The Brussels Post, 1902-7-3, Page 8le
The ,Season is now on and we offer
the best English Quality for .eo ots,
per pound.,
Our Xew York Elastic Truss can be
worn With perfect ease. Prices are
very moderate.
Book Store
Train¢ leave Brassela Station, North
and south, as follows ;
Mail 7:18 a.m, I Mixed - 10:00 a.m
Mixed 10:00 a.mMail ...,.1:17 p.m
Express,, 8:25p,m I Expreae - 8:17 p,m
gam' Ban 1,tents,
A. ahiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prem it.
OouNOIL meeting next Monday evening.
Samoa Board Friday evening of till;
A. 0.13. W. Friday evening of this
Crow Holiday next Monday. Business
planes will be alined.
FOOTBALL Excursion to Berlin next
Monday. Return fare 81,20.
Lon a little girl's kid glove. Finder
please leave at Pon Publishing Hoene.
The residence of Alfred Lowry, Turn•
berry street, has received a new dress of
Tan Altera are al work on the roof of
Dr. Holmes' reeidenoe, the shingle roof
being replaced by elate.
Ray. R. Pan, Prinoees street, has had
the painters at work on Victoria Cottage.
He has a ooay plaoe and keeps it nioe.
DOMINION Day was very quiet in town.
Our Bowlers were at Listowel and our
Baseball and Football olube were at
A number of interesting items are
orowdd oat of this lane but will appear
next week. Among them the report of
Wroxeter sports.
AN interesting letter from Robert
Menziee, of Brneeele, who is nowatAber-
feldy, Scotland, came to band this week.
It will appear in our next issue.
Ivoloa LEAVING ExAox.—There are 28
candidates writing at the Junior Lea,
ing Examination at Brneeele this week.
Inspector Robb is the presiding exami-
AN 18•year•old eon of Mr. Grover, of
the Garfield House, underwent an oper-
ation at London hospital on Monday for
the removal of a tumor on the liver, The
patient is doing well. Hie illness de.
rayed the family moving to Brneeele.
Bousezne won the Base ball match
against Harrieton at Wroxeter onDomin.
ion Day by a eooreof 7 to 6. It was a
dandy. A football team played with
Wroxeter in the evening of that day et
whiob the home team scored 1 to Brno.
eels 0.
Ansa a BEM—Laub
FFriday d y A. Cone -
ley, R. N. Barrett, W. M. Sinclair mod
Jae. Ballantyne were out on the 16th Don.
of Grey, in purenit of two bears seen on
the farm of H. Woods the day previous.
Tile dogs a000mpanying the hunters
oouid not follow the tracks as the scent
was too old and the ohne had to be
Simms FABn TO 0EAy0BTH.—I0 000•
neation with the Heron Co. Old Boys
Asa:miation re -union at Seaforth on Sat-
urday of this week eiogle fare railway
tickets will be band on the G.T.R. from
Wingham, Brunets and Listowel, good
going on Friday or Saturday and return-'
ing on Monday. A note should be made
of this by those intending to attend.
Olvto HOLZDAL,—Inlreeponee to a large.
ly signed petition the Reeve has pro-
claimed Monday of next week as Civic
Holiday. The date is a month earlier
than usual but the intention is to make
it ae convenient as possible for those de-
siring to go to Berlin to see the Inter-
mediate League Foot Ball matches, Pas-
sengers will take the regular morning
train leaving Brneeele at 7.18 a. m„ and
will return by a special train leaving Ber-
lin at 9 p. m. The return fare from
Brussels will be $1.20.
ApOIDENT.—Last Saturday evening Ada,
the eldest daughter of M. H. Moore, V.
S., and some other children were playing
about the mill dam when the former
fell off the Hume platform pulling Ohara
Simmons with her. The hatter received
a light shake-up but Ada had her lett
arm broken near the wrist end also re.
Dewed a blow on her jaw. The little girls
were palled out by Thos. Friendship and
W. Robertson got them home. A physi-
cian's help was necessary to oare for Ada
Moore bat she will exon be all right we
hope. Het brother had a eomewbat
•similar experience near the nine locality
'on a previous occasion. . ,
Fool Batt Pn01Ee2 SdebAlgnn,—The
not Ball protest entered by Listowel
against Brneeele was deoided ih favor of
the appellants and both games thrown
oat leaving the -teams as they were before
thematahee were played. Several plana
bane been nnder consideration ae to the
next step but the one deoided upon fa
that the four teams atilt in the contort
for League boners, Galt, Brantfowl, Lis.
towel and Bruseele, met at Berlin next
Monday and tittle the question of sap.
remaoy by a game between the winners
of the Stet oonteet, Listowel will ploy
Brunets, and then Galt and Brantford
will try oonoiaeiona. Speoiai rates have
been neared on the
rethro fare from Brussels being 0120. A
epeoial train will bring the people horn
after the matohee. We expect our boya
10 give a good 0000001 of themselves sad
whoever defeats them will have to humble.
107 tickets were sold at Brussels
during holiday eeaeon.
Joan WAnEEa Bold a fine Dominion
PIano to James Strachan, Grey, during
the past week.
BaseOEL$ Bane ball team has made a
good record in oonneotion with the two
matches played with Harrieton.
Ammo ehipmente from G. T. R. this
week were 3 oars baled hay ; 4 oars lum-
ber ; Soars salt ; 2 oars oattle and a oar
of hogs by A. 0. Dames : and a ear of
cattle by Geo. Beet.
WEDNEd0AT afternoon FrankGerry bad
two fingers an hie left hand injared
by a oattingmaohine in connection with
the workshop of hie father, Councillor
Gerry. Frank is good stuff, however,
and will not lose more time than is barely
neoeeaary in getting rid of the sling be is
now wearing.
Ooaa To Baueeeoe.—A big day hi figur-
ed on in Brussels on Saturday of next
week—the glorious 120i. If the aeoee.
any train a000mmodation oan be serer•
ed the attendance will be large and al.
ready arrangements are being made for
receiving and entertaining the sone and
daughters of ging William.
AuoNo the militia notices published at
Ottawa was one annoanoing the decrease
of the 83rd Huron regiment to eight
oompaniee, of the uniform eetabliebmeot.
The present strength of the regiment is
412. This notice means the disbandment
of one of the nine oompaniee now com-
prised in the regiment, bat which one is
not annoonoed.
Onrr.—Thursday afternoon of last
week, Nellie Viola Mercer, wife of Nor.
man MoLeod, passed away from time at
the home of her mother, Bruesele, at the
early age of 28 years, 8 months and 12
days. She had been ill since February
last, her ailment being of a pulmon-
ary obaraoter. Deceased was born in
Savannah, Wayne Oo., N. T., and was
the daughter of Riohard and Mary Mer.
oer. When 2 months old ehe came with
her parents to Canada and lived at Tiver-
ton, Kincardine and Wingham before
coming to Brussels. The enbject of
this no1ioe was married to Norman Mo-
Leod nearly 4 years ago and leaves a
little eon 8 years old to the oare of her
mother, Mrs. S. B. Smale. The funeral of
Mrs. McLeod tool" place on Saturday
afternoon, Rev. J. Holmes oondoatiug
the eervioe. The pall bearers were W. J.
and Rob. MoOraoken, W. Grower, R.
Downing, Ira Gerry and Joe Ardell, In-
terment was made in Bruoeele cemetery.
Deemed was a tailoreee by trade, had a
good education and was a bright young
woman. The relatives are sympathized
01101011 'CHIMES.
Rev. R. Paul will preach at Jamestown
next Sabbath evening.
The topic at the Epworth League
service next Sabbath evening will be"The
Father's Oare."
Rev. Dr. Moffatt, general agent for the
Tract Society, will oondnot the eervioe in
Melville church next Sabbath evening,
Mr, McLeod is expeoted to preach in the
Rev. Jno. Rose B. A., left Brneeele on
Tuesday afternoon for Parry Sound
Dietriot where be will spend a portion of
hie vacation health Reeking. Hie many
Mende hope for pronounced and speedy
The anal eervioe was witbdrawn in
Melville chetah Iasi Sabbath evening and
many members of that congregation
attended 'Sb. John's or the Methodist
°batches in which each of the clergymen
were giving their closing dietoarees before'
removal to Preston and Blyth reepeotive-
Wednesday evening of next week a
congregational weloome will be tendered
Bev. and Mre. Ooeeno and eon at the
Methodist church. Short addressee will
be given, maeloal eeleotions rendered and
it reply expected from the new pastor
who arrived here Wednesday afternoon of
trite week and is now getting settled In
the Pareonege.
Rev. T. Wesley Ooeene, who with Mre.
Ooeene and eon arrived in Brussels on
Wednesday, will preaoh hie inaugural
oermooe nest Sabbath in the Methodist
Minn* in this plane. They were located
on Weatmineter oiroait during the past 3
years and prior to that were at Fordwioh
and Walton so are acquainted with quite
a number of people in thie eeation. Rev.
Mr. Donna' parental home is et Trow.
bridge and Mrs. Omens is a daughter of
Jno. Govenlook, near Seaforth. Tux
Poen bide them welcome.
"Be not weary in well doing, &o." waa
the text Rev. Jno. Holmes preached from
last Sabbath Morning in the Methodist
ohuroh, It was a well directed dieooaree
on Ohrietianeervioe in which its advan.
togas wore practically portrayed. In the
evening the theme wee "The P0ooiam.
1100 01 Peace" and dealt with the late
South African war. The oeeeation of the
strife should Wall oat our gratitude (1)
Beaanse of feelings of common humanity ;
(2) Because of the injurious obaraoter of
war on men and nations; (8) Beoauee it
oomee as a reward of fighting for a right.
eoue name ; (4) It is a link in the moral
reforms of the world ; (5) it waa pone
with honor ; (6) It was a timely event
and. had to do with over •800,000 men aed
12 million Equate mine ; (7) It will pto
mote the kingdom of Jesus Christ, Be-
fore the eermmt in the evening Mr.
Dolme • made brief reference to his 3
years' pastorate in Bruesele. tie le not
aapereeded by many divine, in London
0onferenee as en Want and eloquent
eXpOunder of the Truth, and le a etaanpl
aepporter of Temperance enforOenlent
and iegielation both In preoe91 and air.
ample. Mr. and Mre, Holmee and Min
Lott. lett bar Blyth Wednesday afternoon
oarryipg With them the goad wiehee of
the community.
C. 0. T, Snaaiog.--There wag a large
attendance of membene of the Canadian
Order of Foreetete at Melville obureh
beet Sabbath morning, 50 of them lined
ap, marshalled by Jpo. Wilbee, notwith-
standing the rainy weather and marobed
trona their hall. Bev, Jno,. Bees, B. A.,
was the preacher and gave, 00 be alwaye.
does, an exgelient and moet appropriate
disconree. The teXt wail 1 Qor, 18th
obapter and 1Stb verse'!A°d now abideth
Faith, Hope,Abarity, these three but the
greatest of then ie Charity or Love."
The line followed out by the speaker was
(1) Paoiflg relation; (2) Enduring char-
acter ; (8) Relative value.' Praetioal
lessons were addend both hopeful and
helpful in their °harm:ter. A •hrief
aupplioation eervioe for the King followed
in whiob a short addreoe was given, pray.
er offered and the National Anthem Bung,
Last Bouday brought to a oonolusioo
the eaaoeeefal incumbency of Rev, Geo, J,
Abey in St. Johne oburoh in this nittee
ooveniog e period of over 5 years. His
sermon :was based on Gal. 4;18 in the
morning and . Acte 20;32 at the evening
eervioe, the latter being of a farewell
character. Rev. Mr. Abey hoe beau a
very faithful pastor, a zealous, practical
preaoher and Mut taken a genuine interest
in bbe general well being of the oommnn
iby. Daring hie term the fine new reobory
woe built and a new organ placed in the
church. He and Mre. Abey worked
faithfully, particularly in the interests of
the young people. They carry with them
to their new (Marge the good wiehee of
not only St. John's congregation but that
of the other ohgrohee as well. Mrs. Abey
and children are visiting at Petrolea for
a little time and Mr. Abey left for Pree.
ton on Thnreday of thie. week. The
Preston people are to be oongratnlated on
eeonring Rev. Mr, Abey ae their inoam
bent and Tim Pon will be well pleased to
bear of greater 8000508 attending hie
efforts ae the years go by. The reverend
gentleman and Mrs. Abey will add to the
mneioel talent of the town to which they
Mise Bennett, of Blyth; is visiting in
Mies Clara MoOraoken was home from
Paris on a visit.
Mies Geddee, of Detroit, is visiting at
Postmaster Farrow's.
Mre. Slater was visiting her father,.
John Hill, Queen street.
Robt. Wynn, of Detroit, ie vioiting
under the parental roof.
Dirs. Walker and Mie Verne are
holidaying at Waterloo.
Roes, son of A. M. McKay has been
laid up with the measles.
Mre. Walter Jackson and Mies Elate
were in Wroxeter last Sunday.
Mre, Jno. Hewitt and Mise Rhoda were
visiting at Seaforth this week.
Jno. Ament, Mre. Ament and Willie
were at Milverton for a few days.
Mr Durgin, of Toronto, spent Domin.
ion Day at D. 0. Roes', Brussels.
Mre. H. Ham, Lyle and Zella wore
vieitore at Owen Sound this week.
Mre. Baker sad Mies Pearl ars en:
joying a visit witb friends at Zuriolh.
Mise Dora Smith is home from
Platteville for her Summer vacation.
Thos. Rose, of Obesley, was a visitor
in Brneeele for a few days last week.
Jno. and Mrs. Clatter visited tbeir
daughters in•Owen Sound thio week.
Miss Bunston, of Walkerton, arrived
home to Brussels on Thursday of last
Mre. Wm. Roes and Mies Mary spent
Dominion Day at Mre. John lrfolillan'e,
Miss Annie Grieve, of Pirie, was
home for a brief holiday returning on
da .
Ernest Miller has gone to White•
oharoh where be will be employed for a
few months.
Ray Leppard, of Toronto, 1e holiday.
ing with his grandparents, Walter and
A. R. Smith, merchant of Wingham,
was oalling on friends in Brussels on
Dominion Day.
Mre. Corbett and son, of Ratbeay,
were visiting Mre. W. W. Earth. The
ladies are eietere,
Ivan Crooke, draggiet, is home on a
visit fora few weeks. He has a good
position in Toronto. •
Mre. George Olver, John street, haa.
been on the sick list bat we hope she
will soon be better,
Mimes Lizzie and Hattie Downing left
on Thursday of this week for a visit with
relativee at Lindsay.
Dnnoan Stewart, druggist, has gone to
Chicago, where he has obtained a good
position. We wish bim success.
Mre. G. A. Deadman and Gertrude
went to Muskoka on Thursday in hope of
improving the daughter's health.
Will. Leatherdale and Misses Melville
and Hartry, of Seaforth, were holidaying
in Brneeele for a few days at R. Leath-
er dale's.
Mrs. Fletcher spent a few days in
Lnoknow where Mr. Fletcher is spending
a month with beoeiiolel rendes to his
A. McGuire and J. Jones paid an offh
Diet visit to Teeewater Odd Fellows on
Wednesday evening. The former ie the
D. D. G. M.
Mre. John Tait wee visiting Mrs. H.
Ball in Wingham this week, Mr. and
Mre. Ball will leave shortly 00 a trip to
the Pool$° meet.
Thos. Govealook, an old and well
known resident of Seaforth locality, died
on Tuesday and Wen buried on Thursday..
He was pact 80 years of age.
Mrs. Harris, of Petrolia, and Mies
Maggie Soria, of Alma, have been
visiting their sister, Mra, P. Watson,
Queen street, and other old friends in.
this vicinity.
We are sorry to hear tbat Wm,
Cameron, corner of Church and John
etreete, ie very poorly and under the
dootor'a Bare but we hope mobang° for the
better will set in.
3, N, Gordon, of the Standard Bank,
Fonda was visiting Jae. and Mrs. Jones
and other old friends in town for a short
time lust week. Mr. Gordon Was de
eetvedly popular when a 'resident of
Jno. MOBainn
a daon,•of07oronto,made
a brief visit to relatives and trienda in
Bennie during the past weak. Mr. Mae
bolds a good position in the' T. Eaton
departmental store and looks as if,the
Queen City agreed with -him.
Mtos Kate W)leou le borne for her.
Summer vagatipn front Drayton,
Mrs, E. O. Lowry to haek from an
extended visit with relatives in ltfiehigan,
Joeepb Vipond, of Atwood, Woo vieiting
at Thoe, 0urry'a, Queen street, fpr a tow
Jug. Stretton hoe gone to.Blytb and
mayy remove, with hie wife and ohildren,
to Kansas,
Kra, 11'riendebipand daughters, Fannie
and Myrtle, are vieiting re'ativea 00
A, M, Ke,O, of Stratford, Wee renewipg
Old friendehipe in Braasele for a few dole
last week.
Kin Nina Bogota wee home from Mt.
Forest for the Celebration, Tbareday of
Int week.
M, Walker and wife, of Wingham, are
the month of George aid Mrs. Walker,
of Brunets.
Henry Crowe, of Paisley, and Mies
Minuie were vieitore al W. H.. MaOraoken
during the past weer".
Mies Moline Ames, A. T. 0, M.. of
Ethel, was a visitor with Mre. D. 0.
Roes, of town. The ladies are eletere.
Mre, MoLean, Princess street, left last
week on a vigil with friends at Warsaw,
N. R. Ton Pon wishes her an enjoyable
Judge Maeeon, of Goderiah, has been
granted three months leave of absence in
the hope that the rest will restore his
Robt. Roes, wife and obildren, of Kin-
cardine, were here for the holiday. Mr.
Rose returned on Thursday evening but
Mre. Rose and family are extending their
any for a few weeks.
F. H. Gray, Mre, Gray and children,
lett last Monday morning for a few weaker
holidays at Brantford and other poiute,
J. A. Stewart, w of Toronto, iehere in
obarge of Standard Bank during Mr.
Gray's absence, Mrs. Stewart and eons
arealso here renewing old friendships.
Min Carrie, daughter of Harry Dan-
ford, of Langdon, North Dakota, is
making a visit with relatives end friends
in Brussels and locality. Her father ie a
eon of Mrs. 1'hoe. Danford, of this town
and a brother to E. 0. Danford. Mre.
Jas, Bowman, of Morris, and W. Work,
of Grey, are aunt and mode to Miss
Business Locals.
To TisPunrro.-Ladies and gentlemen,
all cutlery oan be gronnd, sharpened ani
repaired by Bewilder McGregor, Mill
street Eaet, Brunele; Choice work at
reeeonable priaee. T Armstrong .513 J Lott 398
Erns 14' dente, We buy for gash or M Birt 602 5 Ament 395
tradestook of dry goods,groceries, and ready2made 000 H Mooreki490 P Friendship ..389
olothin oar ate boots and ehoee to J Leckie 470 P Speiran 386
C Stmmone....466 F Mainprize ,988
J17147 8,:,1,002
ST4XD✓11?,D 134XI OF iC.4X 1D4,
CAPITAL PAID !2P (Ore Million Dollars) •
Agencies in alt principal points fat Ontario, Quebec,lilaq{toba, Dotted Stgtee tt109tand,
A general "Banking Bueineas Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieopanted,
Deaatg Tamed and Collections made on all pointe,
Intermit allowed on dopooite of $1.00 and upwards and compounded halt yearly.
Every facility afforded Onetomera living at a dietanoe,
Ipayable at any bank Waned Ender $10„ .. 80. $20 to 530,,..12o
3 7 Ortiefe at the following rates :— $10 to $20....10a. 30 to' 40, . , .14o
SEN. Sap To ,Tug, dam,—Total 900—pass
460 :—
H Brwthern ,...055 W MoQuarrie ..499
E Adams 608 H Avery 462
L Sinclair ..,571. N Harbobtle461
E Colvin .,.,.553 M MoNiobol,.,,455
T Zimmer ..544 J Wilton 450
G Ross ...,...,540 0 Wilbee 460
J Bloomflelai ..510 L Leatherdale
G Ewan 602 J Doll
Remaining in class,
JMoore ` 405 E Ament 367
S Lindsay ....392
Mies M. L. BBooil, Teaoher.
100010 2..
JR. ITT to Sea. III. -Examined In
Arith., Gram., Comp., Read., Writ.,
Draw., Spell., Geo. and Lib, Marks to
pees, 365 :—
K Deadman....824 J Ament .. 500
L MoArter ....582 F Campbell 496
P Baeker •,.579 V MoKenzie496
F MoKenzie.... 676 A Jackson 467
B Dark.. • ... „672 5 Campbell 466
W Henderson ..531 Al Jackson , 462
G Armstrong .,528 K Hat-bottle451
0 Bell . .....522 0 Holmes 446
M Brothers.. .617 J Ounningham,401
L MoArter ....514 0 Gerry 895
Remaining in plass.
K Clark, 280
So. II To Jo: III. -Examined in Arith.,
Comp., Read., Writ., Spell., Lit,, Geo.
Marko to pace, 815 :--
select from.• l P Ament . , .446 " T Oober 880
GEo. E. KING, Wingham. E Wilton 442 J Wilton 378
- $15,000 worth of dry goods to be E Good 489, A Bisho 372
elaoghbered. Oar annual July and S Walker 439 E EwanP 372.
August sale oommences Jnly 4. Return w Wilton 424 J Wilbee 369
railway fare allowed on all parohasea A Bertli00 411 H Barrett 357
over $10.00 within 80 miles. E Colvin 410 E Currie 824
G. E. Knie, Wingham, 0 Denbow ....408 ' W MoOraoken,822
BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL, Remaining in plass.
W Bell 805. B Leokie 290
The Eoliowia ie the report of the Pro- JB. II To Sm Ii;,-Acoording to merit :
g p A Ross, M Jones, F Scott,.0 Ament, W
motion Examinations of Brussels Public Adams, K Ament, 0 McMillan, V Walk-
Gohool : er, E Caber, B Currie, E • WSlbea. .Re
zooms 1&2. moaning in:olaes—S Agar.
P. S. L. To -PT, 1 JIN. Lltavllra.—Total Mtn M. T. DOWNEY, Teacher,
900—Paee476, except those marked' with
* who omit Latin,, making pan mark 426. nom 6.
N Irwin M MaArter ....535 Names not in order of merit.—
L McArthur 699 V Danford ....534 Cuss V To La2rin.—V Ainley, J' Arm -
820B Bone 694 H Aiulay 506 strong, H Campbell, E Deadman, L
G Ross .... ..671 "A Lott 489 Davey, F Friendabip, S Fox, R Heist, E
B Henderson 652 d!1 Pugh, . , .. 475 Gilpin, W Long, W Long, E MoFadzean,
E Wilton 651 al Bryan 475 E Plum, S Spieran, E Somers, M Walker,
0 McCracken ,.683 W MoGaire,475. E Ransom, M Thompson, W Miller,
A Smith 825 'B Hingeton ..425 Oaths IV 10 Oaths V.—M Burgess, H
W Zilliaa 622 B Beattie 425 ({cod, S Ge, 0 Leckie, H Mooney, 3
A MoMillan....618 E McKinnon Mcbfohol, WrryBparling, B Harris, W
R MoKenzie....658 M Thompson Ham, G Wilbee, B Walker, 8 Burgess.
S Scott 643 Crass III To Cron IV.—H' Amont, H
of Senior
Claes based
E Cooper 1
C G' Ooae e R
Dept, Exam. Davey, M dwards, W Kerr, G Kenai(
MIas E. 0. Soon, McFadzean, F Robb, F Stretton, I
J. H. Ciomeow, Principal. Strachan, M Thompson, B Warwick, K
110011 3. Wilton. - JUN. 4TH 4TH TO SEN. 4Ta.—Total 925—pees Ouse II To Cakes III.—H Burgess, E
468 :— Barkley, R Fox, J Jackson, H Lowry, 0
N Forbes • 564 H Richards ..,.478 Shaw, E Van Dyke, F Clark.
R Sinclair.. ... 648 RLowry 463 CLAesI. To Mass IL—P Thuell, W
Edwards ....539 M Ament 463 Lott, H Simmons, A..Wiiton, A Moore, 0
E Cameron ..630 R Pugh. Crone, 0 Crooke, N Fox, G Barrett, J
E Cober ......518 G Zilbiox ....,. Stratton, S Brothers,00 Snider, V Rosa,
Remaining in clan. R MoKay, I MaLaohlan.
W Williamson ..562 • W Rookie - Mies JEAN Mamma, Teacher.
Entrance promotion based on Depart.
mental Exam
JIM. BAD To BEN. MM.—Total 780—patio
363 :—
W Turnbull....523 A' Ma14iilIan....448
M Miller 494 W Strachan....446
F Stratton 491 A Thompson ..442
V Wilbee
487 0 Bootb........388
Remaining in Draw.
W Scott ......825 F Scott 266
E Spieran...,.,285
• 030RM
Tramoas.—In East Wawanoeb, on June
21st; to Mr. and Mre. J: B,.Tiernay,
twins—eon and daughter.
Kmr.oaaa. In Westfield, on Jane 22nd,
to Mr. and Mre. Joseph A. $though,
a daughter.
PELTON.—In Atwood, on June 26t1i, to
Mr. and Mre.' R. S. Pelton, a daugh•
We are prepared to supply you; with Alie .above for
Children, Young Hien and Elderly`Men in suitable. . styles
for all ages. Our prices not only compare favorably but
are much cheaper in many lines than usual,,..;
—Sails for Boys ab $1,66 and Suite for Men at 53 76 that Will stt;priee you.
— If yon want aotnething better we oan supply you at $5.00, $6 00, $7.00, $8,00,
$9 00 and $10.00.
— We aleo have the newest styles in
Straw or Felt Hats Ties, Collars, &c.
A simple way of making a few dollars is by buying your
ing and Gents' Furnishings
Errarn.—In Elmo- on June 28rd, to Mr.
and Mra, William Little, a daughter,
Sours.—In Elma, on June 21st, to Mr.
and Mre, Ivy Smith, a eon,
WAnsa—MoRLBos.—At the reldonce of
the bride's mother, 0n June 25th, by
Rev. A. McLean, Mr. W. O. Walsh,
of London, to Min Mary J„ daughter
of Mre. Wm. McElroy, of Blyth.
PRALIN—HJALET. — At St. Mlahael'e
church, myth, on Jane 28rd, by Rev,
Father' McMenamin, Mr. John Phalen
to Mies Bridget, delghter of Mr,
Thomas Healey, all of Morrie.
GADDER—STALEAR,—At the reeidenoe
the bride's mother, on Jane 2416,
Rev. A. McLean, Mr, Dan Geddes,
Belgrnve, to Mies Nellie, daughter
Mre, Frances Stalker, of Blyth.
of $20,000 to Loan.
28. ]Dane may be completed in 8 days, Liberal
terme en to reppayment. Apply at 0000 to
W. M. SINCE Ia, Barrister, &O., Brussels.
101 t o Bugs
Are Ripe
Save your 5 itatoes • With early.
Paris Green. When the huge Dome
they oleo with a rash. Be reedy
for them, They're quite Homer,.
•qua oome places already, Nothing;
like being reedy before the begs
are ready. Our Paris Green 'took
ie all ready, It's the very beat
Green. We can get. Wo guarantee
every pound of it to give entire`
eatiet motion or your money back.
25c, per pound
dwelling thereon, North-west corner:,
William and. Albert streets, Bruasela.
49-tf J, LEO1IE..
property of the late Mrs. II, Rogers.
A bargain will be given. Apply .to A.
LEATHE$DALE, dealer in pianos and or.
gens, Brussels.
Ronanreoio.—In Grey, on Jane 28, Robert
Roberteoo, aged 78 years and
MoLmoo,—In Brueeeib, on, June 26,
Nellie, daughter of Richard and
Mary Mercer, and wife of Norman
McLeod, aged 23 years, 8 months
• and 12 days.
The above aur has been placed with me'.
for immediate investment on farm proper-
ty at 5
Per aenE If till ee are satisfactory
pr 1 o s Lx+e t..A.1 A ar rtO.
Fall Who0t•l- .,.,.,.. 73 75
Barley 50
Peas 68
Butter, tube and rolls 15
Eggs per dozen 12
Flour per cwt, ......... 4 00
Pots loos (per bus.) 85
Apples (per bbl.) .
Hay per fou
Sheep skins, snort -, ..
Lamb skins each
Salt per bbl., retail
6 00
2 00 3 00
6 50 6 50
25 26'
26 80
1 00 70
Hidee ,trimmed 6 6a
Hides rough 5 6
Hogs, Live 6 50 6 50
Wool ¶ 11 12
FARM .for sale. Apply to
THOS. MOORE, Bronchi.
Have pasturage for a number of steers.
Apply to THOS. MOORE, Brussels,
Form bead of two year oldbattle for
sale. D.N. NEABEL, Lot24, Oon,14, Grey,
DEMON= wiehee to announce to
the ladies of Brussels and 010101ty that elm
is prepared to make switches out of Womb.
Inge and out hair, at her *home, Hill street
West, Brussels. MRS. HINGSTON.
8. No. 8,. Grey, male or female, holding
2nd or 8rd class certificate. Duties to coin-
manse Aegeet 18th. State. salary, Applies, -
Eons received up to Anan•t lat.
49.9 .JAMES SHIELS, Ortinbrook.
for 8. S. No, 0, Grey township. Duties
t0 commotion after Summer vacahoa ; ap-
pVlloaute to state salary and Bend testimon-
ials. Applioatlonereoeived up to301y12,
49 Box 274,Bruseele P. 0. Secretary.
Office over Horsley's Drug Store,-
Feb.001,1909. 80-e132„ , Bromide. -
Lot 28.Oon.18, Grey, containing 1021
acres; 55 done cleared, balnce bush. There
is a frame house, 18x20 feet, with kitchen
10x18feet; barn 87x08 feet; stable 243E40
feet; orchard, well, &e. Farm is well fenced. ,
and only 14 miles frust -school, store, post -
office and• church. Poeseesion to put ln
erop next Fall. For further particulars as
to pries terms. &o., apply to GEORGESPARLIf G, Proprietor, Oraubtooa P.0.
ew St re
EOPLE wonder why we sell so cheap. We'll a P x -
plain. bulk lain. The
b k of this was as arc based at
less than 50c.' on the dollar, hence we can and will sea
many lines at just one -half -and in many cases less than
one-half what you have to pay elsewhere:
Pay special attention to the `following attrac-
tive list for this and next
week's selling :
5 pieces of Dream goods, worth regularly 200 & 25c for •,10
10 pieces of Dress ,Goodl3, 45c, 50 & 80o for .25
4 pieces Wool Delaines "
8 pieces Fine Scotch Plaid Zephyrs
8 pieces A11 Wool Tweed Suitings "
1 piece All Wool Navy Berge
80 pairs Men's Fine Shoes
Men's Fine Fedora and Stiff Hats " 1.75
45 yr . _ " " 2.00
400 & 45e for .25
25c for .15
1.00 for .60
40 for .25.
8.00 for ' 1.50
for ,88
for 1,00
2.50 for 1.25
50 for .25
4.06; for 2.00
for 8.Q0
'for ;4.00
It 54 - . ti 55
Boys' Black and Colored Felt Hats "
Tweed sults for;Boys, age 18 to 17, "
toiq 41. 4. ..
t aiJ to
68..0000i: 1
We are going Out'bf Clothing and Hats, 'hence' the gireot
ants in same. Now is your opportunity.
Grover & Co.
Garfield Block, Brussels.
4 tl