HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-10, Page 2RE NU KETS
Prices of Grain. Cattle, etc
lu Tracie Centres,
Toeonto, July B. -Wilmot - The
market 3$ quiet, with Ontario
practise eteedy, No•. 2 \visite tima red
lvinter, 76 to 760 middle freights.
No. 2 goose, quoted et 68e meet; No.
2 sPringa 750 on Midland. Mani-
toba No. 1 hard higher at Mee,
geinding in erieneet; and No. 1. North-
ern at 865e grinding M trensit; No,
2 Northern, 85o. No. 1 hard quoted
at 86c Toronto end west; No. 1
Northern at 84ce and No. 2 North -
.t 82ec Toronto clad west.
Onto -- The meeket le quiet send
siecttlY: No. 2 white quoted at 48
to 464e west, ain't 48* to 4.4e east,
and on low freights to New York.
Corn - Market is dull and un-
changed. No. .2 yellow quoted at
00e to 61m west, and No. 2 mixed
at 60 to 6050 weet.
Barley --eTrade quiet, with No. 8
extra, quoted at 5'25c middle
Rye - The market ie steady, with.
No. 2 nominal at 51e outside.
Peas - The maxicet is dull, with
NO. 2 nominal at 76e outside.
Flour - Ninety per cent. Ontario
patent -.sold at 82.021, nridelle
freights, in buyers' sacks. Straight
• rollers, in wood, quoted at e3.25
to $8.35. Manitoba flours are
steady. Hungarian patents, 54.05 to
54,25 delivered on track, Toronto,
bag e included, and strong bakers,
53,80 to 58.95,
Oatmeal - Car lots in bbls., 55
to 55.10 on track, and in sacks at
$4.90 to 55. Broken lots 25e ex-
Millfeed - Bran is dull at $16 to
$16.50 west, and shorts at 510.50
to 520. At Toronto bran is 510,
end shorts 521 in bulk; Manitoba.
bran $20 in packs, and shorts 528
in sacks, Toronto.
Dressed hogs unchanged. Hog
products steady. We quote: -Bacon,
long clear, 111 to 11ec, in ton and
case lots; mess pork, 521.50 to
e22; do., short cut, 528.50 to $24,
'Smoked meats --- Hams, 185 to
14e; breakfast bacon, 15e; rolls, 12
to 12ec; backs, 15c; shoulders, 115e.
Lard - Prices unchanged. We
quote ces, 115c; tubs, 3.1e c;
pails, 1110; compound, Se to 1050.
Butter - The niarket is unchaag-
head. Calves; are steaey at from 52
to 510 each, or from ai• to 5c ter
Ib. There is a detriend for good to
choith veae calves. •
Hoge tdeday are steady end )311.
changed. The top peke oe choice
hose is 57 Per mete light and fat
hop are 56.75 per cwt. Hoge te
fetch the ton price muse be ee prime
ellealitY, and Beale not below 150
nor above 200 pounds.
Following is the meg° oe quota-
Cat tie.
Shippers, per mt... 55.50 56.75
do „4,75 5.50
Butcher, .8110100... 4.75 5.60
Butcher, ordinery to,
good „ 8.75 4.40 teens is given.
Stockers, per cwt.„ „„3.00 MOO 1. All animals imported Into the
Sheep and Laanbs, United Seates from Canada must be
Choice eWere per cwt. 8.60 8.75 aceeimpenied by an allidavit made
Spring laiabs, ..,. 2.00 4.25 by the owner or importer, declaring
tie S, Pe 2,75 3.00'
2.00 2,75
A Suminary Whices, Will Be Poem
of Great Value tp Oor
Cattle Nem •
• Breeches of pure bred stock desir-
ous of sending stock to tbe Unitee
States, frequently write nip for in-
formation in regerd to the regula-
tions goeereing the importation 01
Canadian stock into that couutry.
For the benefit, of Ruch breeders the
following mummery of these regent.
Milkere and Calves.
•Cows, each_ ,,„ ofe0si 48..00
Calves, each,„ 2.00 8.00
Choice hogs, per cwt.-. 6.75 '7,00
Light hogs, per cwt... 6.50 6.75
eelectey hogs, per ent 6.50 6.75
Sows, Per cwt,........ ..... . 8.50 4.00
Stags, per cwt.., .... 0.00 2.00
clearly the purpoee for Which see, c
enthuses are imported, viz.: Whether
for bremling purposes, for milk pro-
duction, for work, for grazing, feed-
ing or slaughter, or whether they
form part oi settleies effects, or whe-
ther they are horses entered fer tem-
porary stay, as provided by the
reguletinne, Said allideeet must be
presented to the Collector of 00115 -
toms at .1110 port of entry, who will
decide whether the animals are 011-
+1 l.,( to entry under these regula-
Montreal, July S. -There were tions, and who will nobly the In -
about 750 heed of butchers' cattle spector of the Bureau of Animal in -
brought to the East -end abattoir for dustry in all cases where the regu-
sale, and about 250 of these were lotions require an inspection to be
sold. There Were no prime made.
beeves on the market, and only a Horses, 2. -Horses for breeding,
few stall -fed animals, and these sold racing, show and sale purPoses, for
at from 5* to. Mee per lb. Pretty grazing or for work must be inspect -
good grassefed beasts were in active ed at the port of entry.
deancoul at prices ranging from 45. to Cattle, 8. -Cattle for breeding
5ec per per lb; coinmon stock were purposes. milk production, grazing
slow of sale, and brawl -it from 8c to or feeding must be inspected and
near 4e per lb, while the canners paid must lie accompanied by certificate
from 25 to 8c for the Mawr cattle. signed by a Canadian official voter -
Calves Were scarce a.nd higher in interim), stating that no contagious
price, Rolling at from 52.50 to 810 disease effecting cattle, excepLieg
each. Mutton critters were scarce tuberculosie and actinomemosis, has
and dearer; shippers paid 35e per existed in the district in which the
for good large sheep ; and. butchers animals have been kept for sex
paid from 85 to 4e per for sup- monehs preceding the date of im-
plies. Lambs sold at from $2.50 to portation. 'The owner must pre -
$4.25 each. Fat bogs sold at from sent an affidavit that said certificate
6* to 65e per lb for good lots, eindles to the animals in question.
weighed off the cars. 4.-A. certificate for cattle over six
months old for breeding purpotes,
and for snitch cows name also show
DYING LIKE SHEEP. that they hae-e. been submitted to
the tuberculin teet and. found free
Dom ..„
I hereby certify that the vsbove is
a correct pedigree of.....„„No.„.„.
That, this anisnal is pure bred end Mee
been duke roves -Weed 01 the
"..........which ie the book of record
controlled by this Assoelation for
tee......... etirced of ... ... . ...
Dated at
elee'y 01
None of the Ocensedian• stele herd or
Book boolcs aro recognized by the
United States Government, and in
,order to Seetire free entry for breed-
ing purposes-, all animals must be
registered in the American books or
in the Phitopean books of record,
Live Stock lionantissieeer.
Appalling- Ravages of Cholera in ft le
from tuberculosis, giving the date
Borneo, o 1105 1,11)53, with
ti hart of reaction
A 'despatch to the London D and a description of the cattle with.
Express from Singapore, capital of
01.3" age and markings.
the Straits Settlement, describes 5. -Any animals may be required
the appalling ravages of cholera to be inspected at the port of en-
conong the native soldiers of Sara.- try. end any animal showing symp-
wok, Island of Borneo, who were tome of tuberculosis may be sub-
jected to the tuberculin test, upon
ekl. We quote: -Choice 1-113. roes, sent against the native head-hunters instruction from the chief of the
16 to l'7c; select dairy tubs, 16c; in the -interior. According to the Bureau of Animal Insimetry,
store packed, sweet, good color, 15 correspondent, 10,000 men were sent Sheep, 6. -All sheep imported into
to 1550; medium, 13 to 140; cream- in 700 long boats up the BatailY the United States for breeding,
the men in the hindmost boats were
or), prints, 19* to 205c; creamery Lacer River. The first night out grazing or feeding must be inspect-
ed and must be accompanied by a
certificate signed by a Canadian offi-
cial veterinarian, stating that no
contagious disease affecting sheep,
has existed in the district in WIdch
the animals have been kept for six
months preceding the date of impel-
tatien. The owner or importer
must present an affidavit that said
certificate refers to the annuals in
Swine. swine imported for
breeding purposes, grazing or feed-
ing shall be accompanied by an offi-
cial veterinary certificate stating
that no contagious disease affecting
Swine has existed in the district 131
WiIiCh the swine have been kept for
six months preceding the date of im-
portation, and Um owner or import-
er must present an affidavit that
said certificate applies to the ani-
mals in question.
Quarantine, 8. -All cattle, sheep
and swine for breeding purposes,
grazing or feeding. When not acCom-
pained by the required affidavits and
certificates, muse be detained in
quarantine for one week at, the ex -
Pease of the owner or importer, un-
der the supervision of the inspector
in charge. Animals found to be free
from 'disease at the end of this time
will be released -
Transportation, e. -All cars used
in the transportation of animals
must be first thoroughly cleaned earl
then disinfecLed by whitewashing
with a. mixtxtre of lime and carbolic
solids, 181 to leie.
1T.Iggs - The market continues attaeked by cholera. The disease
steadY. Selected fresh gathered quickly spread to all the boats. The
stock in goad demand. We quote:- epidemic is ascribed to the troops
Selected fresh stock, 15 to 16e; or- drinking the foul river water, which
ellnary etook, 18e to 3_4c; seocrede is infected with cholera germs. Hun -
and 011001(5, 11 to 12c.
Cheese - Market is steady. Fin-
est, 105 to 105c; seconda, 91 to 3.0c.
Dried apples -There is nothing do-
ing, and prices are nominal.
Hope - Trade cadet, with prices
steady at 18o; yeat ings, c, of the expedition Were dead. The
Honey -Very little doing; comb,
82 to $2.25 per dozen. river batiks are strewn with dead
and dying soldiers. The cholera is
Beans -The market is quiet; ordin-
ary, 90c to $1 per bush.; hand-pick- spreading down the river. The Sin -
ell, 51.25. gapore corresponeent of The Lennon
Hay, baled -The market is sitdet,
Daily Mail sends it siniilar story.
with fair demand; timothy, 510.50
The paper declares that tbe nuraber
for No, 1. of troops must be greatly overesti-
Straw-The market ie quiet. Car mated.
loto on track quoted at $5 to $5.50, Sarawak, which is under the ra-
the latter for No. 1. jahship of Sir Charles Johnson-
Poultry- Offerings are limited. Brooke, an Englishman, has, accord -
We quote: -Turkeys, young, 12 to ing to the Statesman's- Year -book, a
38c per lb.; do., old, 10 to 310; military force of 250 natives under
chickens, 75e to 61 per pair. an English army officer.
Potatoesi-This 020114011 is Brm, -•
with very few offerings.. Cars on
track are quoted at 950 to 51 per PEACE IN PHILIPPINES.
bag, and small lots at 51.15 to -
$1.25, President Roosevelt Declares Its
- Restoration.
UNITED STATES MARKETS. A Washington despatch says: The
BuffaloJuly 8. --Flour
-Firm. President has formatter declared the
, .
dreds of them sum lying dead in their
boats. Many of tbe boats were un-
able to keep pace with the fleet, ow-
ing to their crews being stricken.
and these -were sent adrift. On the
night of the third day there had been
800 deaths, and 50 boats were sent
adrift. Before the commander re-
turned to headquarters, 2,000 limn
restoration of peace in m p
pines archipelago. Pre has placed a,ci'd before the animals are placed
the islands under complete eivil cone therein. Shippers Must see that
trol, and has extended generel ane- this is done before the animals. are
nasty to the Filipinoe, who have located, as unless these regulations
been in rebellion. These three are complied with the care -will not
Wheat-Sprieg, quiet but., firm; No.
3. Northern, car '
loads 80/e; winter
weak; No. 2 red, 82e. Corn--Stest-
ely; No. 2 yellow, 71c; No. 8 dee
701ce No. 2 corn, 700; No. 8 'do.,
69-1e. Oats-leirm; No. 2 white,
58ec• No. 3 do., 571c; No. 2 mix-
things marking one Of the most be admitteC1 to the Milted
Quarter of a Million More Females
Than teen. -A Million
School Children.
Let me take you, in imagiuntion
to a mighty street, down winds
stream the four s.nd a half million
men, women and children who =eke
up the County sei London. There
would still be inlilione left in the
suleuebs, for Greater London has a
population of considerably over six
and a half millions of human beings,
says a writer in Pearson's 'Weekly.
Look at them as tney 001110, Young
and old, sound and halt, three-quar-
ters of them are true Londoners,
bred and born,
But look. Nehat strikes you, nose. ?
The women are in enormous excess.
From a marrying point of view, Lon-
don is not the place for evoinen.
Not only is the number of bachelors
increasing at a rapid rate, but there
are more than a quarter of a mil-
lion rnore females than males. Lon-
don's superfluous females could peo-
ple a town as big as Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, and yet leave enough
over tce fill Chester. Many of these
women will have to migrate to End
husbiends. There is plenty of room
for them in the coloniee.
Look at the school children ; there
are nearly a million of them. And
then the olcl people of over seventy-
five ; see, there is a band of them
far over 50,000 strong, mostly wo-
men. They would 911 Inverness and
Perth, would these old Londoners.
Why, what a healthy place this en-
ormous eity must be, especially for
women. London evomen live sisech
longer than the men. Count hoW
many people there are who have lie -
ed over it hundred long years. There
are two dozen of them, and nineteen
are wemen.
Most of those babies you see are
boys. It is only at ages above five
years that tho
ouri hing Reports From Parts of
the Wheat Belt.
A Winelpeg dose/ate-1i says e-Frem miseioner, are encouraging, with the
nearly every part or the nost opm-
eidetic stetements as to the benefits
end effeete of the existing weather
conditions on the swop prospecte are
pourieg in. Frequent showere and
hot, humid weather may not be all
that is (Wired for piceies and holi-
days, theY snake the farmer
smile, It seeins aS if the grain and
hay would never stop growing. In
many localities the wheat is in the
shot blade, and, if Um hey continues
growing at the present rate, it will
be too thiek on the ground to ewe
without bendlinge
The market gardeeere are Jebilent;
vegetables of all kinds aro growing
at 0, peouomenal rate. The light
snidstunmer frosts haVe done 110 dam-
age, white with the moist, hot
weather one eon almoet see veget-
ables grow. Gardeners aro preparing
for a bumper crop of garden truok.
J., 3, Golderm Provincial Govern-
meirt Agent, reports that the demand
for farm laborers in Manitoba, has
been greater than the supply at the
present time, Golden has 40 appli-
cations Joe belp. from tarn:tees in the.
province that he is tremble to satire-
fy. Already there are indications cif
many more men being required for
the harvest than even last year, as
the crop promises to be larger than
These facts make you anxious to
know how many of these people who
rush by are married. Well more than e
third are married. The widowed
alone nuinber 270,000. Noweyer,
these young men you see are not 50
0.11)(i0115 to get married as were
their fathers ; theer preeer single bliss
as they would term it.
Some of these people who pass by
us have married young enough in all
conscience. Why, ten of those girls
of fifteen are Wires. More remark-
able still there aro two widows of
sixteen ; .one lives 1» Bermondsey,
and the other in `Westminster. Lon-
don has only threceboy-husbands un-
der seventeen.
Who have those fifteen -year-old
wives married ? Well, one has mar-
ried a, boy of twenty ; tee° have mar-
ried men of between twenty-five arid
thirty ; while the other seven are
not living with their husbands.
How do all these people make a
living ? Their businesses an 11 11111-
berless. There are even twenty-eight
feniale blacksmithn
s, of whom eleve
aro single women.
Their occupations are constantly
undergoing a change. The biggest
alteration during the iast ten years'
has been an increase of over 180
per cent. in the nember of female
cheeks ; that is, exactly ten times
as big an increase as be male clerks.
The next biggest increase is in the
ntunber of men employed in the elec-
trical trades, an therearie of nattily
170 per cent. There has also been a
eat, nyo-No, 11029001101211 chapters in Philippine vast increase in the menber of aetors
ed, 55c; No. 8 do., were accomplished through Department of de U. S. direct as
The regulations ot 1. se. rea sy
male and female -mostly male, al -
1, in store, 62c. Canal freights ..-ildee1017.
the issue of tbree separate ordere eonomee ' though there are more females cm the
Milwaiakee, July ee_elergeat dosed i and proclamatione, one by the Pre- Registration, 10. -No animal for stage -
to sident over his own signature ex-- breeding purposes. shall be stdmitted Amongst these people there are
-Lower; No. 1 Northern, 774. Many more artists than literary
tending amnesty; one through Sec- free of duty uniese the importer
73c; No. 2 Northern, 76 to rte; This is especially true with
Root, by the President's or- 1 fernieme a. eertificate of the record l "titers'
September, 745c. Rye -Steady; No. ,retarY
1, 583e. Barley-Stearly; No, 2, 1 der, relieving Gen. Chaffee from his, and pedigree in the form respect to the females, for there are hereafter 666 women jUilinalists while
morn - duties as nelitary f;oveniOr, n
an- ai given. Showing the animal to be 02113'
7 • 0* sample 65 to 71c. 'there are 1,414 unmarried women
exception of teliton.
Lamerton, nT.W.T., reports that
ceeps aeo well adVenced, while there
is an abunclancy of green feed. Rain
,flid nOt ieterfere With farmers get-
ting their crops in, and as there is a
greatly inereased acreage' this year
the output will be large.
liePorte from Bettleford state thet
the trolonged cold, wet spring hes
kept the creme a little backward, but
without any serious damage, Grain
and vegetables are locedng well, and
geed °reps nre useurecl by present
indications. Twice the thermometer
dropped to 85, and once as low as
81. Garden prosiuce was touched
slightly, but no seriouris dainege' ie
reported. '
NoOthern reponts splendid prospects;
all varietiee of produce are looking
Frost Fort Sasketthewcin comes
word that crops will be good from
present indications. The weather
has prodimed it rapid, healthy
growtb, which loolc,s meet morals -
From Sif ton comes a budget of
bad news, and at best only half a
crop Is expected. "Rain has fallen
incessantly, says the crole bulletin ;
"streams are flooded and railway
traille has several times been inter-
fered With. Grain is turning 70110w,
and roots are rotting. This is es-
pecially the case with potatoes.' No
brealcing is being done in the dis-
trict, owing to high water. Hay is
rotting, and a. heavy mortality is
anticipated • among horses and cat-
The outlook is black, and as a
sample of the Weather, the report
says that SnoW 1011 on June 18,
while on Juno 21 a heavy hailstorm
visited the dietrict. The' poor pros-
pecte will go hard with the new set-
tlers, who are kept idle by the y re -
valence of high water.
-Favorable -weather and flourisbing
crops is the opening sentence of the
•bulletin from Lethbridge ; lots of
hay and a bountiful harvest is the
present outlook.
Haying has already begun in some
sections,. and the yield assured 'by
the wet Spring is simpler iminenee.
Hon. T. A, Davidson, Provincial
Treasurer, says that, so far, the
crop outlook in the northwestern
part of the province is satisfactory,
and that, although there hasebeen
great deal of rain, the water has
drained off, as the Gs:sentry is rolling
prairie. Grain WAS not so strong as
it would have been, however, if there
had been more bright, warm eveath-
em The mem would suffer no rhunage
if there was plenty of heat and sues
from now on. •
Latest reports of progress of sea-
son's crops received by J. Obed
Smith, Dominion •Iminigration Co -m-
Seme Tieleful Iints Prom the Ant-
. atheir Sportsman,
The angler of eeperienee does not,
need tie have another henneee into
him the truth that the quieter 110
the 'mere he keeps himself 0011000.10d,
the less coespietious be Makeli hire,
eel!, in shore, the more he win
talc°. truth ime been beet=
into him by coereeless ineidente. of
the etre= and lake. Tee angler of in-
exPerieeee, however, aliveye Mill; to
recognize the impokenee of offacteg
hisneelf and will continue to wonder
year etter yeer why it is that tbe
other feBoW gets the trout or base,
In whippleg a, stream ' foe trout,
going down stream, the inan with
the rod should life Irie ,eet, only wben
lie Is Obliged to, They ebould be
elid along just above the bottom
as noiselesely, surely and eyelet -
let as Possible. The object of
tins in to avoid sending down eased
In solution, or starting malt
stones evhich infallibly notify the
trout below that eon -loth -big un-
friendly' is coming down. It is
well, too, Dn, 1,110 man to fish with
the ears in his front as bis long
shadow on the water will *reeve a
good many moee fish than ie will
allure, In aeproaohing re pool. from
the bank care should be takeu not
to 011021 abOYe it$ rim at all. If the.
angler knows where it is and bow
it is shaped, he should east. at it
before he sees it. Thes pre-kreewl-,
edge of a stream ie worth a good.
In boat fishing* for bass the utmost
quiet should be' observed. .Wneer is
an excellent conductor of eound and
any unusual inotion in the leoat,
communicated to the fluid beneath.
In casting Use elbow should be -
against the side and almost the.
whole of the force imparted to the
bait should 0011110 from the
makers, and cabinetemaleers. The
Germans go in for bakiug, Waiting, NEws ITEms0
tailoring, hair -dressing and office
work. France furnishes most cooks,
and next favors office woric. Italy
ber of waiters, and next to France Telegraphic Briefs From All
in the number of cOoks. It has a Over the Globe.
come& next to Germany in the num-
clear lead in the costermonger busi-
nese, in fact, over a thousand haw-
kers are Italians. It also furnishes CANADA.
the majority of organ grinder& in the The electrical workers' strike at
Metropolis. Hamilton has been declared off, are
thied, which takes the thane of 01311300 bred and that it has been ad-'
neral order, ade
cfrseed to the en-
mitted to
tire army of the United States, in 1 full registry in the Amer -
Man book of record established for ,11TtiStS• llot to mention 264 married.
1 w.el'ohe number of foreign born people
I pass us would ahnost fill Car -
which Secretary Root takes occa-i tbet breed, and that. its ,sire and! ...-, .ng _ „
ain seeitime
Mon to express the President's high I men, send grandsires and granthe
appreciation of the work it has ceee I dams were nil recorded in a, book of i THERE ARE OVER 1(31,000,
complished, both in Cuba and in the record established for the saree.
Philippines. breed. An affidavit by the ownoe, i Tho Russians take the lead with
' ---e, ageht or importer that such animal' 66 110°
111/411.11. Oentans do not appear to be.
, , followed by 27,000 Ger-
September, 621e.
Minneapolis, July 8,-Wlmat, clos-
ed -July, 790; September, 721c to
72em on track, No. 1 hard, Mee;
No. 1. Northern, 70em No, 2 North-
ern, 745e.
'Toronto, July 8. -At the Western
cattle yards toeclay there was a
total of 90 carloads) of live stock,
inelading 1,260 cattle, 2,000 sheep
and lambs, 850 hogs, 170 calves,
and 30 ninth cows. For really good
export and butcher cattle there was
a good inquiry at prices which were
eectrcely quotably changed, but for
anything otber • then the best stuff
trade was easy and prices wealc. The
cattle here were lculgely made ep of
ill conditioned graes-fed etuff, whiles
no one **peered to want,
• Good to allele° expert cattle sold
at from to 6ec per pound, with
ciao as the top figure for the beet
cattle here. 'The beset butcher cattle
were eteady, and sold quiokly at
from is to 5ee. per pound, with a.
little More for selections.. A few
geed mulch COWS are wanted; they
aro fetching from 825 to 550 each.
Choke shipping bulls are Worth
from 6 to 510 per Naiad. 001V14 for
expert realize from 4e to 55c per
pound. Export meee are Worth front
513,65 Lo 58.75 per cwt. Bucks ere
selling at from 21 to 13e per lb. Culls
feteh from 52 to 58 oath, leer lainlee
the peke 52.50 to 54.25 per
MANY RIOTERS SHOT. bitration beieg agreed upon.
Montreal furniture manufacturers
have increased prices 10 per cent.
Laboring Classes of Russia in a
State of Unrest. e In. pursuance of -the Imperial
scheme to re -construct the defences
A. St. Petersburg desPatch Says 3-- at Kingston, contracts have been
The laboring classes throughout Made to remodel the fort command -
Southern Russia are in a state of ing Kingston harbor, Modern gulls
dangerous ferment, especially in thci will be sent from England.
Provinces of Kharkoff, Poltava,
A fifteen menthe' old chilcl of Wm.
Xieff, Saratoff, Itherson, and Eka-
terinoslav, and in Northern Cau- leciek, cif Hamilton, got the rope of
maim The worst riots are reported a 82011153 UMler its neck end
strangled to death. was
at Restof, on the eliver Don, in the
Province of Likaterinosiev. A crowd Daevson City has decided to ap-
of workmen invaded the factoriee pctint civic police, and Major Wood
end smashed the machinery. The has been requested to withdraw the
Peasants in the saute province have mounted police ale Cie end of the
wrecked the domains of the landed month.
proprietors. Riots nave oeelirred in • The Board of Works Committee of
both towns and country. The trots- the Hamilton Council has refused
bles aro led by strangers, who say the petition of Hamilton civic la -
they are emissaries of the Czar, and borers for 20 cents an hour, an in -
that tbe machinery and implements crease of two cents.
are employed only to diminish the
The man who themes Ills hand out
far and high with the rod, much as
lierad00 two 10000
et pal aybaillg da'cittesIniQtort$111t baansde.
to beat a miner out by a foot, will
be seen by base fifty yards away and
they will have none of him. Simi-
larly they will have 110110 01 the chap
who always strikes his rod handle.
against the boales side, or sings,
or swears, or steams on tho bottom,
or runs the tip of the rod through
the water. A • dark line is better
than a light one in most waters, the-.
object of all angling being to per-
suade the fish that the tbing it sees
is good to eat and has no string tied:
to it. A dark rod is better 'than a
light colored rod.
There is one bait rod now on the
market natio of vickelled metal,
handsome, theiable, springy and at-
tractive, but in the sunlight it
flashes like a. sword and the gleara
of it morose a Joke is visible halt ce •
mile away. It stands to reason
that so far as noeifying the bass ie
concerned the man evould as well
take a hand mirror and flash its re-
flection up and down and seeress the
water. The bass unceele to see a
nickelled rod above a sunlighted lake
would ha.ve its eyes located in its
Not any of the wood rods have.
this defect, but a lot of anglers fool-
ishly weight them with metal trim -
slings which have as bad an effect.
The nearer the joints of 0. rod and
the reel itself come to dullness the
more killing that rod will be. For
this reason the hard rubber reel is
to be commended above the nickel- -
ed, and it will not rust, though it
Is not so strong. In the time to
come rods and reels will be made of,
or covered. with, some sort of eorap0-
sition which has no Power of relic --
Thousands of hsh are lost every
year because of shining apparatus.
Men go upon the lakes day after
day and catch nothing, or, at Mast,
only a miserable two or three,
though they fish hard and use all
appro;ved forms of baits. If ono of
them should try keeping 'quiet and
using a, dull colored outfit he would
find his score much beetered.
War Office to Be Asked to Chaiige
Al, Ottawa. dee-match says: The
Government will call the attention
of the home authorities of the Ad-
miralty to the importance of mak-
ing a change in tbe specifications for
the supply of flour to the vessele of
the North American Squadron. At
present the product of arse of the
Minneapolis mills, made the sten&
are, although it is recognieed that
Cana.etien flour is the best in the
world. Seemingly the Wer Office
people bave yet to learn thio le.95011.
13 Killed and 1,5 Hurt on Indian
o ad .
A Bombay clespa.tch says f -A train
on the lea.9t, Inditos Railroad, near
Itarapurha, was blown doWn an em-
bankment by cyclone on Weclemee
day, Thirteen pernone were 11111013,
and fiftece were injured.
raimber of workmen, and ruin the
r ooze which bas deoPlY distressed the
The Old bed of Last Chance Creek,
sovereign. The authorities had to which produced 515,000,000 in gold,
cell out the troops. Order was only
lia.s been discovered while sinking a
restored after the rioters were fired
well at Helena, Mont.
upon, many of them being killed or
wounded. Restot is the chief centre lereenhers of Irish secieties in Chi -
of inland trade in Southeastern MS. cage denounced the "unholy war"
sia. Tim provinces affected_ cover an .waged by England against the Boers
area larger than France. , and 'pledged support to John lied -
65,000 IMMIGRANTS. mond and his allies.
Innen a fight at Knoxville,
Tenn., g between returned soldier
an8 his friends, who quarrelled with
Increase of 15,000 Settlers Over
previous year, 'traducers. of the American army,
four xnen 10010 fatally injured.
An Otta.wa, despatch says: The ime
Train eobbers blew up a section of
migration returns received at the Tn- ortbern Pacific road forty =Bee
terior Department for the fiscal year the 14
ending the ;30th of 311110 show an in- east of Duluth, with the object of
Ringling Bros.' show and
crease of 15,490 arrivals of settlere Sel)Pin
holding em the cash box, but se
in Canada over the previous yew",
the increase being as follows: Year woodsman gave 11110 1010102,
ending 30113 :lune 1901 -British,
11,810; Continent' of Europe, 19,-
852; United States, 17,987; total, faSrlinruompehloiirre2'823loosniseescrisa tutil3de 1)1vicairl. so
49,149. Year ending 801:11 June,
1902-13ritish, 17,000; Continent of Four blaet furnaces are to be 00 -
Bumps, 23,585; United States, 24,- ected in Cardiff, Wales, and four in
d d lesbo tough, by a. Philadelphia
099; total, 64,684.
The Customs returns yet to be re- firm.
Now ,,equiprnents necermary to
calved may show the immigration
from the United States to preentb- bring London's fire twinge tip to
en efficient. standard include engiries
of greeter poWer.
Glasgow corporation has negatived
a proposal that blind persons; shouel
be allowed to travel free men the
local municipal treanwey smitene
Lord Roberts hee age,01 appealed
to the public to refrain from treat,
ing the 1.0111111511f1 1401(1111111, (5) Uwe
the "well-eleserved welconie suf.
be the means of melyttie the Mir
:ejoalo 18 (2(4 3 "17e4flittilc( tit 11131 111'114:111t:Alt.11.14:1.:11"."I'q't (lf
Whose 11111,3111011S 1'111/14 141,1(005 1 11111 VS
1311.°11:1:11.:111Wwil ;11/ 071C))01°01.7.:filti0tc11,455:11iStivS13 t(Liarf(al,r0tchetcrlitii, rilijs Ifittartr6sis'nviii,1714:21 ;I/ f•ir,,filasfr4: 21411.11:51,11:;v1714e:1111,1:1°51•1
is the identical sunned described n ;particularly fond of London, as ly exceed the above by ft, few len-
there are not many more of them deeds, so that the total inimigra.-
the said ctertificate of record and i
pedigree, must. be preeented. than there were ten years ago, and tion for. the year Will be fully 65,-
Unlesei the certificate of record and the mune observation applies to the 000 people.
pedigree is produregi the nnimal 'French. The contrary is true of the .1
shall be coneideree dutiable. In 0a.5° It 1. IS 18110 lave more than (Mitte-
'ma reelineate is net at' hancl et ed, and the R05510115, who have far -
the lime of the arrival of the ati-,nsore than trebled. Stepney is the Areane.emee.te Being lead, to sena
mats, duties shrill be eetimatee ' groat foreign calmly ; in fact, a e '-' mem Back,
thereon arid deposited, and the sod- fifth of .ite inhabitants are foreign -
mats delivered 1,0 the importer, ere, A de:match from The Hague gays .
who may within teal dnys file a We shall. not ,see anything like the -The vereign MillieLer has 011rwanee
lector to produce the requisite cer- that, we should have dove a decade iendt4 Great Jeri tie n 'es proposals) regime -
the repatrintion of prisoners)
written reticulation with the col'- same number of Asiatice or Africans
tificate within six months from the ago. There arc only twenty-three• ieeleel bY thein ill Seeth Mrlea- The
date of entry; whereupon final 10110.- cameso women fn an ',melon, end first to be sent bark will be the
dation of the entry will be sets/waled when we have counted every fremign-
entil the production of the cerlifi- er frorti the Yost the total will be
erste or the expiration of the trlIC eee. A .at4
erc aro far rarer in Lone
months Upon the prodection Of don titan 111.0011 people imagine.
the certificate in ' dee tom within The favorite distriet for Mourn:nos
six months from the date of 0111131 35 Westminsiter. By far the smellier
the 'amount depoeited shall ho re- portion are people Without occupst-
funded, tion, though the chief occupation Is
Form of record unit pedigree to be that of play-aretieg: There are 108
used ter imported nninials: male, and 108 female safirs, 101110
Pedigree ef ... Sire .. ,..,,,Sire there sire also seventy 41/11.111 411111 /lg.
teen female journaliele.
• 1)20111..,,,, What do all these foreignere do ?
Ne. me. Well, most of the Itusslitim are Util-
e .... •Sire ee ore, though a goodly few arm hoot- . , ,
Iloer cresonerse and then the • 0/1, fets
prisomme, ire:Manse tee men -there' of
the Dutch amleibusce, will les eerie
to their own coureeiere. None of the
foreign prisemers will be permitted to
eetern to Mouth Afriess„
-4- ---
The lanters', As:Iodation or.
es Cuba
hPetitioned Preeident Pa, almto
negotiate a totalnercial treaty with
Croat Britain tee Continue till Sep-
- 1D138
1,111/1 73,011Nill131 ittuniss.,
Bad Teeth and Dyspepsia. Are Al-
most Unknown.
• Defenders of the Scoetish notional
fare of oatmeal, scones and haggis
have been few. To the ordinary
bill of fare nearly every na,tion save
the Scotch has'coutributed some-
thing, but Scotch dishes, except at
distinctly Caledonian functions, are
generally eschewed. e.
A Scotch physician has, howeyer,
comp forwaed recently with- argu-
ments in favor of Scottish cooking.
11e says, for instance, that dyseiep-
sia and dentists ere praetically un-
known in Scolland outside of the -
large (Meese 1 11 5.0,1.11011 the national
cooking of Scotland is discarded for
foreign dishee and foreign ways.
lt is a fact that thougli
guished 311 Um field of, medicine, the
Seotch dentists are littM known,
and while the details of cases of
dyspepSitt axe less eas•ily procurable,
It is certainly not a Datil:Mae all -
5112011113)1)28 111 91TeshotoSdeopatas-h
010 )l1,l'1lat3tY 102'try, cote la the highlands they are
Will Se Mettheetined For Reet of
, London Season.
lonidon • despatch seys :-Are
ritegemenis are being made to keep
the Catiadian arch inta'et for tbe
rest of the Loudon seseson, as it hi
a splendid advertisealent.
much out of deors-two eeasens
which migh1 be taken to accoent
tor the absence of dyspepsia, apiert
frosts the evholefionimiese of their
The Scotch sire herdy race, and
fit miss pestle -Mar at beast they have
been nide in recent, yeere to bnpress
their 21e208 upon the Peelfie of oth-
er eorshirles, nionely, in the more
pieenniel tese of cereals. The 909(2-
1(11') Ly of cereal foods has meetly M-
em:toed its the United States in the
junt Lea years, and if the advocales.
of Scotch eooking, or rather of
fecoLch fare, tweet been unable to
get recognition foe their views at
the dinner table, tliey heed bowl
mom forte/tato, at the beettithese
After a tWo metre' test of 0 motor
ter use In Austria, it 3711.0
found that the Raving thin one 11133-
th10e ilad effected over the horses
used eleeedaire for eimiltee Work Was