HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1902-7-10, Page 1Vol. 80, No. 62 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1902, New Advertisements.. Whip IOet—Tim POST. Local—H, R, Brewer, heat, Witte & Iron—Jan. Fox, Horse etrayod—Henry Fogel. Perm for gale—Richard Roe. The New Stere—Grover & Co. Notioe of transfer—Jon. Quorrin. A growing time—lfloHinnon & Ca. Notice to Creditors—Margaret E. Mit- obeli, 3J1)zs e): 13e1; rave. Belgrave and MoKibbon- Orange Lodges wilt be divided on the 12th some going to Goderioh and others to Brueeele. Next Sunday Rev. G. McQuillan will preemie hie farswell eermoue as incumbent of Blyth and Belgrave Episcopalian elm whim. A Garden Patty will be held on the lawn of John Scandrett, o0 Thureday, July 24, under the auepiaee of Trinity ohuroh in thio place. Musical and liter. ary program will be provided. There was a large representation last Sunday afternoon at the Hermon preached to the Orangemen hero, brethren. being present from Blytb, Brunets and Wing - ham as well as the lapel lodge. Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham, preaohed a good sermon. Jaineteto van Wm. and Mrs. Hogg, of Grey, spent Sunday at George 0001D s, ' A young 000ple from the 12th cancee- eion of Grey Snndayed with Lewin Eokmier. Mr. and Mre. Hall and Miss Lizzie, of Ethel, spent Sunday with George Eokmier and family. Mrs, A. D. McOoeh end son, of Pine River, are visiting the lformer'e pareute, John end lore. Btrasban, Mre. John Doig in ill at her home .in Pordwich. Her mother, Mr. James Turnbull, is nursing her. • Rev. R. Paul, of Brueeele, oonduoted the service in Victoria Hall ou Sunday evening. There was a large audience. R Pearson, of Grey, will preaoh next Sabbath evening, Toeeday evening Ed. Bryant, of Tor- onto, won a 3 mile bioyole race from D. Realm, of Wroxeter, on the track in that village. The positions were reversed on Dominion Day on the ensue track. Anniversary of Victoria Hall will take place July 24th on the lawn of George Eokmier. Prof. Cline, of Wingham, and others whom he is to bring with him will furnish the vueel and'iaetrnmental music. Sapper will be served and re. froshmente mob as fee cream, bananas, oranges and eta. may be had. Every- body oome and eujoy a good time. Do not forget the date Thursday July 24th. Wroxeater. See Wroxeter newo on page 5. W. 0. Hazlewood visited in Clifford on Friday, Mise Carrie Lawrie visited friends near Gerrie over Sunday. Miee M. Forsythe, of Blytb, is visiting friends in the village. W. Miller and A. McLennan ware in' Seaforth on Saturday, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson is the guest of relatives in Markbam. Mies Maggie Rubertaon spent several daysof last week in Bluevale. • Geo. Dane and family, of Hamilton, are goeete of Ere. W. Sanderson. Sluff Robinson le in Harrieton this week, writing on an examination. Joe. and Robt. Barnard returned from n wheeling trip to London last week. By order of the Domicil a new oeneaa of the village will he taken on Monday. Rutherford & Munroe, -received their firet carload of Hanover cement on Satur- day, Mre. Robs. Blank is still on the sick list, Buffering from an attack of bron- chitis. Mrs. Jaokeon, of Toronto, is spending a few -weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. Paulin. Bidawalke on Main street have been mnoh improved during the past week, J. Patterson and D. Mylee doing the work. Juo, Hamilton [skipped a carload of (tattle from this eletioto on Monday for the Old Oonntry, Rev, R. S. Ca. Anderson exchanged pal pita with the Rev. J. Malcolm, of Teeea water, en Sunday. , Jno. Snell and Mre, T. F. Miller left for Goderiab on Saturday where they will vieit relatives for dome time. Go, Oonnuillor Robt. Miller earl Thee, Gilman attended the re union of the Huron Old Boys, in Seaforth on Satur- day. H. R. Brewer, photographer of Brue- eele, has opened a breach gallery in Mre. Wallter'e rooms an& will be in the village every Wednesday. The barn on the farm owned by Mre. A. Morrow, near the village, and encu. pied by Frank Smith, wag ieetroyed by fire about two o'clock Sunday morning. Building and ',outwits are iuenred in the Howiok Mutual, The cause of fire is unknown. A splendid three mile Bioyole race look place on Toeeday evening on the Wroxeter track for a puree of $50 and gate receipts equally divided. The riders were Dan. Kaake, of Wroxeter, and E, Bryant, of Jamestown. For the first 2a miles the 'adore took turn in pacing, but the last half mile was for blood E. Bryans winning by about three lengths of a wheel A foot ball game between the Howiok Rangers and the Wroxeter team was played resulting in a eaore of 7 to 1 in favor of the home team. The bioyole race took plane at halt time of the foot ball game.. There were about 250 spectators. ICtltet. Drops are looking tiptop. A ahange in bueineoe is hinted. Miee R. Bpenee and Willie epont Sun• day with friends in Belgrave. Mies Ella Lamont ie borne from Hills burg, for her vacation. She is a Beacom. fol teacher. Last Babbath evening Robt. Peareon 000npied the Methodiet Chnroh pulpit, He ie a good mealier. A good time was enjoyed at the Pree bytorian pio-nio on Doniioion Day. It was not ounfined to the Presbyterians by any means. The Orangemen of this nation will go to Braesele on the 12th. A. special train ie announced . to leave Ethel at 8 a. no. returning in the evening. Last Monday Robert Pearson wee away to Berlin with Brueeele Foot ball team in their League contest with Listowel. Tho latter won. Is it lawful to have a keg of beer on tap in commotion with statute labor perform. anoe ?- Ie this the beet way of oondnot• fog a temperance campaign, eepeaially for the youth ? The License Inspector has hie eye an this oorner of the universe and it ie re. ported the violation of law will have to abate or Ethel Hotel may suddenly be without lioenee. There is room for the establishment of a firet•olaee organization to instruct some people in publio morale. This ie a0brie. flan land and Bible ways of living are supposed to be in vogue. Rev. Dr, Moffatt, the General Agent for the Upper Canada Tract Booiety, addressed the Presbyterian congregation last Sabbath afternoon on the benefice scorning from the Tract Society, Rev. Mr. Walla, the new Methodiet minister, was unable to get here from Lyons for last Sabbath. He will ea oially begin' his pastoral duties next Sunday. We wish bim a prosperous term on Ethel oirouit, whiob now ioalndea two appointments besides Ethel, viz :— Roe's and Union. SONS of TEM CABANCE.—The following ere the oflioere of the Ethel Sone of Tem peranoe for the current quarter :—W. P., J. 0. Lamont ; W. A., Miee R. Spence ; F. 8., Walter Mason : Treat., 8. Oham- bere ; R. 8,, Mise Jessie Clore ; A. R. B., Miee Weenie Weleb ; Oondt., George Dobson ; Asst. Condt., Miee Edna Ray- nord; Chap., Robt. McKay ; I. S., Miss Edith Milne ; 0. 8., Fred. Mason ; or• ganie.t, Miee Laura Spenoe. AoamENT.—The following is taken from the Meths Enterprise and relates to a young man well known in thie locality ; —Melita, Manitoba, Jane 27.—David Lamont met with a very painful accident while at work in hie shop one day lest week. He was in the Sot of nutting off with a ohisel the head of a rivet on a Watches T. PLETCHER'S JEWELLERY STORE. ARE YOU GOING TO BUY A WATCH ? If so call and see our beautiful assortment of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and Boys' Watches, with Elgin, Waltham Duber-Hampden and other movements. Our stock is very heavy and having bought for cash our customers will get the benefit. Watches to please everybody and prices are right. RINGS, SILVERWARE, ETC. Our store is full of first-class goods such as Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings, Ladies' Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Broaches, Silverware, Clocks, Fancy China, Souvenir Goods, Etc. OPTICAL Is well looked after byMrs. Fletcher and Son, the DEPARTMENT latter having taken couxse Chicago. Our Speoialfiee are Watohee and Binge. All work promptly repaired and satisfaotion guaranteed. FLETCHER, WELLRR, Iseaer of lllarria'e Liaeneoe. T. i LLT H�i� c 9 G adding Ringeand Marriage Lioende's sold privately, y` mower knife when the piece glanced and etraak him in the eye, Inflicting an ugly wound, Mr. Lamont went to Winnipeg and word received from him last evening states that the (looters hold out hope of saving the eight ot both eyea. Carta, at et t• oat la. Mies Winnie Turnbull, of Brueeele, is visiting Mrs, Class. Marr. llliee Halliday visited her friend Miee Ella MoLaehlan,tbls week. Tom Magee watt at Berlin on Monday with Brueeele foot boll club, Dr, Tarnbull, a well known Goderiph pbyeioiaeo, wee a caller here dnriug the past week. J, Cowan and bride, of Pauline, Iowa, were guests at the home of Mre. Calder, "Riverside", during the past week. Last Babbath morning Rev. Dr. Mof- fat, the Tract Sooiety Agent, addressed the cangregatign ih Knox Churoh here on the work of that Society. A number of Crenbrdok Methodists attended a reception at Brueeele on Wednesday evening tendered to Rev. and Mrs. Coons in the Methodiet obnroh, Rev. T. W. Como made a favorable impression on the occasion of his firet visit to Oranbrook Methodiet Church lest Sabbath afternoon. He will preach again next Sunday at 2 30 o'clock. Wact art so. Miss Maud Sholdice is visiting friends in Luean. A. Dayton, of Buffalo, ie visiting triende in town. Mr. and Mre. Cooper are visiting at Dr. Armstrong's. Walton Orangemen will celebrate the glorious twelfth in Goderioh. Walton Football o)ubhereby lenders its beartfelt sympathy to the Brussels breth- ren. Mr. Shore, of Wingham, took the eer vioe in St. George's Chhreh last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Oareoallen pr. ached hie initial sermon very aooeptabiy to the Walton Methodiet congregation last Sab- bath. F. C. Neal spent a few days at home this week, after a eococeefal year at Tor- onto Medical College, Frank is looking well, 31 orrua. R. Young, 6th line, hada logging bee on Saturday of last week. A few have made a start at the hay and bad weather for haying too. A heavy rain storm passed over thio locality on Monday of thio week. Mre. Laweon and grandson, of Detroit, are guests of the Laidlaw families, 8th lino. Mies Lizzie MoCutcbeon, of McKillop, has been visiting Mrs. D. Walker, 6th line. Mies Mary Fear has bean laid op with the measles but we hope rhe will Boon be all right. Mre. Kernaghao and Miee Mary, of Stratford, are renewing old aogpaintanoee in this locality. Mies Reboeoa Jackson is here from Mimioo, Ont„ where she has a poeition in the Boys Industrialsabool. Brussels will be the centre of attraction on Saturday in connection with the celebration of the Glorious 12th. Mira Rebeoaa Sherrie, 4th line, who bae not been enjoying very robust health, is improving and we hope the progress may continue. Gordon and Lizzie Murchison, of Ripley, have been spending a portion of their holidays with the Sherrie family, 4th line, of Morrie. On the farm of Neil McDonald, 9th line, timothy heads were pulled from a Joey Hold last week that measured a full 9 inches in length. In Rev. Jno. Holmes' inaugural eermon last Sabbath afternoon in the Jackson Church he preached an able sermon from "The loot piece of silver." Anew cement wall has been built under Jno. Wallace's baro, 8th line. W. Mareball has raised his house and put clement foundation under it. Rev. J. E. Hunter is home on a holt. day visit. He completed hie term on the Westminster circuit and will go to Vio- toria College, Toronto, next Fall. • Friday of this week Samuel Berke pulled a handful of flax from hie field, 5th line, that measured 4 feet end 3 Maas, and still growing at a lively rate. A wood bee was held on the farm of Samuel Berko, 5th line, on Thureday afternoon of last week. About 40 cords were out with the sawing outfit of Pease & Oole. Miee Nettie Kellington, 4th line, who has been on the siok lieb for several months, ie still in a delicate etate of health but we hope for her early eonval- esoence. Among those who talk of going West neat week on a trip are Mies May Tay. lor, Fred. Anderson, W. H. Shortreed and Mre. Laidlaw. We wish them a good time. David Oruikehanke, of Toronto, wee a visitor at Henry Bone's, 3rd line, for a few days. He name up on the Huron Old Boys' excursion to Seaforth, Mr. Bone ie his brother.in-law. Improvements are still to the front In Morrie. William Taylor inlende raising his reeidenoe a foot higher on the found- ation, will then veneer the building with orment and will pat on a cottage roof, thereby enlarging and much improving .the hOme. A Garden Party will be held on the Mapes grounds, Belgrave, on Thursday evening, July 17th. This will be tbo beet of the reason. Luoknow Base Band will fnrniah the mueio, Everybody welcome : don't forget the data : a good time aeeared to all, GARDEN PARTY.—Avery itis.,., time was spent Thursday evening 'at'last week at the residenoe of John Pinkett, 5th line, in oonneation with the Garden Party. Good mesio wae rendered by the Blyth Quartette, Wtdtfield choir and local muaioiane. Reeitatione were ` well presented by Misers Maggie Bielby, Nora Maunders and othere. The financial prooeede tooted up to over $50 whiob was very good. begin his work, Taeaday morning Milton Sharp, Olt line, shot a Ane epeeimep of a blue crane at the creek that cameo their farm, It meaanred 5 ft, 10 ioohee from tip to Sp and 5 feet from toe to end of beak. Mr. Sharp intends tg have it proeerved. Last week F. S. Booth Bold the 100 aore farm of Stallard Cardiff, Nettle a Lot 17, con. 5, to Francis Kerney, of Wingham, for the sum of $5,000. Mr. Cardiff takes off the atop before giving possession. He may take a proepeoting trip to the Weet. The purobaeer was a former reeident of the same line on which hie brothers and mother live. We wish him stomas. This week R. Leatberdale, of Brus- sels, disposed of a fine Heintzman piano to Co. Councillor Bowmen. Thie gentle- man and hie daughtera ere not only great lovers of the musical art but are able to perform on the violin and piano with commendable shill and the young ladies oan sustain tbemaelveo in good etyle in vocal nombere. Grey, Alt. Cook le book from London. Last Sunday Miss Bell and Eli Smith attended the funeral of the late Mine Sara Oode, at Trowbridge. In the abeeuoe of the pastor Robt. Pearson 000npied Roe'e 'church pulpit last Sabbath morning. Brnaeele will be the centre of attraction on Saturday of this week in oonneotion with the Orauge•oelebration. Jno. Savage and wife, of Brnoe Co., were renewing old friendehips in We township during the past week. Some of the June froete damaged the hay and Spring orope on low lying land in some nations of the townehip. A bee was held one day last week and the brick for Wm Ziegier'e now hoagie, 13th son., healed home from Henfryn. Mre. Hugh Stewart, 16th Sou., purpoeee taking e. holiday trip to Manitoba and the Northweet to visit relativae and Mende. A handful of barley was pulled lest week from a field on J. A. Frain'e farm, 3rd non., that measured 5 feet 1. inch in length. Time. Davidson, llth son., made the purchase of eeveral thorn' bred Durham cows at a stock Bale in Middlesex Co. recently. They are nine ones. W. G. Bell and Miee Lizzie 0. Foga! were married at Brueeele, on Toeeday tnorning of thio week. Rev. Richard Paul tied the matrimonial knot. At a school meeting held in 8. 8. No. 6 Angus Lamont was elected Trustee se successor to Jno. B. Smith, removed to Gmiph, Mr Lamont ehould •fill the bill. This is catchy weather for haymaking. Some of oar farmers are stili delaying, waiting for a spell of dry weather. Can't ray when that will be, Mr. Editor. Can you ? 8. B. Lamont took in the Huron Old Boys' oelebrotion in Seaforth last Satur- day and extended his trip to Hansa where he spent a few days. He made the trip on hie bioyole. Last week Wm. Hogg, 4th con., arriv• ed home !roma Washington Territory, U. S. where he hat been employed for a number of yesre. He looks as if the country agreed with him. CARD OF THANKS.—We desire to thank the friends end neighbors for their kind. news and sympathy in the recent Meese end enbsequent death of our huebaod and father. Mno. R. RonuaTsoN AND FAMILY. July 15,1902. Thursday of last week Peter J. Bishop and hie father, John Bishop, built a stable for Al. Fraser, on the old Jae. Bieber:, homestead, not of timber taken from the old barn built by John Bishop some 45 years ago. This was one of the oldest frame barna in the township of Grey. Mr, Bishop, though nearing the three eaore years and tea is still hale and hearty and able to du a good day's work. MATRIMONIAL.—On Wednesday, June 25th, Rev. D. B. Molter, of Oranbrook, spoke the magio words at the home of the bride's father, 17th non., which made Wm. J. Shiele and Miee Mary E. Meehan, both estimable young people of this town- ship, husband and wife. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. Many wedding presents were presented to the bride and a wedding spread provided that was gotten up in first -Wage style, The young couple commenoe married -life with rosy prospeote and we wish them 80Weee. Bluevale. William Sanderson, of Toronto, le visiting triende here. Mies Maggie Robertson, of Wroxeter, ie visiting relatives here, hire. and Miee McLeod, of London, are visiting Mre. Rolph. Mine Maggie Dimeot, of Toronto le visiting her parents here. Misses MaoKenzie, of Lueknow, were visiting Mre. Robert Maliough. Albert Denman, of Mount Forest, is spending hie holidays at his home here. Frank. Higgins, of Wiartan, is spending a few days under tbe parental root. Mre. George Haney and two obildren were visiting relatives at Seaforth last week. Daniel McDonald, of Palmerston, visited his uncle, George McDonald, over Sunday. Will. Stewart wife and daughter, of Mitobell are spending their vacation with Mende here, Mr. Davies, lumber inepeotor for the Kneohtel Manufacturing Go., wae in Blneeale on Tueaday, Joseph Warder was palled away last week to attend the tnaeral of hie brother, John Warder, of Lindeny. Mre. JohnMelntoeh and children of Molesworth visited her parents Thos. and Mre, Oonitee this week, Mre. (Rev.) Rogers, Miee Lily and Fred, of Fordwieh are renewing old aognoiotaooes in Bluevale this week. The, ladies of the Methodiet ohneoh ale planning for a garden party to be held at Robert Mnegrove'e July 18th. Mrs, John Fawcett and baby who have been visiting et Owen Sound, for same time past, ratnrned home leer Monday. Bi Meatier Bemired exander M es has nr ag nod' position with the Sawyer•lldaosey Co., of Hamilton, and will leave shortly to W. H.,KERR, Prop. arammitomminamaam • Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Brueeele Coon, oil was held oa Toeeday evepiog. Reeve Roes and Oounoillpre Donaldson, Wilton and Henderson precept, Miontee of last meeting read and passed. The foil owing a000ante were preeeuted ;-- W. —W. Denbow, et, improvements..$ 7 43 F. 8. S, ,,,,..,.,.,,., 40 00+ Jno.. Wynnoolt, worksalaryop flag 0 00 G, T. R , weigh scales 50 Robs, Denbow, et. improvements and gravel 07 80 A. McLauehlin, eatery 25 00 Herald, on printing 7 25 G, F. Blair, legal 18 37 Ant. MsNanghton, work at Hall12 00 Jno, Pagb, work at Town Hall 11 07 R. Henderson, et. improvements 1 75 Electric Light 101 25 Moved by B, Wilton, seconded by R. Henderson that above amounts be paid except A. MoNanghton'e and that it lay over for particulars. Carried. Council then adjourned. Jottings from Aberfeldy, Scotland. DEAR MIs. EDITOR,—AR I promised to write to quite a few I thought I would Bend you a few linea rind if you will spare me a small space in your paper it will do for them all. To begin I am goiug to give you an outline of whet I have seen in this part of the world so "Come, let us spend the lightsome days in the Birks of Aberfeldy." Lovers of Highland scenery when visiting the fairest portion of the Northern Kingdom, as Scott calls Perth- shire' should not fail to see the pretty little town of Aberfeldy. Those who have not visited this spot have yet to Bee some of Nature's fineet work. To reaoh it we weave the Highland train at Ballinling Junction and take the small branoh line which rune along the banks of the Tay. On the rising elopes, snugly nestling among the trees, may be seen the man- sion houses of the different proprietors of the Strath Tay.. An hour's run brings us to our destination. Aberfeldy is a clean, inviting, country town, with a population of about 1500. It is charm- ingly situated in the Highland of Perth- shire, 400 feet above tea level, and pos. sasses many attractions alike for those in pursuit of health or pleasure. It is an excellent centre for cycling too -fists ae good roads run from it in almost every conceivable direction, including such opposite pointe of interest ae Pitloohry, Dunkeld, Orieff, Killine, Glenlyon, Ran- neoh and Foss and forming numerous delightful circular tours. The soil ie generally of a porous, gravelly nature which along with the dryness of the atmosphere explaine what is a matter of common remark that 24 hours after the heaviest rainfall the roads are almost ae dry as if there had been none. The climate is very healthy and markedly beneficial in many forme of disease. In the neighborhood of the exteueive pine woods which clothe the hillsides, the sleep -giving, soothing fragrance of the resinous pine, cleanest, sweetest and most healing of all scents, fills the air yielding to it its purifying and curative virtues. It is a well known Fant that pine forests, especially in sunshine after rain, render the atmosphere more agree- able and fragrant, hence the benefit derived to lungs and throat. The slim• ate is further attested by the remarkable longevity of the district -80 years is quite a common age while 11 is not unusual to find men and women hale and hearty in their nineties. There died a few years ago at the village of Duntaylor (I knew him well at one time) a man by the name of Peter Fegan, at the extraordinary age of 107. The familiar figure of Peter with his pack was seen moving about till almost the last. There are several min- eral springs in the locality, chiefly chaly- beate ; one of considerable merit near Monees was formerly condnoted by a pipe to the rustic bridge at the entrance to the fall, but unfortunately, presumably through neglect, the water was allowed to change its course and be 'oat. Aber- feldy has ample letting accommodation from the handsome villa to the comfort- able room with attendance. There are first -clave shops of every description where all the luxuries se well ae the nebeseariee_of life are supplied. The fine new laundry, built on Home street, and fitted up with every modern appliance, meets a long felt want. The sanitary condition of the town is excellent. There are four churches, Established, U. P., Congregational and Roman Catholic ; and three bank agencies, Bank of Scot- land, Union and Commeroial Banks of Scotland. Of the five hotels three are licensed and two are temperance. The licensed ones are the "Breadalbane Arms," situated about the centre of the town, the "Station" hotel and "Palace" hotel, the former about three minutes and both the latter one minute walk from the railway station. The "Crown" tom. peranoe 10 in Bank street and Reid'e temperance in Dunkeld street opposite the post -office. At either visitors will find every comfort and a000mmodation, A few years ago a commodious Town Hall was built with library, reading and billiard rooms attached. Another recent addition to the amenities of the place is a splendid nine -holed golf course—ooneid- ered one of the fineet Mums in Scotland. It has to neat little pavilion in connection with the course, fitted up with every oonvenienoe for Summer and Winter. Opposite the golf course is the Blank Watch monument, in the form of a rugged oairn of stones surmounted by the figure of a stalwart Highlander in old regimental threes. At the base a second figure is represented ae recording on a stone slab the nunteroue engage. menta in which this distinguished regi. ment took pert. The monument is eroded on tbe field where the regiment was first embodied in 1740. A number of spate are placed on the small recrea- tion groaud adjoining. Quite near stands a memorial of another kind in the shape of a fine old atone bridge built by General Wade in 1784, but, perleape Aberfeldy's principal feature of Internet Is the Feats of Monees or Birlre of Aberfeldy, render- talent, Brueeele apd Brantford were pial, ed famous in song by Burne; The falls, ed ae the winners, but neither won ma, three in number, consist of aeeriee of and the final gave was between Galt and oaeoadee formed by the Maness burn Listowel, the former winning by 10 800re which tumbles through a deep and beau- 01 2-Q, Some epiendid football took Wally wooded ravine. The luxuriantly place during the afterpoon, and every foliaged precipices, wbieh at some parte aSnteet was a aeon one, Tbe oonditione rise to a great height, are well deepribed were all favorable for good games, the fp the lines of Burns : grounds being in excellentoonditron, it'd both the crowd and two referees, Brown and Slme, of Berlin, were atriotly int - There's' a poeeibility that a friend'' -y match may be arranged between the win. - Pus and Brueeele on Victoria Park, in !hie place. It would no doubt attract a big attendance and would prove a good Rune throughout. Louie Duff, formerly of Blueyale, re credited with being the star of Galt'e forward line. 01108011 clans. The induction of 1lev, B, M. Smith, formerly of Kirkfield, Out., into tbe charge of Weat Kialose, Riveradnle and Enniskillen will take place in Rivereda'o Presbyterian aharab, on Tuesday July 15th at 2 p. m. Rev. A. MoKay will preach, Rev. F. A. MoLenuan will address tbe minister, and Rev. J. Mal- colm will addrees the congregation. St, Jobn'e and St, George's ohurobee, at Brussels and Walton respeotively,have asked the Bishop of Huron to appoint I. Webb as rector, anooessor to Rev, G. J. Abey, The appointment is likely to be made. Mr. Webb is highly recommended, meetly through with his College oourea and is unmarried. No doubt the com- fortable rectory here will not want a housewife very long if he ie placed here. Mr. Shore, of Wingham, took the eervioe last Sunday. Last Sabbath ,horning A. H. McLeod, whose home le at Clinton, was ou baud to supply Melville Church pulpit daring Rev, Jno. Roes' absence. He gave an interesting discourse from the text "Go ye out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come iu." Mr. McLeod bee another year to spend at College be- fore completing bio course. He is a good speaker, hoe had quite a wide experience for a young man and has a prosperous future awaiting him we believe. Rev, Dr. Moffatt, the veteran Tract Society agent, gave au elaborate address in the evening on the work in whiob he takes so lively an intoreet. The venerable Dr. retains his activity and vim to a marked degree and has done much to awaken considerable enthusiasm in thie potion - lar kiad of labor. Rev. T. Weeley Comma preaobed the flret sermons of his pastorate in Brussels Methodiet ohuroh last Sabbath to large aongregatione, notwithstanding the extreme heat. His morning theme , was "The bidding plaoe of God's power"'itnd was a very suitable eobjeot for ilia occasion, In it be urged the reeking of Divine aid by all, looking toward a new year's work, The evening text was Dent. 11 29, from which a etimulatiug, interesting practical and well directed dieoonree was given. Rev. Mr. Cosene has been beard before in Brnaeele and is not a etranger. His last Sabbath's eer- moue were well received. He ie a ready speaker with clear voice, free from notes evangelistic in his preeeutation of Truth and preseee practical lessons home. Ito the Epworth League service he spoke a few introductory worde. CORDIAL WELooane.—Iuatead of the natal weekly prayer meeting in the Methodiet church a welcoming service or gathering was held on Wednesday evening of this week. Good music was supplied by the Sabbath school oroheetra, sacred Bong was cheerfully rendered. and 10 minute addressee were given expressive of weloome t0 Rev. and Mrs. Coeeoe by Postmaster Farrow, B. Gerry, F. Rad - data, Oranbrook, H. Ham, Mre, W. F. Stewart, Rev. R. Paul, Mr.. McLeod, (who is supplying the Presbyterian pul- pit) and W. H. MoOraaken, These came from the Qt. Board, Sabbath school, Oranbrook appointment whiob has been attaohed to Brussels this year, the Ep. worth League, Women's Missionary Sooiety, Ladies' A.14, Trustee Board and Presbyterian ohuroh. The epeeohes were brief, retrospective, prospective, humorous, complimentary and enema, aging. Mrs, Coeena and Rev. Mr. Coeena expressed their thanke and their willing. cess to aid in every good word and work. W. H. Kerr 000npied the chair. After Searing "Bleat be the tie that binds" and Rev. R. Paul had pronounced the Bene- diction a little while was pleasantly spent in introduotione. SUNDAY Soaoon WonzEus: The tenth International Sueday School oonvention meeting at Denver, Col., ohoeo W. N. Hartshorn, of Boston, chairman of the Executive Committee, and the EBB. active Committee re•elooted Marion Lawrence, of Toledo, general Secretary of the Committee. The Exeoutivo Oom- mi•ttes also appointed a committee to find a suitable person to act art field work- er among the colored people u! the South. The following cablegram was received : "London, June 28,—Chairman Interna• tiousl Sunday Bobool Convention, Dan. ver.—Many thanks for your telegram, which will be laid before the King. Queen thanks you for your kind sympa thy. His Majesty progressing most satisfactorily." Rev. John Potts, of Toronto, chairman of the lesson commit- tee, aroused the greatest enthusiasm with the statement that the rumor to the effect that there was a plan in the leseou committee to do away with the quarter- ly temperance loam wee baseless. Among the members et the Executive Oommittee from the Eastern States and provisoes are :—British Columbia, N, Bhakeepeere ; Manitoba, F. W. Oligan ; E ewfoundland, Dr. R. N. Fraser ; New Brunswick, , R. Mechem ; Nova Scotia, E. D. Woodbury ; New York, W, A. Dunoen ; Ontario, J. J. MaoLareu, Prinoe Edward Island. D. B. MoLeed ; Quebec, S. P. Leet ; Vermont, D. M. Camp. Colored representative at large, Rev. E. R. Oarter. The next convention will be held in Tonna). "The braes aeoend like lofty watt, The foaming streams deep roarin fa's, O'er hung wi fragrant spreadin' SAM, The Birks of Aberfeldy." I am trespassing too much Die your space so now I will conclude. I am, yours truly, ROBERT Mrtttroee. •G4LT WINS THE INTER- MEDIATE. A Lively Program of Foot Ball at Berlin, Ae per annoanoement lest weekthe question of Foot Ball ohampionehip in the Intermediate series in oonneotion with the Weetern Foot Ball Aneoaiatioh was settled at Berlin last Monday. There was a large torn oat from, Braesele, 123 tiokete being purchased here for Water. loo Coe. capital, and our team was well supported. Although they did not win we are still of tbe opinion that on their own Park they oan trim any team that oomes along but somehow on "fnrrin' ' fields they don't alwoya win. Listowel and Brueeele were in the that round Monday afternoon and the former won by. 8 to 1, all the goals being scored in the first half. The wind was high and the ball often in the air thereby detract. ing from the clever combination work nenally put up. .Galt defeated Brantford by 2 to 0 and utter supper the two win. Here took a whirl at it. Galt Dame out beat by 2 to 0. None of the game were walk.overe but the tournament failed bo attraotmany Berliners. The day went by very pleasantly and the Brueeolitee were brought home by special train about mid night. We subjoin the opinion of other news- papers eo that, as Robbie Burns said, We may "see onreel's ae ithers see ne.' The Berlin News -Record eaye :—The first game between Brueeele and Lista. wet was ooneiderable ofa eurpriee. Broe• eels had been pinked—on form—by the railbirde to show first ander the wire and some of their sanguine beakers called them to carry borne the cup. But there's many a slip, eto. ; and by the time Lista. wel was through with them, Brussels' reputation bad been brokbled. They are somewhat heavier than the black and yellow clad Lietowelitee, bot their work, both in cheoking and passing, was not eo effective. Their goalkeeper, Pearson, was off form, letting two past him that appeared just ordinary pante. Tbe Braesele contingent did not take their defeat in the boat of spirits, criticizing their playere strongly. Bat they worked hard and fair, and deserved continued encouragement. Brnaeele ie great on eporte ; its population of 1400 supporta a good football olab. The Northern ball is hardly so speedy ae that played in Galt and Brantford and the game rather lagged at Intervale. Brueeele' left wing— Roaoh and McRae—negotiated several pretty bite of work, op to the Listowel goal, but could not tally, and Capt. Gerry of the Brunie defence generally euooeed. ed in clearing. "The Hornets," ae the boys dabbed the Listowel Club drew first blood, Barclay forcing it through on a close pave from Bamford on the right, No cheers from the Brueeele' contingent. On the face off Brueeele gingered up and tdok the aggressive. They had two shots but neither tallied. Then Schweitzer, (Listowel), made a pretty, though in- effective, lone rash. The ball was kinked out to Iidd, half bock ; he dropped it into goal, and bit tbe top of the bar, the ball falling in front of the gap. Pearson scooped it out, bat gave it simply a ping pang tap to Bamford, who rammed through number two good and feat.— Score 2.0. Brussels bad two chances to eaore but couldn't turn the trick. The Listowel left and centre forwards, on a three•oornered "Qom," tallied the third, one minute before bolt -time. Bat in that time Brueeele managed to close the gap by a goal. Sartre -3 1, And eo it remained to the end of the chapter, Neither sidewas as strong in the second as in tbe first half, their being more long and aimless kinking—Listowel driv. ing it over the tondo when they got a ohaooe. Iu the second, Tripp, Boueaele, bunted a law ball, or rather tried to. A Listowel man looked at the ball and hie Tripp on the bead. He retaliated by kinking the other fellow's pante and wan ruled off by Referee Sime. When Tripp got book he apologized to his opponent and ehook hands. The game over, the Listowel boys went up town to neat for the final Straggle. Galt Reformer in an article headed "Galt ie Cook of the Walk," makes the following reference :—Listowel and Brue. eels opened the ball. They were husky boys, and played with considerable vigor. It wail Brussels' Civic Holiday, and a bnnoh of enpportere were in et the death. The features were reboot, bat the fine points were few. Hard running and equally etrennoae kiokimg oharaoterized the contest, but there was little unity, and, as a result, very little scientific etrength. The rivals were alike in method but Lietowel had alightly the better of the argument in effect, scoring three goofs to Breese's' one. It was a heart- break for Brunel!), but the loeere took the drubbing manfully, without a mur• mar, Sims, of Berlin, rete: earl, and eat- iefaotorily. The Brantford Expositor did net give numb eaooe and hits it off as under :— The semi -finale and finale for the inter- mediate ohampionehip of the W. F. A. were played off Monday at Berlin. There were four aspirants tor the honor, Brea. eels, Lietowel, Galt and Brantford.' Brueeele was drawn to meet Listowel in M. A. Pigott. oantraotor for the harbor the firet game itt 2o'elook, and Brantford improvements at Moaford, woo banquet• faced Galt at 4 o'clock, and the final wee ed by the 'Steens of Meaford ou the nom - played at 7, It was a bed day for the platten of hie eontraot,