :and m.et of them retort.. ed to' their homes on Moudoy. At Kunming feature wee astraw hat brigade 01 Toro Ito and Soatorth b•,ye, Jed by' Olufi and Duds, of Torouto. In the tug of -war Tuukeremtth was first and Hallett eeoond. The football match between the Old Boys from Toronto and an impromp•.. to team of home boys resulted in a tie At uigbt the 48th Highlanders' Baud eubertained one of the largest crowds of people ever seen on the Athletic grounds. The grounds were plot ureequely decorated with Chinese lanterns. GALA DAY AT WROXETER. Tuesday of loot week the 35th anni- versary of the. Dominion of Canada, wee celebrated in the village of Wroxeter with a large- measure of manes. The day was a beautiful Summar one and in marked contrast with Monday, In the matter of weather Wroxeter appears to be particularly fortunate rarely striking a bad day. The toren°m sports oonsitted in horse racing on the road Walt of the village. Prizes were awarded as follows s—Trot ing race, lst .John Fisher, Wiugham : 2nd D. Mafiatt, Turriberry. Bunning raoe, lot, D. Myles, Wroxeler ; 2nd, A. Rae, Wroxetrr ; 3rd, B. Hialop. There wze some lively skirmishing, After dinner the program uommenced with a mile bioyo'e roe for boys. Skeff Robinson had a moll on let ell the time, a close raoe was the contrast for 2nd honor b•bmeen Ernie Bray, of Wroxeter and J. Lamb, of Harrieton, but the mile ended in the order named. The bioyote traok was in fairly good condition. Next followed one of the most interest- ing features of the day, a Base ball game between Harriston and Brussels. These teams bad played a metal the week he• fore which took 11 innings to decide it benne there was considerable rivalry. Brussels went to bat first but were usable to eoore until the 5th innings when they soared 3 while .their opponents bad 3 rune to their credit mate in the firer innings. The Southerners added 1 ran in both the 6t11 and 703 and 2 in the 8th bat were blanked in the 9th making a total of 7 for the game. Harrison did not sonceed in getting a man over the plate again until the 7t13 inninpe and then only 1 and another in the Ben with e, 0 in their last, leaving their total 5. Herrin Hamilton pitahed s splendid game for Brussels striking out 13 p aye% lie was well supported by Walter R elle behind the bat and the field at large. Harrieton was goose egged 6 times and Brunets had 5 items of the same variety on tbeir scare. The teams are very evenly matched and it was anybody's game to the close. MOnorieff pitched good ball for the Wellington 0o. lads. The score was se follows :— Ba0earLe R 0 HmutuTote R 0 W Roche, a 1 5 McQueen, of...... 2 2 R Downing, et0 5 Mtolle, 0 1 2 A Rae, lb 0 3 lrnnorieff, p•••,•. 1 4 W Tripp es 1 8 Gordon, ss 0 5 H Hamilon,p... 2 3 Wilaon,3b 0 8 G Ardeit, 8b,.,... 0 9 Saaderson.lf 0 8 P 1010, 2b 2 2 McKenzie, 1t ,.. 0 4 A. -Kerr, al 1 3 Morrison, 20 ... 1 9 J Duncan, 110 2 MoQibbon, lb ... 0 I Totals 7 27 Totale 5 27 13rueeels 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 0 —7 Harrletou ..,8 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 —5 Albert Paulin, an old base bailiet, wee umpire and gave good satisfaction. The Harrieton rooters were not of the doable piano variety but roams from Roarerville. It W65 too bad they lost so muoh lung power for nothing. The 3 mile Bicycle race was contented by Oowan, of Rothsay ; Snake, of Wrox- eter 1 Bryaoe, 6t Toronto ; and Robinson,' of Wroxeter. It was an easy matter for Cowan to secure lst ; Snake and Bryanµ bad it nip and tuck for 2od but the former got it by a close shave. Robin - eon dropped opt atter a few mantle. Wroxeter and Forestville played a game of Foot ball in which the home team won handily by 4 to O. Forestville lacked combination while their opponents had it down fine. The visitors improved greatly in their play in the second half but could not overcame the long lead of their competitors. Teams lined an as follows Foczseveurs Weer xaaga D Partridge .. Goal Hemphill R Gra sager ..1 IIaeke I .... Robinson J Grainger..,. j f .. Blackwood W MaLeunan l (.... Downey A MoLensan., 1, a Backsi.. Sanderson PPatrick ....) (,... Edwards J Armetroag.,) r J. Rae Lindsay I1 G. Rae W Breoken'dge Forwards Miller J Liudeey .... Bricker W Bteveneon,. ,,.. Morriaoo The referee was George Paulin. An obetaole bicycle race in which thr oonte.tants had to dismount and paee over 4 plank in the mile circle, was woo by Cowan and Rae. Bryant] started but nee being "breeeey" quit !;afore he jomp- est many bertha. Warts watt Var, Fact 1 ballineemtak between Wroxeter- and it mode up team from l3rueaela Putt locality. Neither gide tallied until 2 or 8 tnutetes' before the 010ee 01 the Maur abet) Waldo Miller, lay a slick bit of tvorlt, rah the ball up the wing mad eaored, A raoe was made on Wrpxeter goal but the referee's whistle ennouneing "Time up" put 8 0101110 oily ouch iutention, It was m well fought out match with good play on both eldee, Wroxeter played praotioaily the same e rn asi the bra on an Bewails eta to n Ie atS v dBne. players were :—goat, MoQaibben ; baoke, Wheeler and Sample ; betake, Buchanan, Tripp, McNaughton ; forwards, Gerry, Sanderson, Ardelt, Caroni and 13ryane. The • Pinkerton Band eupplied the tumble for the day and did very well. Al. though the attendance of epeotatora was hardly Ate large as come other years the Committee will likely come bat all right in tattling up. They missed it by not making a small charge for the game in Alta evaoing. The Committee worked hard to make everything pass off success- fully and;pleaeaatly andnuooeeded admir. ably. A Wise Mother. MacLeod Medinine Oo , Goderiob, 0,11. With the greatest of pleasure I write to testify the merits of your Harmony No. 1 and No. 2and ProteinReeorgsnt. Not- withstanding gond nursing and all that could be done for my boy, he certainly would have died only for your remedies. He is tow in perfect. health. ,ly boy was at death's door with Bright's "dicoria and some aymptooe of diabetes, his feet and hands .wetiei at timse. 'Phe local dootore failed to help him. We had to apply hat salt continually ,over ail the joints of his body to relieve the pain, bis joints often turned block. At this time, be had a tater appetite, a craving ter food all the time and for cold water as well. We heard of you from a friend who had. taken your medicine for the same trouble and was oared, Theo my eldrat son went to Goderiob for the medicines. last October, and as my dots boy bream tae. ing, them, improvement followed furry dose. He le now seal, stout and active as ever be was, and is going le school Auction Sale —OF A— Frame Cottage In 1110 PlIluge of Brussels, In the County of Imran. There will be offered for sale on TUES- DAY, the FIFTEENTH DAY OF atLY,1902, at two o'clock In the afternoon, at the Am- erloan Soto!, in the Village of Brussels, by virtue of a power of sale contained in a cer- tainmortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property: Lot Num- ber 810. on Turnberry street in the said Vil- lage of Brussels, according to the registered map by Thomas Weetberald, P. L. S., form- erly known as Lot Number 38 in Stratton's survey. The following improvement, are said to be on the premises: Frame cottage and frame barn. Teta,—Fifteen per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sole • for balance term, will be made koowu at 'the sate. For further par. ttoulars apply to JONES, GI880N &RNID, Solioitore, Toronto street, Toronto; or to A. 000SLEY, Brussels. 40 Mortgage- Sale —08— Farm Property Cutler and by virtue of the pavers of sale couteitted in two certain mortgagee bearing este respectivelyptbo 17th day of December, 1008, and the 3911a day of Auguet, 8891 and duly affirmed to tb, Vencor, and which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he acid by publicauction at BUXTON'S HOTEL in the TOWN OF GODTBIOH; in the County of Huron, 011 Saturday, the 2Glit day of July. 1902, at 12 o'otook-noon, by John Knox, Auctioneer, the following valuable property,nareely, Lot number 35 ie the 18th Conoeoeion of tbe Township of Grey, in the Oounty of Huron, onntaintng 100 acres of land. There: are about 80sores cleared, and the balaooe is 1n bush. The Poll is good and the land when cleared will make a desirable farm. The property is situate about 10 miles from Brussels and Listowel and about 5 miles from Henfryn. Tbiaproperty wilt be sold enbjcot to the standing conditions of the Nigh Court of Justice for Ontario. Terme—Ten per cent. cash on the day of sale, and the balance within Doe month thereafter.. For furtherparticulars apply to the un- deraigued, to John Knox, Anattoaeer, Gode rich, or to Mr. F. 8. Scott, Brussels. Dated this 18thclay of June 1902. TonsKNox, P1IL11' HOLT, Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor, 49 3 Goderlob. Moncrieff Saw Mill Large quantity of Lumber of all kinds, Lath, Shingles and Slabs for sale. During July proprieforrwill be there each Wednesday to at, tend to the wants of the public On other dates write Wm, J Palmer, 50-4 Wroxeter P. 0, 81ioiled a Good Baking you have many a iiMe by tieing an. ihferior grade of gone, Your bread will always be light, while and sweet yvben acing the Venus, .It is always of Pup. erior quality, with no variation, and is 0aref011 made the be frome st elan Y3 Mshitoba Wheat, Try this satisfactory brand for your bread, Oakes and pies, a/n�d yonwill never tine any other, tt411stbtiafe . aPtit�iiiaE�ilt Ililt1JSBeri0 Ju14 . 9 .14112 ovary day. I au) µere yon will have our boat W1ehes as long ars you live, 'Mas. M. FotuiAN. Maotasod'o Reniodiso, established . in 18$0, aro rho only medicines le °armee whioh have sold en their rnerite without advertising, Addreaa MauLeod' Medioine Ca., Goderinh, Out, Bold by Jamba Fps, Bt•ueeele., STOCK FOR SERVICE ULL FOR SERVICE. -- A Thorn'.brad ShortHorn, rag sore-Pedigree. 4a�mfl 750, tflth privilege ofre- turning if neeessary, - 8400, 801313, 88• ]lrueaele 80ath, REAL ESTATE. -pARMS FOR SALE ---THE UN. -F- ..Drtasranten hoe several good Vernet or sale and to rent, easy terms in Township or Morris and Grev. F S. SCOTT. Bruseole A SACRIFICE IN REAL—ES- the McCau- ghey Block in thhe0.00 will e Villageof Bruaaele. 'Phase ,wt) tine stores must be sold to close out the McCaughey Estate. Intending purahasora should tnvestigsteat once, Apply to k'. 8. S01)1'1' or Cr. 8'. 11LAIR, Braeeels, Out, u OUSE AND I ACRES OF land, eligibly looatcd on teurnb erry Street, Brussels, for sale. Will be sold en bloo or house and .lots separately, to suit purchaser. Good dairy business le uonuee- tton. Possession could be givou any time. For priee, terms, den, apply 80 N10134 M0- ,000liLIN, Rreeeele; FALot RM o 0aADRIos6,le, econtaining armee; 65 aorta cleared. balance bush There 18 s frame house, 38x26 feet, with 'atoheu Pixie feat; barn 87060 feet; sbable 24x40 feet ; orob,trd. well, &o. Farm ie well fenced and only ly miles from school, store, post- ollioe and oburob, ' Possession to put la crop next Pall For further particulars us to pries, terms, &u., apply t0: G'100RG11 SPARLING, Pro printer, Oraubrook P, 0. N:JO OTICE—UNDEti, AND Y virtue of the last will and testament. otPhillip Graudine, er., the property being village lots 100 ea 107, West aide of James 03, and Nos. 104 ed 105 !routing on Juraee at all in the village of Brussels, in the Oounty of Huron 000baluiug in all -one acre more or lees will be offered Inc sale at Brussels by paella auction after the expiration of thrre monthsfrom date hereof.. Further particu- lars and date of sale will be edvsrtieod al a later date. PHILLIP GRANIERE, Jr., .. -' Executor. Dated June l0th,1902. ETH E L SAW MILLS A11 kinde of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from 510 up. British Columbia, home out Bbinglcs and Lath kept on baud. A good farm on 13th con. of Grey for sale. ra-Alt parties indebted to me are requested to call and settle op before March 1st or 10% will be added after that date from Jan. let till paid. A gnaebity of green cedar poets for eale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETIIEL. Lime The Bodmin Lime Works, 4th Line, Morris, are ready for the Spring trade and have ft• quantity of fresh lime on band. Guaranteed to be first-class. Price 15c. a bushel at the kiln.. A. Nicholson.& Son. 41.8m PROPRIETORS. If writing addreee Belgrave P. 0. 0 ft ,HOUSE PAINTS Wheal you eensidtr abbot the paint leg of your bougie Allo meet lmportautthing to thirds of ie, what is tbe beet quality of paint obtainable ? Tho bast paint to eland the weather arid look teeth for the Weal se time? Thine is only 000 answer 10 this, uum^ly, thatmane made with Bm readra's 13.13. Geuuitt hLead, Pu'e Linoeed 011 TRAD F MARK K and just enough Dryer, mac e the beet, a0 this B. 13, Lead h« a for so many yours been proved euporior to all Whets, Borth a path is AndlOr Ligoid Floose 1'nint; Itntl it 18 the only liquid paint made in Canada with 13raudrttru a B. l3, Genitives Wlltte Lead. 1t is a mleteke foe yomto tine anything but the very boot paint in painting your borne. The eoet of putting on the paint is usually about the name ars the Dost of the p41110 Itself, A ohoap paint taltee more time to make it reasonably good Sub with than a good paint, ane duoo not lost ars long, nor look HO well, In flet the cheap taint ie the most expeoaive paint in the end. Mate no mietslie. Use Anchor Liquid Hones Paint, It ie a Pere White Lead, Ztoa and Lineeod Oil Paint, and is 140 goon as can be made with our choice of the very heat matoriale, Use it end get the moat aatiefaotory results obtainable with palet, Sold by— AL. rir. rtiVY CO.. Brussels. 0Cadies' Fine S41(o esu Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate Workman- ship. p Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another jut like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying, . a Here are a few:- -Ladies' Dongola Sid, hoed or buttoned, latest style, heavy sole, only $1 25. —We have all styled at lowest prices. —On Bargain Counter this week, 22 pairs Ladies' Shoes, all prioes; from 52 00 be 53 00, going this; week at 90e per pair ouiy. —Agents for Inviotae Shoes made by George A. Slater, for either mel or women. _Harness Department - Single Hanneea for next 30 days °beeper than ever. Dusters, Flynete, Rubber. Bogs at low price.. L R' XO a AletiaS.. A ,RECORD -BREAKER EWAN & CO. Have sold 52 Buggies and 6 Wagons this season, already, and are now offering Spec- ial Bargains for one month asthey intend to make this season a record -breaker in - the number of sales. Remember the date,' July 12, is the limit for bargains. You need not be afraid to drive 80 or 40 miles' to see our stock, you will be sure to buy. It will be to your advantage to see the High Grade Buggies at close prices. ltobt. Thomson has purchased;.one of our pneumatic, steel wheel, ball bear- ing, bike buggies. Thin is the 3rd we have sold in Brussels and they are all giving first-class satisfaction. These rigs oan be bought from EWAN . 0 000) At close prices at the Up-to-date Carriage Faotory. COBER & SONS' CARRIAGE FACTORY, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WE are having a splendid season in our largo sale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup - 'ply ply the wants of the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or Retail. Spepial attention given to the manufacture of Parmag ons W g , either oommon sized wheels or half truck with iiz or 9 inch tires: Field Rollers d of ere and Wlieelb r a rowsith w steel4 r wooden is Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to. f Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Tirade for the coming Winter.. GIVE US A CALL. John Cober & Son' Carriato Factor.