HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-10, Page 3R021I941 G:11r11 00X31.0ATTS, The I eattA1'0 latest sextnpli rentor :aces the modest elan/ that the mighty Gefaean army constitutes the eeppoz't of the Peace Of Europe and recalls 'other clahns of a eontradie- tory nature, When the Ozer and the President of From filet they derived Mach gitattifioatiou frons the thought that the mighty armies of 1lusala .and Franco constituted the support 'of the peaeo of Europe and e'lpreeeocl themselves on the subject with v fervid enthusiasm. The spirit of all such utterapeee is admirable, of .course, Men wbo can gazo Wen :military reviews with all their theta ling pageantry of mar and think only that the thousands armed with deadly ;weapons are the messengers. of ttie lamb of peace have reached a point in symbolism which teva can attain. But they have a number, of dillloulties to explain. If peaeo is the supremo desire 05 all these powers .and their neighbors there wo.tld semi to be no reason for a single ono of the mighty armies, Yet they keep adding to thein and keep in- creasing their naval establishments at the salve time. Since peace was constituted by the Germans and French In 1870, and a little later ,by the Russians and Turks the whole purpose semis to be to snake ready for just such another constitution, 'which means the employment .of the mighty armies in their one 'logical task o£ slaughtering pack other. Appeals- to religion do not improve the conventional army cant, for the armies stand as incontrovertible ovi- deuce, not of the desire for peace but of a mutual distrust. That is their one plain significance to the whole world, 'which cannotdiscriminate between the sincerity of one power and another,. And it is perfectly .obvious that there ,s cause for the mutual distrust and that one army -would not constitute the support of the peace of Europe all by'itself, but that it would encourage arrogant and dictatorial pretontions in its :own nation if there were not other armies to oppose it. When these princes, potentates and powers take to negotiating for a general disar- mament it will look es if they were dead in earnest with their. peace, talk, and not until thea, RESPECT FOR THE ARMY. A journal tells the following story attho expense of American military • titles.' Seine years ago a traveller in a certain populous country dls- trlet stopped to converse with a farmer who had aconsiderable num- ber of mea at work in his hay fields. "Most of these even are old sol- diers," said the farmer. ''Indeed ! Are any of thein ' pin- cers ?" "Two. of 'ern. One of 'ern there was a private, and that fellow be- yond was a corporal, but the man beyond him was a major, and that mats away. over in the corner was a cotoucl I" "Indeed ! And aro they all good 111011 1" "Well," said the farmer, "the pri- vote is a first-class man in every way, arses the oorporal's pretty good, too." "J3ut what about the major and the colonel ?" "Tho major's only so-so,"replied the farmer, with sono hesitation. "But the colonel ?" "Weil, sir—well,' 1. ain't a-goin' to Jetty a word against no man who has been a colonel in the American army, but I've made up my aurid to ono thing—I ain't a-goin' to hire any brigad ier,generale." IRRESISTIBLE. A county -court judge was called upon, not long ago, to. decide a ease in which a printer and stationer was plaintiff and a local porlt butcher defendant. The dispute, was about some paper bags which had been supplied by the printer with the butcher's advertisement thereon, "Now," said the judge, addressing the butcher, "were the bags Men- tioned here sent or not ?" "I had them, your honer," replied the elan ; "but the picture that the printer put inion thein didn't suit me, so I refused to pay, as -the bags were not what I wanted," Tho printer explained that, ]laving no suilalilo illustration, 'he thought the matter would boimproved it a representation of the 'Royal Arms were placed above the butcher's name and acldross, "Well, said the judge, as he look - ,ed at a specimen„' for my own part I think this picture of the lion aid the Unicorn looks much bettor than any representation of an old fat pig.” "Ohl"x e cln]rnad the defendant, "It may bo your honor ,tikes to eat animals like that, bpt,lny cttstomets don't and twtlrr a, 1 never kill lions and unicorns. 1 only kill fat pigs," How could the 1 0 judg a refute to de- cide in favor of the defendant after such an irresistible plea ? A TONGUE TWISTER. Betty Better brought some butter; "But," she said, "this butter's bitten; If I -pot it in Ivy batter, It will drake the batter bitter; But a bit of better butter Will nano fray batter butter," So she bought a bit o' butter Better than the bitter buttes•, And'lnado her bitter batter better, So 'Lomas tetter ]Jetty ;floater Bought a jolt of better butter.. ThOla all zloty f01 ty-even rogl- lleli'ta 01'Uri,tish Imperial Yootnaery. • MONTHS OF PM,f CA,'O'SEI1 BY A TUIiiQ ?, OT THE ISHEAST, ATr13, J, 1'¢, Timbers, of Hawkes bury, Tells Eow She Obtained ]Relief After Doctors Had Failed, Prom the Post, Ilawkesbury, Ont, Mrs, James M, Timbers le well known to nearly everybody in iPwwk- esbury, Vankleek I7'lll mad surround- ing country, She was 'porn in Van- kleok •11111, but since her marriage, twelve years ago, has lived in Hawlt- osbury, and le greatly esteemed 1>'y all who Ictiow her, Airs. Tinibers is one of the many thousands • who have proved the great value of Dr, willianis' Pink Pills, send gives her experience for the benefit of other sulierors. She says. •;-"While ntu's- tng my first child I suffered from a nursing tensor under the ;left breast. The first symptom was a sharp pain followed by a growth, which gradu- ally increased In size until it became as large as an egg, It was exceed- ingly painful and caused mo great suffering. X consulted a doctor, who gave me medicine, but it dicame 110 good. hen 2 consulted another doc- tor, oo-tor, who said 7 would have to under- go an operation. In tho meantime, however, tho tumor broke, but would not heal, and as a result T was feeling very much run dpwn. At this time my attention was directed to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 be- gan using these, I soon felt that they were giving me increased strength, and after using a few boxes the tumordi,s a d PPe a'e and I was as s well as ever I had. been. My health has since been good, and I cannot spook too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," These pills cure troubles like the above, because they make riot; red blood and drive all Impurities from the system. Through their action on the blood they also cure such trou- bles as anaemia, heart palpitation, erysipelas, scrofula, skin eruptions, rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance and the ailments that make tee ]has of so many women miserable. The genuine always bear the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 52,50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Modici-to Co_, Drodkville, Ont. THE G.OSPBL 0 EALTE. To be healthy is the natural state, and disease is, in nice cases out of ten, our punishment for 501110 iudis- cetion or excess. Every tic we are ill it is part of our remaining youth which we are squandering, 'Every recovery.is a waste on our caiital life.- Therefore, do not let yourself be ill. The best plan to avoid ill- ness is to live regularly, simply, and with the frugality that stupid - per- sons alone willdeem painful or ec- centric. Sleep eight hours in every twenty-four. Ventilate rho room you work and sleep in. Very few rooplo, even among those who thine they are well up in modern ideas, have any ooncoption of what ventilation is. Always sleep •nvith the windows wide open, summer and, winter, Ex- amine seriously into your, list of so- cial obligations. Have the good sense to recognize that there is neither pleasure nor profit in most of what you regard as essential in that line, nncl silirpllty your social life. Complicated living breeds worry and worry .is the twain enemy of health and happiness, the one fiend- ish microbe that does more 'to de- stroy the health and happiness of mankind than any other. Drink no- thing but water or milk ; especially chink lots of water. You can never drink too much of it.. Shun alcohol as you would diluted vitriol. BAMBOO LIGUTUOUSES, The French Consul at Batavialays stress on the importauco of bamboo as a material for constructing build- ers' scaffolding, and he states that in Java oven a lighthouse has been built with its help. 'The power of resistance of a bamboo cane ll)ensal•- fug 8 inches to 10 inches in diame- ter, even with a length of 65' feet, is einorinous. Moreover•, bamboo is said not to rot either when in the ground or in water, while the drier and older it grows the firmer it be- comes. BABY'S OWN TABLET~. Cure All Minor His, and Bring Joy and Comfort to Baby and Monier. Disease attacks the little ones through the digestive organs,; Baby's Own `,Tablets are tiro bast things in: the world for all towel and stomach troubles of children. They act -quickly and gently, and always cure •indigestion, cone, eon5'tipation and diarrhoea. They are also a .great 2tolp to teething children, Mrs. da- brfolle'Barnes, Six Mile Lake, Ont., says —"Baby's Own Tablts reached me Just in time as my baby was ver li with th 'ndi ' t' 1 es ion and bonel y c b o S trouble, and I am lta indigestion saythe Tablets relieved him after a few doses), He is. now. doing splendidly withjust ,} t a Tablet now and thou when he is restless. I am the /neth- er ofei it ciIdrew and hayo tried nearly all the old remedies,' bet have never found a medical() egtaal to Baby's Own Tablets." ' The Tablets are guaranteed to con fain no opiate or harmful drug, and. crushed to a powder they can be, given to the stna110st, feeblest' 011ild with, a• certainty of good resells, Solcl by all druggists, or sent post paid at 25 cents a box by writing direet to the 1)r, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont„ or Scherec- tady, N.Y. ) "As entde•stmid it, an X-ray will go , right through a man's hood; There le .nothing else ,quite so tone - treeing, is there 33'.' "Oh, 1 (don't know. Did you .ever' Hoerr my daugh- ter slug 7" SYNTHS OF 11 I I Y t" OONTAt'rIOVS SORE EY'E'S IN CATTLE, The Disease Is .NOW quite 00m- nrpn.--iroW It 1Vfay Be Prevented. "There exists each salnrkler in tho United States and Canada a coati'- gious inlanllnOtion al ' the eyes among cattle that is popularly called "pinkeye" from the red and Inflame ed appoierance of the eye.Tito die - ease is quite widely distributed,- and while it others at all season of tho year, It is most frequently observed during the 91.4411.1105 months iviiile cattle aro 00 pasture, ao dust and Pollen from plaints increase the ir- ritation of the eye. The dis'oaso was first observed by 'the writer in this State," says N, S. Mayo, of the Kansas Experimental Station, "But since that time has spread rapidly, and, is now quite common. The dfs- ense seems to attack young 'cattle rather than old, but cattle of all ages will take it, and it seems to affect old cattle moreseverely than calves. It docs not affect other ani main than cattle, Tule; CAUSE OF THE DISEASE liar not been . discovered, although it is believed to be due to a germ. The manner in which the disease is spread from one animal to another is little understood, although flies are believed to play rue 'important part, The disease, however, spreads during the winter when there aro no flies about. Direct contact seems to be a means of spreading the dis- ease, They undoubtedly aggravate it but the s�' intro- duced roust be intro duced into a locality by an infected 0111 11111 • The first syniptotn usually noticed is a profuse discharge of tears from ono eye, reaming (10)08 over the face. Dust and dirt often adhere to the moist hair and a dirty streak is observed, especially in white faced cattle, extending from the tenor corner of the eye downward across the Mee. The disease usually begins in one eye and later attacks the other eye. In some casts both eyes may. be attacked at the same time. Associated with the discharge of tears is a swelling of the eyelids which aro nearly closed, partly from the swelling, but principally to keep the light from the eye, as bright light .0001115 to increase the pain. The front part of the eyeball . bo- conies minty white in appearance, and one spot usually red or copper colored. At this point an abcess or Small gathering u811011y forms and looks to bo,a reddish fleshy mass. It breaks and discharges a small amount of pus or, natter that es- capes with the tears. As the animal recovers and the aye resumes its nor- mal condition, a white speck remains On the eyelid for some time as a' scar showing where the abeens ex- isted. fisted. In n few cases this abcess weakens the front of the eye to such en extent that it bursts and allows the contents of the anterior chain-bet- el hamberof the eye to escape. A FEW OF THE CASES where the eye bursts will heal and the animal will recover' the sight; but in the majority of caws the animal will be permanently blind in that eye, A fow cases are reported where both eyes Have burst and the animal was permanently blind in both eyes. During the acute stege of the disease If both eyes are affect- ed at the same time,. the lentunma- tion may be so severe as to cause: a 'Lenlpoeary blindness, the animal be- ing unable to see' at a11, end it is necessary to feed and water tlreni to pretreat thein from falling away rapidly in flesh. If Lhe animal Inas the disease in an acute form there is often some fever associated with it ; and in practically all cases the animals cense toruminate, and stand about with ears lopped and eyes closed exhibiting all signs of severe sllltering. Milch cows usually fall away iu the amount of mi115 secreted, or in 111)010 cases it may be stopped entirely. Owing to the closing of the eyes together with pain, the animals do not eat well, especially While in pasture, and as a result fall away in flesh. Since practically no animals clip of this disease and only a few arc perman- ently nllected as to sight, the great- est loss is in the shrinlcage of flee]) that follows the attach of the dis- ease. If possible the disease should be prevented by keeping infected ani- mals away from the healthy. After the Itemise is once introduced amongst a beech, of cattle, by separ- ating; and .isointieg the all'octed ani- mals as soon as the first syluptemg are shown, the I/ISESASEl CAN 3310 CHECKED. It is not practicable to attempt to front a Large manlier of animals un- less they should be 0speoinlly valu- able or sutler from the disease in a severe form. When it, is advisable to treat an animal it should be pieced in a darkened stable, the oyes thor- oughly 'washed with cold water, all enrotionts reunoyed,,,and a solution of boric acid, twenty grains dis- solved in an ounce of water, should be opened. A few t ae s of 7a irem oil, or n little ointment 1 ant. made by mixing one part 01 finely pulverized iodoforrn, with twelve parts of fresh lardr v sol 1 o n he can bo applied di- rectly to the cycle -ill, by putting it on the Inside sn a of the eyelid, ve t and gently rubbing it over the surface. Cloths wet with cold water and kept ower the C•yee aro useful in"re- ducing the .inllantnlatioi). Practical- ly all animals make a good recovery in from three to four weeks," F. W, HODSON, Live Stock C0lnnliesioter, "it's very fumy," Said tho house- wife, "that tho potatoes you bring should' bo so 171rtalt bigger on the top of the basket than they aro at the bottom?' "Miss," said the honest farmer, ."it 11011105 about' this way, ,P'tators is grOwi.l' so .fast just now that by the time .L get a basketful dug the Met ones• le ever ea ' much larger than the fust: ono," o 9iin Should Know. That Prof, W, Hedge= IE1lis, Coral Analyst to the Powinion GOY- °Dement, hes recently made a cumber Of analyses of 50aps, and i'eporte that "Sunlight. SOAP contains that high Percentage 0f 0110 or fats necessary "to a good Mondry sQap," What every woman does not kpow is that In common soaps else fres 5uently Pays for adu)teretions at the Price Of 0110 and fate, Try Sus- 11gbt Soap --Octagon Bar—next wash, day, and You will see that Prof. Hillis is right. He should know. 206 FUGITIVE, FELONS., How a Famous Detective Identifies Thera, It is not' generally known that a. cotoctive can spot a pickpocket in a crowd, even though he hale never seen tile Ivere. Before. Tho habit 01 gla111113ig frequently and furtively over rho shoulder to see if ho is being watched has often betrayed a thief, Another eluo by whith an old gaol -bird is idenlifiod is the may he has of .turning his toes either in or out in a marked manlier. Thus is noticeable in a ticket -of -leave man as he walks along the street, 'It is in- variably caused by the work lie has. had to do on the treadmill, and the unconscious habit clings to him for many years, I have frequently had to track and identify men whom I have never seen, 'my only aid being a photo-. graph taken years before. Tills is not easy, but it is possible. 1 have captured 502110 hundreds of cr'utinttls by this means and by my hnowledgo and oUser • ,r cation. A photoornplt is net always a reliable guide, for a mancan alter bis appearance to 011 astonishing degree, and many smart criminals make effective disguise their specialty, I 1(1)0w ono marl who posed respectively as a fanner, a soldier, a decrepit old man, and a Parson, all in the .cours'e of a few days, 13nt aithougll disguise may do much to 0onceal a man's.. identity there are a few .infallible clues - on which it is invariably sale to worry. A man cannot alter the eolor and expression of his Oyes, and I leave" made that fact one of my effective aids in identifying fugitive crimin- als. Another unchanging and un- changeable token is the cheek -bones, bymoans of which I have placed -the LONG AT1M OF THE LAW on the shoulder of many a cunning felon Who had defied detection by Other 1110t110ds. Descriptions as to the weight and circumference of a "wonted" man fre- quently prove faulty, and cannot be rolled on as authentic guides, This rule especially applies to cases in which a man has evaded the detec- tives for a.lehgth of time, for you will anderstand how possible it is for a corpulent cell/if/lel to lose weight and become thin, while, on tho other hand, a spare man may hate gained bulk. But the ears are often useful witnesses in establish- ing the identity of men wins have disguised themselves effectively in other ways, I puce detected a tnoot daring crim- inal by his peculiar and tell-tale ears, which were the most oddly - shaped organs I have ever seefi. Iio was marvellously disguised, and might have dodged the police for years but f0r•tbe one unfailing pe- culiarity which lie cou11(i not conceal. Yet another clue to personal iden- tity is furnished by the eyebrows, W1)1011 in many 00505 are distinctive and •charactetistic.. The singular slant of the eyebrows enabled me to capture an old offender some years since, At the time of his a1Test he was wearing a wig and n false beard by means of which he might readily have deceived a casual observer, but he had forgotten to alter his eye- brows, and they gave Mini away. The clever criminal who is fleeing from justice will pay .generously for an effective dissuise, as more than one facial artist in Landon Will toll you, but detectives a•0 aware of these t:ev.iees and can often see through them, When n man is badly wanted we invariably visit tho places he is most ifko'y to 11011311, "Miss Gladys," said old Money- bags, "if my suit is not agreeable to you, say so frankly, but do not, I beg of you, tell me that old, old story that you will always look inion me as a brother. "Sir," re- plied the lovely maiden, t(s her eyo lit up with the deathlees Ramo of a pure young heart's devotion, "I do not love ,you well enough for a brother, but I have no objection to taking you as a husband." Daughter (marriageable)—"I think pct, that you do Arthur injustice When you say that he is penurious." Precocious Brother—"What's penoor- Lous, pa ?" Pa—"Why, Bobbie, penurious is close." Precocious Brother—"Thor you're right, pa. Mr, Penrose is awful penoorious Whenever he conies to see sis, Lecturer (on the French Revolts- tion)—"It evolmtion)—"It is impossible to imagine iuo the chaos that reigned—confusion and anarchy everywhere. In our more peaceful conditions wo cannot even imagine such a state of things." Mai at the back of the r I3 11-- Ia r1 r. es, wo can, mister. Como un to our house ; were moving. "What makes the lady malto suc11 a fearful face when she sings, ma 7" "Hush, Willie I" "hoes it hurt her worse than it hurts tis ?" Thunderstorms occur in Groat Britain on en average seven days in rho year, QI+1.1'AT CA1l11yING 12G110NS, An epidemic of seariet fever, start•• illg fit Cincinnati, has spread in the Mat few wok through a. nn111ber Of tow115 In Ohio anti the healthauthor- sties after taking extraordinary precautions to 001111310 the disease within the limit of its fleet ravages, were puzzled to understand the means by which it was carried elsewhere.' They mode an investigation and have now come to the conclusion that much of the contagion was spread by tame ,pigeons and doves which carried the germs from place to place, Tim evidence on which Ibis theory is Mace is that scarlet (over spread under strict'quarantine from a house on the roof of which there' was at 'largo pigeon cote. The only lite stock about the house not guar - stained Was the pigeons, which flew' about the neighborhood. if they didn't carry the disease germs the 'authorities don't know how the lover . was 'spread A RAILWAY IVIAN, EXTRAORDINARY UNPLEA- SANT SYMPTOMS OF KIDNEY TROUBLE IN THIS CASE. Tortured by all Kinds of Pains and Aches he Tries Everything, but Fails to Find Relief Till a Friend Advises Him to Use Docld's Kidney Pills.—They Bare Made a Well Man of Him and He Is Grateful, Ottawa, a Ont., June 30,—(Special) —Frank 1 rtrnn railway CJ a d, a u v y man, whose home is 130 Little Chaudiere street, has acknowledged that. Dodd's IEidney Pills have done more for him than anything else in t115 world 11ae1 ever done, He soya "1 Buffo/T(1 with. .backache and wasalways drowsy and had 0 very heavy feeling in my limbs, "11.4 frequent severe headaches and more thetas i•ery sharp pains in the top of my 11e111, which gave me much annoyance in my work. "My lingers would cramp and I would have an uneasiness in my lege and occasional pales in theloihs. "I was dizzy in 'spells a11(1 short of breath. 11 I ate a hearty meal I would have a pain in my left side. My appetite would sometimes be very geed and sometimes I couldn't eat anything, 1 hod a constant soreness and tenderness over the spine and tired feeling in' the region of my kidneys. suffered quite a little with a dragging heavy feeling across the.. toles. "Dodd's Kidney Pills were mom mended to nee by a rriend who had boon cured, and I began to use them. "Almost from tl:o start I began to feel the wonderful improvement, which continued as the treatment proceeded, till the unpleasant synip toms had one by one entirely disap- peared. "Dodd's Kidney Pills have wmdced a wonderful cure in my case nor; I cannot speak too highly of this great and good remedy." What Dodd's IK'idney Pills bare done for• Mr. Cliartrand they have done for thousands of others, and they'll do the stupe for you li you give them a chance. .There are many railway r, ,n in Canada to -day who Sind Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. indispensable. They aro the railway man's surest 0nd best friend. The constant vibration on trains and engines is very hard on the kid- Heys, and Dodd's Kidney Pills marke. these organ well and able to resist disease. "TWO -WAIS" LATIN. Tho Latin sentence, "Sator arepo tenet opera rotas," which is, it must be admitted, pretty bad Latta, is 0 curiosity, nevertheless. It can be freely translated as "I cease from my work ; the sower will wear away his wheels." its fine oddities are these it spells tho saute badkward as forward. TIie nest letter of each 1Vorcl spells the first word. The same may be said of the second, third, fourth, and fifth let- ters. The last letters read backward spell the first word, the next to the Met the second word, and so on throughout. There are just as many letters in each word as there are words in the sentence. SOMETIiING LIKE A JUMPER. Purchaser—"Can the horse jump?" Iris11 Dealer—"Jump ? 13ednd, if ye was to put hila in a field ye'd 1avo to put 0 roof on et to kapo hire Irl."' Minard's Liniment Is the best, The naval estimates for 1901-2 showed an increase of £2,083,600 000r the year before, Step. the Ceugb nod 10531(0 air tate Cold,, Laxative Brame -quinine Tablets clue s cold ib one d . NO Cure. 0 2 I aY N Poe. Pram 8nt ap 4 Young Jew,olleril-k"Bobby, ono hero end tell a xn0, e a good riffles boy, .11 you Ovee i earl your sister Gwendolin say anything about enc." Bobby—"Yesterday site sat(' to mam- ma that it Would bo a good thing /or you 11 ,you married her, then the wedding ring would cost 'you nothing, and all her friends would buy the preeents.at your shop, and perhaps ,you might sell them after- wards," NOTE CLOSE MESH AT BOTTOM Page Acme P®asitry Notting g is closomeslled at bottom and docs net ret)nlro reit or board stippsrt al edges, having strong otreight wire (No. 12 gunge) at top, bottom and in centro, cermet sea and is oast' to erectTho Page Acme" mating is of mutt nppearane5, very durab10 told elleap, We also make fnree and orhameatol fence, main, nailo rind staples. The mime ofPage lsyour gime-lathe efquality. Tho Peso Wire Feet° Co„ Limited, Wslkervelo, def, tc lif/,�-ui/ r, a � 51011 00.9 ro Can Handle year RUTrER, EGOS, POULTRY (alive or dewed),s 1J13 5, IESI, APPLES, T01411T0ES,'other Fruits, VI"QIITASLES or PROl1UhE tod sedearitage. 1121)ping togs, stn @0otl &dVantary0r is g' stamp, Pads supplied. Corresppndence invited,, , 000eMeee$80e0 0e00e0000®0O® 000•: 0006000 CY OB BeLlliok qq Don't lose time with yourpaint- CY n ng now. Got at it at pace. Afake? o your house look smart and clean, g1gr.'.y no amongst its rrcighbors, Touch it E� a Paint (ice up inside and out with 0 (4e../'narcr. n.r. $ ® X15 L . ' ass s Paints to :. 'Z!i` l c 'r%.rr The best that goes in the w c d 1�1'' f' t _, g ht 0 F a i of paint making, Made just right ea } Se (a 1, G) () ` for good work. Anyone can put a F o [D , 1 � r •4 ,r \ �l ; ,,} �` _' ./' it on, Ready for use, nice cane, s, o o1 A ;,,, „•' f'dia;'.;ray no mess,no loss, Sold ld at yea -0 H fisonalle prices by dealers 1 ]]'rite us and ask for- .ce„„, ® Y '• • e BOOKLET " IS FREE. O o r§ t '-C.j show tag 50121e o lovely ho me s. aQm A. RA9�A� & H€81 seab. 18526® SD i o } - rs > yrir ..v. � :Ew' PeB.dL'�� �i�ai,'� ® "-ihit,...r•�-.l`��Yt�a>t'G• aSfiiVYREAL Eli'.. u�J s tan ®C fa fly ®®O8 a �©'a'SQ�ov�)e�o�..�r.s,,�,��,:. µ a s 0® 0 ®tr® 0• m •a a �; Poor man," said the sympathetic lady visitor, "I expect you'll be glad when your time is up, won't you 9" "No, ma'am, not pruticSerly," re- plied the prisoner ; "I'm lure for life." Messrs. C. C. Richards 31 Co, Dear Sirs,—Wliile in the country last summer I was badly bitten by mosquitoes—so badly that I thought I would bo disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect was more than I expected—a few apelications compietely curing the irritation, pre- venting the bites from becoming sore, M'INARD'S LINIMENT is also a good article to Keep off the mos- quttocs•. Yours truly, W. A. OKE, Harbor Grace, Nfld., Jan. 8, 1898. The fedestal and statue of Liberty given by France to the United States cost 51,000,000. Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury es mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completelyderange the whole system. when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Snell articles should never be used exoept on prescriptions from rope table physicians, es the damage they will do Is ton fold to the good you calve ossibly derive from them. Bal Catarrh dare, manufactured by F.J. CheeeTT se Co.. To- ledo, (i., contains no. mercury, and !e token in. tomally, natal; directly upon the blood and 31(1100110 eerfaces of -rho systoai. In buying IIall'n Catarrh Cure bo sure you got the genu inc. Isis taken in terual'y and made In'Toledo Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Ir Co. Tostimenials free. Sold by Druggists. price Mc pet bottle. Hun's Family Pills are the best. The whale has the thickest skin of any living creature. Its hide in places attains a thickness of fully two feet. Mlsard's 1.1ulme t tar Rheumatism, April is the greatest marrying month of the year ; but the day on which most marriages take place is December 31st. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Bead) Disinfect, ant Soap Powder is better than other soap powders, as it also acts as a disinfectant. From nettle -fibre a thread lits been produced so flue that sixty miles of It weighs 2a/b. oniy. TO (.]TEE 0 001,14 1,3 ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quintile Tablets. All druggists t»£lied the money if it fails to cure. EL W. Grove's signature is on oaoh boa. 2do. The rudder of tho torpodo-ship "Vulcan" is one of tihe largest ever made, Forged in a single piece, its weight is 22 tons. seameeeeveasaeeareasaseeeeeeeaaeaseasesteee 4®6660666®Omee00600elne6 tee 1.LEBBY Luncheons n kayl and eon dal tho moot o ootly n, it Intl 7 Ox Tonyu (nnolo)Veal LOAM �'llco,� 3r k d 13a t Ati I7atun at flavor mobs, Palatable and bbY, Mc7Ve1f1 R 1:fbbY, Chicago S ObD , nYNag Te FAT will be ant bee if you ask ns ..Qes Weald the brodu do keya o1iok enol. Turn ire. We pat them Up in thin Way 4oftod (isml nett ami rent Ra, 0 Dori q !ism, rlskot Beet, no c e, ^. lvhole.ento, Your adopt should hero them, Ll ' "Ilow 50 Slagle le G T 000000040000000400066644 The biggest fire -balloon over madq was by Eugene Godard in 1804, 'Ib would carry a weight equal td forty-five full-grown wren, 9inard's Linimept Cures LaGrtPP e, The United States is the only country inthe world.. possessing three cities of over a million people.. For Orer Sixty Years, AN OLD AND \Var./ i'rrae it3At0Dy. -' 1TM Ninsiow's SoothingSyrup has boon used for over Miry years by millions of mothers for theirohildren rent teething, with. pertooe 00100)a, It soothes: Eno ate softens the gums, allays all pain, oureo wind collo, n10 lathe bast bremedy fgrDisInreve Ie r055 ne to the rape. $old cents druggists an every part of the meld. Twe'10 sure an eentn nr bottle. Ito vow's to thing„ yrup, 90 euro and ask for Arra 1Pinsiow'a SoOthmt_6yrup, :sl Eaaunawldlorltthd. There aro 587 different languages spoken in Europe, but 90 per cent,. speak the seven principal languages. Iinard's Ualmenl ilia pass Hair Raslorer. W P U. 11.4 THE MOST POPULAR DENTIPRIOS.: CALV!RT'S CA B'1L.0 TOOTH© POWDER. Preserves the tooth. Swootunn the breath. Strengthens - the gums. instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE A 1IANa Lowest prices ever quoted, Fine catalogue, `MOO 'austral ions, mailed free. Write us for any, thing in Neste 5r llusteal Instrument.. WHALE'Y ROYCE & CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. and Ninnlpeg, Man ARPET YEING I and (Yenning This is n specialty with the BRITISH AMERICAN !DYEING CO. Sood pardonless by port nud wo aro sure to satisfy. Address 5100158, Mennen!. Dominion Lino' Steam6h106 Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver. Door. Portland to Liverpool. Via queens. town, Largo and Poet stenmehess. Superior neeommodal on for all einem of ppaaeonpois. Saloons and Staterooms are an drhips, Special attention boa been ggivonto 01(1 Seosud Saloon and Third-Olase eeoommatatlon, POI 2,100 ofponsngo and all portioaleel, apply to any agent ottllo Company, or Ittehnrde, Meals a W, D. Torranoo 00o„ 77 ante Sa.Iloaton. hleutreal and Portlapd, W0 NLIMBO sr¢umlrrn' 51,i su'oMarko filnand ro,Wlomer. Stopvtanfrom renting. Nolonlldltterentcr marks , all ai,.j,+vuu biade. natraete 11,,,., foet,moninlatrso, rrloet hnItnea alai 1.,(p1alafit5orkasand hnlnnrh l td yik trier• V,0,Nnyd,'0lferliyn;0anadonno-i7, '01,1850. raltmtn 1101011101, rnlrnotd, ions, u.5. %vomtte'ROTOO.t.t4G,n.AF/11tlG , L.JONES ENS. C9 arts' BAY' STRi4Et--1Ofl)1d6B 'i..;»i.°b3.3.3••A3••ia3•�N':,•i»•i••2.3••H3-�3-di THE CANADA PE}E1RANENT " sr, and WESTERN CANADA °i• MORTCACE CORPORATION :1: Toronto Street, Toronto. INVESTMENTS $23,000,000 •1- Preeldent, 0.111005141 000D511JIAM lab -Vice-President and Ivfa» axing-. • Director, J. Hulflblo T MASON Ind VieaPros'doet W. 11. B$IATTY IS* EIS • in which 2xeoutors anti Trustees aro amlhorized to 150501 Trust. Funds" alid which are alseptcble 50. deposit s. • byCanadtan Government, Are to ISSUED AT 4 PEN CENT. 44-1.44+.1-1461-1-1- . 1y